Last update: 3/5/2022
Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Competences Assessment Alliance (EICAA)

Deliverable 3.1 (WP3) Rubrics System for EICAA CM
Draft version 1.1
EICAA-Competence Monitor

2 Contents 1. Background 4 1.1. WP 3 4 1.2. Construction of the document 4 1.3. Structure of the Document 6 2. Methodology ....................................................................................................................................7 2.1 Objectives................................................................................................................................ 7 2.2 Methodology 8 3. EICAA CM Description 10 3.1 Definitions and Meanings 10 3.2 Usability and Application 11 4. Rubrics System...............................................................................................................................12 4.1 Ideas and Opportunities......................................................................................................... 12 4.1.1 Spotting Opportunities................................................................................................... 12 4.1.2 Creativity 13 4.1.3 Vision 14 4.1.4 Valuing Ideas 15 4.1.5 Ethical and Sustainable Thinking.................................................................................. 15 4.1.6 Design............................................................................................................................ 17 4.2 Resources............................................................................................................................... 18 4.2.1 Self Awareness and Self Efficacy 18 4.2.2 Motivation and Perseverance 19 4.2.3 Mobilising Resources 20 4.2.4 Financial and Economic Literacy 21 4.2.5 Mobilising Others.......................................................................................................... 22 4.2.6 Digital Competence....................................................................................................... 24 4.3 Into Action............................................................................................................................. 25 4.3.1 Taking the Initiative 25 4.3.2 Planning 25 4.3.3 Process Management 26 4.3.4 Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity, and risk............................................................... 28 4.3.5 Working with Others..................................................................................................... 29 4.3.6 Learning through experience......................................................................................... 31 5. Appendix: First version of Rubric’s System 33

3 5.1 Ideas and Opportunities 33 5.2 Resources 39 5.3 Into Action............................................................................................................................. 47 6. List of Tables..................................................................................................................................54 7. List of Figures ................................................................................................................................55

• The rubric will build on EntreComp (and thus Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives) and integrate of the WP2 Conceptual Framework. The rubric will rate each competence at ordinal levels and for different contexts in the entrepreneurial life cycle (further elaborating EntreComp WP2). This will allow participating students and practitioners to rank and get qualitative feedback on their entrepreneurial competences. Additionally, this rubric will serve as a program evaluation to rate and improve pedagogical effectiveness. This will address questions for program evaluators, such as:
▪ In which areas can an activity or program be improved?
1. Establish a (self )assessment rubric to determine entrepreneurship competence achievement of HEI students and employees or practicing entrepreneurs:
▪ Did a training activity achieve its intended competence goals?
▪ What factors contribute to program outcomes?
1.2. Construction of the document
The deliverables WP3 are shown in Table 1 as it was committed in the proposal. This document corresponds to deliverable 3.1.
1.1. WP 3
The goal of WP3 as described in the project proposal is:

• The rubric will then be operationalized into validated survey instruments (one for use among HE students & one for use among business employees/practitioners). These surveys will be easy to access for respondents, implementors, and any interested third party institutions It will combine preexisting, adjusted and newly developed constructs.The survey will be translated into the languages in the project group at its final stage, and will consider language, culture, experience and education level of the participants.
The aim is to develop building blocks to implement the EICAA Competence Monitor (EICAA CM) through two objectives:

To build this document and complete deliverable 3.1, the team at Antwerp Management School has led the development and revisions of the Rubric’s System, along with the help of the team at TecnoCampus, who delivered a major part of the Rubric’s System as a part of
2. Design & prototype competence assessment instruments:
Title and Description
Deliverable 2.3 of WP2. Members from all partners contributed to the revision and validation of the Rubric’s System. All EICAA partners participated in online workshops as well as provided offline inputs to validate and finalise the Rubric’s System. This document encloses the final Rubric’s System based on the partner’s inputs that deemed fit to be incorporated
Type:3.1 Report / Method
Entrepreneurial & Intrapreneurial Competence Assessment Surveys

Rubric System Methodology for Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Competences
Type:3.2 Questionnaire
Deliverables of WP 2

The first output of WP3 will be a scoring guide that can be used to analyse the quality of student and employee responses as to gain insights on their entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial (e&i) competence “portfolio” in a structured manner. Furthermore, it is also key for all aligned/connected data analysis processes at a later stage. The rubric system will be based on the methodology laid out in the EICAA Conceptual Framework (WP2) and therefore also integrates methodology from the EntreComp of the JRC EC.
The second output of WP3 will the assessment instruments in the shape of comprehensive “ready to implement surveys”, which will form the foundation for the consortium to implement the agenda of allowing HEI students and employees e&i competences. The survey will be in an online, cloud based form optimized for mobile use to ensure easy access and user friendliness. The invitation process, data storage, data management, access management, security and communication will be designed in compliance with European GDPR. The back end for survey users will ensure easy access for users and easy user management with differentiated access rights for account owners. It is important to note that the output of WP3 will focus on survey development and not on actual survey implementation. Survey implementation will be done in WP 5&6. The survey development will be documented and tested internally and will be presented to the consortium in the form of presentations. The source code for the surveys (the questions, the factor structure of the questionnaire and the overall norms standard deviation and average) will be made publicly available through a creative commons license. To fund the upkeep, servicing and continued development of the surveys and reporting, admission to the survey online presence for parties beyond the project participants will be subscription or use based
Table 1. Deliverables of WP3 in EICAA Project
• The normed cut offs for each factor, per norm group. Based on the averages and standard deviations, we will deliver the normalized cut offs for calculating percentiles on a normal distribution, as well as Standardized ten (STEN) scores.
• The factor normalization scores: the averages and standard deviations per norm group (students and professionals) that serve as basis for the calculation of normalized scores depicting someone’s position in a normal distribution.
a) In the next chapter, we explain the objectives and methodology that has led to the finalization of the EICAA CM Rubrics system.

These outputs will constitute inputs for the development of the logic in WP5, by mapping the normed scores for each factor onto the intervention options.
• The factor formulae: these summarize which survey item scores need to be positively or negatively added into an average formula for each factor.
b) Then, we present the description of the Rubrics System, its usability and application, and how it differs from EntreComp.
First order logic for scoring and norming of results to enable matching with appropriate interventions (WP4) in the EICAA CM tool’s algorithms (WP5)
1.3. Structure of the Document
This document is structured as follows:
c) We go on to present the final Rubrics System following similar, but not the same format as EntreComp and hence WP2 Deliverable 2.3.

• The normed texts: per range of STEN scores, we will provide for each factor a text stating the general implication of a very low (STEN 1 2), low (STEN 3,4), average (STEN 5 6), high (STEN 7 8), and very high (STEN 9 10). These texts can be used in the EICAA CM tool and will be translated.
Type:3.3 Report / Method
To feed the development of the EICAA CM tool, we will develop a first layer of the logic that will be finalized in WP5 as the algorithms matching individual survey results with the most appropriate intervention recommendations. This first layer will consist of the following:
Simplify the learning outcomes while maintain the comprehensiveness where possible
2.1 Objectives
We followed the broad structure laid out in the EICAA Conceptual Framework and built the Rubric’s System incorporating changes accepted by the consortium. The principles in this process
Identifyare:radical changes between EICAA CF and EntreComp, achieve the consortium’s acceptance for each change to serve as the outline of the Rubric’s System

Follow the simple structure of progression levels while making changes were deemed necessary.
The aim of this document is to present the revised EICAA CM Rubrics System built using the foundation provided by WP2 and identify its usability and application.
1. Using the methodology laid out in the EICAA Conceptual Framework (WP2) and therefore the methodology from the EntreComp as the basis, we laid out the structure of the Rubric’s System.
2. Based on that, we identified the overlap with EntreComp, the incremental changes, and the radical changes and segmented the framework (areas, competences, and threads) based on these changes. The incremental changes can be found in figure 2 for Area: Ideas and Opportunities and Figure 3 for Area: Resources. There were no incremental changes in Area: Into Action.
Figure 1 Methodology for the Design of the EICAA CM Rubrics System

Ensuring each learning outcome does not have more than one action. Build new statements for new threads and competencies
The methodology to design the EICAA CF is framed in phase “Solve” of Figure 1. The following steps were taken in the mentioned order:
3. The radical changes were discussed with members of all partners and were either voted upon by the consortium (in favour/against) or were decided upon based on the analysis of the pre test. The radical changes in the EICAA CF and the final vote/decision can be found in Figure 4.

2.2 Methodology
4. Having incorporated these changes, we built the Rubric’s System and defined the learning outcomes.
5. After multiple online delphis with all partners and offline inputs, the Rubric statements were simplified for ease of understanding.
Figure 3 Incremental Changes in EICAA CF for Area: Resources
Figure 2 Incremental Changes in EICAA CF for Area: Ideas and Opportunities


System for efficient application. In Table 2, you can find the level of progression and
levels for the
4 Radical changes in EICAA CF 3.EICAA-CM Description 3.1 Definitions

clearly define the
meaning: Table 2. Definitions of progression levels Level Progressionof 1 2 3 4 5 Name ProgressionofLevel NONE BASIC INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED EXPERT

It is important
Figure and Meanings to progression Rubric’s their

• Furthermore, it is also key for all aligned/connected data analysis processes at a later stage.

• This Rubric System can be a scoring guide and be used to analyse the quality of student and employee responses as to gain insights on their entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial (e&i) competence “portfolio” in a structured manner.
• The statements in the Rubric’s Systems can be applied for providing detailed feedback to participants.
While the Rubric’s System comprises of the learning outcomes for each thread at every level of progression, it has multiple application avenues:
• As it is described in Deliverable 3.2, the final survey uses a 5 point customized Likert scale built on the foundation of the Rubric’s System.
3.2 Usability and Application
• This Rubric’s System was developed as a tool for students to be assessed based on what their inputs are, however, it can also be used for teachers to assess and evaluate students.
understandingNo Have understandingbasic experienceHave in applying Havechallengesoutputsdesiredobtaineddespite Considered as a andreferenceinspiration
4.1.1 Spotting Opportunities NONE Have
I am consciously able to synthesize the needs, preferences, and opinions from interactions with others into new ideas for to overcome challenges
None of the other options can identify the environment and the different areas in which value can be created, and the factors that will be monitored.
I can engage in an active process of searching for opportunities, with systematic methods.
Analyse the context/Scan the market environment
ADVANCED Have obtained desired outputs despite challenges as a reference and inspiration
I have a good overview of the relevant external trends for my specialization.
I can identify limits where value can be provided.
– No understanding BASIC –
Identify, create, and seize opportunities
I can identify the sources of information and continuously gather information about the market environment.
I am aware of and alert to the opportunities that do not exist in a given domain and the
I can co discover/co create opportunities through interactive processes with
I can anticipate future trends and have done so in the past.
I can identify opportunities to gain competitive advantage.
EXPERT – Considered
▪ I
I can reframe a challenge so that alternative opportunities may become apparent.
I can create opportunities that might not have existed or were not easily raised by others by using my knowledge and prior experience (about markets, context).developments,technologicaleconomy,
INTERMEDIATE Have experience in applying
I am effective at designing and engaging into a repetitive process of recognisingsearchingcreating testing opportunities.
Identify, challengesrecognise
I can question existing thoughts by looking at challenges in different ways that go against established practices and uncover hidden opportunities.
None of the other options I can identify an opportunity that someone else has spotted or has explained.
I am known to interact with the environment to gather information for feedback, and build knowledge based on these interactions.
None of the other options I can identify challenges that need solutions.
12 4.Rubrics System 4.1 Ideas and Opportunities
I can explore open ended problems from different perspectives.
I produce new ideas that challenge the status quo.
I have been a role model by launching ideas that others will follow.
I can explain the differences between divergence and convergence in idea generation, and the factors that play in each of the stages.
▪ I can use and experiment with different techniques of idea generation that provide effective solutions to problems with the available resources.
I am familiar with connecting unconnected ideas and knowledge to produce novel and useful outcomes.
I can set up processes to involve stakeholders in finding, developing, and testing ideas. I can guide and foster idea generation within my employees and actively brainstorm together.
▪ I can relate problems to prior knowledge and experience. I can redefine open ended problems so that solutions become available.
Solve problemcreatively/Creativeproblemssolving
Act curiouscreatively/Beandopen
None of the below
Generate ideas
None of the below
I can describe the process of idea generation, idea assessment, and idea expansion.
*In WP 2, this level is referred to as “Foundation” 4.1.2 Creativity Thread NONE – No understanding BASIC Have understanding*basic INTERMEDIATE Have experience in applying ADVANCED Have obtained desired outputs despite challenges EXPERT Considered as a reference and inspiration
▪ I am known to help and inspire others in solving complex problems by generateofexperimentationencouragingandtheusecreativetechniquestosolutions.
None of the below
stakeholders (e.g., users, technologies, colleagues, mentors, venture capitalists) and stimulate a team co discovery process.
I can describe and develop different problem solving strategies to provide creative solutions to complex problems.
I have the ability to embrace new experiences and change. I am competent solutions.existingdifferentimagining/envisioningatalternativestoproblemsand
I create autonomy, freedom, and independence in my work to stay away constraints.environmentalfrom(organisational)
I can develop a balance between being creative and imaginative and orientation towards action.
relevant factors to opportunity exploitation.
I can build a well thought out plan backwards from my vision to design the necessary strategy to achieve it.
I can develop and replicate winning strategies using the available resources and adapting to changing market trends.
I can identify and analyse examples of innovations that have transformed society.
I can provide a clear course of action to my team under different circumstances.
Imagine/Build a vision for the new venture and oneself
I can properly guide actions and prepare a plan of action according to my vision.
Guide action
Be innovative
INTERMEDIATE Have experience in applying
None of the below
None of the below
I can thoroughly monitor how the vision is deployed and identify the changes needed to achieve my vision. I can also promote initiatives for change and transformation that contribute to my vision.
I can identify challenges related to the vision, while respecting the different levels of the market and the variety of stakeholders (users, investors, etc.,) affected.
I can identify the guidelines required to make an idea actionable.
4.1.3 Vision Thread NONE – No understanding BASIC – Have understanding*basic
I can properly explain what a vision is and what purpose it serves. I have the awareness of what is needed to build a vision. I am at ease with imagining a desirable future of creating value and envisioning myself as an entrepreneur. I can build future scenarios around my business idea and its growth.
Think strategically ▪ None of the below I can identify the clear business concept guiding strategic thinking. I am known to see the big picture and to shift focus from the micro to the macro level.
None of the below
ADVANCED Have obtained desired outputs despite challenges EXPERT Considered as a reference and inspiration
I can efficiently describe how innovations diffuse in society, culture, and the market. I can effectively describe different levels of innovation (incremental, breakthrough, or transformational).
I am known to strategise and implement digital innovations, innovations in the business model, product, and marketing. I am effective at managing and encouraging innovation processes and can identify when to apply which process. WP 2, this level is referred to as “Foundation”.
I can clearly communicate and inspire others with my vision for a business idea.
I can effectively build and plan to achieve the vision of the venture keeping all stakeholders in mind.
I am known to find the right balance between the time spent in valuing ideas and moving fast to take competitive advantage.
INTERMEDIATE – Have experience in applying
ADVANCED Have obtained desired outputs despite challenges EXPERT – Considered as a reference and inspiration
None of the below can describe the importance of ethical behaviour, and of adhering to principles and values.
I am mindful of the ethical dilemmas that the new enterprise poses to the me including those with focus on gains such as financial, social,
Thread NONE No understanding
None of the below
Thread NONE No understanding
ADVANCED Have obtained desired outputs despite challenges EXPERT Considered as a reference and inspiration
INTERMEDIATE Have experience in applying
I can identify benefits for myself and others in ideas and opportunities identified.
I can assess the value of ideas, considering the different factors and stakeholders involved.
I can develop a strategy on intellectual property rights, considering the growth of the venture and requirements.geographic
Behave ethically.
I always make conscientiouslydecisionsandknow how to act according to what seem to be the most relevant ethical values related to the different take responsibility to promote ethical behaviour in my area of influence.
▪ I
4.1.4 Valuing Ideas
I can choose the most appropriate license for the purpose of protecting the value created by my ideas.
Share and protect ideas.
BASIC Have understanding*basic
None of the below
Recognise the value of ideas.
I can develop strategies to assess the value of ideas based on data driven processes and iterative assessment of the ideas in interaction with the environment and different stakeholders.
*In WP 2, this level is referred to as “Foundation”.
*In WP 2, this level is referred to as “Foundation”.
I can decide on which type of value to act on (economic value, influence value, harmony value, social value, enjoyment value) and then, choose the most appropriate pathway to do so.
4.1.5 Ethical and Sustainable Thinking
I can effectively outline a dissemination and exploitation plan with the involved partners and ensure its application
BASIC – Have understanding*basic
I can explain how ideas can be shared and protected digitally and legally.
▪ I
I can discuss in depth a range of accountability methods for both functional and strategic accountability.
▪ I can properly carry out impact assessment, impact monitoring, and impact evaluation, environmentalincludingimpact, on my business idea.
I can identify all stakeholders (even those who cannot speak up like climate and future generations) that are affected by the functioning of my business idea.
▪ I can tell the difference between accounting for use of resources and accounting for the impact of my business idea on stakeholders and the environment.
None of the below
None of the below
I can identify practices that are not sustainable and their implications for the environment and compare them with examples of environmentally friendly behaviour.
▪ I can use the accountability methods that hold me responsible to my enterprise’s internal and stakeholders.external
*In WP 2, this level is referred to as “Foundation”.
Assess impact ▪
I can identify and describe the ethical values that guide my behaviour.
▪ I can choose or develop “measurement indicators” to monitor and assess the social, cultural, impacteconomic,environmental,andecologicalofmybusinessidea.
activities of entrepreneurialmy activities.
Think sustainably ▪
▪ I act against unethical behaviour, even if speaking up may harm my own interests.
▪ I can discuss the relationship between society and technical developments, based on their implications for the environment.
▪ I can effectively contribute to self regulation discussions within my area of proficiency.
▪ I can design ways to be accountable to all the stakeholders.
None of the below
or economic at the expense of others or the environment.
▪ I can tell the difference between input, output, outcomes, and impact.
I can list examples of environmentally friendly behaviour that benefits a community.
I can produce a clear problem statement when faced with practices that are not sustainable.
I can reflect on the overall impact an organisation has on the environment (and vice versa).
I can identify the impact of human action in social, cultural, environmental, or economic contexts.
▪ I am known to choose adequate methods for analysing environmental impact based on their advantages and disadvantages.
Be accountable ▪
I can explain the need to be accountable.
ADVANCED – Have obtained desired outputs despite challenges EXPERT – Considered as a reference and inspiration
I can properly apply different design approaches through new products, processes or services and put in place effective processes to create value.
▪ I can reflect on co creation processes and learn how to create better.
Identify needs
I can design projects which aim to anticipate future needs.
I can not only segment and identify target groups, but I can also identify the unique needs that each target group is facing.
Thread NONE – No understanding
None of the below
I can create a plan of action to match the needs of the users with the required actions.
None of the below
I can explain different tools and methodologies to immerse with users and get insights into their needs and potential solutions.
I can segment the users and identify the target groups related to a given challenge or opportunity.
▪ I can facilitate co creation processes with users and other stakeholders to design products and services that satisfy their needs.
I participate in activities that involve directing my complete concentration to users. I can empathise with users and extract meaningful (and implicit) insights from that.
None of the below
▪ I can identify insights from co creation sessions that are meaningful to designing useful products/services.
▪ I am known to help improve the capabilities of stakeholders and users in contributing to the co creation process.
Co create ▪ None of the below I can explain the value of co creation to stakeholders.different
I can understand the difference empathisingbetweenwithusers (e.g., design thinking) and co creation with users.
▪ I encourage my peers to maintain a user oriented approach to working.
I can design effective strategies and tools for immersing with users.
17 4.1.6 Design
Prototype & test ▪
BASIC – Have understanding*basic
Immerse with your users
I can explain the value of prototyping to test the value of an idea.
I can develop value in steps, launching with the core features of my idea and progressively adding more.
I can effectively promote a culture of user orientation and user immersion in the organisation.
I can design co creation processes, including the identification of the target groups participating in the process, the goals of the co creation, and the deployment of co creation in several sessions and activities per session.
▪ I can keep the participants motivated and engaged in co creation processes.
INTERMEDIATE – Have experience in applying
I can turn users into collaborators ambassadors.and
▪ I can identify the basic functions that a prototype should have to illustrate the value of the idea.
I am able to prioritise training and support options based on my strengths and the weaknesses, to develop myself and make the most of opportunities to create value.
None of the below
None of the below
I can team up with others to compensate for our weaknesses and add to our strengths while helping others in their own development.
I am confident even when I am facing difficulties.
Follow aspirations.your
Believe in your ability.
BASIC Have understanding*basic
None of the below
▪ I
INTERMEDIATE Have experience in applying
I can effectively translate my needs, wants, interests and aspirations into goals and action plans that help me reach them.
I help others to reflect on their needs, wants, interests and aspirations and how they can turn these into goals.
I judge failures as opportunities to learn and take the good out of these experiences and inspire others to do so.
Shape your future.
ADVANCED Have obtained desired outputs despite challenges EXPERT Considered as a reference and inspiration
Thread NONE – No understanding
I can design developmentprofessionalstrategiesfor my team and organisation based
I discuss with others to get a realistic understanding and evaluation of how my personal
I am capable of reflecting on my own potential cognitive biases (e.g., overconfidence or over optimism).
I can effectively describe which qualities and abilities are needed for different jobs, and
4.2.1 Self Awareness and Self Efficacy
None of the below can identify and describe my personal needs, wants, interests and goals.
I am able to evaluate my strengths and weaknesses and regularly revise this evaluation in relation to changes in the context and my own experiences.
I can identify strengths and weaknesses, with respect to the new venture. (context situated)
▪ I assertively commit to actions that fulfil my needs, wants, interests and goals. I can reflect on my individual and group needs, wants, interests and aspirations in relation to opportunities and prospects.
I am confident in my ability to accomplish the tasks that are intended by myself or asked by others in relation to the new venture (ESE).
18 *In WP 2, this level is referred to as “Foundation”. 4.2 Resources
I believe I can control success and failures and judge them compared with control from outside influences.
I am confident of my ability to turn events into favourable outcomes.
I can describe my skills and competences to act on career
Identify weaknesses.strengthsyourand
options, including self employment.
Stay motivated and passionate
I inspire others to work hard and ‘stay the course’ by showing passion and a strong sense of ownership.
I can delay achieving goals to gain greater value, thanks to prolonged effort.
I do not change interests very often and will only change the course of a project after thorough evaluation.
Thread NONE – No understanding BASIC – Have understanding*basic
I can stay focused on a task until completion and avoid distractions.
I can visualise the achievement of the goals to keep motivation and focus.
which of these qualities and abilities I have.
*In WP 2, this level is referred to as “Foundation”. 4.2.2
ADVANCED Have obtained desired outputs despite challenges EXPERT Considered as a reference and inspiration
attitudes, skills and knowledge influence my decision making, relationships with other people and quality of life.
I am known to maintain focus for long periods of time in relation to my business idea.
I can identify ways of motivating myself and others.
Persevere/Tenacity/Don’t give up.
I encourage others to build a strategic plan of action for career advancement.
I can use different strategies to stay motivated (e.g., set goals, monitor performance, monitor progress, celebrate achievements…) I can develop strategies to keep my team motivated.
None of the below
INTERMEDIATE Have experience in applying
on a clear understanding our strengths and weaknesses, in relation to both current and future opportunities to create value. I can design strategies to overcome my weaknesses and to develop our strengths in anticipating future needs. Motivation and Perseverance
I am willing to work hard and invest effort to achieve the goals.
Maintain (consistencyfocusof interest)
I can use my skills and competences to change my career path, in response to new opportunities or from necessity.
I am not discouraged by setbacks and quickly get back
I can identify a given focus to pursue related to my business idea.
None of the below
I am patient and maintain effort and interest, even when the achievement of a goal takes longer than expected.
None of the below
I can recombine and seek new ways of obtaining resources when these are limited.
on my feet when something goes wrong.
None of the below
None of the below I value time (mine and others’) as a scarce and valuable resource.
I can access resources, even those that others own or control, by sharing resources or by other means.
I can minimize the resources requirements and optimize the existing resources to develop the venture
I can creatively see what can be done with the resources one already has access.
4.2.3 Mobilising Resources Have
Thread NONE – No understanding BASIC –
INTERMEDIATE Have experience in applying
I can endure and cope with adverse circumstances and design strategies to overcome difficult circumstances. I can stay emotionally well despite difficulties. I am known to help others develop resilience. I can maintain a positive ambiance within my team or organisation in difficult situations. WP 2, this level is referred to as
Be resilient. None of the below I am determined and persevere when trying to achieve my goals. I can overcome simple adverse circumstances.
Acquire material)(materialresourcesandnon
I can develop strategies of resource consideringmanagementtheimpact on the environment.
I can identify different types of resources: financial capital, human capital, social capital, cultural capital, venture capital.
I am known to help others manage their time efficiently. I can develop effective time management techniques that
I can effectively judge and make recommendationstargeted on the key resources needed to support an innovative idea or opportunity to develop an existing business, launch a new venture, or initiate a social enterprise.
I can gather the necessary resources to develop my new venture in different contexts and stages of the business life cycle.
Access resources to extract value/Make the most of resourcesresources/Managelimitedstrategically
Make the most of your time. management)(Time
None of the below
I can manage my time (and others’) effectively using techniques and tools to be productive.
I can identify the limitation of resources in any new venture and that they are not necessarily an obstacle to start up.
ADVANCED – Have obtained desired outputs despite challenges EXPERT Considered as a reference and inspiration
I can manage moderate levels of pressure effectively.
Thread NONE – No understanding BASIC – Have understanding*basic INTERMEDIATE – Have experience in applying ADVANCED –
I can develop and mobilize a network of flexible and responsive providers from outside the organisation who support my business idea.
I can create the economic and financial plan of a business idea and balance the P&L and the cash flow according to data from monitoring of the activity.
Find funding.
meet the specific needs of my business idea.
I can explain the main types of income and sources of funding for families, start ups, businesses, non profit organisations, and the state.
EXPERT – Considered
I can explain that business ideas can have different structures of ownership (individual company, limited company, co operative and so on.
None of the below
I can use financial ratios to assess the financial health of my business idea and compare it with that of competitors.
I can read and analyse income statements, cash flow, profit and loss accounts, balance sheets, explain their purpose and differences.
None of the below
I can manage financial and business ratios (for example, return on investment, return on equity, burnt rate…)
*In WP 2, this level is referred to as “Foundation”. Financial and Economic Literacy Have obtained desired despite challenges as a reference and inspiration
None of the below
I can draw up a budget for a business idea.
I can judge the cash flow needs of a business idea. I can clearly explain how my venture can generate cash from assets.
I can apply the financial planning and forecasting concepts that I need to turn ideas into action (for example, sales forecasts, investments, resource requirements).
I can search for help (find support) when needed for my business idea (for example, teachers, peers, mentors, advisor, or consultancy services).
I know which public and private organisations to turn to support the growth of my venture (e.g., incubators, social enterprise advisors, angel investors, chamber of commerce, ...).
None of the below
I can raise funds and secure revenue from different sources and manage the diverse demands and risks of
Understand economic and financial concepts.
I can successfully apply for public or private business support programmes, financing schemes, public subsidies or calls for tenders.
I can explain simple economic concepts (for example, supply and demand, market price, trade, opportunity cost, comparative advantage).
I have a keen sense of knowing which tasks to delegate to the right actors within and outside my organisation to get the best results for my venture (for example, outsourcing, partnering, crowdsourcing).acquisitions,
Get support & build a network
I can identify public and private sources of funding for my business idea (for example, prizes, crowdfunding, and shares).
I can build measurable goals and objectives for the firm based on my entrepreneurial literacy.
Enterprising literacy None of the below I can explain simple concepts of key business functions like marketing, sales, strategic planning, structuringoperations,businessdeals and technical legal aspects I have an overview of small business rewardasprocedureseffectively,controlincludingmanagement,howtorunandthebusinessandimportantandsystemssuchrecruiting,salaryandstructures,and monitoring.
I can take key business decisions based on my in depth knowledge of enterprise functions like marketing, sales, strategic planning, and others.
I can make financial decisions based on taxation schemes of my region/country and different countries and territories, as well.
I can estimate how my financial (investments,decisionsbuying assets, goods and so on) affect my tax.
those sources to maintain an optimal financing mix.
I can use my knowledge to guide department heads of various business functions in effective planning and decision making.
I can choose the most appropriate sources of funding to start up or expand business/venture/project.a
Understand taxation. None of the below I can explain the purpose of taxation and how it finances the activities of a country and helps provide public goods and services.
*In WP 2, this level is referred to as “Foundation”. 4.2.5 Mobilising Others Thread NONE – No understanding BASIC – Have understanding*basic INTERMEDIATE – Have experience in applying ADVANCED – Have obtained desired outputs despite challenges EXPERT – Considered as a reference and inspiration
I can share my knowledge and make all employees more literate entrepreneurially.
22 ▪
I can estimate the main accountancy and tax obligations I need to fulfil to meet the tax requirements for my activities. I can understand the overheads of the activity and their effects on the new venture.
None of the below
I can explain the key metrics for effective communication.
▪ I can maintain momentum with my team, partners, and stakeholders along extended periods of time, even when the going gets tough.
I can persuade others by providing arguments and evidence for these arguments.
I can motivate others to take action by setting the example, or by showing the way forward.
▪ I can design effective social media campaigns to mobilise people in relation to my business idea.
I can get inspired by role models and success cases and learn from these cases what is relevant to my circumstances.
*In WP 2, this level is referred to as “Foundation”.
▪ I can build narratives and stories that provide meaning and motivate, persuade, and inspire.
I can persuade others by appealing to their emotions.
None of the below
Persuade and negotiate
I can communicate imaginative design solutions.
Inspire and get inspired
▪ I can use social media appropriately, with awareness of my audience and purpose.
None of the below I can provide examples of inspiring them.campaignscommunicationandlearnfrom
▪ I can communicate the value of a complex idea to different audiences with simplicity and elegance.
▪ I can take the lead of the social conversation in the community that my idea is targeted at via high impact channels (press, trade journals, communityconferences,platforms, ...).
▪ I can create a call to action and get stakeholders on board. I can negotiate support for ideas for creating value with well prepared negotiation strategies (following ethical rules for negotiation, e.g., without manipulation nor coercion).
▪ I am effective at designing communication strategies to mobilize people in relation to my business idea.
▪ I can inspire others, even in adverse, uncertain, or challenging circumstances.
None of the below
▪ I can communicate my ideas clearly to others, in written and oral forms, in a variety of ways (posters, videos, role plays) and types of presentations (pitches, pep talks, formal or informal presentations).
Use media effectively
Digital competences for the new venture
BASIC – Have understanding*basic
▪ I can use digital tools (e.g., CRM, web analytics, marketing, financial analysis…) for manage day to day operations efficiently. I can used digital tools that support creativity and innovation.
None of the below I can search information in and critically evaluate the quality of its sources. I can use data analytics: basics. I can use data analytics: insights, reporting visual information appropriate for a specific goal or audience.
Information and data literacy
▪ I can identify, plan, and implement organizational cyber security defences.
INTERMEDIATE – Have experience in applying
Safety & cybersecurity
▪ I can generate, process, analyse, and present meaningful information from data and develop, use, and apply artificial intelligence (AI) and related algorithmic tools and strategies to guide informed, optimized, and contextually relevant decision making processes.
Digital Competence
Thread NONE – No understanding
None of the below can identify the critical digital competences required for a task. I can use general digital tools for work, collaboration, digital content creation. I can build the critical capacity on the use of technologies for an entire project or team.
None of the below I possess the knowledge of digital tools related to the new venture.
None of the below I know the basic principles to handle with discretion all personal information shared online to protect my and others’ privacy.
*In WP 2, this level is referred to as “Foundation”.
I can set up an architecture of digital tools to efficiently organize work and collaboration for a multidisciplinary team and guide them on how to use their intended digital tools for work.
▪ I can use digital tools that support new venture’s growth (e.g., cloud…)
ADVANCED – Have obtained desired outputs despite challenges EXPERT – Considered as a reference and inspiration
General competencesdigitalat work
▪ I can implement strategies for data privacy principles (own and other’s data, such as personal data on users, stakeholders, etc.). I can identify and counter threats to our digital safety and become less vulnerable to cyberattacks.
▪ I
None of the below
BASIC – Have understanding*basic
4.3.1 Taking the Initiative
I can encourage others to take the initiative in solving problems and creating value within my team and organisation. WP 2, this level is referred to as “Foundation”.
I can show initiative in dealing with initiatives that alter the surrounding environment.
▪ I
I can initiate simple value creating activities.
None of the below can define clear and achievable goals related to a simple business idea.
None of the below
4.3 Into Action
Take responsibility
INTERMEDIATE Have experience in applying
I can business ideas that involve contributions from others.
ADVANCED – Have obtained desired outputs despite challenges EXPERT – Considered as a reference and inspiration
I show independence in carrying out simple value creating tasks.
ADVANCED Have obtained desired outputs despite challenges EXPERT Considered as a reference and inspiration
I can carry out the tasks I am given responsibly and in shared activities.
I can take individual and group responsibility in the growth of my business.
NONE No understanding
I have experience of setting short term goals I can act on.
I can initiate action (impetus for action) on new ideas and opportunities, to add value to a new or existing business idea.
Take action
I can take responsibility in seizing new opportunities and when facing unprecedented challenges while implementing my business idea.
Work independently
I can delegate appropriately and provide context and training to ensure quality work.
Define goals
I can actively face challenges, solve problems, and seize opportunities to create value.
I can encourage others to take responsibility in business and other activities.
None of the below
I can define short term, mid term and long term goals to realise the vision for my business idea.
BASIC Have understanding*basic
I can effectively manage the need for creativity and the need for control so that my organisation’s capacity to
Thread NONE No understanding
I praise initiative taken by others and reward it appropriately within my team and organisation.
INTERMEDIATE – Have experience in applying
None of the below I can explain the difference between urgent and important goals when stating the priority of given tasks.
achieve its goals is protected and nurtured.
I can set my own priorities and define and prioritise the tasks accordingly.
I can define and prioritise the relevant steps to complete the tasks in time. I can define priorities for my venture in complex and uncertain circumstances, with partial or information,ambiguoustoachieve its goals and vision.
Define priorities
None of the below I can carry out a simple plan for the activities to create a valuable business.
I can develop a business plan based on the model, describing how to achieve the value identified with aspects such as marketing plans, operations, finance plan, etc. I am aware of which elements of the business plan will convince stakeholdersdifferent(investors, banks, clients) and can curate those based on the need and audience.
None of the below
I can create an action plan with the different steps to achieve my goals.
I can design managerial procedures to effectively deliver value in challenging circumstances, adapting to changes where necessary.
I can define a business model that has all the elements to deliver the value I have identified: identification of users, value provided, competitors’ analysis, strategic partnerships, etc.
I can keep the business model and business plan updated and adapt to changes in the market and/or technology to face new challenges and unexpected outcomes and mobilise others for buying into opportunities arising from them.
Plan and conscientiouslyorganize
I can explain the elements of a business model (competitors’ analysis, marketing plan, operations, etc.) and know the templates to define one.
I can apply the basics of project management in managing tasks to create value.
*In WP 2, this level is referred to as “Foundation”. 4.3.3 Process Management Thread NONE – No understanding BASIC – Have understanding*basic INTERMEDIATE – Have experience in applying ADVANCED – Have obtained desired outputs despite challenges EXPERT – Considered as a reference and inspiration
Define and planssustainabledevelopbusiness
When changes present themselves, I am able to either capture the opportunity in it, mitigate negative impacts, or know when not to adapt.
None of the below
I am able to accept change as a fundamental element of the value creating activity.
Redirect your strategy
Monitor Progress
None of the below
I understand the importance of making changes to the new venture according to the learnings acquired along the process in information gathering activities.
I am able to use and develop different competences as they are required along the different phases of the new venture.
Ability to be flexible and adaptive to changes
I can explain the life cycle of a new business idea and the different transitions in my role and my team members’ role, as well as the different competences that are required in each phase.
I can define and implement systematic data collection procedures to measure the defined indicators to monitor how effective my value creating activities are.
I am able to manage the role transitions for myself as the new venture develops.
▪ I can identify the need for training, mentoring, or coaching to manage the transition between roles to effectively manage the new venture and achieve the intended goals.
▪ I can revise the assumptions of the new business idea based on information gathered from repeated testing.
I can monitor my own progress in a task in an objective way. I can understand the difference between time invested and progress made towards the achievement of a given goal.
None of the below
I understand that I need to be able to assertively follow through on my chosen strategy at times and may need to be receptive of other stakeholder’s expectations at other times.
▪ I am able to balance the need to persevere versus the need of changing the orientation of the value creating idea by considering only relevant data and opinions.
I can anticipate and include change along the value creating process.
None of the below
I am aware of the expectations of different stakeholders at each stage of the business life cycle.
▪ I can set performancemeasurableindicators that are relevant to monitor the progress of my value creating activity.
I am able to accept new directions of the business idea as new stakeholders get on board.
I can confront and deal with changes in a constructive way. I can change my plans to achieve goals considering changes that are outside my control.
Manage transition
▪ I am able to set up efficient real time monitoring systems and alerts on my venture's key performance indicators to quickly adapt and experiment with new strategies when the data shows trends that require this.
I am able to adapt my staff composition to new capability requirements for the business idea and coach existing team members transition through their respective roles across the venture’s life cycle.
None of the below
I can weigh up the risks and benefits of self employment with alternative career options and make choices that reflect my preferences.
I can critically evaluate the risks associated with an idea I can demonstrate that I can make decisions by weighing up both the risks and the
Work agile
I can explain the difference between managementclassicaland agile management methodologies along with the basics like small increments, fast cycles, etc.,
I use agile methodologies to work in short cycles and get feedback from stakeholders that help validate the business idea along the process.
I can actively look for, compare, and contrast different sources of information that help me reduce ambiguity, uncertainty, and risks in making decisions.
I can find ways of making decisions even when the information is incomplete and know which decision process to use when (e.g., when the problem is unclear or when the potential solutions are unclear).
I can design methodologiesagilethat are appropriate to new challenges in the venture’s development.
I can tell the difference between acceptable and unacceptable risks.
Cope with uncertainty and ambiguity.
I can make accurate decisions evaluating the different elements in a situation that is uncertain and ambiguous.
I can set up appropriate strategies for collecting and monitoring data, which help my team take decisions based on sound evidence.
I can identify and describe current and potential risks and ways to manage them.
I can pull together different viewpoints to take informed decisions when the degree of uncertainty is high.
I am effective at balancing the need for analysis and for quick decision making action cycles to respond fast to the changes of the environment.
*In WP 2, this level is referred to as “Foundation”. Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity, and risk NONE No Have
Calculate risk.
INTERMEDIATE Have experience in applying
Manage risk
None of the below
I try my own ways to achieve things.
When uncertainty is very high, I can still take action by determining how much risk I can afford. I can compare value creating activities based on a risk assessment.
I am not afraid of making mistakes while trying new things.
I can anticipate the risks my venture is exposed to as conditions change.
ADVANCED Have obtained desired outputs despite challenges EXPERT Considered as a reference and inspiration
None of the below
I can identify examples of risks in my surroundings.
understanding BASIC –
I can describe risks related to a simple business idea in which I take part.
I can evaluate high risk long term investments using a structured approach.
None of the below
I use strategies to reduce the risks that may arise during the value creating process.
I can explain the role that information plays in reducing uncertainty, ambiguity, and risk.
BASIC – Have understanding*basic
▪ I
ADVANCED – Have obtained desired outputs despite challenges EXPERT – Considered as a reference and inspiration
None of the below I understand the mechanisms of testing hypotheses and assumptions related to the venture (e.g., regarding the need identified, the target value, the designed idea).
I can explain the importance of showing respect for others, their background, and situations.
▪ I am effective at getting the most out of the diversity in a team, while also managing the cultural barriers and risks.
I can develop strategies to enrich my team’s work with diverse ideas from outside the organisation and turn them into valuable new solutions or products.
I can value and use diversity as a source of ideas and opportunities and as a source of learning.
Develop intelligence.emotional
4.3.5 Working with Others
Test & Experiment
I can critically evaluate the risks related to the formal set up of a business in the area in which I work.
None of the below can show and develop empathy towards others. I can express my business ideas assertively. I am known to help others develop empathy and assertiveness. I can effectively manage team dynamics and conflicts.
Accept diversity (people’s differences).
▪ I produce strategies to reduce the risk of my value creating initiative becoming obsolete.
▪ I can use effective strategies to evaluate results of experiments, accept or reject hypotheses, and if necessary, test and make a new hypothesis.
I can respect different social and cultural norms.
I can support diversity within my team or organisation.
INTERMEDIATE – Have experience in applying
I can identify key assumptions of the value creating idea that need to be tested and refined along the value creating process. I can design repeated “experiments” or tests to gather relevant information that check and revise the assumptions in any aspect of the new venture (users, needs, value provided...).
that creates value, taking into account a variety of factors.
None of the below
expected benefits of a business idea. I can outline a risk management plan for guiding my choices while developing my business idea.
Thread NONE – No understanding
*In WP 2, this level is referred to as “Foundation”.
I can effectively deal with non assertive behaviour.
▪ I can explain strategies to listen to other stakeholders.
▪ I can define strategies using multiple sources and methods to understand my end users’ needs, and (re ) interpret them beyond their verbal feedback and potential biases.
None of the below I am open to work alone as well as with others, playing different roles and taking some responsibility.
▪ I can work with a range of individuals and teams and know which role fits me best in a team.
▪ I can structure a team by identifying roles and tasks to achieve the goals of the business idea.
▪ I can put in place strategies to actively listen to my end users and act on their (implicit and explicit) needs
▪ I can select a team of people who can work together implementingin a business idea.
▪ I can create emotionally positive relationshipsinstrumentalthatsupport the business idea.
Listen actively (to others’ ideas and to the customers)
None of the below I can discuss the benefits of listening to other people’s ideas to achieve my goals.
▪ I can clearly describe different techniques for listening and maintaining report with end users.
Team up.
I can compose the best team for a project based on the individual knowledge, skills, and attitudes of each member so that the team is balanced (has complementary skills) for the value creating activity.
Manage bonding)(Entrepreneurialrelationshipsinstrumental
None of the below I can explain and identify instrumental relationships that provide value in a business idea.
None of the below I can involve others in my value creating activities (peers, and stakeholders).
▪ I can explain the meaning and forms of association: co
I can select, onboard, and build a team for high performance, including the complementary competence development, building a culture of collaboration and performance, and maximizing engagement and motivation.
Work together.
▪ I can communicate the team’s potential to develop the business idea to get the necessary support from investors and other stakeholders.
I can manage emotionally positive investors,relationships,instrumentalincludingpartners,peers, and family members.
▪ I can manage the portfolio of instrumental relationships and transition it along the entrepreneurial process and life cycle (dissolving
▪ I can design working methods incentivesandthat enable team members to work well together.
4.3.6 Learning through experience
I can establish new contacts and cooperation with others (individuals and groups).
▪ I
I can establish new relationships to get the support needed to turn ideas into action, including emotional support (for example, joining a mentor network).
I am effective at knowing which resources to get from specific partners in my network without having to buy it in the market (e.g., by bartering for other resources, granting them early access to an innovation or even a stake in the company).
Thread NONE – No understanding BASIC Have understanding*basic INTERMEDIATE Have experience in applying ADVANCED – Have obtained desired outputs despite challenges EXPERT Considered as a reference and inspiration
I can use my network to bring together perspectivesdifferenttoaccelerate and enrich my value creating process.
I am effective at networking with new contacts as well as building strong ties with existing contacts.
I can proactively and regularly contact the right people inside and outside my network to realize my (or my team's) goal.
*In WP 2, this level is referred to as “Foundation”.
operation and peer to peer support (for example, family and other communities).
Reflect. None of the below can find examples of failures that have led to valuable achievements and the creation of values.
I regularly help others reflect on their achievements and temporary failures by providing honest and constructive feedback.
partnerships, succession planning…).
Expand your network. None of the below
I can reflect on failures and achievements (mine and others’), their causes, and learn from them, so that I improve my ability to provide value.
I can design effective processes to build and manage networks of different or new stakeholders, assign them roles and keep them engaged.
I can take my team or the organisation to a higher level of performance, based on the feedback collected and by learning lessons from achievements and failures.
▪ I regularly reflect on my competence of learning to learn, spot areas for improvement, and design strategies to improve my future learning.
Learn from experience. ▪ None of the below
▪ I actively engage in opportunities to improve my strengths and reduce or compensate for my weaknesses through a variety of learning training,(interactionopportunitieswithothers,mentoring,)
Learn to learn. ▪ None of the below I anticipate that my abilities and competence will grow with experience, through both successes and failures.
▪ I can explain the process of learning from experience and the relevance to the entrepreneurial activity.
▪ I can learn from my thoughts, actions, and feelings.
*In WP 2, this level is referred to as “Foundation”.
▪ I can help others reflect on their experience and interaction with others.
▪ I can learn about the business, but also about myself, my relationships, users, and other stakeholders.
I can identify what I have learnt from competences.myexperiencespreviousthatstrengthenedvaluecreating
▪ I can help others spot barriers to learning from experience (e.g., lack of reflection, closed mindedness, …) and develop strategies to become more effective at it.
▪ I can learn from the interaction with others (peers, mentors, stakeholders) and from the experiences (positive and negative) of the value creating activity.
Even when opportunities for learning are not available in my organisation or network, I will proactively seek them out elsewhere. I help others develop their strengths and reduce or compensate for their weaknesses.
▪ I can interact with others to identify challenges.
– Explore
▪ I inspire and engage others to turn challenges into opportunities.
TakingImproveADVANCED-Reinforceresponsibility innovation,DrivingExpandEXPERT-Transformtransformation,andgrowth
▪ I can anticipate future trends.
5.1 Ideas andThreadOpportunities
▪ I can challenge mainstream thought by looking at challenges in different ways that go against established practices and uncover hidden opportunities.
▪ I can judge the right time in which a challenge can be tackled.
Analyse the context/Scan the market environment
▪ I can identify opportunities to gain advantage.competitive
Relying on support from others
Identify, recognise challenges ▪ I can identify challenges that need solutions.
▪ I am known to interact with the environment to gather information for feedback, and build knowledge based on these interactions.
33 5.Appendix: First version of Rubric’s System
Spotting Opportunities
▪ I can identify the environment and the different areas in which value can be created, the factors that will be monitored, and the sources of information.
▪ I continuously gather information.
▪ I can identify the boundaries of the environment where value can be provided within my reach.
▪ I can monitor relevant trends.
▪ I can redefine/reframe a challenge so that alternative opportunities may become apparent.
▪ I create autonomy, freedom, and independence in my work to stay away from (organisational)environmental constraints.
▪ I can describe different perspectives to explore open-ended problems and can relate problems to prior knowledge and experience.
▪ I am known to help and inspire others in solving complex problems by experimentationencouraging and the use
▪ I can create opportunities that might not have existed or were not easily raised by others by using knowledge and prior experience (about markets, context).developments,technologicaleconomy,
▪ I am effective at designing and engaging into an iterative process of searching recognising creating opportunities.testing
Identify, create, and seize opportunities
▪ I can capitalists).colleagues,customers,stakeholdersinteopportunitiesco-discover/co-createthroughractiveprocesseswith(e.g.,technologies,mentors,venture
▪ I can develop a balance between being creative and imaginative and orientation towards action.
▪ I often challenge the status quo.
▪ I can redefine open ended problems so that solutions become available.
Act creatively/Be curious and open
▪ I have been a role model in the organisation by exerting influence on others.
Solve problems creatively/ Creative problem solving
▪ I can engage in an active process of searching for opportunities, with systematic methods.
▪ I can describe and develop different problem solving strategies to provide creative solutions to complex problems.
▪ I am competent solutions.existingdifferentimagining/envisioningatalternativestoproblemsand
▪ I am aware and alert to the opportunities that might exist in a given domain and the factors that are conducive to opportunity exploitation.
▪ I can recognize an opportunity that someone else has spotted or has explained.
▪ I am open to new experiences and change.
▪ I can promote and lead radical change
▪ I can describe the process of idea generation, idea assessment developmentand.
▪ I can use and experiment with different techniques of idea generation that provide effective solutions to problems, using available resources.
▪ I often build future scenarios around my value creating activity.
Generate ideas
▪ I am known to see the big picture and to shift focus from the micro to the macro level.
▪ I can explain the differences between divergence and convergence in idea generation, and the factors that play in each of the stages.
Be innovative
▪ I am familiar with connecting unconnected ideas and knowledge to produce novel and appropriate or useful outcomes.
▪ I regularly imagine the long term and the growth of the value creation activity.
▪ I can set up processes to involve stakeholders in finding, developing, and testing ideas.
▪ I can explain the difference between different types of innovation.
▪ I am at ease with imagining a desirable future of value creation and envisioning myself as an entrepreneur.
Think strategically ▪ I can properly explain what a vision is and what purpose it serves.
Imagine/Build a vision for the new venture and oneself
▪ I can clearly communicate and inspire others with my vision for a venture or project.
of creative techniques to generate solutions.
▪ I can effectively describe different levels of innovation (incremental, breakthrough or transformational).
▪ I can identify and analyse examples of innovations that have transformed society.
▪ I can effectively prepare a vision statement to guide decision making.
▪ I can guide and foster idea generation within my employees and actively brainstorm together.
▪ I can build a well thought out plan backwards from my vision to design the
▪ I can efficiently describe how innovations diffuse in society, culture, and the market.
▪ I can develop a strategy on intellectual property rights, considering the growth of the venture and geographic requirements.
necessary strategy to achieve it.
Recognise the value of ideas. ▪ I can identify benefits for myself and others in ideas and opportunities.
▪ I am known to find the right balance between the time spent in valuing ideas and moving fast to take competitive advantage.
Guide action
▪ I can decide on which type of value to act on (economic value, influence value, harmony value, social value, enjoyment value) and then, choose the most appropriate pathway to do so.
▪ I can identify challenges related to the vision, while respecting the different levels of the system and the variety of stakeholders affected.
▪ I can thoroughly monitor how the vision is deployed, identify the changes needed to achieve my vision and promote initiatives for change and transformation that contribute to my vision.
▪ I can effectively outline a dissemination and exploitation plan with the involved partners.
▪ I have the awareness of what is needed to build a vision.
Share and protect ideas. ▪ I can explain that ideas can be shared and protected by different mechanisms.
Valuing Ideas
▪ I can choose the most appropriate licence for the purpose of sharing and protecting the value created by my ideas.
▪ I can identify the guidelines required to make the idea actionable.
▪ I can assess the value of an opportunity or idea, considering the different factors and stakeholders involved.
▪ I can properly use the vision to guide my (my team’s) actions and draw a roadmap.
▪ I can develop strategies to assess the value of ideas based on data driven processes and iterative assessment of the ideas in interaction with the environment and different stakeholders.
Ethical and Sustainable Thinking
▪ I can adequately tell the difference between input, output, outcomes and impact.
▪ I act against unethical behaviour, even if speaking up may harm my own interests.
Think sustainably
▪ I can discuss the relationship between society and technical developments, relating to their implications for the environment.
▪ I can choose or develop “measurement indicators” to monitor and assess the social, economic and
▪ I can describe the importance of ethical behaviour, and of adhering to principles and values.
▪ I am well aware of the ethical dilemmas that the new venture poses to the entrepreneur or team including those with focus on financial gain at the expense of others, action-orientation, limited time for reflection, entering relationships,instrumentalpromotion and bargaining and sales tactics.
▪ I can identify the stakeholders who are affected by the value creating activity, including stakeholders who cannot speak up (future generations, climate or nature).
▪ I can recognise examples of environmentally friendly behaviour by companies that creates value for society as a whole.
▪ I take responsibility to promote ethical behaviour in my area of influence.
▪ I apply honesty and integrity in decision-making and know how to act according to the most relevant ethical values related to the different activities of the new venture.
▪ I can identify and describe the ethical values that guide my behaviour.
▪ I can list examples of environmentally friendly behaviour that benefits a community.
Behave ethically.
▪ I can discuss in detail the impact an organisation has on the environment (and vice versa).
▪ I can identify the impact of human action in social, cultural, environmental, or economic contexts.
▪ I am known to choose adequate methods for analysing environmental impact based on their advantages disadvantages.and
▪ I can effectively contribute to self regulation discussions within my sector of operations.
▪ I often produce a clear problem statement when faced with practices that are not sustainable.
▪ I can properly carry out impact assessment, impact monitoring, and impact evaluation environmentalincludingimpact on my value creating activity.
Assess impact
▪ I can identify practices that are not sustainable and their implications for the environment.
▪ I can identify the different needs that each target group is facing.
▪ I can empathise with them and extract meaningful (and implicit) insights.
▪ I am known to lead a multidisciplinary team of collaborators.
▪ I can explain the value of prototyping to test the value of the ideas.
▪ I can identify the basic functions that a prototype should have to illustrate the value of the idea.
▪ I can develop and deliver value in stages, launching with the core features of my
▪ I can tell the difference between accounting for use of resources and accounting for the impact of my value creating activity on stakeholders and the environment.
Prototype & test
Be accountable
▪ I can explain the need to be accountable.
▪ I can explain the different tools and methodologies to immerse with users to get insights into their needs and potential solutions.
▪ I can design ways to be accountable to all of our stakeholders
Immerse with your users
▪ I can design innovative and effective strategies and tools for immersing with users.
Identify needs
▪ I can discuss in depth a range of accountability methods for both functional and strategic accountability.
ecological impact of the value-creating activities.
▪ I often participate in activities of immersion with the users.
▪ I can segment customers/userstheand identify the target groups related to a given challenge or opportunity.
▪ I can use the accountability methods that hold me responsible to our internal and external stakeholders.
▪ I can effectively promote a culture of organisation.immersionorientationcustomerandcustomer-inthe
▪ I can produce a roadmap which matches the needs with the actions needed to deal with them to create value.
▪ I can properly apply different design approaches to create value through new products, processes or services and put
▪ I can design projects which aim to anticipate future needs.
▪ I am known to help improve the capabilities of stakeholders and users in contributing to the co creation process.
▪ I can understand the difference empathisingbetweenwithusers (e.g., design thinking) and co creation with users.
Co create ▪ I can eloquently explain the value of co creation to different stakeholders.
▪ I often reflect on co creation processes and learn how to create better ones.
Follow your aspirations.
▪ I am good at keeping participants motivated and engaged in co creation processes.
▪ I can facilitate co creation processes with end users and other stakeholders to design products and services that satisfy their needs.
(or my team’s) idea and progressively adding more. in place innovative processes to create value.
▪ I assertively commit to actions that fulfill my needs, wants, interests and goals.
▪ I can identify insights from co creation sessions that are meaningful to the design of value.
▪ I can effectively translate my needs, wants, interests and aspirations into goals and ▪ I often help others to reflect on their needs, wants, interests and aspirations and
▪ I can identify and describe my personal needs, wants, interests and goals.
Self Awareness and Self Efficacy
5.2 ResourcesThread RelyingDiscoverFOUNDATIONExploreonsupportfromothers BuildingExperimentINTERMEDIATE-Dareindependence TakingImproveADVANCED-Reinforceresponsibility innovation,DrivingExpandEXPERT-Transformtransformation,andgrowth
▪ I can design co creation processes, including the identification of the target groups participating in the process, the goals of the cocreation, and the deployment of co creation in several sessions and activities per session.
▪ I believe that events will generally result into favourable outcomes.
▪ I believe in my ability to accomplish the tasks that are intended by myself or asked by others in relation to the new venture (ESE).
▪ I can list different types of jobs and their key functions.
▪ I am able to prioritise training and support options based on my strengths and the weaknesses, to develop myself and make the most of opportunities to create value.
▪ I can use my skills and competences to change my career path, in response to
Identify your strengths and weaknesses.
▪ I often discuss with others to get a realistic understanding and evaluation of how my personal attitudes, skills and knowledge influence my decision relationshipsmaking,with other people and quality of life.
▪ I can effectively describe which qualities and abilities are needed for different jobs, and which of these qualities and abilities I have.
▪ I am capable of reflecting on my own potential cognitive biases (e.g. overconfidence or over optimism).
▪ I can describe my skills and competences to act on career options, including selfemployment.
▪ I believe in myself even when I’m facing difficulties.
▪ I can design toandunderstandingbasedmydevelopmentprofessionalstrategiesforteamandorganisationonaclearourstrengthsweaknesses,inrelationbothcurrentandfuture
▪ I can reflect on my individual and group needs, wants, interests and aspirations in relation to opportunities and future prospects.
▪ I am able to evaluate my strengths and weaknesses and regularly revise this evaluation in relation to changes in the context and my own experiences.
Shape your future.
how they can turn these into goals.
▪ I judge failures as opportunities to learn and take the good out of these experiences.
▪ I believe in my control of success and failures and judge them compared with control from outside influences.
▪ I can team up with others to compensate for our weaknesses and add to our strengths while helping others in their own development.
▪ I can identify strengths and weaknesses, with respect to the new venture. (context situated)
action plans that help me reach them.
Believe in your ability.
Motivation and Perseverance
▪ I am willing to work hard and invest effort to achieve the goals.
▪ I can stay focused on a task and avoid distractions.
▪ I finish what I begin and do not lose focus on other interests.
▪ I can maintain effort and interest towards goals, despite adversities.
41 new opportunities or from necessity.
▪ I often inspire others to work hard and ‘stay the course’ by
▪ I don’t change interests very often and will only change the course of a project after thorough evaluation.
▪ I can develop strategies to keep my team motivated.
▪ I regularly engage in activities anchored to my self identity.
Persevere/Tenacity/Don’t give up.
Stay motivated and passionate ▪ I can recognise ways of motivating myself and others.
▪ I can visualise the achievement of the goals to keep motivation and focus.
▪ I can delay achieving goals to gain greater value, thanks to prolonged effort.
▪ I can choose andunderstandingorganisationwithdevelopmentprofessionalopportunitiesmyteamandbasedonaclearourstrengthsweaknesses.
opportunities to create value.
▪ I can design strategies to overcome my (or my team’s or organisation’s) weaknesses and to develop our strengths in anticipating future needs.
Maintain focus (consistency of interest)
▪ I can use different strategies to stay motivated (e.g., set goals, monitor performance, monitor progress, celebrate achievements…)
▪ I can identify a given focus to pursue related to my value creating activity.
▪ I am known to maintain focus for long periods of time in relation to the value creating activity.
▪ I can manage moderate levels of effectively.pressure
▪ I can maintain a positive ambiance within my team or organisation in difficult situations.
▪ I can optimize the existing resources to make the most of them.
▪ I am known to help others develop resilience.
showing passion and a strong sense of ownership.
▪ I am determined and persevere when trying to achieve my (or my team's) goals.
▪ I can endure and cope with adverse circumstances and design strategies to overcome circumstances.difficult
▪ I can stay emotionally well despite difficulties.
▪ I can creatively see what can be done with the resources one already has access.
▪ I can develop strategies of resource consideringmanagementtheimpact on the environment.
Acquire resources (material and non material)
▪ I can recognise (ability to explain the importance) different types of resources: financial capital, human capital, social capital, cultural capital, venture capital.
▪ I can minimize the resources requirements to develop the venture.
▪ I can recognise the limitation of resources in any new venture.
▪ I can gather the necessary resources to develop my new venture in different contexts and stages of the life cycle.
▪ I can effectively judge and make recommendationstargeted on the key resources needed to support an innovative idea or opportunity to develop an existing business, launch a
▪ I can access resources, even those that others own or control, by sharing resources or by other means.
Be resilient.
▪ I can recombine and seek new ways of obtaining resources when these are limited.
Access resources to extract value/Make the most of limited resourcesresources/Managestrategically
Mobilising Resources
▪ I can recognise that limited resources are not necessarily an impediment to start up.
▪ I am not discouraged by setbacks and quickly get back on my feet when something goes wrong.
▪ I can overcome simple adverse circumstances.
▪ I can develop a network of flexible and responsive providers from outside the organisation who support my value creating activity very important for social capital.
▪ I am known to help others manage their time efficiently.
▪ I can develop effective time management techniques that meet the specific needs of value creating activity.
▪ I value time (mine and others’) as a scarce and valuable resource.
▪ I can manage my time (and others’) effectively using techniques and tools to be productive.
▪ I can search for help (find support) when needed for my value creating activity (for example, teachers, peers, mentors, advisor or consultancy services).
▪ I can identify public and private services to support my value creating activity (for example, incubator, social enterprise advisors, start-up angels, chamber of commerce).
▪ I can clearly explain how to translate the monetisation process in terms of cash generation.
▪ I can use financial ratios to assess the financial health of my value creating activity and compare it with that of competitors.
▪ I can create the economic and financial plan of the value creating activity and balance the P&L and the cash flow according to the learning outcomes extracted
Financial and Economic Literacy
▪ I can draw up a budget for a value creating activity.
43 new venture, or initiate a social enterprise.
Make the most of your time. (Time management)
Understand economic and financial concepts.
▪ I can read and analyse income statements, cash flow, profit and loss accounts, balance sheets, explain their purpose and differences.
▪ I can manage financial and business ratios (for example, return on investment, return on equity, burnt rate…)
▪ I can explain simple economic concepts (for example, supply and demand, market price, trade, opportunity comparativecost,advantage).
▪ I can apply the financial planning and forecasting concepts that I need to turn ideas into action (for example, profit or not for profit).
Get support & build a network
▪ I can judge the cash-flow needs of a value creating activity.
▪ I can effectively delegate tasks within and outside my organisation to make the most value (for example, outsourcing, partnering, crowdsourcing).acquisitions,
▪ I can identify public and private sources of funding for my value creating activity (for example, crowdfunding,prizes,andshares).
▪ I can explain that value creating activities can take different forms (a business, a social enterprise, a non profit organisation and so on) and can have different structures of ownership (individual company, limited company, co operative and so on.
Understand taxation.
▪ I can estimate the main accountancy and tax obligations I need to fulfil to meet the tax requirements for my activities.
▪ I can make financial decisions based on taxation schemes of my region/country and different countries and territories, as well.
▪ I can choose the most appropriate sources of funding to start up or expand a value creating activity.
▪ I can explain the main types of income and sources of funding for families, start ups, businesses, non-profit organisations, and the state.
Find funding.
▪ I can explain the purpose of taxation and how it finances the activities of a country and helps provide public goods and services.
▪ I can raise funds and secure revenue from different sources and manage the diversity of those sources.
▪ I can write committedagreement,partnersandtheresponsibilities.
▪ I can estimate how my financial (investments,decisionsbuying assets, goods and so on) affect my tax.
▪ I can apply for public or private business support programmes, financing schemes, public subsidies or calls for tender.
44 from monitoring the progress of the activity.
▪ I can understand the overheads of the activity and their effects on the new venture.
▪ I can share my knowledge and make all employees more entrepreneurially.literate
Persuade and negotiate ▪ I can persuade others by providing arguments and evidence for these arguments.
▪ I can inspire others, even in adverse, uncertain or challenging circumstances.
▪ I can maintain momentum with my team, partners and stakeholders when involved in challenging situations or along extended periods of time.
▪ I can create a call to action and get stakeholders on board. ▪ I can prepare and develop a good negotiation strategy (following ethical rules for negotiation, e.g., without manipulation nor coercion).
Inspire and get inspired ▪ I can get inspired by role models and success cases and learn from these cases what is relevant to my circumstances.
▪ I can persuade others by appealing to their emotions.
▪ I can build measurable goals and objectives for the firm based on my entrepreneurial literacy.
▪ I have an overview of small business rewardasprocedureseffectively,controlincludingmanagement,howtorunandthebusinessandimportantandsystemssuchrecruiting,salaryandstructures,and
▪ I can use my knowledge to guide department heads of various business functions in effective planning and decision making.
Enterprising literacy ▪ I can explain simple concepts of key business functions like marketing, sales, strategic planning, andstructuringoperations,businessdealstechnical-legalaspects
financial monitoring
▪ I regularly inspire others by example.
▪ I can take key business decisions based on my indepth knowledge of enterprise functions like marketing, sales, strategic planning, and others.
Mobilising Others
▪ I can define a communication strategy to mobilize people in relation to my (or my team’s) value creating activity.
General digital competences at work
▪ I can guide my team to use general digital tools for work.
▪ I can use social media appropriately, with awareness of my audience and purpose.
Digital Competence
▪ I can use general digital tools for work, collaboration, digital content creation.
▪ I can used digital tools that support creativity and innovation.
▪ I can imaginativecommunicatedesignsolutions.
▪ I can provide examples of inspiring them.campaignscommunicationandlearnfrom
▪ I can negotiate support for ideas for creating value.
▪ I can communicate the value of the idea to different audiences and complex ideas with simplicity and elegance.
▪ I can communicate my ideas clearly to others, in written and oral forms, in a variety of ways (posters, videos, roleplays) and types of presentations (pitches, pep talks, formal or informal presentations).
▪ I can generate, process, analyse, present meaningful information from data and
Communicate effectively
▪ I can build the critical capacity on the use of technologies.
▪ I can build narratives and stories that provide meaning and motivate, persuade, and inspire.
▪ I can use data analytics: basics.
Use media effectively
▪ I can partake in constructive discussions with the community that my idea is targeted at.
▪ I can use digital tools (e.g., CRM, web marketing,analytics,financial analysis…) for manage day to day operations efficiently.
Information and data literacy
▪ I can use digital tools that support new venture’s growth (e.g., cloud…)
▪ I can communicate the vision in ways that inspire and engage stakeholders.
▪ I can design effective social media campaigns to mobilise people in relation to my (my team’s) value creating activity.
Digital competences for the new venture
▪ I can possess the knowledge of digital tools related to the new venture.
▪ I can search information in valuable sources, critical perspective.
▪ I can identify critical digital competences required.
▪ I can use data analytics: insights, reporting visual information.
▪ I can implement strategies for data privacy principles (own’s and other’s data, such as personal data on customers, stakeholders, etc.).
5.3 Into Action Thread
Taking the Initiative
Take responsibility
▪ I can recognize and counter threats to our digital safety and become less vulnerable to cyberattacks.
▪ I can take individual and group responsibility in valuecreating activities.
▪ I can handle with discretion all personal information shared online to protect one’s and others’ privacy.
TakingImproveADVANCED-Reinforceresponsibility innovation,DrivingExpandEXPERT-Transformtransformation,andgrowth
▪ I often appropriatelydelegate.
▪ I can take responsibility in seizing new opportunities and when unprecedentedfacingchallenges in value creating activities.
develop, use, and apply artificial intelligence (AI) and related algorithmic tools and strategies in order to guide informed, optimized, and contextually relevant decision-making processes.
▪ I can carry out the tasks I am given responsibly and in shared activities.
▪ I am known to encourage others to take responsibility in value creating activities.
Safety & cybersecurity
▪ I can recognize, plan, and implement organizational cyber security defences.
– Explore Relying on support from others
▪ I can praise initiative taken by others and reward it appropriately within my team and organisation.
▪ I can show initiative in dealing with initiatives that alter the surrounding environment.
Plan and organize conscientiously
Work independently
▪ I can carry out a simple plan for the activities for creating a valuable enterprise.
▪ I can define clear and achievable goals related to a simple purposeful activity.
▪ I can initiate simple valuecreating activities.
▪ I can actively face challenges, solve problems, and seize opportunities to create value.
▪ I show independence in carryout out simple value creating tasks.
▪ I am able to define and prioritise the relevant steps to complete the tasks in time.
Define goals
▪ I am able to define short term, mid term and long term goals according to the vision of my (or my team's) efforts towards creating an enterprise.
▪ I can initiate action (impetus for action) on new ideas and opportunities, which will add value to a new or existing value creating venture.
▪ I can set my own priorities and define and prioritise the tasks accordingly.
▪ I can initiate value-creating activities alone and with others.
▪ I have the ability to apply the basics of project management in managing tasks to create value. I can design managerial procedures to effectively deliver value in challenging circumstances, adapting to changes where necessary.
▪ I am able to explain the difference between urgent and important goals when stating the priority of given tasks.
Define priorities
▪ I can encourage others to take the initiative in solving problems and creating value within my team and organisation.
▪ I can define priorities for my venture in complex and uncertain circumstances, with partial or ambiguous
Take action
▪ I have experience of setting short term goals I can act on.
▪ I can effectively manage the need for creativity and the need for control so that my organisation’s capacity to achieve its goals is protected and nurtured.
▪ I am able to create an action plan with the different steps to achieve my goals.
▪ I am aware of which elements of the business plan will convince different stakeholders (investors, banks, clients) and can curate those based on the need and audience.
▪ I am able to accept new directions of the value creating activity as new stakeholders get
▪ I can revise assumptionstheof the new venture based on information gathered from repeated testing.
▪ I can keep the business model and business plan updated and adapt to changes in the market and/or technology to face new challenges and unexpected outcomes.
Process Management
▪ None of the below
▪ I can envision business models that anticipate future market trends along with identifying where they leave opportunities for creating value and mobilise others to buy into this vision.
▪ I understand the importance of making changes to the new venture according to the learnings acquired along the
▪ I can define and implement systematic data collection procedures to measure the defined indicators to monitor how effective my value creating activities are.
▪ I can explain the elements of a business model (competitors’ analysis, marketing plan, operations, etc.) and know the templates to define one.
I can monitor my own progress in a task in an objective way.
49 information, to achieve its goals and vision.
▪ I can understand the difference between time invested and progress made towards the achievement of a given goal.
▪ I can define a business model that has all the elements to deliver the value I have identified: identification of customers, value provided, competitors’ analysis, strategic partnerships, etc.
Define and develop sustainable business plans
Monitor Progress
Redirect your strategy
▪ I am able to set up efficient real time monitoring systems and alerts on my venture's key performance indicators to quickly adapt and experiment with new strategies when the data shows trends that require this.
▪ I can set performancemeasurableindicators that are relevant to monitor the progress of my value creating activity.
▪ I understand that I need to be able to assertively follow through on my chosen strategy at times and may need to be
▪ I can develop a business plan based on the model, describing how to achieve the value identified with aspects such as marketing plans, operations, finance plan, etc.
process in information gathering activities.
I am able to accept change as a fundamental element of the value creating activity.
▪ I can confront and deal with changes in a constructive way.
on board of the value creating activity.
▪ When changes present themselves, I am able to either capture the opportunity in it, mitigate negative impacts, or know when not to adapt.
Manage transition
Ability to be flexible and adaptive to changes
▪ I am able to manage the role transitions for myself (and my team) as the new venture develops.
I can identify the need for training, mentoring, or coaching to manage the transition between roles to effectively manage the new venture and achieve the intended goals.
I can anticipate and include change along the value creating process.
▪ I am able to balance the need to persevere versus the need of changing the orientation of the value creating idea by considering only relevant data and opinions
▪ I am able to use and develop different competences as they are required along the different phases of the new venture.
▪ I am able to adapt my staff composition to new capability requirements for the enterprise and coach existing team members transition through their respective roles across the venture’s life cycle.
I am aware of the expectations of different stakeholders at each stage of the business life cycle.
Work agile
▪ I can explain the difference between classical management and agile
▪ I can design methodologiesagilethat are appropriate to new challenges in the venture’s development.
receptive of other stakeholder’s expectations at other times.
▪ I can explain the life cycle of a new enterprise and the different transitions in my role and my team members’ role, as well as the different competences that are required in each phase.
▪ I am effective at to balance the need for analysis and for quick decision making action cycles
▪ I use agile methodologies to work in short cycles and get feedback from stakeholders
▪ I can change my plans to achieve goals in light of changes that are outside my control.
▪ I can actively look for, compare, and contrast different sources of information that help me reduce ambiguity, uncertainty, and risks in making decisions.
▪ I can critically evaluate the risks related to the formal set-up of a value-creating venture in the area in which I work.
▪ I can demonstrate that I can make decisions by weighing up both the risks and the expected benefits of a value creating activity.
▪ I can critically evaluate the risks associated with an idea that creates value, taking into account a variety of factors.
▪ I can outline a risk management plan for guiding my (or my team's) choices while developing my value creating activity.
51 that help validate the value creating idea along the process.
to respond fast to the changes of the environment.
▪ I can find ways of making decisions when the information is incomplete.
▪ I can pull together different viewpoints to take informed decisions when the degree of uncertainty is high
▪ I can set up appropriate strategies for collecting and monitoring data, which help me take decisions based on sound evidence.
▪ I can describe risks related to a simple value creating activity in which I take part.
▪ I am not afraid of making mistakes while trying new things
▪ I can discuss the role that information plays in reducing uncertainty, ambiguity, and risk.
Calculate risk.
▪ I can tell the difference between acceptable and unacceptable risks.
▪ I can apply the concept of affordable losses to make decisions when creating value.
▪ I can make accurate decisions evaluating the different elements in a situation that is uncertain and ambiguous.
▪ I can weigh up the risks and benefits of self employment with alternative career options and make choices that reflect my preferences.
▪ I can use strategies to reduce the risks that may arise during the value creating process.
▪ I can come up with strategies to reduce the risk of my value creating initiative becoming obsolete.
▪ I can identify examples of risks in my surroundings.
Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity, and risk
Cope with uncertainty and ambiguity.
▪ I explore my own ways to achieve things.
▪ I can evaluate high risk long term investments using a structured approach.
Manage risk ▪ I can identify and describe current and potential risks and ways to manage them.
▪ I can compare value creating activities based on a risk assessment.
▪ I can assess the risks my venture is exposed to as conditions change.
▪ I can design repeated “experiments” or tests to gather relevant information that check and revise the assumptions in any aspect of the new venture (customers, needs, value provided...).
▪ I can explain strategies to listen to other stakeholders.
▪ I can clearly describe different techniques for listening and managing relationships with end users.
▪ I can pull together information from a wide range of sources to understand my end users’ needs, and (re ) interpret their needs according to meaningful insights. This is related to listening beyond the words of the users (to emotions and feelings) and they willingness to say what you want and delve into the real needs.
▪ I can, outside of my organisation, find ideas that create value and make the most of them.
Test & Experiment
▪ I can effectively manage conflicts.
▪ I can support diversity within my team or organisation.
▪ I am known to help others develop empathy and assertion.
Develop emotional intelligence.
▪ I can respect different social and cultural norms.
▪ I can deal with non assertive behaviour.
Listen actively (to others’ ideas and to the customers)
▪ I can value and use diversity as a source of ideas and opportunities and as a source of learning.
Working with Others
▪ I can identify key assumptions of the value creating idea that need to be tested and refined along the value creating process.
▪ I can use effective strategies to evaluate results of experiments, accept or reject hypotheses, and if necessary, test and make a new hypothesis.
▪ I can understand the valuecreating activity as a set of hypotheses and assumptions related to the need identified, the target value, the designed idea that need to be tested and refined.
Accept diversity (people’s differences).
▪ I can show and develop empathy towards others.
▪ I can express my (my team’s) value creating ideas assertively.
▪ I can discuss the benefits of listening to other people’s ideas for achieving my (or my team’s) goals.
▪ I can put in place strategies to actively listen to my end users and act on their (implicit and explicit) needs.
▪ I can show respect for others, their background, and situations.
▪ I can communicate the team’s potential to develop the value creating idea to get the necessary support from investors and other stakeholders.
▪ I can involve others in my value creating activities (peers, and stakeholders).
▪ I can create emotionally positive relationshipsinstrumentalthatsupport the value creating activity.
▪ I can establish new contacts and cooperation with others (individuals and groups).
▪ I can explain and identify instrumental relationships that provide value in a value creating activity.
▪ I can manage the transitions of the instrumental relationships along the process (dissolving partnerships, succession planning…)
Manage instrumental relationships (Entrepreneurial bonding)
▪ I am open to work alone as well as with others, playing different roles and taking some responsibility.
▪ I can work with a range of individuals and teams.
▪ I can structure a team by identifying roles and tasks to achieve the goals of the value creating activity.
▪ I can proactively and regularly make contact with the right people inside and outside my organisation to support my (or my team's) value creating activity (for example, at conferences or on social media).
Expand your network.
▪ I can build a team based on the individual knowledge, skills and attitudes of each member so that the team is balanced (has complementary skills) for the value creating activity.
Work together.
Team up.
▪ I can design working methods and incentives that enable team members to work well together.
▪ I can explain the meaning and forms of association: co operation and peer to peer support (for example, family and other communities).
▪ I can use my network to bring together different perspectives to inform my (or my team's) value creating process.
▪ I can design effective processes to build networks of different or new stakeholders. And keep them engaged
Learning through experience
▪ I can manage emotionally positive investors,relationships,instrumentalincludingpartners,peers and family members.
▪ I can establish new relationships to get the support needed to turn ideas into action, including emotional support (for example, joining a mentor network).
▪ I can create a team of people who can work together in a value creating activity.
▪ I can anticipate that my abilities and competence will grow with experience, through both successes and failures.
▪ I can help others reflect on their experience and interaction with others.
▪ I can take my team or the organisation to a higher level of performance, based on the feedback collected and by learning lessons from achievements and failures.
▪ I can actively engage in opportunities to improve my strengths and reduce or compensate for my weaknesses through a variety of learning opportunities (interaction with others, training, mentoring,)
▪ I can find examples of failures that have led to valuable achievements and the creation of values.
▪ I can learn from the interaction with others (peers, mentors, stakeholders) and from the experiences (positive and negative) of the value creating activity.
▪ I can explain the process of learning from experience and the relevance to the entrepreneurial activity.
Learn to learn.
▪ I can recognise what I have learnt from previous experiences and in value creating activities.
▪ I regularly help others reflect on their achievements and temporary failures by providing honest and constructive feedback.
Learn from experience.
▪ I can help others spot barriers to learning from experience (e.g., lack of reflection, closed mindedness, …) and develop strategies to become more effective at it.
6.List of Tables Table 1. Deliverables of WP3 in EICAA Project....................................................................................................................................................................................................5 Table 2. Definitions of progression levels.............................................................................................................................................................................................................10
▪ I can reflect on one’s competence of learning to learn and design strategies to improve learning to learn. (meta competence)
▪ I can learn about the business, but also about oneself, the relationships, the customers and other stakeholders.
▪ I often help others develop their strengths and reduce or compensate for their weaknesses.
▪ I can reflect on failures and achievements (mine and others’), their causes, and learn from them, so that I improve my ability to provide value.
▪ I can learn from one’s thoughts, actions and feelings.
Figure 4. Radical changes in EICAA
Figure 3. Incremental Changes in EICAA-CF for Area: Resources
Figure 1. Methodology for the Design of the EICAA CM Rubrics System
7.List of Figures
Figure 2. Incremental Changes in EICAA CF for Area: Ideas and