Korta DT

Page 1


christian korta advisor: jan ulmer with alejandra cortes washington university in st louis sam fox school of design and visual arts design thinking: research and design methods spring 2016

C IV I C H O U S E $

“and in the naked light I saw ten thousand people, maybe more people talking without speaking people hearing without listening .... “and the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made and the sign flashed out its warning and the words that it was forming” -simon and garfunkel the sound of silence

introduction 13

concept real vs virtual space

site selection 41


development 65

strategies capitalize views


primary opportunities

connect to access


secondary opportunities

innovate with materials

for the people


increase density

urban strategy 89 91

nightlife clusters


program overview engage spaces


focus districts


central west end

program details

delmar: the loop grand center


precedents roman forum soho house it’s sara


final site




visceral quality



site urban site lopata plaza

elements landscape

introduction cwe connections

program for the local community


option 1 - centralized option 2 - campus option 3 - perimeter

central west end

99 103

brief stage for the people

bibliography images sources

* a l l p h o t o g r a p h y, u n l e s s o t h e r w i s e n o t e d , h a s b e e n s h o t a n d e d i t e d b y t h e a u t h o r

court, coffee cartel, maryland and n euclid

introduction concept program precedents

facade, drunken fish, maryland and n euclid

a place that allows people to meet / stay / exchange for friendships for romance for work for business a place that provides a platform of civic engagement, at the personal and collective levels. a place that is easily accessible around the clock and around the year. where people are free to gather, to freely think, to freely talk, to open their minds, to find themselves civically engaged.


real space vs. virtual space In an age where the computer reigns, humans have developed a plethora of methods to meet virtually, including (amoung many options): skype, google hangouts, snapchat, tinder, oovoo, instagram, and facebook. As virtual meeting spaces develop at an increasing rate, there continues to be little progress in the evolution of real meeting spaces. The many options that do exist, such as higher education, business offices, and coffee shops, tend to be privatized spaces that can only be access by certain individuals. They lack the qualities of true, civic space. If society is to progress, and to continue democratically, there must be physical spaces that can meet the needs of the many types of civic engagements that must happen to carry this vision.


real spac e

15 3

what is civic engagement? “...working to make a difference in the civic life of our communities and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values and motivation to make that difference. It means promoting the quality of life in a community, through both political and non-political processes.� -Thomas Ehrlich, Civic Responsibility and Higher Education, Preface page vi



deďŹ nition: a house in which individuals can make in difference in the life of our communities by providing the combination of knowledge, skills, values, and motivation to make that difference.




f or al l p eo p le services one-on-one meetings group meetings large events public demonstration

clients students singles business / professional government clergy unemployed activists

afternoon evening night

seasons winter spring summer fall

a f f l u enc e


nu m B er s


individual study


a // c // c i t// y // f o r / / / e /v/ ev er /// y / o n e // everyone / / $ f o r . t h / e / h o em . // l es s / $ h o m el es s $ / / a n d / / / . / i f y o u / / a r e / w elt h / $ y. welcome /// B u t / / a l s o / $ J u // s t/ a l $the. normal // p eo / a s p l e /


cd oi an gc re ap m t s

homework? yeah, let's totally meet somewhere. wow. this place is noisy

c l i ent t y p es


i would like our project team to meet at 2 - let’s meet outside the office?

can i join? no outlets... heck, i don’t even drink coffee. let’s go somewhere else.

you come to this place often? :D

beat it


hm... where should we sit!

has anyone seen billy? you all are too crazy to take anywhere!

where would you kids like to go today?

meet for coffee?? ok sure! <3

engage spaces s tay r o o m s

eXchange rooms

meet rooms

p l at f o r m

green space

s tay s u p p o r t

engage rooms are potentially interchangeable. their relationships are by definition interconnected as the compliment each others functions and schedules

it support office

for civic engagement



puBlic spaces

cafe and bar can potentially be combined or serve similar purposes

green space and plaza space co-exisit to create an atmosphere that is multi-seasonal and can provide c o m f o r t a b l e p u b l i c s p a c e y e a r r o u n d . t o g e t h e r, t h e y serve the people to create the public stage of civic life

plaza space

a stage and home

program 21


engage s p a ce s

The engage spaces are specific spaces on the site that will provide for places of meeting (supported for modern technology by IT resources), places of staying (largely to support the uxuating schedule of the medical professionals), and places of exchange (for temporary create / sell).









fill space


These types of activity interact, compliment, and support each other in a dynamic relationship that considers the 24/7, 365 culture that this project strives to create. By projecting the times in which each client will interact in each space, the program can be shaped spatially to create an environment that is interactive and approachable at all times of the day. Holes in the schedule of one program can be used to support the hole of another program. There is never a moment when the building is not in use.

fill space


Public city spaces are activated by certain activities that gather people together. These catalyst activities may be defined by many different factors. Here, the catalyst activities are inspired largely by the Roman Forums which brought the republic together under the activities of trading, governmental angagement, and various meetings.








fill space

fill space










t, c o m p l imen


purpose: a place to meet in person for various reasons including business, school, or relaxation. IT provided as needed market: specialized for students, business professionals, visiting clients hours: primarily day during or after meal times

s tay

purpose: a place to stay for those without a home. options for those with and without money m a r k e t : g u e s t s o f t h e c i t y, visiting professionals, and the homeless hours: primarily evening and night - may be partially useful during the day for medical

each ot her



purpose: a place to exchange goods and services. this may also include maker space. all of this must be for temporary purposes market: all residents and guests of the city hours: primarily mid-afternoon into evening, and during weekends 12am










t, a n d s upport


spaces i nterac


strategies: provide interior experience with the ability to have exterior views, while providing protection from cold and from elements. there should be options for people to enjoy the exterior conditions as comfortably as possible. capture heat through sun energy

conditions: daylight hours: 9-10 temp: 23°F - 50°F avg snow propability: 1% - 15% precipitation propability: 45% - 50% strategies: engage with the facade in a way that allows light and natural air flow to interact with people in the space, but to be able to become controlled under the variable weather conditions. capture energy from windy conditions


conditions: daylight hours: 9-10 temp: 23°F - 50°F avg snow propability: 15% - 26% precipitation propability: 42% - 46%


St Louis is located in a Humid Subtropical Climate Zone, where it is highly exposed to all four seasons of the year: winter, spring, summer. and autumn. This space will be strategically designed to accomodate for these changes in the climate, accounting for protection from the elements which include: rain, thunderstorms, hail, tornados, excessive sun exposure, low and high temperature swings, high winds, snow, and sleet. Through all times of the year, this space must provide some sort of access to the exterior, and include social elemets that draw people. This may include water features, views, various seating arrangements, and ample vegitation.


The platform is the center stage of the project. These spaces must be open all days of the year, and all times of the day.


platf or m conditions: daylight hours: 9-10 temp: 23°F - 50°F avg snow propability: 1% - 15% precipitation propability: 34% - 42% strategies: as the driest s e a s o n o f t h e y e a r, w e a t h e r conditions are a smaller concern, but clearing the site of falling leaves will be important. this will be a good time of the year to capitalize on views of the city

conditions: daylight hours: 9-10 temp: 23°F - 50°F avg snow probability: 0% - 1% precipitation propability: 35% - 50% strategies: although pricipitation falls during t h e s u m m e r, e a r l y s u m m e r especially has the highest probability of thunderstorms. shading from the heat of the sun will be nessecary






co nd iti on ad ap tiv e s pa ce


pro gram d et a ils

space category







engage spaces

public spaces






green space

open to public - exterior / interior


plaza space

open to public - exterior / interior



primarily for formal meetings



regarding overnight / 1 day stay



spaces for temporary use only



accomodates informal meetings



accomodates informal meetings



accomodates informal meetings


it support

meet room support


stay support

stay room support



scheduling & exchange support



interior goal: to reach 5% total



account for approx. 10-12% total


addiontal boh

f o n t d e s k , b a r, a n d c a f e



primary clients


space area

total area


all public: note use for activists


40,000 sf

40,000 sf


all public: note use for activists


25,000 sf

25,000 sf


students, business, government, clergy


550 sf

5,500 sf


homeless, business, various professional


300 sf

4,500 sf


singles, students, various professional


600 sf

5,400 sf


public: focus on singles, business, clergy


1,400 sf

4,200 sf


public: focus on singles, students


3,500 sf

3,500 sf


public: focus on singles, business, government


2,500 sf

2,500 sf




2,500 sf

2,500 sf




2,500 sf

2,500 sf




4,000 sf

4,000 sf


all public












4,000 sf

4,000 sf


121,200 sf

precedents The following precedents present ground upon which this project has been developed. The Roman Forum presents a platform upon the concept of civic cultivation. the primary concept of this project, where government has created a publically funded space which promotes civic engagement as a part of societal development. It’s Sarah Cafe provides an example of a building which entails urban projection by dissolving the boundary between the public walkway and the privately managed business. The SOHO houses provide program variation by created a variety of spaces that serve a variety of purposes, cultivating a vibrant atmosphere with a variation of types of clients.


c i v i c c u lt i v at i o n

urBan proJection

p r o g r a m va r i at i o n

civic ignorance

u r B a n i s o l at i o n

program singularity


roman f o r um locations

major roman cities


A forum was a public space in ancient roman history, that was the “public square.� Although its primary and original function was to serve as a marketplace, it developed through the years as a public sphere of the democracy, and caried social significance. Political discussions, meetings, and debates would be a few of the many types of public activities that would commence. The most famous of the forums is the Roman Forum located near the Colosseum. Triumphal processions, criminal trials, gladiatorial matches, and various commercial affairs took place in this space. Although at it’s height during the Roman Republic, it slowly became ruins through the middle ages, and today only stands as a monument and legacy to the once powerful empire. The Civic House will serve as a public forum to the city, reaching out into local communities and welcoming visitors from across the world. It will serve as an open forum for business and commerce, and encourage engagement in local policy making and community outreach.

c i v i c c u lt i v at i o n



it’s s ar a ca f e location

Nong Khae District | Saraburi | Thailand


This cafe, designed by Integrated Field, proposed a space where people can experience interior and exterior space simultaeously. Relying on translucent and permeable material or material arrangments, this accomplishes to bring people closer to the exterior. The design goal is to create a simple definition of having coffee in a garden. Completed in January of 2015, the project indoor space sits at 460 sq.m. with an additional 120 sq.m. of outdoor space. In total, there is 980 sq.m. of hardscape and 1060 sq.m. of softscape, providing a variety of opportunieis for seating, and lounging. The Civic House will be designed in a way to be accessible year-round, 24 hours a day. Landscape will be an important element as it provides a comfort and setting for meeting and civically engagement. Public space is layers of engagement, completely accessible.

urBan proJection



soh o h o us e select locations

High Road House | West London Babington House | Somerset Little House Mayfair Soho Farmhouse | Oxfordshire Soho House 76 Dean Street | London Soho House | New York Soho Beach House | Miami Soho House | Toronto Soho House | Chicago Soho House | Berlin Soho House | Istanbul


The SOHO House was founded in London in 1995 to serve as a club for people in the creative industries. Members are nominated by existing members, and given different membership types. Around the world are SOHO Houses, Hotels, Gyms, Pools, Spas, Workspaces, and Restaurants. These facilities serve primarily upper class and wealthier clients. The Civic House, although primarily public, has services that can be paid for - services that help sustain the structure ďŹ nancially. This includes IT support, and hospitallity support. The engage rooms can be rented as meeting spaces (with IT support), hopsitality rooms, or retail spaces - primarily for the weekends.

p r o g r a m va r i at i o n



site selection regional mapping focus districts final site

back alley, off n euclid and lindell

The following maps and diagrams document a process of site selection that includes three scales of investigation. The first scale region, focusi districts, and to determine 3

explores the general ng on 6 potential analyzing conditions focus districts.

This second scale looks at focus districts in greater considering amenities, to transportation, and p ro g r a m s o f s i m i l a r i t y. E a c h focus districts have been vis photographed.

these 3 detail, access existing of these ited and

By analyzing the sites based on the conditions that are mapped and observed, a final district is chosen as a host district for the site. The individual site was selected through the process of visiting the potential sites, investigating the neighborhood statistics, and analyzing the qualities of space.

pri m ary o p p o r t u nit ies potential focus districts public parks major employers secondary education various public institutions metro loop trolley (2016)

2500 feet

walking distance

*primary opportunities are defined as major client and financial contributors to the potential site

regional mapping


sec on da r y o p p o r t unit ies potential focus districts commerical single-family residential multi-family residential

*secondary opportunities are defined as minor client and financial contributors that become important through its general mass

regional mapping


dem ogr a p hics potential focus districts white black asian other

regional mapping


nigh t l i f e m a p potential focus districts nightlife clusters

regional mapping


del mar bio

The Delmar Loop is an entertainment, cultural and restaurant district in University City, Missouri and the adjoining western edge of St. Louis, Missouri. Many of its attractions are located in the streetcar suburb of University City, but the area is expanding eastward into the Skinker-Debaliviere Neighborhood of the City of St. Louis proper. In 2007, the American Planning Association named the Delmar Loop “One of the 10 Great Streets in America.


Joe Edwards, Businessman and Developer “The Duke of Delmar” *contact info unknown*



d ist r ic ts boun dary p ar ks


map key



123 total businesses 10 music and nightlife venues 50 food and drinks 1 hotel 5 attractions and galleries 9 salon and tattoo 39 shopping

p ot ential site s



most ac tiv e spac e s


rout e 1 (2/ 18 / 2 01 6) cafes

*statistics collected by neighborhood website and geo st. louis





focus districts



gra n d c ent er bio

Grand Center is a unique cultural and historical treasure, located in the heart of St Louis. More than 1.5 million people visit Grand Center each year, coming for Broadway musicals, jazz music, contemporary art, cabaret shows, the symphony, the circus, films, festivals, and much more. An eclectic choice of restaurants and a variety of living and education options further enhance the creative energy of Grand Center and St. Louis overall.


Karin M. Hagaman President and CEO, Grand Center, Inc. *contact info unknown*



d ist r ic ts boun dary p ar ks


map key




1.5 million visitors yearly 7 elementary and high schools 1500+ cultural events yearly 0 vacant buildings 77 vacant parcels 121 single family units 34 two family units 55 multi-family units 3 industrial units

p ot ential site s



most ac tiv e spac e s rout e 1 (2/ 18 / 2 01 6) cafes *statistics collected by neighborhood website and geo st. louis




focus districts



c en tr al w e s t e nd bio

The Central West End is an affluent neighborhood in St. Louis, Missouri, stretching from Midtown’s western edge to Union Boulevard and bordering on Forest Park with its outstanding array of free cultural institutions.


Kate Haher, Executive Director CWE North Community Improvement District 314-305-4012


map key


d ist r ic ts boun dary p ar ks



125+ public shops, restaurants, galleries 4 elementary and high schools 5 higher education schools 0 vacant buildings 255 vacant parcels 1281 single family units 82 two family units 547 multi-family units 152 industrial units

p ot ential site s



most ac tiv e spac e s rout e 1 (2/ 18 / 2 01 6) cafes fi n al s ite

*statistics collected by neighborhood website and geo st. louis






focus districts




ice a cces s all ey



f or es t pa r k


st regis condominiums

w p ine

f o r es t pa r k


park frontenac

k ampai sus

del apa

kindred hospital

shi Bar

l coronado artments

miXed-use development


ell b lvd

pl a z a dental

site = 110,000 sf 2.5 acres

holiday inn

n e u c li d a ve


st louis liBrary


final site - cwe

suBway walgreens pharmacy

park l ane apartments

whole foods (under construction)

site = 110, 2.5

south plot






final site - cwe

lind north plot

ell b lvd







,000 sf acres




maXimum site slope

final site


highest point of site 3’


median level @ north plot


a lt e r n at e c o n d i t i o n

street level


site, view from n euclid facing west

developement strategies elements massing

n euclid street, facing south

The site is analyzed to approriate four strategies to implement in the design process, including to capitalize views, connect to access, innovate with materials, and increase d e n s i t y. I n a d d i t i o n t o t h e s t r a t e g y, t h re e elements of the design are expounded upon for clarification and direction of the project: the landscape, g e o m e t r y, a n d b e a u t y. F i n a l l y, t h e s t r a t e g i e s a n d e l e m e n t s , along with previous considerations of the site conditions and future program, are woven together to create three general massing proposals for the project - to be a home and platform for the people.

c api t al i z e v iew s One of the most significant moments on the site is the access to views of the city. Although the site itself does not have a strong slope, the nearby topography to the south slowly drops to allow for expansive views of the medical district of Central West End. In preparing the design of the project, views both from and to the building should be taken into consideration. sec o nd ar y vi ew s


5’ el ev at io n d ro p

sec o nd ar y vi ew s

primary view


c onn e c t t o a cces s Centrally located in a growing urban center, this site has multiple routes of access, including bus lines, a mearby metro (connecting directly to Lambert - St Louis International Airport), a high level of walkability, a newly instituted Uber service, and estabilshed bike routes (Great Rivers Greenway). Metro bus lines directly adjacent to the site include line 13 and line 10, which can take riders to North St Louis, Grand Center, SLU, Cortex, and Downtown. Other nearby routes include 1, 18, 42, and 95. A metro stop, with access to both the Red and Blue lines, is located only .45 miles to the south. These lines go directly into Downtown, SLU, Metro East, Manchester, and Lambert Airport. Current parking in the vicinity is currently overly relied upon, although public transportation is readily available. Although this project is depleting 2.5 acres of parking, new parking is currently under construction on the adjacent site, and future innovation in transportation will account for further urbanization and expectations of residents. p ar king met ro stop dedic ate d bik e l a ne metro bu s line s


c at e

d Bik e la






n e u c li d a ve

B ik e l a n e


metro stop .45mi


inn o v ate w i t h m a t er ia ls sto ne detailing

The materials in the vicinity are primarily red brick, stone, and concrete. Historically, red brick is significnt to St Louis, as many immigrant workers arrived in the 1800’s to work at highquality clay mines. Today, the tradition of red brick is carried on, but is less impressive in craft - as can be seen on the St Louis Public Library on Lindell.

c o nt em po rar y r ed B ri c k Brick with c o nc r et e detai l st o ne i ns et

People appreciate something that relates as an object of ownership. If the building can be “owned� and loved by the people, then it will be maintained by the people.

m at e r i a l i n n o vat i o n

While mainstream contemporary construction has moved toward function > form, this project recognizes the importance of aesthetic pleasure, while maintaining the value of inetegrated systems of architecture. There should be ways to innovate and be creative with materials that respects the existing traditions in a neighborhood - even maintaining an excitment of pure form without system-related function.

c o nt em po rar y r ed B r ic k

Most of the buildings in this neighborhood are built from or carry this tradition, often with intricate stone detailing at the base of the building - reminiscent of the classical greek orders. The stone detailing often incudes small enclaves or carved details for asthetic purposes.



ell b lvd



c o ntempo rar y r ed B r ic k

The SHOH House was founded in London in 1995 to serve as a club for people in the creative industries. Members are nominated by existing members, and given different membership types. Around the world are SOHO Houses, Hotels, Gyms, Pools, Spas, Workspaces, and Restaurants. These facilities serve primarily upper class and wealthier clients.

h i st o ri c s t l r ed Br i c k

n e u c li d a ve blvd

pl ast er pas t ed c o nt emp o rar y B ri ck o ver h i s t o ri c B ri ck l ate - a ppl i e d

w p ine

st o ne l andsc ape wall

The Civic House, although primarily public, has services that can be paid for - services that help sustain the structure ďŹ nancially. This includes IT support, and hospitallity support. The engage rooms can be rented as meeting spaces (with IT support), hopsitality rooms, or retail spaces - primarily for the weekends.

inc re as e d e ns it y




In contrast, sites directly to the north and south have been dramatically devloped over the past few decades, leaving this area an open canvas of opportunities.


Although Central West End is a quickly developing neighborhood, there still remains midwestern tendencies to drive. As a result of this, much of this block remains “undeveloped� as parking lots.

w p ine


ice a cces s all ey



n e u c li d a ve


ell b lvd

lan ds c ap e Landscape is one of the most intergal parts of this project. As the hub of the public sphere, it will be intimately integrated with the building in ways that allow it to be useable throughout the four seasons, particularly in the platform space. While the exisiting site is relatively flat, there is earth that can be moved through the site from the mound exisiting on the eastern edge of the site. This earth appears to have been located there anyway, possibly as residual of nearby past projects. Millenium Park (Chicago), and Gas Works (Seattle) are two public parks that have entegrated open landscape into the city. The benefit of open space is that it is highly flexible, and can be used for many purposes from music performace, to sports, to lounging, picnicing, or studying.

millenium park, chicago

In this project, the question becomes how vegetation can become a year-round experience.

gas works, seattle




g in te







lan gu ag e The building geometry needs to function in such a way that it projects itself into the site, and into the neighborhood, while maintaining a respect for the exisiting geometries. Many of the buidlings that currently exist range from 1 - 12 stories, with traditional massing, often containing various forms of a courtyard or variation of the courtyard. Arches are often used on lower floors as an aesthetic function. Archways have been used throughout west history to make note of public spaces, as can be seen in San Marco (Venice), King’s Cross Station (UK), and the New York Public Library (US). In modern architecture, the arch, as a design element, has been largely replaces with the clean edges of coteporary construction. However, there remains intrest from the public to maintain buildings with arches. This project will aim to discover the aestheic function of the arch, as an architectural element with a purpose in the civic sphere. The question then becomes: how does an arch become of the language of contemporary society? Certainly, with the monument of the St Louis Arch, this is an aesthetic that St Louisans will warmly welcome and be familiar with.

san marco, venice

king’s cross station, united kingdom

new york public library, new york



visc e ral q u a lit y Although the experiences that are visceral are difficult to quantify, it is distinguishable in space as a means of setting a mood. St Louis can be considered in relationship with various cities both nationally and internationally, in terms of its current state, and in terms of what can be considered visceral qualities. The diagram shown is a visualization of a thought excercise to gather qualities of spaces together that can be, or may currently be, applicable to the city of St Louis. This diagram is not designed to be factual, but a personal relfection and visualization of the author’s experiences. People will take care of what they treasure the most. If a building is considered beautiful, it will stand the test of time. As our society enters into a period of restoration, it can be seen that the buildings that become restored, are the buildings which have “beautiful,” or visceral qualities to them. This project aims to become a recognizable place in the city - one whose memory is passed and experienced through generations.


san antonio




nat i ona l

s t loui s a u st i n

venice s a n f ra nci s co


chicago s a n a nt o ni o flor ence

toky o s eat t l e

mo vem ent

pu Bl i c

nig h t


Bea u t i f u l


rhy t hm s o u nd

whi t e no i s e

com f orta Ble

d a nc ing

o p en

r o m a nc e

lo ve

no worries lights




r es t i ng fun

Be at

views dr ea mi ng

op t i o n 1 - cent r a lized The centralizes scheme envisions the building as a singular object on the landscape - an object which can be easily identified as a relic within the city. This scheme is not disimmilar to the way in which the Cthedral Basilica of St Louis becomes a relic in its neighborhood.

cent ral iz ed



op t i o n 2 - ca m p us The campus scheme considers the way in which the site can be engaged from multiple entrances, and be engaged throughout as a dynamic relationship between landscape and building form, where users interact with the form as something that can be beside, above, or below them.

cam pus



op t i o n 3 - p er im e t er The perimeter scheme proposes massing which engages the edges of the site, “giving” te building to the neighborhood, and creating open green and plaza space in the center. This scheme is inspired by the italian piazza, where buildings become the “walls” of the negative spaces of the city.

perimet er



lucy and stanley lopata plaza, facing northeast

urban strategy introduction site program

What does it mean to engage with a site, and to intimately know and understand the conditions? Near the end of the process of this book, the author stumbled upon the Lucy and Stanley Loptata Plaza while on an athletic run. The Plaza, commemorating the first Jewish settlement in America, is located on a section of Forest Park which has been isolated by F o re s t P a r k P a r k w a y. T h i s l o c a t i o n is perfectly situated to become a section of forest park that can be re-evaluated for the use of local residents.

f ore s t p a r k co n nec t io ns

Many of the neighborhoods adjacent to Forest Park provide smaller parks to provide for the needs of the local community. However, Central West End is unique in that it provides almost no park space for its residents.

projec t site poor c onn ec tion dec e nt c on ne c ti o n good c onn ec tion


Despite that the park contains so many resources, it is ironically poorly accissible to local communities. Shown on this page is a map of the connection strenth between the boundary of forest park and the local communities. The majority of the park is difficult to access due to wide streets with few pedestrian crossings. Additionally, many of the park’s amenitees are pushed back into the park, while relative “dead space” (untaimed forest and exclusive amenitees such as the golf course) is located along the perimeter.


Opened in June of 1876, forest park opperates as one of the largest urban parks in the United States, and is the result of the St Louis World’s Fair, containing a zoo, art museum, history museum, science center, opera, golf course, vistors center, and various sports fields and courts.


li nd el l

k in g s h ig

h w ay

fores t pa r k

hi gh w ay 64


urb an s i t e In the north eastern corner of Forest Park, a small plot of land has been severed from the rest of the park through the construction of Forest Park Parkway and the Metro Train. Currently, the land is largely undeveloped, containing only the Lucy and Stanley Lopata Plaza. The majority of the site is sparcely places trees, with a few small benches scattered throughout, and does not feel particularly welcoming to residents. Runners will frequently access Forest Park’s running trails by crossing through this plot, connecting over a bridge located above the Metro Line and Forrest Park Parkway.

me tr in ol e

kw ay

c u rren t path way o f a c c es s

ar kp

c iv ic h ou se / pa rk c o nnec ti o n

pa r

park redev e lopment a rea


This project proposes to connect the program of the Civic House and the program of this plot of Forest Park, to reinvision access to the park, and create a dynamic relationship between the symbiotic programs of the two spaces, by using the access alley as a linear relationship. This also requires the creation of a proper walkway at Kingshighway.


Although Central West End lacks open green space for the residents, this land holds opportunity to create this space through better accessiblity and provision of better amenitees.

fo res t park


lucy an d stanley lo pata p l a z a


c i v i c ho use

k in g s h ig

h w ay

w pin e



l u c y an d sta nley lopata p l az a Originally dedicated in 1956, the Lucy and Stanley Plaza commemmorated the first Jewish Settlment in America, located in New Amsterdam. Inscribed on the memorial are references to a celebration of the freedoms within American Culture, including the words: “and none shall make them afraid. For the widow, for the stranger, for the fatherless.” While the call to a just society has been declared on the site, the irony is that the park itself is very inaccessible, not just to the “widow,” “stranger,” or “fatherless,” but to all residents of the park. Instead, this site should be a location of comfort that welcomes residents to become a part of the civic cultivation of the neighborhood.



f or th e l o ca l co m m unit y In considering civic space to be the place in which the city cultivates a sense of culture, it can be easily conveyed that exterior green is optimal for providing a stage for the culture. While the Civic House program is comprised of this function, it will be limited in use by its size - for instance, space in which to “through a frisbee.�


for est par k

the local co mm u nit y

c i vi c h ouse

for ect ro J

While the Forest Park Redevelopment is not an integral part of the Civic House as an individual project, it is an integral part of a larger vision for what the community can use. The local residents do not currently have open green space within walking distance in which to civically engage. The wholeness of a Forest Park Redevelopment and the Civic House project will create a unity of the site that caters specifically for the residents.


space category




forest park restoration

forest park new

alley development




open space

green space maintained for various uses



restore to proper condition



provides service for picnicking / events



covered space for civic events



exterior space for civic events


alley walkway

redesigned for pedestrian use / landscaped


kingshighway crossing

optimized for pedestrian preference


site, facing south toward medical district

conclusion brief bibliography

All design decisions are founded upon the vision. Although there are multiple strategies and elements, they can all be directed through any design type toward the purpose of creating a home and platform for civic engagement. The future of our society depends on our ability to communicate with each other - and to this end, we must be able to communicate person to person, face to face, heart to heart. This is an integral part of educating citizens. This space will be open for civic engagement, all times of the year, and all times of the day and night. This is for the people.




“and the sign said the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls and whispered in the sound of silence� -simon and garfunkel the sound of silence

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sources pp 15: http://www.nytimes.com/ref/college/collegespecial2/ coll_aascu_defi.html pp 20: https://weatherspark.com/averages/31697/St-LouisMissouri-United-States pp 26: http://www.publickhouse.com/sites/default/ files/16%20Meeting%20Room%20Dimensions%20and%20Details.pdf pp 26: http://scholarship.sha.cornell.edu/cgi/viewcontent. cgi?article=1293&context=articles p p 2 8 : h t t p : / / w w w. a r c h d a i l y. c o m / 7 8 0 9 2 8 / s a r a - c a f e - i n t e g r a t ed-field pp 30: https://www.sohohouse.com/houses pp 36-37: GIS Software p p 3 6 - 3 7 : h t t p : / / w w w. s t l t o d a y. c o m / b u s i n e s s / l o c a l / t h e - l i s t of-largest-st-louis-employers/article_c8d3685f-683e-58f9a8e7-6b2c32dddffb.html pp 38-39: GIS Software pp 40-41: GIS Software p p 4 0 - 4 1 : h t t p : / / d e m o g r a p h i c s . c o o p e r c e n t e r. o r g / D o t M a p / pp 42-43: GIS Software pp 44-45: http://visittheloop.com/ p p 4 6 - 4 7 : h t t p : / / w w w. g r a n d c e n t e r. o r g / pp 46-47: http://dynamic.stlouis-mo.gov/citydata/newdes i g n / s t a t s s e l e c t o r. c f m ? t y p e = d a t a & g e o = n e i g h / pp 48-49: http://cwescene.com/ pp 48-49: http://dynamic.stlouis-mo.gov/citydata/newdes i g n / s t a t s s e l e c t o r. c f m ? t y p e = d a t a & g e o = n e i g h pp 60-61: http://stldotage.blogspot.com/2008/04/why-iseverything-brick.html pp 92-93: https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/parks/parks/Forest-Park.cfm pp 94-95: https://www.gilderlehrman.org/history-by-era/ religion-and-eighteenth-century-revivalism/essays/earlyamerica%E2%80%99s-jewish-settlers


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