2013 October Newsletter

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October 2013

Harvest Hands o confused and aimless they were, like sheep with no shepherd. “What a huge harvest!” he said to his disciples. “How few workers! On your knees and pray for harvest hands!”


I’ve always found these words of Jesus both inspiring and challenging. I know that Jesus was overwhelmed on occasions with compassion for people and never seemed to miss an opportunity to give them good news and the hope of a brand new future. But I am challenged when I think of how little I have done to share my faith by comparison. There may be lots of reasons why, in general terms, the church here in the UK are lax in sharing this message we believe in so much – but one of them would NOT be lack of opportunity. I went fishing for a day recently and was sat around a beautiful lake. But the scenery was enhanced even further as I looked across the lake and saw

a recently ploughed field with the bales of hay waiting to be collected. I imagine it may be a

similar scene that Jesus saw that prompted him to use the metaphor as he sought to urge his disciples to get out there among lost people and be available as ‘harvest hands’. There is a danger for us as a church that we can get very comfortable with how meaningful church is for us and let slip the importance of what church should be for the people we live among. Jesus was trying to convince his disciples that there is great opportunity because there is great need and I suppose that has to be the place where we start too. It’s too easy to allow our lack of confidence

to hold us back from seeing the opportunities to share what is REALLY good news – Jesus loves the world, came to save the world and give a whole new future to all who will believe in him and put their trust in him. As farmers around the country gather the final fruits from their field I pray that you and I will be reminded of the call to be available as those who can help the Father ‘bring in’ the lives of many lost people. Those lost people are your family and my family, our neighbours, friends, and work colleagues. We certainly need to pray for the empowering of the Holy Spirit to seize those opportunities to talk to those who haven’t discovered how truly amazing

our God is. To allow the joy he brings to our lives to emphasize the significance of his message of love and life. There are many people in our city who need Jesus, and many who probably would love someone to simply explain what he has done for them. We do not need to have theological degrees or pastoral qualifications all we need is a love for lost people and willingness to show them Jesus. Let’s pray together that we will see a great harvest in our city, but lets also pray that it will be our hands that God uses to bring it in.



his month we have scheduled a water baptism service for anyone who is a Christian and has not yet made this public confession of their faith. Water Baptism is a very important occasion for every believer as it signifies some important truths and values:

The Purpose of Baptism Water Baptism identifies the believer with the Godhead – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19 Water Baptism identifies the believer with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. “When you came to Christ, you were "circumcised," but not by a physical procedure. It was a spiritual procedure--the cutting away of your sinful nature. For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with him you were raised to a new life because you trusted the mighty power of

WATER BAPTISM SERVICE Sunday 20th October 6.30pm God, who raised Christ from the dead.”Colossians 2:11-12

Baptism Preparation Classes Wednesday 9th & 16th October, 7.30pm at the church If you would like to be part of this month’s service or simply find out more about the subject of Water Baptism, you are invited to two special preparation classes. These are designed to explain the biblical basis for baptism for the believer and outline the practical aspects of what is involved in the service. Please leave your name and contact number at reception.

GUEST SPEAKERS Geoff Feasey Sunday 20th October 9/11.15am Geoff Feasey has recently retired as an Elim Minister, having lead a number of churches and also served as a Regional Leader and member of Elim’s National Leadership Team for 25 years. He is a an inspirational author, renowned speaker and a great communicator of the Word. We look forward to his visit along with his wife Carole later this month in both of our morning services.

Lori Lawlor Sunday 27th October 6.30pm Lori Lawlor is the daughter of John Arnott who is the founding Pastor of Catch The Fire (formerly TACF) in Toronto. She has been ministering in England for about eight years, and is currently the Pastor of Haven Church in Hall Green. She carries a prophetic edge to her ministry and has a deep desire to see people experience the love and freedom of the Father. We encourage you to come along and be open to all that God would want to impart into our church on this evening.

COME ALONG AND IGNITE LIVE Sunday 6th October 6.30pm Our monthly youth style evening of worship at the church For those aged 11+.

LIFE STUDIES Sunday 6th October 6.30pm This month Arthur will be concluding the study from the book of James. Meeting at the Centre.

CHRISTIANITY EXPLORED Wednesdays 7.30pm @ The Church The team will meet each Wednesday evening looking at the Gospel of Mark in this 7 week exploration of the Christian faith. Great for those new to the faith or those seeking answers.

DNA for new Christians Wednesdays 7.15pm @ The Life House This is a newly established discipleship group for those who have recently come to the faith. Meeting each Wednesday.

LIFE GROUPS We have a wide range of small home groups that meet each week for mutual encouragement and fellowship. Pick up a leaflet for details.

GET INVOLVED‌ ACT FOR JUSTICE Wednesday 9th October 7.30pm Supporting the work of Hope for Justice, an anti-human trafficking group. Meeting in the City Room upstairs in the church.

HEALING ON THE STREETS Saturday 12th October 10.30am-12pm on Northfield High Street A monthly street prayer ministry for those who are in need of healing.

WHOLEHEARTED LADIES Thursday 17th October 7.30pm @ The Centre A monthly Life Group for ladies for bible teaching and encouragement.

PRIVILEGED Thursday 17th October 7pm @ The Church A monthly discipleship group for girls aged 11-18.

PRIME TIME Thursday 10th October 2-4pm @ The Church A monthly fellowship group for those aged 60+

OASIS COFFEE SHOP Tuesdays 10am-2pm @ The Life House A relaxed coffee shop with homemade snacks and refreshments, especially for those aged 50+.

October 2013 7 7pm Intercessors (CH) 7.15pm Worship Team (CH)

14 7pm Interce 7.15pm Wor (CH)

1 10am Oasis Coffee Shop (LH) 10.30am Morning Life Group 7.30pm Life Groups

8 10am Oasis Coffee Shop (LH) 10.30am Morning Life Group 7.30pm Life Groups

15 10am Oasis C (LH) 10.30am Mo Group 7.30pm Life

2 9.30am Cosy Toes (CE) 7.15pm DNA Life Group (LH) 7.30pm Christianity Explored (CH)

9 9.30am Cosy Toes (CE) 7.15pm DNA (LH) 7.30pm Christianity Ex (CH) 7.00pm Core 7.30pm Act For Justice (CH) 10 10am Job Club (LH) 11am Drop-In (CE) 1.30pm CAMEO (CH) 2.00pm Primetime (CH)

16 9.30am Cosy 7.15pm DNA 7.30pm Chri Explored (CH

4 6.30am Morning Prayer (CH) 9.30am Cosy Toes (CE) 6pm Kidzone (CE) 8pm Youth Club (CE)

11 6.30am Morning Prayer (CH) 9.30am Cosy Toes (CE) 6pm Kidzone (CE) 8pm Youth Club (CE)

18 6.30am Mor (CH) 9.30am Cosy 6pm Kidzon 8pm Youth C


12 10.30am Healing on the Streets (Northfield)

19 9.30am Insp

6 9/11.15am Morning Worship 6.30pm Ignite Live (CH) 6.30pm Life Studies (CE)

13 9/11.15am Morning Worship 6.30pm Birmingham Community Gospel Choir

20 9/11.15am M Worship 6.30pm Wat Service






3 10am Job Club (LH) 11am Drop-In (CE) 1.30pm CAMEO (CH)



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21 7pm Intercessors (CH) 7.15pm Worship Team (CH)


22 10am Oasis Coffee Shop (LH) 10.30am Morning Life Group 7.30pm Life Groups


23 9.30am Cosy Toes (CE) 7.15pm DNA (LH) 7.30pm Christianity Explored (CH) 7.00pm Core


24 10am Job Club (LH) 11am Drop-In (CE) 1.30pm CAMEO (CH)


25 6.30am Morning Prayer (CH) 9.30am Cosy Toes (CE) 6pm Kidzone (CE) 8pm Youth Club (CE) 26

pire event (CH)


ter Baptismal


essors (CH) rship Team

If you would like more information about our church programme, please pick up a Welcome Booklet from one of our leaders at the end of the service. You can also visit our website: www.christianlife centre.com CH: Church CE: Centre LH: Life House

27 9/11.15am Harvest Sunday 6pm Ministry Team Prayer 6.30pm Evening Service

INSPIRE EDUCATION LIFE GROUP Saturday 19th October The Inspire Education Life Group are inviting Robert Hall, Director, of the Association of Christian Teachers to talk to us about 'Every Teacher Matters' on Saturday 19 October 2013 at the church. The purpose behind the Association of Christian Teachers is to encourage Christians who work in education, by fellowship and literature, to live out their spiritual calling in the context of their professional lives. “every good tree bears good fruit, … Thus, by their

fruit you will recognise them.” Matthew 7.17,20. We want to show that relationship with Jesus Christ makes a vital difference in our work place. The event is from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm with a cooked breakfast from 9.45 am. The cost of this event is £3.00 per head on the door (if possible, please bring correct change). If you are interested in coming along to this event, please register your name at reception. If you have any questions about the event, please speak to Pauline Drummond.

KIDS WORKERS PIZZA AND PUDDING EVENING Thursday 10th October, 7.30pm @ The Centre We will be holding a social evening for everyone involved in the children’s work at CLC. This will be a time of getting to know each other, and also a time for getting all CRB checks up to date. (Anyone who hasn’t completed a check with us, please bring your ID and proof of address.) Please contact Sue if you are unsure what to bring for this process, and also to let her know if you will be attending the evening, so we know how much pizza to order. There is no charge for this.

momentum (Just4guys) Please see Frank Gray about any of our Men’s events.

October 17th (Thursday) at 7.30pm Skittle evening at The Fountain Clent. £11 per person to include one course meal (£5 deposit required ASAP)

November 14th (Thursday) at 7.30pm Ten Pin Bowling followed by a curry (Details to follow)

December 19th (Thursday) at 7.30pm Christmas meal at The Gate, Bournheath. £16 per head (Deposit £5.00 ASAP) Please note these events are subject to getting the numbers early and so names and deposits are very important to ensure the events go ahead.

Big mountains this way

IN THE FAMILY WAY So now you Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens along with all of God's holy people. You are members of God's family. Ephesians 2:19


Brian & Eula’s Wedding Saturday 5th October 2pm @ The Church We are delighted to announce the lovely news of Brian Harbun and Eula Green’s forthcoming marriage here at CLC on Saturday 5th October at 2pm. All are very welcome to join in the ceremony. From all at CLC we wish them both a very happy future married life together.

Ivan and Zena Hollins along with their children Olivia and Archie have been very significantly involved in the life of CLC for many years; Ivan as one of our church Elders and Children’s workers, and Zena in leading the Act for Justice Support Group. They have recently made the decision to move to Cambridge to be nearer to family and they will be leaving us at the end of this month. We are extremely grateful for the love and devotion that they have demonstrated in our church family and they will be missed considerably. Please pray for them as they undertake the move and transition into this new season as a family.

Thursday 26th Sep

Girls Ministry

Thursday 17th Oct Thursday 21st Nov

Youth and young adults

Privileged. She will rejoice

Harvest Sunday 27th October Remember us this Harvest Think of us this Harvest time as we stock our food bank for winter as we reach out to support families in need and vulnerable adults in our community. Help us by donating the following non-perishable items: Pasta, Rice & Noodles Tined Sauces Tinned meat & fish Tined fruit & vegetables Soups

Tea & Coffee Sugar Cereal Crackers, biscuits & crisps Toiletries

Together we can bring Change.

BIRMINGHAM COMMUNITY GOSPEL CHOIR Sunday 13th October 6.30pm Maxine Brooks has been directing the Birmingham Community Gospel Choir since its conception in June 2005, and has been successful in shaping the choir sound and style that it is known for today. Under her leadership they are currently in the process of recording and producing their first CD.

The choir members are a special group of people who are dedicated to producing quality gospel music that is recognized among well known artists. Each performance is memorable and the choir is becoming increasingly popular with each event. The evening is sure to be appealing to people from all walks of life and a great opportunity to invite a friend!

An evening of fabulous Gospel music from the Birmingham Community Gospel Choir. Not to be missed!

YOUNG ADULTS MINISTRY Dave Grogan has recently been appointed our new Young Adults Leader. He will be leading a small group each Tuesday evening at Costa’s in Longbridge (by the new Sainsbury’s store) from 7.30pm. The group is open to anyone aged 18-25(ish). If you are a student and new to CLC, you would be really welcome to join in and get to know others of a similar age. Please give Dave a call for more details: 0750 744 2469.

The Gathering is fast approaching. We are now taking names to book into the event. The cost for the weekend, including entrance to The Gathering, transport, accommodation and breakfast is approximately £60 per person. We are exploring ways to fund raise to cut down this cost – more details will emerge soon. All information and booking forms are online at www.christianlifecentre.com. If you would like to contribute towards the cost of travel, and if you need more information regarding The Gathering please speak to Mark.

REVIVAL ALLIANCE November 7-9th NEW BINGLEY HALL, 1 Hockley Circus, Hockley, Birmingham, B18 5PP Revival Alliance is a group of ministries, committed to friendship and unity. All of the speakers, and Christian ministries they represent, are passionate about loving Jesus, declaring the Father’s love, embracing God’s manifest presence, and releasing anointing for signs and wonders and evangelism to the world. The hosts for the two day conference are John & Carol Arnott, with speakers: Heidi Baker, Danny Silk, Georgian Banov, David Campbell and worship led by Martin Smith. To register or for all enquiries and further information, contact: info:revivalalliance.co.uk or call 0121 430 2800

Sunday Services 9:00am

Worship Service including communion and a Children’s programme


Celebration Service including a Youth and Children’s programme


Consecrate Service including prayer ministry

Would you like us to pray for you? For healing, your relationships, your finances, your work God cares ... and so do we ... Please use the prayer box in the foyer or email us with your prayer requests to: prayerneeds@christianlifecentre.com

Church: At the junction of Bristol Road & Langleys Road 900 Bristol Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6HW Offices: 2-6 Frederick Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6PB Tel: 0121 471 3677

If you are a visitor with us today, we extend a very special welcome to you. Please take a moment of your time to see one of the welcome leaders at the end of the service. We would like to give you a Welcome Booklet which contains information about our programme, and a gift to say thank you for being with us!


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