B r i n g i n g
SUMMER| 2012
lifelines life centre
H o p e
t o
B i r m i n g h a m
a n d
B e y o n d
PASTOR’S BLOG On 27th July the London Olympics will begin with a spectacular show at the new Olympic Stadium in East London. Thousands of athletes from all over the world will compete in a vast range of events that will produce some obvious and some surprising champions. As the gold medal winners take their place on the top step of the podium you could forgive them for thinking that they are actually on top of the world. Years of hard work, sacrifice, training and planning will have culminated in a moment of glory that will live with them for the rest of their lives. And I for one will not deny them such a moment because their focus and determination will have earned them the right to celebrate something most of us will never experience. Or will we? Why do the New Testament writers (particularly Paul) use this very kind of imagery when he talks about living a life of faith. On a number of occasions they talk about races and use athletic metaphors to describe what it takes to succeed as one of Jesus’ followers. The most famous of these is undoubtedly Hebrews 12:1-3. Throughout the summer in our evening meetings we are going to explore this imagery and
theme together. But just for now let’s remind ourselves of one important part of what every Olympic competition needs to make it so special…. Hebrews 12:1 (NLT) Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith…. The crowd add atmosphere to the event. Their cheers and jeers are what every athlete has to be able to deal with. And it’s no different for us. Our lives are being lived in the glare of public opinion and many a believer can crumble under that apparent pressure whilst others use such obvious scrutiny to their advantage. As we live, our focus, discipline and maturity is easier to see than we imagine. It allows people to make a judgment not only on the validity of who we say we are but also the relevance of how we say we live. That is why the most important part of this passage in Hebrews reminds us we must….fix our eyes on Jesus…and not allow the crowd be a distraction to our determination in living the life of faith just as Jesus did.
1. Cheered on 2. Strip down, start running 3. Staying not Straying 4. Eyes fixed on the prize 5. Finishing Strong Throughout the summer, our evening services will be one hour with time for refreshments and fellowship. We will be following a summer series from the book of Hebrews: The Race of Faith.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. -H E B R E W S 1 2 : 1 - 3 -
JULY LIFEGROUPS Our Life Groups are designed to promote Kingdom community, where life is lived together in mutual encouragement and prayer support for one another. We encourage you if you are not already connected with a Life Group to pick up a leaflet from the foyer, and find a group to suit you. There is something for everyone! Please speak to Pastor Emmanuel if you would like any help or advice.
IGNITE LIVE Sunday 1st July 6.30pm @ The Church Our monthly youth event, Ignite Live returns for the last time before it’s close for the summer break. Tony will be preaching and the Ignite band will be leading the worship. It’d be silly to miss it!
IGNITE: Infuse IMPORTANT NOTICE: Life Groups will finish for the summer on July 17th. They will begin again on September 18th.
LIFE GROUP LEADERS MEETING Tuesday September 11th 7.30pm @ The Lifehouse Life Group leaders please note there will be a meeting with Emmanuel to talk about plans for the coming year.
Monday 23rd July - Friday 28th July Malvern 3 Counties Showground Every year members of our youth hook up to go to our regional Elim youth camp Infuse. This year we have booked a coach and 40 places are available. The cost for the week is £125 per person. Please register and book in online at or for more information please visit or see Tony.
Sunday 1st July 6.30pm @ The Centre
Saturday 14th July 10.30am – 12pm @ The Lifehouse
Come along to our monthly bible study where Pastor Emmanuel will bring his second instalment of his study on Angels.
Inspire Life Group is designed for all those who work in the Education sector in any capacity. Please speak to Pauline Drummond for more information.
EVANGELISM BOOT CAMP Wednesdays 5th/11/18th July 7.30pm @ The Church Join Mark Greenwood as he continues his 4 part series on Evangelism. No matter what your experience of Evangelism is, this course is designed to help and equip you.
JUST FOR BLOKES Thursday 6th July 7.30pm @ The Life House This is our monthly get together just for the men. These evenings include topical discussions and Bible study. Please speak to Paul Nicholls for details about the Men’s ministry: 07500 905 661
HEALING ON THE STREETS Saturday 14th July & Saturday 11th August 10.30am – 12pm Outside Northfield Post office We have been greatly encouraged to see our team growing as we go out onto the streets of Northfield each month. We offer to pray for those who are sick and in need of healing in their lives If you would like to know more about this ministry, please speak to Pastor Emmanuel.
6.30AM - MORNING PRAYER 11.00AM-PRAYER & COMMUNION 2PM-THANKSGIVING & PRAYER 7.30PM-CELEBRATION SERVICE “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 PRAYER FOLLOW UP WORKERS Sunday 29th July//Sunday 26th August Please be reminded that we meet to pray before the evening service at 6pm on the last Sunday of each month in the city room. Thanks - Emmanuel FRIDAY NIGHT PRAYER Every Friday night from 7pm our young adults meet at the Lifehouse to pray together until 8pm whereupon the Prayer Intercession team take over. Please feel free to join us at either or both of these prayer sessions. For more information see Dave Grogan. PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY Saturday 28th July//Saturday 25th August Join us as we pray for families on the last Saturday of the month from 5pm6.30pm in the Lifehouse. If you are interested or have any queries please see Joyce Sule.
INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SUNDAY JULY 15th 9am & 11.15am This is our annual celebration of our international church. Our morning together will include lots of contributions from young and old to celebrate the rich diversity of each nation worshipping together as one family in the love and unity of the Spirit.
TONY & CARLA FAREWELL SERVICE Sunday 22nd July 6.30pm @ The Church Tony and Carla’s farewell service will take place on Sunday 22nd July at 6.30pm. This evening will provide an opportunity to express our gratitude to Carla & Tony for their ministry at CLC, and allow to pray for them as they move to Swansea to take up positions in the Elim church there.
JULY Monday
2 7pm Intercessors (CH) 7.15pm Worship Team (CH)
9 7pm Interces 7.15pm Wors (CH)
3 10am-2pm Oasis Coffee Shop (D3LH) 10.30am Lifegroup (CH) 7.30pm Life Groups
10 10am-2pm Oa Shop (D3LH) 10.30am Lifeg 7.30pm Life G
4 9.30am Cosy Toes (CE) 7.00pm Ignite Core (CE) 7.30pm Evangelism Bootcamp (CH)
11 9.30am Cosy 7.00pm Ignite 7.30pm Evan Bootcamp (C
5 11am The Drop-In (CE) 12.45pm Cameo International Ladies 7.30pmJust for Blokes
12 11am The Dro 12.45pm Cam International
6 HOUSE OF PRAYER 6.30am Morning Prayer (CH) 6.30-8pm Young Adults Prayer (LH) 6pm Kidzone (CE) 8pm Ignite Cafe(CE)
13 6.30am Morni (CH) 6.30-8pm You Prayer (LH) 6pm Kidzone 8pm Ignite Ca
14 10am - 12pm life group (LH 10.30am Heal streets
8 9/11.15am Morning Worship with communion @ 9am (CH)
15 9/11.15am Int Celebration (C 6.30pm The Service (CH)
CH: Church CE: Centre LH: Lifehouse
1 9/11.15am Morning Worship with communion @ 9am (CH) 6.30pm Ignite / Life Studies (CH)
6.30pm The Evening Service (CH)
16 7pm Intercessors (CH) 7.15pm Worship Team (CH)
group (CH) Groups
17 10am-2pm Oasis Coffee Shop (D3LH) 10.30am Lifegroup (CH) 7.30pm Life Groups
24 31 10am-2pm Oasis Coffee Shop (D3LH) - Concludes for summer
Toes (CE) e Core (CE) ngelism CH)
18 9.30am Cosy Toes (CE) 7.00pm Ignite Core (CE) 7.30pm Evangelism Bootcamp (CH)
25 6pm Single Parents Lifegroup
ssors (CH) ship Team
asis Coffee
op-In (CE) meo Ladies
ing Prayer
ung Adults
19 11am The Drop-In (CE) 12.45pm Cameo International Ladies
26 11am The Drop-In (CE) 7.30pm Emerging Leaders (LH)
20 6.30am Morning Prayer (CH) 6pm Kidzone (CE) 6.30-8pm Young Adults
27 6.30am Morning Prayer (CH) 6.30-8pm Young Adults
AUGUST Sat 11 Healing on the Streets (See Note) Thurs 16 Prime Time Coach trip to Chester (See next page) Wed 29 Single Parents Life Group (LH)
e (CE) afe(CE)
Thurs 30 Wholehearted Ladies Life Group Social 7.30pm (CE)
Education H) ling on the
ternational CH) Evening
22 9/11.15am Morning Worship with communion @ 9am (CH) 6.30pm Tony & Carla farewell service (CH)
29 9/11.15am Morning Worship with communion @ 9am (CH) 6.30pm The Evening Service with communion (CH)
Do you have an interest in digital cameras and photography and would like to meet others in the Church for discussions, questions and trips out? If so, please see Vic Nicholls or email:
Wednesday 29th August 6pm7.30pm @ The Lifehouse
WHOLEHEARTED WOMEN’S MEAL Thursday 30th August 7pm @ The Centre The Wholehearted Women's Life Group would like to invite women aged 30 to 50 yrs to an informal chinese buffet evening at the centre. The cost is £5 per lady. Please leave names and payment in reception . We would love to see you there!
The Single Parent Life Group is for single parents of either gender. For more information please see Elizabeth Jones.
Many Thanks... I would just like to express my gratitude by saying a very HUGE THANK YOU to all of you who have supported me during my year at Regents Theological College. It has been an amazing year which flew by quickly. So thank you for all your prayers, words of encouragement, practical help and provision and love. It is appreciated and valued. Lynette.
WALK 4 JUSTICE: MONDAY 27TH AUGUST A sponsored relay walk across the length of our city. Following the A38 route, we will walk the 15 miles from Tyburn to Rubery in 3 mile portions. Our aims are: 1. To raise awareness of the need to act against trafficking. 2. To raise funds for ‘Hope for Justice’. 3. To pray for an end to trafficking in our city.
∙ Can you walk a minimum of 3 miles? (or more) ∙ Can you raise £50 in sponsorship from friends and family? ∙ Do you want to be part of a support team for the event? If you would like to be part of this fundraising event, either as a walker or part of the support team, please either email or telephone the church office and we will send you an information pack, which includes a sponsorship form. Email: / Tel: 0121 471 3677 ext 2 ‘He has shown you , O mortal what is good. To act justly, love mercy and walk humbly’ -MICAH6:8-
PRIMETIME Summer Coach trip to Chester Thursday 16th August There will be no Primetime programme in July but we will be having a trip in August. Our Summer trip takes us to Chester on Thursday 16th August, cost £12.50. The coach leaves church at 9.30 am and departs from Chester at 17.30 pm. The journey takes approximately 2 hours. There is lots of interest to see and do in this picturesque town. Please see Lorna Brown for more details.
SEPTEMBER PROPHETIC ACTIVATION WORKSHOP Saturday 1st September 9.30am-12.30pm @ The Church On the first weekend of September we celebrate 30 years of CLC. We have invited our great friends Simon & Jane Foster to be with us. Simon was Assistant Pastor here at CLC from 1995-2001 and is Senior Pastor at the Elim Church in Bristol.
SIMON FOSTER Sunday 2nd September 9.00am, 11.15am & 6.30pm @ The Church Sunday 2nd September: 9.00am & 11.15am Simon will be ministering in both the morning meetings. Sunday 2nd September: 6.30pm FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION Our evening will be focussed on releasing the power of a new generation as our young people and young adults take a lead alongside Simon as he ministers among us.
SWAZILAND CHILDREN'S CHOIR Saturday 8th September @ 7.00pm & Sunday 9th September 9/11.15am @ The Church We are really excited to be welcoming this choir from Swaziland. We have supported Challenge Ministries in Swaziland for many years and will have the opportunity to meet some of the many children and young people whose lives have been saved from the awful effects of AIDS and HIV.
Sponsor a Swazi child with a monthly donation of £22. You will have the opportunity to develop a relationship with a sponsored child by receiving letters and periodic updates on their progress. Please speak to a member of the missions team in the foyer.
NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER Saturday 29th September @ Wembley Stadium A day for Christians from across the UK to gather at our national stadium to worship, pray and receive impartation from the Holy Spirit. A time to stand as a church together and believe to see Gods kingdom come in our land. We have booked a coach and have 42 places available. The cost of the day is £20 which includes travel and entrance to the event. The coach will leave CLC at 8.30am and arrive back at approximately 9.30pm. There are LIMITED PLACES and booking is secured only with full payment on a FIRST COME FIRST SERVED basis. Please hand payment in an envelope with your full name on it to reception. Cheques payable to CLC, and ‘National Day of Prayer’.
M o n 3 r d -F r i 7 t h S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 2 Following the summer break we will commence the month of September with a week of Prayer & Fasting. All of our groups and activities will remain closed for this week as we make a priority of seeking God for His heart and direction for us as a church. The church will be open from 9am-9pm everyday and for special corporate prayer at the following times:
Amanda Holland
Dave Grogan
Over the next 12 months we have some of our young people involved in our new ‘Intern programme’ which will give them opportunity to learn more about life and ministry within the local church. Please pray and show support for them during this time.
Starts 26th September 7:30pm @ The Church Christianity explored gives people time and space to think about the big questions of life and explore the life and person at the heart of the Christian faith, Jesus Christ. Over 7 weeks, guests journey through the gospel of Mark exploring the identity, mission and call of Jesus - who he is, why he came and what it means to follow him. There is plenty of time to ask questions and discuss the claims of Jesus and their implications for our lives Please look out for invitations coming in the next few weeks.
christianlifecentre Sunday Services 9:00am Worship Service including communion and a Children’s programme 11:15am Celebration Service including Youth & Children’s programme 6:30pm Celebration Service including prayer ministry
At the junction of Bristol Road & Langleys Road 900 Bristol Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6HW
2-6 Frederick Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6PB Ph: 0121 471 3677
Frequent Buses: 11, 61, 63, 76, X62 & X64, or programme your satnav to B29 6HW
Would you like us to pray for you? For healing, your relationships, your finances, your work God cares ... and so do we ... Please email us with your prayer requests to: Or put your your request in the prayer box in the church.