B r i n g i n g
H o p e
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l i f ecentre
B i r m i n g h a m
a n d
B e y o n d
PASTOR’S BLOG This month commemorates our 30th anniversary as a church. There are not too many people in our church now who were part of CLC 30 years ago but each of them are an important part of the foundation that we have built upon. There are lots of things that have changed at CLC over these thirty years but the beauty of our church is that there are some crucial things that have never changed, and it’s those things that I value so much here at Christian Life Centre. Passion for God and for worship has always been a hallmark of CLC. As well as this, for the last three decades, there has been a deep desire to reach lost people, and an excitement when we have seen people turn to Jesus. My experience of CLC has also revealed a willingness to embrace change whenever it has proved important to do so and that is such a great atmosphere in which to lead a church forward.
Over recent years I have received some degree of acknowledgment for the growth of Christian Life Centre, which though nice is not entirely accurate. Because without the passion, enthusiasm, commitment, devotion and serving heart of so many people we might still be plodding away in a hired hall unnoticed. Everything that CLC is today is because of the absolute goodness of God and that reveals another unchanging characteristic of our church – we realise we are nothing, and can do nothing without Him. And it is my intention in the years that are ahead of us that these same qualities will be at the forefront of CLC and the generation that begin to overtake us and lead us forward.
joins our team as an Assistant Pastor. He brings with him not only many years experience as a local church Pastor but also a breadth of knowledge and experience in missions. A key part of Arthur’s role in our church will be pioneering and leading Missional Communities, a fresh strategy for reaching out across our city. Arthur begins his part time role with us from 3rd September and we will hold a welcome service for Arthur into this role on 16th September. joins our team as an Assistant Pastor. For a number of years Mark has been Youth Pastor of the Elim Church in Lancaster as well as working as a Secondary School Teacher teaching History and RE. Mark’s specific area of responsibility will be leading our Youth Ministry and developing the team of leaders already making an impact with our young people. Mark begins his ministry here at CLC with a welcome service on 30th September. has grown up in our church and had worked in a voluntary capacity alongside our church staff team for the last 18 months. He joins our staff team during October as he applies to be a Minister in Training with Elim and will be working alongside our Pastors supporting the work and ministry of CLC with particular responsibility for reaching out to students and young adults as part of our Missional Communities strategy. for some time now has been one of our worship leaders and has helped lead and develop our worship ministry at CLC. From September Mike will be taking a lead with our worship teams as Worship Director, working alongside Pastor Stuart who will bring overall leadership and vision to our worship ministry. Mike will be serving as a key volunteer in this role as he continues his role in the Aviation Logistic Industry Sector.
Arthur Magahy
Mark Savage
Michael Nicholls
Michael Davis
‘Study Leave’ One of the signs of a healthy strong church is often when men and women in the church are called into training for Christian service. Over the years there have been many such times when we have seen young people launch out in these ways. Below are another two of our young men who are going to be spreading their wings and trusting God to lead them on.
Phil Worthington Phil is going to Regents Theological College at the beginning of October to start a three year degree course which includes practical training for ministry. Though Phil won’t be leaving Birmingham it is a step of faith for him and Grace as Phil commutes each day to Malvern and faces the challenge of studying too. If you would like to support Phil financially or be aware of any particular prayer needs please make contact with him for more information.
Matthew has grown up in CLC since moving with Stuart and Amanda to Birmingham as a two year old. We have watched him grow and develop as a worship leader within our youth ministry and then into the adult congregations. Matt is going to Sydney in Australia in January 2013 to begin a one year course in worship and music leadership. If you would like to support Matthew financially or in prayer support please make contact with him for more information.
Matthew Blount
‘REBUILDING THE ALTAR’ Mon 3rd-Fri 7th SEPTEMBER 2012 In the month that we remember God’s faithfulness to us over 30 years as a church, we have chosen to set aside the first week of September to give ourselves fully to the purpose of prayer and realigning our hearts and lives to Him as living sacrifices of worship. For this reason, all other church activities will be cancelled in order that we can be free to enter into the week free from any other church commitments. The church will be open each day from 9am until 9pm. The main hall of the church will be used to bring a constant stream of worship throughout the day and we would encourage you to join with us for any part of the day or evening to express your sacrifice of love and worship as we maintain a constant openness to the Holy Spirit. The upstairs rooms of the church will be available for private/ meditative prayer and times of stillness and reflection upon God’s Word. Each day between 2-3pm we will incorporate a ‘Prayer Walk’ of the local area to pray as we feel led by the Holy Spirit for local issues and to claim the ground for God’s Kingdom purposes. Each day will conclude with a celebration meeting together at 7.30pm.
6 . 3 0 A M - M O R N I N G P R A Y E R (F R I O N L Y) 1 0. 0 0 A M - F L O W O F P R A Y E R A N D W O R S H I P 2PM-PRAYER WALK 7.30PM- EVENING OF PR AYER & WORSHIP
SEPTEMBER LIFE GROUP LEADERS SIMON FOSTER PROPHETIC WORKSHOP MEETING Tuesday September 11th 7.30pm @ The Lifehouse Life Group leaders please note there will be a meeting with Emmanuel to talk about plans for the coming year one week before Lifegroups commence.
LIFEGROUPS Tuesday September 18th Lifegroups will commence after our summer break on Tuesday 18th September. Our Life Groups are designed to promote Kingdom community, where life is lived together in mutual encouragement and prayer support for one another. We encourage you if you are not already connected with a Life Group to pick up a leaflet from the foyer, and find a group to suit you. There is something for everyone! Please speak to Pastor Emmanuel or one of the Christian Life centre team if you would like any help or advice.
Saturday 1st September 9.30am-12.30pm @ Church
Simon is the senior minister of the Elim church at Bristol and has been in full time pastoral ministry for 16 years. Some of his earlier years were spent at CLC, where many lasting friendships were established. In celebration of CLC’s 30th anniversary this year we are delighted to welcome Simon back to minister with us for the weekend. Simon has a prophetic gifting and will be leading us on Saturday morning in a ‘Prophetic Workshop’ session. Please join with us at the church to discover how God desires to minister in and through us.
Sunday 2nd September 9am, 11.15am & 6.30pm Simon will be ministering in all three of our Sunday services today. Our evening service will include contributions from some of our younger people as we look to the future and celebrate all that God has in store for us in the years to come.
KHULULA CHILDREN’S CHOIR Saturday 8th September 7pm & Sunday 9th September 9& 11.15am The children living on Hawane Farm bring together their beautiful voices and traditional Swazi dances to travel abroad, sharing their heart for their homeland and God's goodness in their lives. They are touring the UK in September and we are very much looking forward to their visit. Please bring a friend!
Another ministry visit is planned to a Young Offenders Centre in Wolverhampton. If you have any experience of this type of ministry, or have never been involved but would are interested, please speak to Denis Easy or Emmanuel. - email: -
SEPTEMBER ACT FOR JUSTICE Wednesday 12th September 7.30pm @ the Life House lounge. A meeting for all those involved in the Act For Justice team. An opportunity to be updated with current issues and prayer points. See Zena Hollins for further details.
PRIME TIME Thursday 13th September 2-4pm @ Church An afternoon of fellowship at the church for those who are aged 60+. Dates for the autumn are as follows: 11th October, 8th or 22nd November (tbc) and 6th December. See Lorna Browne for further details.
PHOTOGRAPHY LIFE GROUP Thursday 13th September 7.30pm in the Life House lounge. A brand new Life Group is being formed for any that share a keen interest in photography. The group will meet following this initial get together on the first Thursday of each month at the Life House. See Vic Nicholls for further details.
Saturday 15th September 9-11am @ The Church
Thursday 20th September 7.30pm @ The Life House
If you’re a bloke of any age then this is for you! We’re getting together to meet over bacon & egg butties, cereal and toast with guest speaker Jason Heron from Elim Northampton. If you would like to come along, the morning will cost you just £2 Please leave your name at reception. For any further details on the Men's ministry please speak to Paul Nicholls 07500 905 661.
The Wholehearted lifegroup runs for ladies between 30-50’s. We will be continuing our series on ‘Remarkable Women of the Bible’.
If you have never been before and would like to get involved please feel free to come along or see Amanda Blount.
PRAYER MINISTRY TEAM PRAYER Sunday 30th September 6pm in the City Room -On the last Sunday of each month there is an opportunity for those who are part of the Sunday Prayer Ministry team to come together to pray with a sense of unity and agreement for the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit in all of our times together. Please try to be with us on these occasions. See Emmanuel for any further information.
ONE LIFE -What’s it all about?
NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER Saturday 29th September @ Wembley Stadium A day for Christians from across the UK to gather at our national stadium to worship, pray and receive impartation from the Holy Spirit. A time to stand as a church together and believe to see Gods kingdom come in our land. We have booked a coach and have 19 places remaining. The cost of the day is £20 which includes travel and entrance to the event. The coach will leave CLC at 8.30am and arrive back at approximately 9.30pm. There are LIMITED PLACES and booking is secured only with full payment on a FIRST COME FIRST SERVED basis. Please hand payment in an envelope with your full name on it to reception. Cheques payable to CLC, and ‘National Day of Prayer’.
LOOKING TO CHRISTMAS - REHEARSALS At Christmas we are hoping to put on a production called ‘Led by The Star’. We will be starting rehearsals soon and are looking for adults and children who would like to act, dance or be in the choir. We also need people who would be willing to make costumes, sets and props. If you are interested in any of these things or think you could help in any way please either leave your name at reception or come and find Sue Nicholls, Nicki Webb or Melissa Smith. Thank you REHEARSALS START THURS 27TH SEPT
ACTS APPEAL Our furniture store has become a little depleted over recent weeks, and we are appealing for any items of good quality items of smaller furniture that may be suitable for use in bedsits or flats with restricted access. Small sofas, chairs, tables and chests of drawers would all be welcome along with beds and mattresses. If you are able to help with any of the above, please contact Margie Owen who heads up the ACTS Project on: 07980674361 and she will arrange collection of the items. With grateful thanks.
THE ARK PROJECT Each week we are able to help families and individuals that are in urgent need of help with food parcels. Without your help, we are unable to operate in reaching out in this practical way with the love of God. We are once again appealing for items of non-perishable foods such as rice, pasta, noodles, tea bags, coffee and tinned foods etc that can be stored and used as and when needed. All donations can either be left in the designated bin in the church foyer or brought into our church offices during the week. Please continue to support the project as you have done so faithfully in the past. It is very much appreciated.
We are looking for additional volunteers both male and female to join our Thursday Drop-In team. The Drop-In is operates from our Centre in Frederick Road, and is available for anyone needing support and acts of kindness in the form of food and clothing parcels. No experience is necessary, but you must have a heart for hurting people and be available on a regular basis on Thursday’s between 11am-2pm. Please speak to Esther West or any of the Pastoral team if you would like to volunteer help.
Our summer appeal to purchase clothing vouchers was as always so very generously supported. A total of ÂŁ732 was raised which enabled our team to purchase 315 pieces of school uniform to clothe 63 children aged from 4 to 18. In total 29 families were helped through your amazing support. Well done CLC!
SLIM A couple of our ladies have recently undertaken a sponsored ‘slim’ to raise money towards the work of the ARK project. Both Julie and Sue have done fabulously well and are now ready to collect in any money that has been pledged in sponsorship. Please see them if you have any outstanding commitment. Thank you for your support and encouragement for them both in this initiative.
CAR PARK SECURITY TEAM Due to some recent security issues in our car park we feel it necessary to reinstate our car park security team. We hope to have this team set up and running by mid-September but need to have more volunteers to help us achieve this. If you are interested in serving in this way, please leave your name at reception or see Paul Drew for more details.
VOLUNTEER SUNDAY Sunday 30th September 9am & 11.15am This is an annual event that we use to showcase some of the many and varied opportunities for involvement in the life of our church. Whether you are new to CLC or have been with us for some time and are looking for a way to connect in serving the Lord’s purposes, please come ready to find out more about where you might fit in.
1 9.30-12pm Simon Foster 'Prophetic Workshop' (CH)
8 8.30am Elders meeting (LH) 7pm Swazi Childrens choir (CH)
9 9/11.15am Simon Foster (CH) 9am Prison Ministry 9/11.15am Swazi Childrens 6.30pm 'Generations' - with choir (CH) Simon Foster (CH) 6.30pm Evening Service
EMBER 10 7pm Intercessors (CH) 7.15pm Worship Team (CH)
17 7pm Intercessors (CH) 7.15pm Worship Team (CH)
24 7pm Intercessors (CH) 7.15pm Worship Team (CH)
11 10am Oasis coffee shop (LH) 7.30pm Lifegroup Leaders Meeting (LH)
18 10am Oasis coffee shop (LH) 10.30am Lifegroup (CH) 7.30pm Lifegroup (various locations)
25 10am Oasis coffee shop (LH) 10.30am Lifegroup (CH) 7.30pm Lifegroup (various locations)
12 9.30am Cosy Toes (CE) 7.30pm Core (LH) 7.30pm Act 4 Justice (LH)
19 9.30am Cosy Toes (CE) 7.30pm Core (LH)
26 9.30am Cosy Toes (CE) 7.20pm Core (CE)
13 12:45 Cameo (CH) 2pm Primtime (CH) 7.30pm Photography Lifegroup (LH)
20 12:45 Cameo (CH) 7.30 Wholehearted Ladies (CE)
27 12:45 Cameo (CH)
14 6.30am Early morning prayer (CH) 9.30am Cosy Toes (CE) 6.30 Kidzone (CE) 8pm Ignite Cafe (CE) 15 9am Men's Breakfast with guest Jason Heron (CH)
21 6.30am Early morning prayer (CH) 9.30am Cosy Toes (CE) 6.30 Kidzone (CE) 8pm Ignite Cafe (CE) 22
28 6.30am Early morning prayer (CH) 9.30am Cosy Toes (CE) 6.30 Kidzone (CE) 8pm Ignite Cafe (CE) 29
16 9/11.15am Worship Service (CH) 6.30pm Evening Service
23 9/11.15am Worship Service (CH) 6.30pm Evening Service
30 9/11.15am Volunteer Sunday (CH) 6pm Prayer Ministry team (CH) 6.30pm Evening Service
Blown Away! A Youth weekend full of incredible possibilities encountering an incredible God! You really should be at this years Gathering. God is more than a feeling, more than an idea or concept, more than an addition to our busy lives. He is everything, above all things and no one can measure the sheer vastness of his love and power. Come and be Blown Away as you encounter a fresh revelation of who He is.
Dr. KEITH WARRINGTON On 7th October we will be joined in both our 9am & 11.15 am services by Dr. Keith Warrington. Keith will also be taking our Life Studies session at 6.30pm. Keith is a Vice Principal and long standing lecturer of Elim's training school, Regents Theological College, located in West Malvern, Worcestershire.
WATER BAPTISM SERVICE Sun 21st October @ 6.30pm
We have already had several requests from people who are keen to be baptized in water as an expression of their love and commitment to know the Lordship of Jesus Christ in their lives. We are now taking names at reception for anyone that would like to be involved in our next service. There will be 2 preparation classes prior to the baptism service. Please speak with one of the Pastor’s if you require any further help.
christianlifecentre Sunday Services 9:00am Worship Service including communion and a Children’s programme 11:15am Celebration Service including Youth & Children’s programme 6:30pm Celebration Service including prayer ministry
At the junction of Bristol Road & Langleys Road 900 Bristol Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6HW
2-6 Frederick Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6PB Ph: 0121 471 3677
Frequent Buses: 11, 61, 63, 76, X62 & X64, or programme your satnav to B29 6HW
Would you like us to pray for you? For healing, your relationships, your finances, your work God cares ... and so do we ... Please email us with your prayer requests to: Or put your your request in the prayer box in the church.