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... the road to a sustainable faรงade system

Authors Ulrik Eggert Knuth-Winterfeldt s032035 Christian Nygaard Sørensen s093373 Supervisors Anja Margrethe Bache Ellen Kathrine Hansen Course 11900 Building component design F13 Department of Civil Engineering Education MSc in Architectural Engineering Place of study DTU Anker Engelundsvej 1, Bygning 101A 2800 Kgs. Lyngby Submitted June 2013

A lightweight faรงade component has been designed for Solar Decathlon Europe. It is compact, durable and quick to mount. The component has been made out of disposed materials and thermoset plastics.



Plastics environmental effect on society Design processes have for years not been thinking about the environmental consequences that a product might carry. Plastic products have since the 70’es been widely produced without any environmental plan for production, health and recycling. Luckily due to environmental laws and user demands, plastic design processes have been improved and designers now tend to put many thoughts into designing and producing healthy and low polluting products. The production of

plastic that started as a “golden egg” has over the last years been perceived as a “pigsty”. This new perception makes plastic a field for scientific research in erosion, improved production and alternative use of plastic products. The consumerism and a weak attitude to the importance of recycling during the last decades have caused a lot of pollution and toxicity of our planet. A clear example of this is the “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch”, which


Vulcanized rubber & bicycle tires

The plastic floating around in the ocean will over time be demolished into small particles which will sink deeper into the ocean where it will have consequences for the surrounding wildlife. The fish will eat some of these particles and in that way the plastic particles will find there way back and into the stomach of humans. Each year 20-24.000 tons of plastics is burned alone in the districts of Copenhagen. Copenhagen is aiming for of CO2 neutrality in 2025 and for that to happen recycling of plastics (and other products) is necessary. Recycling 1 ton of plastic waste material instead of burning, makes it possible to avoid extracting about 2 tons of oil and gasses from the underground. Furthermore a emission of 2-3 tons CO2 can be avoided.

When talking about vulcanized rubber, one is actually talking about a certain kind of plastic. Vulcanized rubber belong under the category type called thermosets. Thermosets can, unlike thermoplastics, not be recycled and remelted into new products. When thermosets are produced the chemical bindings in the plastic/ rubber are binding in a very chaotic way that makes it impossible to reverse the process. Plastics that fall under thermosets is yet still very useful, despite their bad environmental impact, due to its strength and durability. One of the most common thermosets is vulcanized rubber. Vulcanized rubber is used for car tires, bicycle tires, shoe soles, hockey pucks and many other things. In environmental circles car tires are a hot topic, due to the huge amounts of tires disposed every day. Alone in the US every year 290 millions scrap tires are discarded and often ends in a huge pile and left unused. Along with the increased focus on recycling plastics several companies have begun recycling car tires as well. A car tire can be recycled in multiple ways. 1. The tires can be seen as energy carriers that can provide extra heat for melting metals when burning. A process that is very common, but burning vulcanized rubber should be avoided for environmental reasons. 2. Car tires can be shredded into small rubber pieces and used as filler for roads, basketball courses and playgrounds.


is an “island� consisting of plastics bags, bottles and packaging that is floating around in the Pacific Ocean. The plastics are waste products from all over the world that have been entangled together and has the size of 2-3 times the area of France.

Solar Decathlon Europe This process requires that the metal inside a regular car tire is filtered away along with any other unused materials. The process of separating all the different materials isn’t easy and requires an advanced system. However, using this method for recycling worn out car tires is very eco-friendly compared to the first method. 3. Car tires can be up cycled and used for kids playgrounds, benches, safety fence along roads and in the harbour protecting the boats from crashing against the quay. The amount of tires needed for this way of recycling is very limited compared to the total amount of tires used every day. In Denmark it is common to see the old car tires as an energy carrier used as fuel in an incineration plant. On a visit to Lyngby TaarbÌk Forsyningen (LTF) it was experienced that they were collecting car tires in a separate container and sent to the nearest incineration plant.

Solar Decathlon Europe (SDE) is an international competition, where 20 universities - from all over the world - are building the best possible plus energy houses. The competition is biannual - and is held in different cities in Europe. There are also an American and an Asian edition of the competition. The next edition of SDE is going to be held in Versailles, France - June/July 2014. The danish SDE house is build in Denmark, then disassembled and finally transported to Versailles, where it will be reassembled for the competition. Being a decathlon, there is obvious 10 sub competitions - and in order to win SDE, each of the sub competitions must be considered carefully.

1. Architecture 2. Engineering and construction 3. Energy Efficiency 4. Electrical Energy Balance 5. Comfort Conditions 6. House Functioning 7. Communication and Social Awareness 8. Urban Design, Transportation and Affordability 9. Innovation 10. Sustainability


Due to a very limited assembly and disassembly period in Versailles (about 10 days), the house must be designed to cope with this challenge. There are numerous ways to approach this issue, but through experience from previous editions of SDE, modularity of the building components and the transportation of the house has proven essential.


The weather in Versailles can be very volatile - and it is therefore important to consider all possible weather conditions - ranging from heavy rain to extreme heat and direct sunlight.



Constructing the component The entire component can be made out of disposable materials: • • •

Bicycle tires Reinforcement bars (minimum length 1000 mm) Straps for mounting the bicycle tires to the frames (must be of a fairly good quality)

Disposable bicycle tires can be obtained in numerous ways - but bicycle repair shops are usually very eager to give them away, and in that way they save the fee to the recycling centre. Some construction sites are willing to give away (or at least sell for a very reasonable price) reinforcement bar remnants. However, the remnants must be at least 1000 mm for a 1 x 1 meter module. The straps - for mounting the bicycle tires to the frames - can be made out of any wire/twine material, but the quality must be good. As an alternative, a zip tie (obviously not reused) can be used. When the materials are gathered, the actual construction process can begin.


Top right: Pile of disposed bicycles - the tires will be burned along with the rest of the bicycle Right: Reinforcement bars are gathered from a demolition site


Constructing the frame 1. Cut the reinforcement bars into the correct lengths The lenght can be calculated using this formula:

đ?œ‹đ?œ‹ ∙ đ?‘‘đ?‘‘!"#$%  4  L = Length of reinforcement bar needed [mm] l = Modular grid size [mm] 1 đ?œ‹đ?œ‹ +[mm] đ?œ‹đ?œ‹ ∙ đ?‘‘đ?‘‘!"#$%  đ?‘™đ?‘™ − 50 − dframe đ??żđ??ż= = Diameter of đ?‘‘đ?‘‘ reinforcement !"#$% + 10 ∙ bar 4 đ??żđ??ż = đ?‘™đ?‘™ − 50 − đ?‘‘đ?‘‘!"#$% + 10 ∙ đ?œ‹đ?œ‹ +


2. The cutted reinforcement bar is then going to be  bended in a 90° angle at the middle - forming a L-shaped Hvor:  element. The inside radius of the bend should be 20 mm. Â



=  Length  of  reinforcement  bar  needed Â

3. Repeat step 1 and 2 until four L-shaped elements are =  Modular  grid  size  made.l    dframe  Â

=  Diameter  of  reinforcement  bar Â

4. Weld the four angles together (so they form a rectangle) - note that the total size of the frame should be the component size minus 2*5 mm tolerance (eg. in a 1 x 1 meter module, the size of the frame should be 1000 mm - 2*5 mm = 990 mm => 0.99 x 0.99 meter). The L-shaped elements can be adjusted individually in order to make it symmetrical in both the x and the y axis. 5. Repeat step 1 to 4, in order to create a second frame finally weld the two frames together (there should be 2-3 evenly distributed weldings on each side of the frame).



Constructing the component Preparing the bicycle tires


1. Determine the length of the bicycle tire for the frames can be a bit tricky - the circumference of the bicycle tire is not equivalent with the length of the “flattened” tire (due to the small “waves” that occur). Therefore the following rule of thumb can be used: A standard bicycle tire (D: 622 mm) cut in half is suited for a 1 x 1 meter module - and a whole tire can be used for a 2 x 2 component. 2. Cut the tire in the desired length using a carpet knife, interpolation can be used in case of an odd sized module. There is wire beads in each side of the tire (in order to to prevent the tire from expanding off of the rim under internal air pressure) - this wire can easily be cutted using a wire cutter. Some expensive tires uses kevlar instead of wire, and it is necessary to use some elbow grease to cut through (but it is possible). The puncture preventing layer on the top of the expensive tires can also be a bit tough to cut through with the carpet knife. 3. When the tire is cutted in the desired length, it is going to be bended backward - thanks to the wire beats in the side of the tire, it is possible to form an almost flat band. Don’t worry if the tire is not completely flat - it will be straightened out during the weaving process. 4. Continue this process until the desired amount of tires are prepared.




Weaving the bicycle tires together 1. Depending on the desired light transmission, different amounts of tires can be used for the weaving process - however, it is strongly recommended to use an odd number of tires in each direction (eg. 5x5, 7x7 or 9x9).


2. Decide the weaving technique - Plain weaving (oneup-one-down weave) is a fairly quick technique - and it is well suited for weaving the bicycle tires together. A 2/2 Twill technique can also be used, but is not recommended for high quality tires - because of the reduced flexibility due to the puncture preventing layer. 3. Lay all the tires in one direction - the “waves� and imperfections will be corrected in the weaving process. 4. Weave the first row (using the desired technique, described in step 2) - then place some weights on top of this row.

Plain weaving

2/2 Twill



5. Add the rest of the rows - during the weaving, additional weights can be placed on top of the component.

Constructing the component Mounting the bicycle tires to the frame


1. Before the mounting can begin, holes must be drilled in each end of the tire. Carefully align the weaved tires inside the frame, make sure that the distance between the tires are the same. 2. Draw a line on a small wooden brick - the line will indicate the distance between the inside of the frame and the center of the hole. Place the wooden brick under the first tire end, and drill. The diameter of the drill should be chosen depending on the stitching material - however, the puncture prevention inside the tire will tighten the hole, so a diameter above 8 mm is recommended. 3. The mounting of the bicycle tires to the frame can be done in many ways (using twine, wire, zip tie etc.) - and the technique should be chosen based on the desired final look of the component and the availability of the stitching materials. There are two recomendable stitching techniques to choose from; the straight and the slanted (45째 angle). The straight technique tend to blend more together with the tires whereas the slanted technique is more accentuated.




4. Mounting wise, both stitching techniques has pros and cons: Using the straight technique, each individual tire are mounted with a small piece of wire, twine or a zip tie - this makes the tightening of tires quite effective however, it can also be rather time consuming (unless zip ties are used).

5a. Mounting the tires using the straight technique: Fasten one end of the tires to the side of frame - then tighten and tie the tires one by one, to the opposite side of the frame. 5b. Mounting the tires using the slanted technique: Start in the corner of the frame. Stitch through the tire, then up behind the frame, and then back through the next tire (creating a V-shaped stitching with a 45째 angle). When all the tires are fastened to the frame, they can be tightened by pulling the wire/twine away from the starting point. It is highly recommendable to tighten the stitching in small steps (i.e. tighten between each tire moving away from the starting point).



Using the slanted technique, makes the tightening of the tires a bit more difficult (the entire system can be compared to a very long shoelace) - however, the mounting can be done faster using this technique, due to the limited amount of tying. Zip ties cannot be used for this technique.

The Wall Tie System The components are designed to be mounted on either a wall or a glass pane (though it can also be placed free standing). In all situations, a special designed “wall tie” system will be used. In the following, the thoughts and the basic design of the wall tie system with be described. It should be noted though, that a more standardized and commercial construction process could be chosen at a later stage. The main purpose of the wall tie system is to keep the components in place, and ensure that the modules are perfectly aligned. The wall tie system must be able to carry the vertical load of one frame (not bigger than 2 x 2 meters), as well as the small horizontal load. In order to keep the look of the wall tie system as clean as possible, no nuts or bolts are visible, thanks to a magnetic connection system. The wall tie system (for wall mounting) consists of 3 plates and 5 pipes (4 pipes with D: 38 mm and one pipe with D: 13/9 mm). The purpose of the small pipe, is to create separation between the wall and the component. This will ease the mounting process and create a nice “hovering” effect. The length of this pipe is 150 mm - and the cross section is designed to handle the load of any component. This pipe is located between the inner plate and the middle plate.


Sketch of the wall tie system - detailed drawings can be found on page 20 - 21

The four big pipes are designed to fit inside the bends of the frames, they will keep the components aligned and in place. These pipes are located between the outer plate and the middle plate. All the pipes can be made out of bicycle frames and seatposts. When using disposable materials in a load bearing construction - any low quality or rusty parts must be avoided. The function of the outer plate is to hide the inner construction of the wall tie system, and to prevent horizontal (outward) movement of the component. In order to mount the outer plate on the rest of the wall tie system, without any visible nuts or bolts, four pegs are mounted on the inside of the outer plate. In the end of each peg, there is strong magnet.

Top left: The outer plate with the magnetic pegs Left: The detaching of the outer plate


The load capacity of each magnet is 1.6 kg - and the combined load capacity of the four magnets are more than sufficient. The magnetic connection system will make assembly and disassembly of the system very quick - a huge advantage in any construction process (including Solar Decathlon).

The Wall Tie System 7 mm

7 mm

30 mm

7 mm

7 mm


25 mm

25 mm

150 mm

150 mm

7 mm

7 mm

30 mm

30 mm

7 mm

7 mm


30 mm


5 mm


5 mm

1. Middle plate - front 2. Wall tie - side view 3. Inner plate - front 4. Inner plate - side view 5. Outer plate - front 6. Outer plate - side view 7. Wall tie - isometric view


All the drawings - except [7] - are in scale 1:2


20 mm

20 mm

20 mm 6 pieces


56 mm DTU, Architectural Engineering


1:1 re.bicycle




56 mm







Plate, drilled holes


20 mm



20 mm

Wall tie, welded unit


56 mm





80 mm





205mm mm

Ulrik Eggert Knuth-Winterfeldt Christian Nygaard Sørensen



20 mm


5 mm 25 mm

1 pieces

6 mm

6 pieces

DTU, Architectural Engineering

Ulrik Eggert Knuth-Winterfeldt 20 mm Christian Nygaard Sørensen




11900 s032035

5 mm Plate, drilled holes

28.07.13 PROJECT

06 re.bicycle

a s093373

4 80 mm

Ulrik Eggert Knuth-Winterfeldt Christian Nygaard Sørensen

20 mm

DTU, Architectural Engineering


20 mm

5 mm 25 mm

3 5

20 mm

8 mm


01 20 mm

Mounting the component The faรงade system is rather quick to mount. But it is crucial to carefully mount the wall tie system - and make sure that they form a neat grid. In order to ease the mounting process, a special mounting tool has been created [3]. The mounting tool is designed to create the same desired distance between the wall ties (can be adjusted using a telescope mechanism) while ensuring that the entire grid is plumb and level. Mounting the grid of wall ties in a wall can be done using the following steps (should not be used when mounting on a glass pane):

6. Simply mount the next wall tie on top of the drilled holes using screws and washers (and possibly rawlplugs). 7. Repeat step 4 to 6 until the desired grid has been created. 8. When the desired grid has been created, mount the faรงade components one by one. Remember, do not attach the outer plates before all the faรงade components are in place (the pipes on the wall ties will keep them in place during the mounting process).


1. Determine the correct starting point for the mounting. 2. The first wall tie is mounted using a spirit level - make sure to be very accurate when mounting the first wall tie, it will determine the position of the rest of the grid. 3. Adjust the mounting tool - if the module size is 1 x 1 meter, the length of the mounting tool should be adjusted to 1000 mm. 4. Insert the four pegs of the mounting tool into the four pipes of the wall tie (point the other end of the mounting tool in the direction of the next wall tie). 5. Use a power drill, and drill directly through the four holes (using an 8 mm bit) at the end of the mounting tool.

Blue lines indicates starting points for mounting Red lines indicates where odd modules should be placed Please note: Slanted ends and corners have first priority and odd modules should not be placed near outward corners and slanted ends.




Mounting into SDE facade (Stress skin element) - Scale 1:4 1. Frames, 2. Exterior cladding, 3. Battering wooden sticks, 4. Aerogel (insulation), 5. Wood board, 6. Insulation, 7. Vapor barrier, 8. Wood board, 9. Aerogel (insulation), 10. Interior cladding



Mounting on brick wall - Scale 1:4 1. Frames, 2. Bricks, 3. Insulation, 4. Vapor barrier, 5. Medium Density Fiberboard, 6. Interior cladding

Mounting the component In order to mount the grid of wall ties on a glass pane, a special designed magnet cup are going to be used on the inside of the glass. The following mounting procedure can be used when mounting on a glass pane (two workers are required): 1. Determine the correct starting point for the mounting. 2. The key to mount the system on a glass pane is to start on the inside of the glass. One worker is mounting the magnetic cup on the inside of the glass, while the other worker is attaching the wall tie on the outside of the glass.

7. When the desired part of the faรงade system are mounted, attach the outer plates (the pipes on the wall ties will keep them in place during the mounting process. Note that the magnetic wall tie system is designed for single layer glass panes only - further tests are needed before the system can be used on multi layered glass panes.

3. Use a folding ruler to place the next horizontal magnetic cup - the distance C|C should be equivalent with the module size (eg. a 1 x 1 meter module, equals a distance of 1000 mm). 4. Attach the next horizontal wall tie on the outside of the glass. 5. Hang a faรงade component on the two wall ties - and use the component to determine the location of the lower magnetic cups / wall ties. 6. Repeat step 2 to 5 until the desired part of the faรงade system are mounted.


Sketch of the magnetic mounting system - detailed drawings can be found on page 20 - 21


Mounting on glass pane - Scale 1:4 1. Frames, 2. Rubber gasket, 3. Magnet (strong), 4. Rubber gasket, 5. Glass pane

Daylight simulations Trying to grasp the effect of the interior conditions a series of daylight simulations and illuminance simulations were run. To keep it as realistic as possible the façade was placed in front of a window with a very low transparency that can be compared with a frosted glazing. Transparency value was set to 0.42 and all simulations on luminance was run at equinox, the 21st of March, 12:00 under sunny conditions. Simulations was run on 3 different design solutions. One containing 5x5 stribes of bicycle tire, one 7x7 and one 9x9 (grid size 1 x 1 meter). Simulations showed that the transmitted light through the “blurred” glazing, was decreasing significantly when the number of bicycle tires was increased. Since the façade component should function as a light transmitter and not a regular solar shading or window, there is no correct answer to the choice of solution since they each have strengths and weaknesses.


Daylight analysis and illuminance, respectively, on a 5x5 tire grid

Daylight analysis and illuminance, respectively, on a 9x9 tire grid


Daylight analysis and illuminance, respectively, on a 7x7 tire grid



Light transmitter A light transmitter works very differently depending on what it is placed in front. A light transmitter is not - directly - equivalent to shading. The idea of the light transmitter is not to keep direct sunlight out of a room, but to filter and reduce the amount of direct light - and by doing that - creating an experience of intense contrast between sunlight and shadows on the floor, walls and ceiling. Placing the light transmitter in front of a regular glass pane will create small rectangular/squared/rhombus shaped light marks when the sun is shining. All the tiny marks on the floor/wall/furniture will change location and shape during the day and create an alternative way of enjoying the solar beams.

Transparent glass pane - facing southeast Winter - 9:00 AM

Transparent glas Winter - 10:00 A

Frosted glass pane - facing southeast Winter - 9:00 AM

Frosted glass pan Winter - 10:00 A

If the faรงade is placed in front of a blurred/frosted glass pane the user experience of the indoor room would be slightly different. The markings on the floor and interior would be less intense and more blurred. A frosted glass pane would - when looked at from the inside - display small markings on the glass. Those marking would change as well and function as a living wall paper.


As described earlier, the faรงade system can of course be placed in front of a normal wall.

Transparent glass pane - facing southeast Winter - 11:00 AM

Transparent glass pane - facing southeast Winter - 12:00 PM

ne - facing southeast AM

Frosted glass pane - facing southeast Winter - 11:00 AM

Frosted glass pane - facing southeast Winter - 12:00 PM


ss pane - facing southeast AM

The hidden treasure!

Life Cycle Analysis

When darkness falls, the character of the facade is completely changed. The reflective bands on each side of the tire will light up when struck by light, resulting in a dramatic luminescent effect.

Even though the materials used in the designed façade solution are all durable with a low requirement for maintenance. It is necessary to clarify what happens when the façade is discarded and no longer in use.

This effect can vary a lot, depending on the weaving technique, the amount and width of tires and the intensity of the light hitting the façade

In situations where the façade system has been discarded, the façade should (for environmental reasons) be separated into parts. Splitting the system is fairly easy and can be done with standard tools. Iron: The iron and steel used for frames, wall ties and screws can be collected, reheated and melted into new products.

The picture below is a photomerge - daylight in the top and artificial light in a dark room in the bottom.

Bicycle tire: The bicycle tires should be collected and sent to nearest incineration plant. Bicycle tires along with car tires functions as heat carriers due the energy released when burned. By adding bicycle tires to incineration processes that requires a lot of heat (ex melting of metal) the process would be quicker and cheaper because of the extra “fuel”. This means that larger piles of bicycle tires could actually have value for the incineration plant and the fee for disposal of the façade would be relatively low.


Alternatively the façade modules + wall ties could be tossed into the flames and burned along with other flammable materials. This would eliminate the required work of splitting the façade into pieces. This method has one disadvantage, it will not be as easy to control the amount of extra energy added to incineration process and it will be hard to deliver an energy boost to the flames since the metal is added on the same time.

Opportunities Festival mats

Adding the façade system to a preserved building

During the design process it was discovered that the combination of hard, durable and weather resistant materials and a simple weaving technique could be used in a very different way. If bad weather occur during some of the summer festivals, most festivals will try to ease the muddy conditions by spreading wood chips on the ground to deal with the rain and mud. Spreading wood chips is messy and drains the already shrinking number of forest areas around the country.

The façade solutions doesn’t necessary have to be attached to a building. By constructing a support frame, possibly of steel, it would be possible to mount the façade system in different locations. The system could be mounted in an open space, functioning as a space divider or as a part of a trellis. An example can be found on the back of this pamphlet.


By weaving bicycle tires as tight as possible it will be possible to replace the wood chips with mats made from bicycle tires. Weaving the bicycle tires close together makes the pattern very strong and tread pattern makes the tires stick together. Creating large rubber mats (2 x 2 meters) of recycled bicycle tires will not only save the forests but also ease the cleanup process after a week of festivals. The reflective pattern on the mats will create a great effect - and help people locate the “dry spots” in the dark. Future tasks will be to investigate how to fit multiple mats together and to insure that the mats doesn't break.

Instead of using the standard wall tie for this solution, it would be possible to minimize the amount of materials and resources by mounting it directly to the support frame. Using a mounting system as displayed on figure the mounting process would be quick and cheap.

Dealing with a non-rectangular facade The façade system benefits from its 1 x 1 meter mounting grid, but what will happen when the facade isn’t rectangular and doesn't fit into the mounting grid?


If the elevation of the wall is as shown on the figure above the execution and placement of the wall tie system should be considered in detail. The key to a correct placement that will both reduce the number of wall-ties and improve the aesthetic value is the starting point of the wall tie grid. A solution that eliminates pentagonal shaped frames is to start the mounting of the grid in the top left corner [1]. By doing this the frames will always take shape as either a square or a triangle. This improves the aesthetics and the simplicity when fabricating the façade modules.


Note that the starting point of the grid should always be placed in the blunt corner, so if the building is a vertical flipped version of the building in figure above, the starting point of the grid would be in the button right corner. This solution will in most situations make it possible to stick to the grid in at least one direction.


Corners The worst-case scenario is shown below. If the client wants to cover a two story building - with a slanting wall - the situation would (depending on the angle) look as shown in figure [2]. A detailed drawing of the key joint in figure [2] can be found in figure [3]. Notice that the highlighted wall tie is placed outside the grid.

In general, it is not recommendable (from an aesthetic point of view) to wrap an entire building with re.bicycle frames. However, in some cases it can be relevant to mount the component in a corner (inward as well as outward). Therefore two special corner components have been developed. They both uses the same frame, though the bicycle tires are obviously mounted in two different ways.



Catalogue String color Using a different color thread will make it possible to create a unique faรงade solution. Customizing the faรงade with different thread colors is an cheap way to gain the wanted expression.

A variety of colors Bicycle tires come in almost every color, which makes color customizing possible. Some colors are more rare than others, which make the colored more unique and individual.

Density of bicycle tires Faรงade components can be made with different density of bicycle tires. A change in density affects the aesthetics and light transmitted through the faรงade.



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