America's Leading Online Country Gospel Music News Magazine
He Is Risen! as He said. Matthew 28:6
March, 2015 Christian Servant Outreach Ministry, Inc.
This month featuring‌ Tamatha Hurst
Rene’ & Edie Jones
Jimmy & Gina White
David House
Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 1
Congratulations on your March, 2015 Christian Servant Country For The Good Life
Number 1 Charted Song
No One (Ever Loved Me Like Jesus)
"I want to create a picture in your mind that reminds you of how great and loving our Savior Jesus Christ is, and if you don't know him, then to create such a scene that motivates to seek out what you're missing. I believe that the whole world just longs for some peace, for some comfort, for some security and we can only really find that in Jesus. I can't get over what Jesus has done for me, and never get tired of sharing that!� ~Terry Davis Phone: (903) 566-4366 or (903) 520-6120 For Booking Information: Please contact Dawn at (903) 566-4900 Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 2
Magazine Our March Cover
1 Are You Seeking His Will by John Randolph
#No. 1 Song Country For The Good Life
Table of Contents
Tamatha Hurst
by Tommy Smith
2 Called to Serve by Terry Davis
Did You Know…
5 What Are You Reaching For
Just A Thought
by Randy Gunn
by Gayla Earlene
8 Country Gospel Christian Country Radio Guide
Rene’ & Edie Jones The Christian Cowboy
St. Patrick’s Day by
13 David House A Blessed Man By Tommy Smith & David House
18 Truth In Numbers by Joe Kelly
Reconciled, Born Again Into It by Pastor Dr. Doug DeRamus
by Tommy Smith
I Want You To Sing. Keep On Singing.
Country For The Good Life Chart
by David House
Top 100
Jimmy & Gina White Are Back!
Music Project Marketing 101a
By Tommy Smith
By Chip Bricker
That Resurrection Morning by Tim Livingston
Look To Jesus by Jimmy R. Price
Family Friendly Faith Friendly Movies by Brad Wilson
Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 3
from our cover…
There’s a “New Girl In Town”, and she loves Jesus, and Country Gospel Music by Tommy Smith
I always get excited when I receive music from a promising new artist on the Christian music scene, especially when they are as talented as Tamatha Hurst. This young lady writes anointed songs for Christ and she sings them with soul and conviction. I am a true fan already. I’m sure you will be a fan also, after you get to know her, through this article and get a chance to hear her music. The first time that Tamatha performed in front of an audience she was five years old. Her mother had entered her in the school talent show. She sang “Ain’t She Sweet” and ended up taking home a Blue Ribbon for her performance. Her love for music and performing grew daily. She would listen to all types of music in her room at night with her headphones on. She admits that Country was always her favorite. Tamatha started writing songs when she was about twelve and began performing at local Opry’s and other venues in Texas. Something she enjoyed very much. Tamatha’s music career was put on pause for quite some time when she was attending college. She moved from Texas to Montana for a while where her parents owned a summer home. It was there her three brothers talked her into entering the “Colgate Country Music Showdown” hosted by KISS FM Radio. With the support of her family and because of her tremendous talent, she was blessed to have won that contest. That brought her back home to her love of music and she hasn’t quit since. Although Tamatha grew up in church, she did not have a chance to sing for Christ. They didn’t have music in her church. She knew that the Lord was calling her to use the gifts that He had given her for His glory. He drew her to a church where she could sing for Him every week. It was there that she rededicated her life to Christ. A deep desire of her heart was to lead worship for the church. God opened that door and for five years she was the church worship leader. Tamatha went through a period of hard times, losing her younger brother & having breast cancer. Through it all she still had a peace and trust in Christ. He gave her many new songs to sing from the heart. She was encouraged by her pastor to venture out and share her music and testimony of faith with others. Tamatha would like to let people know just how good God really is. She will tell you He is the great Comforter and He will never leave us or forsake us. The good work he starts in us, He will surely finish! Speaking of good works, Tamatha’s new release to radio “Nail Scarred Hands” is not just good but tremendously anointed. You may contact Tamatha at Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 4
Are You Seeking His Will? By John Randolph I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:11-13) As a bi-vocational evangelist, there is a part of my week spent in countless hours of traffic driving from East Texas to Dallas. Many folks think I'm crazy for making this drive. They say "there's no way I could do that!" And you know what, they are right...unless it's what God has given you to do, you will struggle, be miserable and ultimately hate everything around you as you try to do what God has not given you to do. As I explore God's word, I see many people that were called into a "season" of life that there is NO WAY I could've done what they did. From Noah to Abraham; Joseph to Moses; Elijah to Jeremiah; Jonah to Habakuk; Joseph to Mary; Peter to Ananias; how about Paul? How many of us could have done what any of these men and women did for the cause of Christ? Truth be told, how many would say "there's no way I could do THAT," if we had a chance to sit and talk to any of the aforementioned saints about their daily struggles and challenges and what God had given them to do? And in that instance, you'd be right! God has given me to do what he's given me to do and He's given you to do what He's given you to do; and as much as I may try, I can't do your God-given job. Paul spends countless moments in his letters exhorting us to seek God's will in our life and living in the center of that will. Before there was Jeremiah 29:11, there was Jeremiah 29:1-10 and in short the message to those in captivity was this - yes, God has a plan for you...BUT, get comfortable right where you are because you’re going to be here for a while because God has given you something to do right here. The message was not just get comfortable, but grow where I have planted you and thrive! Too many times we want a shorter commute, a better job, a new car, a new house, a different calling or path to follow. The reality may be that God has you sitting in traffic, waiting on impatient customers, working for an irrational boss, making ridiculously low income or speaking and singing to what seems to be unmoving hearts and souls because that's what He needs you to do to show someone His glory,His grace, His love through your actions, words or gestures. So today, instead of seeking and praying for a change of circumstance, pray that God will clearly reveal to you how He wants to use you to move mountains for Him today in someone's life. You can do it, just lean on Him all while maintaining a Week Full of Sunday’s heart and mind.
Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 5
Called to Serve by Terry Davis
(John 12:26) Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me. God calls all Christians to take certain actions. Regardless of age, experience, knowledge or gifts, God calls us to: Serve- God calls us to serve others (John 13:1-17) Jesus sets a beautiful example here of serving others. According to Jesus the person who loses his or her life will find it. Instead of looking out for number one, we should look out for others. All Christian belief must culminate in service or else the belief itself will wither away. Jesus said in his sermon on the mount, “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16) Again, in giving his parting instructions to his Disciples, He commanded, “Go ye therefore and teach all nations” (Matthew 28:19-20) “Faith, if it hath not works, is dead” (John 2:17) Glorify- (Col 3:23-24) We are called to glorify Him! Everything we do should bring honor to God and nothing should bring dishonor to his name. To glorify God means to give glory to him. The word glory as related to God in the Old Testament bears with it the idea of greatness of splendor. In the New Testament, the word “glory” translated means “dignity, honor, praise and worship”. Putting the two together, we find that glorifying God means to acknowledge his greatness and give him honor by praising and worshipping him, primarily because he and he alone, deserves to be praised, honored and worshipped. Gods glory is the essence of his nature, and we give glory to him by recognizing that essence. The question that comes to mind is if God has all the glory, which he does, how then do we “give him” glory? The key is found in 1st Chronicles 16:28-29 “Ascribe to the Lord, O families of nations, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength, ascribe to the Lord, the glory due his name. Bring an offering and come before him, worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.” In this verse we see two actions on our part that make up the action of glorifying God. First, we “ascribe” or give glory to him because it is his due. No one else deserves the praise and worship that we give to glorify Him. Isaiah 42:8 confirms this: “I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to Idols.” Second, we are to “Bring on offering” to God as part of the worship that glorifies Him. The offering we bring to God as we come before him in the splendor or beauty of his Holiness involves agreement, obedience, submission and rehearsing his attributes or extolling Him. Glorifying God begins with agreeing with everything he says, especially about himself. Honor- We are called to honor Him. Matthew 6:33-34 Keeping Christ first means, involving him in every aspect of our lives. All true believers are to honor God and his Son, Jesus Christ, through our acknowledgement and confession that he is the one and only God! (Exodus 20:3, John 14:6, Romans 10:9) We are to honor God in our recognition that the gift of life eternal and the very salvation of our souls come through Jesus Christ and Him alone. Continued next page... Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 6
Continued from previous page.
Invest- We are called to invest our lives wisely, Matthew 25:14-30 Our attitude should be that all we have is “on loan” from God and should be used and invested well. Life is a terrible thing to waste. We are called to bring our talents to the Lord as well as our financial tithes, when we do this; we then receive a blessing from God. Prayer- We are called to pray (Mark 13:3, Thessalonians 5:17-18) The Bible says to “Take heed, watch and pray”, to pray without ceasing. Prayer is a loving communication with God. Prayer is the expression of our inner spiritual needs. Through prayer we find strength, guidance, wisdom, joy and inner peace. (Psalms 118:5-6, Psalms 138:3, Isaiah 58:9-11, Philippians 4:6-7, 1st Peter 5:7) by Terry Davis
• Chocolate eggs, the most popular of Easter candies, were first made in Europe in the early 19th century and remain among the most popular treats associated with Easter. • After Halloween, Easter is the second top-selling confectionery holiday followed by Christmas and Valentine's Day. • Hot cross buns were among the earliest Easter treats, made by European monks and given to the poor during Lent. • Among the sweet items, the red jellybean is an all time favorite with children. • The largest Easter Egg ever made was just over 25 ft. high, weighing up to 8,968 lbs. and was made of chocolate and marshmallow, entering the Guinness Book of World Records. • Around 16 billion jellybeans are made for Easter; many of them are hidden in baskets. If all the Easter jellybeans were lined end-to-end, they would circle the globe nearly three times. • According to 76% of people, the ears on chocolate bunnies should be eaten first. • Yellow Peeps are the most popular, followed by pink, lavender, blue and white.
Happy Easter! We specialize in… Web Design - SEO - E Commerce - Web Research - Graphics Design - Advertising Logo Development - CD/DVD Designs - Flyers - Brochures - Photo Restoration Business Cards - Invitations - Ebay - Flash Development - Microsoft Office PowerPoint Presentations - Ebook Conversion, Publishing, Cover Design Facebook & Mobile Sites
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 7
What Are You Reaching For? Written by Randy Gunn
One of the first things I do when I get a new horse is to teach it how to one leg hobble. It is a very simple project really. I place a single hobble on one of the front legs and tie a 25 foot rope to the hobble. I pull on the end of the rope to put some pressure on the leg. As the horse pulls I can give with the rope until the horse is comfortable with the hobble. Then, I tie the rope to something that doesn’t give, like a post or tree. Soon the horse learns that it can’t go where the front leg can’t step. I have trained every horse I have ever owned to do this. Over the years it has proven to be quite a convenience for me. When I go on my pack trips into the Flat Top Wilderness, I can hobble my horses at night to a downed tree or drag log and they can pull it around enough to find new grass and water through the evening without fear of them running off. When I travel with my horses, I can pull over almost anywhere and one leg hobble them. I don’t have to find “Horse Hotels” or fairgrounds or other such places to bed them. I can use trees at rest areas, poles at motels, and even the tie off on the side of my trailer. The one leg hobbling has proven to be a real peace of mind way to travel and very simple to do. One of the things I find most intriguing about the training is how every horse seems to want to eat the grass just beyond its reach. When I first tie them to a secure object it is always in lush grass, good shade and plenty of room to roam. In most cases the tree is by itself. I tie the rope lose to the tree so it will swivel around with the horse as it moves. However, no matter how lush the grass, the first thing most every horse does is walk to the end of the rope and then try to stretch and eat the grass that it cannot reach. For unknown reasons, not being satisfied with its more than adequate surroundings, the horse will pull and struggle and wrench itself to reach something that is no better than the area the horse was placed in. As I was training my latest horse and watched as he mimicked the action of the horses gone before him, I began to think of how people are much the same way. I watch as many, not being satisfied with their more than adequate surroundings, forever reach for something just beyond their grasp. They struggle, and stretch their friendships, marriages, finances, health and so much more just to find something that is no better than what they already have. One of the reasons people do this is because they are not content. The billionaire has ulcers trying to obtain one more dollar. The successful family man risks respect, admiration and his children’s morals to have a fling with another woman. The adored mother sacrifices quality time with children, while they are young, to find a career. The list can go on forever. It seems America, in particular, is never content with the lush grass God has placed them in. Always on the run, life goes by a hundred miles an hour, all to find that “thing” or “place” that will bring happiness. Continued next page… Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 8
Paul spoke often about being content; Philippians 4:11-12 “…for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.” Few people can say that today. The reason is because they are not at peace. There is something inside driving them to finding happiness, contentment, satisfaction. The number one advertising slogan to date is, “Satisfaction Guaranteed!” So we continue to strive, struggle, wrench our lives and hurt ourselves trying to find out what it is we are missing or not experiencing. Paul writes again; 1 Tim 6:8-9 “So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content. But people who long to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction.” If you are looking for peace, look to your Creator. How can the creature be content without knowing who his Creator is? There is a slogan I have seen on T-shirts and bumper stickers. It reads, “No God, No Peace! Know God, Know Peace!” There is an old Christian song entitled, “Only Jesus Can Satisfy Your Soul.” It is so true because He is the only true living God who made each of us. God tells us of a peace that passes all of our understanding (Phil 4:7 “…and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding…”). When you give your life to Jesus, He will bring a peace into your life you will not be able to understand. Then, He will secure you to an immovable rock, and place you in the most lushes of life’s pastures to graze and feed and be satisfied. He does all of this because He is a good and loving and gracious Father to His children. He says to you; Matt 11:28-29 Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” So, who are you living for? What are you reaching for? Take the advice of Paul when he writes in the Bible; Heb 13:5 “Be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." You can contact Randy Gunn at:
JUST A THOUGHT with Gayla Earlene Visit Gayla Earlene at
Do you have a skill? Hmmmmm.... well of course you do and why? Because as they say, "God don't make no junk" and wasn't it He who made you? What is your skill and do you use it for God's glory? You may ask how can my skill glorify God? Colossians 3:23-24 tells us this: Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. Your skill can be as for the Lord. Always give it your best and when others become interested in your work or ask to hire you, what would be your response? Maybe this: "Well, I praise God for the health and the skill that He's given me to do this job and I'd appreciate the opportunity to work for you". Seem somewhat elementary? Maybe, BUT, you may be the only Jesus this person has ever seen or heard about and the fact that you give God all the glory will not only please your Lord, but possibly, just possibly open a door to leading a lost soul to Christ. Now wouldn't that be a joy unspeakable? So, dig that ditch, roll that dough, write that song and do whatever your skill is, diligently, as you never know whom God will place in your path or where God will take you!! Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 9
Satan you lose, again! Be sure to read the miraculous Christian Servant story of Jimmy and Gina White on page 20! And watch for their new release to radio, “Sweet By and By”. God is Good!
Country Gospel Christian Country Radio Guide Country Music For The Good Life Music for your listening pleasure! with Ricky Russ, Abilene, Texas - 24/7 with Joe Brashier South Bend, Indiana - 24/7 with Marty Smith - 24/7 Owner: Mike Carr Sundays 10:00 am CST with Tommy Smith San Antonio, Hondo, Texas with Tim Livingston Dayton, Ohio - 24/7 Sundays 8:00 am CST with Tommy Smith Tyler, Texas with Jim Tucker Roswell, NM - 24/7 with Hunter Logan Lake Charles, LA. - 24/7 with Jim Foster Columbus, GA - 24/7 with Gaylon King San Antonio, TX - 24/7 with Ken Iverson Chandler,Texas - 24/7 with Gene & Micki Farington Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. - 24/7 with Glorya Wilson Whitaker Arlington, Texas - 24/7 with Bob Terry Buffalo, NY - 24/7 Praise Radio w/ Bryon Fester Spruce Grove, Alberta - 24/7
Truly God’s Anointed
When God picks His servants He does not make mistakes. He knew just what He was doing when He called Terry and Debra to be His messenger’s to spread the “Good News” through their music ministry that through Christ and in Christ we have the promise of life for eternity with Him in Heaven. Also we have His word that while we are here on earth He will give us life abundantly filled with joy, peace, and love. When you hear Terry and Debra’s music it reaches your inner soul. When you watch them perform live you leave their concerts positive that Christ still lives. Their latest release “Don’t Tell Me He Can’t, I Know He Can” says it all. That is why it is at the top of the charts. I know they would like to say “Happy Easter” from Terry and Debra Luna. Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 10
from our cover…
RENE’ & EDIE JONES 705 Sheath Court, Lebanon, TN 37087 615-444-9266 e-mail:
Born in “L.A.” (in this case, “Lower Ashton”), a small community on the outskirts of Walterboro, South Carolina, Rene’ was raised singing in the church. His family was involved in farming, and he spent many hours singing while riding the tractors and working the land. In his teens, Rene’ joined the gospel group The Beacons, and it was this background that gave Rene’ his vibrant and smooth voice of today. He sings with passion, putting his heart, body and soul into his music, making his audience feel the presence of the Lord in his life. After The Beacons, Rene’ decided to try his hand at country music. He performed in country clubs, variety shows, festivals, parades, and was a featured entertainer at the 1987 March of Dimes Telerama broadcast from Charleston, South Carolina. In 1992, after having the pleasure of performing in sold-out concerts with Linda Davis and Lang Scott, Rene’ and his wife Edie moved to Nashville and embarked on a series of tours across the Eastern United States. Rene’s third album brought him within inches of a record deal. However, at the last minute, the record executives decided Rene’ was too country and signed their second choice artist for the deal. Imagine being too country for country music. However…God had a better plan! In 2003, Rene’ felt the Lord calling him back to his roots of Gospel music. Rene’s first Christian Country single was released to radio in March, 2005 by GodsChild Records. Since then, Rene’ has had several songs to chart in the Top 10 of the Christian Country and Country Gospel charts. His single Rockin’ On The Front Porch went to #1 in January 2009. He has appeared in Music City News, Power Source and Christian Voice magazines. He and his wife have made several television appearances including TCT Network and Touching the World Ministries. Rene’ was bestowed the honor of receiving the 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012 & 2013 Male Vocalist of the Year Awards, the 2008 Soloist of the Year Award, 2013 Duo of the Year Award (with his wife, Edie), 2014 Video of the Year Award for the song Bible By Her Bed and the prestigious 2009, 2010, 2012, & 2013 Christian Country Crown Jewel Awards from the United States Association of Gospel Entertainers and Musicians. He won the 2012 Video of the Year Award for the song Bible By Her Bed and the 2014 Male Horizon Award from the International Country Gospel Music Association. Rene’ and Edie have been called by God to share the gospel through music. Their mission is to be disciples, and go wherever God opens the doors, and share Christ’s message of love and redemption. Rene’s CDs are available for purchase through him personally, his website, or CD Baby. Contact Info: 615-444-9266 or e-mail: Philippians 1:6 - Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Visit Rene’ & Edie at: Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 11
God planted man in a Garden and all man had to do was to keep it and enjoy it. Man did not even have to till the ground, that is until after the fall. Every suffering, every problem, every pain did not originate from God, it originated from man's fall, from man's sin. Even after man loses Paradise, God is still determined to bring man back. The first three chapters of Genesis are some of the most important verses in the Bible because it gives you a word of wisdom from God, His plans and purposes. There is something you aren't seeing and it is costing you. Jesus said pray that "heaven's will, will be done on earth". When Jesus destroyed the works of the devil, He said the Kingdom of God is come nigh unto you. (Luke 10:9) God always desires to bring people out of bondage to a land that flows. His desire is "I will give you days of heaven on earth". Deut 11:21 - That your days may be multiplied, and the days of your children, in the land which the Lord sware unto your fathers to give them, as the days of heaven upon the earth. KJV THE FIRST AND THE LAST: Rev 1:11 - Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: KJV Jesus said, "I AM THE FIRST AND THE LAST." Because of what Adam did, sin, sickness, poverty and death came upon ALL men. But Jesus said, I identified with you in the FIRST Adam and through my death, burial and resurrection, I became the LAST Adam. SECOND DEATH: Rev 2:11 - He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death. KJV Just a nugget,The FIRST death is the one we were all born into. Adam conveyed sin upon the entire human family. All the sin, sickness, poverty and death, ALL THAT! We were born into that DEATH, The FIRST DEATH. We were born dying. The only way out of that death, is through A Death. THE SECOND death is a death to the FIRST DEATH. It is you dying to death and living to life. I CAN EITHER SUBMIT to the death of Christ or the death of Adam. Rev 1:11 - Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. He identified with us in the first son (Adam). That we may identify with Him in the last Son (Christ). Christ through death, destroyed the "one" who had the power over death, that is the devil. The SECOND death is simply a death to the FIRST one. Now, if you will identify with what CHRIST did, then you will not be identified with what ADAM did. Now if you will identify with what CHRIST did in His death, burial and resurrection AND apply that to your life, then you WILL NOT be hurt by the SECOND DEATH. Continued next page‌
Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 12
Continued from previous page.
DIE BY PROVISION OR PROCESS: You will either die by PROVISION or you will die by PROCESS! You are either going to identify with His death, the death of Christ as "BEING YOUR DEATH AND Identify with His death, burial, and resurrection, OR you are going to put yourself into needless suffering. Avoid as much pain as you can. From being resurrected from the spiritual death to resurrected from the physical death. It all comes from our identity in Christ. God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world but that the world thru Him might have life. Jesus came that we might have life. The Bible says in Him was life and the life was the light of men. The more light you have, the more life you are going to have. MIGHT HAVE PEACE: The Gospel of peace, He took your punishment so you could have His peace. He took your death so you could have His life. He took what you had coming so you could get what He had coming. Rom 5:12 - Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned -NIV Rom 5:17 - For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ. NIV How did death enter and reign? ANSWER: One man's offense (Adam) disobedience. How did you become a part of that? ANSWER: Born into it. How did Grace and Righteousness come in? ANSWER: One man (Jesus the last Adam). One man's obedience brought righteousness. How did you become a part of the righteousness? ANSWER: born (again) into it. You can visit Doug DeRamus at:
Much of what is known about St Patrick comes from the Declaration, which was allegedly written by Patrick himself. It is believed that he was born in Roman March 17th Britain in the fourth century, into a wealthy Romano-British family. His father was a deacon and his grandfather was a priest in the Christian church. According to the Declaration, at the age of sixteen, he was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken as a slave to Gaelic Ireland. It says that he spent six years there working as a shepherd and that during this time he "found God". The Declaration says that God told Patrick to flee to the coast, where a ship would be waiting to take him home. After making his way home, Patrick went on to become a priest. According to legend, Saint Patrick used the three-leaved shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity to Irish pagans. According to tradition, Patrick returned to Ireland to convert the pagan Irish to Christianity. The Declaration says that he spent many years evangelizing in the northern half of Ireland and converted "thousands". Tradition holds that he died on 17 March and was buried at Downpatrick. Over the following centuries, many legends grew up around Patrick and he became Ireland's foremost saint. Source: Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 13
I Want You To Sing, Keep On Singing David Lemons was born and raised in Lone Oak, Texas. From his home he can be on Lake Tawakoni, in just a few minutes. From age 16 to 29, he and his band played bars and dance halls all over East Texas. His ambition was to make a career in the music business. David is a very talented singer, musician and song writer. He is determined and hard working. In 1978 David married his beautiful bride, Anette. Another testimony to the fact that most of us men marry up, way over our heads. In 1980 they were blessed with a beautiful baby girl, Leslie. David made a decision and concluded that he needed to be at home with his family. He put the music career on the back burner and started a business with his Dad. Tawakoni Fence Company, to this day it’s still going strong. David opened his heart to Jesus in 1984. For about 25 years now, he has lead the worship at New Hope Baptist Church in Lone Oak. He and Anette are selfless servants there. They have been a part of all the ministries in the church. David and Anette have done everything from youth ministry, cleaning, mowing, cooking, driving the buses, and loving people. In 2006, tragedy stuck the Lemons home. Leslie, their only child was senselessly murdered in a shooting. The unimaginable grief left David with not much interest in doing anything. By Grace and Mercy he had a dream in which Leslie told him “Daddy, I want you to sing, keep on singing.” A mutual friend, Larry Schneider, sponsored David on “The Walk To Emmaus” weekend. Larry and I were the music team so we had 72 hours to get to know each other. This time with God was the start of a great healing process for David. Since that time he and Anette have had the opportunity to minister to people who have had similar heart breaking experiences in their family. David has recorded two CD’s. “Jesus You Are Welcome Here” and “This Message Of Hope”. He has given me a compliment by recording many of my songs. “One Day Closer To You” is a heart touching song that David wrote honoring the memory of Leslie. Well Leslie, your Daddy is still singing and blessing people with his music. Having been a guest in their home many times, seeing Leslie’s pictures and personal items displayed on walls and shelves, I get a feeling of being cheated. Cheated because I never got to meet her in person. You may get in touch with David at
Article by David House
Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 14
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
SONG TITLE No One (Ever Loved Me Like Jesus) Something In The Water I Just Miss You When My Room Is Ready If She Only Knew I’m A Believer Good Hands Now Love Is Making A Comeback Changed By Your Grace The Church By The Side Of The Road I’m A Rock Beauty For Ashes What Have I Done To Deserve This God Loves The Cowboy In Me No Wound Too Deep Time Will Tell Don’t Tell Me He Can’t (I Know He Can) Time Brand New Angel Wings How Sweet The Name God Is Easy Lovin’ Even After Just Stand Straight And Narrow Some Things Never Change At The End Unclouded Day Pray It Away God Will Roll The Water Back Thank God For A Mama A Little Bit Of Good News Back Page News Daddy The Preacher Man The House Of The Risen Son Jesus Broke That Bottle God Walks The Dark Hills My Father’s House It’s Gonna Be Alright Everybody’s Going Through Something Praise Jesus
ARTIST Terry Davis Carrie Underwood Tim Livingston Jamie Lynn Flanakin Mike Manuel Reed Brothers John Steed Jayne Carter Michael Wayne Smith Tommy Horton Kristina Craig Band Russ Murphy Marty Raybon Ricky Russ Mary James Jimmy Grayson Terry & Debra Luna Cindy Hughlett The Parish Family Aven Grace Freddie Hart Jim Sheldon Charles Scarlette Joy Roberts Terry Collins Mike Rimmey Tommy Brandt Clinton Gregory Walt Mills Rene Jones & Joanne Cash Yates Rick Patterson Chuck Day McKay Project Kinfolk Chuck Hancock Myra Rolen Peter Christie Band David House Karen Peck & New River Jimmy R. Price Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 15
# 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
SONG TITLE Can I Get An Amen The Wretch Detour How Much Do You Love Him Now Friends In High Places I’m Already Healed To Meet Jesus In The Air Jesus Is My Rock Crossing Over My Work Is Done Ain’t It Just Like The Lord This I Know He Came Down You Are Love Hold The Light A Little Higher Bring Me Let Me Live My Lord Has Gone It Won’t Be Today Creed Will You Follow Me It’s Coming To Me Lean On The Lord Tell Mother I’ll Be There Help Me Remember Your Love Rescued Me I Know That Jesus Loves Me Didn’t I Walk On The Water Please Take A Message Telling The Story Blown Away King Of The Road Without The Cross So Much To Thank Him For Broken Road Hooked On You God’s Will What He’s Done For Me The Storm Is Over His Blood
ARTIST Mike Sanford Mark Carman Mike & Doris Merritt Donny Richmond Marla Ratliff Alberta Chick Jones Darlene Jennusa Joy Roberts Pony Express Daniel James Gordon Mote Sunday Drive Brian Cagle Cassidy Taylor Greg Crawford Red Letter Band Gena Roberts Hamilton Joanne & Tommy Cash The Porter Family Miles Pike The Morris Brothers Tom Dolen CrossFire Gospel Band Betty Jean Robinson Steve Shirey Southside Drive Carla Jones Kenny Gardner Gayla Earlene The Sneed Family Laura Dodd Roger Barkley, Jr. Jon Dameron Tina Wakefield Lance Stone Jayc Harold Band Kali Rose Frankie Wilson The Gregory’s The Helmsmen Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 16
# 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
SONG TITLE That’s My Covenant A World To Believe In That’s When You Shine You Can’t Point He’ll Take Care Of You I’m Gonna Have A Little Talk What This World Needs Hang On First Day In Heaven All Aboard The Jesus Train It Starts Down On Your Knees Remember The Day Just Might Be Going Home Crazy World Sunshine, Rain & Roses Southern Style The Best I Can Don’t Be Discouraged I Think Myself Happy Good Things
ARTIST Chris Johnston The Downs Family Pastor Joe Johnny Jones T Graham Brown & Vince Gill Kevin Rowe & Prodigal Sons Taylor Hope Megan Woods The Woodalls Dale Friedrich The Waycaster Family Brandon Poole Psalm 100 Reed Brothers Debbie Bennett Bucky Thomas Family Bible Trio Featuring Eddie Gordon Randle Jeter Jerry Branscomb Tammy Vice
Production, Recording, Distribution, Compilations Radio Promotion by Jessica Huddleston We are accepting tracks for our next compilation NOW!
CALL US TODAY! (903) 566-3347
We at Canyon Creek Records, Inc. and The Christian Servant Publishing Company, BMI, strive to help artists that believe with all their hearts that GOD has called them to use their talents for HIS glory. We work with singers, songwriters and instrumentalists. Our purpose is to take forty years of recording industry experience and put that knowledge into action to produce a project for the artists. The final result being a project the artists will be proud of and one that will be a true blessing to all that hear it.
We take the vision of the artist and create for them a music ministry that will glorify CHRIST. They will become a part of a family of servants with one united goal, "To lead the lost to the Cross". We produce a project from its beginning stage, all the way through to a completed CD or DVD and then promote it to radio and other music media. We help assist the artist with distribution and sales. If being a Christian artist is your heart’s desire, then contact us at (903) 566-3347, or e-mail us at
Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 17
Shirrell Harrison The Arkansas Cowboy Shirrell Harrison is one of the best country gospel singer, songwriters in America today. He can sing any style of music from a good old-fashioned traditional Country sound, to Rockabilly, and then take you by surprise with a today’s Contemporary and Country music mix. His songwriting is superb. His lyrics are always filled with a deep gospel message. Unlike many of today’s young Christian songwriters he is not ashamed to use the name of Jesus in his messages. After all, that is whom we are supposed to be singing about. Shirrell’s releases to radio have all been top charting songs. “Could It Be The Son” “He Showed Me So” “Field Of Stones “My Secret Sins”
Listen to his music & get contact/booking info on his website:
Shirrell Harrison - The Arkansas Cowboy
David House A Blessed Man I am a people person. I love people. As a Christian I will try to lead one who is not a Christian to the cross. That is what a Christian is commissioned to do. There are many ways to lead a non-Christian to salvation. We can quote scripture’s from the New Testament but often that doesn’t work. Many times, sadly, the non-believer has much more knowledge of the Word of God than the believer. The most effective way that I know to lead a lost soul to Christ is to walk the walk not just talk the talk. Let them see Jesus in you. Be the light that destroys the darkness. This article is about a friend who every time I am around him and his wife Barbara I see Jesus in both of them. I see love, I see hope, and I see kindness. I see a heart that is ready to give and humbly serve others. His gift of writing Christian songs and the vocal ability he has to touch your heart with them is truly a blessing from God. My friend David House knows that he is blessed and always gives God the glory. As Paul Harvey used to say here’s “The rest of the story.” by Tommy Smith
I am a blessed man! We moved to Lubbock, Texas from Boise City, Oklahoma in 1956. Dad had hard luck wheat farming there. He started a small business in Lubbock and raised his family there. I am in between two sisters, Mae the oldest and Dorothy the younger. I had very loving parents. They made great sacrifices to see that we kids had what we needed. Seems like youth was just a wisp of time. In 1964, Barbara and I married really young. An unusual fact is that Barbara and I are exactly the same age. We were born on the same day, me in the early morning, and she in the afternoon. Continued next page… Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 18
Continued from previous page.
I had not a clue about adult life, but she seemed able to keep things going. In 1966 our daughter Traci was born. I was a kid raising a kid. In 1971 our son Monty came along. I know he felt like he had two mothers, because his sister thought that she was the mom. She dealt him much sorrow. In the early 1980s I was able to spend some time in Nashville. In 1982 I had two records in the top 100 Billboard charts, “Everything’s Alright” and “Little White Lies”. I could see that I had a decision to make, pursue the music career and take a chance on losing a family or go home. I sold all the music equipment I had, except for a J-50 Gibson Guitar. I worked at different jobs and finally started a small service business of my own. I never regretted the decision I made. I love my little family very much and I know they loved me. I never thought I needed anything to do with God. I would send my kids and wife to church, but I didn’t need it. However, when I was 45 years old, after a series of personal encounters, which I knew was God, I met Jesus in a motel room after stumbling onto a Christian T.V. channel. I was radically changed that night. Though my wife had prayed for me all those years, she didn’t know what to think of the new me. After awhile we settled into our new life together with Christ. I got out the old J-50 Gibson and began learning songs about the Lord. Then I started writing down some songs that were floating around in my spirit. Finally, I was fortunate enough to get to record those songs and produce CD’s that I believe will bless many. I am a blessed man. Contact David House at (806) 781-7776
Serving Christ With Joy In Our Hearts I have been watching this young lady’s ministry for years. When working with her in a concert venue she always impressed me as the real deal. Someone who really loves Christ and sharing that love in a way that you could not only feel it in her testimony, but you could see it in her face. Joy Roberts is a Fort Worth, Texas Cowgirl. Singing Christian Country is her passion and brother let me tell you she can sing true Country. Riding and performing in Rodeos most of her life has given her tremendous opportunities to lead many young and older Cowgirls and Cowboys alike to Christ. She takes serving Christ not as a responsibility, but a pleasure, with joy in her heart. Maybe her mom knew just what she was doing when she named her Joy!! If you want a true blessing go to Joy’s website and order her new CD “Choices”. Every cut is great. Ladies, you would be smart to ask Joy to come and share her music and testimony at your next ladies’ conference. You will be blessed. Remember always serve Christ with Joy.
For contact or booking information visit Joy at or call (817) 368-1314. Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 19
Jimmy & Gina White Are Back! Stronger and Better Than Ever
It has been a few years since Jimmy and Gina White have released a new song to radio and I know my radio audience has really missed them. They dropped out of releasing new songs, not because they had a slow down in writing new material, but life’s trials and tribulations had really set them back. Satan works hard to test ones faith when you are giving all you have to serve Christ. He doesn’t seem to bother the wicked because he already knows he has them. He always uses the same old tricks to try and destroy ones soul and have them denounce God. In the case of Jimmy and Gina he failed. The first test he brought against them took place when their Christian music career was at the top. Everyone loved Gina’s vocal talent and Jimmy’s ministering of God’s word through either a short testimony of faith, or a full sermon. He also plays a great guitar and shares in the vocals with Gina. At their peak, Jimmy and Gina’s son lost his wife in a car accident. He had a two-year-old daughter, Brianna. Gina and Jimmy loved Brianna, and their son Jim Jr. His occupation is an over the road truck driver and when Brianna was very young he could not take her with him. They did not hesitate to step in and help Jim Jr. raise her. Gina, or Nanny as Brianna calls her, became a mom to her granddaughter. Gina had to do all the things that a mom does. Make sure she had three square meals a day, made sure she was dressed properly for school, helped with homework and most of all made sure she knew Jesus. Jimmy also was a great grandfather to Brianna. Along with his son Jim they did a great job of making sure she was a full fledge tomboy. Though this put a halt in Gina and Jimmy being able to travel and minister each week, they never regretted being a part of raising their granddaughter. Satan did not win that battle so he tried another. Several years had passed and Brianna was getting old enough to travel with the Whites. Then Jimmy had a massive heart attack. Unless you have met Jimmy you could not know what a big man he is, tall and stout. They had to cut his sternum in half to work on the heart. The problem was when they went to put it back together it would not stay together. Jimmy’s chest span was so wide that every time he would move he would rip the sternum apart. The doctors had to graft a patch of skin over his chest to keep the heart protected. Jimmy would never be able to lift anything heavy again. Jimmy’s job called for heavy lifting and this really set them back financially. He was in the hospital a long time and most did not think he would make it out. Satan did not win that battle either. Jimmy did leave that hospital. He’s now the church praise bandleader in Canton, Texas and Gina’s the church praise & worship leader. Brianna is now a pre-teen traveling with her dad a lot and Jimmy and Gina once again have a chance to get out and evangelize for Christ through their music ministry. Their brand new release of a great Hymn “Sweet By and By” promises to be a chart topper. Satan you lose, again! You can contact the Whites at (903) 830-2684 or email
A Name You Will Surely Remember We have another new young Country Gospel recording artist on the scene, a name that will stick in your mind forever, “Wyatt Nations”. When he first called me, I asked if that was his real name or a stage name. He chuckled a bit and said, “Everyone asks me that.” Then he replied, “It is my birth name.” I proceeded to tell him just how blessed he is. He had been given a great name, and God had given him an awesome new Christian Country song titled “If It Satisfies You Lord”, released to radio on Canyon Creek Records Compilation Volume 31. The lyrics are heart warming, expressing a positive commitment to Christ. Wyatt Nations is not only a name, but also a Godly man to remember.
Wyatt Nations
You can contact Wyatt at facebook or call him for booking info 806-729-0751 Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 20
Music Project Marketing 101a Is Your Project selling like you want it to? Or is it selling like it should? By Chip Bricker
After 20 plus years of producing, recording, and marketing many styles of music, it is very hard to believe that many great musicians still don't know their target audience. A target audience is the people you want to buy (and or like) your music. You should know that long before you attempt to record your project. You should study what the buying habits are of that demographic (group of people socio-economically) that you intend to sell to. Find out what they like, when they like it, where they go to get it, and what they are willing to spend for it. Once you have all of that data and information gathered correctly, then you are ready to begin song selection for your project. So many times artists tell me their project didn't sell like they wanted. They said they had a ton of people at their concerts but didn't sell any product. You should ask yourself these questions: 1. Was the music that I did suitable for the crowd that was there? 2. Was the product packaged so that it was appealing to the crowd? 3. Was my presentation of the songs suitable for the crowd that was there? 4. Were the people at the concert monetarily able to buy your product? We start with those questions and then move on from there. But that's another edition of this subject. Once all of the songs have been selected by you and your producer and/or your record company marketing folks, you begin the process of arranging the songs musically so that your target demo will have no problem identifying with the music. Please do not arrange so much stuff into your project that you can't reproduce it accurately live... (if you intend to perform live.. but that too is another article). Once the project is arranged recorded and produced, then we begin the packaging phase. The packaging is just as important as content, because it should tell the perspective buyer what to expect in the package. Now let's talk price. Price it so that the demographic you are targeting can easily pay for it and a ticket to your show. (again, this assumes you are going to play live.) Next let's talk about sales marketing. How are we going to get the product into the "line of site" or audio so that your perspective fans can know about the new product and what it contains. First let's try the internet with putting it on your website as well as all over social media (which I am assuming here that you have at least 500 followers on some form of social media, otherwise you have not done your ground work and are not prepared to sell a project for any type of monetary income.) You should also try CD baby or Tune Core for online digital sales as well as for licensing to I-tunes, Amazon and Rhapsody just to start.. You should have someone daily posting to those sites letting potential buyers know where it is available and for how much. Continued next page‌
Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 21
Continued from previous page. Also post reviews and responses from reviewers and from folks that have purchased your product. There are plenty of demographics that still buy something based on what others think and not their own experience. These are starters for marketing your project correctly to your desired market and therefore selling more product, and making a little more money.
Chip Bricker - CEO S.M.A.R.T. Productions/Marketing 903-792-8590
(Chip Bricker has a Bachelors Degree in Marketing from Baylor University and a Masters in Consumer Behavior. Chip has also played for many music stars and produced or played on more than 20 #1 singles as well as more than 100 charting Singles in various genres of music.)
Mike Leichner Pastor, Singer, Songwriter, Servant of God Mike’s new CD “The Country Side Of Me” promises to be one of the best Country Gospel CDs released to radio this year. It has already produced one of the top charting songs in Cashbox Magazine and Christian Servant Magazine “Country For The Good Life Top 100”, “Jesus You Mean More To Me”, peaking in both charts at # 36 for the month of January 2015. Mike’s new release to radio is on Canyon Creek Records Compilation Volume 31 “House Of Good News”. We believe it will make it into the top ten, possibly even number one for this year. It is that strong.
Canyon Creek Records Proudly Presents
Mike Leichner’s NEW release to radio of his song,
“House Of Good News” At radio now cut one CCR Compilation Volume 31
After getting to know Mike, there is one thing I am sure of, whether it be through his anointed preaching or radio releases, he will lead many to CHRIST. That is where his heart is. He is truly a Christian Servant.
For contact/booking info: (316) 723-6688 Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 22
Look to Jesus by Jimmy R. Price Storms of many varieties are very real in our lives. Physical, financial, emotional, and even spiritual ones come to us on a regular basis. We are either coming out of a storm, presently in one or heading into one in the near future. Possibly all of the above. Matthew 14:22-34 tells us about a particular storm that Jesus and His disciples encountered. Jesus had just finished feeding the 5000 and so He sent the crowds away and also told His disciples to get on a ship to go to the other side of the sea. Jesus stayed behind and went up on a mountain to pray. I believe that He was praying for His disciples who were now being tossed by the waves. At the darkest part of the night Jesus came walking to them on the stormy sea. They were terrified! Jesus said, “Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.” (vs. 27) Upon Peter’s request, Jesus invited him to “come.” (vs. 29) Peter also walked on the water….to go to Jesus. Verse 30 tells us, “But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord save me.” Wow! How quickly Peter went from “walking on water” to perishing! How could this happen? He took his eyes off Jesus! He began to look at the storm, instead of the Savior! The storm then began to consume him; thankfully Peter came to his senses and cried out to Jesus, focusing on Him once again. Immediately Jesus stretched forth His hand and caught him, and said unto him, “O thou of little faith, why did you doubt?” (vs. 31) Then Jesus and Peter walked to the ship together! Storms are inevitable. Some are very powerful and extremely destructive. However, Jesus is more powerful and mightier than any storm we may encounter. Even the wind and the waves must obey the Master! Like Peter, Jesus also invites us to take part in the miracles in the midst of our storms. We must keep our eyes on Jesus, or the storms will consume us as well. Hebrews 12:2 says, “Looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith….”
Don’t be afraid. Look to Jesus!
“Lean On The Lord” performed by Crossfire Gospel Band is on it’s way to the top of the charts! #63 in Cashbox Magazine Country Christian Top 100 & Christian Servant Magazine Country For The Good Life Top 100 for March 2015. “Lean On The Lord” was released on Canyon Creek Records Volume 30.
Check out this great Christian band on their website! Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 23
Truth In Numbers: Six Music Industry Takeaways From Year-End Data Forbes Media & Entertainment 1/22/2015 @ 1:50PM 10,576 views As last year came to a close, there was more published research about radio. And to quote the Forbes article, "despite the well-publicized struggles of the music business, there are plenty of positive takeaways." Of the six takeaways that we found particularly interesting is yet more proof that in this connected world terrestrial radio is still how the vast majority of Americans hear their music. An excerpt about radio is found below and the entire article can be read here. RADIO STILL RULES There are 320 million people in the United States, and at the end of 2014, 298 million of them were active listeners of AM/FM radio , according to Morgan Stanley's report. That's more than double the total of Pandora (79 million), SiriusXM (27 million) and Spotify (14 million)-combined. And it pays. Morgan Stanley figures that terrestrial broadcast radio accounted for 44% of total U.S. music industry revenue last year, easily topping No. 2 live music (26%) and satellite radio subscription (10%). It may not always be that way-the report figures revenue growth for broadcast will decline by 1.4% annually over the next five years, while digital streaming advertising will soar at a 22.1% rate-but radio isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Stay tuned, Joe Kelly, CDX VP/GM Taken in part from CDX newsletter dated Tue, 17 Feb 2015 10:19:50 -0500 (EST) Used with permission: Pamela Lovelace, Production Manager
On The Air…
Without a doubt Jesus on one weekend in Jerusalem changed everything. The six hours He spent on the cross on Friday was full payment for the sin debt for all mankind and for all time from Adam to the last man. Then the Son rising from the grave early Sunday produced such power and life that it turned weepers into worshippers, cowards in to courageous preachers and more importantly creating an undying hope that "because He lives" we’ll live also. It is that "weekend" that has inspired a billion sermons and songs to keep sharing the "Good News" over and over. Even though the sermon titles change With Tim Livingston and the lyrics vary. We can't help but to keep on telling every way that we can to everyone that we can. No wonder Peter says 1 Peter 1:3 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead". The real Gospel truth is a ceaseless supply of life changing, sin breaking awe inspiring Truth. The "it is finished" cry from the cross of Jesus was a statement of total and complete payment of the sin debt to all that believe by grace and through faith. But I want you to consider the "unfinished" work of Jesus that is revealed in John 20:5-7 on that first resurrection morning. "And he stooping down, and looking in, saw the linen clothes lying; yet went he not in. Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulcher, and seeth the linen clothes lie, and the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself." There it is...the napkin, once wrapped the brow of the King of Calvary was neatly folded on purpose and placed by itself as a statement from Jesus Christ just before He left the tomb. An ancient custom that has even lasted to our modern day is the message of a folded napkin. A traveler who had rented a room would fold the bedclothes to signal to the innkeeper that they would be back. A person folding their dinner napkin and lying it on the table or chair would be a signal to waiter that the dining guest would soon return to finish the meal. A disheveled sheet or dinner napkin simply thrown down was a clear non-verbal message, "I'm not coming back". Continued next page… Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 24
Continued from previous page. The FACT that Jesus folded the napkin is a message that He isn't finished yet with the mission. He's not finished saving souls, he's not finished reclaiming backsliders, setting the captive free and this world certainly HAS NOT seen the last of Jesus. He's coming back! Mark 13:34 says "For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch." Preachers, the napkin is still folded...keep preaching, we have unfinished business still. Your best sermons are still un-preached. Singers keep singing...songwriters, keep writing for you too have unfinished business! Until next time On The Air or In The Air Tim Livingston
FAMILY FRIENDLY FAITH FRIENDLY MOVIES by Brad Wilson Being given the opportunity to reach people around the world via the medium of film is also an awesome responsibility, but one I have gladly accepted and continue to move forward doing. Being a film producer who is also a Christian makes one stop and think about the enormous responsibility to really think and pray about the films I produce. People in countries around the world that I will never meet in this lifetime will see my films and hopefully be moved and touched in a positive way. I also don’t want the spotlight on me though. It’s certainly not me. It’s Jesus. Just Jesus and I want people to see Him in me and my work. I’ve probably produced as many “faith based” films as anyone out there with my producing partners. However the further down the road I get I realize that it’s not just about “preaching to the choir” for me. There are those who will only see a faith based film. So for that reason it is important that those films continue to get produced. However for me and my film ministry I want to reach out to those now who never get the great message of hope in their life. I want to entertain them in a way that they are indeed “entertained” with a good story and film, while at the same time get the great good news message through the film. It’s a powerful ministry no doubt. Once we accept Jesus Christ as our savior eventually our destiny comes clearer. The destiny that our heavenly Father had in mind for us from the very beginning. There are a zillion types of destiny’s I would think. From the world’s greatest mother to the world’s greatest executive. From the volunteer nurse to the leader of the free world. It seems for me it is as a film maker to influence people around the world to show them there is hope in the end. All of us have our destiny’s and all of us have the responsibility to go out into the world…whether it’s your neighborhood, your city, your state or literally the world…and let others know the good news of Jesus Christ. One of the films I have produced is called “SET APART.” It has a great cast of John Schneider, the legendary Richard Roundtree and the wonderful Jennifer O’ Neill. This is a film that is indeed faith and family friendly. It’s one that has touched many people all over the world with its message. Christian’s are not the only people that enjoy this film. It’s been enjoyed by all AND has a great message intertwined that won’t turn off the non-church goer. If you have not already seen it please take a look. It can be ordered on line and the good people at would be a great place to look.
Visit Brad Wilson and Higher Purpose Entertainment at: Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 25
Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 26
Thank You! We wish everyone a very Happy Easter as we remember, “He Is Risen” and therefore “We Are Saved.” We abundantly thank our sponsors as our magazine is solely dependent on our generous sponsors to make our monthly publication possible. Crossfire Gospel Band: page 23 Shirrell Harrison: page 18 Mike Leichner: page 22 Terry & Debra Luna: page 10 Wyatt Nations: page 20 Joy Roberts: page 19 Jim Sheldon: page 26 Canyon Creek Records: page 17 TLC Solutions: page 7 If you have enjoyed our publication, won’t you consider a tax deductible sponsorship role by supporting the continuation of the monthly Christian Servant Magazine? Your sponsorship will be acknowledged in the publication.
Contact Tommy Smith at: or call him at: (903) 566-3347 for more details. God Bless You!
Christian Servant Magazine a division of Christian Servant Outreach Ministry, Inc. A 501(c)(3) Non Profit Organization Publisher: Christian Servant Outreach Ministry, Inc. Editor in Chief: Tommy Smith Creative Director: Anna Smith Design Director & Creative Digital Director: TLC Solutions Address all Editorial, Business and Production Inquiries to: Christian Servant Magazine, 15661 Hwy 64 E.,Tyler, TX. 75707 • (903) 566-3347 For Sponsorship Information contact: Tommy Smith • (903) 566-3347 • or Email: • • Copyright © 2015 Christian Servant Outreach Ministry, Inc. dba Christian Servant Magazine • ALL RIGHTS RESERVED All articles are copyrighted and may not be reprinted or published without the express written permission of: Christian Servant Magazine, 15661 Hwy 64 E.,Tyler, TX. 75707 Christian Servant Magazine - March, 2015 - Page 27