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Bike Sharing Demand Analysis
Bike Sharing Demand Analysis Uptown Cincinnati
Project Summary: The primary objective of this project was to better understand the factors affecting Red Bike usage in Uptown, the University/Healthcare district of Cincinnati, Ohio. Red Bike is a bike-sharing non-profit that provides public bike rentals with over 57 docking stations throughout the inner core of Cincinnati. The project was conducted in three stages: Initial Site Inventory, Survey Implementation, and Survey Analysis. The Initial Site Inventory included an analysis of demographics, transportation networks, land use and existing station conditions/usage. A survey was then conducted of people in Uptown, including residents, workers and visitors. Results of the survey and analysis are displyed here.
My role: data coding and analysis, survey creation and implementation, site selection, presentation organization
Why is Red Bike struggling?
Personal Car Walk Personal Bike Public Transit UC Shuttle Carpool Red Bike Uber/Lyft Other
Primary Mode of Transportation
Leisure Activities 14.3%
Work 16.3%
School 63.3%
Why People Come to Uptown
Perception of Current Roadway Infrastructure
The overall environment in Uptown Cincinnati area encourages walking and biking.
Are there enough Redbike stations in Uptown?
Availability Convenience
Primary Factor Influencing Mode Choice
Are there enough bike lanes in uptown?
77.6% will use Red Bike in the future if necessary infrastructure improvements are made. Solutions
1. Improve Bike Infrastructure 2. Better placement of Red Bike Docks
Key Proximity Factors
Proposed Locations for New Red Bike Docks
U Square
When selecting the locations for new Red Bike docks, three items were considered: key factors important to respondents, respondents’ recommendations, and intuitive factors. New docks were primarily placed within residential areas to encourage commuting from the periphery to the heart of Uptown. These stations were strategically placed beyond a walkable buffer of UC’s campus. Adaptable small-scale docking stations allow bikes to fit on tight residential streets, such as Riddle Rd.