Second Life
Through the Eyes of lolli Sapphire
Forward This eMagazine was created to provide educators a quick understanding of Second Life. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………4 Getting Started in Second Life (video)………………………………………………6 Avatars and Animation………………………………………………………………………..8 It's all part of the performance (video)……………………………………………….9 Environments and places…………(video)……………………………………………..10 In-world groups………………………………………………………………………………………12 Moving information……………………………………………………………………………….13 Knock...knock...Who's there?..................................................................14 What are they doing?................................................................................15 Traversing Reality……………………………………………………………………………………16 Bidirectional communication………………………………………………………………..17 Tips to joining the fun ……………………………………………………………………………18 Bring your passion and knowledge………………………………………………………19 Now, what is Second Life ……………………………………………………………………… 20 References …………………………………………………………………………………………………21 Author Biography ……………………………………………………………………………………22
Look for this hat within the pages of this publication do linked information.
Hello Hercules, I know, I am a little late, today. I went shopping, dancing, on a self guided museum tour. Yes, I saw the group notice for a beginner sculpting class, but I promised I would bring you dinner.
Introduction It’s always a busy in Second Life? What’s Second Life ? It’s a massively multi-user virtual environment . In simple words its a computer-based virtual world. Are you listening?
No Hercules, I know it’s not real it’s a virtual reality. I am just one of the tens of thousands that log in regularly. There are over 20 million user accounts.
Getting Started in Second Life
Hercules why do you want to know that? Ok, I just went to the Second Life website . Downloaded the viewer and logged in. 6
What happened next? I landed here. Orientation Island. It provides a place to practice basic skills. Things like changing clothes, chatting, and flying.
Quick look at orientation Island
Orientation Island Public
Avatars and Animation Avatar creation is a continuous process. Most of us look like humans, but that does not mean the others do not want to be seen as real.
“the embodied experience of avatar creation / performance enables the meaningful apprehension of ourselves…”(Liao,2010).
It’s all part of the performance Learn to sit.
Learn to dance
Learn to communicate Yes Hercules, even sitting is a part of the performance of the avatar.
Environments and Places What do you mean I never take you anywhere? Where do you want to go?
“ Weisman(1992, p 7)…space is like language in that it is constantly communicating values.” (cited by Allnutt,2009). Artist installations are great places for filming and photography
Environments and the places Recreated real life-derived historical places in Second Life provide perspective.
St. Paul’s Cathedral inSL
Terracotta Warrior Army in SL
There are places to meet people and exchange knowledge, and ideas .
The Virtual Artist Alliance Photohunt Gallery
It all begins with a smile
‌and of course imagined real places
!! Garden of GreenBurg!!
In-world groups BE A GROUPIE.. Join in-world groups that fit with your interests, and you will always be up-to-date on the happenings in Second Life.
Moving information Residents’ profiles convey information on the resident and places in Second Life.
Instant Messaging and voice calling through general chat, private chat or group conference is the fast method to get information moved.
Warbug Headquarters
Don’t forget to surf the web, Second Life residents share information through social media, wikis, blogs and websites.
Bora Bora
Knock…knock… Who’s there?
It does not seem to matter, who you are, individual knowledge is equally valued in Second Life.
Where are you from?
Traversing Reality
Art can shift reality…
Second Life residents • Play with identity and perspective • Create environments (real and imaged) • Blur the lines of reality through new media.
Bidirectional communication Wow Hercules, I had a lot of fun, but real life is calling. I am going to need to log off . I can Skype with you later, or while I am grocery shopping I’ll log onto SL with my smartphone, then we can still chat.
What a great Idea! A virtual book providing relevant information on the subject of teaching math to the k-12 student using virtual reality. The book has a built -in dropdown menu, which provides an SL landmark, website as well as the ability to adjust the size of this book.
I bought this little toy cow at LindiMoo’s Concert. LindiMoo sells these cows at the cost of about $1.00. The cow has a link to a downloadable mp3 of the artist’s music. I have three of these little guys.
Tips to joining the fun As you go seeking the creative and educational possibilities for yourself remember McLuhan’s warning …
Technology can “rob us of our wits” (Friesen, 2010), so it is important to keep your ideology intact.
Bring your passion and knowledge Second Life is much more than what you think it is . Bring what you love inworld and share it with others.
Residents want to create and your shared knowledge provides opportunities for others.
Role-play with real world applications for younger students is a good way to explore avatar creation, but educators should make it clear, avatars are real people in a virtual world.
Now, what is Second Life? Second Life is not a game. It is what the creative inhabitant makes of it and defines themselves to be within it, this view I share with White’s understanding of the virtual world(as cited by Taylor, Ballengee-Morris, and Carpenter,2010).
It is just the nature of being in Second Life that creates this learning through play environment.
references Allnutt, S. (2009). Knowing my place: Learning through memory and photography (Doctorial dissertation). Retrieved from Library and Archives Canada. Friesen, N. (2010). Vision and "the training of perception.“ McLuhan's medienpadagogik. Sensory Studies, 1-12. Retrieved from Liao, C. L. (2010) Avatar as pedagogy: Critical strategies for visual culture in the virtual environment. In R. W. Sweeny (Ed.), Inter/actions/inter/sections: Art education in a digital visual culture (pp.182-188). Reston, VA: National Art Education Association. Taylor, P. G., Ballengee-Morris C., Carpenter, B. S. (2010). Digital visual culture, social networking, and virtual worlds: Second Life and art education. In R.W. Sweeny (Ed.), Inter/actions/inter/sections: Art education in a digital visual culture (pp.210-218). Reston, VA: National Art Education Association.
Author Biography I am an augmented new media artist/educator. My research area is digital technology, new media and virtual reality, mainly Second Life. I explore avatar creation and performance as narrative while exploring my shifting realities (real and virtual) as part of the creative process. In 2000, I received my Bachelors in Studio Art from The University of West Florida. Since then, I have put my talents to use working with out -of -school programs, both during the school year and summers. I have held positions with the Girl Scouts of America, Department of Defense’s Moral, Welfare and Recreation Department, as well as private programs and local government recreation programs. Currently, my family is in the process of moving from Virginia to Hawaii. We are excited to have the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the Hawaiian culture over the next three years. I am curious to see how this change will influence my art. To learn more about lolli’s life, log on to Second Life and say hello. If you are a little shy, you can also check out her profile at , as she updates it often, with images of the places and people along her journey.