Christina Tai Portfolio'15

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CONTENTS Fashion Sketching Project / Garden of the East Website and Graphic Design Project / Balenciaga Website and Graphic Design Project / Fashion Ads Six-Month Buying Plan / Kate Spade Handbag Department Fashion Design Project / LANVIN Textile Design Project / Food and Fashion 2016 Textile Trend Book CD Album Design Logo Design Tote Bag Collection / Modern Disorder

hands of the craftsman heart of the poet mind of the philosopher and the eye of the artist


Mini Collection based on Sustainable Fashion

WEBSITE / BROCHURE MADE FOR BALENCIAGA Personal project including digital and print works.

The website was constructed by Indesign and contained video, designer introduction as well as collection introduction. As the time when I'm doing the project Balenciaga launched a special China limited edition, I created this booklet as a brochure that sent in the fashion show in Beijing. In this booklet I boldly used concise words to introduce the designer and also made it into bilingual, which can make the new China market more familiar with Balenciaga's legacy in a short time.

Home Page

B E I J I NG M AY 2 0 1 4 CHI NA ED I T I ON


Layout of Website

Brochure Pages

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" He is the only true couturier among us." ― Coco Chanel

"It’s important for the client to understand what makes Balenciaga different, to learn the history of the brand."



Spain 1895-1972 Founder 1918-1968

西班 巴黎世家創辦人

蛹型線條 鐘型輪廓澎裙 / 正反衝突的剪裁 完 / 美的肩線與袖子

清新流暢的線條 純 / 粹的優雅形式

beetle-like barrel line poufy balloon dresses semifitted suits perfect sleeve fresh, fluid lines elegant purity of form

法國 巴黎世家創意總監

精準剪裁 實 / 驗性的輪廓 科幻靈感 前 / 衛的布料


未來感與抽象 現 / 代融合品牌特色

Nicolas France 1971-present Creative Director 1997-2012

precision fit experimental silhouettes sci-fi references cutting-edge fabrics

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Brochure Pages

futuristic and abstract modernity with brand's legacy

" We wanted someone with global thinking, and could understand the digital world and the direction of fashion and retail tomorrow" ― Balenciaga CEO

" I'm exploring new territory, within the references of the house." ― Nicolas Ghesquière ϢϨ࣬ሑԒрϡ൙ᵎЎ˨෬౱Јϡ֨෢ 䪯 ৸Нࠁট


Wang United States 1984-present

Creative Director 2012-present

美國 巴黎世家創意總監

都會感設計 圓 / 弧份量感 新材質 龐 / 克與街頭風格運動服

青春且親和的 對 / 品牌的致敬與實驗

urban design rounded volume new textile punk/street sportswear youthful, approachability homage and experiment

FASHION ADS PROJECT / FUTURE FASHION ADVERTISEMENT TREND Fahion Ads Project is a group work that consists of website and mini magazine which aim at discussing fashion ads from different perspective and also the future trends. I was the leader in the group and was responsible for designing the overall layout of both website and magazine. As for the content, I wrote the introduction, criteria and future trends. All the images appeared in this protofolio is just a part of our project and my teammates' works are not included.

Magazine Pages


This project is for retail buying simulation class that we need to come up with a 6 month plan by researching into one company's specific department. The research includes both first-hand and second-hand research that help us think and act like a real buyer. The final work is a buying plan book with following chapters: company analysis, competitors analysis, trend report, 6-month plan, assortment plan and store analysis.

Assortment plan including classification, fabrication, color, size and price

Store analysis including Kate Spade's flagship store in Pacific Place, retail store in elements and harbour city. Each store will have its own assortment plan based on the store analysis.


This project is the very first fashion design project I did in SCAD for Intro to Fahion Design. We need to choose one brand and designed the collection for them. The inspiration of this collection is based on celebration, elements including like golden colour,dancing movement, fireworks texture and as well as the influence of Greek robe.




In this food and fashion project I was collaborating with another fashion student in other class which I provided the textile design for her collection. The collection is mainly inspired by pastries and pastel colours. In the textile I used different techniques to protrait the outlook of pastries, and decorations including beads, pearls and even edible beads and dry berries. My works were chosen to exhibit in the food and fashion exhibition and the show was successful and got compliments from both visitors and even industry people.


This trend report is made at the end of 2014 to forecast the textile trend of 2016. By collecting research, attending seminars and learning from textile organization or company like Woolmark, I concluded 6 trend themes for 2016. This trend book is only a brief trend report that have mood photo, introduction and fabric swatches.





This tote bag design collection is inspired by jockey club creatice art center in Hong Kong. The idea of this design project is about the contradict of old and new. Each of the bag is named after a psychology terms which connect to the impact of modern life to human beings.


How long haven't you drop your phone and speak to people around you? How long haven't you turn off your computer and writing by our hand? Sooner or later we will lose the ability of speaking and writing beacause OF the modern lifestyle.

DEPRESSION Life of the modern world are more and more comlicated than before. Different from the simple and pure old days, people nowadays are facing a cruel and indifferent soceity. Depression becomes a common problem for this generation.

According to Dr. Bruce Charlton, "Humans have been evolving toward greater psychological neoteny." Immaturity is the retention of youthful attitudes and behaviors into later adulthood. Neotenous trait including curiosity, playfulness, affection, sociality and so on.In the information explosion era, it is easier for people to get new knowledge. Also, learning through games or other new ways makes people more curious and eager to learn, which match the idea of psychological neoteny.


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