Member Commi*ee President 16-17
Your work is to discover your world, have the courage to push against the barriers of your personal limitations and with all your heart give yourself to it.
- AIESEC Australia Member Commi*ee 2015-2016
Message from the President I wrote on the front page of my applicaEon: “This is not a pla-orm this is a just a li2le book of big thoughts, challenging conversa;ons and powerful ques;ons I want to ask you. Here I stand, with the opportunity that most individuals don’t receive in their life;me, privileged to have the chance to do something for my en;ty, but more importantly - my home.� And now you will have the same privilege. This is not the Eme for doubt. This life has giJed you with the capacity to do something for the world and thus it becomes your responsibility to do so. AJer all, Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us. I look forward to seeing this within your applicaEon and your journey ahead. Love, ChrisEna
Member Commi*ee President 16-17
Role Descrip>on
As Member Commi*ee President (MCP), your responsibiliEes are to: 1. Communicate, empower, guide and involve the organisaEon in demonstraEng alignment to the AIESEC Way. 2. Provide leadership and guidance to AIESEC’s stakeholders including the naEonal leadership team, the Local Commi*ees (LC) and the membership at large in achieving AIESEC in Australia’s purpose and long term strategic direcEon 3. Manage your team and the operaEons of AIESEC in Australia and 4. Represent AIESEC in Australia externally and interna>onal in your capacity as the leader of the organisaEon in Australia, parEcularly focusing on demonstraEng the relevance of AIESEC in Australia.
Team Management
• Ensuring common direcEon of the Member Commi*ee (MC) • Providing coaching and support to team members
• Managing the NaEonal Board of Advisers • ReporEng to, and communicaEon with the Board on a regular basis
Strategic Development and Planning • FacilitaEng naEonal planning and direcEon • Ensuring execuEon of naEonal strategies • Ensuring long term perspecEves
Interna5onal Representa5on • RepresenEng the views and opinions of AIESEC in Australia to the global network • Ensuring all membership requirements are fulfilled • PromoEng successes and opportuniEes of AIESEC in Australia to the global network • Proposing and ensuring consistency in legislaEon • ReporEng to, and communicaEon with the Board on a regular basis.
Organisa5onal Leadership • CommunicaEon with the NaEonal Leadership Team • FacilitaEng naEonal planning and direcEon • Chairing membership subcommi*ee
External Representa5on • Engaging with naEonal partners • RepresenEng AIESEC in Australia at external events • Maintaining current knowledge of external trends and current affairs
Member Commi*ee President 16-17
General Informa>on
Currently, AIESEC in Australia’s head office is located in Sydney, New South Wales and is composed of 1 MCP and 9 full-Eme MCVPs.
Term The MC year in AIESEC Australia starts with a two months transiEon period from the 1st of May to 30th of June. Australian MC members are required to start their term on Wednesday the 1st of May 2016. The internaEonal MC members are required to start their MC term no later than the 1st of June 2016. Most of June is dedicated to delivering required transiEon to internaEonal MC members and preparaEon for the upcoming NaEonal conference in July. The official MC term runs from 1st July – 30th June. In the case of an MCP applicant from outside of the MC 15.16 team, the MCP elect is required to begin full Eme work with the Member Commi*ee on 1st of May 2016, no excepEons.
Hours The Australian MC is a full Eme working commitment of 40 hours per week as a minimum. Office hours are usually 10.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday. Weekend work may be required of MC members during NaEonal MeeEngs, LC visits and during the planning period. During conference preparaEon Eme, office hours usually extend beyond normal office hours.
S>pend MC members receive a sEpend of AUD$400 a week, usually paid out bi-weekly. All MC members receive an equal salary, with no bonus system or performance based remuneraEon scheme currently in operaEon. Applicants are recommended to have a savings pool of approximately $AUD 2,500, especially if you are looking to travel in around in Australia in your free Eme.
Travel LC Development related travel occurs approximately 4 Emes a year, and similarly, cost for travelling to Australian conferences are covered by AIESEC in Australia. Costs for a*endance at InternaEonal Congress and InternaEonal Presidents’ MeeEng is usually fully subsidised by the MC budget (it is up to the new team to define how many MC members will they sponsor and a*end the internaEonal conferences). Applicants are recommended to have a savings pool of approximately $AUD 2,500, especially if you are looking to travel in around in Australia in your free Eme.
Working Condi>ons The office is located in the Northern area of Sydney and is about 1 minute walk from St Leonards train staEon, making transport to any part of Sydney quite easy. Meals can be purchased from near by shops. There are also bars and pubs located in the vicinity. The office operates in an open environment with individual desk space allocated to each MC member. internet, telephone and scanning capabiliEes are also available for use in the office. During transiEon, these resources will be shared with the 16/17 team. Part Eme work outside of the MC team is not encouraged however, it can be arranged if the need arise. AIESEC commitments should be your first priority and would greatly influence your ability to be able to work part Eme in Australia. You can only commit to part Eme work on the weekends aJer business hours.
Member Commi*ee President 16-17
The important deadlines for you to remember is listed below:
The Elec>on Process: Stage:
NominaEons Open (Local Candidates only)
3rd December
NominaEons Close
15th December 5:00pm GMT + 11 26th December 5:00pm GMT + 11
ApplicaEons Due Interviews with BoA/ External Party/ Network
15th - 22nd December
Virtual QnA
5th January
MCP ElecEon Process
9th January- 14th January
Each candidate (local only) has to be nominated, seconded and then accept their nominaEon before 5:00pm (GMT+11) 15th of December 2014. Link to the nominaEon forum is here: h*p://!/team-structure
Conference Process: Virtual QnA Candidate must parEcipate in Virtual QnA to the enEre plenary on the 5th of January. Interviews with Board of Advisers, External Party and/or Network Candidate must parEcipate preparaEon interviews with interview output to be released to plenary alongside the applicaEon. Notes on Presenta>on It is mandatory for all MCP applicants to be present at January NaEonal Conference in Perth. Candidate must make a presentaEon of up to 10 minutes to the naEonal plenary at January NaEonal Conference. The candidate will also be required to make a closing presentaEon of up to 5 minutes to the naEonal plenary. Content and delivery style is at the discreEon of the candidate. QnA to the plenary and per regions, case studies and external talks will also be held to be announced during the conference. Elec>on The balloEng and voEng rules for the elecEon of the MCP are outlined in 1.4.12 through 1.4.16 of the ConsEtuEon of AIESEC Australia Ltd.
• Complete applicaEons must be submi*ed before 5:00pm (GMT + 11) 26th of December via email to & • The ApplicaEon should be sent as zip file with the following file name (Name)_MCPApplicaEon_2016-17_AIESECAustralia • You will receive acknowledgement of your applicaEon within 24 hours. • The elecEon process will take place in AIESEC Australia’s January NaEonal Conference
Member Commi*ee President 16-17
The Applica>on
This applicaEon is a book for you to explore your heart and mind for designing your stand for Member Commi*ee President. The process has been designed for you to make your own stand to completely reflect who you are and also to prepare you for the term ahead. The applicaEon is divided into eight parts with a total of 20 pages - use this as your checklist. 1. An ExecuEve Summary (Maximum one page)- A Summary of your enEre applicaEon 2. Your CV (Maximum one page) 3. Your Biography (Maximum one page) - An Account of your life, wri*en in 3rd person. 4. The ApplicaEon QuesEonnaire (Maximum 7 pages not including Blank Paper Challenges) 5. The Year Plan (Maximum 1 page) consisEng of: • Vision & Strategic DirecEon • 2016-2017 MC term goals • Role of Member Commi*ee in 2016-2017 • Key MC projects and iniEaEves proposed on a quarterly Emeline. • Proposed MC Structure • Culture of AIESEC in Australia 6. Four Blank Paper Challenges (1 page each) 7. Endorsements (Maximum 1 page each). The endorsement le*ers must include • External Endorsement: An endorsement from an external party (eg. TN Taker, Partners of AIESEC, University, past employer) • En>ty Endorsement: An endorsement from 3 LC’s in AIESEC Australia - signed by the LCP 2015 & 2016 • Network Endorsement: An endorsement from another AIESEC enEty, signed by the MCP 8. Video - To support your applicaEon for Member Commi*ee President (This video will be used to introduce you at January NaEonal Conference) Maximum 3 minutes. The ApplicaEon should be sent as zip file with the following file name (Name)_MCPApplicaEon_2016-17_AIESECAustralia by the deadline: 26th December 5:00pm GMT + 11 sent via email to & No late applicaEons will be accepted even by one second.
Member Commi*ee President 16-17
Applica>on Ques>onnaire
1. What is driving you to stand for Member Commi*ee President of AIESEC Australia 2016-2017? 2. Present your AIESEC Experience (visually/ graphically/ tabular) and highlight the three most important experiences. What was your biggest learning in these experiences? How will they contribute to the role you are applying for? 3. How do you picture yourself in the year 2020 (OccupaEon, contribuEon to society, family, awtudes). How do you see your experiences in AIESEC will contribute to this picture and shaping the course of your life. 4. How do you describe your leadership style? (Explain with real stories from your past). What are your strengths and weaknesses? What will be your unique contribuEon because of who you are? 5. What is the leadership that Australia deserves? 6. What does AIESEC give to Australia? What trends do you see shaping Australia in the following years and what opportuniEes and threats do they pose to the organisaEon? 7. How will you manage and lead the Member Commi*ee? How will you manage and lead the NaEonal Leadership Team? (Be specific with key awtudes and behaviours you want to shape) 8. Considering the current context (internal and external), what 3 trends do you see shaping the world in the following years? In light of these trends, what will it mean for our organisaEon to stay ahead of the curve? 9. What does AIESEC 2020 mean to you? How do you see AIESEC in Australia in 2020? What are the similariEes and differences to what AIESEC in Australia is now? 10. Make a holisEc analysis of the naEonal organisaEon since 2010. Highlight key achievements and non-achievements of 2015. With this context what would you do as MCP 16-17? 11. Assess the current culture, behaviours and awtudes of the AIESEC Australia plenary. What do you think needs to conEnue and what do you think needs to evolve in our organisaEon in 2016-2017? 12. In the context of 2016-2017, rank in importance the key responsibiliEes of Member Commi*ee President of AIESEC in Australia (Team management, strategic direcEon, financial sustainability, governance and accountability, global network representaEon/communicaEon, external representaEon) and the reasons for your ranking.
Member Commi*ee President 16-17
Blank Paper Challenges
You have 4 blank page challenges, one page per quesEon. Use all your imaginaEon and creaEvity.
1.What are your values, passion and purpose? 2.You have one page and all your creaEvity to propose what is the biggest quesEon that lies in front of AIESEC Australia today and give an answer to it. You have the licence to change the system, challenge any paradigms and unleash the potenEal of the organisaEon. 3.What will success look like on 30th June 2017 for AIESEC Australia? 4.What do we stand for? (and what do we stand against)? Why does it ma*er?
From the desk of Presidents that came before you
I hope you ďŹ nd the inspiraEon you need.