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The Fight Against Cash
Consumers are constantly searching for new innovations that give them a sense of control. 1 If going cashless is actually the safest and most convenient, why do 50 percent of people still stick to cash? Aside from lack of education and awareness, the issue lies within consumer’s back pockets. Holding all of your money in your wallet gives a flimsy semblance of ownership. However, with the risk of loss and theft, the rise of e-commerce and the ease of contactless payment, Americans are projected to go cashless in the future 2 . Mastercard must position its brand as the solution for attaining significant financial control in a world where the cash in a wallet is at its most fleeting. 3 Gaining significant traction on this new wave of contactless payment, while proclaiming the most controlled, safe experience will give Mastercard the edge to dominate competition. Ninetofive Media is equipped with the exact research and insights to achieve this.
1. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/02/study-feeling-in-control-prolongs-life/283657 2. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/15/more-americans-say-they-dont-carry-cash.html 3. https://nypost.com/2018/03/22/americans-barely-carry-around-cash-anymore/