IGUHU COUNTY HOSPITAL Community Units/Community Engagement
The facility is supported by 3 Community Units (CU) 30 CHVs working under 3 CHEWs.
Iguhu County Hospital is a government facility situated along Kisumu-Kakamega Highway in Ikolomani sub county Kakamega County. The facility serves an estimated catchment population of 17,862 of whom 643 are <1 year old and 3,126 < 5 years. The catchment areas serves 4,072 women of reproductive age and recorded 643 deliveries.
The CHVs attached to County Hospital, are tasked with responsibility of: client retention, treatment adherence and psychosocial support, community/ facility linkages, contact tracing, conducting health promotion activities and Positive Health Dignity and Prevention activities. CHVs Brief on follow up:
follow up of children for immunization
Mapping of ANC Mothers.
Follow up of mothers for skilled delivery and referrals for ANC visits
Community based promotion of FP
Community case management with diagnosis and treatment of malaria.
Outreaches-CHVs mobilization
Facility staff capacity enhanced through training, mentorship, OJT and CMEs.
Human resource support from APHIAplus
Established supply chain for: delivery kits, ambubags, fetoescopes, roaster boards, cervical dilation boards color coded bins, bin liners for health care waste management, ORT corner commodities
Established standards and guidelines for the service providers
Trained CHVs and HCW in growth monitoring and IMAM.
Effective referral mechanism established with community facility linkage
Establishment of Pediatric and Adolescent clubs to enhance adherence and viral suppression.
Infrastructure – inadequate equipment
Late commencement of ANC attendance leading to poor completion rate of 4th ANC visit
Inconsistent funding to fully support outreaches
Shortage of staff to meet the increasing demand for services