Mother to mother poster

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Community Mother 2 Mother(m2m) Club A Case Study of Ober K’Amoth Health Centre –Kisumu West Sub-County

Background Information A community mother 2 mother (m2m) club is made up of currently expectant women and those who recently had a baby and their child is still under five years. They meet frequently to share experiences on pregnancy, postpregnancy, care of their new-borns and children under 5 years.

Implementation by PATH 

In Kenya, PATH implemented mother to mother support groups strategy in Western Kenya under APHIA II Western Kenya. The intervention was very successfully in promoting good infant and young child feeding practices for children under 5 years.

Outcomes Started with 10 mothers currently has 33 pregnant mothers/ANC and 22 Post natal mothers with children under 5 years

5 HEI have graduated HIV negative at 18 months

Currently have 9 members enrolled in PMTCT

All the children have either been fully immunized or on schedule

All the pregnant mothers attend at least 4 ANC visits before delivery

All the mothers have delivered under SBA

Improved Male involvement in MCH at Ober K’Amoth

Improved facility skilled care deliveries from 34 in 2011 to 178 in 2015.

Ober K’Amoth m2m APHIAplus Western Kenya support for Ober K’Amoth Health centre dates back to 2011. Currently APHIAplus supports both service delivery and community service demand creation through community units. The project supports Community Dialogue and Family open days.

Before APHIAplus support the facility only conducted up to 35 deliveries in a year.

In 2012 after initiation and establishment of the community health units targeted ANC referrals commenced.

This was followed by active engagement with 10 pregnant women who met at community level and also visited the facility frequently as a platform for promoting other maternal & child health practices.

Health Education sessions on:

A mother and her child attending a mother 2 mother meeting

Conclusions/Recommendations 

Community m2m support groups is an opportunity for promoting good maternal and child health practices at community level Active supportive supervision and mentorship for CHVs on ANC mapping, use of data, vibrant linkage and referrals system is paramount in its sustainability.

Activities for m2m 

Danger signs in pregnancy, new born and post-natal mothers Importance of: ANC, SBA, EBF, PNC, PMCTCT Good nutrition during pregnancy and for baby Care of pregnant mothers & baby Maternity tour at facility Family open days Individual ANC attendance review Development of individual birth plans Experience sharing

A nutritionist advising mothers during a m2m meeting

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