Community Units/Community Engagement
Sabatia Sub-County hospital is a government facility situated along Chavakali–Kapsabet in Sabatia Sub County. The facility has a catchment population of 32,046 among whom 1,140 are under 1year and 4,486 under 5 years. The facility is meant to cater for up to 7.306 women of reproductive age and in 2016 expected 1,140 deliveries.
The facility is supported by 3 CHUs and 30 CHVs. They are tasked with responsibility of client retention, adherence and psychosocial support, Community/ facility linkages, contact tracing, conducting health promotion activities and Positive Health Dignity and Prevention activities in all the entry points which they are attached to. CHVs Brief on follow up:
Follow up of children for immunization
Follow up of mothers for skilled delivery
Follow up on postnatal
Inadequate working space especially in maternity, ccc and Lab
Late commencement of ANC visits leading to low 4th ANC visit
1st ANC visit delayed leading to more deliveries at home
Staff fatigue because of high work load at maternity since many mothers from neighboring other catchment areas come for delivery services at the facility since it’s the only facility offering 24hours maternity services.
Inadequate supplies to include: pharmaceuticals, nonpharmaceuticals and laboratory reagents.
Staff capacity enhancement through training, mentorship, OJT and supportive supervision.
Increase in health care provider: client ration through human resource support from APHIAplus
Supply of medical equipment (BP machine fetal scope, waste segregation bins, delivery packs and delivery coach)
Nutritional support
Support in pssg( paediatric,adolescents and PMTC)
*There are no Lay Counsellors in Sabatia Sub -County Hospital