UKWALA SUB-COUNTY HOSPITAL Background Ukwala Sub-County Hospital is a government facility situated along Ugunja- Ukwala road in Ugenya Sub –County. The facility has a cathment population of 21,477 of whom 751 are under 1 year old and 1,073 are under 5 years. The facility is expected to provide services to 5,148 women of reproductive age and in 2016 was expected to deliver 751 children.
Inadequate working space especially in MCH, maternity and Lab.
Late commencement of ANC visits leading to low 4th ANC visit completion.
Delay in initiating ANC visit leading to more deliveries at home. .
Increased work load at maternity since many mothers from other catchment areas come for delivery services at the facility.
Community Units/Community Engagement The facility is supported by 7 CHUs: Doho East, Simur East, Siranga, Doho West, Simur Kondiek, Yenga and Simur. It has 47 CHVs. The CHVs are responsible for ensuring: client retention, adherence and psychosocial support, community/ facility linkages, contact tracing, conducting health promotion activities and Positive Health Dignity and Prevention activities in all the entry points which they are attached to. CHVs Brief on follow up:
Follow up of children for immunization
Follow up of mothers for skilled delivery
Community based promotion of FP
Success of referrals’ of ANC, Deliveries, women for FP.
Community case management with diagnosis and treatment of malaria.
Passing health Information to community members which has a positive impact.
Defaulter tracing.
Mapping of ANC Mothers’.
Trends Trends in ANC, in ANC, skilled skilled delivery delivery andand immunization immunization (Penta (Penta 1) 1)
Indicators EPP
Qtr 1 189
Qtr 2 189
Qtr 3 189
Skilled deliveries Imm. Penta-1
194 109
182 220
213 187