VIHIGA HEALTH CENTER Background Vihiga Health Centre is a government facility situated along Majengo-Luanda road in Vihiga Sub County. The facility serves a population of 18,208 among whom 770 are under 1 year old and 2,136 under 5 years. The facility is meant to serve 4,369 women of reproductive age with an estimated delivery of 770.
Community Units/ Community Engagement The facility catchment has 4 Community Units supported by 50 CHVs. APHIAPlus has enhanced the capacity of the CHEWs and CHVs to offer community level services through various trainings and provision of tools. The CHEWs and CHVs have been trained on: basic training on CBHIS, growth monitoring, maternal, and newborn and child health, Kangaroo Mother Care, identifying danger signs in pregnancy and verbal autopsy, community family planning and community malaria case management Monthly CU Activities
Monthly mapping, referral and linkage of pregnant women for ANC services
Defaulter tracing-Immunizations, HIV/AIDS, TB, ANC
Monthly review meetings
Dialogue and Action Days
Escorted referrals for skilled deliveries
Identifying children due for immunization and referring them
Conducting home visits and conducting health education & promotion and doing mobilization for health services available in the link facility
Supporting the customer care desks and growth monitoring at the link facility
Monthly PSSGs and children club meetings
Monthly Peer educators meetings
Facility-Community linkages meetings
Infrastructure – lack of space for some of the RH services such as youth friendly centre, PNC and the maternity has only three bed capacity.
Late commencement of ANC attendance leading to poor completion rate of 4th ANC visit
1st Delay leading to more deliveries at home
Stock-out of supplies of: pharmaceuticals, nonpharmaceuticals and laboratory reagents.
Shortage of staff to meet the increasing demand for services especially the clinical staff
Financial support for outreach clinic services