In the year following World War I, the city of Omaha continued to push west. The first streetcar suburb had recently been annexed and development along West Dodge Road was burgeoning. Witnessing these changing times, Omaha’s bishop responded by establishing “the new parish in Dundee”.
From modest beginnings above a storefront at the corner of 50th and Underwood Avenue, parishioners were determined to create something enduring. Persevering and flourishing through the Great Depression and World War II, St. Margaret Mary remained Omaha’s most westerly parish for the next 30 years.
Looking ahead to the next century, the people of St. Margaret Mary parish remain a vibrant Catholic community gathered together to celebrate the presence of Christ in sacrifice and sacrament. This is a harvest made possible by the dedication and resolve of past families and clergy. Set upon a rock, the parish aspires to meet the spiritual, educational and social needs of all of God’s people.
Hardback, 160 pages. Available for $25.00