Out Of Step #2 Teaser

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wh we are // our CONTRIBUTORS Out Of Step Magazine has been blessed with an unbelievable team of the best, most creative and awesome writers, photographers, artists and helpers in the world. Here are some of them and us:

Christin Malén Andreassen //

Christin is beyond inspirational as an editor in chief. Like a little machine with brains and burning heart, she embodies the expression Multitasking. Developing more skills for each issue. This time around she shot the collab with Anti, Unicum, De Ansiktsløse, the fashion story Hands Tied and the hands introducing the next page. Thats in addition to doing everything else. She is the mother and father of Out Of Step. www.christinmalen.com

Benedikte Kluge //

Benni brought her writing skills to Berlin and gets to look at everything from a different angle. Juggling different freelance missions with her love for OOS, she can be right hand, ball player and whaling wall. This time around she wrote the pieces on Sea Shepherd, Glen E. Friedman and Vakkert Gjort. And giving it all to get OOS to NY for launch. World domination, here we come! come!

Marit Kjærstad //

Finishing off her last year at Westerdals School of Communication, Marit is more than just a copywriter. With her on board, we actually get to print and throw a once-in-a-lifetimeparty on top. Where the network of the others end, she has strings attached to all kinds of people and knows how to move them in magical ways. Maybe because she is a darling. Or maybe it´s her love for music: myawesomesoundtrack.blogspot.com



Peter Beste //

et a

li o n”

website: www.peterbeste.com t ia



Art direction and design// Christin Malén Andreassen


Writers// Benedikte Kluge Christin Malén Andreassen Eva Nedergaard Jonathan Shia Marit Kjærstad Tommy Olsson


Editor in Chief// Christin Malén Andreassen

Photo by Jon “M

We had a huge story on Peter in our last issue. Morgan Norman took his portrait then and this time we asked Peter to make a tradition and do Glen Friedman’s portrait. Peter is known for his sub culture photographs, the book ‘True Norwegian Black Metal’ and for being a cool guy.

Jonathan Shia //

Oslo Project Manager// Marit Kjærstad Berlin and New York Project Manager// Benedikte Kluge Marketing// Christin Malén Andreassen Marit Kjærstad Yourname Here Photo// Christin Malén Andreassen Gavin Thomas Jimmy Duvall Nada Bojic Norman Cavazzana Peter Beste Sebastian Ludvigsen Steffen Aaland

Jonathan writes for the prestigious fashion magazines V Magazine and V Man in New York. He also studies journalism at Colombia and has a good eye for culture with a message. Jonathan conducted the interview of Sara Antoinette Martins, and we are stoked to see how people like it and all of his future work.

Tommy Olsson //

Imagine our surprise when the well known writer Tommy Olsson agreed to do the story about Gaahl. We jumped off our chairs of joy. He later told us they talked (and drank) for 8 hours straight. We knew it would be great, but it is better than great!

Artwork// Alaina Armstrong Are Sundnes Fredrik Melby Glen E. Friedman Heidi Wilhelmsen Jan Skomakerstuen Jimmy Duvall Justin Bartlett Kristian Eivind Espedal Lars Myrvoll Mariell Amélie Marit Brithsdatter Martin Yang Sara Antoinette Trine&Kim

Steffen Aaland //

Cover// Photo// Christin Malén Andreassen Styling// Beryl Diane Makeup// Linda Nicolaysen Model// Sebastian Tjørstad Photo assistant// Fham Emily Sjøholm

Not many men can say they are men enough for us. But Steffen proved that he is worthy by going to Gaahls house and spending the day with him when all he knew about Gaahl was what the media and the Internet had told him. Steffen took all the amazing portraits of Gaahl and his house. website: www.steffenaaland.com

Logo and Symbol// Fredrik Melby/Anti Typeface for OOS, Satanica// Christin Malén Andreassen

Sebastian Ludvigsen //

Webdesign// Are Sundnes

Sebastian is a well known photographer in Norway and luckily he likes us and always helps us out if we ask him to. A dedicated craftsman that fill us and his work with good vibes. We are fans! Sebastian took the photos for ”De Ansiktsløse”.

Blog design// Jon A. Gaasland Publisher// Out Of Step Magazine / Christin Malén Andreassen

website: www.sebastianludvigsen.com

Valuable guidance// Andreas Tylden Jon Anders Gaasland A special thanks to// Agneta Nilsson Andreas Fobba Andreas Øverland Anti Arild Eriksen Barbro Berg Andersen Bilder Nordic Camilla Camilla Skriung

Erik Friesl Fham Sjøholm Frida Maureen Gjermund Nordgard Hanne Gravrok Julia Lyon Kirsten Linn Falch Laurens De Groot Lundeby Maja Folgerø

Marthe Muan Sæther Martin Mentzoni Nora Per Oskar Leu Ragnhild Karlsen Rubber Soul Sea Shepherd Shit Tone Tone Emblemsvåg

Westerdals Zoom Øystein Hansen Åshild Amland


This is Out Of Step Magazine #2. An issue that had a curse resting on its shoulders. An issue that did not want to be born. A baby who needed to be convinced to appreciate life. It came out feet first. With us all screaming. The first issue got, as all first-born babies, a lot of attention and good feedback. This one decided to come out with fully grown teeth and strong bones. A fucking teenager. Raging towards its parents, making our lives a living hell. But we still love him to death. To death… Now, why the second one is troublesome, I don’t know. Maybe because we didn’t get all the free rides as we got the first time. Maybe because we deserved to experience some hardship or maybe just to learn a thing or two about parenting to get better at this thing called publishing. But we kept on moving and it resulted in what you are now holding in your hands. A pretty well behaved, but slightly troubled kid but with good intension. We are not a huge magazine. But we are growing. We’re not even sure that we want to be big. ‘Young till I Die’ doesn’t sound too bad right now, to be honest. Last issue obtained popularity in a jiffy and we emptied out storage to a worldwide audience. It makes us want to do this all day, every day. We still keep the interviews done in English, in English, and the ones done in Norwegian, in Norwegian. But we do understand that there might be someone out there who wants to read everything in English, so we will probably put it out on our blog or website soon. (www.outofstepmagazine.no) Also, instead of settling with 3200 copies, we are doing 5000. We are also to be found in Stavanger, Trondheim and Bergen and also releasing our selves in New York. Just because we can. Because that’s what this is all about: Because we CAN. We don’t have to obey some bitter old dude in a suit who says what we can and can’t do. We do whatever we want, and if people like it, well, good for us. I have been working my ass off for this, eating nothing but potatoes for months. But at the same time I feel like the luckiest person alive who gets to do this magazine. No money, no fame, no food, just the pleasure of getting this magazine and our stories out there to 5000 readers and even more online. It doesn’t make me want to blog a single minute in my life. Paper rocks! I am incredibly proud to get so many amazing people to contribute to Out Of Step Magazine. My life feels complete every time someone new says ‘Yes’ to us. Like when Gaahl said yes to do the interview and to let us show his paintings in the magazine. Or when The Tommy Olsson said yes to meet Gaahl and do the interview for us. It ended in an 8 hour


long drinking session and I have never been that happy about anyone getting drunk before. It felt good. We also have exclusive works from artists such as Trine+Kim, Justin Bartlett and the talented Mariell Amélie in the back of the magazine. Jan Skomakerstuen surprised me when he turned in his contribution and it looked exactly like the Burzum t-shirt from 1992 only as an Out Of Step version. I had no idea he was the man behind that shirt, so thats really cool. He hand printed 20 pieces of his work, signed and numbered and if you are lucky, you can get the hold on this very limited print or the t-shirt version of it, in case you don’t have a wall to put it on. We are also proud to bring up a few things we really care about by publishing both an interview with Sea Shepherd, who at the moment are down in Antarctica fighting Japanese whalers. Sitting here in Norway does not feel too good either in that context; we are also a whaling nation. It surely is about time we look around us and smell the fish about how we treat others on this planet. We also have an interview with someone whose identity is hidden, even to us. Someone who also risks their own well-being for a better world. It means a lot to me to be able to print a story that the big media have tried to get for years, with no luck. That’s the upside of being small, trustworthy and independent. It’s not all about “fighting the system”, but things tend to get better if you have

a motivation behind your actions. Just look at Glen E. Friedman and his photography or Sara Antoinette and her occult symbolism. We are also about showing the ones who don’t always get heard. I did a typography-project with some people who dont always feel too good. We put in the flesh -words to their pain and even if it was a scary and serious project, I really feel like we all learned something. Talking for hours about how it feels to be misunderstood or silenced by the taboo in our society really made me think. Maybe people don’t want to hear about it. Well, but we do. The hardest part of it all has without doubt been the money-part. Selling ads and begging for help is no fun at all, but obviously, it has to be done to get something out for free. So like any other troubled teenager, we have to pay for its development and eventually it runs off with all your money, and while the independent young thing is running around, we are left broke and alone again. So enjoy this bastard! Don’t throw it away after reading, give it to someone who can enjoy it, or keep it in your bookshelf. Because for every word you read or every pixel you see, someone has been working their ass off for you to enjoy it. No multimilliondollar/kroner company, no suits, no Gucci bags, just me and my new friends, trying to make a difference.

-Christin Malén

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Fighting for a large cause

PLAY COMBINATION A collaboration in color

JEWELS OF THE DIRT Shit shares the candy


DØDEN I HVIT TRØYE Velkledd farvel

CUT TO THE CHASE Inside the “Outsiders”


Sweet and scary from Sarah Antoinette Martin


Norman Cavazzana’s precious

THE MAKING OF HISTORY Glen E Friedman’s hot shots

PIGMENTATION DISGUISE A visual story with a blush


Æren er underordnet målet

VAKKERT GJORT Underhudssignaler

VARIERTE VISJONER Tolkninger av et mantra





“ Ja, jeg er... odelsgutt, men jeg har avsagt meg det� 35

It´s probably about a kind of an abstract pain that has to be defined to be able to create a form of distance. The main problem has often been that there hasn´t been any specific event that acted as a catalyst for this, just anger, or simply a need to feel something more than what I did right there and then.

Photos // Christin Malen Andreassen muse and magic // JULIA LYON People with feelings // martin menTZONI, nora, camilla, barbro and tone

”I’m telling you I want it to work. I don’t like being hurt. Something’s not right inside. And I can’t always put it aside. What can we do, what can we do? Mr. Present, go away. Come back and fuck with us some other day. Mr. Feelings, run and hide. You have no right to what you feel inside. Motherfuckers, quick to kiss. Talk your shit, but don’t fuck with this. All I want to know is... Am I holding on? Am I moving on? What can we do, what can we do? Try!” Minor Threat



left side//

Unfinanced Love

9’’x12’’ alkyd & acrylic Unpublished illustration on property value of a pet

right side//

Vomit Twins

14’’x20’’ alkyd & acrylic ”Divine Lotteria” exhibit at the GSS Gallery, Brooklyn

photo // norman cavazzana text // benedikte kluge

Photography // Norman Cavazzana / www.normancavazzana.com Post Production // Norman Cavazzana Styling // Catherine Ekström Vaindorf / Söderberg Agentur Hår // Peter Hägelstam / Björn Axén Makeup // Maria Boström / Björn Axén Photo Assistant // Daniel Stigefelt Modells // Maximilian Sandén and Gabrielle / Elite A special thanx to M2 Studios

Norman Cavazzana is no ordinary man. Actually two extraordinary creatives stand behind the name, both knowing that two brilliant minds come up with more brilliant ideas than one. The Italian/Swedish duo started of as photographer and creative director, two roles that more often than not merge. Nowadays they revolutionize the borders of their imagination and add arty film and independent adornment. Most things are actually possible, as long as you are really determined to do it. NC thought : “What the heck, let’s do it!” out loud and it assumed the shape of NC RAW. A collection of rings and things that comes from that twist of imagination between art and fashion. Exploring ever new concepts make them rock the traditional – just like their jewelry does.




“So how much time did it take? It took my whole life to take that one great photo.�


Beastie Boys 1984


HR / Bad Brains left page//

Tony Alva 1977



photo // Christin malen andreassen styling // beryl diane makeup // Linda nicolaysen model // sebastian Photo Assistant // Fham sjøholm


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