2 minute read

Train Up a Child

Words of the Lord

Proverbs 22:6 (KJV) Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Train Up A Child


By: Darnica Gordon

Although we don’t want our children to experience any of the trials we had to go through, those trials are what shaped us. As we go through different trials and situations our children are picking up on how we react and respond to those very things. Are we trusting in God or are we stressing ourselves and everyone around us out? I recently realized that I was trying to shield my children from everything. You know the three that always want something? Yeah them (if not, check out my blog on the Christ It Up website). And in this season, I am in I cannot shield them anymore. Walking by faith includes sacrifice. We have to be on a tighter budget so it has been “no” to a lot of things. And when the holidays quickly approaching I started feeling the weight of my faith for the sacrifice I was making. I love gift giving, so being in a position to not be able to do Christmas shopping as I please, was weighing heavily on me. God gave me a peace that I can’t explain. It was like, “It’s okay, just do what you can and see if there’s help for the rest.” And with that I was able to gain more peace. I still had the urgency to do more but I knew that I couldn’t. So, allow your children to watch God work through your life. Be sure you are also praying over your children. My son was becoming very agitated with the fact that he was always around me and his sisters. I prayed that he would find good friends with good heads on their shoulders and be able to go out with them and have fun. This prayer was actually answered, and I wasn’t ready for it. But I prayed for this and prayed over him and reminded myself of the things me and my husband have instilled in him and that the Godly wisdom we’ve given him will direct him in any situation on where he should go. We have to be sure we are training our children in the word of God so that no matter if they try to run from it, it will already be in them.


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