7 minute read
Among the Negatives
An Open Letter to the woman I’m abandoning in 2017 for the woman I am ready to be in 2018 By: Abriana Leeper
It’s the least wonderful time of the year, the end of it; arriving once again like it always does. Reflecting is always appropriate, yet unwelcomed at this time, and you find yourself looking back through all 364 days, sifting through for every mistake you made. This year went exactly as you planned, didn’t it? It doesn’t end with a new transition, or in a new place. Those toxic relationships are still in place, the vision board you meant to create lay in pieces hiding in a folder with the board pushed towards the darker parts of the closet. Every good and perfect disaster emerged like an unwanted house guest, arriving with plenty of baggage and no exit date. None of this, however, surprised you. You fearfully walked hand in hand with each disaster, unwilling or unable (or both) to muster up the courage God already gave you to simply say no to this life and walk into the promises God has given. This is not your life, you do not belong here. 2017 went according to the plans you hoped would not come to pass, but in no way made sure did not. You were not crushed, destroyed, ruined or left without hope. You did not die from all the pain and disappointment, and your heart did not break after the most inconceivable happened. You survived through everything you believed was sent to take you out. 2017 was not simply filled with forgettable disasters you wished never happened. In fact, there is no wishing--they happened, and you cannot get rid of the choices made. You can live and thrive beyond them. You spent too much wasted time in such a negative place and now is your moment to go beyond it. After all, negatives are nothing more than an unfinished piece of artwork, full of light and shadow that has been processed into a position, for a positive piece of work to arise.
A precious life was lost, but in its wake a new life has to emerge. Yours. In a short time, everything looks like it’s falling apart, but that is simply God’s way of letting you know these pieces have no business in your future. They are replaceable and therefore need no mourning moment. Your children need you to stand up and be the woman God has created you to be. You are more than equipped for the task, you are ready.
Coffee with Sister Doris
Sister Doris, I stumbled across this magazine on the Internet and loved the Coffee with Sister Doris section. I've been battling for a while if I should ask my question. Okay so here it is. I was born a male but feel more like a woman. I love the clothes, shoes, and hair. So I'm always dressed that way. So I guess my question/problem is that I know God and love Him so why do I feel this way. If he created me and he doesn’t want me to be a woman, why am I battling this? I don't want to be male. I could go on and on but..... Please help!
Signed, Not comfortable in my own skin.
Not comfortable, Come have a seat at the table. I’ll grab your coffee. So, first give me a hug because I can imagine that you need a hug today. I want you to know that nothing that we discuss is going to come from a place of judgement from me. I just want to share with you what the Bible says about your situation. God loves you and cares for you. But there are some things that God says He will not allow in the kingdom of Heaven. 1 Corinthians 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate(a man having or showing characteristics regarded as typical of a woman; unmanly), nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. But don’t be deceived. If we do not repent of our sins and turn from our sinful ways we will not spend eternity in Heaven. The Bible also tells us how to be saved from sin and hell. Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. I hope that our chat helped. Until next time, Sister Doris will be praying for you.
You have to remember that God made us all and we all have one or two things on that list that we battle. We cannot decide that we were just born this way and can do whatever we want. We have to choose to love what God loves and if there is anything in us or about us that God does not agree with, we need to go before God and ask Him to deliver us.
Romans 12:9 Let love be genuine. Abhor (hate, dislike, despise) what is evil; hold fast to what is good.
I say “we” when I’m speaking to you because we all have sin in our lives. The difference is that your sin is visible. Do not feel shame. God does not wish that you would perish. He wants you to have life eternal with him.
Book Worm
With the New Year freshly upon us I felt it appropriate to share this book by Emily Ley. Though it may be common knowledge, if you have clutter you probably need to get rid of some things, but for whatever reason that was so hard for me to grasp. I felt I just needed more storage. This book helped change that.
A Simplified Life By: Emily Ley
A Simplified Life is a great tool to use to live a more simplified life. The sections include: • Simplified Space • Simplified Style • Simplified Meals • Simplifed Schedule • Simplified Finances • Simplified Hospitality • Simplified Technology • Simplified Self • Simplified Motherhood • Simplified Faith
I think the section that was most crucial for me was Simplified Space (big surprise right?). The reason being, I have a lot of clutter and wonder why, but it’s because I’m not cutthroat when it comes to getting rid of stuff. I just had to be real with myself and say, “Nica, you are never going to wear that again.” Or, “You had that since 1989 (I’m exaggerating! LOL) throw it away!
If you pick this book up let me know what section affected you most.
Contentment is not a crime The new year is upon us. Here’s what I need you to do during these days of cold and winter. Get your mind right. God is not gonna play you, but you’re playing yourself if you refuse to respect the seasons, cycles, and rhythms of your life. God is not gonna play you, but He’s not playing with you. If you’re not aligned with the power of His promises, you’ll feel like you’re in the midst of a blizzard when your seeds should be beginning to bud. You’ll find yourself doing the same old two-step, when the spirit is trying to do a new thing. Once I shifted my pursuit of happiness from publishing the book to pursuing God, I recognized that His plan was much better than mine. When you’re willing to surrender, Godspeed ensures you’re right on time. My seeds began budding right in time for spring and once again as the days became longer in summer it was the perfect time to give life to and celebrate my published work. The struggle ends when you align with the power of the seasons, cycles, and rhythm within. The struggle ends when you choose to be content. Contentment is not a crime. Start this year off aligned with the divine. continued from pg. 11
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