Making A Living Professional Wedding Photography A career as a professional wedding photographer may be quite satisfying for a professional photographer, however, as in case of any other line of work, it is important to remember that this profession can be pretty difficult also. Following are a few of the common challenges a beginner can expect to face as a professional wedding photographer. Professional Wedding Photography Challenge # 1: Money Matters Right from the initial financial investment required to set up the professional gear, to the secondary costs of business like editing, printing, travel and stay, visiting cards, just to name a few, must be accounted for prior to deciding to quitting your day job. It may take three to four years for inexperienced professional wedding photographers to actually start earning well, so generating the ROI on your investment will take a while. You should have enough financial stability and/or have backups to help you get by during down times, else you may face serious money trouble soon. Wedding Photography Problem # 2: Catch-22 Situation You do not find good clients without enough experience as a wedding photographer, and you will not get enough experience without customers. It is a typical situation which almost anyone starting out face, unless you are lucky to get supportive friends and family who would give you the chance to conduct their all-important wedding photo shoot. You might have to accept a number of gigs as a second shooter, or even some less paying jobs before you are able to overcome this problem. Wedding Photography Challenge # 3: Dealing With The Pressure Wedding Photo Shoots can turn out to be extremely taxing and not quite as interesting for the photographer as for others. In order to be a successful professional wedding photographer you’ll need to become a number