Foreign Rights Catalogue - Ch. Links Verlag

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Ch. Links Verlag

Foreign Rights Catalogue Spring 2016

Politics and Contemporary History Lifeworlds Historical Guidebook Country Portraits

Christian Jakob

Julia Gerlach

Der verpasste Frühling Woran die Arabellion gescheitert ist


Wie Flüchtlinge Deutschland seit 20 Jahren verändern

Ch. Links Verlag


ARKTIS Porträt einer Weltregion Ch. Links Verlag

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

Politics and Contemporary History Julia Gerlach

The Lost Spring Why the »Arabellion« failed

Julia Gerlach

Der verpasste Frühling Woran die Arabellion gescheitert ist

In 2011 a new, democratic era seemed to have dawned in the Arab world. The Egyptian uprising against Mubarak was a particularly strong signal. Nowadays many of the former activists are in prison, old and new dictators are in power, and millions of people are fleeing from civil war, hopelessness, and the killers of the so-called Islamic State. The Arab world is in the midst of a major crisis that threatens to become a European one. Hundreds of thousands of refugees, bloody terrorist attacks, diplomatic helplessness. Julia Gerlach has spent years interacting with the activists of the revolution, Islamicists, politicians, and normal people in the region. She succeeds in a personal and informative way in describing the events that led to the failure of a hopeful new beginning. An exciting, nuanced look at recent Arab history, which affects us now more than ever.

284 pages, 23 illustrations, 1 map ISBN 978-3-86153-868-4 Release in January 2016

Julia Gerlach Born in 1969; studied political science and Islamic studies; journalist for ZDF’s heute-Journal, Die Zeit, Berliner Zeitung, among others; from 2009 to 2015 she reported from Cairo on the Middle East as a correspondent for a number of German dailies.

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

Politics and Contemporary History Christian Jakob

Those Who Stay How for the past twenty years refugees have been changing Germany


This book is the first to tell the story of the refugee movements and refugee protests that have accompanied German asylum policy since the early 1990s. The now much-discussed “culture of welcoming” was not a sudden and spontaneous development but the result of a long struggle for recognition and human dignity and the active efforts of refugees and migrants. Christian Jakob shows that the modernization of German society is largely the work of these migrants and refugees – a process that can no longer be reversed, despite ongoing debates and conflicts.

Wie Flüchtlinge Deutschland seit 20 Jahren verändern

A long-time observer of refugee policy, he evaluates current developments in the European asylum system and describes how a more modern and open asylum and migration policy in Germany might look, one that hopefully won’t repeat the mistakes of the past.

Christian Jakob

Ch. Links Verlag

ca. 200 pages, 1 map ISBN 978-3-86153-884-4 Release in March 2016

Christian Jakob Born in 1979, studied sociology, economics and philosophy in Bremen and Milan; global studies in Berlin, Buenos Aires and Delhi. Since 2006 editor at the tageszeitung, first taz Nord in Bremen, later the taz.eins section in Berlin; since 2014 as a reporter. He was nominated for the journalist prize »Der lange Atem« in 2015 for his coverage of asylum policy.

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

Politics and Contemporary History Gerd Braune

The Arctic Portrait of a region


ARKTIS Porträt einer Weltregion Ch. Links Verlag

The Arctic, once a true “fringe” area, has become a contested region of the world where many interests collide. Climate change and the disappearance of sea ice have resulted in a growing desire for resources and new shipping routes. The future of the Arctic is being negotiated nowadays at the highest political level. Icebreaker fleets are being built and military bases established. Ships are opening new paths to settlements and raw-material deposits. Energy companies are securing exploration and exploitation rights. What’s the lowdown on the supposed “race” for raw materials, what are the real problems and opportunities of the circumpolar region, and which protagonists are determining its subsequent development? Gerd Braune knowledgably portrays nature and climate, politics and diplomacy, economics, human beings and culture in and around the Arctic.

ca. 248 pages, 2 maps ISBN 978-3-86153-867-7 Release in February 2016

Gerd Braune Born in 1954; studied political science and law; from 1983 to 1992 correspondent for regional politics at the AP news agency in Wiesbaden and Mainz, then five years as a news editor at the Frankfurter Rundschau. Since 1997 he has reported as a freelance correspondent from Canada, in particular on developments in the Arctic. Gerd Braune runs the website Arctic Report (

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

Politics and Contemporary History Dominic Johnson / Simone Schlindwein / Bianca Schmolze

Trying Congo Crimes in Germany The crimes of the Rwandan FDLR militia and attempts at criminal justice

Dominic Johnson | Simone Schlindwein | Bianca Schmolze

Tator t Kongo – Prozess in Deutschland Die Verbrechen der ruandischen Miliz FDLR und der Versuch einer juristischen Aufarbeitung

Ch. Links Verlag

This book takes us from a German courtroom to Rwanda and eastern Congo, where a well-regimented militia rapes women, plunders villages, and murders people – war crimes, some of which have been masterminded in Germany. The FDLR (Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda) is the name of this Hutu militia, in which the perpetrators of the 1994 genocide have since regrouped themselves. Its two political leaders are currently living in Germany, and since 2011 have been called to account by the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart. Germany’s first trial of this sort ended in September 2015 with guilty verdicts, but the presiding judge warned that “mammoth trials” like this could not be handled with the existing German legal system and its code of criminal procedure. So what’s the alternative? A seminal work for all those concerned with contemporary African history, the prosecution of war crimes and human rights violations.

ca. 440 pages, several maps ISBN 978-3-86153-871-4 Release in May 2016

Dominic Johnson Born in 1966, since 2011 director of the foreign news department and since 1990 Africa editor at taz newspaper. Simone Schlindwein Born in 1980, since 2008 based in Uganda and taz correspondent for Central Africa. She has researched the FDLR in Rwanda, Congo, and Germany. Bianca Schmolze Born in 1978, since 2003 she has worked for the Medical Aid Group for Refugees (MFH) in Bochum; from 2011 to 2015 she documented the court proceedings in Stuttgart for the MFH and taz newspaper.

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

Politics and Contemporary History

Updated and expanded new editions: Thomas Kunze / Thomas Vogel

The End of the Empire

What became of the states of the Soviet Union Updated and expanded new edition 328 pages, 55 illustrations, 1 map ISBN 978-3-86153-894-3 Release in January 2016

For the new edition of their book, originally published in 2011, historian Thomas Kunze and journalist Thomas Vogel have once again traveled the fifteen former Soviet Republics. In describing the dramatic changes of the last twenty-five years, they have thus taken into account more recent developments as well, e.g., the conflict in Ukraine. The book combines contemporary historical analysis with vivid travel writing.

Manfred Quiring

Powder Keg in the Caucasus

Conflict on the borders of the Russian empire Updated and expanded new edition ca. 220 pages, 1 map ISBN 978-3-86153-899-8 Release in March 2016

The Caucasus remains an unsettled, conflict-ridden area. After six wars in the last twenty-five years, new conflicts have flared up once again. This fractured region, whose surface area is little bigger than Germany, is home to more than 50 different nations with varied political and economic interests, different religions and cultures. In addition to territorial disputes between individual states and regions, Moscow, for its part, has repeatedly fanned the flames of political strife, viewing the region as its own sphere of influence. More recently, ISIS has cast its shadow on this region located on the margins of Europe. With more than thirty years of experience as a correspondent for the Berliner Zeitung and Die Welt in the Soviet Union, Russia, and the CIS, Manfred Quiring has regularly traveled this mountain range, sometimes witnessing its conflicts first-hand.

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

Politics and Contemporary History Günther Wessel

Dirty Business with Antiquity The global trade in illegal cultural goods Investigators estimate that the sale of illegally obtained cultural goods is an $8 billion annual business worldwide, and rising. The greed of collectors not only destroys the pasts of entire nations, it also helps finance terror networks such as ISIS. Receivers of stolen goods take them abroad – to London, Brussels or Munich. Auction houses, private dealers or online traders sell them with forged certificates and profit from the lax regulations in Germany, a hub of the illegal trade in antiquities. State Minister of Culture Monika Grütters has announced that an amendment on the protection of cultural assets will be introduced, which should be adopted in 2016. Günther Wessel reconstructs the path these stolen goods take from the excavation site to collectors. He paints the first comprehensive portrait of a dirty business that is irreparably damaging the heritage of humanity.

2nd, updated edition 184 pages ISBN 978-3-86153-841-7 Release in March 2016

Günther Wessel

“The subject is as thrilling as a detective story, which Wessel gives a light, almost comic touch with sometimes bizarre tableaus.” Der Spiegel “The author’s well-researched account dispels the myth that the trade in illegal excavation finds is a mere peccadillo.” Handelsblatt

Born in 1959, studied German literature and philosophy; freelance journalist and editor for more than 20 years; author of numerous travel guides and biographies, as well as radio features for all major German broadcasters; from 1998 to 2001 journalist in Washington D.C., from 2002 to 2007 in Brussels, since September 2007 in Berlin.

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

Lifeworlds Maja Roedenbeck

Childhood in the Shadows When parents are sick and children have to be strong



im SCHATTEN Wenn Eltern krank sind und Kinder stark sein müssen

Vera, 48, can’t bear feeling excluded. Uli, 27, gets scared when her friends don’t get in touch with her every day. Fridolin, 46, couldn’t look at himself in the mirror for years. Jeanette, 18, didn’t want to kiss her first boyfriend for seven months. People who grew up with a sick parent – whether physical, psychological, or addiction-related – generally have to deal with their difficult childhood when they become adults. That is to say, when their search for a partner fails, when relationships go sour, or when they feel overwhelmed having children of their own. They often end up isolating themselves. Feelings of guilt, fears of loss, problems getting along with others, or depression impair their lives. Maja Roedenbeck not only tells her own story, she gathers the voices of fellow suffers, psychologists, and other experts in the field. Her book gives us the courage to become more self-determined and take control of our own lives.

Ch. Links Verlag

ca. 220 pages ISBN 978-3-86153-879-0 Release in April 2016

Maja Roedenbeck Born in 1976, former radio journalist and freelance journalist, now serves as full-time director of the recruiting campaign “Not Everyone Can Do SOCIAL WORK” of Diakonie, the social welfare organization of Germany’s Protestant churches; works as a lecturer at Macromedia University of Applied Sciences in Munich; Previous books published by Ch. Links: And Who Will Kiss Me? Absolute Beginners – When Love Doesn’t Come, 2012. (

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

Lifeworlds Kathrin Klette

Hope A guide for learning to trust

Kathrin Klette

Hoffen Eine Anleitung zur Zuversicht

We’ve forgotten how to hope. In a world of insecurities, fears, and growing demands, trusting that good things will come seems risky. And yet hope doesn’t only influence the future, it affects how we live in the present. When we hope we believe that something positive will happen. Holding on to this belief gives us strength and courage and motivates us to act. We hope for new love, a new job, a healthy child, the healing of a disease, a new place called home. Everyone who’s experienced its absence – hopelessness, a state of utter resignation and despair – knows how powerful and existential this feeling is. Those who allow hope into their lives will find confidence and trust. In this polyphonic book, Kathrin Klette leads us on an inspiring journey, helping us rediscover an underestimated emotion.

ca. 220 pages ISBN 978-3-86153-878-3 Release in March 2016

Kathrin Klette Born in 1978, studied art history, modern German literature and modern history at Humboldt University in Berlin and Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich; 2010 to 2012 traineeship at the Protestant School of Journalism (EJS) in Berlin, stints at Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, rbb Kulturradio, Spiegel and ZDF (New York); since July 2013 editor at Neue Zürcher Zeitung.

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

Historical Guidebooks Ingo Juchler

Americans in Berlin A historical guidebook Berlin has become an incomparable symbol of what the United States means to Germany. Conversely, the Americans’ fascination with Berlin is considerable. About 350,000 Americans visit the German capital each year. This volume looks at a multitude of American personalities and depicts the places where they lived and worked in Berlin. American diplomats and politicians, intellectuals and scientists, inventors and pioneers, athletes and artists of all kinds with their distinctive experiences in Berlin bring the history of German-American relations to life and make it accessible to everyone. Fold-out maps, a color-coded orientation system, and numerous historical photos provide a wealth of visual material.

ca. 128 pages, ca. 120 b/w and color illustrations, 3 maps ISBN 978-3-86153-883-7 Release in March 2016

Ingo Juchler University professor, studied political science, German literature and educational science at the universities of Trier and Marburg; since 2010 professor of political education at the University of Potsdam.

Ch. Links Verlag ∙ Schönhauser Allee 36 ∙ 10435 Berlin ∙

Country Portraits

Our country portraits in new editions with a new design RLD’S L E WO NEW

3. Ed.

978-3-86153-714-4 Available

2. Ed.


3. Ed.

978-3-86153-902-5 Release in June 2016


978-3-86153-851-6 Available

3. Ed.

978-3-86153-902-5 Release in June 2016

2. Ed.

978-3-86153-880-6 Release in April 2016

3. Ed.

978-3-86153-741-0 Available

978-3-86153-823-3 Available

978-3-86153-822-6 Available

978-3-86153-901-8 Release in June 2016

978-3-86153-667-3 Available


3. Ed.


978-3-86153-866-0 Release in March 2016

978-3-86153-824-0 Available



3. Ed.


2. Ed.

978-3-86153-836-3 Available

2. Ed.

978-3-86153-903-2 Release in May 2016

Ch. Links Verlag

© Tobias Bohm

»Ch. Links Verlag – a trusted name in the German publishing industry.«  Die Welt

Censorship in East Germany was abolished on December 1, 1989. This was the green light for Christoph Links, an employee at East German publishing house Aufbau Verlag at the time, to establish an independent non-fiction publishing company for politics and contemporary history. Since then he has brought out about 800 titles, his three-man staff has grown to twelve, while the subject matter of his books, invariably weighing in on current events, has likewise expanded. Literary journalism, country studies, self-help, historical travel guides, coffee-tables books with accompanying texts on distinctive locations in German history, books about German colonial history, also e-books can be found in his publisher’s catalog.

For further information please contact: Margit Stragies, Rights Manager: Johanna Links, Editor:

Ch. Links Verlag Schönhauser Allee 36 10435 Berlin Germany

phone: + 49 (0) 30 - 440 232-0 fax: + 49 (0) 30 - 440 232-29

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