I nTheLa ndofChr omat i c aw/XTI ANDEMEDI CI
Fashi onForcesMaki ngaStatement
10stylestochoosefrom that fastfashion o ers,willnotbeenough! One size does not t all and 10 styles is de nitelygoingtogetboring,realquick.
Cy c l o l o r eMa g a z i n e Cy c l o l o r eMa g a z i n e
Formeit' skind ofbackwards. . .Mostdesignersimagine themselves one day designing for the stars butfor me I imaginemyselfdesigningfortherestofthepeopleoftheworld. Givingthem thesameopportunity to expressthemselvesand to telltheir story visually in the same way stars do,through their clothing.Thinkaboutit,ifyouwearasuititmakesyoufeelacertain way and you' ll probably get that j ob you' ve been wanting.All branchesofthemilitarywearuniformsthatrepresentwhotheyare and to a degree that uniform empowers and emboldens the wearer.The preacher,the doctor,the j udge orthe popewear nothing more than a costume to instill,invoke orevoke a powerto thewearerand afeelingoran emotion to the observer.Iknow that"fastfashion"willsoondieout becauseeveryonehastheirownstorytotell. Everyone isunique in theirown waythatthesame
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onbyDrake Scorpi O.byMya K. T.
Absol ut el y not hi ng l ol . . . .I rarel y have o and when I' m not const ruct i ng agarmentoran accessory,I' m st i l ldesi gni ng i n my head.In my mi nd Iam al wayst ryi ng t o gure outhow t o make mat eri al sbendormove,how canImakeadressoraj acket tbet t er, whatcol ors,whatdi rect i on am It aki ngf ormyl at estcol l ect i on, whati st he i nspi rat i on f ormy col l ect i on nextyear,t heyear a er, ve years from now?I tneverends and I' ve never knownwhati twoul dbel i kewi t houtal loft hatgoi ngon i nmyheadbutwhenIdogetadayo ,It ryt odo t he t hi ngsidi d asa ki d. wat ch hoursof movi es,t al kont hephone,hangout wi t hfri endsorgot o
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