Christopher Carrano
B.Arc Fall 2016 Portfolio
Contents Exercise 1
Form and Making Pgs 3-4
Exercise 2 Elements and Operations of Form Pgs 5-13
3 Scale, Movement, and Context
Pgs 14-19
4 Case Study Analysis Pgs 20-21
5 A Public/Private Studio Pgs 22-25 2
Exercise 1
Form and Making
In this charrette students were asked to produce a 6'' cube from either linear materials (basswood sticks), planar materials (Strathmore board and foam core), or volumetric materials (blue and white foam). The basic geometry had to be present in the cube but all six side did not necessarily need to be represented
preliminary volumetric cube
in the design. I pushed my designs by incorporating the ideas of restraints of the assignment and necessity of what makes a cube a cube.
preliminary planar cube
final linear 6'' cube
Exercise 2.1
Elements and Operations of Form
In this charrette students were asked to produce 3'' preliminary cubes and a 6'' final cube made out of linear materials. In addition, the cubes had to follow an operation such as "intersect" or "twist" and include five internal spaces. Through my design process I used the idea of
preliminary cube
illusion and operations of intersect and overlap to create my cubes.
preliminary cube 5
preliminary cube
preliminary cube
final 6'' cube
Exercise 2.2
Elements and Operations of Form
In this charrette students were asked to produce 3'' preliminary cubes and a 6'' final cube made out of planar materials. These cubes also had to follow an operation and include five internal spaces. For my designs I used the operations of overlap, skew, and intersection. To create the cubes I used the inspiration of floating
preliminary cube
corners as well as deifining space without actually having them be closed spaces.
preliminary cube 7
preliminary cube
final 6'' cube 8
Exercise 2.3
Elements and Operations of Form
In this charrette students were asked to produce 3'' preliminary cubes and a 6'' final cube made out of volumetric materials. Going with the theme if the rest of the exercises the cubes were based on operations which were overlap, lift and grade, along with the five spaces. I explored the idea of almost a labyrinth of
preliminary cube
space in my models.
preliminary cube 9
preliminary cube
final 6'' cube
Exercise 2.4
Elements and Operations of Form
In this assignment students were told to make a 9'' cube using two formal elements and up to two operations from the Operations Handbook. I did a few iterations of different designs but what came out on top was the subtractive operation from a volumetric solid. To incorporate a second
preliminary cube
element, I used linear pieces in order to show internal imbedding of the two separate elements of the foam and sticks. I then used shifting of the subtractive pieces in order to create my spaces on my cube.
preliminary cube 11
preliminary cube
final 9'' cube 12
preliminary cube
sections of final model
unfolded elevation of final model
Exercise 3.1 e
Scale and Movement
In this exercise students were assigned a building on the Syracuse University Campus with a partner. The task was to only using human scale, recreate the sequence of spaces in the building orthographically in perspective. I was assignes Eggars Hall and was given the task of the orthographic drawings so I used units of measurement such as foot
exterior facade of Eggars Hall
lengths, my body lengths, or bricks on the faรงade of the building.
interior space of Eggars Hall
othrographic drawingsof Eggars Hall
Exercise 3.2 e
Scale and Movement
For this assignment students were told to take their final models from Exercise 2.4 and create a 9'', non-representational architectural rendition of a 24' building. The building had to include a path of movement along with five spaces and one of those spaces showing some sort of hierarchy over the others. In my design I began to use the operations of embed, like I did before and carving out of a solid volumetric mass.
preliminary cube made from planar materials
final 9'' model made from white foam 17
Exercise 3.2 e
Scale and Movement
For the final part of assignment three the students were put in groups of three or four and told to make one site using their models from exercise 3.2. Aside from a specific plot set for the students they had freedom of the organization of each building. We were encouraged to
final site model
make change according to the program we selected for our group. I personally did not have many changes made to my building besides a sunken staircase and closing off the tunnel in the middle of my model.
final model in context of plot 18
plan of final site (drawn by Chris Carrano and Alec Rovensky)
perspectives of sequence of spaces in the site from my building
Exercise 4 e
Case Study Analysis
In this analysis exercise students were given one or two partners and picked a building in which they were going to analyze. By doing research, studying the architect, and surveying existing drawing students had to create sets of drawings analyzing aspects of the building such as
Family House in Vallcarca
Photo by: Estudio Carme Pinos
paths of movement, context and formal operations. I chose the Family House in Vallcarca by Carme Pinos. Through analysis I discovered a notching of the floors as they moved up in floors as well as a general vertical path of movement through the structure.
interior of Family House in Vallcarca
Photo by: Estudio Carme Pinos
exploded axonometric
analytical diagrams
Exercise 5
A Public/Private Studio e In the final assignment students were given a site that was surrounded by a main street on one side and a residential street on the other. The task was to create a studio for an artist of a specific media and create a studio, living space, and gallery on this plot. For me I went through many different designs for my artist who created projection and digital art. In the
study drawings
process of charrettes I took elements from the operation of notching to create differences in public and private space as well as different paths of movement through the building.
study models
axonometric drawings and diagrams
ground and first floor plans and north to south section
second and third floor plans and east to west wsection
final 1/8'' massing model
final 1/4'' model
model in site