Christopher Carrano ARC 182 Spring 2017 1
Christopher Carrano ARC 182- Representation II Spring 2017 Syracuse University
Table of Contents
Project 1-Skills Redux
Project 2- Surface
Project 3- Shape
Project 4- Sensation
Project 5-Atmosphere
Assignment 1
Chris Carrano Christopher Carrano Assignment 1ASkills Yu-Chi Kuo, Arc 182Redux Objects and Their Origins in a Cube In the first part we began to just start learning the new programs. We did this by just creating 3D, non representational shapes. 1/21/17 4
Assignment Chris Carrano 1
Christopher Carrano Assignment 1A- Skills Redux Yu-Chi Kuo, Arc 182 Objects and Their Origins in a Cube 1/21/17
Chris Carrano Assignment 1 Assignment 1A- Skills Redux
Christopher Carrano Objects and Their Origins in a Cube Yu Chi-Kuo , Arc 182 1/21/17
Assignment Chris Carrano 1
Christopgher Carrano Assignment 1A- Skills Redux Yu Chi-Kuo, Arc 182 Objects and Their Origins in a Cube 1/21/17
Assignment Chris Carrano1
Christopher Assignment 1B-Carrano Skills Redux Yu-Chi Kuo, Arc Furry and Textures 182 Objects In the next part we added textures and colors to our prevous objects. 1/29/17 8
Chris Carrano Assignment 1 Assignment 1BSkills Christopher Carrano Redux Furry Textures Objects Yu and Chi-Kuo , Arc 182 1/29/17
Chris Carrano Assignment 2A- Surface Surface Drawings 2/4/17
I this assigment students began to learn how to convet texture with none other then a picture and a computer. We first had to trace a panel of the slocum hall auditorium. This was the outcome of 2A. 30.0000
W o o d
Chris Carrano Assignment 2A- Surface Surface Articulation 2/12/17
In the next part we were then asked to add in color. By doing this we begin to give the illusion that the drawing is much more 3D. Rather then just lines they now have depth.
W o o d
Chris Carrano Assignment 2A- Surface Surface Montage 2/26/17
In the last part of project 2 we took the drawings we had prevously done and were able to change them. There wasnt much direction on this project giving students creavtive freedom. I decided to earse all of major dark and light spots in the drawing only leaving a medium gradient behind. 30.0000
W o o d
Assignment 3A
YuChi Kuo, Arc 182 Chris Carrano Assignment 3A- Shape Shape on Shape In this exercise we beagn to start seeing shapes in real 3D space. We were told to see these as real object and give them color to look as if they were in real space. 2/29/17 16
Assignment 3A
Chris Carrano Chris YuChiCarrano Kuo, Arc 182 Assignment 3A- Shape Shape on Shape 2/29/17
Assignment 3A Chris Carrano
Chris Carrano Assignment 3A- Shape YuChi Kuo, Arc 182 Shape on Shape 2/29/17
Assignment 3A Chris Carrano
Chris Carrano Assignment Shape YuChi Kuo,3AArc 182 Shape on Shape 2/29/17
Chris Carrano Assignment 3B- Shape Object or Image 3/4/17
In this part of project 3 we were taught how to render a pattern onto shape. This really gave a shape that we came up woth the effect that it is in real space. IIt gave it such a real effect and this tenique began to futher out capacity on these new programs.
Project #3B Chris Carrano Professor Name, YuChi Kuo Arc 182
Chris Carrano Assignment 3C- Shape GIF 3/11/17
With our rendered shape we then created a GIF or a moving picture. We rendered 64 frames of how we wanted the shape tpo move and change and put it all together to make it look as if the shape comes apart and comes back together.
Chris Carrano Assignment 4A- Sensation Drawing Impossible Things 3/25/17
In this project we began to delve deeper into the idea of adding tecture to a piece. Bu just using lines you can make amazing things as we did in this assignemnt. We had to trace the texture of sand from a ceratin part of the world. The result was topography lines overlaid with this new texture we built.
Christopher Carrano Rep 182 TA: YuChi Kuo
Chris Carrano Assignment 4B- Sensation Tactical Enhancments 4/1/17
After the texturewas built we then went further with the idea of created 3D tectures. We made an oddly shaped box and put contour lines on top of it. We then overlaid color and the texture to make it look as it was a cube taken from the red sands in Egypt.
Project # 4B Christopher Carrano Louis, YuChi Kuo Arc 182
Chris Carrano Assignment 5A-Atmosphere The Air Up There 4/9/17
To start learning about how to show atmosphere, we were given an image ot overlay with texture and with nayhting we want to make it look as an atmospheric elevation. I used Textures getting less dense the closer it is to the groud and a break in those textures for clouds.
Chris Carrano Assignment 5A-Atmosphere Invisible Thresholds 4/15/17
For the final assigment we learned how to create space in a real envoirnemnt. We had to create a cube and split it into 5 surfaces. We then had to distor the surfaces and create contours. After adding color and a light source we created an invisible threshold.
Project #5B Christopher Carrano Prof. Louis, TA: YuChi Kuo Arc 182 Spring 2017