The Rift Of The Magi My cousin and I were both 7 years old. We found a dead mountain lion, injured somehow, looked like a fight. Nearby, we heard her nearly newborn cubs mewing. We somehow got our parents to bring the cubs home so we could nurse them until they could live on their own. That first night the cubs were in our barn, they yowled. They cried out for their mother. It was the worst sound I had ever heard. From them, I learned to hate the sound of injustice, of pain, of the universe disordered. Nothing else of note happened in my life for 10 years… … and then my fingers slipped on the smooth wood. My father’s order, “Don’t try to move it yourselves; wait until I get home with ropes,” replayed in my head. My cousin’s eyes opened wide – he was six feet away from me, just a few steps down, but he might have been on the other side of the world for all that I could help him. My fingers slipped. Free, the grand piano lurched, hit my cousin square in the chest, and he flipped, rag doll, down the stairs, the piano banging its way after him. His screams and the twanging strings and the splintering wood: dissonance far worse than kitten cries. My ears ached from the sound of Things That Are Not Right And Should Not Be. My own voice made no sound. No cry I could make would add anything to that horrible noise. He was 17. I was 17. We thought we were immortal. It ought to be impossible to recover from such a mistake. A man’s life was taken by my stupidity. Oh, true, my cousin’s stupidity had played into it, but that merely shared the blame. It did not relieve me of my guilt. But life goes on, and while family cannot forget and cannot forgive, it can forge ahead anyway. And so I finished high school, went to college, and began a career – in accounting. I think I punished myself – I chose as bleak a career as I could find, one I loathed. I was good enough to survive but not good enough to excel. I moved paper around in cheerless offices. I suppressed my love of music. In all pianos, I heard only the dissonant echoes. He will forever be 17. But I went on to be 27. And I learned I am immortal. My Magi chest was delivered on a brisk September morning by the United States Postal Service. I know the Ordo has shrunk over the centuries, but is a personal visit really too much to ask? Someone to at least stand there when a chest is opened to make sure a reborn Magi doesn’t die then and there from shock and awe? Should I ever have the responsibility for delivering another Magi’s chest, I will not be so callous as to use the parcel post! I had no master to guide me this time. This time. By the scratch marks inside the chest, I count this as my 29th incarnation. I wish I had dates for each of the previous 28, but “year of the poor harvest” would probably be of little aid, and I have reason to suspect that this is only my third life of the “common era”. Do I sleep between