The ultimate vision workbook

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The Ultimate Vision Workbook The Ultimate Vision Workbook is designed to help you create your perfect vision for who you want to become. Creating and painting a picture of your perfect vision will help you become more focused, more consistent and help you stick to a daily routine that will, in turn, create the habits of success. Do NOT skip questions. Work through them. Yes, even the hard ones! My suggestion is to take a journal and hand write your answers. There is power in handwriting and as you write your brain begins to think of ways to accomplish your vision. Do not pay attention to the negative - write out who you want to become and be brutally honest as you work through these questions. Warning: There are some very difficult questions asked.

Determine My Optimal Outcome (Respond In Your Journal by Hand Writing Your Responses) Get very specific here. The purpose of this is to help you become vividly aware of what your best possible outcome will look like and what your worst-case scenario would mean for you. Q. When I give my business 100% of my full potential, what will be the outcome for me? Q. What is it worth to me? Painting Your Desired Picture The purpose of these question is for you to engage all of your senses. For you to paint a picture that will move you to consistency and action, you have to bring all of your senses into the picture and activate them. More than just imagining it, you must feel it, see it, hear it, smell it, taste it - you have to paint the picture of exactly what it will be like when you get there. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q.

What will I feel once I’ve arrived? What will I see? What does it smell like? What taste are present? What do you hear? How will I feel about myself? What kind of restaurants will I dine in? Where will I go on vacation? What will I do throughout the day? How large will my team be? Will I earn a company car? What will the new car smell like? Who will be in the seat beside me when I drive it out of the showroom? Who will I be able to help along the way? What does my dream house look like? What does the backyard look like? Where do I spend my mornings? What does it sound like when I walk the stage hitting my desired rank? How will I spoil my team silly? How will my family benefit? Can you hear lots of laughter and sounds of joy in your life? Where do they come from? What makes me smile the most about my life?

Worst Possible Outcome Now that you have envisioned who you want to become and what you want to achieve, now think about the opposite. Do the same, get crystal clear with the worst possible outcome. Know what THAT feels like, looks like, sounds like, tastes like and smells like. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q.

If I do nothing with this, where will that leave me? What are the things I am feeling? What does it smell like to me? What do I see around me? What do I hear? How does it taste to me? Did I live to my fullest potential?

Make A Decision To Do It This step is coming to the realization of whether or not you have fully made a decision to move forward with your business. Many people say they have decided, but if their actions would prove otherwise. If your talk doesn’t match your action, you’ve not fully decided. It’s the actions that matter. Be brutally honest with yourself as you write out your answers. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q.

Have I really decided? If so, do my actions reflect my decision? Why haven’t I decided? What am I waiting for? Is that an excuse or is it a fair reason? Could I be doing more to move forward? Am I consistent with my actions? Why am I so hot and cold with my actions? What is it that holds me back from making a decision to go all-in?

Make It Forward Motivating Many people get stuck because they are moving away from something. They want to get out of debt or they want to get out of a certain job. After you get out of debt or away from being employed, what is pushing you then? It’s better to be pulled than pushed. Your motivation for doing this must be forward, or toward motivation. Q. What kind of language have I been using in regards to my business? Q. Has it been more focused on getting away from something or moving toward something?

Make it Personal Who am I doing this for? Why am I doing this? Do I really want this? These questions lead to motivation. You have to want it for you - not for some other reason. When you know that YOU want something and you have the understanding of why you want it, roadblocks, setbacks, circumstances, rainy weather, bad moods, lame excuses and ‘buts” do not get in the way. Motivators are things that are deeply meaningful, heavy, important, personal…. that no matter what happens, you continue to act. It is because of these things that you become unstoppable, unmessable, an implementor, an action taker…..totally beast! Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q.

Why am I doing this? Is this for me, or am I doing this because someone else wants me to? What are the core, deep and meaningful reasons I will do this? What are those things that will specifically motivate me into action? What are the most significant reasons I’m doing this? Is it worth giving my all for this?

Make It Specific with What You Want & When You Want It Making money in network marketing depends on selling product and rank advancing. Building a team and growing your organization is part of the equation.You have to know how to rank advance and what it takes for you in your particular company. All businesses must know how they get paid. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q.

How far away am I from my next two rank advancements? How do I get to the next rank? How do I get to the top of the plan? Do I want to get to the top of the plan? If not‌ where do I want to get? What specifically has to happen for me to get to that level? What specific actions must I take to get there? What exactly do I want from my business? When do I want it? What are the dates & timelines for me to achieve what I want?

Track your actions and your results. Setting goals and action steps are vital, but so is tracking your progress along the way.

Determine The Price You Are Willing To Pay Success and achievement comes at a cost. You have to figure out what you are willing to give and give up in the process. Take some time to acknowledge what you are willing to do (actions you will take) and what you are willing to give up as you seek this success. Q. What am I personally willing to give this business? Q. How much time will I invest weekly? Q. What do I need to give up or do less of to have the time to do this? Q. How much money can I invest into this each month? Q. Do I believe the sacrifice is worth it long-term? Q. Do I believe the sacrifice is worth it short-term? Schedule it. Make room for it. Put it on your calendar as an appointment that can not be missed. Your success requires that you block out the time and relentlessly stick to it.

Build Your Support Team Being in network marketing can be rather lonely even though our entire business revolves around people. Some will roll their eyes at you while others will support you. You have to be intentional when it comes to surrounding yourself with people who build you up, encourage you, uplift you and bring out the best in you…. all while being honest with you. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q.

Who am I spending most of my time with on a daily basis? Are they supporting me in this endeavor, or are they a negative energy? Is this helping me get to where I want to be or is it hindering me? Who can I invest my time with who can better serve me? Who would make a good accountability partner for me?

Surround yourself with people who support you, encourage you, build you up. For those who drain you, limit your time with them. Look for other areas that may drain you as well such as the News, TV, I always say that I “run from the negative.” Sometimes the negative people in your life are those who love you and do not now how to appropriately handle your ambition, your dreams, your vision and your goals. Tough conversations are often needed for understanding.

Come Face To Face With Your Fears One of the major causes for people not taking action comes from FEAR. Fears are real and successful people and unsuccessful people both have them. If being successful is important to you, you will face your fears. You will work through your fears. You will not give in to them. There is one step to addressing your fears: Face them! Let’s Face them now…. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q. Q.

Why aren’t I taking action? Why do I never talk to people about my business? Why do I sit at the computer all day just staring at it? Why do I creatively avoid taking the needed actions with superficial actions? What am I afraid of? Why do I have that fear? Where does it come from? Is my vision bigger than my fear?

The secret to eliminating your fear is by facing it one step at a time. Make a call. Speak with someone about your business. Invite. Schedule an appointment. Do another. Then another. It will get easier and easier. Over time, it will be gone. If you have a fear of picking up the phone, don’t say you’re going to make 30 calls tomorrow. Just make one. Then add another. Then another. You’ve got this. Think of the sense of accomplishment you’ll feel when you’ve overcome this fear. Once you realize you can overcome your fears, you will be unstoppable!

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