Design Intent
Christopher Pulcer
Contents Windsor Detroit: Woodbridge Detroit: Cork Town Long Island Chicago Digital Practice
University of Windsor Art School Function : Foreign Language Center Collaboration: An individual school function for the University to connect with neighboring buildings and create community development. Program: An education path for foreign language skills separated into multiple spaces.
Designed using the base word multiplcity Multiplicity: Varying forms of space combined together acting as one
Comprised of multiple components: Welcome/Introduction A Day in the Life Culture and Current Times Cultural Cuisine Back form for residence halls
Functions are connected to neighboring buildings: On Left: Sculpture Center uses Foreign Language Cafeteria with adjoined freight elevator for top floor access On Right: Residence Hall connects to Foreign Language via balcony
Detroit: Woodbridge
Walking Within the Wind Pedstrian walkway that was to go in between two retail centers in downtown Detroit. Feelings of footsteps and wind was the design element. Interactive forms of rest and gather for public
Woodbridge Art Gallery 4700 square foot art gallery at a site in the Woodbridge area of Detroit. Program : Gallery space Lobby Storage Resident artist studio Office space Restrooms Outdoor space
Gallery spaces are tiled in various colors Transition areas built with wood glu lam beams to support glass roof Windows along the back of the exterior provide seeing into the outside space Studio is separated from the rest of the main building to give a private setting
Detroit: Cork Town
Unclear Boundaries: Community credit union mixed with studio apartments Qualities: Frosted curtain wall exterior with clear glass ribbon transitioning into the brick of the adjacent building. There are prevalent themes with curved organic form.
Program Interior: Exterior walls are peeled inward and curved to form individual spaces. As the plans move more to the right, the forms become less organic and more box like to suit the needs of the bank and office spaces.
Curved Continous Form: The interior walls from the lower levels continue and rise through the upper floors as to be one continuous wall moving freely in the building.
Long Island
Writing With Lighthouse Exploration on Architect Steven Holl Project Case study on how light is translucent in the house Qualitites: Sunlight filters through the central living space Horizontal timber slats cover glass windows Windows cannot be seen from the outside
Chicago River Orchestral Center School function built on the bend of the Chicago River. Site: Currently a parking lot near the waterfront. Near Chicago Sun Times Building Structure: Entirely built underground and in certain areas rose it above the ground plane at specific elevations to appear as though there are separate buildings attached to the hilled landscape
Rooftops of the underground structure are exposed and used as walkways for the students Building heights decrease as the river slopes toward the river displaying a clear and picturesque view of the waterfront Underneath the surface lies the complete auditorium accessed by any of the fragmented spaces above ground.
Broken fragments: The small spaces above ground are used as classrooms and rehearsal spaces.
Digital Practice
Gardella Honors House Screen Design Shaded canopy for the students to rest and interact Built around existing honors house Tables are grouped together for classsroom setting Canopy Design: Framed angles for white canvas Meet at intersecting points inside honors house
U Factor Model Calculation
Original Thermal Analysis
Improving Window wall Insulation Using Therm and Window Analysis Program from Lawrence Berkely National Lab. Brick veneer wall section with air cavity wall and extruded polystyrene Revised by adding a thin vapor barrier .7500 inches thick Results: Achieving max temperature of 69.8 F
Improved Thermal Analysis with .7500� Vapor Barrier