Nova booklet prototype2

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A framework for Swisscom products and services in development, ready for feedback


Wie verwende ich dieses Handout? Dieses Booklet richtet sich an alle Swisscom Mitarbeiter, welche Verantwortung für Geschäftsbereiche, Themengebiete oder Prodduktgruppen tragen und im Umfeld der Produktentwicklung und Lancierung von neuen Produkten tätig sind.

Das Booklet gibt einen Überblick über das Framewok zum Swisscom „nova“ Label sowie deren Anwendung Weitere Informationen zum Label Swisscom „nova“ sind unter einsehbar.

Impressum Originalausgabe: 2015 Auflage: 400 Herausgeberin Swisscom (Schweiz) AG, INI-INO, Ey 10, Ittigen

Projektleitung: Christoph Frei Redaktion: Daniel Ledermann (?), Peter Studer, Olaf Geuer, Oliver Stein, Pascal Geronimi, Egon Seinkasserer (?)

Redaktionelle Mitarbeit: Abteilung…

Grafische Umsetzung: Korrektorat: Druck: Aquaprint GmbH, Bern Feedback an:


Swisscom “nova”



Inhalt Overview 5 What is the Swisscom “nova” label? 7 When you can use the Swisscom „nova“ label 9 Why we need the Swisscom „nova“ label 9 The environment 10 The challenge 11 The Swisscom „nova“ label as complement to the Incubation Container 12 The Swisscom „nova“ label as complement to HCD methods & KALI processes

Deepdive 15 How you can profit from the Swisscom „nova“ label 16 Simplified communication 17 Reduced governance 19 Toolings 23 Use Case 1: “Label only” 24 Use Case 2: “Full package”

Annex 26 Glossar


What is the Swisscom „nova“ label?

If you want to launch your product or service on a small scale, or if you are looking for feedback on your "soon to be live" product or service (some call it a beta, some a pilot), the «nova» framework offers you:

external: perception

Label Simplified governance Tools

internal: enabling

Every Swisscom product or service, independently of its type (hardware, software, service or other) or product development mode (SDM process, Incubation, Pirates hub or other) can use the Swisscom “nova” label.

Mit dem Label „nova“ schaffen wir uns den Freiraum, Produktideen mit Kunden zu testen, diese schlank zu entwickeln und bedürfnisgerecht weiterzuentwickeln. Gleichzeitig standardisiert, vereinfacht und beschleunigt es das interne Vorgehen


Label The Swisscom “nova” label will manage your customer’s expectations. It also simplifies your communication processes.

→ You find more information the communication topic on page 15.

Simplified governance speed your go-to-market with an adopted governance

→ You find more information the nova stages and its reduced governance on page 17.


Tools to speed you market


→ You find more information the different nova toolings on page 19.

When you can use the Swisscom „nova“ label

When can I use the Swisscom “nova” label for my product? The «nova» label can be used whenever a product or service:  is in its final development stage and needs to be tested, evaluated and adopted in a lean and quick way  needs a close interaction with the users/testers  needs to test the business model, scalability, target group or other aspects

By placing the «nova» label on a product or service, customers immediately see that it differs from a classical Swisscom one:  it is still in a test phase, so there might be radical changes undertaken if feedback from customers point this way  the product might be stopped at any time


Rules for using the «nova» label   

you present your product or service on the «nova» website by registering it you interact directly with your users/testers, also on support questions your product stays in the field of responsibility of your business unit


Why we need the Swisscom „nova“ label The environment Wir bewegen uns vermehrt im Geschäft von Software und global sich ständig ändernden Märkten - und müssen uns daher immer rascher weiterentwickeln. Dieser Bereich wird häufig von StartUps mit einem Minimal Viable Prouct (MVP) Ansatz getrieben: Produkte und Services werden in einer Grundversion an den Markt gebracht und von dort her aufgrund der Kundenreaktion weiterentwickelt, auch kann so das Potential abgeschätzt werden. Demzufolge ist es für Swisscom zentral, Produkte und Services in einem Lean Approach in einer sehr frühen Phase als MVP mit Kunden zu erproben, diese daraus kontinuierlich basierend auf Kundenfeedback weiter zu entwickeln und daraus zu skalieren.

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The challenge

Swisscom steht am Markt für verlässliche und sehr sichere Produkte und Services. Dies ist ein elementarer Teil unseres Brandes, die Erwartung der Kunden sowie des Marktes. Wenn Swisscom ein neues Produkt ankündigt, erwarten Kunden sowie Medien ein fertiges Blockbuster Produkt. Für Produkte, welche zusammen mit den Kunden entwickelt werden sollen, auch kleinere Produkte bleibt somit wenig Platz: sei dies in der Bewerbung, im Support oder auch im xx. Auch das Prinzip vom Ausprobieren und schnellen Scheitern (und daraus zu lernen) kann so nicht gelebt werden.

 Die DNA von Swisscom beinhaltet Vertrauenswürdigkeit, Inspiration sowie Einfachheit. Diese gilt es zu erweitern, um unter dem Label „nova“ Platz für kleinere Produkte sowie Produkte in Entwicklung zu geben. Dies ist mit einem internen sowie externen Paradigma-Wechsel verbunden („Swisscom darf auch mal ausprobieren und scheitern“).

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The Swisscom „nova“ label as complement to the Incubation Container Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

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The Swisscom „nova“ label as complement to HCD methods & KALI processes Das Label Swisscom „nova“ unterstützt die Denkhaltung und Vorgehensweise von Human Centered Design: Ideen gemeinsam gemeinsamen begreifbar machen um sie zu testen, weiter zu entwickeln oder auch zu verwerfen.

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Christian Petit: „Auch im ENT Bereich wird das gemeinsame Entwickeln mit den Kunden immer wichtiger, wie erste Erfolgsstories zeigen Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.“

Heinz Herren: „Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et.“

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Sascha Weisshaupt: „Wichtigkeit für die Zukunft eines starken Swisscom Brands Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et.“

Egon Steinkasserer: „Lancierung von kleinen Produkten aus INI INO… Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et.“

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Swisscom “nova� label

Simplified communication (adding a label)

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If you launch a Swisscom product, you need to inform all touchpoints, like the Swisscom shops, Helpline, media relations, social media channels. This can be a time consuming task, especially if you plan to release a product on a small scale. Additionally, having all those channels constantly updated, should your product evolve fast, can be a difficult task. Under the “nova” label, this is different: you don't need to brief and constantly update all Swisscom communication channels as you commit to stay in direct contact with the users/testers. This way, you directly take on their feedback and help if there are support questions. This means that the usual Swisscom customer touchpoints like for example the Swisscom hotline, the Swisscom shops, or the Swisscom social media channels are not informed about any «nova» labelled product or service. If there is such a feedback or support question, the user/tester is sent to www.swisscomch/nova, where he will find his product and thus gets into direct contact with you.

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Reduced governance

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Differently from launching your product or service under the Swisscom brand – where the whole Swisscom governance needs to be fulfilled –, launching it under the «nova» label offers you to benefit from a simplified governance, dependently in which “nova” phase you would like to launch. In order to launch your «nova» labelled product in the public phase, you need to have it first launched either in the internal, the closed or both phases. A direct public launch is not possible.

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Tooling set The ÂŤnovaÂť framework offers a set of tools which will enable product teams for a shorter go-tomarket time and also offers promotion possibilities. This catalog will be enriched and updated on a constant basis. Amongst the first additional tools that will be added is a feedback tool that you can easily integrate into your app or webservice, and an ERP system for user management and test data reporting

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Webkit In order to have a simple Website ready within a short time, the «nova» Webkit offers a free service to build, deploy and host your product website. There are no programming nor design skills required – anyone using this tool is able to build his product website.

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Swisscom App Catalog The Swisscom App Catalog offers an easy possibility to deploy apps internally as well as externally. As all Swisscom internal Apps as well as all ÂŤnovaÂť Apps will be listed in the Swisscom App Catalog, this platform is the perfect way to get your first users/testers.


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Helpdesk The email based OTRS ticketing tool offers you to interact with your customers/testers in an easy and scalable way.

Access to testusers Building up a database of all the users/testers of ÂŤnovaÂť labelled products, you will in future be able to access a list of people that might be interrested in testing your product or service. This way your recruitment times will be shortened massively.

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Use Case 1: “Label only”

Description The product we are going to launch is a big one: we went through the whole SDM process, our 150 people strong team has been working for years on the definition, implementation and release of the product. Looking at the launch phase, we fear that our clients expect too much and thus our product will be bashed in social media. This could influence potential clients and therefore make our start hard.

How the Swisscom “nova” label can support this case By using the Swisscom “nova” label and sticking it onto the product, you clearly declare it as a product that is still in development and open to feedback from users: this can be all possible ways like for example on the user interface, on the pricing of the product, on

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Use Case 2: “Full package”

Description The product we are going to launch is an application, in terms of Swisscom a small project. We are only a small team of 6 people, developers and product manager included. Our problem is two-sided: firstly, we don’t have the resources and time to go through all the internal processes ….. only internal launch…. Secondly. We don’t have time and resources to actually organize and support the go-live and to marketing on it…

How the Swisscom “nova” label can support this case By using the Swisscom “nova” label, you get access to the “nova” webkit……. Internal testers…. Internal app deployment…..

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Glossar Go-to-market



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