Το Υδροπονικό Θερμοκήπιο
Χριςτοσ Δ. Κατςάνοσ Μ.Sc. Γεωπόνοσ, ΜΒΑ Executive Director DKG Group Ltd katsanos@dkggroup.com
DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.
Σι είναι το κερμοκιπιο?
DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.
Σι είναι κερμοκιπιο? Γεωπονική προςέγγιςη • Χώροσ όπου επικρατοφν ςυνθήκεσ τησ 5θσ εποχισ
DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.
Σι είναι κερμοκιπιο? Οικονομική Προςέγγιςη Επιχείρηςη Εντάςεωσ Κεφαλαίου & Εντάςεωσ Εργαςίασ δηλαδή
Πολλά χριματα επζνδυςθ/ τ.μ Πολλά χριματα τηίροσ /τ.μ
DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.
Σι είναι κερμοκιπιο? Κατεφθυνςη Όχι στη Γεωργία και στομ παραγωγό αλλά
DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.
ΚΑΣΑΝΑΛΩΗ • Επώνυμα προϊόντα • Ελκυςτικι υςκευαςία • τακερι ποιότθτα • Πιςτοποίθςθ DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.
DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.
DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.
Παραγωγι Σομάτασ • • • • • •
Μζγεκοσ 150 - 180 γρ Κόκκινο ζντονο χρώμα Ελκυςτικι ςυςκευαςία Πώλθςθ Σςαμπιών Παραγωγι όλο το χρόνο Ομοιομορφία
DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.
DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.
DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.
Φυςικι Γονιμοποίθςθ
βομβίνοι DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.
Ωφζλιμα ζντομα Χημικά ςκευάςματα Καθαρά προϊόντα Όχι υπολείμματα φππ Καλφτερη γεφςη Χαμηλότερο κόςτοσ
DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.
Πρότυπθ Μονάδα
DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.
Τφποι Θερμοκηπίου
DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.
DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.
DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.
DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.
DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.
Εξοπλιςμό σ
DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.
Τδροπονικι Καλλιζργεια • Μεγάλθ διάρκεια ςυγκομιδισ • Μεγάλεσ παραγωγζσ • Άμεςοσ ζλεγχοσ τθσ ρίηασ • Λιγότερο νερό • Λιγότερα λιπάςματα • Σεχνικι υποςτιριξθ
DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.
DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.
Τδροπονικό Θερμοκιπιο ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΕΥΚΑΙΡΙΑ!!!
DISCLAIMER : Our information and advices are compiled with the greatest possible care and represents the latest State-of the-Art , but are at all times without any obligation.