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What is Think on Your Feet® ? Getting your ideas across clearly, concisely, persuasively, (and being remembered), is a core skill. Everyone wants you to get to the point. Quickly.

Workshop Content

The workshop is filled with practice, coaching and feedback. At the completion of the workshop, you will be able to:

Structure ideas simply and persuasively

Flesh-out ideas with memorable examples

Target listeners' core concerns

Simplify complex information

Avoid information overload — condense your thoughts

Get to the point and be remembered

Handle objections positively

Answer questions quickly and coherently

Deal with hostile situations and emotional issues

Think on Your Feet® introduces the “capsules-of-persuasion” concept ... 10 plans that structure your ideas quickly for Clarity Clarity, Brevity and Impact.

Brevity Impact

Clarity Means Being Understood While 100000000 is ‘unclear’, 100,000,000 isn’t. Structure makes the difference. Learning how to structure ideas, using both left- and right-brain logics, makes even technically complex topics accessible to listeners. Brevity Means ‘Getting to the Point’ ‘Getting to the point’ requires focus. Structure forces focus. In an era of information overload, brevity is valued. Less is more. Impact Means Being Persuasive Persuasion stems from relevance; anticipating listener interests is the secret of relevance. Add memorable structure and you produce lasting impact. Getting Ideas Across A Core Competency for Knowledge Professionals

Think on Your Feet® teaches Clarity, Brevity and Impact in the presentation of ideas. Which is why it is now considered a core competency for “knowledge” workers.















Think on Your Feet ® 400 Years in Development

Global Partners Who Offer Think on Your Feet® Adelaide, South Australia Institute of Directors Dublin, Ireland Irish Management Institute Hong Kong Hong Kong Management Association London, England Industrial Society Monadnock International Singapore Singapore Institute of Management Sydney & Melbourne Australian Institute of Management Polson HR & Training Brokers Tokyo, Japan Learning Masters (International), Inc. Wellington & Auckland, New Zealand Centre for Management Development

In the 17th Century, French philosopher Rene Descartes wrote the remarkable book, Discourse on Method. He not only coined the most famous one-liner in philosophy ("I think, therefore I am"), he also described the essence of clear reasoning. In the 20th Century, a distinguished Canadian, Dr. Keith Spicer, wrote Think on Your Feet®, and based it on the ideas of Descartes, and other great thinkers. His genius was to add his media experience plus insights from brain research. The result was a new, but eminently practical, approach to clarity and persuasion. Spicer said: "This book stems from a simple idea: you can’t talk (or write) straight unless you can think straight. And clear, coherent thinking demands not so much genius as structure." At the beginning of the 21st Century, Think on Your Feet® enjoys acceptance in more than 20 countries. And workshop attendees are mainly “knowledge” professionals. Why? Because “knowledge” professionals work constantly with ideas: ideas about products and services, ideas

about customers, ideas about new ways of doing business. But, it’s not sufficient just to have ideas. They must also be explained, defended, and sold. This is true whether it be ‘on your feet’, across a desk, at a keyboard, or in a video-conference. Given that today’s typical listener/reader suffers from ‘information overload’, it’s clear why Clarity, Brevity and Impact are at a premium– and a source of competitive advantage.

Ideas are the Currency of the New Economy

The Think on Your Feet® approach is now regarded as the core communication competence—the platform on which to build speaking, presenting, writing and negotiation skills. Four hundred years after Descartes, ideas are the currency of the new economy.















On-site Workshops

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Through our

network of accredited instructors and licensees, we deliver Think on Your Feet® throughout North America, Asia, Europe, Australia, and Africa. Over the past twelve years Think on Your Feet® has improved the communication skills of over 40,000 professionals from over 500 corporations and government agencies.

Think on Your Feet International has formed a worldwide network of highly experienced communication specialists who provide practical training workshops for improving the clarity and impact of verbal communication. We can work with you to adapt Think on Your Feet® for on-site groups, in more than 20 countries.

Public Workshops Individuals can also attend workshops in many cities around the world. Please visit our website: www.thinkonyourfeet.com to find the city nearest you, or contact us directly.

A Partial List of Clients We provide communication-skills training in a wide array of sectors including telecommunications, financial services, pharmaceuticals, retail, manufacturing, and government. USA Aetna Insurance Canada Canadian Bankers Association Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, USA Ernst & Young USA General Mills Canada Glaxo Wellcome USA Goldman Sachs Australia, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong JP Morgan Bermuda, Canada KPMG LLP Canada, USA, Germany, UK Kraft Foods USA General Mills © 2001 Think on Your Feet International Inc.

Australia Telstra Singapore Ministry of Defense, Japan, USA Northwest Airlines Australia Orica Australia, Canada, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Romania PricewaterhouseCoopers USA Schering-Plough Corporation Canada SmithKline Beecham Canada 3M Canada National Public Relations

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