Дайджест Отдела Издательского Служения № 11 (2013)

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Ежемесячное издание для лидеров по всему миру


Отдела Издательского Служения АСД

November 2013 Ноябрь 2013, №11vol. 7, no. 11

Актуальность занятий в академии лидеров ОИС Historic Academy of Publishing Leaders

Филип Гай | директор ОИС, ВЦАД by Philip Gai | Publishing Director, ECD

M Дайджест Отдела Издательского Служения communicate literature стремится донести новости литературного евангелизма evangelism news with адвентистам поthe всему миру. Adventists around world. Читателями этого издаIts intended audience is ния являются церковные church administrators, администраторы, лидеры Издательского Отдела, publishing leaders, литературные евангелисты и literature evangelists, другие читатели. Publishing Digest aims to

and other readers.

ДИРЕКТОР/РЕДАКТОР Ховард Ф. Файгао Director and Editor Howard F. Faigao

ПОМОЩНИК РЕДАКТОAssistant Editor and РА И МАКЕТИРОВАНИЕ Graphic Designer Вивьен Г. Мартинелли Viviene G. Martinelli

СОТРУДНИКИ Contributors Вивенсио Бермудес Vivencio R.Р.Bermudez Бенедикт Бисвас Benedict Biswas Джон Бреретон John Brereton Теру Фукуи Teru Fukui ФилипPhilip Гай Gai Эрвин Гонзалез Erwin Gonzalez Вилмар Хирле Wilmar Hirle Павел PavelЛиберанский Liberanskiy Терсио Маркес Tercio Marques Габриел GabrielЕ.E.Маурер Maurer Супер Моеси Super Moesi Абрахам Д.D. Обайя Abraham Obaya Мирослав Пуйич Miroslav Pujic

Около 50 директоров ОИС directors со всех ore than 50 Publishing унионов, входящих в состав Восточноfrom all the unions that comprise Центрального Африканского дивизиоthe East-Central Africa Division (ECD) на (ВЦАД) собралось в адвентистском gathered at the Adventist University of университете Африки в Найроби, чтобы Africa in Nairobi to attend an Academy принять участие в работе академии лиof Publishing Leaders. Howard F. Faigao, деров издательского служения. Ховард General Conference (GC) Publishing diФайгао,ledдиректор ГК, with провел обrector, out in theОИС training the asучение совместно с Вилмаром Хирле, sistance of Wilmar Hirle, GC Publishing помощником директора ОИС ГК, Фиassociate director, and Philip Gai,и ECD липом Гай, директором ОИС ВЦАД. ОбPublishing director. The training took учение проходило с 12 по 16 ноября. place November 12-16. Уроки, которые получили из Delegates from Kenya,делегаты Tanzania, Кении, Танзании, Уганды, Руанды, БуUganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Ethiopia, and рунди, Эфиопии Republic и демократической реthe Democratic of Congo reспублики Конго, окажут неоценимую ceived valuable lessons to help them in помощь в их служении. занятий their work. Topics includedТемы pastoral leadвключали пасторское лидерство, менедership, sales management, and visionжмент продаж Many и мудрое ary leadership. of theруководство. new leaders Многие из лидеров, недавно начавших expressed appreciation for help in unсовершать служение, выразили приderstanding what is expected of them. знательность за пояснение, что именно ожидается от их работы.

Работа отделаMinistries Издательского Publishing in theслужения ECD has вbeen ВЦАД неуклонно растет. Однако ожиgrowing steadily. However, with дается, что благодаря данному курсу обthis training and renewed motivation, учения и новому заряду мотивации, the growth is expected to catapultразto витие отдела выйдет на новый new levels. Most of the leaders уровень. not only Большинство лидеров приобрели не gained knowledge, but were highly moтолько знания, но и вдохновение, единоtivated and unanimously expressed reдушно свое to посвящение Госпоnewed обновив commitment the Lord and to ду и служению. this ministry. Необходимо реорганизацию Meanwhile,отметить two unions of the ECD двух униона ВЦАД, где издательское слуwhere Publishing has been exemplary жение было развито на высоком уровне. are sub-dividing into new entities. TanТанзанийский былNorth преобразоzania Union will унион divide into Tanzaван в Северо-Танзанийскую унионную nia Union Conference and South Tanzaконференцию и while Южно-Танзанийскую nia Union Mission; the Kenya Union унионную миссию, а Кенийский унион will divide into East Kenya and West Keтеперь представляет собой Восточноnya Union Conferences. Publishing work Кенийскую Западно-Кенийскую униin these newиentities is expected to grow онные конференции. Мы надеемся, что with the help of experienced supervision. издательское служение в новых структуPraise the Lord! рах будет продолжать развиваться при поддержке и консультации опытных лидеров. Слава Богу!

Более директоров прошли обучение в академии ОИСLeaders в Бурунди. More than 5050 union PublishingОИС directors attended the historic Academyлидеров of Publishing in Burundi.

Отдел Издательского Служе-

ния Генеральная КонференPublishing Ministries Department ция АСД General Conference of SDA 12501Old ОлдColumbia Коламбия Пайк 12501 Pike Силвер-Спринг, Мэриленд, Silver Spring, MD 20904 USA 20904 США www.publishing.

To read previous issues, visit: gc.adventist.org www.publishing.gc.adventist.org

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Дайджест Дайджест

School of Literature Ministry

Отдела Издательск Служения Служения АСД

School of Literature Ministry Школа литературного служения by Svetlana Tumeneva | Literature Evangelist, School of Literature Ministry, ESD Ethiopian Union [ECD, continued from p. 1]

ноябрь 2011,School том школа 5,ofномер 11 Ministry, ESD by Svetlana Tumeneva | Literature Evangelist, Literature Светлана Тюменева | литературный евангелист, Mission Report:ЛЕ, ЕАД

The Source of Life Publishing House gospel as Thethe Source of Life Publishing House the gospel The visit ofas the GC We expect unprecedented circuin Euro-Asia Division (ESD) Olympic Издательство «Источник жизни» Евро-Азиатского диin the Euro-Asia Division (ESD) the Olympic ноябрь 2011, том 5, номер 11 and division lation of literature in these counhosted a School of Literature Min- torch is now pubвизиона (ЕАД) открыло двери для проведения шкоhosted a appreciation School of свои Literature Mintorch carried is now lishing directors tries. Our to Howard istry November 11-15. Participants being лы литературного служения с 11 по 15 ноября. Из разных istry November 11-15. Participants being carried brought F. Faigao, General Conference included 19 students from different throughoutspecial городов и регионов России приехало 19 студентов, по-the pubincluded 19 students from different throughout revival to (GC) Publishing Ministries director, cities in Russia devoted to literature Russia. святивших себя литературному служению и возвещению citiesconducted in Russia to literature Russia. work in our who the meetings inthe an lishing evangelism and devoted to proclaiming Vladimir Евангелия черезand книги иproclaiming журналы. evangelism to the Vladimir country. appealing and captivating mangospel through books and literature. V. Gnilyuk, В список тем курсов входили: история издательского gospel through books and from literature. V. Leaders Gnilyuk, ner. Here areincluded two reports Training topics on the Central Si- from служения, менеджмент продаж, личный евангелизм иSiTraining included topics on the Central all over Ethiopia unions: history of the Publishing Ministry, berian Misдр. Руководство издательства рассказало о своих планах history of the Publishing Ministry, berian Mishave understood sales management, personal evan- sion Publishработы и узнало о нуждах литературных Rwanda Union Report: sales management, personal evan- евангелистов. sionimportance Publishthe of gelism, and others.Mission Publishing house ing director, Вдохновляющие вечерние встречи позволяли студентам Our thanks to GC and ECD publishgelism, and others. Publishing house ing director, the Publishing Minleaders shared their plans for future and Alexey учиться на опыте своих сокурсников. Это istry. мероприятие ing leaders for their the the good seminar. leaders plans for of future andKropinov, Alexey The excellent work andshared discovered needs lit- A. было важно и необходимо не только для ЛЕ, но иKropinov, для из- of the Administrators were so inspired work and discovered the needs of litA. approach erature evangelists (LEs) by receiv- C a u c a s u s дательства. that upon their return, East Union erature evangelists (LEs) the by receivC a u c aPubs presentus seminar ing their feedback. Inspiring evening Павел Иванович Либеранский, директорers ОИСtouched ЕАД, whoиattended the принимавшие School of Literature Ministry in ESD. Лидеры студенты, участие в школе Central Rwanda Association voted ing their feedback. Inspiring evening Union Puband and students meetings were conducted so stu- lishing direc- Leaders Leaders and students who attended the School of Literature Ministry ЕАД. in ESD. говорил об истории издательского служения и его роли литературного служения, to appoint one additional publishmeetings were conducted so stulishing direcinfluenced admindents could learn from one another. tor, spoke the role it plays in spreading the вing развитии миссии адвентистской церкви, показывая как leader tolearn enhance of about dents could one another. tor, the spoke the role plays in spreading the istrators. It sales was steps and high- gospel. This meeting was from vital the andwork impor12 Levitпроведения Bondarchuk, West RusЗРУК, зажег огонь в highсердцах ЛЕ воpublishing время своего курса по велико значение литературного служения. В an своей заклюliterature evangelists in Rwanda. Union and conference leaders and adminisThis meeting was vital and imporabout the 12 sales steps and gospel. Lev Bondarchuk, West Ruseye-opening tant for the publishing house, as well lighted new opportunities for minissianВячеславовна Union Publishing director, orgaличному евангелизму. Людмила Рыбакова, директор отчительной проповеди он призвал литературных евангелиThe union evaluations were from Rwanda (top) Ethiopia (bottom). tant for publishing house, as well try. lighted new for minissian Union Publishing director, Minorgaexperience. The trators as for thethe LEs. Vasiliy V. opportunities Murga, WestЗРУК, Russian theand School of Literature дела здоровья в своем nized выступлении подчеркивала важностьMinместов нести свет евангелия подобно олимпийскому огню, process very important and provided us as Pavel for the LEs. try. Vasiliy V. Murga, West Russian nized the School of Literature evaluation blessing to the Ethiopian Union I. Liberanskiy, ESD Publish- Union Sabbathдицинского School and Person-и его istry and presented seminars about евангелизма роли в распространении евангелия. Лев который сейчас проносят через всю Россию. guidance for the about progress of the al Pavel I. Liberanskiy, ESD Union Sabbath Schoolofand istry management. and presented seminars about showed whatAdventist areas thePersonpub- sales Mission.–Lukas Adde, Publishing ing director, spoke the Publishhistory Ministries, Chaplaincy Иванович Бондарчук, директор ОИС ЗРУК, занимался организацией Владимир Владимирович Гнилюк, директор ОИС ЦенPublishing Ministry.–Jonathan Biing director, spoke about the history al Ministries, Adventist Chaplaincy sales management. lishing work have to improve. The of the Publishing Ministry and its role Ministries, and Education director, Director The second year of the literature работы школы литературного служения и проводил на тему тральной СибирскойMinistry миссии, и Алексей zirema, Publishing Director ofthe thedevelopment Publishing its roleАлександрович Ministries, Education director, The school second yearсеминары of the literature overall wasofathe great in of the and Adventist ignited aexperience fireand in the souls LEs ministry concluded with great «Менеджмент продаж». Кропинов, директор ОИС Кавказской унионной миссии, in the development of demonstratthe Adventist with ignited a fire in the soulshis of course the LEs success. ministryWe school concluded with great Church’s mission, thus enthusiasm during look forward to fulfilling Второй год работы школы литературного служения прошел успешрассказывали о 12 шагах в продажах, выделяяwith новые возChurch’s mission, thus demonstratenthusiasm during his course success. We look forward to fulfilling ing the importance and significance about personalно.evangelism. Ludmitheвозможности plans that were made. God waits Мы с нетерпением ожидаем осуществить можности для служения. Викторович Мурга, importance andВасилий significance personalWest evangelism. Ludmithe plans that were made.составленGod waits ofing thethe literature ministry. In his clos- laabout V. Ribakova, Russian Union on His workers!  ныеWest на занятиях планы. Господь Своих соработников! директор отдела субботней личного News from Zambia Adventist Press of the literature ministry.школы In his иclosla служения V. Ribakova, Russian onждет His workers!  ing sermon he challenged literature Health director, focused on theUnion imby Earlymay Chibende | Editor and Marketing Manager, Zambia Adventist Press ing sermon he challenged literature Health director, focused on the imevangelists to carry the light of the portance of medical evangelism and evangelists carry the Press light ofhas the book, portance of medical evangelism and looming possibility of failure. This anchored on God’s love for The ZambiatoAdventist embarked on a mission to publish the church, teaches husbands book maintains that one plus God love their вwives and in- is always a majority. books relevant to the needs of lo- how toслужения Первая семинария литературного Бурунди Other new publications, The structs wives how to submit to calФилип and regional readers. Recent Гай | директор ОИС, ВЦАД Revelation of Things to Come and their husbands in the Lord. The publications have stirred a lot of First Publishing Seminar in Burundi First Publishing Seminar in Burundi Daniel Reveals the Future by Robstrong African flair and numerous excitement among readers and by Philip Gai | Publishing Director, ECD «Издательское служение в Бурунди никогдаare не будет by Philipevangelists. Gai | Publishing ECDanecdotes literature TheDirector, newest designed to appeal ert J. Wieland, answer current “The Publishing work in Burundi attended the semipublications include three books to the African reader. Another alarming world events. This verse прежним» - сказал Джетрон Нсабийареми, президент “The Publishing work in Burundi attended the semiwill never be the same again,” said nar led by Howard new publication is Ready to Say I by verse explanation of the books written by George Mwansa. One униона Бурунди, в конце интенсивного курса обучения will never be the same again,” said Do: led by General Howard Jethron Nsabiyaremye, president F.narFaigao, Practical Guidelines for Those of Revelation and Daniel is a great для администраторов и лидеров ОИС,F.проходившем 18Nsabiyaremye, Faigao,on General ofJethron the Burundi Union, at thepresident conclu- “Couples” Conference Publishthe Verge of Tak- aid for those seeking to know 19 ноября. Ламберт секретарь униона БурунConference Publishof the Union,Нтигума, at the conclusion of Burundi the Publishing Administraing director. Philip It is a marital the truth based on Bible study. ing Marriage Vows. sion of the Publishing Administraing director. Philip ди, согласился с ним: «Мы узнали много нового и хотим tive Leadership Seminar conducted counseling Gai, East-Central Afmasterpiece for newly The books Tonga Hymns, Bemba tive Leadership Seminar conducted Gai, East-Central Af-for those con- Hymns, Lozi Hymns, Kikaonde немедленно приступить к применению знаний на November 18-19. Lambert Ntigu- married rica этих Division (ECD) couples, or November Lambert Ntigurica Division (ECD) Using the Hymns, and Advent Hymns, which ma, Burundi18-19. Union secretary, con- templating Publishing director, marriage. практике». ma, Burundi Union secretary, conPublishing director, curred, saying, “We униона have learned assisted with трех the intriguing story of Abraham’s ser- come with two instrumental MP3s Все сотрудники Бурунди, сотрудники assisted with the curred, saying, learned many new things“We thathave we did not vant’s seminars. search for a полей вnew Бурунди и лидеры ОИС приняли участие в ин-wife for Isaac, containing all the songs in these seminars. many and things we did not know, we wantthat to implement this book helps young adults place books, have served members with тенсивном курсе, который проводил Ховард Файгао, know, and we want to implement them immediately.” [continued on p. 3,of their search a great variety of music. At a reGod at the center [continued on p. 3, them immediately.” директор ОИС ГК. Филип Гай, директор ОИС ВосточAll Burundi Union officers, for a life BURUNDI] partner. The third book cent book fair in Lusaka, these All Burundi Union ного-Центрального Африканского дивизиона, помогал field officers from the threeofficers, fields written byBURUNDI] George Mwansa, The titles attracted much attention to New titles by Zambia Adventist Press field from the three fields Impossible Possibility, in Burundi, and Publishing leaders of the God. is a motivaему в officers проведении семинаров. Burundi Union officersthe whoglory attended first Publishing Seminar. in Burundi, and Publishing leaders Unionof officers who attended the Publishing Seminar. Сотрудники униона Бурунди, первый The Lordпрослушавшие isfirst greatly blessing the story of them is a marriage book, Pas- tional piece based on Burundi семинар по издательскому Zambia Adventist служению. Press. We sionate Love: Theна Hard Stuff of David and Goliath. This book ap- the [Продолжение с. 3, БУРУНДИ] Loving a Wife and The Nasty Idea peals to both young and old who give Him all the glory, honor, and 2 of Submitting to a Husband. This share challenges about the ever praise! 2


SAD Sets Another Record

by GC Publishing Ministries Department to support [BURUNDI, continuedнаfrom p. 2] с. 2] On [БУРУНДИ, March 11,начало 2012, 1,000 stu- all seven Brathe program. Унионная программа издательского служения после dents, publishing leaders, and ad- zil union presiBurundi is a Theкурса unionбыла Publishing program этого пересмотрена, и внесенные замечания dents, treaministrators gathered to celebrate и рекомендации были country работы that was evaluated after theнаправлены seminar, на улучшение surers, and the Student Literature Evangeотделаto и реализации его большого is challenged leading several comments and потенциала. publishing list Фаустин (LE) Club at the campus of Нийонгабире, директор униона Бурун-direcommendations put forth to upliftОИСeconomically rectors; as well the Brazil Adventist University in ди,Publishing осталась очень прошедшими andсеминарами: has high the work довольна to its highest as conference São Paulo. It isиздательского one of the largest «Работа отдела служения будет расти как poverty levpotential. никогда раньше». university student LE clubs in the publishing diFaustine Niyongabire, Burundi els. The effort До недавнего времени унион Бурунди боролся с проworld. These students served as rectors. Division and union administrators and publishing leadput up an Union Publishing director, was ex- to здания блемами, связанными со строительством семиThe division literature evangelists during their ers who attended the student LE club celebration. Erton LMS building cited about the seminars. “The Pubнарии литературного служения (СЛС). Однако лидеры, president, divi- Kohler, SAD division president, is at center. 2011 summer vacation. with meagre lishing work in Burundi will grow as узнав служения в конце вреsion publishThisо важности historic издательского event stands resources is never said. проект. Бурунди мени,before,” решилиshe поддержать – это страна In 2011, 10,279 student LEs as another record for the South ing director, and union presidents c o m m e n d Until recently, the Burundi Union с высоким уровнем бедности. Экономическая ситуацияin SAD sold more than US$20 milgave messages of encouragement American Division (SAD) because в стране сложная. Поэтому ресурсы, able, and we had been struggling to construct a задействованные lion worth of books and magato student LEs. Hundreds of allв levels of theдостаточно church organizaэтом for проекте, скромны, мыthe рады сообhappy to building Literature Ministry Semi- ноare zines and led nearly 1,000 souls tion were during началось. the students received awards and full щить вам, represented что connary (LMS). Butстроительство leaders, fullyуже aware report to baptism. celebrations. During the event scholarship certificates for their of the important role Publishing plays struction has Praise the Lord! Thebuilding celebration were present the General Confer- dedicated efforts. The LMS currently in construction in Burundi. Строительство здания СЛС в Бурунди in end-times, committed themselves begun. ence publishing director; division was capped with a grand banofficers and publishing director; quet.

LE Congress Held in Madagascar

2014 год


by Super Moesi | SID Publishing Director

День влияния

After 12 years, the dream to have six LEs from Mauritius, and a coming. Presentations about moa union-wide LE institute in the publishing leader from Reunion tivation and inspiration were delivered along with policies of the Indian Ocean Union Mission final- Island attended. Каждый ly came true. The congress took The union president, Aniel Publishing Ministry. Повсюду On Sabbath, more than place in Mantasoa from March Barbe, officially opened the meetAdventists met for church 14–18, Mantasoa is about ing Thursday night. HeРаспространяет told the 15,000 литературу Year2012. of the Literature Evangelist 200 kilometers from Antanana- LEs that they are doing a work in the capital city. At the end rivo, the capital city of Madagas- that shaped his own life. Barbe of the sermon, two calls were car. said that he owes what he is to made. One for those who wantAbout 150 literature evange- the Publishing Ministry. He went ed to buy and share The Great lists (LEs) from the four confer- on to share his vision for the liter- Hope, to which almost everyone Распространяя литературу «как раньше» ature ministry in the union. First, responded. The second call was ences/missions inliterature Madagascar, —Distributing “as никогда never before”— to make sure for people who wanted to become Around 15,000 members attended the Sabbath «Всей церковью мы принимаем участиеthat в books are1 literature evangelists, to which at worship service in Madagascar. программе 777 и начали видеть работу Духа translated into least 100 people responded. An Святого. Церковь разобщенной, холодной “We embarked on the была 777 program as a church and we и даже строительство храма не двигалось с the languages of 84-year-old man approached the started to observe the Holy Spirit at work. The church was озрождение места. же уcoldness, нас появилось единство целей, marredТеперь with disunity, and even the construction the people in the associate union publishing direcofвосстановлено the church was at aдоверие, standstill. Now the unity ofверность purpose возрождена и wasиre-ignited, trust restored, faithfulness revived, and the tor and insisted that he wanted Indian Ocean наш храм на 85% построен, мы на пути к chapel is almost 85% complete, en route to the construcпреобразование завершению строительства основного здания. to start immediately because he Union Mission. tionхотим, of the main structure of the church.Бог We продолжал wish the Мы чтобы Всемогущий Almighty Lord will continue to energize our church.” Second, to see realized the urgency of the call. действовать в нашей церкви» Kefas Chikowero, Zimbabwe Кефас Чиковеро, Зимбабве. professional and He said he wanted to spend the “A chain of earnest praying believersresolute litera- remaining years of his life in serБожий народ молится о «Цепочка горячо молящихся верующих should . . to prayture God’s people are praying for должнаencircle охватить the весьworld мир… в. прошении об evangelists vice to God through literature присутствии for the Духа» Holy (Review Spirit”and Herald, 3 излитии Святого the Holy Spirit’s Святого Духа в presence наших p a s s i o n a t e l y evangelism. God is good! (Review and Herald, 1907 Januaryг.). 3, 1907). января in our families, churches, семьях, церквах, serving to hasруководителях и общинах leaders and communities Join Us! к нам! ten the Lord’s Присоединяйтесь 7 дней в неделю,

литературного евангелизма

7 days a week,

в 7 часов утра и в 7 часов at 7 am and 7 pm вечера

7 days a week, at 7вam and 7иpm семь дней в неделю 7 утра 7 вечера www.RevivalandReformation.org/prayer


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