Дайджест Отдела Издательского Служения № 4 (2014)

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Ежемесячное издание для лидеров по всему миру Ежемесячное издание для лидеров по вс


Отдела Издательского Отдела Издатель Служения АСД Служения АС

April vol. 8, no. 4 №4,2014 апрель 2014 ноябрь 2011, том 5, номер 11

Seminars in семинары Two Countries ВECD двухConducts странах ВЦАД прошли by Philip Gai| Директор | PublishingОИС, Director, ECD Филип Гай ВЦАД

T В Танзании и Кении прошли в этом году семинары для администраторов из-

Дайджест отдела изда-

Publishing aims to тельскогоDigest служения стре-

мится донестиliterature новости communicate

литературного евангелизма evangelism news with

адвентистам по всему миру. Читателями этого издания Its intended audienceадмиis являются церковные нистраторы, лидеры отдела church administrators, издательского служения, publishing leaders, литературные евангелисты и literature evangelists, многие другие.

Adventists around the world.

and other readers.

ДИРЕКТОР/РЕДАКТОР Ховард Ф. Файгао Director and Editor

Howard F. Faigao ПОМОЩНИК РЕДАКТОРА И МАКЕТИРОВАНИЕ Assistant Editor and Вивьен Г. Мартинелли Graphic Designer Viviene G. Martinelli

СОТРУДНИКИ Contributors Вивенсио Р. Бермудес Vivencio R. Bermudez Бенедикт Бисвас Benedict Biswas Джон Бреретон John C. Brereton Теру Фукуи Teru Fukui Филип Гай Philip Gai Эрвин Гонзалез Erwin A. Gonzalez Вилмар Хирле Wilmar Hirle Павел Либеранский Pavel I. Liberanskiy Терсио Маркес Tercio R. Marques Габриел Е. Маурер Gabriel E. Maurer Супер Моеси Super Moesi Абрахам Д. Обайя Abraham D. Obaya Мирослав Пуйич

anzania and Kenya were beneicia- leadership and close supervision, the work is expected ries of this year’s Publishing Admin- занийский унионаtoи grow. Южный ТанзанийKenya,Под theхорошим seminar was conducted istrative Leadership Seminars. Howard скийIn унион. руководством the University of Eastern Africa BaraF. Faigao, General Conference Pub- иatтщательным дательского служения. Ховард(GC) Файгао, надзором ожидается, что ton, and was будет attended by all presidents, lishing director, led out, with theпровеassis- работа директор ОИС ГК, руководил отдела развиваться. treasurers, and в Publishing tance ofсеминаров Philip Gai,совместно East-Central Africa secretaries, дением с ФилиВ Кении семинар проходил универleadersБаратон within the East Kenya Union and Division Publishing The ситете пом Гай, (ECD) директором ОИС director. Восточного Восточной Африки, на West Kenya Union. все президенты, сеseminars brought together дивизиона union and нем Центрально-Африканского присутствовали Kenneth O. иMaena, Kenya conference with their Pub- кретари, (ВЦАД). Наoficers, семинарalong приехали сотрудказначеи лидеры West ОИС ЗападUnion president, and Jonathan Maanlishing directors, publishing house lead- но-Кенийского ники унионов и конференций, а также и Восточно-Кенийского gi, East Кеннет Kenya Union ers, Adventist Book Centre/Home Health унионов. директора ОИС, директора издательств, Маена,president, президентboth Заpledged their support for the Education Service and Literaменеджеры АКЦ managers, и президенты семи- падно-Кенийского униона, и Publishing Джонатан programs in their Восточно-Кенийского respective conferencture Ministry Seminary presidents. нарий литературного служения. Годвин Маанги, президент es. Withторжественно the commitment exhibited durGodwinпрезидент K. Lekundayo, Northern Tan- униона, Лекундайо, Северо-Танзанийобещали поддерing theпрограммы seminar, the growth in theслужеnumzaniaуниона, Union president, afirmed that что the живать ского торжественно заявил, издательского ber вofсвоих LEs, as well as in missionary book Publishing Ministry move forward ния издательское служениеwill будет развиваться конференциях. Посвящение, distribution, the effect the Publishing likeникогда never before. Tanzania is one of the как раньше. Танзания – одна из которое мы видели во of время семинара, Ministry is expected to resemble a downcountries with the highest number of full- увеличение стран, где трудится самое большое число числа ЛЕ, распространение pour during theкниги rainy season. timeработающих literature evangelists (LEs)С worldЛЕ, полное время. янва- миссионерской - все это окажет wide. January поделила 2014 theстрану Adventist ря 2014Since года церковь на эффект на издательское служение подоб[Continued p. 2,сезона SEMINARS] work in the country has been divided into но две территории, в которых теперь будет ливню во on время дождей. two territories: Northern Tanzania Union совершаться работа церкви: Северо-Тан[Продолжение на с. 2, Семинары] and Southern Tanzania Union. With good Восточно-Кенийский унион и Западно-Кенийский унион и лидеры с директорами ОИС из ГК иdirectors. ВЦАД. East Kenya Union and West Kenya Union administrators and leaders with GC and ECD Publishing

Miroslav Pujic

Отдел Издательского Служения Генеральная КонференPublishing Ministries Department ция АСД General Conference of SDA 12501 Old ОлдColumbia Коламбия Пайк 12501 Pike Силвер-Спринг, Мэриленд, Silver Spring, MD 20904 USA 20904 США www.publishing. To read previous issues, visit: gc.adventist.org www.publishing.gc.adventist.org

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Дайджест ноябрь 2011, том 5, номер 11

[SEMINARS, [Семинары, continued начало на from с. 1] p. 1] [SAD, continued from p. 1] Дэвид Сандей, казначей Западно[SEMINARS, continued from p. 1] David Sunday, West иKenya Union Кенийского униона, казначеи из treasurer, and Dan Agwena, East InDavid the Bolivia Union, the LE Conдругих учреждений, обещали всеми Sunday, West Kenya Union Kenya Union treasurer, and treasurgress featured a dedication service силами поддерживать издательское treasurer, and Dan Agwena, East ersnewly of other institutions, promised to forKenya credentialed literature служение. Исполнительные секретаUnion treasurer, and treasursupport the publishing work at any evangelists. This service confirmed ри также обещали со своей стороны ers of other institutions, promised to cost. Executive secretaries pledged their calling and challenged them поддерживать это благородное слуsupport the publishing work at to any their support to this noble minisremain faithful and maintain their жение, понимая, что это не просто cost. Executive secretaries pledged try, understanding thatnoble this isminisnot a status. It also other LEs бизнес, но motivated миссионерская работа their support to this mere business, but missionary work totry, work harder самого высокого уровня. В Кении understanding that this is not aи of the highest order. Howard F. Faigao, General ConТанзании приняли принцип «одноmere business, but missionary work Both Kenya andозначает, Tanzaniaчто have ference Publishing director, atго the стола», который ЛЕ of highest order. adopted the “one table principle,” tended each congress, as did SAD больше не воспринимаются как соBoth Kenya and Tanzania have whereby LEs are no longer to be publishing house leaders and union трудники второго или третьего ранadopted the “one table principle,” treated as secondthird-class administrators. га, но рассматриваются на равных whereby LEs are no or longer to be с workers, but equal treatment is другими служащими в этой отрасли Congress delegates in the Bolivia Union treated as second- or third-class given to everyone in this branch of служения. Всемирная церковь объworkers, but equal treatment is work. to явила 2014 год Годом литературного given everyone in this branch of Northern Tanzania Union administrators and leaders with GC and ECD Publishing directors. Администрация и лидеры Северо-Танзанийского униона вместе с директорами The year 2014 has been deевангелизма. Все унионы, входящие work. ОИС ГК и ВЦАД. Northern Tanzania Union administrators and leaders with GC and ECD Publishing directors. The ECD is planning a divisionliterature evangelists. All LE groupsCouncil asyear the Year ofhas the been Literature вclared состав ВЦАД, принимают активное The 2014 deNSD Holds Publishing Policy Review and Strategy LE ECD congress in Uganda in Deare organizing evangelistic efforts wide Evangelist by the world church. All участие том, чтобы этот год literature The is planning a divisionevangelists. All LE groups asв the Year of сделать the Literature byclared Teru Fukui | Publishing Director, NSD in un-entered areas to open new cember. It will be the climax toDeall unions within the ECD are participatзапоминающимся для ЛЕ и показать участвуют в мероприятиях, органияркой финальной точкой, подводяwide LE congress in Uganda in are organizing evangelistic efforts Evangelist by the world church. All the Publishing Ministry activities of branch companies. Some groups ing in signiicant ways to make this a ценность вклада, который ежедневно Faigao, General Conference PublishSince 2014 is the Year of the The Northern Asia-Pacific Division зованных в рамках проекта всемирщей итог деятельности Отдела издаin un-entered areas to open new cember. It will be the climax to all unions within the ECD are participatthe year. One thousand LEs and their are engaged in urban evangelism memorable year for LEs. Efforts are делают ЛЕ. Все группы ЛЕ органиing director, and the NSD Publishing Literature Evangelist, all leaders (NSD) Publishing Ministries Deной церкви «Миссия для больших тельского служения на протяжении the Publishing Ministry activities of branch companies. Some groups ing in signiicant ways to make this a leaders are toLEs attend. in harmony the world church’s  being made to recognize and appreзовывают миссионерские выходы chairedwith the committees. directors inthousand the NSD will empartment organized городов». ВЦАД планирует в де-and всего года. Ожидается, что на конthe year. Oneexpected and their are engaged in urban evangelism memorable year fortwo LEs.significant Efforts areнаdirector program for this year. ciate the contributions made daily by новых территориях, чтобы открыть This was the first time a commitphasize the importance of literature meetings in Ilsan, Korea, January кабре провести конгресс ЛЕ в Угангрессе будет присутствовать 1000 leaders are expected to attend. in harmony with the world church’s  being made to recognize and appreноябрь 2011, том 5,this номер 11 Он новые филиалы. Некоторые группы gathered make major correcthroughout 20-23, 2014: The Publishing де на уровне дивизиона. станетevangelism ЛЕ и лидеров ОИС. their terriprogram forto year. ciate the contributions made Policy daily by tee Review Committee and a Publishing tions and review Publishing policies tory, making members aware of the Strategy Committee. since the NSD was divided and re- Global Leaves initiative designed to Сертификационная программа дляinдиректоров ОИС met distribute 1 billion copies of literature Twelve delegatesMinistries from the Ko- Directors’ named 1997. The committee Publishing Certiication Вивенсио Бермудез | Директор ОИС, ЮАТД toDirector, adjust SSD policies to reflect real-life before the next General Conference reanPublishing Union Conference, Japan Union Directors’ by Vivencio R. Bermudez | Publishing Ministries Certiication Conference, Chinese Union Mission, situations and enhance the effec- session in 2015, the World Literature by Vivencio R. Bermudez | Publishing Director, SSD With the supportОтдела of theиздательGeneral to equip and strengthenMinistry. each union Distribution a certiication in Day program on April started 19, and of the Publishing Taiwan Mongolia Mis- tiveness ПриConference, поддержке обучить и утвердить директоров началась сертификационная проConference (GC)Генеральной Publishing Min- ОИС and local conference/mission Pub- much that we hope will be completmore. The recommendations subsion, Korean Publishing House, Jaского служения Конконференций/миссий, грамма, которую планируется законWith the support of the General to equip and strengthenwere eachчтобы union a2013 certiication program started in istries Department, the Southern lishing director to effectively direct edThe inкthat 2015. motto of Директора the Publishing to the Publishing Committee panConference Publishing House, and Signs ференции, Южный Азиатско-Типовысить эффективность работы 2015 ОИС (GC) Publishing Min- mitted and local conference/mission Pub- чить 2013 we году. hope will be completAsia-Paciic Division (SSD) intendsthat their Toв 2013 thatdirect end, Ministries local isconference/ met departments. to and endorse the Department “Bringing of istries the Times Publishing хоокеанский дивизион планирует отдела. С review этой to целью году унионов иandконференций/миссии Department, theAssociaSouthern lishing director effectively ed inUnion 2015. mission Publishing are into будут every home” like never tionAsia-Paciic in and Taiwan attended. Delegates suggestions, which be должны трехдневDivision (SSD) intends their departments. To presented that end, hope Union and посещать local directors conference/ GC several division Publishing leaders who participated in thewill certiication Лидеры ОИС ГК и некоторых дивизионов, присутствовавшие наprogram. сертиrequired to attend a ежегодно. three-day sesgathered to discuss, learn, and re- at this year’s meeting of the NSD’s before!  ные учебные сессии Среmission Publishing directors are фикационной программе. GC and several division Publishing leaders who participated in the certiication program. sion each Many subjects are new their commitment. Howard F. Executive Committee. ди учебных дисциплин представлеrequired to year. attend a three-day sesoffered, such asMany Management and ны: «Менеджмент и планирование», sion each year. subjects are Publishing directors and publishing house leaders who participated in the council. Planning,such Strategic Planning, Pasto«Стратегическое планирование», offered, as Management and ral Leadership, Handling New«РазраInitia«Пасторское лидерство», Planning, Strategic Planning, Pastotives, Digital and«Интерrelated ботка новых Marketing, инициатив», ral Leadership, Handling New Initiatopics.Digital The Marketing, certiication seminars нет-маркетинг» и другие. Сертифиtives, and related have been conducted two years кационные заforпрошедшие topics. Theсеминары certiication seminars for года the three unions in the Philipдва проходили в for трех унионах have been conducted two years pines, once Indonesia. на Филиппинах иinодин Индоfor theand three unions in раз theв PhilipOur goal is that every Publishнезии. Наша цель, чтобы каждый pines, and once in Indonesia. ing Our department director within the директор ОИС прошел серgoal is ЮАТД that every PublishSSDdepartment be fully certiied. Upon comтификационную программу полноing director within the pletion of thecertiied. course, Upon participants стью. прохождения курса SSD beПосле fully comwill receive a certiicate issued выby участники получат сертификат, pletion of the course, participants the receive GCОтделом Publishing Ministries Deданный издательского will a certiicate issuedслуby partment, to whom Ministries we our жения которому мыextend выражаем the GCГК, Publishing De extend our sincere appreciation. искреннюю partment, toблагодарность. whom we

Ежемесячное издание для лидеров


Отдела Издат Служения 

sincere appreciation.


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Консультативная встреча «Лидеры надежды» Historic Ordination Фредди Альварадо Пиментель | Директор ОИС, Южная унионная миссия, ЕАД “Leaders of Hope” Advisory by Patricio Olivares Communication Director,Meeting Bolivia Union, SAD “Leaders of |Hope” Advisory Meeting by Freddy Pimentel Publishing Director, Southern Mission, «Лидеры надежды» - таким||был де- унион предоставили необходимые by Freddy Alvarado Alvarado Pimentel Publishing Director, Southern Union Union Mission, ESD ESD

volved themselves in the initiative on February 8, 2014, immediately after divine service. Members went out in twos to distribute the book The Great Hope. The church has planned to make this an ongoing Sabbath activity as books become available. Church members hold up copies of The Great Hope before going door to door.

дых людей к этому благословенно-

Bolivia stating the для об- му служению. ресурсы,Union, материалы и книги dedication to God in several national languages were reason of this recognition their to serve serveлитературGod with with in several national languages were their учения и мотивации литературных Славаdedication Богу за храбрых all their hearts; for the support of presented. on the part of the church, all their hearts; for the support of presented. евангелистов. Обсуждались различ- ных евангелистов, которые не оставRubin R. Ott, SUM president; DanStrategies to scatter Beyond said: “We intend to give a Rubin R. Ott, SUM president; DanStrategies to scatter Beyond ные подходы, которые помогли бы ляют своего служения. За посвященPavelko, SUM and Imagination, missionary of clear messagethe about the im- book iel D. D.лидеров Pavelko, SUM secretary; secretary; and Imagination, the missionary book of iel эффективнее распространять нашу ных Надежды, которые еще Sergey P. Iovu, SUM treasurer. We the year, were also emphasized. portance of this ministry in Sergey P. Iovu, SUM treasurer. We the year, were also emphasized. литературу. Были представлены раз обновили свое обещание служить praise God for every church mem“Hope Mission,” a program for Bolivia. We believe that the praise God for every church mem“Hope Mission,” a program for книги, изданные на национальных Богу всем сердцем. За поддержку адbeen in difstudents that two years ago, best years of started ministry must ber who who has hasуниона been involved involved in Р.Р., difstudents that started two years ago, ber языках, книги, которые мы должны министрации в лице Отта ferent ways to serve God with the will be held in four places in 2014, also be devoted to the area ferent ways to serve God with the will be held in four places in 2014, принести в каждый дом. Павелко Д.Д. и Иову С.П. Слава Богу printed message. We praise God for and is designed to involve more of Publishing.” printed message. We praise God for and is designed to involve more Кроме того программа для студен- за каждого члена церкви, который, the daily certainty He gives us that young people in the publishing minThis ordination gives imyoung people in the publishing minthe daily certainty He gives us that тов «Миссия надежды», которая на так или иначе, служит Господу через He is Ruler, we only His istry. petus to theдвух fulfillment of Pastorраз istry. He is the the Ruler, and and we are are Javierпечатное Massi’s ordination. протяжении лет проходила слово. Слава Богуonly за His то, servants.  We praise God for brave literathe mission affirmed by the We praise God for brave literaservants.  в год лишь в одном месте, в 2014 что We деньwish за днем Он дает нам уверенGod’s blessings on Pasture evangelists never give up; prophet John in who Revelation 18 that ture who never give up; году evangelists будет проходить в четырех ме- tor ность в том,ministry, что Он управляет Massi’s as well asвсем, on hisа for committed leaders who renew the earth be привлечь lightened therenew glory мы лишь являемся Его for committed leaderswith who стах, чтобы больше молослугами. wife and little boy.  of God! TOP: TOP: SUM SUM Publishing Publishing leaders leaders gathered gathered for for an an Advisory Advisory Meeting Meeting in in Almaty, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan, ВВЕРХУ: лидеры ОИС ЮУМ с 1 по 3 апреля присутствовали на консультативную from leaders. from April April 1-3. 1-3. BOTTOM: BOTTOM: ESD ESD and and SUM SUM Publishing Publishing leaders. встречу в Алматы, Казахстан. ВНИЗУ: лидеры ОИС ЕАД и ЮУМ.

Thousands of Pathfinders Distribute Books by Tercio Marques | Publishing Director, SAD

The city of Barretos in São Paulo, message that day, and the event Brazil, has an international reputa- was well received. tion as the “city of cowboys.” Once Residents were fascinated a year, thousands of cowboys par- by the gift they received. The ticipate in the largest rodeo events SAD wants to form generations in Brazil. of Pathfinders who can go to the But something different took streets and carry out missionary place in early 2014. From January activities.” 8-12, this city became host TOP: Central Brazil Union Publishing leaders assisted of the IV South American the division in coordinating the distribution of books. Pathfinder Camporee. About BOTTOM: Some of the Pathfinders who helped distrib35,000 Pathfinders traveled ute 40,000 books. to Barretos from many South American Division (SAD) countries. One activity, among others, stood out: the distribution of 40,000 books written by Alejandro Bullon, A Única Esperança (The Only Hope), on January 9. Thousands of Pathfinders flooded the streets of the city to place a book in every home. “Scattering books is part of our mission,” said Udolcy Zukowski, SAD Pathfinder director. “Our teenagers have to understand the importance of this. As they turn into adults they will continue doing it.” Many people received the

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Photo by South American Division

For first time in the history of the виз the консультативной встречи лидеров “Leaders of was the church in Bolivia, a Publishing direc“Leaders of Hope” Hope” was the motto motto отдела издательского служения Южof Advisory Meeting for tor was ordained to pastoral minisof the the Advisory Meeting for PublishPublishной унионной миссии ЕАД. ing leaders in Southern Union try. This recognition by Godдиректор and the ing leaders in the the Southern Union Пастор Фредди Альварадо, Mission (SUM), Euro-Asia Division church was granted to JavierDivision Massi, Mission (SUM), Euro-Asia ОИС ЮУМ, собрал директоров ОИС (ESD). Publishing director of the Central Bo(ESD). всех миссий в г. Алмата, Казахстан, Freddy Alvarado Pimentel, SUM livia Mission. Freddy Alvarado Pimentel, SUM с 1 по 3 апреля. Лидеры рассказываPublishing director, gathered PubTheБог church in Bolivia recognizes Publishing director, gathered Pubли, как действует в Центральной lishing directors of each mission for the Publishing Ministry important lishing of eachasmission for Азии. Иdirectors хотя литературные евангелиthe meeting in Almaty, Kazakhstan, as areas the pastoral mintheother meeting in of Almaty, Kazakhstan, сты сталкиваются с многочисленныfrom April 1-3. istry. Pastor Massi, who has spent from April 1-3. ми преградами и законодательными Leaders shared many his career serving the how Lord in the Leaders shared how many ограничениями, Господь продолжает things God has done in central Asia. Publishing Ministry, was ordained things God has in central Asia. благословлять ихdone служение. Despite restrictions, and without having as aЛиберанdistrict Despite challenges, restrictions, and Пасторchallenges, Павел served Иванович other inconveniences, the Lord pastor. other директор inconveniences, theвдохновил Lord has has ский, ОИС ЕАД, continued blessing the work of litStanley Arco, president continued blessing theработать work of of the litлидеров продолжать над erature evangelists (LEs). erature evangelists (LEs). служения развитием издательского Pavel Liberanskiy, ESD Pavel I. Liberanskiy, ESD PubPubсреди всехI. народов, проживающих на Church in Ghana lishing director, inspired leaders to lishing director, to территории этогоinspired униона: вleaders Казахстаcontinue working for Distributes continue workingLiterature for the the developdevelopне, Кыргызстане, Узбекистане и Тадment of the Ministry ment of Sarfo the Publishing Publishing Ministry in by Isaac | Publishing Director,in жикистане. each nation of the union: KazakhCentral Ghana Pastor, each nation ofConference; theбыло union: KazakhОсобое внимание уделено наиstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Suame Adventistстратегиям Church, WAD stan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and более удачным распроTajikistan. Tajikistan. странения миссионерской книги года TheEvery pastor, elders, lay members, leader was challenged to Every leader was challenged to «За гранью воображения». Мы неthe соand Publishing Council of increase the number of LEs and, at increase the number of LEs and, at мневаемся, что эта книга будет расSuame Seventh-day Adventist the same time, train them to create the same time, train them to create пространяться повсеместно, подобно Church pledged to Waldensians saturate their a team “modern in acommunity team of of “modern Waldensians in осенним листьям. with Adventist literaCentral Asia.” The division and union Central Asia.” The division and union К каждому лидеру был обращен ture as part of the church’s fulfillprovided resources, materials, and provided resources, materials, and призыв увеличивать число литеment in the gospel commission of books for training and inspiration. books for training and inspiration. ратурных евангелистов и обучать Matthew 28:18-20. Different plans were for Different plans were discussed discussed for их, чтобы создать крепкую коIt was interesting and encourbetter, more effective distribution better, more effective distribution манду «современных вальденцев aging to witness the enthusiasm of our books. Books printed of our which books. church Books already printed Центральной Азии».already Дивизион with members in-и

Ежемесячное издание для лидеров по всему миру


Отдела Издательского Возрождение издательского служения во Вьетнаме Фам Нгуйен То Фуонг | Директор ОИС, Служения АСД быть вестник Вьетнамская миссия, ЮАТД

books. I love the church’s books. Sabbath, at 6:00 p.m. and arrived They bring us closer to God, who is today at 6:00 a.m. We plan to stay Publishing Vietnam here all day, buying books and enPublic Event our дивизион only hope.” Несколько лет Revived назад изда-inкеанский (ЮАТД) и On Sunday, March the SASPH WeVietnam wereнам aMission, half hour by Pham Nguyen To Phuong | Publishing Director, SSD тельское служение во16, ВьетнаЮВАУ прислали Йена и away from joying the musical program.” Elena was not the only one who its 110 years anniverthe 2014 меcelebrated остановилось в связи с воКэрол,initiating двух лучших ЛЕ сOpen Фи- House at Several years ago thebook Publishand the SAUM helped by send2011, том 5, номер sary with a11 grand fair and theчтобы Florida Adventist Academy in attended from a distance. A group енными действиями, а также липпин, помочь нам. На ing work in Vietnam had to be ing Ian and Carol, two of its best came from Chile. Several continsale. Buenos Aires, Argentina. из-за того, что все профессио- протяжении месяца Йен и Кэstopped because of war and the LEs from the Philippines, to as- before gents of people from different cit“Ahhh,” sighedна Elena Gutiérrez, In the bright ЛЕ sunshine, нальные ЛЕ вышли пенсию. рол работали со всеми с8 «Бог обращается к retirement professional sist us. For one month, Ian begun, and of Argentina, mixof ofallemotion and comevent had even Elena ies of the interior В with 2007aгоду издательское слуутра доthe 6 вечера каждый день, работникам из каждой literature evangelists (LEs). In Carol was worked withthere. all the LEs her 71 such as Santa Rosa, Plamitment, nostalgiaбыло and hope. already нашейMar церквиdel с призыжение во Вьетнаме вос- Her кроме субботы. Иногда мыDespite ра2007 the the Publishing in from years 8:00 of a.m. 6:00 p.m. km that ta, Neuquén, Ríoвом подключиться к Его ageto and the Мы 1,200 Gallegos, Jujuy, sigh was of work my question: становлено подresult руководством ботали и до девяти вечера. Vietnam was re-established everyseparated day except Sabbath. On Buenos Tucumán, Mendoza, служению качестве her home from and в Posadas “What signiicance books from Джона Бреретона, do бывшего приходили с книгами в такие литературных еванunder the leadership of John C. certain days we still worked until Aires, Elena attended expo, designed the SASPH have in your life?” директора ОИС Юго-Восучреждения, в которые не ос- the event. attended the bookгелистов». (Вестники Brereton, past Southeast Asia 9:00 p.m. We canvassed places “We came from General José de to celebrate the 110th anniversary ElenaАзиатского sighed again and меливались anточного униона заходить раньше: надежды, с. 20) Union Mission (SAUM) we dared not goininthe the past, San Martín, province swered: joy, Publishpeace, (ЮВАУ), и “Hope, Фам Нгуйен То Фу- that в банки, международные учеб- of Cha- of the SASPH. ing director, and the appointsuch as banks, international ПОco,” she said. “We left yesterday, An estimatedОН3,000 people is what I feelОИС afterВьетнамreading these онг, директора ные заведения и правительment of Pham Nguyen To Phuschools, and government ofПРЕЖНЕМУ visited the book fair. People also The SASPH a book fair столto celebrate its 100 years. About people attended. ской миссииheld (ВМ). Мы ственные офисы. Йен3,000 и Кэрол ОБРАЩАЕТСЯ ong as Vietnam Mission (VM) ices. enjoyed other activities, such Сas кнулись с многочисленными очень ревностно и ответственЭТИМ ПРИЗЫPublishing director. Ian and Carol were zealous music concerts given by Arautos испытаниями: государство за- но относились к работе. Кроме ВОМ… We faced many challenges, and diligent. They shared ideas do Rei (Heralds of the King) and претило продажу книг по мето- того они напомнили нам о неsuch as government restric- and techniques they use to Adoración (Adoration) quartets, ду от двери к двери, у нас было обходимости всегда начинать tions from selling door to door, canvass in the Philippines. They Будь the литературным евангелистом Córdoba family and Santiago всего семь ЛЕ и только две день с молитвы. Благодаря having only seven LEs, and also reminded us to always 2014 год литературного евангелизма Monte, the Mis Amigos (My Friends) книги для распространения. усердной работе двух ЛЕ с Фиonly two books to canvass. start each day with prayer. program for the younger audience, Но, не смотря на все сложно- липпин и всех наших ЛЕ, мы But despite the challenges, the The hard work of the two and the signing of books on behalf сти, издательское служение во смогли достичь самого высоPublishing work in the VM is LEs from the Philippines, and of renown Adventist writers, such as Вьетнаме развивается. Сейчас кого месячного уровня продаж moving forward. We now have all the LEs, helped us achieve Enrique Chaij and George Knight, у нас 38 ЛЕ и широкий ассор- за все время. Но важней всего 38 LEs and a variety of books. the highest monthly sales ever. who also presented seminars. тимент книг. Чтобы повысить то, что литературные евангелиTo bring LEs to a higher level of More importantly, LEs gained Perhaps the greatest attraction уровень профессионализма и сты приобрели ценный опыт professionalism and commit- valuable experiences by workwas the guided tours of the SASPH посвященности ЛЕ, я попроси- благодаря совместной работе с ment, I requested the services ing with Ian and Carol, and facilities. According to the tour ла двух опытных ЛЕ из другой Йеном и Кэрол, которые вдохof two experienced LEs from were inspired and encouraged guides, about 1,200 people visited страны помочь нам. В ответ на новляли и ободряли их быть another country to help us. to become more committed to the publishing house. мою просьбу в прошлом ноя- более посвященными своему Last November, the South- the canvassing work. We praise The March 16 celebration cenбре, Южный Азиатско-Тихоо- служению. Слава Богу! ern Asia-Paciic Division (SSD) God! tered on books—books that not То Фуонг (в центре), директор ОИС Вьетнамской миссии, вместе с only provoke sighs, but lead to To Phuong (center), Vietnam Mission Publishing Director, with Ian and Carol, Йеном и Кэрол, литературными евангелистами с Филиппин. two LE missionaries from the Philippines. eternal life.

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для Христ ом


[SASPH, continued from p. 3]


озрождение и преобразование

Philippine Publishing House Celebrates 100 Years by Nathanlie Baldoza | Editorial Staff, Philippine Publishing House, SSD

Who could have imagined that what started as a small press in a dilapidated horse stable in 1914 would, 100 years later, become Asia’s largest Adventist publishing house? From February 28 through March 2, 2014, the Philippine Publishing House (PPH) celebrated a century of publishing books and periodicals that address the physical, mental, social, moral, and spiritual wellbeing of Seventh-day Adventists, their communities, and people groups within the territory of the

Southern Asia-Paciic Division (SSD). gers,’” Faigao said. further Publishing Regarded as the premier print- God’s He people arechallenged praying for er and publisher of the Adventist leaders from missions and conferHolyformer Spirit’sadministrators, presence ences, reChurch in the SSD, the PPH com- the workers, church members, and menced the event with a conse- intired our families, churches, cration service on the evening of literature evangelists (LEs) in attenandresolve communities dance to to continue that February 28 with Howard F. Faigao, leaders General Conference Publishing di- partnership toward an ever-greater rector, as guest speaker. circulation of literature “like never “Through the years, the PPH has before.” stood by our thousands of literature evangelists in a joint venture to cir- [Continued on p. 5, PPH] culate the gospel of Jesus through the pages of our ‘silent messen1

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