Прикоснись 01.03.2013

Page 1

March, 1


марта Let1not the canvassing work be left to languish. Let the books containing the light on present Прикоснись: Принося свет! 2013года 2013 truth be placed before as many as possible..” Colporteur Ministry Page 8 Quote… . “That which is to be done in warning the world must be done without delay.

Цитата: «Они должны быть очень благодарны, потому Let notOut the canvassing work&be left людям to languish. Let the books containing the light on present что книги, которые несут просвещение, особенно Quote… . “They should be appreciated as that of Babylon Into The Truth… . books с. 130).Page 8 необходимы сейчас…» Colporteur Ministry truth be placed before asismany as possible..” Sharon (not her name) inthat her(Издательское mid thirties, aслужение, single parent bring to thereal people light is especially needed just now..” Colporteur Ministry Page 130 with four children, the oldest 10. Sharon invited me in and I could В новый дом с Великой борьбой smell the Я beautiful aroma of freshlyпустующий baked biscuits, making her к Богу в мопосмотрел на соседний дом и обратился Out of Babylon & Into The Truth… . house very homely and inviting. Theпошли children happily playing литве: «Господи, пожалуйста, намwere соседей, которых мы сможем Welcomed With a Great Controversy… . Sharon (not her real name) is in her mid thirties, a single parent завоевать Тебя».home Несколько спустя в этот домchitchat заехала Iочаровательand eatingдля Mum's cookedнедель biscuits. After a short Iсемья stared at the vacant house next door and said aсобралась, little toI could God, “please with four children, theМоя oldest 10. Sharon meprayer in and ная жена поспешно чтобы пойти познаstarted myфиджийцев. presentation. When IПуа asked herinvited “how she could protect комиться с ними, а также предложить Матильде (матери семейства, имя дано с givethe us beautiful neighboursaroma we canofwin to thebaked Lord.” biscuits, A few weeks later her a lovely Fijian smell freshly making her love ones from these health problems” She looked at me and ее разрешения) книгу «Великая Матильда с радостью приняла книгу и family moved in. My Pua борьба». made her move quickly and wentplaying to introduce house very homely andwife inviting. The children weretohappily said “I don’t think you would like what I am going say… .” Try me, даже заплатила за нее. Пуа испекла аппетитные вегетарианские кексы и взяла herself and offered Matilda (the mum, name used with permission) a copy of их eating Mum'sесли home cooked biscuits.Однажды After short I разложила сIand собой на случай, зайдет к Матильде. после обедаwe она just might you, I interjected. said, a“Well I chitchat think The Greatsurprise Controversy which she gladlyShe accepted and gave a donation. Pua перед Матильдой наши красочные книги. Матильде понравились книги, и она started my presentation. When I asked herthen “howPray sheto could protect must watch what we eat, exercise etc and God.” Thisto visit would bake delicious vegan muffins and take them over on occasion попросила нас from прийти в следующий раз и показать их ее мужу Уильяму, что мы her loveaones these health problems” She looked at me and canvass. totally different presentation which opened into aвсей spiritual with Matilda and one day overиafternoon tea showed Matilda aсемьей: picture я, of Пуа и двое наших детей Израел и Шекина иstarted сделали. Они заказали книги, за неделю доshe Рождества мы said “I don’t think you would like what I am going to say… .” Try me, our books. liked the books and asked forорганизовывалась me to come and show them to her husbandпрограмма William, which I did. и мы пришли к ним,Matilda чтобы принести книги. В церкви особая рождественская в субботу, ISharon just might surprise you, I interjected. She said, “Well I think we пригласили на нее наших новых соседей. Они приняли приглашение и с тех They purchased the books the first delivery wasupthe mentioned she tried a number of churches, but found theirand teaching did not add toweek whatbefore she почти каждую неделю посещают церковь. Мыand также начали must watch exercise etc and пор then Prayand toPua, God.” ThisandBible Christmas. myself our two Israel Shekinah all изучать с found in thewhat Bible,we so eat, she stopped attending church studies andchildren teaches children ними библейские урокиthe по пятницам вечером,her когда вся семья собиралась started aShe totally presentation which a felt spiritual canvass. made a visitinto toshe deliver the Our church a special herself. saiddifferent she has learned so much, butopened recently thatbooks. she needed helphad in some of Christmas the

вместе. Каждую неделю они готовили для нас мою любимую пищу: дхал program on thatиндийский Sabbath andсуп-пюре we invitedизour new neighbours along. приправ(традиционный разваренных бобовых), Bible topics areas. Recently she started to pray about it and even 15 Feb They accepted have attended nearly week since. We have Sharon mentioned she tried a number of churches, but found their teaching did every not add upsees toкисло-сладкая what ленный иand горячую томатную чатни (индийская фрук2013 prayed the nightкарри before I called on her! Sharon said she our she also began Bible Studies on Friday nights where it is a whole family тово-овощная приправа к мясу). Уильяму настолько понравилась книга found in the Bible, so she stopped meeting attendingaschurch and studies the Bible aand teaches herinto children providential! Even inviting man her home «Великая борьба», что он попросил у меня еще 10 экземпляров, affair. They cook my favourite food'strange' for us every week, curried dahl чтобы отherself. She said she has learned so much, but recently shehas feltnever that she needed help in some of the was veryправить unusual she done that before! ихas своей семье на Фиджи и раздать коллег по работе. Слава soup with hot tomato chutney. William loved среди The Great Controversy Bible topics areas. Recently she started to pray about it and even Господу, еще до он стал ЛЕ.toСлева моя in жена Пуа,toв центре so muchчто he asked meкрещения for ten copies to send his family Fiji and Quote… . “That which is to prayed be done innight warning the world must be donesaid without delay. дети Израел и Шекина с семьей Антонио. the before I called on her! Sharon she sees our Sharon isshare a lady who so thirsty theGod Truth she wants to know with hisiswork mates.for Praise he and is a Literature Evangelist Let not the canvassing work be left to languish. Leteven thebaptized. books containing the light on present meeting as providential! Even inviting a 'strange' man into her my wife Pua, Israel and Shekinah before he’s Left more. Her children so excited to learn more Новозеландская Bible topics too.home They Адам Вил,are лидер команды, Северная конференция Colporteur Ministry Page 8 done truth be placed before as many as possible..” was very unusual as she has never that before! (centre front) with the Antonio family. are definitely searching, and God sent me at just the right time!


Adam Weal Team Leader North Newnot Zealand Conference Sharon, having spare money, in faith, ordered the Bible Reference

Работая, как команда Sharon isFive a lady who isafter so thirsty forupthe Truth and wants to Library. minutes writing the order sheshe received herknow

В прошлый вторник& мне позвонила Ло, посвященный офисный Out of Babylon Into The Truth… more. Her children are .so excited to learn more Bible topics too.

power billженщина in the postжелает and when she opened it she gave a squeal ofThey работник. Ло сообщила, что одна приобрести Sharon (not her real name) is in her are middefinitely thirties, asearching, single parent and sent less me at justshe theexpected. right time! delight! wasGod $200.00 than God Working as медицинская a Team… . The Lastelectric Thursday I received a phone комплект книг «Семейная помощь». Онаbill продиктовала with four children, the oldest 10. Sharon invited me inspare and I money, could in faith, ordered the Bible Reference Sharon, not having мне ее телефона, и, как только закончил разговор с Ло, я сразу had яblessed her step of faith! Before I left we prayed together and callномер from Lo, our dedicated office worker. Lo said that a lady was enquiring smell the beautiful aroma ofCare freshly baked biscuits, making her writing Library. Five minutes after up the order she Seventh-day received her же набрал номер Рут Джел. Мыvolumes. мило побеседовали и договорились about our Family Medical She gave me her phone number, and Sharon is excited at the prospect of visiting her first homely and inviting. The children were happily playing power billRuth in the post and when she it she gave a squeal of оhouse встрече. я the отправился кAdventist Рут. Она пригласила меня войти вand as very soonСегодня as I got off phone with Lo, I rang Gell. Wecoming had a great talkopened church this Sabbath. and eating home cooked biscuits. short chitchat дом, ейappointment понравились, и она расплатилась заto них наличными. Я less than she expected. God delight! Theaover electric bill wasI She $200.00 Iкниги made Mum's an to see her. Today After I went see Ruth. invited спросил как она узнала наших книгах? Она сказала, что started presentation. When I asked her “how she could protect me my in,Рут, loved the books, and о paid for them by cash. I asked Ruth howее sheподруга found had blessed her step of faith! Before we backed prayed together As I left Sharon's home, munching on aI left freshly biscuit, I and адвентистка по имени Сандра Лесс отправляет ей журналы «Знамение out about our books? She explained that her Seventh Day Adventist friend by her love ones from these health problems” She looked at meprospect and Sharon is excited the of visiting marveled again atatwhat the сказала, Lord had done...her . first Seventh-day времени», в одном из Lees которых онаthe прочитала рекламу. Она что the name of Sandra sent her Signs magazine and she saw the said “I don’t think you would like what I am going to say… .” Try me, Adventist church thisTeam coming Sabbath. Reference Library Sone Mariner Leader South Queensland Conference неBible принадлежит кfor вере адвентистов, но получает большое удовольствие advertisement them. She said that she herself is not a SDA but really enjoys I just might surprise you, I interjected. She said, “Well I think we от чтения нашей литературы. Перед уходом я помолился вместе с Рут, она согласилась, чтоб я навестил reading our literature. Iexercise prayed for Ruth before leaving and she This also accepted to have me visit in the future. I’m must watch what we eat, etc and then Pray to God.” As I left Sharon's home, munching on a freshlyЯbacked biscuit, I ее как-нибудь еще раз. Я с нетерпением ожидаю нашей следующей встречи. позвонил Сандре и looking forward to our next visit. I have also rung Sandra in QLD to thank her for ministering to Ruth with our Signs 1 | P a g e started a totally different presentation which opened into a spiritual canvass. marveled again at what the Lord had done... . поблагодарил ее за служение, которое она оказывает Рут, отсылая журналы «Знамение времени». magazines. We thank our God for the team of workers that were involved in being a blessing to another person Благодарность деятелей, которая является благословением Bible ReferenceГосподу Library за команду посвященных Sone Mariner Team Leader South Queensland Conferenceдля Joe Paola Team Leader Victorian Conference whom our Jesus died for. других за которых Иисус. Sharon людей, mentioned she triedумер a number of churches, but found their teaching did not add up to what she Джо Паола, лидер команды, Викторианская конференция found in the Bible, so she stopped attending church and studies the Bible and teaches her children 1|Page herself. She said she has learned so much, but recently she felt that she needed help in some of the 1|Page Bible topics areas. Recently she started to pray about it and even prayed the night before I called on her! Sharon said she sees our


1 марта Quote… in warning the world must be done without delay. Прикоснись: Принося свет! March, 1 . “That which is to be done 2013 года Let not the canvassing work be left to languish. Let the books containing the light on present



truth be placed before as many as possible..” Colporteur Ministry Page 8

Искавший Searching forистину Truth… .

I met Mr Howard, (names

Я познакомился с мистером Ховардом (имена изменены), 90-летним Out of Babylon & Into The Truth… . have been changed) a healthy 90 year old. I took time to explain, and

мужчиной, полным сил и здоровья. Некоторое время я объяснял ему цель Sharon (not her real name) ismy in her mid thirties, a single parent made sure he understood visit, and how important it is for everyone, своего прихода, а также говорил о том, как важно для каждого человека в withoffour children, the good oldesthealth. 10. Sharon invited in and I could ages toиметь have He said, “If me my«Если daughter next которая door любомall возрасте хорошее здоровье. Он сказал: моя дочь, smell the beautiful aroma freshlyI went baked biscuits, making agrees then I will buy of them.” next and mether живет за соседней дверью, согласится с тем, чтоdoor Вы говорите, яDebbie куплюwho их». Я house homely and inviting. The children were happily playing постучался в дверьprovidentially напротив, на delayed встречу мне вышла Дебби, которая wasvery somehow in heading out for the day. каким-то At this провиденческим отложила свойher уход изaдома тот день. не сказал, and eatingI didn’t Mum'sобразом home cooked biscuits. After short chitchat stage mention I had just met father. It вwasn’t longIЯinto the что только что познакомился с ее отцом. Мы не так долго разговаривали, started my presentation. When I asked “how she canvass when the conversation turnedher spiritual and could Debbieprotect told me that как вдруг разговор приобрел духовный настрой, и Дебби рассказала мне, что she andthese her husband were dissatisfied with their Baptist her recently love ones from health problems” She looked at me and church в последнее время ни она, ни ее муж не находят удовлетворение, посещая because believe that spiritual gifts aregoing no longer needed. said “I don’tthey think you would like what I am to say… .” TryThey me, also баптисткую церковь, поскольку они верят, что духовные дары не нужны asurprise stir at their by asking, we Ikeep Sunday when Iнадолго. justcaused might you,church I церковь interjected. She "why said, do “Well think we «Почему Они также ввели в замешательство, задав вопрос: 15 Feb Saturday is воскресенье, the As Ithen showed some must watch what wetrue eat, Sabbath?” exercise and PrayDebbie to God.” Thisof our мы соблюдаем если в etc Библии написано чтить субботу?» Когда 2013 beautiful books it was exactly what she was looking for….. Even though she loved the set, hesitated я показал Дебби наши замечательные книги, они оказались как раз тем, что она искала… Ноshe несмотря на то, started a totally different presentation which opened into a spiritual canvass.


the cost. ейIt понравились, was then I mentioned that I had met her father nextихdoor offer to pay что for the что at комплекты из-за цены она сомневалась покупать или and нет. his Тогда я сказал, только что познакомился с ее отцом, который с нейworked по-соседству, и сообщил, чтоworking! он готов оплатить стоимость books! She could not believe how живет everything out. God is definitely Debbie was also Sharon mentioned she tried a number of churches, but found their teaching did not add up to what she книг! Она не могла поверить, какимControversy прекраснымwhich образом все сложилось. Бог однозначно работает! Дебби very happy in receiving the Great will certainly answer many of her questions. Sone found in the рада Bible, so she stopped church and the Bible teaches her children . “That which is toattending be doneкоторая in warning the world mustand be done delay. была Quote… также принять Великую борьбу, вне studies всяких сомнений ответит наwithout многие ее вопросы. Mariner Team Leader South so Queensland Conference herself. She canvassing said she has work learned much, butМаринер, recently she that containing sheЮжная neededКвинследская helplight in some of the Let not the be left toСоне languish. Letлидер thefelt books the on конференция present команды,

topics areas. Recently shePage started to pray about it and even Colporteur Ministry 8 truth be placed before as manyBible as possible..”

prayed the night before I called on her! Sharon said she sees our meeting as providential! Even inviting a 'strange' man into her home Lorena, a youngдевушка Argentina из ladyАргентины, asked us to call back later. нас We did but were ей Лорена, попросила перезвонить was very unusual as she.has never done that before! Out of Babylon & Into The Truth… running late and just caught her home. She wasдобрались on her way до outее and aboutпоэтому to позже. Мы перезвонили, но поздно дома, Sharon (not her real name) is in her mid thirties, a single parent leaveзастали us a noteее. onОна the door. My собиралась collegue Lawrence (below left) canvassed едва как раз куда-то уходить и оставить нам Sharon invited is a ladyme who is soI thirsty for the Truth and she wants to know withна four children, the oldest 10. Sharon in and could Lorena she saidМой she would love to purchase our beautiful books, butрассказал she двериand записку. напарник Лоренс (слева на фотографии) more. Her children are so excited to learn more Bible topics too. They smell the beautiful aroma of freshly baked biscuits, making her Лорене книгах, и она сказала, что с удовольствием was onlyоvisiting Cairns, seeking job opportunities but was notприобретет having muchтакую are definitely searching, God sent meвсе at just house very homely and inviting. The children were happily playing прекрасную литературу, но вto данное время она ищетand работу и пока ее the right time! success! At every visit we aim canvass a Great Controversy. I noticed that Sharon, notso having spare money, in faith, ordered the Bible Reference безуспешны! Мыtowards поставили себе принести борьбу andпоиски eating Mum's home cooked biscuits. aцель chitchat I Великую Lawrence was not moving that After and Ishort picked up the conversation в каждый дом, который будем заходить. Я заметила, что Лоренс придерLibrary. Five minutes after writingLawrence up the order she received her started When I Lorena’s asked her “how she could protect withmy thepresentation. intention of arousing interest about world affairs. живался этой цели, и потому продолжила разговор с намерением вызвать power bill in looked the postatand and when shethe opened it she gave a squeal of her love onesand from these health She metook and over twigged he quickly pulledproblems” out a Great Controversy у Лорены интерес к происходяdelight! electric bill.”while was lessthe than sheAs expected. God conversation canvassing book. soon as he said “I don’t think you would like what I am The going to say… Try $200.00 me, щим в мире событиям. Лоренс понял, к чему я клоню, hadShe blessed her step of faith! Before I left we she prayed together and Lorena’s attention to the book asked, “are you I just might surprise you, I interjected. said,drew “Well I think we Великую быстро достал борьбу и продолжил разговор, seventh-day Adventist?” thatтолько we “yes!” Sharon excited prospect of To visiting herboth first Seventh-day must watch what we eat, exercise etc and is then Pray at tothe God.” рассказывая оThis книге. Как онreplied, привлек внимание and she went on to say….”SO AM I!...but I no longer attend Adventist church this coming Sabbath. started a totally different presentation which opened intoк aкниги, spiritual canvass. Лорены она спросила: «Вы АСД?» На что мы в church.” We were so excited that«Я weтоже! kept on sharing and она, один голос ответили: «Да!» – воскликнула found out that her mother church inМы Sydney. но яhome, не так давно посещаю церковь». были так As I of leftchurches, Sharon's munching on attends a freshly backed biscuit, IWe Sharon mentioned she tried a number but found their teaching did not add up to what sheприinvited her tothe church and told herмы she was most ятно удивлены. В разговоре чтоwelcome ее мама ходит marveled church again atand what . узнали, found in the Bible, so she stopped attending studiesLord the had Bibledone... and teaches her children в церковь в Сиднее. Мы пригласили девушку в церковь to come anytime she wanted. To that she replied… "you Bible Reference Sone Leader South Queensland Conference herself. She saidLibrary she has learned so much, butMariner recentlyTeam she felt that she needed help in some of the и заверили чтоmother's будем очень видеть ее в любое are an answer ее, to my prayer!"рады Eunice Winship Bible topics areas. Recently she started to pray about it and even время. В конце она сказала: «Вы ответ на молитву моей Team Leader Northern Australia Conference prayed the night before I called on her! Sharon said she sees our мамы!» 1|Page meeting as providential! Even inviting a 'strange' man intoлидер her home Юнис Виншип, команды, Северно-австралийская конференция. was very unusual as she has never done that before!

Youответ Are Anна Answer To Myмоей Mother's Prayer… . Вы молитву мамы



Sharon is a lady who is so thirsty for the Truth and she wants to know more. Her children are so excited to learn more Bible topics too. They


March, 1 1 марта 2013 2013 года

Прикоснись: Принося свет!

ждал IЯ Have Been Waiting… .

I met a single Я познакомился с матерью одиночкой с пятью mother with her five children in their home. And this is what she И told me,какие “I have beenона waiting for aмне: long «Я timeдолго детьми. вот слова сказала for some goodкниги, books like these, because I have been ждала такие потому что я переживала сложный struggling a hard time сwith my kids. But thank he период отношений моими детьми. Но я God, благодарна sends you to visit me and share what is good for my Богу, что Он послал Вас в мой дом, чтобы поделиться family.” Shelda Tari Literature Evangelist PNG полезными вещами для моей семьи». Шелда Тари, ЛЕ, PNG

Я скоро приду I'm Coming Soon… .

Esther Tomure was one of the pastors in the church. After his death Esther became a Literature Evangelist, she was one of the oldest in the team. During Естер Томуре была одной из самых зрелых членов команды ЛЕ. the festive season Esther began to feel she should stop working as a Во время святок, Естер стала ощущать, что ей пора прекращать с Literature Evangelist and go back home. She realise money she had работой ЛЕ и вернуться домой. Она поняла, что деньги, которые invested in different places had not worked out well for her. She она вкладывала в различные проекты, не оправдывают себя. Всю thoughtееhard all week about quitting theприутихнуть work, she feltвshe had not неделю терзали мысли о том, чтобы работе, она made much impact and was ready to finish up. Early one morning while чувствовала, что трудится за зря и действительно была готова Esther was сstill sleeping she had a dream Himself walked into закончить ней. Рано утром, пока Естерthat ещеJesus спала, ей приснился her bedroom woke her up. sat down to herее. and told сон, что Сам and Иисус зашел к нейJesus в спальню и next разбудил Иисус her.... "Esther don’t quit yet, continue workпока, you are doing, I'mсосел рядом с ней и сказал: «Естер, не the утихай продолжай coming soon." вершать работу, которой ты занимаешься, Я скоро приду».

Mason Riki (left) Area Manager PNG областной менеджер, PNG Мейсон Рики (слева),

Адама Вила, Северная Новозеландская конференция

Adam Weal North New Zealand Conference Joe Paola Victorian Conference Соне Марине, Южная конференция Sone Mariner SouthКвинслендская Queensland Conference Юнис Виншип, Северно-австралийская конференция. Winship Northern Australia Conference Eunice Winship Northern EuniceРики, Мейсон Папуа, Новая Australia Гвинея Conference Mason Riki Papua New Guinea Джо Паола, Викторианская конференция

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