Христианский бюллетень "Прикоснись" № 29.03.2013

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March 2929, марта March 29, 2013 2013 года 2013


Цитата: “Работа литературного евангелиста возвыMarch 29, сит и принесет ему успех” «Вестники надежды», “The work thecolporteur colporteur is elevating elevating and prove a a с. 77 “The work ofof the is andwill will prove 2013


success…. .” Colporteur Ministry Page77 77 success…. .” Colporteur Ministry Page

Никогда не покупала ни одной книги!… Мне

“The work ofее theимя: colporteur is elevating prove нравилось «Ада Венера», и and меня никогда не оставляла Never Bought a Book!… . I liked thewill name “Adaa Venus“ Never Bought a Book!… . I liked the name “Ada Venus“ success…. .” Colporteur Ministry Page 77 мысль, какиеwhat высокие надежды возлагала, нее ее мать but wondered high hopes her mother must ofнаверное, had for her на when but wondered what high hopes her mother must of had for her when при рождении. У нее не было зубов, она выпивала, как сапожник, she was born. She has no teeth, she drinks like a fish and smokes too и выкуривала огромное количество сигарет вand день. ДаVenus“ и о наркоshe many was born. She has no she drinks like athe smokes Never Bought a no Book!… .to Idrugs! liked name “Ada cigarettes. And sheteeth, is stranger Ifish think that’s why I too тиках она знала не понаслышке! Наверное, поэтому я продолжала many cigarettes. And she ishopes no stranger to drugs! think whyI I but wondered what highand her for mother mustlived ofIhad forthat’s her continued to call on her prayed her. She on the roadwhen that приходить к ней и молиться о ней. Она жила на улице, по которой continued toborn. call on her and prayed for her. She on book the road that I was She no teeth, she drinks like alived fishone smokes always travelled and toдо this day she has never bought off too me... яshe всегда ездила, иhas того дня она никогда неand покупала у меня ни always travelled andAnd to this has never bought one book offI me... many cigarettes. she day is noshe stranger to drugs! I think that’s why одной книги… to call on her her. She lived on the road that Ispiritual Ifcontinued IЕсли saw Ada Venus inчто the and yard IВенера wouldfor stop and show health books, Today ей книги о я видела, Адаprayed во дворе, я her подъезжала к ее дому иbooks, показывала always and this day she has never bought one that book offbooks, me... Tomorrow &духовную You,in Bibles etc. She would say,“ I am not into God stuffиWendy”. I really здоровье, литературу, журналы «Сегодня, завтра ты», Библии и т.Today д. Она обычIf I saw Adatravelled Venus thetoyard I would stop and show her health spiritual books, wanted her to read the Bible. I thought if I could get her to read the Bible it would be a great но говорила: связанное интересует». А мне так хотелось, чтобы Tomorrow & You, «Уэнди, Bibles etc.меня She все would say,“ I amс Богом not intoнеthat God stuff Wendy”. I really она начала читать Библию. Я думала, что ее приучу к чтению Библии, это будет If I saw Ada Venus in the yard I would stop and show herкак-то health books, spiritual books, comfort to her. I suggested that she should have aесли Book Party but she said that she hadToday no wanted her to read the Bible. I thought if I could get her to read the Bible it would be a great для нее большим утешением. Однажды я предложила ей устроить у нее книжную вечеринTomorrow You, Bibles etc. Sheup would say,“ I am not intothe thatwildest God stuff Wendy”. friends. She&did however round her family. They were woolly bunchI really I have comfort to her. I suggested that she should have a Book Party but she said that she had no ку, но она сказала, что у нее нетa party друзей. не менее, она собрала свою Скажу вам, wanted herand to read Bible. I thought if I could get read the Bible it would be of aсемью. great ever seen it wasthe something like andТем theyher allto received something, (Signs the friends. She did however roundуup her family. Theyтипа were thebut wildest bunch I have это была семейка, нас вечеринки и woolly каждый comfort to еще her. Iта suggested she было shouldчто-то have a Book Party she said that sheполучил had no что-то в поtimes , steps to Christ etc) that времени», ко and Христу» и the т.received п.). everдарок seen («Знамения and was something a party they all (Signs friends. She it did however roundlike up«Путь her family. They were wildestsomething, woolly bunch I haveof the Мелисса, дочь Ады, купила у меня многоthey книг, и я предложила ей купить для мамы в поtimes , steps to Christ ever seen and it wasetc) something a party all Ireceived something, (Signs buy of the Melissa Ada’s daughter, bought a like lot of booksand off me and suggested that she should her дарок на день рождения Библию. Ада была рада получить экземпляр «Aussie Bible» («Авtimesa,Bible stepsfor to her Christ etc) Ada was happy with the Aussie Bible even though she didn’t mum birthday. стралийская Библия» с подзаголовком «или кое-что из нее», написанная на австралийском really Ada’s want anything spiritual. liked so and I gave her the beautiful postcards Melissa daughter, boughtShe a lot ofpretty books off me I suggested that she should buy her разные сленге – прим. переводчика), хотя онаthings и не хотела ничего духовного. Онаand любила Melissa Ada’s daughter, bought lotкрасивые of books offоткрытки me and I suggested thaton she should buy her В прошлый charts that went it after all itawas was her birthday. Last Thursday I called Ada Venus but mum a Bible for her birthday. Ada happy with the Aussie even though didn’t безделушки, иwith я ей подарила и Bible комплект карт к she Библии. mum a Bible for her birthday. Adaliked wassaid happy with the Aussie Bible even shepostcards didn’t this time she came out the She car. She “ Wendy I want tell you thatthough I am reading the машине. things so I to gave her the beautiful and really want anything spiritual. четверг я заехала вtoАде Венере, иpretty на этот раз она выбежала навстречу моей Она really want anything spiritual. She liked pretty things so I gave her the beautiful postcards and Bible, She said, “I keep it right by my bed and I read it every night it cheers me up when I am сказала: «Хочу сказать тебе, что я читаю Библию. Она всегда рядом с моей кроватью, я ее charts that went with it after all it was her birthday. Last Thursday I called on Ada Venus but charts down!” that went with it after alllady it поднимает was Thursday I called on Ada Venus feeling How I love thisона andher ourbirthday. God!мне Last каждый вечер, Как я люблю этоbut женщину и наthis читаю time she came out to theи car. She said “ Wendy Iнастроение». want to tell you that I am reading the this time she came outPlan to the car. She saidTeam “ Wendy I wantAustralia to tell you that I am reading the шего Бога! March 29, Wendy Kent Party Evangelism Leader Bible, She said, “I keep it right by my bed and I read it every night it me up when I am INTOUCH: LITERATURE MINISTRY Acheers SUCCESS Уэнди Кент, миссионерских Австралия. 2013 Bible, She said,проект “I keep it right by myкнижных bed and встреч, I read itруководитель every night itгруппы, cheers me up when I am feeling down!” How I love this lady and our God! feeling down!” How I love this lady and our God! Power of the Printed Page...Team . Korina loved the books Wendy Kent Party Plan Evangelism Leader Australia Wendy Kent Party Plan Evangelism Team Leader Australia “The work because of the colporteur isстраницы... elevating a Day любила but didn’t invest of financial hardship. and I leftwill her prove the Корина “Lost Сила печатной success…. .” Colporteur Page на 77 них in History”но article on Ministry the Sabbath. She went that day and bought a книги, не тратилась из-заout финансовых трудностей. Я Power of the Printed Page... . Korina loved the books Power of the Printed Page... Korina loved the books bible, studied article, «Забытый was convicted by the Holy Spirit and оставила ейthe статью день в истории» о субботе. В тот же didn’t день она купила себе Библию, статью, была убеждена but invest because financial hardship. II left her “Lost Day church the nextof Sabbath. We were both surprised to see each but attended didn’t invest because hardship. left herthe the “Lost Day Never Bought aoffinancial Book!… . изучила I liked the name “Ada Venus“ Святым Духом в истинности субботы, а в следующую субботу in History” article the Sabbath. She wentmust out that day and bought other! We hugged, talked and sat together during service which in History” article onon the Sabbath. She went out that day and bought but wondered what high hopes her mother ofthe had for her when a a пришла в She церковь. Мы обнялись, поговорили, и and во время служеbible, studied the article, was convicted by the Holy was so attended church the following and now having she wasnice. born. She has no teeth, she drinks likeweek aHoly fishSpirit andissmokes too bible, studied the article, was convicted by the Spirit and ния, которое было таким сидели вместе. Наeach следуюattended church the next Sabbath. Weworker. were both surprised see weekly bible studies with Daniel -чудесным, bible God is just sotoamazing! many cigarettes. And she is no stranger to drugs! I think that’s why I attended church the next Sabbath. We were both surprised to see each щую неделю она talked опятьand пришла в церковь, а теперь она посещает other! We hugged, sat together during the service which Eunice Winship Team Leader Northern Australian Conference continued to call библейские on her and for her. She lived on service the road that I биother! We hugged, talked andprayed sat together during the which еженедельно курсы, которые проводит Даниил, was so nice. She attended church the following week and is now having travelled and to this dayудивителен she has neverнаш bought book off having me... блейский Как Бог!one was always so nice. Sheработник. attended church the following week and is now weekly bible studies with Daniel bible worker. God is just so amazing! 1|Page Юнис группы,- bible Северная Австралийская конференция weekly bibleУиншип, studies лидер with Daniel worker. God is justConference so amazing! Eunice Winship Team Leader Northern Australian

If I saw Ada Venus in the yard I would stop and show her health books, spiritual books, Today

Eunice Winship Team Northern Australian Conference Tomorrow & You, Bibles Leader etc. She would say,“ I am not into that God stuff Wendy”. I really

1 | P a her g e to read the Bible. I thought if I could get her to read the Bible it would be a great wanted comfort 1|P a g e to her. I suggested that she should have a Book Party but she said that she had no


29 марта

Прикоснись: March 29, 2013 годаMarch 29, 2013 2013

Успех литературного евангелизма


March 29, Продажа с крыши иLITERATURE багажникаMINISTRY машины… INTOUCH: A SUCCESS

2013 Ивонна во все христианские книжные магазины в “The workзаходила of the colporteur is elevating prove a Boot!!… Sale Done From the and Carwill Roof and . поисках большой семейной Библии, и даже посылала запрос в success…. .” Colporteur Ministry Page 77 Yvonne had tried all the christian bookshops around and even sent a

Америку, но все безрезультатно! И как же она обрадовалась, увидев request to America in search of a big family Bible, but no one had one! Sale Done FromБиблию the Carс чудесными Roof and Boot!!… . Она нашу Подарочную картинками. What a joyсемейную to show her our new Keepsakers Family Bible with those a the Book!… .bookshops I liked thearound name “Adaeven Venus“ YvonneBought had triedчто all christian and sent aИвонна ей такNever понравилась, она иметь beautiful pictures etc. тут She же wasзахотела so delighted with itтакую that sheже. just had to requestwhat to America in search of a big must familyof Bible, buther no one had one! but wondered hopes her hadMy for when до этого купила уhigh меня книгу «Мои библейские друзья», которая have one. Yvonne hadmother already purchased Bible Friends, and ей What a She joy to show her ourshe newdrinks Keepsakers Family Bible with those she was born. has no teeth, like a fish and smokes too loved them, теперь so I showed her the new Storyсерию Set. After she очень понравилась, я показала ейBible новую Библейских beautiful pictures etc. She was so delighted with it that she just had to receives the Keepsakers Family Bible and Peace Above the Storm many cigarettes. And she ishad no stranger to drugs! Iсемейную think that’s why I историй. Когда получит Подарочную Библию have one. она Yvonne already purchased My Bible Friends, and и «Поthen sheher willand look at more. кой среди она закажет книги. continued toбури», call on prayed for She lived on Set. the road loved them, so I showed herеще the her. new Bible Story Afterthat she I Ее муж перепутал насday со she свидетелями Иеговы. «Не off разговаривай с receives the Keepsakers Family Bible bought and Peace theme... Storm always travelled and to this has never oneAbove book Her husband had us muddled up with Jehovah's Witnesses! "Don't ask her here or you will never then she will look at more. ними, иначе ты никогда от них не избавишься», – сказал он ей когда-то. Я покончила с буget rid of them!" he said. I had completed the paperwork and had prayer together, this all магами, и Venus мы вместе помолились, прямо уhad дороги –upона остановила свою машину, в которой happened onyard the side of the road. pulled behind me with her two boys. If I saw Ada in the I would stop andShe show her health books, spiritual books, Today Her двое husband had us muddled up with Jehovah's Witnesses! "Don't ask her here or you will never было еще ее мальчиков, за моей. Tomorrow Bibles he etc.said. She would say,“ I am the notpaperwork into that God Wendy”. I reallythis all get&ridYou, of them!" I had completed and stuff had prayer together, На прощание она сказала: «С встречи, чтобы еще заказать Her parting words were, "Iнетерпением look forward toжду getting a lot of those books off you"! у вас книги!» wanted her to readonthe I thought I could her up to read the Bible would be a great happened theBible. side of the road.if She hadget pulled behind me withither two boys. anбыл experience theяcar roof and boot!! Godсcan use usиanywhere. Вот такой уWhat меня опыт,from когда продавала книги крыши багажника машины! Бог моcomfort to her. I suggested that she should have a Book Party but she said that she had no Colletteнас, Brown South New Zealand Conference жет использовать где Team бы мыLeader ни находились. Her parting words were, "I look forward to getting a lot of those books off you"! friends. She did however round up her family. They were the wildest woolly bunch I have MarchБраун, 29, Колет группы, Южно-Новозеландская конференция What лидер an experience from the car roof and boot!! God can use usA anywhere. SUCCESS ever it was something LITERATURE like a party and theyMINISTRY all received something, (Signs of the 2013seen andINTOUCH: Collette Brown Team Leader South New Zealand Conference times , steps to Christ etc) I Wouldn't Mind Checking Out Your Church…

Как-нибудь проведаю вашу церковь... Когда When I met Joseph at the door he said "I was an answer to his prayers

indaughter, for truth the right church!" And an that answer я встретил Джозефа у aand двери, он сказал, что яheбыл его отве“The work of the colporteur is elevating andme willand prove awas Melissa Ada’s bought lot of books off I suggested shetoshould buy her Isearching Wouldn't Mind Checking Out Your Church… my prayers that,поисках “God please lead me today for people searching to наColporteur молитву истины и истинной церкви. А он success…. .” MinistryвPage 77 mum aтом Bible for herJoseph birthday. Adadoor was happy though she didn’t When I met at the he said with "I wasthe anAussie answerBible to hiseven prayers truth!” был ответом на мою молитву: «Боже, прошу, приведи меня сегодin searching truth and rightpretty church!" And was her an answer to really want anything for spiritual. Shethe liked things sohe I gave the beautiful postcards and ня к людям, жаждущим истины!» my prayers that, “God please lead me today for people searching to chartsNever that went with it to after all it was her Last Thursday I called on Ada Venus but InBought answer myBook!… knock Joseph came to the door. He was a little abrupt a . Ibirthday. liked name “Ada Venus“ Дверьtruth!” на мой стук открыл Джозеф. Онthe был немного резок, но questioned onShe I was selling.I Iwant ignored the you question this time she and came out tohopes theme car. said “must Wendy to tell that Ibut am reading the but wondered what herЯwhat mother of had for when спросил меня, чтоhigh я myself продаю. проигнорировал егоher вопрос, предintroduced and asked if I could get his opinion on my work. He Bible, Sheborn. “I to keep itknock right byshe mydrinks bed and I read itand every night it cheers me up when I am Insaid, myno Joseph came to the door. Hesmokes was a little abrupt she was She has teeth, like a fish too ставился иanswer спросил, не может ли он оценить мою работу. Он соagreed but as long as I did not try to sell him anything! In my feeling down!” How lady God! and me on Iand wasour selling. I ignored question but many cigarettes. AndI love she isthis no stranger to drugs! I think the that’s why Iкупить. гласился с questioned условием, что яwhat не буду ему предлагать ничего presentation I asked him "What could you do to protect your loved

myself and asked if I could get his opinionAustralia on my work. He Wendy Kent Party Plan Team Leader from the major health He replied “Iчтобы don’t think you Я началintroduced презентацию иEvangelism спросил: «Что делаете, continued to ones call on her and prayed forproblems?" her. Sheвы lived on the road that Iзащиagreed but as long as I did not try to sell him anything! In my

would like my answer." “Ihas might surprise you”, I replied. said it’s тить родных от проблем со здоровьем?» Он сказал: «Не ду-the Devil and our lifestyle! He alwaysсвоих travelled and this day never bought one book offHe me... presentation Ito asked him she "What could you do to protect your loved wasпонравится surprised when I agreed. I commended him for being open about his beliefs and told him that I маю, что вам мой ответ». «Возможно, я удивлю ones from the major health problems?" He replied “I don’t think youвас!» Power the Printed Page... . Korina loved books amof a Seventh-day Adventist Christian. He was sothe surprised that I was a Seventh-day Adventist as -Ifответил я. Он my сказал: «Это всеstop дьявол и наш образ would like answer." might surprise I her replied. Heжизни». said it’s spiritual theОн Devilbooks, and our lifestyle! He I saw Ada Venus in the yard I“Iwould andyou”, show health books, he had just recently started investigating the Seventh-day Adventist church. SoToday far he was quite but didn’t invest because of financial hardship. I left her the “Lost Day удивился, когда я согласился с ним. Я поблагодарил его, что он был мною, was&surprised when agreed. I commended himinto for being openstuff about his beliefs and toldсо him that I подеTomorrow You, Bibles etc.Iwhat She he would say,“ I am not that God Wendy”. I открыт really impressed with discovered. in History” article onубеждениями, the Sabbath. out and bought amсвоими a Seventh-day AdventistShe Christian. Hethat was day so surprised thataI was a Seventh-day Adventist лившись иwent сказал, что я христианин-адвентист седьмого дня.as Он очень wanted her to read the Bible. I thought if I could get her to read the Bible it would be a great he hadthe justarticle, recently started investigating the Adventist church. So farАСД. he wasБолее quite того, он bible, studied was convicted the HolySeventh-day Spirit andtold этому удивился, потому что как недавно начал исследовать церковь I shared with him the text inраз 2by Chronicles 16:9 and him that ourthat meeting wasno of God’s direction. comfort impressed to her. I suggested that she should have a Book Party but she said she had with what he discovered. был очень впечатлен своими открытиями. attended church the next Sabbath. We were surprised to see each just to make sure I did not take it out of He agreed but kept re-reading theboth text with his head nodding friends. She did however round up her family. They were the wildest woolly bunch I have context. He also kept me on the Bible. The last words he said to me after checking me out Я поделился с ним текстом из 2 Пар. 16:9, и service сказал, что наша встреча была запланирована other! We hugged, talked and sattesting together during the which I shared with him the text inlike 2 Chronicles 16:9 and told him that our meeting was of God’s direction. ever seen and it was something a party and they all received something, (Signs of the with the Conference office, ordering some books and a prayer was "I wouldn't mind checking outчто Богом. Он согласился, кивая мне, но перечитывал текст несколько раз, чтобы убедиться, was so nice. She attended the following week and isnodding now having He agreed but keptchurch re-reading the text with his head just to make sure I did not take it out of times , steps your to Christ etc) He is really church." looking forward to watching the Beyondпо Series and I have passed his яweekly не вырвал его контекста. Он проверял мои Последние bible studies with Daniel - bible worker. GodThe is just amazing! context. Heиз also kept testing me постоянно on the Bible. lastso words he слова said to me Библии. after checking me out слова, name on to Pr. David Blanch to invite him and his wife, Jennifer, to church. которыеwith онthe сказал мне, office, послеordering того, как проверил, действительно ли яmind связан с конференциConference some books and aConference prayer was "I wouldn't checking out Eunice Winship Team Leader Northern Australian Sone Mariner Team Leader South Queensland Conference Melissa Ada’s daughter, bought a lot of books off me and I suggested that she should buy her ей, сделал на несколько помолился со мною, были такие: проведаю yourзаказ church." He is really книг lookingиforward to watching the Beyond Series and«Как-нибудь I have passed his name on to Pr. David Blanch to invite him and his wife, Jennifer, to church. mum a Bible for her birthday. Ada was happy with the Aussie Bible even though she didn’t вашу церковь!». Он с нетерпением ожидает дисков «За гранью», и я передал его имя пастору 1 |Pa g e anything Sone Mariner Leader South Queensland Conference Дэвиду Бланшу, онShe пригласил егоthings и егоsoжену церковь. really want spiritual. liked pretty I gaveвher the beautiful postcards and 2| P aчтобы g eTeam

Соун Маринер, лидер charts that went withгруппы, it afterЮжно-Квинсландская all it was her birthday.конференция Last Thursday I called on Ada Venus but

this time2she | Pcame a g eout to the car. She said “ Wendy I want to tell you that I am reading the 2Bible, She said, “I keep it right by my bed and I read it every night it cheers me up when I am

29 марта

March 29, 2013 года March 29, March 29, 2013 20132013

Прикоснись: Успех литературного евангелизма


Господи, пожалуйста, дай мне особый

“The ofВо the colporteur elevating and will prove. a поLord I work Want A вторник Special Experience Please… я isмолилась так: «Господи, опыт… Lord I Want A Special Experience Please… . success…. .” Colporteur Page 77 On Tuesday my prayer was: "Lord, I wantбольшой a special experience, a мной жалуйста, дай мне Ministry особый опыт, опыт». Со

On Tuesday my prayer was: "Lord, I want a special experience, a great experience." JohnJohn Brereton was was working withнужен me and he в тот день работал Джон Бреретон, а ему кто-то great experience." Brereton working with meбыл and he had a lead to visit. "We're going to Kaitaia to visit Ruth", he said! из had местных. «Мы Каитаю на сname Руфь», - Venus“ скаaNever lead to visit.едем "We're to Kaitaia to visit he said! Bought aв going Book!… . встречу I liked theRuth", “Ada I зал wasI он. driving whilst John rang and sealed the appointment time was Я driving John аrang and созванивался sealed the appointment time вела whilst машину, Джон по телефону и but wondered what high hopes her mother must ofhusband) had for her when with Ruth. We arrive just in time to meet Paul (Ruth's with Ruth. We arrive just in time to meet Paul (Ruth's husband) назначал встречу с Руфь. Мы прибыли как раз тогда, когда she was born. Sheout. has out. no teeth, she drinks likeI knew aIfish and smokes too as he on his way When Iиз met I knew new aswas he was on his way When I Ruth, met Ruth, Ia met a Руфь, new я Пауль (муж Руфи) выходил дома. Когда я met увидела many cigarettes. AndRuth sheRuth isonnothe stranger toMedical drugs! I think that’s why I friend. John canvassed Family Care friend. John canvassed on the Family Medical Care поняла, что встретила новую подругу. Джон знакомил Руфь package and showed beautiful children's books, also theroad continued to call onher herour and prayed for her. She lived on the that I package and showed her our beautiful children's books, also the с «Семейной медициной» и показывал наши прекрасBible Reference Library and some others. Ruth has 13 Bible travelled Reference Library others. hasone 13 book off me... always and to thisand day she has never Ruth bought ные детские книги, а some также библейскую справочную grandchildren of whom 7 live nearby and they all love reading. She She said said that she the the grandchildren of whom 7 live nearby and they all love reading. that loved she loved библиотеку и другие книги. У Руфи было 13 внуков, семеро из которых books but didn't wantwant anything which she could not afford. This This was was not anot problem, sincesince the the жило books but didn't anything which she could not afford. a problem, If I saw Ada Venus in the yard I would stop and show her health books, spiritual Today поблизости, и все любили Она сказала, чтоbooks, ей очень нравятся LordLord had dealt with with this obstacle in advance. The The Holyчитать. SpiritSpirit had convicted a God-fearing had dealt this obstacle in advance. Holy had convicted a God-fearing Tomorrow & You, Bibles etc. но Sheне would say,“ am not into thatона Goditсебе stuff Wendy”. I really книги, хочется то, что может позволить. Это couple to donate towards these books. Ruth is aIиметь giver and givers find hard to receive. It It couple to donate towards these books. Ruth is a giver and givers find it не hard to receive. неblessing оказалось так как Господь заранее все преwanted I blessing thought iftoпроблемой, I give, could get hersomeone to read the Biblethere ithas would aубрал great certainly is her a is to to give, but for someone to give, there to bebe certainly a read the Bible. but for to give, has toanother be another пятствия. Святой Дух побудил одну благочестивую on comfort the receiving end.have Ruth has already received the that Food & Healing that she should aRuth Book Party but she said she had noсемейную on the to her. I suggested receiving end. has already received the Food & Healing Power set She and my favorite Thewere Moose Books. Also thebunch 5the volume setбыла пару внести суммы за эти книги. Руфь Power set did however round and myчасть favorite The Moose Books. Also 5Iсама volume set той, friends. up her family. They the wildest woolly have Great Stories for Kids, Today Tomorrow and You as well as дарить, а такимand людям очень Great Stories forлюбит Kids, Tomorrow You of as well asтрудно ever seen and it was something like a которая party and they allToday received something, (Signs the the Family Medical Care. Paul returned and we said our good получать. Дарение – это, конечно, но the Family Care. Paul returned and we благословение, said our good times , stepsMedical to Christ etc) byesbyes before we left. Did I have a great experience? before we left. Did I have a great experience? те, кто дает, должны иметь на другом конце тех, кто Absolutely! Praise God!God! Absolutely! Praise получает. Руфь уже получила серию «Пища и исцеле-

Melissa Ada’s daughter, bought aAnneline lot of booksvan off Zyl me and I suggested that she should buy her Literature Evangelist ние» и мою любимую серию «Книги Лося». Потом она Anneline van Zyl Literature Evangelist mum a Bible for her birthday. Ada was happy with the Aussie Bible even though she didn’t еще взялаNorth пятитомник рассказов для детей, «Сегодня, NewNew Zealand Conference North Zealand Conference really want anything spiritual. She liked pretty things so I gave her the beautiful postcards and Пауль, завтра и ты» и «Семейную медицину». Вернулся charts that went with it after all it иwas birthday. Last Thursday I called onэто Adaне Venus but мыher попрощались с семьей. Разве великий опыт? this time she came out to the car. She said “ Wendy I want to tell you that I am reading the Да! Слава Богу! Bible, She said, “I keep it right by myван bed and литературный I read it every night it cheers me up when I am Аннелин Циль, евангелист, Северно-Новозеландская конfeeling down!” How I love this lady and our God!

Wendy Kent Party Plan Evangelism Team Leader Australia Уэнди Кент, Австралия

Power of the Printed Page... . Korina loved the books

Юнис Уиншип, Северная Австралийская конференция

but didn’t invest because of financial hardship. I left her the “Lost Day

Wendy KentKent Australia inWendy History” articleAustralia on the Sabbath. She went out that day and bought a Колет Браун, Южно-Новозеландская конференция Winship Northern Australian Conference Eunice bible, studied the article, was convicted byConference the Holy Spirit and Winship Northern Australian Eunice Соун Маринер, Южно-Квинсландская конференция attended church the next We were both surprised to see each Collette Brown South NewSabbath. Zealand Conference Collette Brown South New Zealand Conference other!ванWe hugged, talked and sat together during the service which Аннелин Циль, Северно-Новозеландская конференция Sone Mariner South Queensland Conference Sone Mariner South Queensland Conference was so nice. She attended church the following week and is now having Zyl North New Zealand Anneline 3 |weekly P a g evan biblevan studies Daniel - Zealand bible Conference worker. God is just so amazing! Zyl with North New Conference Anneline Eunice Winship Team Leader Northern Australian Conference Чтобы получать бюллетень «Прикоснись», пожалуйста, отправьте заявку на johnbrereton@adventist.org.au.

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