июня Let 7not the canvassing work be left to languish. Let the books containing the light on present Прикоснись: Идите повсюду! 7 2013 June года Colporteur Ministry Page 8 truth placed before as many as possible..” Quote… “Our literature is to be distributed 2013 be
everywhere.” Ministry, 4. in warning the world must be done without delay. Quote… . Colporteur “That which is to bePage done
Цитата: “Наши публикации должны распространяться повсеместно” «Вестники Let not the canvassing left to languish. Let the надежды», с. 4 work&beInto Out of Babylon The Truth… . books containing the light on present Ministry Page 8 truth placed before as many as Quote… “Our literature ispossible..” to be distributed Sharonbe (not her real name) isTo in her mid thirties, a Colporteur single parent Doris Wants Come To Church… Doris
wanted have Colporteur a book but the time was only her with fourtochildren, the party oldestMinistry, 10.when Sharon invited methere in and I could everywhere.” Page 4.came Дорис хочет прийти вwould церковь… at the party! I told her to look on the bright side, she be smell the beautiful aroma of freshly baked biscuits, making herthe Дорис хотела принять участие в first книжной вечеринonly one person who would benefit and she would get choice of Out ofочень Babylon & Into The Truth… . playing house very homely and inviting. The children were happily ке, но когда пришло мероприятия, оказалось, everything. We laughed! Sharon (not her real name) is inвремя midэтого thirties, single parent and eating Mum's home cooked biscuits. After chitchat I ей, Doris Wants Toher Come Toa ashort Church… Doris что Дорис была единственной его участницей. Я сказала что with four children, the oldest 10. Sharon invited me in and I could I showed her the Bible Reference Library but she said she couldn't see started my presentation. When I asked her “how she could protect wanted haveсвой a book party but when the was only her в этомtoесть позитив, потому чтоtime онаcame вездеthere выиграет призы smell the beautiful aroma of freshly baked biscuits, making her very well and it would be hard on her eyes to read. I told her that these were my best books after the at the party! I told her to look on the bright side, she would be the herиlove ones fromбольше these health She посмеялись looked at me вместе. and будет иметь всехproblems” шансов. Мы Bible and the print was fairly large. house very homely and inviting. The children were happily playing onlyЯ“I one person who would and wouldtoget first.”choice of она said don’t think youбиблейскую wouldbenefit like what I she am going say… Try me, показала ей справочную библиотеку, но everything. We laughed! eating Mum's cooked biscuits. a“Well shortI chitchat I Iand just might surprise you, I interjected. She said, think weее что у home нее плохое иAfter ей тяжело будет читать. I сказала, visited Doris after she had them зрение for a while and she told me that those books were the most precious started my presentation. When I asked her “how she could protect Я ответила, что это самые лучшие мои книги после Библии и must watch what we eat, exercise etc and then Pray to God.” This books she owns. She sleeps with them all around her bed and any time she I showed her the Bible Reference Library but she said she couldn't see is getting visitors she hides her love ones from these health problems” She looked at me and the because she достаточно is afraid they might stealopened them! чтоbooks шрифт них большой. Через некоторое время started a totally different which into a spiritual canvass. very well and itвwould be presentation hard on her eyes to read. I told her that these were my best books after the said “I don’t think you would likeпосле what Iтого, am going to say… .” Try me, как она приобрела эту библиотеку, я посетила Дорис, и она Bible and the print was fairly large. Doris also likes the Prophecy DVDS and believes everything that she ISharon just might surprise you, I interjected. She said, “Well I think we сказала, что эти книги – самые ценныеdid из not тех,add которые у нее есть. Она mentioned she tried a number churches, butShe found their teaching up toBible what she has of read and heard. wants to attend our church and have must watch what we eat, exercise etc and then Pray to God.” This засыпает сand ними, когда у нее бывают гости, она их прячет, поI visited afterso she had themпрямо for a while and she toldstudies meаthat books were the precious found in Doris the Bible, she stopped attending church thethose Bible and teaches hermost children Studies. started a totally different presentation which opened into a spiritual canvass. тому что боится, что кто-нибудь их обязательно украдет! books she owns. Shehas sleeps with so them all around her bed is getting visitors hides herself. She said she learned much, but recently sheand feltany thattime she she needed help in some she of the the books because she is afraid they might steal them! Дорис также нравятся диски с пророчествами, и она верит всему из Please pray areas. for Doris, she needs kidney transplant or the doctor Bible topics Recently sheastarted to pray about it and even 15 Feb нашей литературы, чем читает иParty слушает. saysofthat she will die! Wendy Kent, Plannot Evangelism Sharon mentioned she tried a number churches, butо-found their did add upsees to what she prayed the night before I called onteaching her! Sharon said she our 2013 Doris also likes the Prophecy DVDS and believes everything thatпочки, she Team Leader, Australia. Пожалуйста, молитесь о Дорис, ей необходима пересадка инаfound in the Bible, so she stopped meeting attendingaschurch and studies the Bible aand teaches herinto children providential! Even inviting 'strange' man her home has read and heard. She wants to attend our church and have Bible доктора неrecently уверены, что она жить! herself. She said she has learnedче so much, but shehas feltnever that сможет she needed help in some of the was very unusual as she done that before! Studies. Уэнди Кент, планирование миссионерских книжных лидер группы ЛЕ, Bible topics areas. Recently she started to pray about встреч, it and even Австралия Quote… . before “That which isontoaher! be done insaid warning thedoctor world must be done w prayed the night I called Sharon she sees our Please pray for Doris, she needs kidney transplant or the Sharon Lucy is a lady who is so thirstyIt for the Truth and she wants to know Believes ALL!… Let not the canvassing workinviting beKent, lefta to languish. Let books containing the lig meeting as providential! Even 'strange' man intothe her says that she will die! Wendy Party Evangelism are up so of excited to learn morePlan Bible topics too.home They Feeling apprehensive about visiting more. Lucy inHer casechildren of a double LE visits, I entered was very unusual as she has never done that before! Team Leader, Australia. Colporteur Ministry Page 8 truth be placed before as many as possible..” are definitely searching, and God sent me at just the right time!
her gate. The beautiful music coming from her home drew me in. I knocked and after Sharon, money, in faith,see ordered the Bible Reference a while Lucy answered. She spoke softly and not fromhaving wherespare I was standing I could Люси верит всему!.. Когдаwants to know Sharon is a lady who is so thirsty for the Truth and she was going through a rough time.Library. I asked ifFive sheminutes was okayafter and she said she hadorder writing up the sheshe received her яof входила в excited ее калитку, я The переживала, Out Babylon & Into Truth… .too. ofThey more. Her children are so to learn more Bible topics heard 2 days ago that her mother had only bill 6 months live. I sat and listened as she power in the to post and when she opened it she gave a squeal а вдруг кто-то из литературных евангелистов сюда наведывался, иatяjust зряthe Lucy Believes It Sharon real name) isGod in her mid thirties, aсюда single parent are definitely searching, and sent meALL!… right time! unfolded her story and realized nowdelight! why God(not hadher impressed me to visit her home The electric bill was $200.00 less than she expected. God пришла. Из дома лилась прекрасная музыка, и я уже не сомневалась. Я поwith four children, the oldest 10. Sharon invited me in and I could Sharon, not having spare money, in faith, ordered the Bible Reference Feeling apprehensive about visiting Lucy in case of a double up of LE visits, I entered each day I drove by. How real is God. Minutes before I arrived she had been weeping had blessed her step of faith! Before I left we prayed together and стучала в дверь, и через какое-то мгновение мне открыла дверь Люси. Она smell the beautiful aroma of freshly baked biscuits, making her Library. Five minutes after writing up the order she received her with bibleThe in hand asking God to help her through her sad time. She looked up and saw me approaching her gate. beautiful music coming from her home drew me in. I knocked and after Sharon is где excited at the prospect ofчто visiting herкакие-то first Seventh-day говорила тихо, и даже с того места, я стояла, я видела, у нее panicked, and she told Jesuspower assured her that “it was okay…just relax.” I shared bible promises, house very homely and inviting. The were happily playing bill in thewhere post and when she opened itsee she gave a squeal of aand while Lucy answered. Sheme spoke softly and from I was standing I children could Adventist church this coming Sabbath. переживания. Я спросила, все ли у нее в порядке, и она ответила, что два дня offered prayer. Now LucyThe is Mum's attending church her worker and eating cooked After a Bible short chitchat I she was encouragement going through aand rough time. I asked if she washome okay andwith shebiscuits. saidfour shechildren had she delight! electric bill was $200.00 less than expected. God назад узнала от врачей, что ее маме осталось жить полгода. Я сидела и слушаDaniel2isdays visiting Update…”she loves everything she isfaith! learning believes can’t wait started my presentation. When I and asked herwe “how she could protect had blessed her step of left prayed together heard agoweekly. that her mother As onlySharon's 6 months to live. I satBefore and listened asit!” sheLucy I left home, munching on aIнастойчиво freshly backed biscuit, I and ла ее историю, и до меня только теперь дошло, почему Бог так поto receive her books.Eunice Winship, Team Leader, Northern Australian Conference. her love these health Shefirst looked at me and unfolded her story and realized now why God hadfrom impressed me to problems” visit her home Sharon is ones excited at the prospect of visiting her Seventh-day
буждал меня зайти в этот дом, мимоagain которого я ездила день. marveled at what the Lordкаждый had done... . Бог так said “I don’t think you would like what I am going to say… .” Try me, each day I drove by. How real is God. Minutes before I arrived she had been weeping Adventist church this coming Sabbath. реален! За несколько минут до моего ЛюсиLeader держала в руках Библию Bible Reference Library Sone прихода Mariner Team South Queensland Conference I just might surprise you, I interjected. She said, “Well I think we with bible in hand asking God to help her through her sad time. She looked up and saw me approaching и с рыданием обращалась к Богу, прося помощи в это трудное для нее время. Она подняла глаза и must watch what we eat, exercise etc and then Pray to God.” This and panicked, and she told me Jesus assured her that “it was okay…just relax.” I shared bible promises, As I left Sharon's home, munching on a freshly backed biscuit, I окно мне, 1 через |Pag e увидела, что я приближаюсь к ее дому. Она запаниковала, но, как она рассказывала 1offered |Иисус P a encouragement g ее e уверил: «Все started a again totally different presentation which opened into a spiritual canvass. and нормально…. prayer. Now Lucy is attending church with her four children Bible worker marveled at what the Lord had done... . Просто расслабься». Я поделилась с ней библейскими обетоBible Reference Library Soneeverything Mariner Team South Conference Daniel is visiting weekly. Update…”she loves she isLeader learning andQueensland believes Lucyцерковь can’t waitсо своими ваниями и заверениями, и мы вместе помолились. Теперь Люси ходит вit!” нашу Sharon mentioned she tried библейский a number of churches, but found their did not ad четырьмя детьми.Eunice Ее каждую неделю посещает наш работник Даниил. Вот teaching его слова: to receive her books.Winship, Team Leader, Northern Australian Conference. «Ей нравится все, что она узнает, этому!». Люсиattending с нетерпением ожидает книг. foundиinона the верит Bible, so she stopped church and studiesсвоих the Bible and teaches h 1|Page Юнис Уиншип, лидер группы, Северная Австралийская конференция herself. She said she has learned so much, but recently she felt that she needed help in Bible topics areas. Recently she started to pray about 1 1|Page prayed the night before I called on her! Sharon said s
2013 7 июня 2013 года
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7 June 2013Quote… . “That which is to be done in warning the world must be done without delay.
Let not the canvassing work be left to languish. Let the books containing the light on present truth be placed before as many as possible..” Colporteur Ministry Page 8
Drunkard пришел Comes Toв церковь… Church… TwoДва years ago I Пьяница года
visited aназад family,я the father was a drunkard every pay day he spends all his посетила одну семью, вand которой глава семьи был of Babylon & Into The Truth… . moneyOut on alcohol which leaves the family to suffer with no food. While пьяницей. Все заработанные деньги он тратил на выпивку, а the wife was telling was inistears. prayed with leftparent a DVD on the Sharon (not her me realshe in herI мне mid его thirties, a and single его семья страдала отname) голода. Когда женаher рассказывала это, crucifixion ofсдержать Christ. the I did notЯsee herSharon again вместе for 12 months. She me она не могла слез. помолилась с ней ей that with four children, oldest 10. invited me и inоставила andtold I could her husband has been watching the DVD, he was touched and cried as he DVD-диск о распятии Христа. Я ее неbaked виделаbiscuits, после этого целый smell the beautiful aroma of freshly making herгод. watched, he then said,рассказала, “Why did the of the Universe этот die for a terrible При встрече она мне чтоKing ее муж посмотрел диск, и house homely and inviting. The children were happily playing sinner like me?” так былvery тронут, что даже плакал при просмотре, а потом сказал: «По-
and Mum's home biscuits. Afterгрешника, a short chitchat чемуeating Царь вселенной умерcooked за такого страшного как я?» I He made up his mind and told his family he wanted to join the Seventh-day Он сказал о своем решении Церкви started myсемье presentation. When I присоединиться asked her “howкshe couldадвентиprotect Adventist church. now attending Church. стов седьмого дня.He Онisтеперь ходит вLimbo церковь в Лимбо. her love ones from these health problems” She looked at me and Неделю 15 Feb назад я посетила их семью. На этот раз жена так была счастsaid “I don’t think you would like what am Сегодня going say… .” Try лива, познакомила меня соthis своим мужем. это совершенA week I visited the family, time theI wife was soto happy that she me, 2013 чтоago изменившийся человек, новое творение. Славаis Богу Его велиIно just might surprise said, “Well Iза think we invited her husband toyou, meetI interjected. me. Today herShe husband a new and changed кую любовь и милость! man. Praise the Lord for His amazing love and mercy! must watch what we eat, exercise etc and then Pray to God.” This Ювен Ней (на фото), литературный Juven Nae (Pictured) - Literature Evangelist, Island PNG. евангелист, started a totally different presentation which opened into a spiritual canvass. Папуа Новая Гвинея
Quote… . “That which is to be done in warning the world must be done without delay.
Sharon she tried a number churches, their teaching did the not add what she Let not mentioned the canvassing work be left of languish.but the books containing lightupontopresent Mum Just Could NottoSay No…Letfound Nyahok has beautiful children. Their foundbe in the Bible, so sheas stopped attending churchColporteur and studies and teaches her children Ministrythe PageBible 8 truth placed as possible..” contagious smiles before just beam atmany you. Along with their energy and enthusiasm they are a bundle of fun.
herself. She said she has learned so much, but recently she felt that she needed help in some of the topics areas. Recently she started to pray about it and even When I Мама presented our Bible Story,не MyBible Bible просто моFriends package the kids were so excited. Out Babylon & Into The Truth… prayed the night before.I called on her! Sharon said she sees our жетofсказать «нет»... They allУsatНьяок aroundпрекрасные and just loved flicking дети. Их заas providential! Even inviting a 'strange' man into her home Sharon (not her real name) is in hermeeting mid thirties, a single parent through the pages and reading some ofвам the наразительные улыбки так и сияют waswith very unusual never done that before! with fourSeeing children, the oldest 10. Sharon invited meas in she andhas I could stories. her children so engrossed встречу. Они полны энергии и энтузиазма smell the beautiful aroma ofcould freshly baked our books, Nyahok just notКогда say noя biscuits, making her и к bible тому же они очень забавные. when very I asked if sheкниги would like a set for her Sharon is a lady is soplaying thirsty for the Truth and she wants to know house homely and inviting. The children werewho happily показывал семье «Библейские истоfamily. рии», «Мои библейские друзья», детям more. Her children so excited to learn more Bible topics too. They and eating Mum's home cooked biscuits. After a shortare chitchat I так они понравились. Они сидели вокруг are definitely God sent me at just the right time! started my presentation. When I asked her “howsearching, she could and protect I have и made a fewлистали deliveries and the children меня просто страницы, читая Sharon, her lovelook onesиз from these health problems” Shehaving lookedspare at memoney, and in faith, ordered the Bible Reference always forward to myВидя, visits.что On некоторые историй. дети на- not Thursday I went to you do another Once столько поглощены нашими книжками, Library. minutes writing said “I don’t think woulddelivery. like what I amFive going to say…after .” Try me, up the order she received her Ньяок просто не могла сказать «нет», когagain they were so excited to see me. power in the post and when I just might surprise you, I interjected. Shebill said, “Well I think we she opened it she gave a squeal of да я спросил, не желает ли она приобрести delight! ThePray electric bill was $200.00 less than she expected. God must watchкниг what weдетей. eat, exercise etc and then to God.” This комплект Nyahok and her для family live only a couple of minutes from our Carrum Downs Cook Island church and that had step oftheir I left prayed together started a totally different presentation which opened into afaith! Я несколько приносил им книги поblessed заказу, иher дети всегда сspiritual нетерпением ожидали моего следующего next Sabbath Iраз was invited to preach there. After handing over nextBefore lot canvass. of books, Iwe invited Nyahok and and визита. В to прошлый четверг я пришел к ним вexcited очередной раз. Они такof обрадовались! Sharon is so prospect visiting herand first2 nieces Seventh-day her family come along to church. We were all thrilledattothe have Nyahok, her 5 children Ньяок с семьей живет в паре минут от нашей церкви Каррум Даунс на островах Кука, а в ближайшую worship with us. Weshe praise our for moving on their hearts and impressing them did to come. May theyto what she Adventist church this found coming Sabbath. Sharon mentioned tried a God number of churches, but their teaching not add up субботу тудаmay с проповедью. вручил ей заказ, я пригласил continue меня to visitпригласили our church and they all growКогда to loveяour God more and more each day.ее семью в церковь. found in theобрадовались, Bible, so she stopped attending church andиstudies the Bible and her childrenМы Мы очень когда Ньяок, ее пятеро детей две племянницы былиteaches на богослужении. -Joe Paola, Team leader, Victorian Conference. Asmuch, I left Sharon's home, munching on aneeded freshly backed biscuit, I и herself. She said but recently felt that she help in some ofони the благодарны Богу,she чтоhas Онlearned тронул so их сердца и побудил ихshe прийти в церковь. Хотелось бы, чтобы дальше посещали церковь и рослиBible в любви к нашему Богу каждый день! marveled at Recently what theshe Lordstarted had done... . about it and even topicsagain areas. to pray Джо Паола, лидер группы ЛЕ, Викторианская конференция Bible Reference Library Mariner Team Leader Queensland Conference prayedSone the night before I called onSouth her! Sharon said she sees our meeting as providential! Even inviting a 'strange' man into her home was very unusual as she has never done that before! 1|Page
Sharon is a lady who is so thirsty for the Truth and she wants to know
77июня June 2013 года 2013
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Quote… . “That which is to be done in warning the world must be done without delay.
Let not the canvassing work be left to languish. Let the books containing the light on present truth be What placed before as possible..” Colporteur Ministry Page 8 Timeas many Is Church?…
It was after lunch when I knocked on this door and a bleary-eyed gentleman answered the door. I felt В котором часу в церковь?… bad that I had woken him up. He invited me in in Out of Babylon & woke Into The Truth… . время, когда яhis постуspiteБыло of theпослеобеденное intrusion. He even up wife чал в her дверь. Ее открыл с заспанwhich made me evenisworse! I found outa single parent Sharon (not realfeel name) inмужчина her mid thirties, ными глазами. Я почувствовал себя неудобно, that they have a few health 10. issues, but invited very чтоme in and I could with four children, the oldest Sharon разбудил его. Но несмотря на вторжение в его healthy in attitude. I did of myfreshly presentation withпо- making her smell the beautiful aroma baked biscuits, слеобеденный сон он впустил меня в дом. Он даже sensitivity to some of their health habit разбудил жену, чтоinviting. заставило чувствоhouse veryсвою homely and Theменя children were happily playing weaknesses, andнеловко! commended to their positive вать себя еще более Я понял, что у них есть and eating Mum's home cooked biscuits. After a short chitchat I habit. We on well. но During part of my проблемы соgot здоровьем, их отношение к жизни started my presentation. When I asked her presentation, Andrew volunteered that he“how isсдеa she could protect было самым здоровым! Я представил им книги, her love ones from these problems” She looked at me and лавbeliever особый упор на книги оhealth здоровом образеverse жизни, and quoted part of a scriptural in которые побуждали к выработке при- to say… .” Try me, said “I don’t think you would like what I am going answer to my question. This ofпозитивных course opened вычек. Мы хорошо поладили. Во время моей преup might a newsurprise directionyou, to my canvass. She In the end I just I interjected. said, “Well I think we зентации Эндрю сказал, что он верующий, и даже they purchased over $600.00 worth of books that to fits into their lifestyle needs and goals. They also must watch what weизeat, exercise etcна and then Pray Thisпуть процитировал текст Библии в ответ мой вопрос. ЭтоGod.” открыло ко второй части моей презентации purhased the Great Controversy. We had a prayer before I left. They accepted the invitation to watch started a totally different presentation which opened a spiritual духовной литературы. В конце ее они приобрели книг into на 600 долларовcanvass. – тех, которые подходили к их обtheжизни Beyond DVD Series. их In жизненным the morningцелям. when Среди I delivered the rest of the books, they asked me мы what разу и соответствовали них была и «Великая борьба». Перед уходом time помолились. the service was be on Saturday, for кI просмотру had told them theDVD day«За before that IУтром, am a Seventh-day вместе Ониto приняли приглашение серии гранью». когда я принес Sharon mentioned shebe tried a number of churches, but found their teaching didup, notbut addthey up to she Adventist and I will preaching on Sabbath. I didn't expect they would turn didwhat andпоreally остальные книги из заказа, они спросили меня, в котором часу начинается служение в церкви в субботу, found in the Bible, so she stopped attending church and studies the Bible and teaches her children enjoyed themselves also joined in theдня potluck after church. I think they felt love and acceptance тому что я им сказал, чтоand я адвентист седьмого и чтоlunch в следующую субботу буду проповедовать в церкви. Я не ожидал, что они придут, но они пришли и им очень понравилось, а после служения они остались на herself. She said she has learned so much, but recently she felt that she needed help in some of the by the church members. God's Spirit is definitely moving on people's hearts. обед в церкви. Думаю, они Leader, ощутилиBible любовь и участие членов церкви. Дух Божий пробуж--Sone Mariner, Team South Queensland Conference. topics areas. Recently she started to prayдействительно about it and even дает сердца людей! prayed the night before I called on her! Sharon said she sees our Соун Маринер, лидер группы, Южно-Квинсландская конференция
meeting as providential! Even inviting a 'strange' man into her home was very unusual as she has never done that before!
Джо Паола, лидер группы, Викторианская конференция Wendy Kent Australia
Eunice Winship Northern Australian Conference
Sharon is a lady who is so thirsty for the Truth and she wants to know more. Her children are so excited to learn more Bible topics too. They Joe Paola Victorian Conference are definitely searching, and God sent me at just the right time! Sone Mariner South Queensland Conference Sharon, not having spare money, in faith, ordered the Bible Reference Library. Five minutesНовозеландская after writing up the order she received her Адама Вила, Северная конференция power bill in the post and when she opened it she gave a squeal of Джо Паола,The Викторианская delight! electric bill wasконференция $200.00 less than she expected. God had blessed her step of faith! Before I left we prayed together and Марине, Южная Квинслендская конференция To receive theСоне InTouch please email johnbrereton@adventist.org.au Sharon is excited at the prospect of visiting her first Seventh-day Юнис Виншип, Северно-австралийская Молитвенные Adventist church this coming Sabbath. конференция. нужды за: Мейсон Рики, Папуа, Новая Гвинея As I left Sharon's home, munching on a freshly backed biscuit, I marveled again at what the Lord had done... . Bible Reference Library Sone Mariner Team Leader South Queensland Conference Если вы хотите получать издание Прикоснись, отправьте нам свою заявку на адрес электронной почты 1|Page johnbrereton@adventist.org.au. Juven Nae PNG