Aperture Magazine Sixty years on
Aperture Magazine Sixty years on Brief
Research & Content
Produce a 60th anniversary publication to be presented with the fall 2012 edition of aperture.
Research for the magazine is mainly secondary for text & imagery, Articles have been selected through various issue’s of Aperture found in the Library and scanned in using a high resolution scanner.
Research for the build of the magazine is mainly primary for things like layout, binding and colour schemes.
This October is the Aperture Foundations 60th Anniversary, They are one of the biggest photography magazines in America and have published hundreds of books & magazines.
Time scale
The magazine contains interviews, biography’s, portfolios and articles. Allow the content to speak through the Type & Layout. Focus closely on the relationship between the photography and the text, allowing the magazine to focus on either when relevant. Consider the physical body of the magazine and how this can aid in the content being received to the reader.
Week 1: Research Week 2: Source information Week 3: Publication Mock ups Week 4: print/Bind Week 5: Packaging Week 6: Boards
1 Publication Mail out Packaging Exhibition promotional Posters?
Photographers, Creatives, Designers.
Cover Typeface
Aperture Aperture
Aperture 6O
Fall 2012 Specail Edition
2. 3.
Aperture Magazine Sixty years on
Type Champagne
abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyx
abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyx
abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyx 1234567890
ABCDEFGHI JKLMNOPQRSTU VWXYX abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyx 1234567890
W i e g
Publication Cover to be foiled...
Page sizes are all A3 cut down size so easily printable and affordable.
Stock Ranges 150gsm/100gsm Icewhite - Image Off white - Text Red - Secondary Content Grey - Cover
The pagination has been broken down into small booklets to accomodate the different stock being used running through the book. A perfect bind type stitch bind is to be used to bring it all together, which will allow the magazine to fold fully flat to allow the margin not to interrupt the imagery. I’ve been back and forth to vernon street to sort out binding...
Articles 1/ Opening: Letter from chairman 2/ Content Page 3/ Article 1: Portfolio Project & Dialogue with Richard Moose 4/ Article 2: Artist Portfolio 5/ Article 3: Artist Portfolio 6/ Article 4: Dialogue & Profolio 7/ Aperture magazine history range 8/ Contributers -------Aperture exhbition details
Initial Layouts & Test Print
Opening Spread
Article 1 Spread
Article 2 Spread