Enterprise evauluation

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End of Module Self Evaluation Enterprise OUCE255 Chris van Niekerk

What skills have you developed throughout this module and how effectively have you applied them? Throughout this module I have learnt a lot about what it takes to set up a business. It wasn’t a surprise to me that it took a lot of research. Some of the key things i learnt this module was setting up a business plan and working out what information you actually need to obtain to set up a working thriving business. If anything i have realised the amount of research needed to actually set up a running working business. One thing i am pleased about is I learnt that I can definitely design all branding aspects and promotional content for a working business. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process? I have managed to produce an entire 32 page spread book in just a few days, despite the major binding issue it was not bad for the time i did it in, this gave me huge insight into indesign and layout. A kind of a kick start in helping me get better at editorial. As a group i felt i worked well, especially keeping the peace during stressfull times. Working in this group has helped boast my confidence especially at voicing my own opinion. I feel that my skills in photography also came in handy when producing the advertisement. What strengths can you identify in your work and how will you capitalize on these? One of my strengths i found is that i can probably do mosts tasks within the group and i feel that when things got stressful i found it fairly easy to help dip in and help other members out or to try and organise members of the team to try and spread the workload. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you adress these in the future? Being very dyslexic i found it incredibly hard to do the writing side of the project but i did manage to do the majority of the business plan and I tried to help out where I could aslong as the rest of the group agreed to spell check everything for me. Identify 5 things you would do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from them? 1) Meet up with the group more regularly and conciously work as a team as some members were constantly late or absent forcing the workload on specific members. 2)Attempt to do more finance although me and numbers just dont work. 3)Do the research before doing the design 4) Set out far less design work so more of the members are around to help the research side of things Attendance: 5 Punctuality: 4 Motivation: 3 Commitment: 4

Quality of work produced: 3 Quantity of work produced: 4 Contribution to group: 4

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