2016 Key Projects: Wellness Program Fire and Emergency Services is currently developing a department Wellness Program which incorporates representation from Corporate Administration, Fire Department Management and IAFF Union members. The undertaking is in response to the hidden health issue that is impacting emergency services industries throughout North America. In recent years, the industries have observed significant increases in incidents of critical incident stress, post-traumatic stress disorder and suicide of responders. Our purpose is to provide a culture of wellness within our organization that promotes mental, physical, social and spiritual wellness. The working committee commenced development in January 2017 and elements of the program will be phased in throughout 2017. Build Capacity to Support Delivery of Full Service Operations Maintaining a minimum 4-man initial response, while minimizing budgetary impact, is our priority. This will require revising or developing new response policies and procedures, as well as seeking opportunities to build on and strengthen our current capacity. Ideally, new opportunities will also have the ability to enhance the City’s fire prevention program and improve our current staffing model and provide cost efficiencies. Strengthening our capacity will also position the Corporation to manage the effects of new services legislation anticipated to be adopted in 2018.
City of Cranbrook 2016 Annual Report www.cranb roo k .ca
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