Candidature Plan Choirul Anam for Alumni Director CIMSA Indonesia 2020-2021

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CIMSA Universitas Jenderal Soedirman


EDUCATION HISTORY SDN RBU 05 Jakarta 2006-2012

SMP Negeri 30 Jakarta 2012-2015

SMA Negeri 13 Jakarta 2015-2018

CHOIRUL ANAM Personal Information Jakarta, March 20th 2000 Jalan Cibanteng II No.19, Koja, Jakarta Utara. Sapphire Madina Blok C3, Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah.


Fakultas Kedokteran Prodi Kedokteran Umum Universitas Jenderal Soedirman 2018 - now

ORGANIZATION & COMMITTEE HISTORY Majelis Permusyawarahan Kelas (MPK) SMAN 13 JKT Perwakilan Kelas - 2016

Thirteen Badminton Club (Triton) Member - 2016



Staff of Logistics Division - 2017

Community Social Project


Tim Bantuan Medis (TBM) Trigeminus


Member Information ID Number : Batch : 2019 SCO : SCORA NatMeet : May Meeting 2019, Semarang October Meeting 2019, Bandung National Leadership Summit 2020, Aceh

Skills Hard skills : Google apps, Microsoft office Soft skills : Team work, Public Speaking, Leadership, Commitment. Language : Bahasa, English

Achievement Trainer advance IFMSA-Certified

Staff of Event Division - 2018 Merciporm Division - 2018

CIMSA Unsoed

Member of SCORA (Standing Committtee on Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights Including HIV/AIDS) - 2018

Inyong Kencot CIMSA Unsoed Voluntary Committee - 2018

EXPOSE! SCORA CIMSA Unsoed Project Officer - 2019

CIMSA Unsoed

Community Development Team - 2019

Indonesia Medical Model United Nation (IMMUN) FK Unsoed Staff of Publication Division - 2019

Youth Leadership CampÂ

Chief of The Committee - 2019

Soedirman Comprehensive Medical Seminar (Suprema) Staff of Sponsorship Division - 2019

CIMSA Unsoed

Local Coordinator 2019/2020

MOTIVATON. //.LETTER Hello, CIMSA! Before I go further, allow me to introduce myself. I am Choirul Anam people a second-year medical student of Jenderal Soedirman University. Through this letter, I would like to share my story and experiences about how amazing CIMSA changes my life and my motivation to become Alumni Director CIMSA Indonesia 2020-2021. Being a student with the title agent of changes motivates me to be a person who can provide good change to the people around me, especially in the realm of health. Initially, I still have not found the right place for me to develop myself and realize my dreams. Until, I met with CIMSA, an activity-based organization by empowering medical students to achieve their goal of improving nations' health. I felt the motto was very compatible with my dreams. And then, I joined to become a member of SCORA CIMSA. There are so many benefits that I get while being a member of CIMSA, with all the activities and opportunities provided by CIMSA, I get develop into a better person. Long story short, I became a Local Coordinator. People always ask me why do you love CIMSA so much? Why do you always try so hard for CIMSA? The answer is because CIMSA is worth it.

CIMSA also introduced me to many people who required me as LOCO to interact with great people out there, be it the academic community, seniors, and CIMSA people. I really enjoy myself interacting and exchanging ideas with new people, especially with a grown-up who already have a lot of experience and have big ideas, making me learn a lot from this thing.

CIMSA always provides opportunities for members to develop themselves. One of them is this year's opportunity to become a National Officials. This decision is not easy for me, I keep asking myself am I worthy? But I'm sure if I want to study then I can. I'm ready to learn and make my active contribution to CIMSA. This is the time for me to give benefits to CIMSA that has been given to me. I hope CIMSA may trust me to be empowered through this opportunity for becoming the next Alumni Director and I hope I may able to help CIMSA achieve the goals of improving nations' health. Last but not least, thank you for the time you spent reading this letter. I hope my small action in proposing myself to be the next Alumni Director will bring me, CIMSA, and For almost 1 year as a Local Coordinator, I keep surrounding communities changes in a good getting developed by CIMSA and becoming the way. best version of Anam in 20 years. CIMSA opened my mind that the world is so wide that I have to explore myself with all the opportunities given by CIMSA to get me out of my comfort zone and led me to greater things.


VISION. CIMSA sebagai organisasi yang memiliki pergerakan berkelanjutan dengan kolaborasi aktif, informatif, dan bersinergis dengan keterlibatan alumni CIMSA sebagai penunjang perkembangan CIMSA.


Menjaga dan mempererat kualitas hubungan baik antara CIMSA dan alumni CIMSA.

Menjadi wadah utama dalam memperoleh informasi mengenai alumni CIMSA.



Mengoptimalkan peran alumni CIMSA sebagai penunjang dalam aktivitas CIMSA.

Memberdayakan peran dan fungsi Alumni Director / Koordinator Alumni Lokal (VLE) sebagai lini pertama alumni di lokal CIMSA.


Plan of Action.


Menjaga dan mempererat kualitas hubungan baik antara CIMSA dan alumni CIMSA.

1. Memperkenalkan diri kepada alumni CIMSA diawal kepengurusan - Memperkenalkan diri sebagai AD - Bersama Officials Team memperkenalkan diri kepada predecessor 2. Bersama Officials Team mengadakan pertemuan dengan alumni CIMSA. 3. Berkomunikasi secara responsif dan aktif melakukan pendekatan interpersonal dengan alumni CIMSA. 4. Bersama VPE aktif membagikan CIMSA Update kepada alumnialumni CIMSA. 5. Berkoordinasi dengan RnDD dalam melengkapi milestones CIMSA guna pembuatan CHB. 6. Mengadakan Alumni Gathering CIMSA. 7. Berkoordinasi dengan MCD dalam pembuatan dan penyebaran Electronic Greeting Card kepada alumni CIMSA pada hari-hari besar. 8. Bersama VPE dan President menjaga silaturahmi dengan pengurus Ikatan Alumni CIMSA.

Menjadi wadah utama dalam memperoleh informasi mengenai alumni CIMSA.


1. Bersama Alumni Director/Koordinator Alumni Lokal (VLE) melakukan update database alumni CIMSA secara berkala. 2. Berkoordinasi dengan MCD dalam memperbaharui mapping alumni CIMSA. 3. Berkoordinasi dengan RnDD dalam melakukan Alumni Need Assessment diawal kepengurusan. 4. Berkoordinasi dengan MCD dan Secgen dalam mengoptimalkan fungsi tab alumni CIMSA.

Plan of Action.


Mengoptimalkan peran alumni CIMSA sebagai penunjang dalam aktivitas CIMSA

1. Menjaga dan meningkatkan keikutsertaan alumni CIMSA dalam aktivitas CIMSA. 2. Berkoordinasi dengan MCD dalam memfasilitasi alumni untuk berperan dalam aktivitas CIMSA - Pembuatan Alumni of the period pada majalah AORTA dan tab alumni CIMSA. - Pembuatan Health article pada majalah AORTA dan tab alumni CIMSA. - Pembuatan video CIMSA Talk pada media sosial CIMSA bersama MCAD dan VPE.

Memberdayakan peran dan fungsi Alumni Director / Koordinator Alumni Lokal (VLE) sebagai lini pertama alumni di lokal CIMSA.


1. Aktif melakukan komunikasi secara interpersonal dengan Alumni Director/Koordinator Alumni Lokal (VLE). 2. Melakukan cyber meeting bersama Alumni Director/Koordinator Alumni Lokal (VLE) secara berkala. 3. Memberdayakan peran Alumni Director/Koordinator Alumni Lokal (VLE) untuk melibatkan alumni dalam aktivitas CIMSA. 4. Memberdayakan peran Alumni Director/Koordinator Alumni Lokal (VLE) untuk membuat mapping alumni CIMSA.

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