Chronogram April 2006

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36 MUSIC: Richard Butler releases his first solo album. NEWS AND POLITICS

18 BLAMING THE VETERAN D.E. Ford, Jeff Huber, and I.L. Meager investigate the politics of post-traumatic stress disorder, a condition affecting many Iraq War veterans. Why is the Veterans Administration minimizing this growing crisis? COMMUNITY NOTEBOOK


FOOD FOR THOUGHT Ilyse Simon profiles Diane Reeder, founder of the Queens Galley, a Kingston-based food and educational nonprofit that was recently awarded a Microsoft "Start Something Amazing" award. ARTS & CULTURE


28 PORTFOLIO Claudia Bruce and Linda Mussmann of TSL Warehouse.

82 DELIVERY BY DOULA Lorrie Klosterman examines the world of doulas (from the

30 LUCID DREAMING Beth E. Wilson reviews the lighter side of art this month at ASK,

Greek, meaning "female servant"), and how they are helping local families with birthing.

Gallery 384, and Robert The's solo exhibit at the Muroff-Kotler Visual Arts Center. 33 GALLERY DIRECTORY What's hanging around the region. 36 MUSIC Sharon Nichols catches up with the latest from Psychedelic Furs frontman and Beacon resident Richard Butler. Plus Nightlife Highlights and CD reviews. 40 BOOKS Nina Shengold talks with prolific mystery writer Donald Westlake. 42 BOOK REVIEWS The Quick of It by Eamon Grennan; The Ghost Orchid by Carol Goodman; The Dead Beat by Marilyn Johnson. 46 POETRY Poems by Brendan Blowers, Mariel Boyarsky, Linda McCauley Freeman, Jeannie Friedman, Conrad Geller, Erin Giannini, Mary Leonard, and Christina M. Rau.

and how religious people are working for social change in the Hudson Valley.

BUSINESS SERVICES 73 TASTINGS A directory of what’s cooking and where to get it. 88 WHOLE LIVING DIRECTORY For the positive lifestyle. 103 BUSINESS DIRECTORY A compendium of advertiser services.

THE FORECAST 111 DAILY CALENDAR Listings of local events. Plus previews of the world music of Rubias del Norte and Slavic Soul Party; the poetry of Yusef Komunyakaa at SUNY Ulster; Betty McDonald's Billy Holiday tribute; "J.B." at the Center for Performing Arts

70 FOOD & DRINK Pauline Uchmanowicz takes stock of Sunday-morning fare to find

in Rhinebeck; the Cajun music of L'il Anne and the Hot Cayennes; and at No Space in

out what gives the meal that's not quite breakfast and not quite lunch its special flair.

Rosendale, Wayne Montecalvo's clown-related paintings and video.



49 PHOTO SHOOT Fionn Reilly photographs local notables in fashions from Haldora,

130 JUST ANOTHER SLOBODAN Eric Francis Coppolino visits the International Crimi-

Utility Canvas, Changes, Rock & Snow, Sancha Playfair, Sugar, and O'Halloran & Co.


86 INNER VISION David Belden reports on the intersection of spirituality and politics,

nal Court at The Hague and ponders the history of genocide. Plus horoscopes.

56 FEMME FATALE Alise Marie's glamorous-yet-wearable designs. By Adam Allington.


51 HUDSON VALLEY STYLE Jennifer May hits the streets in search of an iconic look.

136 UNTITLED An untitled image by Andy Uzzle.





Brian K. Mahoney ART DIRECTOR David Perry NEWS & POLITICS EDITOR Lorna Tychostup CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Jim Andrews MUSIC EDITOR Sharon Nichols BOOKS EDITOR Nina Shengold WHOLE LIVING EDITOR Lorrie Klosterman POETRY EDITOR Phillip Levine COPY EDITORS Andrea Birnbaum, Susan Piperato INTERNS Alysabeth Anderson, Lara Buongiorno, Jenna Hecker, Brianne Johnson, Shannon MacGiffert PROOFREADERS Marly Booth-Levy, Laura McLaughlin, Barbara Ross CONTRIBUTORS Adam Allington, Emil Alzamora, Dave Belden, Brendan Blowers, Eric Francis Coppolino, DJ Wavy Davy, D.E. Ford, Linda McCauley Freeman, Jeannie Friedman, Conrad Geller, Erin Giannini, Roy Gumpel, Hillary Harvey, Mikhail Horowitz, Jeff Huber, Annie Internicola, Dmitri Kasterine, Jason Kremkau, Mary Leonard, David Malachowski, Jennifer May, I.L. Meager, Dion Ogust, Todd Paul, Anne Pyburn, Christnia M. Rau, Fionn Reilly, Ilyse Simon, Sparrow, J. Spica, Sophia Tarrasov, Pauline Uchmanowicz, Andy Uzzle, Beth E. Wilson SUBMISSIONS CALENDAR

To submit calendar listings, visit and click on "Add My Event" and fill out the form. E-mail: / Fax: (845) 334-8610 Mail: 314 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 Deadline: April 15


Submissions of up to three poems at a time can be sent to or our street address, see above.


Fiction: Submissions can be sent to Nonfiction: Succint queries about stories of regional interest can be sent to



PUBLISHING FOUNDERS Jason Stern & Amara Projansky PUBLISHER Jason Stern ADVERTISING SALES WEST OF HUDSON RIVER Jamaine Bell, x112 EAST OF HUDSON RIVER Ralph Jenkins, x105 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE MANAGER Lisa Mitchel-Shapiro, x101 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Becca Friedman, x120 OFFICE ASSISTANT Matthew Watzka, x113 TECHNOLOGY DIRECTOR Justin Zipperle PRODUCTION PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Yuliya Zarubina-Brill, x108 PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Kiersten Miench, x116 PRODUCTION DESIGNERS Jim Maximowicz, x106 Julie Novak, x102 BUSINESS CONSULTANT Ajax Greene OFFICES: 314 Wall St. Kingston, NY 12401 845.334.8600 fax 334.8610 SUBSCRIBE Send $36/12-issues or visit MISSION Chronogram is a regional magazine dedicated to stimulating and supporting the creative and cultural life of the Hudson Valley. ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT 2006





Mikhail Horowitz, poet, performance artist, and erstwhile Cultural Czar of the Woodstock Times, is the author of Big League Poets (City Lights, 1978) and The Opus of Everything in Nothing Flat. He is a contributing editor to Elysian Fields Quarterly and his poetry and collages have been widely anthologized. On CD, his jazz fables can be heard on The Blues of the Birth (Sundazed Records) and his folk-song parodies and political billingsgate on Live, Jive, & Over 45 (with Gilles Malkine; self-produced, available from the trunk of his car). Horowitz lives in the terra incognita of Quarryville, and his day gig finds him in the Bard College Publications Office. His review of Eamon Grennan’s poetry collection The Quick of It appears on page 45. Working mainly in the field of portraiture, Dmitri Kasterine has been a photographer for 45 years. Of the many notable people he has photographed, the images of Samuel Beckett, Marc Jacobs, Paul Auster, Francis Bacon, and Steve Martin are his favorites. Earlier in his career, he shot stills for Stanley Kubrick on A Clockwork Orange, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and Dr. Strangelove. At the moment, he is working on a book of portraits of the people of Newburgh. He lives in Garrison with Caroline and their 15 year-old son, Nicholas. His portrait of Richard Butler appears on page 36. Dion Ogust moved to the Hudson Valley from New York City in the mid ’80s. Her work appears in national and regional periodicals and in people’s homes. For a photographer who has always embraced photojournalism, portraits in and out of the studio, and landscape photography, the world is rich in subjects and opportunity. The digital era has not only brought her out of the darkroom but into filmmaking as well, working as a producer and cinematographer on “In Your Face TV,” a blend of political satire and commentary. Her photograph of Daniel Berrigan’s talk at the Speaker’s Forum on March 19 appears on page 86. Lorrie Klosterman has been a writer for Chronogram for four years and has edited the Whole Living section for nearly two. She arrived in the Hudson Valley in the late 1980s in a blinding snowstorm, literally and figuratively, with a new baby and many changes. Shelving the pursuit of full-time academia (with a PhD in zoology from the University of California, Berkeley and years of post-doc training in cell biology and physiology) for the joyful pursuit of fully present parenthood, she adjunct teaches occasionally at local colleges, writes health/science books for teens, promotes appreciation of nature, and now seeks representation for a novel and three screenplays. She credits the move to the Valley and an early visit to the Omega Institute for rediscovery of spirituality, hope, the arts, and play. Her article explaining the role of doulas in the birthing process appears on page 82.



On the Cover



Sophia Tarrasov strives for simplicity. The cover image, Egg, was inspired by the plain shape and intricate symbolism of eggs. "This piece started as something very different from what it is now,” said Tassarov. “I think I was trying to be too tricky about it, and it wasn’t working for me at all. When I thought about it some more, and became willing to change the piece entirely into a direct interpretation of an egg, I got into my zone of excitement, and couldn’t wait for the layers to dry.” Egg will be on view in “Oil & Steel,” an exhibition of photographs by Tarrasov with sculptures by Matt Weinberger, at the Chocolate Factory in Red Hook. “I’ve always loved eggs,” said Tarrasov. “Their shape, the perfection contained in something so fragile, a symbol of fertility and rebirth, eggs are great—this is an homage to eggs. In response to the modern world, there is something very pagan, earthy, and basic about eggs.” Tarrasov has been working with oils for years. She watched her mother paint, and learned about oils through observation before she eventually began using them herself. In 1987, she entered the University of Arts in Philadelphia as an illustration major. She formally studied oils but eventually received a BFA in metalsmithing and crafts. “I returned to painting when my first studio landlord wouldn’t allow torches in the barn,” says Tarrasov. “I continue to create in other mediums, but I find painting the most immediately gratifying.” Tassarov works a “day job” as an in-house designer for Stems, a floral and event design group based in Red Hook. To create the cover image, she used a palate knife and paint shaping tools to produce a textured effect. “Lately, in my work, I have been trying to let my hand show more in the pieces I do,” said Tassarov. “Oil and Steel” will be on view April 29 through May 28 at the Chocolate Factory in Red Hook. An opening reception will be held on Saturday and Sunday, April 29 and 30, from 5 to 7pm. For information, call (845) 758-8080. 12 CHRONOGRAM.COM 4/06

Esteemed Reader What receives attention flourishes. What doesn’t withers. —The Principlex Esteemed Reader of Our Magazine: I was speaking with a friend recently who offered up a litany of problems. He is about to be laid off from his job; he suffers from a host of chronic physical ailments, and to top it off, because of these and other unfortunate circumstances, he is utterly without self-esteem and confidence. He enumerated the reasons for his plight, many of which had to do with being misled and lied to by others, compounded by loathing for himself at having been duped. All of these together made him feel that it is impossible to get out of the pit he sees himself in. My first response was to listen. I let him tell the complete story of his situation without interrupting, and through listening was able to see and feel his desperation. But it was clear to me that the “facts” he was focusing on were selective. I know him to be a powerful, capable, creative, and beautiful person, with many bright possibilities on his horizon, and so I suggested an exercise to try, if he wished. The exercise was to stop complaining. It is not every day we are faced with situations that appear so dire, but we are all faced with problems, obstacles, people with whom we disagree. If we are graced to recognize that our reactions to situations are separate from the situations themselves, and that we alone are responsible for what we feel, then we can truly take responsibility for our reactions. This is the opportunity that life presents: to develop as human beings; to become agents of the truth. For those who have heard the call, there is a long war to be waged. This war is longer, and more open-ended than Mr. Bush’s absurd War on Terror. It is also actually meaningful. Ours is the War On Negativity. And it begins in ourselves, though once we have conquered it within the frontiers of our skin, we begin to make preemptive strikes against negativity wherever it threatens to take root. First of all, we need to know our enemy. Our war is against all the ways in which we and others give attention to what is lacking, instead of what is. This takes many forms. Criticism, for instance, is almost always negative. By this I mean that criticism addresses what is missing from someone or something—what I believe should be, but isn’t. Obviously criticism has a place in pointing to what is possible, but if we are honest we will see that it is rarely employed by us in this constructive manner. What else? Complaining, which is a more pathetic version of criticism. And how about something subtler: gossip. How often is gossip simply indulgence in a perverse interest in the problems and embarrassments of others? Or skepticism. This word is often preceded by a qualifier—”healthy”—but too often it is an excuse to distance ourselves from others. These are some of the outward expressions of negativity, and there are innumerable thoughts, feelings, and desires that give rise to them, but I enumerate them because the realm of expression is the part of us that is most available to our observation—certainly more available than thoughts, which even seasoned meditators confess difficulty observing. So what are the alternatives to negativity? It would be farcical to fall into the trap of countering negativity with negativity; criticizing criticism, for instance. So the first assault in our War on Negativity is to be openly attentive. Like a child who is doing something they know they shouldn’t, an accepting, penetrating gaze will often correct the useless behavior. So too with gratuitous negativity; truly listening will often enable the expresser to hear himself and change his tone. Our next line of attack is to be positive. For instance, what is the opposite of criticism? Praise. And it is always possible to find something to praise. What is the antidote to anger? Compassion, which literally means “to suffer with.” What is the appropriate response to violence? Kindness. Following our conversation, my friend wrote me an inspiring note, which I quote here with his permission. He said “I see that I have been talking about my fears, and by giving voice I have made them real. As I make the effort not to complain I have been able to observe the story I keep telling myself, which is partial and false. Now I can let it go and step into my life. I might yet be helpful not only to myself, but to others.” So let us go forth and wage our vigilant War Against Negativity. Let us look beyond the demons in ourselves and in others that would have us resort to an impoverished point of view; a point of view that focuses on lack when we wish for abundance; that focuses on fear when we hunger for love. Let us be our prosperous selves and share the wealth with the world. —Jason Stern 4/06 CHRONOGRAM.COM 13


Tees, Long Sleeve Tees, Baby Tees, Long Sleeve Baby Tees, Hoodies. Design by David Perry. Printing by Circulation. Garments by American Apparel.

Buy Online.




Editor’s Note Welcome to my redesigned Editor’s Note, now a full page and complete with a vanity photo of me, courtesy of Fionn Reilly. Um, thanks Fionn. I’ve added what will become a regular, albeit smaller feature of this column, “While You Were Sleeping”—a compendium of odds and ends from the news cycle that you might have missed. Also, I’d like to sing a note of praise for Chronogram art director David Perry, whose continuing redesign of the magazine is bearing aesthetically remarkable fruit. —Brian K. Mahoney

In the March issue of Foreign Policy Phillip Longman writes that because people with liberal values are having fewer or no children, and conservatives and fundamentalists are following the Biblical imperative to be fruitful and multiply, secular humanists may be facing extinction. There is a “gradual drift of American culture away from secular individualism and toward religious fundamentalism,” writes Longman. “Among states that voted for President Bush in 2004, fertility rates are 12 percent higher than in states that voted for Sen. John Kerry.” The number of lobbyists registered to do business in Washington has more than doubled in the last five years. (2000: 16,342 lobbyists; 2005: 34,785.) As of 2005, there were 65 lobbyists for every member of Congress. The total spent by lobbyists per month on influencing federal officials is nearly $200 million. You may recall comments made by presidential wife and mother Barbara Bush that after taking a tour of a refugee-relocation center in Houston last September, marveling at the good fortune of the evacuees: ‘’What I’m hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them.” Now the former First Lady has written a check for an undisclosed sum to help Katrina evacuees in Houston, the Houston Chronicle reported on March 23. There’s only one catch—the money must be spent on education, in particular with a specific educational software company, Ignite Learning, which is running “curriculum-on wheels” programs in the Houston school district. The company is owned by Barbara Bush’s son Neil Mark Mershon, the top FBI official in New York City, confided to the editorial board of the Daily News on March 21 that budget constraints are forcing some New York-based FBI agents to operate without e-mail accounts. “As ridiculous as this might sound, we have real money issues right now, and the government is reluctant to give all agents and analysts dot-gov accounts,” said Mershon. On March 19, the third anniversary of the Iraq war, former prime minister Ayad Allawi—once the darling of the Bush administration—told the BBC that Iraq had descended into civil conflict. “It is unfortunate that we are in civil war. We are losing each day 50 to 60 people through the country, if not more,” said Allawi. “If this is not civil war, then God knows what civil war is.” Commenting on Allawi’s comments, Vice-President Cheney said that civil war had been the goal of the “terrorists” all along, “but my view would be they’ve reached a stage of desperation from their standpoint.”

On the March 17 edition of Fox News’ “The O’Reilly Factor,” R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and host of the daily Christian radio show “The Albert Mohler Program,” defended “700 Club” host Pat Robertson’s recent claim that Muslims are “motivated by demonic power,” and expanded on Robertson’s comments, saying: “Well, I would have to say as a Christian that I believe any belief system, any world view, whether it’s Zen Buddhism or Hinduism or dialectical materialism for that matter, Marxism, that keeps persons captive and keeps them from coming to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, yes, is a demonstration of satanic power.” Former Bush domestic policy advisor Claude Allen, a protégé of Clarence Thomas, was arrested on March 9 and charged with stealing thousands of dollars in merchandise from Target and other stores on at least 25 occasions in late 2005 and early 2006. Allen is charged with buying items, bringing them out to his car, then returning to the store, grabbing identical items and returning them for cash with a receipt. Allen, who resigned from the administration on February 9, claiming he wanted to spend more time with his family, has denied the charges, saying there is a mix-up with his credit card. CH Energy Group, formerly Central Hudson, the utility that supplies natural gas and electricity to most of the Mid-Hudson Valley, has petitioned the Public Service Commission—the state agency that sets rates for public utilities—to increase its rates for gas and electric. According to CH Energy Group spokeswoman Denise Van Buren, the last time the utility raised its rates was in 1993. CH Energy Group is seeking to increase their electric rates by 17 percent, and their gas rates by 16 percent. The average residential user should expect increases of $120 a year for electricity and $240 for gas. Van Buren said inflationary pressures, along with the need to make improvements to the delivery system, are driving the need for the rate increase. County legislators Joel Tyner and Brian Shapiro, of Dutchess and Ulster counties respectively, have both criticized the rate hike, citing the fact that CH Energy Group reported profits of over $40 million in each of the past two years. The Public Service Commission held a series of sparsely attended (and poorly advertised) publiccomment hearings in mid-March. The Commission will be accepting written comments until April 17. A decision on the rate hike request is expected later this spring. The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit overturned a clean-air regulation on March 17 issued by the Bush administration that would have created a loophole for aging power plants,

factories, and refineries, allowing them to avoid installing expensive new pollution controls to offset increased costs caused by replacement or repair of existing equipment. “Indeed,” the court wrote, “EPA’s interpretation would produce a ‘strange,’ if not an ‘indeterminate’ result: a law intended to limit increases in air pollution would allow sources operating below applicable emission limits to increase significantly the pollution they emit without government review.” The provision of the Clean Air Act at issue—“new source review”— governs the permits required at 1,300 coal-fueled power plants around the country and 17,000 factories, refineries, and chemical plants that release millions of tons of pollution into the air each year.

Glen Wilson


The judge presiding over the prosecution of an Afghan man, facing death for converting from Islam to Christianity said on March 23 that he would resist any outside interference in the case as international condemnation mounts. The defendant, Abdul Rahman, converted to Christianity 15 years ago, and his case highlights a central contradiction of the compromise Constitution that Afghanistan adopted following the US invasion. While one passage declares Islam Afghanistan’s supreme law, another grants its citizens religious freedom. Certain crimes, however, are to be handled by religious judges. One such crime is converting from Islam to another religion. Under conservative interpretations, a convert can be sentenced to death. No lawyer in Kabul is willing to represent Rahman. Asked to comment on a resolution Sen. Russ Feingold wanted to introduce censuring President Bush for instituting a warrantless spying program and then misleading the country about its existence at his daily briefing on March 13, White House press secretary Scott McClellan responded: “I think that raises the question, ‘How do you fight and win the war on terrorism?’ And if Democrats want to argue that we shouldn’t be listening to al-Qaeda communications, it’s their right and we welcome the debate. We are a nation at war.” For the record: To date, no member of Congress, Democrat or Republican, including Feingold, has suggested that “we shouldn’t be listening to al-Qaeda communications.” (In case you are wondering if the NSA had listened in on any of your overseas calls or e-mails, The People for the American Way have created an easy-to-use Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request form——where you can formally ask the government to provide all records about you in their possession. Under FOIA, anyone has the right to request information from the government. FOIA gives citizens a tool to demand transparency from their government, and take it to court if necessary.)


NEWS & POLITICS World, Nation, & Region


THE POLITICS OF POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER by D.E. Ford, MSW, Commander Jeff Huber, US Navy (Ret.) and I.L. Meager

War is hell. Unlike the Hollywood soldiers whose stoicism and stiff upper

lips signal heroism, real men and women are not uniformed machines that can perform under great stress with little consequence. Trained to be part of the superior fighting machinery of the military, they are still human, mortal, and unique. The gruesome terrors of war not only damage the body but can also shatter self-image, ability to trust, and belief systems, leaving the individual disillusioned and bitter. The returning combat veteran’s nervous system overloads from the assault by a stealthy enemy: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The Departments of Veterans Affairs’ Center for PTSD defines post-traumatic stress disorder as a: psychiatric disorder that can occur following the experience or witnessing of lifethreatening events such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, serious accidents, or violent personal assaults like rape. [Sufferers] often relive the experience through nightmares and flashbacks, have difficulty sleeping, and feel detached or estranged, and these symptoms can be severe enough and last long enough to significantly impair the person’s daily life. PTSD is marked by clear biological changes as well as psychological symptoms; is complicated by the fact that it frequently occurs in conjunction with related disorders such as depression, substance abuse, problems of memory and cognition, and other problems of physical and mental health. The disorder is also associated with impairment of the person’s ability to function in social or family life, including occupational instability, marital problems and divorces, family discord, and difficulties in parenting. 18 NEWS & POLITICS CHRONOGRAM.COM 4/06

STACKING THE DECK At least 30 percent of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom soldiers have been diagnosed with stress-related mental health problems that impair social, occupational, and interpersonal functioning, according to Army Surgeon General Lt. Gen. Kevin C. Kiley. He estimates that five percent have developed PTSD, an estimate significantly lower than other leading experts have reported. “We are embracing the diagnosis of PTSD. MHS [military health system] and VA [Department of Veterans Affairs] are embracing it rather than taking that diagnosis and excluding it and looking for some other diagnosis. That’s a major cultural, medical shift,” Kiley testified before Congress in April 2005. Efforts to address PTSD have begun, including post-deployment screening, stress assessment, combat-stress control teams joining troops in combat, and training leadership, but the stigma attached to PTSD and competing political agendas of budget, public relations, and ideology overrun veterans’ needs. Those in positions of power whose ideology embraces limited utilization of healthcare benefits, the deregulation of healthcare providers, and the reduction in federal spending for healthcare contribute to the deterioration of the provision of healthcare to returning veterans. And all those President’s men can’t put Johnny back together again with a yellow ribbon.

Despite the Bush Administration’s public “Support the Troops” stance, certain questions arise: Are there domestic forces undermining the military’s attempts to combat PTSD? Are our soldiers receiving the very best treatment upon their return home? Including projected healthcare and disability costs and the impact on US economy, Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz and Harvard budget expert Linda Bilmes wrote a report that projects the escalating price tag on the Iraq war into the trillions. As Stiglitz and Bilmes noted, their estimates were conservative, and the actual costs could run much higher. Evidence suggests that budgetary pressure and ideology have motivated the Bush administration to enact cost-cutting measures aimed at limiting combat-damaged troops’ access to benefits. By its aggressive management of the public-relations problems generated by the increasingly unpopular war, the administration has sought to veil the death and destruction from public view. Battlefield damage is minimized while operatives plant stories in the media to trumpet the view that the source of PTSD resides solely within the individual and not with the war itself.The soldiers hailed as heroic upon deployment find themselves portrayed, upon their return, as having been psychologically impaired before they went to war, as morally weak, or untruthful, malingering veterans.

Glen Wilson



OPERATION CUT, GUT, AND IGNORE President Bush’s economic advisor Larry Lindsay was forced to resign in December 2002 when he suggested the war could cost as much as $200 billion; thus, presumably there are intense incentives to cut costs. Powerful ideologues carefully positioned within the administration are enacting measures that would do so, not through diligent budgetary oversight of all military expenditures which have been rife with massive financial irregularities, but instead by limiting veterans’ benefits. This agenda to ration care, to redefine disorders in such a way to deny the need for medical intervention, and to malign the victims, unduly taxes the well-being of our military personnel. In August of 2005, as he announced the closing of the agedWalter Reed Army Hospital and the opening of a new billion-dollar facility in Bethesda, Maryland, then-Secretary of Veterans Affairs and forceful supporter of veteran healthcare benefits, Anthony Principi said, “The soldiers coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan, all of them in harm’s way, deserve to come back to 21st-century medical care. Whatever the cost, we need to incur that cost to provide world-class medical care to the extraordinary men and women who are in harm’s way.” Principi, whose two sons served in Iraq and under whose advocacy the Veterans Affairs budget grew from $48 billion

to $65 billion in three years, resigned from the VA shortly after the reelection of President Bush. President Bush replaced Principi with Jim Nicholson, former chairman of the Republican National Committee and ambassador to the Vatican, a realestate lawyer and developer with no healthcare experience. The Department of Veterans Affairs has as its stated goal “to provide excellence in patient care, veterans’ benefits, and customer satisfaction.” In classic foreshadowing of the isolation veterans feel from the decision-making processes of the VA, on February 16, 2005 Nicholson convened a meeting of the Advisory Committee on Homeless Veterans in the Tropical Room at San Juan Puerto Rico’s Caribe Hilton Hotel rather than in the arguably more appropriate (considering the concerns about finances) frugal confines of a room at the VA national headquarters at 810 Vermont Avenue NW, Washington, DC. Months later, Nicholson stunned the veterans community when he asserted that most sufferers of PTSD can be cured, a contention unsupported by the scientific literature. In fact, the official VA website itself states that there is no known cure. In early 2005, House Republican leaders ousted Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), a strong supporter of increased funding for veterans’ benefits, as chair and member of the Veterans Affairs Committee. They replaced him with Rep. Steve Buyer (R-IN), a

choice strongly opposed by veterans’ groups. Buyer’s website boasts he is a “leader in the fight to reduce government spending.” Senator Arlen Specter (RPA) shifted from chair of the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs to the Judiciary Committee and Larry Craig (R-ID) was appointed chair in his place. Craig was given a zero percent rating by the American Public Health Association in 2003 for having an anti-public health voting record. The parsimonious agenda at the Veterans Health Administration has been marred by scandal, most notably by Bush appointee Dr. NeldaWray, recruited from the Houston VA and the health-outcomes research unit at Baylor University School of Medicine. She created a stir in the research community when, newly installed in 2003 as chief research and development officer, she moved VA research away from the hard science of basic research to “outcomes research”—which supports the costcutting and limited utilization goals of managed care—and tried to put funding decisions in the hands of cherry-picked experts instead of using the traditional peer-review process.Wray was dismissed after misappropriating $1.7 million in funds provided by the pharmaceutical industry, taking inappropriate trips to Houston, using expensive lodging and transportation, creating an environment of fear in her agency, and funneling a $750,000 contract to her colleague in Houston in 4/06 CHRONOGRAM.COM NEWS & POLITICS 19


violation of VA regulations.The official investigation revealed that she had extravagantly spent the pharmaceutical funds maintained by the Friends Research Institute, Inc. in an unofficial relationship. Criminal charges were never filed. REDEFINING THE PTSD TSUNAMI While Army Surgeon General Lt. Gen. Kevin Kiley acknowledges that 30 percent of returning troops have stress-related mental health problems, these problems are being redefined and minimized by military medical officials as “normal reactions to combat.” These same unnamed military medical officials “cautioned against people reading their data as suggesting the war had driven so many soldiers over the edge.” With Army suicide rates and heavy alcohol use increasing, barriers that prevent the majority of the afflicted from seeking treatment have been identified. In the comprehensive New England Journal of Medicine study, “Combat Duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, Mental Health Problems, and Barriers to Care,” these barriers are as diverse as the perceived stigma of being seen as weak and treated differently by unit leaders and members, skepticism toward the confidentiality of the use of mental health services, and inconsistent rulings and lengthy delays in obtaining disability and other benefits. “DOD/VA still use the old trick of patronizing a person into walking away,” claims disabled first Gulf War veteran and veterans advocate Kirt P. Love. “It is so easy with a soldier who is already irritable and excitable.The doctor says something demeaning, the soldier blows up, walks out, and the doctor writes on the computer hospital notes the soldier is violent and non-responsive. Afterwards, the soldier is haunted by that field note in his medical folder that grants VA the ability to keep him at bay or even restrain 20 NEWS & POLITICS CHRONOGRAM.COM 4/06

him, [or prescribe] forced psychiatric observation, which keeps the soldier from coming back. It’s a trap that most soldiers never see coming. These kids are driven to denial from almost every direction in the bad cases.” Addressing speculation that theVA is under pressure to report low rates of PTSD for the public relations needs of the administration’s war agenda, Love adds, “As we speak, DOD is rapid chaptering hundreds of medical cases out of Iraq. More than 10,000 injuries have taken place in Iraq alone, and yet it looks like that rather than medical chapters—many are just being rushed out with nothing. The stories here at Fort Hood are quite disturbing, and yet because soldiers are taught ‘tough guy medicine’—they don’t want to complain because they look weak—which is very much to DOD’s advantage. Pre/post-deployment medical screenings aren’t being done right to track these soldiers as they transition back to civilian life. About 23 percent are slipping through the system. PTSD is being grossly under-reported as these kids watch their bombriddled buddies return home in body bags. Many are thinking, ‘What right do I have to complain when the guys next to me died?’ We are seeing a small number of the physically injured in the media, but the traumatized are nearly invisible in many ways.” BLUE-RIBBON BLUES The VA announced that it contracted with the Institute of Medicine (IOM), an arm of the National Academy of Sciences, to convene a blue-ribbon panel to conduct a review of the assessment and diagnosis of PTSD followed by a review of treatment and compensation practices. The IOM is a private, nonprofit organization. Some veterans express concern regarding the connective tissue of blue-ribbon panels. “After seven years of working with the IOM’s

many committees, I’m firmly convinced that they just want another paying contract—so they will write in favor of the contractor rather than genuine medical issues in favor of the veteran,” said Love. “When these studies were started in 2005, the IOM staff even tried to hide the fact of the public meetings even from the National Veteran Service Organizations. Only after I challenged them earlier last year did they circulate that these meetings were public." Love asserts that the panel tried to discourage him from attending further meetings by allowing him, "the only veteran in the room,” to be “dressed down” by a VA representative. According to Love, as the year’s meetings continued the panel’s attitude went from adversarial to outright belligerent at the November 15, 2005 Government Reform hearing when their choice of Gulf War medical research review materials was called into question. The PTSD review panel has likewise come under fire for not including even one member with experience with PTSD in combat populations. Two members of the panel, who had contributed to an exhaustive review of the literature on PTSD for the American Psychiatric Association (APA), resigned shortly after the start of the panel’s investigation. Betty Pfefferbaum, MD, JD, one of a nine-member work group that conducted the APA review, said, “I did not feel I had sufficient expertise in the area to make meaningful contributions.” Her contribution to the literature review for the American Psychiatric Association would seem to contradict this reasoning. Carol North MD, MPE, and a frequent research partner of Dr. Pfefferbaum, resigned two months later because of her new position at the Dallas VA. “Obviously, my new VA affiliation could provide the appearance of conflict or bias with the committee’s agenda, and the IOM has a policy of not having

members on their committees who receive their salary from the sponsor of the study,” said North. It was unfortunate that North was required to depart due to her unique position with the very population in scrutiny, and that her VA affiliation was seen as a conflict. Indeed, the APA PTSD review in which Drs. Pfefferbaum and Brown participated recommended that PTSD treatment must have one person to coordinate a team approach and that, “because of the diversity and depth of medical knowledge and expertise required for this oversight function, a psychiatrist may be optimal for this role, although this staffing pattern may not be possible in some healthcare settings.” RATION & REDEFINE The government’s parsimonious actions toward the military are counterproductive and contrary to the will of military and civilian populations alike. A 2005 Military Times poll demonstrated dramatic decreases in the confidence of the career-oriented military that their civilian leaders have their best interests at heart: the military rates the president at 58 percent—down 11 points, and Congress at 31 percent—less than half the number from one year ago. The decline is attributed to pay issues, inadequate funding of veterans’ healthcare benefits, bipartisan acrimony in the Iraq debate, and combat equipment supply problems. According to a 2004 survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates, 95 percent of Americans think it is important to fund healthcare for veterans and that veterans should not have to wait to receive their benefits, 87 percent support mandatory funding, and 75 percent say such funding is either a top or a high priority. Despite the Bush administration’s admonitions to “Support the Troops,” veterans encounter formidable barriers to benefits and services, which constitute covert rationing strategies. Knight Ridder newspapers, in their award-winning series on veterans’ struggles with theVA bureaucracy, found that more than 13,700 veterans died before their claims were resolved, that over half a million veterans may be missing out on their disability payments, and that the VA gives out completely incorrect or minimally correct information 45 percent of the time.Veterans’ watchdog reports claim that chronic under-funding of the VA medical system has resulted in substandard care.These reports state the VA paid out more than $105 million in malpractice settlements in 2005. On Veterans Day weekend, retired Marine General J. P. Hoar, the former US military commander in the Middle East, excoriated Mr. Bush for consistently under-funding veterans healthcare and for repeatedly attempting to shift more of the cost to the veterans themselves, a plan veterans groups state will soon be defined as a “critical readiness issue” by those who would divert those funds to armaments. DISORDERS OF THE SPIRIT There is also evidence that the Bush administration, under the guise of the Faith-Based and Community Initiative, may be attempting to

ration medical care by the enactment of a Cato Institute policy that advocates deregulation and the dismantling of the so-called “medical monopoly.” The director of health policy at the libertarian think tank is none other than Michael F. Cannon, who formerly served under the chair of the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs, Larry Craig’s direction as health-policy analyst in the Senate Republican Policy Committee. As the VA is the largest recipient of federal funds in the healthcare industry, Cato-inspired policymakers would then predictably target the VA to break the medical “monopoly” by opening the system up to “free market” providers such as spiritual healers. The redefinition of increasingly prevalent, chronic, costly disorders like PTSD and substance abuse as “spiritual” disorders or “moral” issues could open the door to outsource them to unregulated faith-based care providers rather than to medical treatment. Licensure strictures, oversight requirements, and malpractice suits are avoided. The burden of responsibility is shifted from government to the patient, effectively rationing the medical care of the veteran who suffers from service-connected disorders and putting them at risk for additional harm from unregulated providers. In 1996, then Governor Bush implemented “Charitable Choice,” which exempted Texas faith-based substance-abuse treatment facilities (which treat substance abuse as a “sin” and eschew medical care) from state regulations and licensing requirements designed to protect the consumer.The experiment reportedly resulted in a lack of accountability for taxpayer funds, misleading and distorted efficacy rates, and dangerous, substandard care for patients, according to the testimony before Congress of Samantha Smoot, executive director of Texas Freedom Network Education Fund: Under Texas’ new, permissive regulatory structure, faith-based drug treatment centers must simply register their religious status with the state to be exempt from virtually all health and safety measures required of the vast majority of treatment facilities, including: state licensing, employee training requirements, abuse and neglect prevention training, licensed personnel requirements, provisions protecting clients’ rights, and reporting requirements of abuse, neglect, emergencies, or medication errors. By redefining the diagnoses of PTSD and substance abuse as disorders of the “spirit” in which the “medical care” may be provided by faith-based providers, care is shifted away from licensed and regulated providers such as physicians, psychologists, and social workers.The cost is dramatically lowered.This “shifting” may well violate medical ethics by making budgetary concerns the primary issue rather than the moral and ethical obligation of putting veterans first. PRESCRIPTION: FAITH-BASED TREATMENT Outsourcing veterans’ PTSD treatment to private faith-based contractors appears to be on the national horizon. On December 27, 2005, one of the authors received an unsolicited e-mail 4/06 CHRONOGRAM.COM NEWS & POLITICS 21



urging his help in obtaining a government contract for faith-based PTSD treatment services: Dear Fellow Veteran, It is my privilege to announce the results of Webb & Associates Chaplaincy Consulting, operational-combat stress prevention (OCSP) pilot program, implemented with the 2nd Battalion, 11th Marine Regiment, and 1st Marine Division from January 2004 to June 2005.These 632 Marines deployed to Iraq for 7 months performing 1,200 missions and driving nearly 1,000,000 miles. An unprecedented 95 percent reduction in PTSD was achieved. This represents an ANNUAL savings of $921 Million for all troops currently deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, considering onlyVA treatment and compensation costs. These savings will help ensure our obligations to current veterans are maintained. Help us prevent stress in our newest veterans by supporting OCSP standard. Please click on this link [deleted] and register to send a letter to Congressman Duncan Hunter, House Chairman of the Armed Services Committee.Your letter will urge funding and implementation of theWebb & Associates Operational-Combat Stress Prevention model within the entire US Armed Forces. As a veteran myself, you have my sincerest thanks for your generous efforts to support our military service members, past, present and future. God Bless, Tom Webb President Webb & Associates Chaplaincy Consulting A Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business 22 NEWS & POLITICS CHRONOGRAM.COM 4/06

Webb trained at the Dallas Theological Seminary and employs a Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) model with the 2nd Battalion, 11th Marine Regiment (2/11), the debriefing component. It was shown in the APA review and other studies to fail to prevent PTSD. Webb’s Executive Summary fails to describe the inclusion of mental-health professionals on his team as mandated by the CISM model, even though he is listed as a faculty member at the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation. His account of his success lacks the accepted conventions of scientific study such as a detailed description of the sample, operational definitions, rigorous statistical analysis, and limitations of the study. In addition, the added value he offers the taxpayer is that “participants were linked with community members from churches and other religious groups who provided support in the form of prayer (20,000 people prayed for the 2/11 every day), recreation and entertainment, limited financial aid, emotional support, and resource referral.” The financial aid consisted of buying a pair of glasses for a service member’s wife. No other examples were provided. Webb claims to have reduced the PTSD rate from 20 percent to less than one percent, yet given the reluctance of PTSD victims to acknowledge their symptoms and their need for help, the often delayed nature of the disorder, the barriers to treatment, and the current culture of blame, his claims were not supported. “Recommendations” are an accepted convention in scientific study for proposed future research. However, Webb’s only recommendation is that he should be immediately funded. Christian fundamentalists are firing on the various military branches for endeavoring to maintain religious sensitivity and to prohibit proselytizing by the chaplains. Considerable political pressure is being

exerted on the military to condone advancement of fundamentalist Christianity above other faiths.Webb’s alma mater, Dallas Theological Seminary, has been identified as one targeted by evangelicals for recruitment of military chaplains to aggressively convert non-Christians. While religious counseling is commonly seen as a sometimes beneficial adjunct to medical care, it is not commonly defined as medical care per se.The influential healthcare policy analysts at the Cato Institute cite medical economists who warn against cabal of doctors who use regulations and licensure to protect physicians against competition from other groups of providers. Cato advocates for a free market where unregulated herbalists, spiritual healers and others are given free reign and are predicted to dramatically lower healthcare costs. THERAPY CAUSES PTSD (AND OTHER FAIRY TALES) The Bush administration began its assault on veterans by using psychiatrists from the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) to attack the very diagnosis of PTSD itself and malign the veterans afflicted with the disorder as “malingerers.” The current propaganda meme is that the combat-damaged troops are trying to game the system to bilk the taxpayer. Military veterans who earned these benefits by virtue of their sacrifice and service to the nation are being Swiftboated by operatives of the government who use “Support The Troops” as a smokescreen while the horrors of war are obscured by blaming the veteran. According to the propaganda, the high incidence rate of PTSD is ostensibly caused by personal defects or greed. For instance, the AEI recently held a conference in which it was asserted that veterans are chronically ill with PTSD because mental health professionals made them that way. It was not the horror of war

that caused PTSD; rather it was the therapy, because mental health professionals believe that war can lead to PTSD. Bush mental health advisor Sally Satel takes issue with the mental health professional’s expectation that in situations like war “threat and loss will predominate.” She minimizes psychopathology by redefining symptoms as normal human traits, not illness. Consequently, veterans suffering from PTSD are not in need of medical care or federal dollars to pay for it. Dr. Satel is the author of “Is Drug Addiction a Brain Disease?” which recommends, “the use of ‘enlightened coercion,’ such as compulsory residential treatment,” and “Who Needs Medical Ethics?” a discourse on how ethics discomforts some physicians. In her 2005 book, One Nation Under Therapy, Satel describes PTSD treatment providers at the VA as contributing to the problem because she “believes” that veterans could recover sufficiently with or without treatment so that they would not qualify for disability. Satel further states that the benefits themselves contribute to the illness. In a highly criticized New York Times op-ed, she attempts to discredit the diagnosis of delayed-onset PTSD and claims it is the creation of anti-war activists, an assertion which only contributes to the stigma attached to the disorder and further dissuades those afflicted from seeking help. In a recent Washington Post article, Satel describes so-called underground networks of malingering veterans who conspire to obtain benefits. Her allegations are bolstered by fellow AEI psychiatrist Chris Frueh’s statistics that significant numbers of veterans are “misrepresenting the extent of their combat involvement” in order to obtain disability benefits. Frueh, who published his study in the British Journal of Psychiatry, bases this conclusion on a small sample of 100 consecutive records pulled from the Charleston, SC VA. He uses two “anonymous reviewers” to rate the war-zone experience documented in the records. Anonymous review is an accepted convention in research; however, reviewer bias poses significant danger to the validity of the study. Frueh’s study concludes, “A small, but potentially significant, percentage of these treatment-seekers (five percent) appear to have made false claims of Vietnam service or military service altogether.” A closer inspection of the study reveals that seven percent of the records studied were of psychotic individuals, and it is therefore completely unremarkable that they may have inaccurately reported that they were POWs or engaged in "classified" combat activities. Frueh does not describe the inclusion/exclusion of these individuals in the group that “misrepresented” their combat service.This point is key, since if included, their psychoses certainly could put into question the validity of his conclusions. While it is not disputed that there are indeed malingerers attracted to mental healthcare, veterans do not have a corner on the market. It is expressly directed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSMIV) guidelines for diagnosing PTSD that doctors should be on the alert for that profile. Seasoned

mental-health professionals are well acquainted with drug seekers, “doctor shoppers” and others who are untruthful. Few of these prevaricators have Academy Award-winning acting skills and most inevitably slip up. So, the accusation of “malingering” is a red herring. It is possible that to pose as a malingerer on the so-called underground networks is arguably more macho and acceptable than to admit to being shattered and in need of care. And there may be mental health professionals who conspire with veterans to get a cut of the pie, but in committing fraud they have a very real possibility of getting caught, just as is the case with Medicare and Medicaid fraud. DISPOSABLE SOLDIERS The AEI presentation focuses on the value of keeping the “stiff upper lip,” and on the value of reticence versus the cost of emotional expression. Much like the “conspiracy of silence” element in incest cases, AEI promotes the notion that by simply not talking about it, the problem will diminish.Another presenter at the AEI conference, Simon Wessley, states that the etiology of PTSD is often linked to preexisting psychological disorders and a history of trauma; however, as an advisor to the British Army Medical Services, he readily acknowledges that, “denying military service to people with risky backgrounds, for example, would clearly have a serious effect on recruitment, especially for the army, which traditionally recruits from areas of social disadvantage.” Veterans advocate Kirt Love, a frequent presenter at the Institute of Medicine (IOM), notes that the IOM will “label these people as genetically inferior rather than physically damaged by outside sources.” Indeed, there is a significant body of neurological research which focuses on the neurobiological changes found in subjects with PTSD such as decreased hippocampal volume, reduced activity in the prefrontal cortex, altered brainwave activity, and increased activity in the amygdala. Dr. Brad Johnson of the US Naval Academy states that, “Various strands of medical research suggest that the intense bursts of brain activity during traumatic experiences may actually lay down new neural pathways in the brain—the prime culprits when it comes to the recurring symptoms of PTSD and the substantial difficulty finding a genuine cure.” The dictum that pervades the debate about the war in Iraq applies to the members of the military with PTSD as well: We broke it so we have to fix it. If the federal government breaks a soldier in its use of that soldier to wage war on its behalf, then it is duty bound to pay to fix that soldier. That is the cost of doing business: An aggressive investigation of the neurobiology of PTSD and fully funding theVA demonstrates a genuine support for the troops. It will certainly cut costs to blame the veteran for the psychological damage experienced in war through locating the source of that damage in morals, sin, and pre-existing pathology. But it is one thing to cut costs by using a cheaper grade of toilet tissue; it is entirely of another magnitude to cut costs by using disposable soldiers. This article is reprinted from ePluribus Media Journal © 2006. 4/06 CHRONOGRAM.COM NEWS & POLITICS 23


FOOD for THOUGHT The windows of 319 Wall Street evoke quizzical gazes. Medieval capes, frocks, and tunics hang in the storefront, hovering over a random car seat and a smattering of toddler’s toys. It’s not every day one sees a dame with corseted bosom and velvet garb strolling through uptown Kingston, so what’s a store like this doing here? Peeking out from under a red velvet cloak is the gatekeeper of this establishment, Olivia. Sippy cup in hand—Olivia is two—the folds of velvet and leather are her playground. Knightly Endeavors is a renaissance clothing company owned by Jay Reeder, landlord of the Queens Galley and husband to its founder, Diane Reeder, a determined, ebullient, out-of-work mother of three—goldfish crackers in one hand and PC in the other. The word “galley” refers to a kitchen. The Queens Galley is a nonprofit organization providing awareness, education, relief, and prevention of food insecurity. As the American Institute of Nutrition defines it, food insecurity “exists whenever the ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways is limited or uncertain.” Reeder explains, “In ‘real’ terms, food-insecure households experience difficulty keeping the lights on, paying housing and heating costs, and trying to put balanced meals on the table at the same time.” The name of the charity was created with a medieval flavor in deference to her husband’s generosity in bankrolling her dream, and relinquishing a couch and a corner of his store for some makeshift office space. Reeder’s blood visibly simmers with excitement as she speaks about her 80-hour work-week, from school nutrition projects to solving senior diet dilemmas. “I get a high doing programs with kids and talking one on one with seniors, teaching people about affordable foods.” Schooling latchkey kids on creative snacks that are affordable, nutritious, and easy to make, and pairing with seniors coping with ever-changing medical and financial dietary restrictions, the Queens Galley works with chefs and nutritionists to provide appropriate menu ideas. From recipe adaptations that compensate for lean cupboards to cooking techniques that boost nutrition,


by Ilyse Simon photos by Roy Gumpel

her tales sound like a working class reality show where there are four things in the fridge and you have 15 minutes to make an appealing dinner for five. A native of Far Rockaway, Queens, Reeder comes from a family with a biological destiny to feed people. “With an Italian mother, Irish Catholic father, and raised by my Jewish stepmother, it’s a recipe for frugality, guilt, and the need to feed lots of people and have fun.” Kitchens were a welcoming place, where even the youngest child had a job in food preparation. On any given Sunday, the day would be spent kneading and rolling dough as a clan, preparing the evening meal. “Opening a box of pasta wasn’t a thought that existed in our household when preparing a ravioli dinner,” says Reeder. “It’s common sense, if you cook with your kids then they won’t be out spray painting walls and getting into trouble.” Reeder never went to formal cooking school. Some kids lifeguard or get retail jobs for the summer; Reeder spent her spring breaks, holidays, and weekends cooking with her dad, the Irish foodie, and her grandfather, executive chef at a French restaurant. Graduating from Binghamton in 1987, Reeder returned to what she knew best—food. From managing the Friendly’s restaurant in New Paltz to opening Pancake Hollow Chocolates in Highland, Reeder has always found her home in the kitchen. While the theory behind the Queens Galley workshops began decades ago, the realization that it should be structured into a nonprofit organization took place in late spring of 2002. She approached a few close friends to help form a board of directors and chose a name in 2003. “I had plans to run workshops on weekends and evenings, and keep my clerical job during the weekdays. The Queens Galley was permitted to use kitchen space generously donated by the Trinity Lutheran Church [in Kingston], and my long-suffering husband was coerced by cookie bribery to allow us to use office space at his retail shop,” says Reeder. Pastor Robert Harris of Trinity Lutheran says letting the Galley use


their space “is a wonderful thing. For over a year now, the building has been used for outreach in teaching folks how to use foods on the WIC list [Women Infant and Children supplemental food program]. One of the benefits is that we always get to eat what is made.” Between her husband’s fluctuating seasonal business and her noncompensatory work with the Galley, Reeder and her family have weathered financially stressed times. She is practiced in the frugal culinary tips she espouses to others. “There have been times when our grocery budget plummeted to $25 every two weeks for a family of five,” Reeder admits. She lives what she preaches. “However, there will always be new foods on the table. I take advantage of cost saving strategies like the farmers market, where you can buy one carrot, and where seasonal food is cheaper.”


he Kingston Farmer’s market brings grower and consumer together, dramatically shortening the expanse between farm and table. But what if part of your food budget comes from food stamps? Farmers were previously able to take paper food stamps, but with the implementation of the electronic benefit transfer (EBT) system, individual farms are not equipped to process cards. While decreasing the stigma of food stamp usage, the “swipe” system severed the link between farmer and consumer. This is exactly the type of situation that Reeder dreams about solving. The Queens Galley is attempting to bridge this gap. Starting in June—and pending USDA approval—the Queens Galley will run a table each Saturday at the Kingston market. “If the USDA approves the program, the Galley will be able to swipe a shopper’s food stamp card and exchange that credit for tokens they can use at any stall in the market. Even farmers who are not registered with the USDA food stamp program can take these tokens, sell their eligible produce, and redeem them for cash at the end of the day at our booth,” says Reeder. “The Galley receives no money for this. It is simply consistent with

the mission to eliminate food insecurity and help bridge the gap for nutritious food from soil to table.” The Galley is also an approved prescreening site for the food stamp program. It is open on Saturdays and available evenings, when the thought of taking time from the regular workweek to apply for food stamps is not an option. The Galley will guide families through the bureaucratic maze until the application process is complete. With workshops given in schools, churches, and social service agencies across Dutchess, Orange, Ulster, Albany, and Nassau counties, Reeder gathers food-service professionals, marketing executives, and financial supporters to volunteer through word-of-mouth and the Web. This past November, Reeder was one of five people nationwide to win the Microsoft “Start Something Amazing” award, given for her ability to use technology in unique and innovative ways while pursuing her passion. The Galley relies heavily on the Internet to find, screen, and communicate with volunteers, access USDA nutrition analysis tools, and outreach to masses. She met privately with Bill Gates, won a $5,000 technology package of goodies from Microsoft, and spent a day filming, when Microsoft created a five-minute video marketing tool for the Galley. So what propels Reeder to continue with lack of funds, no proper office, and while looking for a part-time job of her own? “I get a feeling of satisfaction, and joy, teaching people about food,” says Reeder. “I feel satisfied when a thirdgrader in Hannaford’s runs over to tell me how she can find so many green and red foods in the produce aisle just like she learned from the new food pyramid. Or when a participant from a teen shelter was inspired by a workshop and now wants a career in food service. Watching these kids give back to the community makes me feel giddy. And, I feel it is imperative to teach my daughters by example that no effort is too small, and by combining their efforts with their peers they can create change.” The Queens Galley is located at 319 Wall Street, Kingston. 4/06 CHRONOGRAM.COM COMMUNITY NOTEBOOK 25

CENTER FOR POSITIVE THINKING ® The Outreach Division of Guideposts

Founded by NORMAN VINCENT PEALE & RUTH STAFFORD PEALE invite you to tour the Visitor’s Center 66 East Main Street Pawling, N.Y. 12564 For hours and information, please call 855-5000 GROUP TOURS WELCOME


Claudia Bruce in Time & Space Limited’s “M.A.C.B.E.T.H.,” 1991-92

APRIL 2006


Hillary Harvey

As Linda says, “I want to get as much power into as many hands as possible.” That way, everyone’s ideas, their means of being, the possibilities in their life increase. It sounds totally naïve, but we’re not naïve—we’re pretty cynical. But we don’t stop. —Claudia Bruce of TSL Warehouse PORTFOLIO, page 28 4/06 CHRONOGRAM.COM ARTS & CULTURE 27

Claudia Bruce & Linda Mussmann



“The TSL Archive Project: A 30-Year Retrospective of Mussmann/Bruce Productions,” curated by Hannah Jarrell and Emily Malina, chronicles the collaboration that began in Manhattan in 1976 between writer/director Linda Mussmann and collaborator/actor Claudia Bruce and continues presently in Hudson. Working in the experimental and avant-garde theater out of a storefront space—Time and Space Limited—on 22nd St. for 15 years, the pair explored the relationship between language and movement, staging original plays written by Mussmann and adapting literary texts by Melville, Ibsen, and Shakespeare. Their artistic collaborators have included composer, musician, and dramaturge, Semih Firincioglu and set designer, Jun Maeda. Their productions have been presented in traditional and alternative spaces in Manhattan such as La Mama and the Museum of Modern Art. In 1991 Mussmann and Bruce relocated TSL to an abandoned bakery in Hudson where they created an interdisciplinary art space, continuing their artistic work and creating a dialogue about the future of Hudson through community forums and youth-outreach programs. TSL Warehouse screens films, hosts touring music and theatrical events (including a stint by Bread and Puppet Theater each year), hosts art exhibitions in its gallery space, and continues to stage Mussmann/Bruce productions. “The TSL Archive Project” will be on display at in the East Gallery at TSL Warehouse, 434 Columbia Street, Hudson, through May 15. For more information: (518) 822-8448; —Brian K. Mahoney


A storefront on 22nd Street


Mussmann: Because we were emotionally attached, there was an initial concern about working together. We thought about it for five minutes and we said, “The hell with that, let’s get busy.” We had a lot to do. And Claudia has been on the center of my stage for 30 years. We live together, work together, and make these arts experiences and projects all happen. The idea of living and working together—most people find that daunting even to imagine. Claudia and I have rarely been apart. It’s still pretty amazingly fascinating, interesting, and endlessly exciting and filled with the unknown. The best part of a relationship is never really knowing what’s going to happen, and we’ve always filled each other with surprises.

Mussmann: We were working with extreme avant-garde ideas. Some were around language, some were working with form, and then those ideas all cross-talked. We were drawing ideas from all those resources. And we were training actors. In those days, we had a company, eight to ten actors who worked with us every day. We’d rehearse in the morning and we’d perform at night. I had small fees I would give them and they would drive cabs. It was the heyday of a lot of incredible, intense work, which we were able to do in New York when real estate was cheap, and when the opportunity to make mistakes wasn’t so hard on people. People were arriving in New York with all kinds of dreams and fantasies and hopes that they could fulfill their visions of why they came to the city. We all met there, and did intense work there, and for 22 years, we had an amazing experience in our little storefront.

Mussmann: [In the 80s] the funding game got intensely competitive, you had to spend more money, you had to pay for more things—it was less fun and more of a grind. If I wanted to do a show, then I had to hire a press agent, and that cost a couple thousand dollars. A couple thousand dollars here, couple thousand dollars there, and all of a sudden to produce a piece of work for a couple weeks it cost you thousands of dollars. The experimental avant-garde was turning into big business. People were arriving with trust funds and buying apartments while we were still renting. We were continuing to dream that we could remain on the edge in New York when the edge was closing, and pushing people like ourselves out. AIDS also knocked out a tremendous number of people of our generation. In 1980, Ronald Reagan was elected, and that began the dismantling of the arts. The arts were a target of Reaganomics. And it always takes time


Clockwise from top left: “Kon-Surt,” written and designed by Linda Mussmann, performed 1981 in the Time & Space Limited Storefront on 22nd Street by Claudia Bruce and company. (Walls painted by Mussmann with the text and vocal score of the script. “Flatlands Little Remarks,” written by Linda Mussmann, performed by Claudia Bruce and company: Beverly Au, Deborah Auer-Brown, Brigitte Bley-Swinston, Semih Ferincioglu, Amy Guggenheim, Harry Mann, Mary Ann Raph, and Ingrid Reffert. “Harbors Wait” rehearsal at the TSL Storefront, 1985. Matthew Thompson and Linda Mussmann for “My Dinner with Matthew,” created and performed in 1994 by Thompson and Mussmann, with assistance by Claudia Bruce. Linda Mussmann in press photo for “Waxworks” (photo by Mussmann), a new musical in 1998 based on an idea and lyrics by Zoey Wilson with book and direction by Linda Mussmann, performed in collaboration with Claudia Bruce, John Musall, and Vincent Bilotta. A page from “Kon-Surt,” copyright 1980, written by Linda Mussmann.

before something like that sinks in. It took about 10 years, and in 10 years you saw the impact of that kind of hostility toward culture. So, to say that the artists don’t contribute, or they’re not worth supporting was a ridiculous thing to say, especially for an actor. [In 1990, Mussmann and Bruce returned a $10,000 NEA grant to protest the NEA’s decision not to fund works it deemed “obscene.”] Theatrical vision Bruce: Theater is the heart of who we are. We basically do two new pieces every year, whether they are grand projects or little chamber pieces. It’s our lifeblood, we have to do them. The influence of the theater and everything we’ve learned from the theater has spilled over into what we do—the films, the art, the youth projects, the community get-togethers. It’s all part of this theatrical vision—we took it all on as a theater piece. The stage is just bigger.

Art & activism

What’s in it for you?

Mussmann: I’ve never spent a day in my life that I haven’t been an activist—in testing the limits, in saying the unsayable. Our idea of activism is a very complex idea about how do you engage in a dialogue, rather than insisting that I’m right and you’re wrong. Or, us versus them. Or, I know how to do it and you don’t. Or, I’m smarter than you and you’re not smart enough to get it. Our attitude is that we’re here, you’re here, let’s try to figure out how to make this all better for everybody and work together. And that’s a scary concept for many people. People come in and want to apply their principles on someone else. I think art and culture’s good, but maybe not for everybody. Some of the movies we show, not everybody’s going to like. I think that’s okay. There are a lot of ways to access the energy here at TSL. You don’t have to like it all, you don’t have to agree with it all. I think the power of this space is that it is all-inclusive, all-intending to invite everyone in.

Bruce: That’s something that stumps people about us. We do things because we do them. People want to know: What’s in it for you? The “init” for us is building a future, building an idea here. It stumps people. They don’t understand that attitude. We don’t need a lot—we could always use a little more, the building, the roof, stuff like that. Our idea for the community, as Linda says in [the soon-to-be released film about Hudson] Two Square Miles, “I want to get as much power into as many hands as possible.” That way, everyone’s ideas, their means of being, the possibilities in their life increase. It sounds totally naïve, but we’re not naïve—we’re pretty cynical. But we don’t stop.


Lucid Dreaming BY BETH E. WILSON

No Kidding! Something funny’s in the air. Is it because April Fool’s Day kicks off the month? I don’t know for sure, but there do seem to be a lot of exhibitions up now that hinge on humor—much of it rather dark. This attitude seems pretty apt to the current state of the world—the practice of satire thrives when the state of things has gone somehow very wrong, and the “normal” morphs effortlessly into the absurd. Think of the list: the excruciatingly documented collapse of New Orleans through utter incompetence in the Katrina disaster, devolution of occupation into civil war in Iraq, the sudden realization that foreign companies run—and own—much of the US with the Dubai ports “scandal,” and then Dick Cheney shoots a guy in the face—only to have the man go on TV to apologize to the veep for “putting him through all this.” It’s difficult for the comedy writers of “ The Daily Show” and the Onion to push their satirical edge any further, as reality itself seems to constantly up the ante. I’m reminded of a line Lily Tomlin had back in another disastrous period of recent history, the post-Watergate, post-Vietnam, gas-shortage 70s: “I try to be cynical, but it’s getting hard to keep up.” And so, perhaps, it should seem quite natural to see a variety of humorous approaches spring up in art, whether playful or dark or satirical or simply absurdist. There’s just no margin in being earnest anymore. (And it’s not nearly as fun!) So we shouldn’t be surprised to see a collaborative painting by KAKE (Ann Kalmbach and Tatana Kellner of Women’s Studio Workshop) speculating on George W. Bush’s next security move—protecting us from the bird flu by making a preemptive strike on the Canary Islands. Surrounded by a flock of garish yellow marshmallow Easter peeps, no less, lined up around the edges of the panel. 30 LUCID DREAMING CHRONOGRAM.COM 4/06

This Dr. Strangelovesque piece appears in an exhibition titled “No Fooling: A Seriously Fun Encaustic Show” at the Art Society of Kingston, which R&F Paints exhibition director Laura Moriarty has curated to explore “a sense of curiosity, surprise, mischief, and fun—qualities often sorely lacking in today’s ultraserious contemporary art world.” What she has put together is a fascinatingly warped view of the world, a series of works in which we can see our reflection, as in a funhouse mirror. Denise Orzo continues her recent series of textured encaustic paintings that focus on evil little girls, in which traditional images of innocence are imbued with an almost seamy sense of experience. Similarly, there’s something overtly playful about Rebecca Zilinski’s deeply abstracted landscapes—observed bits of reality are converted into a dreamscape of odd shapes, strung along a meandering “ground line” that comes to function like a charm bracelet—but there’s something vaguely dark and disturbing about the whole enterprise as well, as they cast an uncanny level of uncertainty on things that seem queerly familiar. Richard Frumess, one of the owners of R&F, has created a special “commemorative series” of paints, relabeling colorful blocks of the encaustic that the firm manufactures with new names like “Better Dead Than Red—the color Reagan painted his enemies” or “John-John Brilliant,” which bears the warning “Do not fly at night.” (Ouch!) How is it that even “bad” jokes have the power to make us laugh? Over at SUNY Ulster a one-person show of book-based works by Robert The plays with the conflicting registers of language and its mode(s) of representation. Taking the concept of the artist’s book quite literally, The transforms hardcover books into works of sculpture, retaining their reference to language and subject matter along the way. He describes the process as “lovingly vandalizing” the

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books (many culled from dumpsters and thrift-store bins) “so they can assert themselves against the culture which turned them into debris.” The started making these objects about 15 years ago, and for a time made most of his living selling books that had been cut into the silhouette of guns in the East Village, where he then lived. The violence implicit in the process of cutting into the books is made literal by the subject matter—and yet, as mere representations of guns, they remain oddly impotent to inflict any true mayhem, inadvertently becoming objects of tragic humor. A number of the guns appear in this installation, along with a number of pointed puns and plays on both the subject matter of the books, and on language itself. In American Heritage, The has constructed a hangman’s noose, dangling from the ceiling, from what turns out to be the shredded contents of a dictionary. Who says words can’t kill? And another striking piece, Desert Rose, seems to be a controversy waiting to happen—using 60 identical Bibles, he’s cut identical oval holes through the center of the texts, making them into individual links in larger chains, concentrically arranged on a low pedestal. While it’s not an inherently irreverent piece, I wonder how long it will be before someone decides to take exception to it, simply because he’s cut into the Bibles to begin with. The, who legally changed his surname because he “wanted to be an article, and not a proper noun,” is so troubled by the conundrum of mediation through language that he worries constantly about how his work is “read,” without realizing the pun contained in his concern. The work itself is marked by his ambivalent, deeply suspicious attitude toward the whole project of language and representation—a jungle of signs that we have little chance of escaping, even with un-Googleable last names. Just in over the transom is word of another show with a sense of play, at Gallery 384 in Catskill. Kingston-based Roberta Griffin will be showing a series of recent large-scale landscapes that riff on classics of the Hudson River School. Employing the style and compositions of artists like Frederic Church, Thomas Cole, and Jasper Cropsey, Griffin depicts contemporary events, from post-Katrina destruction in New Orleans to the smoldering ashes of post-9/11 New York, raising “questions about the Romantic Sublime and its relationship to overwhelming tragedy.” Yet, from the press release and invitation card (all I have to go on at press time), there seems to be more than a little gallows humor involved in the project, confirming the sentiments that I began the column with this month. “NO FOOLING,” GROUP ENCAUSTICS EXHIBITION CURATED BY LAURA MORIARTY, ON VIEW APRIL 1-29, AT THE ART SOCIETY OF KINGSTON, 97 BROADWAY, KINGSTON. (845) 338-0331; WWW.ASKFORARTS.ORG. “ROBERT THE: EX LIBRIS,” ON VIEW THROUGH APRIL 12 AT THE MUROFF-KOTLER VISUAL ARTS GALLERY AT SUNY ULSTER, STONE RIDGE. (845) 687-5113. “EARTH, AIR, FIRE—OIL,” RECENT WORK BY ROBERTA GRIFFIN, ON VIEW THROUGH MAY 20 AT GALLERY 384, 384 MAIN STREET, CATSKILL. (518) 947-6732; WWW.GALLERY384.COM.


gallery directory 32




125 WASHINGTON AVENUE, ALBANY. (518) 463-4478.

225 SOUTH STREET, WILLIAMSTOWN, MA. (413) 458-2303.

“Food of the Gods.” The purchase, preparation, and consumption of chocolate. Through April 28.

“Paper Trails.” 100 great drawings, prints and photos. Through April 30.

“Alice Morgan Wright: Sculptor and Activist.” Through April 16.

“50 Favorites.” 50 works of art follow the Institute’s 50 years of history. Through May 17.

“Excavating Egypt.” Through June 4.

“The Clark: Celebrating 50 Years of Art in Nature.” Through September 4.


“Peter Billman: New Landscapes.”


“Andrew Franck: Abstracts.”

“Hendrik Dijk: Recent Work.” April 1-April 30.

“Frederick Franck: Eye-Heart-Hand.” Through April 30.

Opening Saturday, April 1, 5-7pm.



258 MAIN STREET, RIDGEFIELD, CT. (203) 438-4519.

4400 ROUTE 23, HUDSON. (518) 828-4181 EXT. 3344.

“Homecoming.” Through August 6.

“Fine Arts Students’ Exhibit.” April 27-August 25.

“Tom Burckhardt: Full Stop.” Through August 6.

“Art Teacher Invitational.” May 9.


“In Our Name: Iraqi Children at War.” Through April 3.


“Urban Images.” Through April 30.

gallery directory


“In and Out of Place: Louise Lawler and Andy Warhol.” Includes images of work by Andy Warhol. “Dia’s Andy: Through the Lens of Patronage.” Works by Andy Warhol. Through April 10. “Agnes Martin: To The Islands.” Through June 27. “Vera Lutter: Nabisco Factory, Beacon.” 4 large scale pinhole photographs of the factory. Through September 4. Can’t You Take a Joke, (2005) Damian Loeb Oil on Canvas Courtesy of Jay Jopling/White Cube




“Art as a Journey into Spiritual Awareness.” A crossing path between spirituality and art. April 2-May 13.

“Photowork ‘06.” Through April 15.


Opening Sunday, April 2, 2-5pm.

161 MAIN STREET, BEACON. 440-7548.

“Beyond Me.” Through April 2.


“O.K., So I Lied.” Objects and installation in fabric and found materials by Gary O’Connor. April 8-May 7.

“Paintings by Fran Sutherland.” Through April 4.




116 WARREN STREET, HUDSON. (518) 828-4539.

318 DELAWARE AVENUE, DELMAR. (518) 475-1853.

“Role Playing.” Through April 15.

“Night Portfolio.” Images of Bruce Meisterman.


“Spirit of Place.” Watercolors from Burgundy, Tuscany and the Hudson Valley. Through April 29.

“Double Vision.” Images by Joseph Schuyler & Laurin Trainer. Through April 18.


“Humanitarian Relief Benefit Exhibit.” Sculptures, drawings and pastels by Najim H. Chechen. Through April 30.


“Elements.” Air, water, earth and fire. April 27-June 4. Reception Saturday, April 29, 6-8pm.


“Framing War.” April 9.


“Grand Gestures.” Celebrating Remembrandt. “Grand Gestures: Celebrating Rembrandt.” April 7-June 11. Opening Friday, April 7, Call for times.



“Catherine Westergaard and Anthony Goldston-Morris.” 2 exhibitions: mixed media collages and landscape paintings respectively. Through April 7.

“Transcendent Vision.” Photographs by Lawrence W. Oliverson. April 7-May 8. Reception Saturday, April 8, Call for times.



galleries GALLERY 384 384 MAIN STREET, CATSKILL. (518) 947-6732.

“New Orleans: Portrait of a City 2003.” Photography by John Rizzo. April 10-May 31.

“Earth, Air, Fire-Oil.” Works by Roberta Griffin. Through May 20.

Opening Monday, April 10, Call for times.




“School Invitational Theme Exhibit.” Works by high school students. April 1-April 16.


“Robert The: Ex Libris.” Found-object sculpture. Through April 14.

Opening Saturday, April 1, 3-6pm. “School Invitational Theme Exhibit.” Works by elementary and middle school students. April 22-May 6. Opening Saturday, April 22, 2-4pm.



“Painter Stephanie Rose.” April 22-May 26. Opening Saturday, April 22, 6-8pm.

MAIN STREET, WINDHAM. (518) 734-3104.

“Dreamscapes.” Inspired by the unconscious and artists’ imaginations. Through April 15.


“Outside the Lines.” Greene County students. Through April 29.

“Clown Room.” Artwork by Wayne Montecalvo. Through April 22.




“2006 Annual Juried Art Show.” Many genres. Through April 1.



“Dinotopia: The Fantastical Art of James Gurney.” Through May 20. “National Geographic: The Art of Exploration.” Through May 31.

“Revelation.” Through April 9.


gallery directory

“Paintings by Claude Carone.” Through April 23. Reception Saturday, April 1, 6-8pm.

113 LIBERTY STREET, NEWBURGH. (646) 641-5888.

“Portrait of Newburgh.” Portraits of Newburghers: 1960-2000. Through April 29.



“Photographs by Robert Monroe.” April 1-April 29.

94 BROADWAY, NEWBURGH. 569-4997.

“Aggregates.” Works by Lisa Zukowski. April 9-April 30.



“The Mystical Landscape.” Oil paintings of the Hudson Valley by Ellen Perantoni. Through May 14.

“Home.” Olivebridge artist Kate McGloughlin. Through April 2.


172 MAIN STREET, BEACON. 838-2880.


“City Scapes by Robert DiVito.”

“7 + 14.” Paintings and relief sculptures. Through April 9.

“Metal Sculpture by John Jackson.” Through April 3.

“Flow.” Exploring matter in movement and changing states. April 15-May 20. Opening Saturday, April 15, 5-7pm.



“Catching the Light.” Landscape paintings by Eleanor Goldstein. April 1-June 2.

653 BROADWAY, NEWBURGH. 561-8624.

Reception Sunday, April 2, 1-3pm.

ROUTE 117, POCANTICO HILLS. (914) 631-1470.

“Louis Ponton’s Early Paintings.” Through April 1.



350 MAIN STREET, CATSKILL. (518) 943-0380.

“Vessels & Haybales.” Ceramics and photography by Felicia Flanagan. April 2-April 29.

“Geometry of Plagiarism.” Andrei Petrov. April 8-May 5. Reception Saturday, April 8, 5-7pm.


“Anthony Guy Parker’s Fractal Artwork Prints.” April 1-April 30.

Opening Sunday, April 2, 2-4pm.


“Exhibition: Week of the Young Child.” Works by students of the Abigail Lundquist Botstein Nursery School. April 2-April 8.

Reception Saturday, April 1, 5-7pm.




“Second Nature.” Faculty works. Through April 2.

“Three Women’s Exhibit.” Fran Smulcheski, Molly Rausch, and Kathleen Sweeney. May 30. Reception Thursday, April 6, 5-6:30pm.

“Visual Offerings.” American Scenery: Different Views in Hudson River School Painting. Through May 14.



“Thomas Cale: Infamous Mugs.” Through April 9.



“Click.” Photography. Through June 4.


“Celebrating the Catskill Mountain Landscape.” Through April 9.


“Oil & Steel.” Works in oil by Sophia Tarassov and metal sculpture by Matt Weinberger. April 29-May 21. Opening Saturday, April 29, 5-7pm.

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“Works by Photographer Joy S. Moore.” Through April 30.


“TSL Archive Project.” Through May 15.


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“Works on Fabric.” Textile art by Susan Kotulak and K. Velis Turan. April 7-April 30. Reception Saturday, April 8, 7-9pm.


“Photography by Grace Knowlton.” Through April 3.


gallery directory

“Inaugural Show.” Many artists in multiple genres. Through May 26. “Plein Aire Paintings by Garin Baker.” April 1-May 21. Opening Thursday, April 6, 3-6pm.


“Kimonos.” The kimonos of Mitu Miyowaki. Through April 8.


“Digital Painting by Carl Van Brunt.” Through April 15.


“Figure and Form.” Works by Currie, Lisbeth Firmin, Alexander Rutsch, Mary Ahern and Jon Campbell. Through April 9.


“Pastels by Marlene Wiedenbaum.” Through April 2.


“A Forest and a Tree.” 5 artists explore different ways of looking at self and others. “Estranged Objects.” Investigates the literal and metaphorical production of history. “Fragments of Time.” Generations who reflect on the nature of a moment captured. “Looking Both Ways: Three Artists from Korea.” April 9. “James Knowles: Sculpture and Paintings.” “The Best of the Lab Gallery.” Through April 23.






SHEDDING HIS FURS Richard Butler takes a Detour

For anyone who came of age musically in the 1980s, the Psychedelic Furs are nothing short of legendary. Back then, the Furs, as their fans knew them, were all over the airwaves, keeping good company with other influential artists such as the Sex Pistols, The Clash, David Bowie, Roxy Music, Iggy Pop, and Echo & the Bunnymen. The Furs’ melodic post-punk-pop stood out from some of the harder-edged bands of the genre, as did Richard Butler’s distinctive raspy vocals, which were set almost in the background, among the swirl of guitars, drums, and sax. But now imagine, if you will, Butler’s three-packs-a-day voice in the foreground, sounding closer to the bone, and even more introspective and personal, over the acoustic guitar, complemented by a string symphony or a choral strain. This is what the Furs founder has done on his first solo effort, simply titled Richard Butler. Butler is quite clear, however, that he hasn’t deserted his old musical compatriots. Speaking from his home in Cold Spring on a cold March morning, Butler is adamant that he’s “not really going solo.” “I’m just making a solo record,” he explains in a thick British accent. “I’m making another Psychedelic Furs record as well this year. I’ll be getting down and writing some lyrics. The guys are impatiently waiting for me. They’ve been writing music for the next Furs record for about a year now, and I haven’t been doing anything with it. I’ve been touring with them on and off for the last five or six years. They’ve written the music, we have three or four songs written already.” So, if the Furs are deviating from their norm for their next album, which direction are they taking musically? “It’s very Psychedelic Furs, really,” Butler laughs. “No, well, you can’t really deviate from that, can you?” When the British-based Psychedelic Furs broke into the burgeoning New Wave-Punk scene in the late 1970s the band consisted of Butler as vocalist and lyricist, his brother Tim Butler on bass, Duncan Kilburn on sax, and Roger Morris on guitar. (A third brother left the group early on because, according to Butler, it felt a little too much like the Osmonds.) Within two years, the Furs added 36 MUSIC CHRONOGRAM.COM 4/06

drummer Vince Ely and guitarist John Ashton, and their sound became more pop oriented. Their self-titled debut in 1980 made the top 20 in the UK. In 1981, Talk Talk Talk, produced by Steve Lillywhite, hit the US charts, and its original version of the hit “Pretty In Pink” was re-recorded for the 1986 John Hughes film of the same name. The band moved to New York in 1982, recording their third album with producer Todd Rundgren and releasing the single “Love My Way,” which was a hit in the US and UK. Subsequent albums featured such hits as “The Ghost in You,” “Heaven,” “Heartbreak Beat” and “All That Money Wants,” securing the Furs a permanent place on college and progressive-rock radio and earning the band number one hits on Billboard’s new Modern Rock chart. In the early 1990s, the Butler brothers decided to make a split and start their own band, Love Spit Love, but Butler’s real intention was to make his own album. “I was going to do a solo record,” he explains. “I left the Furs, put the Furs on hiatus or whatever for awhile, and started making a record. But it was much more band sounding, and I was working with a guitarist. During the process of making it, it became a band rather than [a] solo record. It never came out, the solo record. And it shouldn’t have, because it didn’t sound like a solo record. That evolved into Love Spit Love. This,” he says, referring to Richard Butler, “actually sounds like a solo record in that there’s much more emphasis on the voice, I suppose.” Set for release on April 18, Richard Butler is much gentler than Butler’s previous band work. The songs are dreamier, more intricate, poetic, and tender, utilizing acoustic guitar and shimmering keyboards to produce a background of ambient sound. Butler’s style is distinctly mellow, with a Radiohead twist, and his 11 songs are lofty and wistful, yet upbeat, sometimes starting quietly and then breaking into soaring symphonies and chorals. Simulated strings and guitar effects are married with percussion to create elevated, multi-textured soundscapes that contain subtle nuances for fans of headphones—a closer listen will reveal the cosmic, the loopy, and the robotic. Upon repeated spins, you can find yourself lost in the beauty of certain songs.

Richard Butler was recorded at Sky High Studios as a collaboration between Butler and instrumentalist and producer Jon Carin (Pink Floyd, Pete Townshend, Bryan Ferry), whom Butler acknowledges as a great influence over the direction of the music. “We managed to record it over in Putnam Valley,” Butler says, “’cause he’s got a pretty high tech studio over there at his house, and because it was only a 25-minute drive for me. I could get over there daily, and it was a pretty relaxed way of making a record. We decided to make the record, then get a record company, which meant that we weren’t under any kind of pressure. So, we took our time about it, which was a great luxury in music, to be able to just put something out when you’re ready to, not have anybody looking over your shoulder, breathing down your neck.” Though Carin’s musical landscape is resplendent and hopeful, Butler’s despair and loss over recent events is evident in his lyrics. “The lyrics are fairly dark,” Butler admits. “During the course of making [the album], my marriage broke up, Jon’s relationship broke up, and both of our fathers died. So that informed the lyrics and the music to some degree.” To counterbalance the joyful music, Butler has written such somber poetry as: “No one will answer you when you call, when even the farthest stars start collapsing back to the beginning and there’s no room for heaven” (“California”); “Under the satellites you’re on your own and it’s the same sad song all of us know” (“Satellites”); “I hate every second of this life long day, what do we say, the eyes that cried are empty spaces, we’re broken aeroplanes on the runway, never leaving, going no place” (“Broken Aeroplanes”); “That last straw bent my back, we’re beat and bullied till we crack, I give in, let’s pretend that we’re all angels in the end” (“Sentimental Airlines”); “Summer’s gone, it only stayed a minute, all the rainbows ran, all applaud the lions of September, when the nights get long” (“Maybe Someday”). Before founding the Psychedelic Furs, Butler graduated from the Epsom School of Art and Design in England. He describes his work as “Figurative painting, oil on canvas, pretty traditional materials and subjects. I can’t know how

I’d describe it, really—you can see a bunch of it online at and” He adds, with a laugh, “I’ve been showing for a couple of years. Actually, the first solo show I had was last year. Also the fifth solo show I had was last year. I had five shows last year, which was quite a lot of work, really.” Butler’s work tends to be dark and unconventional. His portraits are often populated with skulls and assaulting figures wearing dunce cap masks. Recurring colors are black, white, and red. One of Butler’s most powerful artistic statements appears on the album cover—a crouching naked soldier with Christian crosses smeared on his helmet in what appears to be blood. Despite his darker pen and paint strokes, Butler doesn’t seem like the morose type, at least not over the phone. He laughs often, and there’s a twinkling joviality in his voice. He’s a friendly guy who doesn’t mind getting involved with his local community. Recently asked by a neighbor and friend who does the booking at the Philipstown Theater in Garrison to help out with a benefit concert, Butler unhesitatingly agreed. “It’s a community theater, so it requires constant money and good will, and what have you,” he says, laughing again. The theater, which was voted Best Theater in Westchester/Putnam by Hudson Valley magazine two years in a row, has won numerous awards from the Theater Association of New York State. The Butler gig, which has not yet been scheduled, will take place some time later this spring. (Call (845) 424-3900 for date, time, and ticket price). Says Butler: “The way I’m going out playing it, which is acoustically with a guitarist and keyboard player, is not that different from the way the record sounds.” Though Butler is mainly relaxing with his painting at present, he took off on March 20 for a US solo tour, beginning in Chicago. Between touring and a show of his recent paintings at the Van Brunt Gallery in Beacon this coming June, another possible gallery show in Manhattan next year, and a Psychedelic Furs record to write, Butler has certainly got his hands full. But this is one multi-talented juggler whose work continues to impress audiences, no matter what the medium. For more on Butler’s artistic adventures, visit



Handpicked by local scenemaker DJ WAVY DAVY for your listening pleasure. MATT FINLEY AND RIO JAZZ April 4. This multitalented instrumentalist (he plays trumpet, flugelhorn, flute, and soprano sax) and Rio Jazz return to Dutchess Community College for their 19th Brazilian Jazz concert. Finley, a founding director of the Albany Symphony, has led Rio JAZZ since 1988 and they’re joined here by vocalist Denise Jordan Finley. Matt’s new CD of his originals, Brazilian Wish, was produced by Jon Werking, tonight’s special guest artist. 7:30pm. Free. Poughkeepsie. (845) 431-8050. WWW.DENISEJORDANFINLEY.COM

JULES SHEAR April 7. Trivia time: Who was the original host of MTV Unplugged? Take a stuffed monkey if you said Jules Shear, who retired after 13 episodes when they moved the show to a single-artist format. Shear, a Pittsburgh native who tonight plays at Club Helsinki, is the songwriter most songwriters admire. His tunes “All Through the Night” (recorded by Cyndi Lauper) and “If She Knew What She Wants” (The Bangles) likely help pay the bills, but he still appears to enjoy life on the road. 9pm. $18/15. Great Barrington, MA. (413) 528-3394. WWW.CLUBHELSINKIWEB.COM

VALEZE/FANTOM FREQUENCY April 7. Glam-rock lives! Valeze, hosts of The Circus party at legendary NYC nightspot Don Hill’s, struts into forum lounge with a slicked-down band and sparkling lead singer named Tiffany. New Paltz-based Fantom Frequency cuts trad emo with a virtuoso edge. Producer Jimi Goodman of Stone Ridge plays ringmaster to this spring fling, which includes a latenight drum’n’bass set by DJ Claw. (The Charms and The Wifeys rock forum 4/14 and DJ Paul Nice kicks it 4/22.) 9pm. $8. Kingston. (845) 331-1116. WWW.LEOPARDSTUDIO.COM

LESS THE WISER April 7, 28. Much of this month’s column was written with LTW’s home page open in the background, just for the totally catchy hard-rock instrumental loop. From the attitude alone, Mike, TJ Thomas, Dennis, and Pete look like they could be the house band at Orange County Choppers. This month they creep north with stints at Dominick’s (4/7) and Mercury Grill (4/28.) Dominick’s, Route 9W, Newburgh. 568-0981. Mercury Grill, Route 209, Wurtsboro. (845) 888-2004. WWW.LESSTHEWISER.COM

PEPE ROMERO April 21. Celebrated worldwide for his flawless technique, guitarist Romero is constantly in demand for his classical and flamenco performances. Born in Málaga, Spain, Pepe is the second son of Celedonio Romero, head of The Romeros Quartet, aka “The Royal Family of the Guitar.” The younger Romero has performed for Pope John Paul II, Prince Charles, King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sophía of Spain, and Queen Beatrice of Holland. Be king for a night at the Julien J. Studley Theater at SUNY New Paltz (produced by Unison Arts). 8pm. $30/ $25/$23 Unison members/15 students. New Paltz. (845) 255-1559. WWW.UNISONARTS.ORG

AMY FRADON April 29. Vocalist-songwriter Fradon is the next featured performer in Hyde Park Free Library’s Living Room Concert series and is accompanied by Paul Duffy (Mambo Kikongo) on keys and Jim Barbaro on harmonies and guitar. Fradon will also lead an afternoon workshop, “The Singing Body,” which will explore how the voice is produced from the whole body. No singing experience is necessary and all are welcome. The 1-4pm workshop costs $45 and includes one ticket to the evening concert (advance reservations required). 8pm. $10. Hyde Park. (845) 229-7791; HPFLCONCERTS@AOL.COM



With her debut CD outing, Red Hook’s Krista Weaver offers compelling lyrics and simple but memorable melodies in a spare, folk, alternative-country setting. That said, it’s not too serious. The title track holds such gems as “He was kinda like a turkey, without any stuffin’ / he wasn’t really bad, he was good for nothin’.” Her delicate yet emotive voice shines in the haunting “Street of the Volcanic Love Affair,” the musical equivalent of a hot summer night, while “Once Upon a Time” and “The Owl and the Tiger” sound as if they were recorded in a dimly lit Greenwich Village coffee house in around 1962. This bare-bones recording has an endearing simplistic quality, not entirely unlike Dylan’s first electric band recordings produced by Bob Johnston. The songs are at once new and relevant, and at the same time old and timeless. Theses days, that’s called Americana. Ultimately, So Long, Arlington and Other Stories is a quiet, thoughtful little masterpiece. For more on the artist, visit To purchase the CD, go to —David Malachowskii


Listening to this CD is like finding buried treasure. Laurie MacAllister gives voice to perfectly selected covers that include Leonard Cohen’s “Famous Blue Raincoat” and The Beatles’ “I’m Only Sleeping.” Cliff Eberhardt contributes acoustic, steel, Dobro, and Tacoma Papoose guitar performances, while Dar Williams sings harmonies. Eberhardt produced the CD, and a long list of players weave powerful magic on multiple instruments, often in the same song. Their task is creating the atmosphere in which MacAllister flexes her vocal mastery. The opening song, “Coal Tattoo” by Billy Edd Wheeler, played like a rapid-fire bluegrass breakdown, is almost cheerful at this tempo. It is in sad songs that singers prove themselves, and MacAllister should take a bow. This sophisticated group of emotional ballads and lullabies to left-behind lovers is a poignant passion play. The album is available exclusively at Barnes & Noble stores nationwide and on For more information and a few audio clips, go to —J. Spica


One gets the feeling that Ross Rice is attempting to point to something real on his new album, Dwight (the name is short for “Da white boy,” a nickname he got while cutting his teeth with Memphis and Stax legends like Donald “Duck” Dunn, Bobby Manuel, Jim Spake, and Gary Johns). Rice’s lyrics are several steps beyond the typical radio fare, sometimes seeming to have been ripped straight out of his diary. This isn’t about hooks, chops, or attitude; you can almost hear the record company exec grumbling that he doesn’t hear a single. But these songs grow on you with repeated listening. Rice’s production is dense, lush, and complex; the impact of the songs might be more immediate if the lyrics and arrangements were both more spare. But there’s no doubt Rice knows songcraft. He connects with himself well—that’s 75 percent of the job—and he’s got all the tools to connect equally well with his audience. When he chooses the simple and direct—as on the rocker “Hard Times for the Revolution” and the jazzy “(I Just Wanna) Hang With My Baby”—the results are formidable. So, what does he sound like? Peter Gabriel and Dave Matthews tag-team mud wrestling with David Gilmour and George Harrison. Available at and —Todd Paul



PRINCE OF THIEVES Donald E. Westlake is the credited author of 52 books and 8 screenplays, which sounds like a hell of a lot—until you find out that the Mystery Writers of America Grandmaster has published some 40 more books under various pseudonyms, including the prolific Richard Stark. How does he do it? On a manual typewriter.

by Nina Shengold photos by Jason Kremkau 40 BOOKS CHRONOGRAM.COM 4/06

Actually, Westlake uses two typewriters. The first, with elite type and narrow margins—“so I don’t have to interrupt to change pages too often”—is for banging out first drafts. Westlake makes corrections by hand and then retypes the manuscript in a conventional format. Though he uses a computer for e-mail and electronic submissions of book reviews (“the New York Times won’t accept print anymore”), he shudders at the thought of composing his prose on a screen. Westlake’s novels are intricately plotted and often hilarious; Kirkus Reviews called his latest, Watch Your Back!, “a top-flight caper from Westlake, who can out-connive anyone in the writing business.” His phrases go straight to the target like darts: a fence’s apartment is “wrapped like a dirty scarf around an unpleasant airshaft”; Dean Martin’s voice is “morphine-laced molasses.” Unlike many mystery writers who favor detectives, Westlake gravitates toward the criminal element. “For me, ‘Can you get away with it, and how do you pull it off?’ is more interesting than ‘Who did it?’” Though he ranges from heist capers to tough-guy noirs, occasionally dipping into nonmystery genres, Westlake describes his own body of work as “mostly, but not always, comic novels.” (When he introduced a colleague at a Writers Guild award ceremony, host Bill Murray dubbed Westlake “the second funniest man in the room.”) Born in Brooklyn in 1933, Westlake grew up in Yonkers and Albany, leaving the latter “as soon as I found the bus depot.” Since 1990, he and his third wife, author Abby Adams, have shared a classic white farmhouse in Columbia County, though Westlake takes MetroNorth to New York every Thursday for Writers Guild council meetings and a long-running poker game. Adams’s oeuvre includes several gardening books, and even a dusting of snow can’t obscure the tidy geometry of her raised beds. On the windswept hillside above, a few dozen stoic beef cattle stand still as gravestones. Westlake’s farmhouse is rambling and warm. The three-time Edgar winner pads through its rooms in a comfortable sweater and house slippers, finally settling onto an overstuffed sofa. His alter ego, the congenitally luckless burglar John Dortmunder, might case the joint for antiques: There are paintings on every wall, a grandfather clock-and-pedestaled globe that would look right at home in the Explorers’ Club. Two cats bask on a kilim rug, licking their paws in the sunlight. The bookshelves are neatly alphabetized—Diane Arbus, Ambrose Bierce, Willa Cather, Charles Dickens—and the only mysteries in sight are a couple of Westlake’s. “I’ve been a slave to story my entire life,” he says. “I was driven so mad by the need for story that I taught myself to read at age three.” As Westlake tells it, he crouched on top of a newspaper photo of a bunch of guys in uniform, and stared at the letters underneath, struggling to figure out what they meant. He had alphabet blocks, but t-h-e made no sense. Then he figured out the sound that started the next word, p-o, and the rest of the word came clear: police! The police department! A linguist might question a three-year-old sounding out an unphonetical word like police, but it makes a great story. An affable man with a dense overgrowth of white eyebrow, Westlake is a natural

raconteur. Stories fly to him and stick, like metal filings on a magnet. He spots a neon “DAB Dortmunder” sign in a bar and it conjures a character. “I could see his slumped shoulders, the way he walked. The name just told me the guy.” By age 11, Westlake was impatient with “stories that didn’t go in the direction I wanted,” and started to write his own. At 14, he started sending them to various magazines—everything from Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine to the New Yorker—which invariably sent them back. He sold his first story at 20, to a science fiction magazine called Universe. “I don’t know where fiction went,” he ruminates. “There was a time when there was a great appetite for short fiction. There were magazines appealing to women, men, outdoorsmen, mystery fans, science fiction fans; Westerns, true-crime magazines. They’re all gone. When I was a kid, the Saturday Evening Post would print seven short stories and three chapters from serials. Where did that hunger go?” He offers a cautionary tale from Playboy’s fiction editor. When the Writers Guild went on a prolonged strike in 1976, Playboy received “hundreds and hundreds” of short stories from out-of-work screenwriters. When the Guild struck again in 1988, there was no such surge. “This is the first generation of TV and screenwriters who don’t come from print,” Westlake says. “If Sony didn’t write it, they haven’t read it.” The author’s multiple pseudonyms came about because he was “writing too much.” He sold one story to a mystery magazine as Donald E. Westlake and a second as Richard Stark. When they bought a third for the same issue, he credited it to “James Blue,” his cat. “At first it was just a matter of getting the things off my desk, but after a while they became brand names. Chevrolet and Cadillac are both General Motors, but they’re very different brands.” When asked to describe a police lineup of his most frequent aliases, Westlake doesn’t hesitate. “Tucker Coe is all raw emotions, so raw he could never mention them. Stark is emotion-free and blunt. People who love adverbs will starve to death on these books.” And Donald E. Westlake? The author grins. “Westlake is ironic and rococo, even when he’s trying not to be.” Westlake is best known for his Dortmunder series. “I had an idea for Parker [the hard-as-nails master thief favored by Richard Stark]: What if he had to steal the same thing more than once? It would really piss him off. I described it to my wife and my agent, and both times I started to laugh. I knew it was dangerous. The worst thing to do to a tough guy is make him inadvertently funny.” But the premise enticed him, so instead of Parker, Westlake rolled out that shlump with the beer-sign name, putting him through three capers in 100 pages before he dead-ended. The manuscript sat in the back of a closet for three years, until Westlake and Adams decided to renovate. As he emptied the doomed closet, Westlake rediscovered the Dortmunder pages. The rest of the story unspooled like a dream, and he finished the book, The Hot Rock, in a matter of weeks. Westlake still had no inkling he’d launched a new series. Two years later, he spotted a New Jersey bank that had moved operations into a mobile home while

the building was under construction. An irresistible caper plot struck: Why not steal the whole bank? “And I knew just the boys to do it,” he says. Dortmunder’s trademark is the brilliant scheme that goes haywire. He and his gang have conspired to steal, among other things, a collection of vintage cars (The Road to Ruin), a Native American corpse (Bad News), and the femur of St. Ferghana (Don’t Ask). Dortmunder is a consummate New Yorker, reluctant to venture into outer boroughs and appalled by the concept of Florida. But Westlake’s research has taken him even farther afield. For his 1981 novel Kahawa, he investigated the unlikely true story of a gang of thieves who stole a trainload of coffee from Idi Amin (“something I wouldn’t do”), dumping the offloaded boxcars into the Nile. Along with an eight-day trip to Kenya—“Uganda was eating people at the time, and I became aware that I was protein”—he attended an international coffee conference in London, and read a 1600-page tome about African railroads. During the ‘80s, Westlake produced a series of high-powered Mystery Weekends at Mohonk Mountain House. Over 300 guests worked in teams, combing the Victorian hotel and interrogating suspects portrayed by the likes of Stephen King, Peter Straub, and Gahan Wilson. (This trio appeared as the Wolfman, Dracula, and Frankenstein in Transylvania Station, which Westlake and Adams adapted into a book.) Many of Westlake’s books have been filmed, including his first Parker novel The Hunted, the source for both the Lee Marvin classic Point Blank and the more recent Payback. He adapted his own Cops & Robbers, Why Me, and Hot Stuff, and Jim Thompson’s The Grifters, nominated for an Academy Award for Best Screenplay. Westlake sees a vast gulf between writing novels and screenplays. “When I write a novel, I’m God. When I write a screenplay, I’m a cupbearer to the gods.” On a movie set, “No one’s in charge. Moment by moment, day by day, it might be an actor, it might be the money, it might be the weather. If it rains in a novel, it’s because I want it to.” There are more novels en route. Watch Your Back! comes out in paperback in May; this fall, Westlake will unveil Richard Stark’s latest, Ask the Parrot, which uncharacteristically took him “a whole year!” to write (ten eye operations in two months might account for the slowdown). He’s also unfurling a new caper. “Did you hear that?” he asks, cutting himself off in mid-sentence at the sound of a thump in another room. “Birds, flying into the window. It happens whenever it’s sunny and bright like this. They fly at their reflection and knock themselves out.” He pauses a moment. There might be a story in that.


SHORT TAKES From religious romance to eating disorders, art history to dysfunctional dogs, local authors are tossing a lot of bouquets to their readers.


The Dead Beat: Lost Souls, Lucky Stiffs, and the Perverse Pleasures of Obituaries by Marilyn Johnson


HarperCollins Publishers, $24.95

MONKFISH, 2006, $29.95

This hefty new novel explores the life of Mary Magdalen, touchstone of many esoteric legends and rumors. Cunningham’s rich imaginings of Magdalen’s life as a Roman sex slave and as Christ’s lover are as compelling as they are controversial. For information on coming events at Merritt, Oblong, Mirabai, and more, visit


Acclaimed novelist and sometime Hudson Valley resident Francine Prose casts her discerning eye on 16th-century bad boy Caravaggio, street-fighting painter of gorgeously lit, often homoerotic masterworks, who lived fast, died young, and left a beautiful corpus. This slim volume is part of the Eminent Lives series of brief contemporary biographies.


Chatham-based wedding planner Light helps couples trade vows on every continent but Antarctica (and that’s probably negotiable; tuxedo penguins abound). This briskly organized book provides indispensable information on paperwork, protocol and caterers. Whether your fantasy is a Highland fling or a Maori powhiri, here’s how to make it come true.


Thirtyish freelancer Harrington and her boyfriend traded a carefree Downtown lifestyle for joint custody of an unruly mutt— “Setter X” at the shelter—who rocked their world. Based on her award-winning humor column for The Bark, this fetching memoir will satisfy anybody who’s ever been owned by a dog. For local event information:


When Watson’s brother topped 400 pounds and became housebound, unable to bathe without help, she intervened. Struggling with his lifethreatening addiction, “a cold shiver in the genes,” she recalls a childhood shadowed by alcoholism, and fears for her sons. Watson will speak on “Obesity & the Family” at Kingston’s Barnes & Noble, April 28 at 7pm.


s recently as the 1970s, most newspaper obituaries were meager, dry affairs—if people hadn’t managed to become famous during their lives, they left the earth with nothing more than a brief report including the date of death, any survivors, and when and where the funeral would be held. Writing obituaries was decidedly uncreative work; in fact, most journalists would rather have died than write them. And the only fun in reading obituaries involved doing the math to figure out the age of the deceased or the morbid possibilities that lay within the stock obit phrases “died suddenly” or “died after a long illness.” But today’s obituaries are written with distinct style—from reverential to caustic—and read with relish by enough obit fans to necessitate an array of websites and the Annual Obituary Writers Conference. As Marilyn Johnson points out in The Dead Beat, her lighthearted, insightful, and factpacked ode to obituaries and those who write them, the obituary is now an art form. Each “tight little coil of biography with its literary flourishes reminds us of a poem,” writes Johnson, whose reportage is just as moving and compelling as the contemporary obituarists she lauds. “Certainly it contains the most creative writing in journalism.” Johnson became “addicted to obituaries” in 1986 after reading two side-by-side obits in the New York Times for the scientist who isolated vitamin C and the scientist who isolated vitamin K, who had died a day apart. That “magical” coincidence was not an isolated incident. As Johnson notes, with humor and infectious enthusiasm, “people have been slipping out of this world in occupational clusters” for ages. To wit: Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox and Watergate counsel Samuel Dash died on the same day, and, as Johnson puts it, “Lawrence Welk’s trumpeter and his accordion player played a duet out the door.” The modern obituary is a lively, vivid, detailed portrait, whether its subject is a celebrity or average person who would ironically remain a nobody if not for the newspaper tribute to his or her passing. This contemporary format was pioneered in the early 1980s by reporter Jim Nicholson, whose New Journalism-style obits for the Philadelphia Daily News were like hard nuggets of glittery and gritty details about lives that, in Johnson’s phrase, “had been considered dull as linoleum to the general public.” Nicholson presented average Joes as “heroes of their neighborhood and characters of consequence.” He elicited amazing quotes (“I had unfortunately burned up my cat Smokey in the dryer,” began one obit. “Lou gave me a book, 1001 Uses for a Dead Cat. You loved him and at the same time you wanted to strangle him”). He also peppered each story with wry comments: “They were married three months later and not because they had to”; “Charlie did it all with one eye”; and “He had the digestive juices of a shark.” Add a few key historical events—like Rock Hudson being revealed as an AIDS casualty in his 1985 obituary (the first obit Johnson clipped), and 9/11, followed by the New York Times’ Pulitzer Prize-winning “Portraits of Grief”—and the obituary was revived, creating the opportunity for newspapers to tell the truth about, say, Opal Petty spending 20 years in an insane asylum because her parents didn’t like her dancing, or gas station proprietor Billy Carter being a thorn in his presidential brother’s side. In The Dead Beat, Johnson makes pilgrimages to today’s great obit writers and editors—a wild and whimsical bunch—on both sides of the Atlantic, traces the obituary’s history, chats with members of the growing cult of obituary enthusiasts, and parses out the obituary form. As she discovers, it’s not only a great time to die, but a fascinating time to be alive. Magazine writer and editor Marilyn Johnson has written obituaries for Princess Diana, Jacqueline Onassis, Katharine Hepburn, Johnny Cash, Bob Hope, and Marlon Brando. She makes her home in Briarcliff. —Susan Piperato



The Ghost Orchid by Carol Goodman Ballantine, 2006, $24.95


hat could be dangerous about a writers’ retreat at a fashionable upstate estate? The logical presumption would be that the only damage might be to one’s pride. At first, readers of The Ghost Orchid might be lulled into thinking that’s all Ellis Brooks is risking at Bosco, a historic estate near Great Sacandaga Lake, where she jumps into the mix with greats and near-greats of assorted genres and various attitudes to create and sip Scotch for an evening. But they’d be kidding themselves. In the company of a famous novelist, a half-mad poet, a landscape architect, and a Serious Biographer, Ellis is about to face up to a million things—both seen and unseen. This is definitely a horror story, but it’s the quiet horror of poison and suffocation, the endless deep night at the bottom of a well. The book dances deftly between the story Ellis has come to tell—about a series of séances at Bosco gone horribly wrong—and the energies stirred by her presence there now, making Bosco once again the unseemly site of violence and terror. And, yes, somebody does allude to the popular chocolate drink early on. Instead of thinking the retreat has a silly name, you’ll end up feeling slightly spooked by the chocolate syrup. Ellis’s mother, you see, was a medium. The book she has come to write is about the last medium who visited there, Corinth Blackwell, a young woman who traveled a hard road all her own—and found herself in the midst of an equally quirky and treacherous group of creative souls. Besides the chocolate syrup, you may never look at literary types and their hangers-on the same way again either. The true spookiness of this book lies in how ordinarily extraordinary is the façade covering up the mayhem. Half the time you wish these people, even Ellis, would just get over themselves; the other half, you’re cringing, because their probable fate is so very much worse and weirder than what they deserve. Throughout, there are thoughtful meditations on the state of men, women, children, marriage, mothering, and morality. A walk through some Hudson Valley history, used as a backdrop for a dark dream of treachery. A musing on how the more things seem to change in this all-too-human race, the more they remain the same. The tables tilt and the snow falls and the egos lock horns, and the isolated locale becomes the kind of rarified atmosphere in which orchids thrive and prosper. The Ghost Orchid, being no ordinary blossom, drifts on this deep current with deceptive simplicity, spiraling down into a maelstrom that will make Stephen King fans remember what they missed about Henry James. Goodman casually tosses the noose around the reader’s neck, then tightens it while you’re not looking—with plaintive children and innocent cups of tea—until you can scarcely breathe. Ellis is delightful—brave, unwillingly psychic, yet charmingly and alarmingly mortal. You keep wanting to tell her not to go down that moldy staircase, not to open that locked door. Meanwhile, you begin to realize that, for Ellis, there is no other option. What gives this book such power in its spookiness is that believability. If spirits were to speak, it might be in some of these ways and for some of these reasons. The Ghost Orchid will delight anybody who remembers loving a good ghost story and then tiring of the genre’s clichés. It’s fresh and fragrant. With mayhem and family dysfunction part of the mainstream menu, a fresh take becomes quite a challenge. Goodman, who won the 2004 Dashiell Hammett Prize for The Seduction of Water, meets it deftly with this tale, told in hushed, silken language and likely to rattle around in your synapses, setting off all sorts of vibrations. —Anne Pyburn 44 BOOKS CHRONOGRAM.COM 4/06

The Quick of It Poems by Eamon Grennan Graywolf Press, 2005, $14


fter savoring every “eroto-hypnotic flicker of fireflies” and “riverbank cloaked in wet chokecherry” and “rainsoused morning misting down from Muckish” in Eamon Grennan’s latest collection, I can state with confidence that he is beloved of St. Colomba, patron saint of Ireland and poets. Make that doubly beloved, because the saint is named for a dove, and Grennan’s ravishing language does honor to, among a teeming of other creatures, a fiercely fragile aviary of birds, including loons, blackbirds, waxwings, robins, chickadees, finches, swallows, starlings, geese, ducks, and a “clackering magpie.” Indeed, the preternaturally glorious photograph on the book’s cover might well represent the very wings that Grennan keeps tucked beneath his greatcoat, the wings most poets wish they had. To venture one last ornithological analogy, Grennan has a raptorial intelligence, one upon which nothing that scurries, bolts, or skitters through the natural or inner landscape is lost. His eye and ear go darting after details, distilling them into a language whose brisk, bright tempos perfectly mirror “the quick of it,” the myriad simultaneities of life as it happens: Beneath the ice-clamp of Casperkill Creek you saw clear water Run into its own life against the odds, making (the way things Will) a fresh start—just as a raucous, high-minded, truth-telling Matter-of-fact congregation of crows comes tumbling. Compared to Grennan, your run-of-the-monastery Zen master is guilty of inattention. In The Quick of It, his alertness never flags; he responds with a reverent generosity to the manifold things of the world and their moment-to-moment collisions with the senses. What he writes of the 18th-century genre painter Jean-Baptiste Simeon Chardin could be said of the poet himself: “He may have been attending to the way live nature stays / At the given edge of everything, a real presence even in these / Absolute indoors of the eye.” To excerpt from the poems is not to do them justice. Untitled, one to a page, they each consist of 10 lines in various configurations (3-3-3-1, 4-4-2, etc.) and, as they mostly tend to rush along as irresistibly as the light, water, birdsong, weather, and other phenomena that they catch and translate into the music of vowels and consonants, they are each best experienced all of a piece. It is tempting, however, to share a few shimmers from the flux— “the whole flock closing / Like a broken concertina into leaves where they become invisible,” for instance, or the “sea’s white mane riding its buckle-crown of green / And turning to a fleecy nothing,” or a blackbird’s “incendiary yellow-ringed eye running rings out to the rings of Saturn.” If I had to winnow one favorite from the fold, it would be the poem beginning with Grennan’s apprehension of “the quick ripple of a groundhog’s back” as it dashes under a hedge. Although the creature seems to have “melted into nature’s mouth,” Grennan senses it abiding in its hideaway, “at ease in the sphere of its own immediate knowings…” Then, lightning strikes—in his mind’s eye the poet discerns a sudden correspondence between the groundhog vanishing into its hole and Shakespeare vanishing into his language, “quill-end tipping his tongue / As he takes a breath and disappears into the leaves and lavish music of another / Turbulent little word-shiver for a minute, and he is all alone there, listening.” Born in Dublin, Eamon Grennan lives in Poughkeepsie and teaches at Vassar College, where he holds the Dexter M. Ferry Jr. Chair in the English Department. He spends a good part of each year in the western reaches of Ireland, where, it is tonic to imagine, he and St. Columba occasionally hold forth on the “dust-fine deliquescence of damp the falling rain is” over a pint in a Drumcliffe pub. —Mikhail Horowitz 4/06 CHRONOGRAM.COM BOOKS 45


EDITED BY PHILLIP LEVINE. You can submit up to three poems to Chronogram at a time. Send ‘em if you got ‘em, either via snail-

mail or e-mail. Deadline: April 10. 314 Wall St., Kingston, NY 12401. E-mail: Subject: Poetry.

spring lurks —p ps. April is national poetry month, which is just like every other month.

Lake Mohansic

A Basic Human Need

Swallows wheel their passes at the lake, Dozens of them; they’re after the last mosquitoes, But never touch the water’s iron bulge. A single skiff trolling near the margin Proves it’s really water after all.

Everybody needs a table.

Nothing else moves. The frozen ripples Stand in relief like brazen clothing On the statue of an ancient public man. Boulders rise uselessly at intervals, Uninhabited, as far as I can tell. Nothing living breaks the slaty surface, Though under and over, murderous worlds abound.

For writing the grocery list, tossing down the house keys, the real mail with the junk mail; a safety zone between you and that guy you agreed to meet from the personals, or you and your life partner when you must speak the unspeakable and simply make small talk with the unspoken intention of maintaining some connection. Think about it. All of those great books written, meals devoured, wine spilled, flour sifted, dough rolled, dresses cut, curtains sewn, linens folded, treaties ratified, blueprints revealed, divorces finalized, kidneys transplanted, muscles massaged, bills paid, cards dealt, gifts wrapped—

—Conrad Geller

Minnesota Meets the Beach He digs a hole in the sand. He has white feet. The hole is deep enough to reveal Clay-like black grains. He tries to build a pyramid But it crumbles whenever he pushes. I tell him he needs to go to Where the sand is wet. He says if he moves closer to the water He’ll be farther from me. I tell him the sand in Montauk is red. He says he’d like to see it, Someday. The tide comes in, The sky grows gray, The rain drizzles down. I take cover but he opens his lips To catch some drops and says It tastes like salt. I try too And see that he’s right.

The table as simple facilitator. Unbiased, impartial. A passive participant in both the menial and the earth shattering. Never judgmental. The supportive surface on which we interact. —Jeannie Friedman

Noticings for Spring I am trying to love the sound of rain, heavy rain, for days. I am noticing the purple violets in the blue pottery against the dark blue pines and the blue sky. I am worrying about everything but knowing nothing matters. I am trying to remember my mother as she was. I have memorized lines from movies: We don’t need adjectives because a car is a car. But is love, love? I am trying not to regret, not to see every word engraved in stone. I want to let go, to feel the rope loosening in my hands.

—Christina M. Rau —Mary Leonard


Away, For a Friend 1. How could we have known? It was like a secret against which we were blindfolded, our ears stuffed with cotton, wrists bound. Otherwise, I would have plunged my fingers beneath your ribs and sought their treasure after the first hello. 2. Instead, I drew it out in dribbles. We should have been more selfish with one another. I wish we had flung open the doors to our souls before our first five minutes were over. I wish we had given over our first midnight to those discussions of fog and poetry and God and tears and misery and jealousy:

ivy, I agree, can go. It has skirted the underbelly of every bush and slithered up

and the palest pink roses with thorns so large they remind me of Christ’s crown. Ed demonstrates deadheading.

the old cedar. The blue fir, over three stories high and split by lightning halfway up,

I must clip the ends of every wasted bloom. I do this for days afterward, but the withered defeat me.

obscures the river view but I can’t bear to kill what once refused to die.

—Linda McCauley Freeman

Fifteen stumps already have roots bursting through the grass like lurking alligators. He says they will attract termites. I have so many raspberry bushes I could make preserves if I could. He bends on one knee and snatches something from the ground, opens his palm revealing a single strawberry the size of his thumbnail, drops it into my hand, urges me to eat. I do not like berries. It bleeds into my skin in the heat. I drop it when he turns. I have Mulberry trees, he says, and I

the firm pirouettes of doubt. 3. When I write the words are printed on your bones. 4. Away: I long for our midnights, your cracked voice and angry skin. I wish that everybody in the world was more like you.

repeat Mulberry because I like the sound. Mulberry. He offers the white berry. I shake my head. The brittle limbs of the ancient apple tree, like the one that hurled its fruit at Dorothy, still drop green apples, though when we peek inside the trunk’s gaping hole, it is perfectly

—Mariel Boyarsky

hollow, nothing but bark. And I think of the people I have known like that. Ed pulls my gaze to the pears,

Walking Through the Garden with Ed Who Knows Plants

tiny and green and over my head. And the dogwood is sick, some insect spotting the leaves. And maple saplings

He says the two bushes by my porch are beautiful, but they are just green

sprout everywhere, even within the boxwood and roses. More surround the yard, entrenched to form a mighty wall.

and I want color, like the whiskers of purple he calls weeds. The poison

And the ants on the peonies will force buds to bloom bright and bursting, heads heavy. Blood red, maroon

The Lost Cause Why do I see you always at the top of the stairs, clutchhand on a tray, this final staircase? It’s never a dais, a lectern gripped by impassioned hands or sonorous-voiced speaking of the nature of life, Oh, God, how we have evolved. Sometimes it’s a pop and crackle image of reel to reel, and a nod and a smile, that handclasp no one noticed and a voice “Who is that?” not answered. Once it was a sax player on Michigan, once that secret hand you held, dirt scribbled, hard scrabbled, once broken-voiced poetry half-recalled. All conspire toward a dim hallway, and the sigh of burden released. Here again those stairs. —Erin Giannini

At Present I’m tired of poems that tell of past tales don’t let this be words instead it’s my head on your chest —Brendan Blowers



SUGAR 13 Mill Hill Road, Woodstock, (845) 679-6777 Black and white striped cami dress by Salome; red leather jacket by Hanii Y. Model: Leda, student

Photos by Fionn Reilly

Chronogram Fashion & Style 2006


ROCK & SNOW 44 Main Street, New Paltz, (845) 255-1311. Ice Breaker Lancewood shirt; Mountain Hardwear Confluence jacket; Mountain Hardwear Winter Wander pants; Vasque Breeze Gore-Tex boots. Model: Jason West, mayor, author


HALDORA 28 E. Market Street, Rhinebeck. (845) 876-6250 Pinched-in waist tank top; fitted-waist asymmetrical skirt; embroidered silk georgette with silkbacking; Old Gringo cowboy boots; Vaubel earrings. Top, skirt, and georgette handsewn in Rhinebeck. Model: Amanda Bader, writer


Fashion & Style

O’HALLORAN CO. 5 Main Street, Millerton. (866) 789-4785 Cotton/Lycra Romper in blue or brown gingham, C. Cordova for O’Halloran Co.; Wooden bead necklace. Model: Lindsey Squires, student


UTILITY CANVAS 2686 Rt. 44/55, Gardiner. (800) 680-9290 SANCHIA PLAYFAIR 40 Mill Hill Road, Woodstock (845) 679-2018 Unisex unlined canvas coal coat, designed by Utility Canvas; Cashmere scarf handwoven by Sanchia Playfair. Model: Adrian Frost, artist


CHANGES 6422 Montgomery Street, Montgomery Row, Rhinebeck. (845) 876-1345. 19 Tinker Street, Woodstock. (845) 679-4750. Mod-o-Doc 100% cotton long sleeve T-shirt; Tommy Bahama striped woven shirt; DKNY cotton/linen blazer; Diesel jeans; Ben Sherman brown leather belt; Cole Hann/Nike Air Estadio oxford shoes. Model: Sparrow, poet.



Fionn Reilly is a Saugerties-based photographer and a frequent contributor to Chronogram. His work has also appeared in GQ, High Times, Prison Life, Playboy, and the Los Angeles Times.

David Perry is the art director of Chronogram. He graciously allowed a bunch of models, as well as a stylist, a dog, an editor, and a photographer to occupy his apartment for this shoot.


Femme Fatale

The Designs of Alise Marie By Adam Allington photos by Fionn Reilly

Alise Marie lives in two vastly different worlds. In one respect, she is the girl next door—down-to-earth, like your best friend’s cool older sister—albeit in a crushed-velvet dress and knee-high boots. Marie enjoys the relaxed atmosphere that living in the Catskills affords her. She says she needs that balance because her other world revolves around models, PR firms, overcaffeinated fashionistas, and the hyperkinetic couture scenes of New York, Los Angeles, and Paris. Having debuted her first women’s wear collection barely a year ago, Marie is still very much the new kid on the block in the New York fashion scene. A New Jersey native who lives in Saugerties, creates in Woodstock, and does business in New York, Marie spent years working as an interior designer before deciding she had finally had enough. “I loved the work but I didn’t like the clientele,” she recalls. “Design work is very much about getting people to see your vision, your idea—it’s a lot of work and it can be very frustrating.” Though largely self-taught, Marie says that women in her family have been designing clothing patterns for generations. So, about 18 months ago, she decided to quit her job and go for it. “I just said, ‘This is what I want to do. I’m gonna create a line and if you like it you can buy it, if you don’t like it you don’t have to.’” Inspired by several literary heroines and silent films, Marie’s first “capsule” collection was described by the fashion magazine Lucire as “romantic, sophisticated, yet with an element of mystery.” “I draw a lot from books,” Marie explains, “people like Collette, Anais Nin—when I read I like to visualize what everyone is wearing; it’s all very textual, very sensual.” Her second collection, for fall 2005, had a distinctly “classic” theatrical and literary sensibility: silk chiffon blouses, charmeuse gowns, herringbone coats, and velvet wraps. Think Jean Harlow or Lillian Gish and you’ll get the idea. Still, while Marie’s designs may have a vin56 FASHION & STYLE CHRONOGRAM.COM 4/06

tage flavor, there is an unmistakably modern character about the final product, an edginess that radiates from a real grrrl-power aesthetic. Marie’s designs are glamorous, but wearable. “I like to think about times when women were really powerful. Not like some fantasy babe, but a real woman who is here, taking up space, and you have to recognize her.” Marie’s spring 2006 line was not only her first runway show, but also the first in what she hopes will be a series of “elemental” collections. This year’s theme is water. “I just had water on the brain—both the good and the bad,” she recalls. “It was totally female and lunar and it had a destruction/creation dichotomy.” Composed of over 20 unique outfits, spring ‘06 was inspired by goddesses and queens, mermaids and sea sirens. “I see the woman I design for as an ancient queen,” she explains. “This is how she presents herself to the 21st-century world around her. These are the clothes she would wear.” Marie’s latest outfits incorporate lots of shimmering, draping silks and linens in twilight tones punctuated by moonstone and serpentine jewelry. Critical response to the runway show was positive, with one buyer even comparing Marie with the likes of Chanel. Still, fashion is a fickle trade, with actual sales often dependent on the media buzz surrounding a designer rather then the originality of the designs. The process wasn’t helped by the fact that the firm handling Marie’s PR folded only two days after her show. “Of course they knew,” she says, “they just didn’t tell me, so there was no follow-up, no editorial appointments. It’s been a learning process since day one.” Marie fully admits that the life of a designer can seem completely foreign to her at times. Living outside of New York City provides her with a sense of balance, a way to avoid getting caught up in the hype. “It gets crazy because the


pressures are so big…at the same time, we’re not finding a cure for AIDS, we are making frigging dresses, you know? I am really glad that I am doing this at this point in my life because if I were younger it would be easy to get caught up in the fabulousness of it all.” Fashion seasons come and go quickly with spring supplanted by summer and summer by fall/winter. Furthermore, the designs need to be ready well in advance of the actual calendar season. Despite the challenges, though, it seems that Marie is having quite a bit of fun pursuing her passion. Assisted by a strong work ethic and sense of determination, in a remarkably short time she has already released two capsule collections and a spring line, and is just now putting the finishing touches on a holiday collection that will hit the market this coming summer. One wonders if she ever has time to worry about the future? “The business end is what makes you second-guess what you are doing,” she ruminates while stroking one of her twin black cats resting comfortably in her lap. Marie prefers to focus instead on the women who actually wear her clothes and the feedback they offer. “I listen to what women tell me, how the dress makes them feel. I see how they walk differently, more femme fatale.” An Alise Marie dress is probably not something the average shopper would casually shell-out for; most of her designs sell for about $700 to $1,500, which is actually quite reasonable compared with the sums commanded by a Zach Posen, Stella McCartney, or Betsy Johnson dress. As far as what her holiday line will look like, Marie is holding her cards close to her chest. “I don’t want to give it away, but I was feeling a very strong Marilyn vibe, very bombshelly, kind of vampy.” Clearly, Marie doesn’t downplay the sexuality and power of womanhood. “There is a female art of ‘getting dressed’ and it would be nice if we could take five minutes out of our lives to actually enjoy that. A lot of fashion has been about ‘How do I get out the door quicker?’ and I just feel like there is something lost in that.” Locally, Alise Marie sells her clothing at Sugar in Woodstock. Her spring 2006 line can be viewed at 4/06 CHRONOGRAM.COM FASHION & STYLE 57

Hudson Valley Style

HUDSON LOCATION: Warren Street at Fifth Avenue NAME: Jim Deskervich OCCUPATION: Textile designer SIGNATURE ITEM: My orange belt, I got it in Provincetown at a store called Map. I put a buckle on it from a store called Naked; it’s a mud flap girl—a Bada Bing girl.

NAME: Corbett Marshall OCCUPATION: Textile designer SIGNATURE ITEM: My earrings, they’re spirals of horn; they are the one thing I always wear. I never take them out. Also my old boots, they are Australian workboots, Blundstones.


text and photos by Jennifer May

NAME: Chris Gilbert OCCUPATION: Fashion consultant SIGNATURE ITEM: Safety pins DEFINE YOUR STYLE: I get up in the morning.

NAME: Ben Veronis OCCUPATION: Graphic designer SIGNATURE ITEM: I don’t really have one. DEFINE YOUR STYLE: I wear whatever was trendy two years ago.

In editorial discussions leading up to this month’s Fashion Supplement, we spent a

The question we started with—What is the quintessential Hudson Valley style?—is

lot of time talking about the various styles found in the Hudson Valley, from boutique

as unanswerable as a Zen koan, and beside the point. The styles of the Hudson Valley

chic to thrift-store bohemian to urban hip-hop to gear-centric outdoorsy to Marshall’s

are as diverse as the people who live here, reflecting our tastes, budgets, moods, and

bargain hunter to handyman to punk/rock to New Age to retro-hipster to upstate T-

whims. In late March, Jen May hit the streets of the Hudson Valley and asked people

shirt-and-jeans casual. Most of us land somewhere between these categories, picking

what they were wearing, and why.

elements of each and mixing and matching to suit our eclectic tastes.


SAUGERTIES LOCATION: Partition Street at Jane Street NAME: Kirsti Gholson OCCUPATION: Singer/songwriter & animal-rights activist DEFINE YOUR STYLE: I don’t like to look like I came out of a factory. I don’t support sweatshops, so I do a lot of shopping at thrift stores to find what fits right. I don’t mind if it comes from the Gap, if it was worn before. as long as it’s an R—reduce, reuse, recycle. If I find something plain I’ll embroider something on it for flair. SIGNATURE ITEM: A good, comfortable pair of jeans. But I love shirts and dresses. I like colors—pinks, orange, greens—to help me deal with the gloomy months of winter.


Hudson Valley Style

BEACON LOCATION: DIA: Beacon NAME: Petra Taylor (left) OCCUPATION: Office manager at a design company ORIGINS: Originally Austria, New York City now. REASON FOR BEING IN BEACON: We came up to the country for the weekend. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIECE OF CLOTHING YOU’RE WEARING TODAY?: I love my “Bad Kitty” shirt. I got it in New York somewhere, but I don’t remember where. NAME: Cleidy Arboleda (right) OCCUPATION: Dentist ORIGINS: Colombia FAVORITE PIECE OF CLOTHING: My glasses. They’re borrowed.

KINGSTON LOCATION: Wall Street at John Street NAME: Canela Greenwood OCCUPATION: Financial advisor at Merrill Lynch SIGNATURE ITEM: Handbags that are practical but fashionable, also shoes. For work I like to wear shoes that are professional, but unique and wearable. I like pointy-toed boots and heels.

WOODSTOCK LOCATION: Tinker Street in Woodstock NAME: Heidi Quick OCCUPATION: Fiber artist. I dye wool and design knitwear. SIGNATURE ITEM: Handmade sweaters. THOUGHTS ON FASHION: Fashion should be comfortable first.

TIVOLI LOCATION: The corner of Broadway and Montgomery Street NAME: Simone Küng OCCUPATION: Studio arts major at Bard College DESCRIBE YOUR STYLE: I like to be comfortable. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ITEM OF CLOTHING?: I love my new Tommy [Hilfigger] coat. It’s like a trench coat, very utilitarian. I don’t do heels. I feel freakishly tall in heels. FAVORITE DESIGNER: I don’t pay attention to fashion much; I’m not a Hollywood person.



sponsored by: Cafe With Love, Fionn Reilly, David Perry Design, Chronogram Magazine, DIG

Cafe With Love, Partition St. Saugerties Sanchia Playfair, Mill Hill Road Woodstock Trends Hair Design, West Strand, Kingston Rondout Woodstock Trading Post, Tinker St. Woodstock DIG, Partition St., Saugerties Bell’s Cafe, Main St., Catskill

tickets available at:



make sure you purchase tickets early

dress stylishly

international / celebrity djs

a furious dance party with relaxing delights


imported from Amsterdam

Hudson Valley Style POUGHKEEPSIE LOCATION: The entrance to Donnelly Hall at Marist College (location of the Science Center and Fashion Program), NAME: John Galbraith OCCUPATION: Chemistry professor at Marist College FAVORITE PIECE OF CLOTHING: I like shoes and I like colors. Men’s shoes are always black and brown, so when I see something red or green I buy it. Recently I noticed most of my shoes are Kenneth Cole.

Jennifer May is a frequent contributor to Chronogram. A photogrpaher and writer based in Woodstock, Jen has covered topics for this magazine from food-related pieces to profiles of mushroom hunters, the burgeoning culture of knitting, and ginseng obsessives. Her writing and photography have also appeared in Healing Lifestyles and Spas, Upstate House, Hooked on the Outdoors, and Inspire Your World.








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Brunching in the Valley By Pauline Uchmanowicz Photos By Jennifer May A distant relative of teatime and the midnight snack, brunch remains unique in the culinary family because it straddles meal categories and skews dining hours. A combination of “breakfast” and “lunch” and traditionally designating “a single meal taken late in the morning,” the name of this portmanteau offspring originated in fin de siècle British university slang, as the Oxford English Dictionary tells us. Launched in 1895 by Guy Beringer, writing for Hunter’s Weekly, the following summer Punch picked it up, declaring: “To be fashionable Weekly nowadays we must ‘brunch.’” Americans, apparently, agreed. The trend came of age stateside during the 1930s, popularized by bicoastal film stars who spent Sunday train stopovers brunching in the Pump Room of Chicago’s Ambassador Hotel. A buffet-style incarnation also was born in the United States, glorified by association with special occasions, such as Easter Sunday and Mother’s Day. By 1941, when H. L. Mencken catalogued brunch in American Slang as “served from 11am to 3pm,” the neologism had come to signify lavishness and leisure, typified by the sometime-descriptors “champagne” or “jazz.” Food historians trace the protocols of brunch to aristocrats through the ages who could afford to spend extended time and expense indulging themselves in the pleasures of food. Avatars of Roman emperors and medieval kings fond of daytime feasting surfaced in mid-19th century England, where as a family became richer its breakfasts grew in proportion, reflecting “the power and influence of the British Empire itself,” according to Colin Spencer, author of British Food: An Extraordinary Thousand Years of History History. Precursor to the banquethall buffet table, the sideboard in the morning room was “laden with extra dishes,” an array of choice meats—sliced, chopped, or cutlet; whole legs of ham or tongue; sauce-dipped legs of various fowl; pickled pork, curries, and fried potatoes; hashed or devilled game; croquettes, rissoles, and soups; and savory puddings and gelatins. Brunch items that became staples at American hotels and resorts have their own history. Most famously, Eggs Benedict dates to 19th-century New York City and Delmonico’s (Manhattan’s oldest operating restaurant). Tired of the usual

text & photos by jennifer may


lunch fare, regular Mrs. LeGrand Benedict consulted with the chef, calling for toasted-muffin rounds topped with ham, poached eggs, and hollandaise sauce. Chef David Kamen, associate professor at the Culinary Institute of America and spokesperson for its newly released recipe book Breakfasts & Brunches, traces the hybrid nature of such inventions to the type of diners they attract—later risers who still want breakfast or the midday-meal crowd. Some crave foods sweeter than those served at lunch and dinner; others prefer starting the day with saltier and smokier choices. “Brunch trends follow food trends in general,” says Kamen. “A lot of attention these days is placed on regional cuisines of the world with emphasis on sub-regions. The Mediterranean is a particularly hot area, so we’re using more olives and tomatoes in breakfast and brunch foods. You also see less meat and more whole grains and greens, such as couscous and salads.” Reinventing proverbial dishes, for example ham-and-cheese or Spanish omelets, chefs are using fewer eggs in churning out hearty Italian-inflected frittatas or tortilla española. “We’re taking the flavors and elevating them, and taking ingredients and crossing the bridge to lighter, healthier recipes,” the chef maintains. And though portions are shrinking, carnivore-centered dishes still abound. Naming broiled steak with sautéed mushrooms as his personal favorite from the recent CIA book, he notes, “The shallot-gravy and Yukon gold hash browns make it very brunchy.” For liquid refreshment, fresh-squeezed juices and traditional, celebratory drinks like champagne still reign at brunch tables. But health-smoothies (infused with the likes of mango puree, whole-milk yogurt or amino acids) and blended drinks have swelled the ranks. In the world of coffee and tea, darker, more pronounced roasts as well as leaves flavored with herbs, spices, or citrus have come into vogue. And whether brunch predilections tilt you toward buffet or à la carte dining, traditional or trendy menus, quietude or live music, options at local eateries should please your palate and fulfill your quest for social or intimate ambiance.


BUFFET BRUNCH Mohonk Mountain House 1000 Mountain Rest Road, New Paltz, (845) 255-1000 Sunday, 11am-2pm $39.50 per person, cash bar; $21.50 children ages 4-12

À LA CARTE BRUNCH Locust Tree 215 Huguenot Street, New Paltz, (845) 255-7888 Sunday, 11am-3pm $15 prix fixe; cash bar

Advance reservations are required to partake of brunch in the elegant main dining room of Mohonk Mountain House, a 19th-century grand Victorian castle perched on a Shawangunk overlook surrounded by 2,200 acres of protected wilderness, far and away the most scenic dining destination in the Hudson Valley—and arguably beyond. Though executive chef Arnd Sievers hails from Germany, his kitchen features modern American cuisine emphasizing indigenous ingredients and wholesome seasonal menus. The buffet includes made-to-order omelets; soup, salad, and griddlecake bars; carving and cold fish stations, smoked vegetarian specialties, and assorted desserts. Side dishes such as basil pesto rice add flair.

Housed in an exposed-beam-and-stone 1759 farmhouse, the Locust Tree exudes natural elegance. Styling their restaurant after European country bistros, coowners Robert Khimeche and chef Barbara Bogart have embraced the trend of cooking with fresh, local, and organic produce and meats in creating their seasonal brunch menu. Diners may choose mainstays, such as steak and eggs, or dabble in salmon hash with poached eggs, or crispy duck confit over lentil salad, each main dish accompanied by a glass of juice, muffins, jam, and coffee or tea. The brunch-drink lineup includes four kinds of mimosas, along with whimsical potables like the Bitter Queen (Campari, vodka, and OJ) and the Nervous Breakdown (Vox vodka, Chambord, and cranberry).

Roasted Garlic Dining Room at the Red Hook Country Inn 7460 South Broadway, Red Hook, (845) 758-8445 Sunday, 10am-3pm $20 per person, cash bar

The Emerson at Woodstock 109 Mill Hill Road, Woodstock (845) 679-7500 Saturday & Sunday, 10am-3pm, $8-$17, cash bar

Live jazz music wafts through the Roasted Garlic’s taproom during the weekly all-you-can-enjoy buffet, inaugurated a year ago by co-owners Pat Holden and husband/chef Nabil Ayoub, graduate of the City and Guild of London Institute. From ketchup to caviar, three sides of this rustic Victorian taproom overflow with traditional and trendy brunch foods. In addition to the usual range of eggs, carving-station offerings, and baked goods, steam tables abound with Mediterranean dishes like baba ghanouj, hummus, and falafel, as well as world-cuisine entrées, such as moussaka, Hungarian goulash, and Irish lamb stew. House specialties include vegan soups, oatmeal, and scones served with clotted creams.

A pastiche of opulent and rustic accents, the Emerson has recently relocated to a 19th-century Woodstock farmhouse. This luxurious yet snug, affable bistro features American comfort food with a gourmet twist as styled by young and inventive CIA grad Jessica Winchell. An advocate of local and sustainable purveyors (sometimes supplying eggs from her own at-home coops), Winchell’s ingredients may come from nearby RSK Farm (heirloom potatoes and greens) or Fed-Exed from California’s Niman Ranch, producers of grass-fed beef. Limited and focused, her scrumptious egg dishes include Maryland Benedict (poached eggs on crab cakes with Choron sauce) as well as a Florentine variation. Vegetarian tofu and shiitake scramble, selected griddlecakes, and sides such as apple wood-smoked bacon complete the breakfast offerings. 4/06 CHRONOGRAM.COM FOOD & DRINK 71


Red Dot 321 Warren St, Hudson (518) 828-3657 Sunday, 11am-3pm / $8-$15, cash bar According to Alana Hauptmann, co-owner and brunch bartender at this funky Hudson bistro, Red Dot’s Bloody Marys are legendary (due to a special ingredient Hauptmann won’t divulge), and several local specialty foods retailers have offered to market the mix, a possibility Hauptmann is seriously considering. Aside from killer Bloody Marys and a lively atmosphere and witty waitstaff, Red Dot is known for its take on Eggs Benedict, which pairs the classic poached-egg dish with potato latkes. According to Hauptmann, when Red Dot started serving brunch six years ago, their chef at the time had deep Jewish culinary roots, “and the latkes have been a big hit ever since.” Other offerings include omelets, potato latkes with apple-pear compote and sour cream, challah French toast with orange-butter batter served with berries and cream, and a Duck Trap smoked salmon plate. Main Course 232 Main Street, New Paltz (845) 255-2600 Sunday, 9:30am-4pm / $8-$12, cash bar: wine and beer only Main Course has always emphasized local ingredients in its cuisine, but according to owner and executive chef Bruce Kazan, the restaurant has placed a premium recently on attempting to source as much of its food as possible in the region. This includes organic eggs from Million Dollar Farm in New Paltz, maple syrup from Russell Farms in Rhinebeck, and sausage and nitrate-free bacon from Western Massachusetts. At press time, Kazan was in the process of changing the brunch menu at Main Course for an early April rollout and was unwilling to divulge what its future contents might be, but judging by past offerings like breakfast polenta with poached eggs, red-chili hollandaise and andiulle sausage, and the “LA Omelet” (gruyere, herbs, and shitake mushrooms), expect innovative takes on the traditional. The restaurant is also in the process of creating a wine bar featuring inventive wine drinks with herbs and aromatics. The French Corner 3407 Cooper Street, Stone Ridge (845) 687-0810 Sunday, 10am-3pm / $8-$23, cash bar Though Jacques Qualin serves some dishes you would expect for brunch—waffles with red fruit, buttermilk pancakes, a variety of omelets, French toast (made from brioche)—this chef from France’s Jura mountains veers clearly away from typical home fries-and-ketchup fare, balancing out his breakfast offerings with Sunday afternoon supper dishes like house-made country pate, roasted salmon, and hanger steak with fingerling potatoes. Leslie Flam, co-owner of the French Corner with her husband, Qualin, describes their brunch as “a three-course meal that’s more like dinner,” including dessert, whether it’s the simple cheese plate, chocolate mousse cake, or creme brulee, made with either black currants or cranberries. 23 Broadway 23 Broadway, Kingston (845) 339-2322 Sunday, 12-4pm / $8-$17, cash bar While you can order of their inventive and extensive tapas menu on Sunday mornings if you’re hankering for a mini-buffet of Spanish-style delicacies, 23 Broadway employs a secret weapon on its brunch menu you may want to try—duck eggs. According to chef Rich Reeves, the organic duck eggs he serves with his butcher’s style braised short ribs and fries are a quack above chicken eggs. “Duck eggs are bigger and have more luxurious yolks than regular eggs,” says Reeves, who also serves them in Eggs Benedict and poached atop a crab cake. 72 FOOD & DRINK CHRONOGRAM.COM 4/06

tastings directory BAKERIES The Alternative Baker

Pad Thai Catering

“The Village Baker of the Rondout.” 100%

Delicious, affordable, and authentic Thai cuisine

Scratch Bakery. Stickybuns, Scones, Muffins,

served with authentic Thai hospitality to your group

Breads, Focaccia, Tartes, Tortes, Seasonal

of six or more. Lunch or dinner served in your

Desserts featuring local produce, plus Sugar-

home by Chef & Owner Nuch Chaweewan. Please

free, Wheat-free, Dairy-free, Vegan, Gluten-

call (845) 687-2334 for prices and information.

free, and Organic Treats! Cakes and Wedding Cakes by Special Order. We ship our Lemon


Cakes nationwide, $30 2-pound bundts.

Healthy Gourmet to Go

Open Thurs. -Mon. 8am-6pm; Sun. 8am-4pm.

(845 ) 339-7171. See Vegan

Closed Tue. and Wed. Well Worth The Trip! 35

Lifestyle in the Whole Living Directory.

Broadway, at the historic waterfront district, Kingston. (845) 331-5517 or (800) 399-3589.


NATURAL FOOD MARKETS Beacon Natural Market Lighting the Way for a Healthier World... Located in the heart of historic Beacon at 348 Main Street. Featuring organic prepared foods deli & juice bar,

On and off-premise catering. Sophisticated

as well as organic and regional produce, meats

Zagat-rated food and atmosphere in a rustic

and cheeses. Newly opened in Aug. ‘05, propri-

country setting - wide plank floors, rough hewn

etors L.T. & Kitty Sherpa are dedicated to serving

beams and a stunning zinc bar. Chef-owner

the Hudson Valley with a complete selection of

Erickson’s Mediterranean cuisine has garnered

products that are good for you and good for the

praise from Gourmet and New York Magazines

planet, including an extensive alternative health

to Hudson Valley Magazine (Best Tapas in the

dept. Nutritionist on staff. (845) 838-1288.

pike, Woodstock, NY 12498. (845) 679-8519.

Ladybird Home Catering Fresh, Seasonal, Balanced Meals Delivered to your Home. It’s the newest solution for your “what’s for dinner?” problems. Feast your eyes on Ladybird’s new sensational menus on line every week. Affordable Catering, Beautiful Party Platters and Gift Certificates available. Chef/ Owner Tanya L. Lopez. Visit us at: www.lady Tel: (845) 568.7280 Email:


Blue Mountain Bistro Catering Co.

Hudson Valley 2004). 1633 Glasco Turn-

���������������������������� ������������������������������������� ��� ������� �������������������������������� ������������

PASTA La Bella Pasta Fresh pasta made locally. Large variety of ravioli, tortellini, pastas, and sauces at the factory outlet. We manufacture and deliver our excellent selection of pastas to fine restaurants, gourmet shops, and caterers throughout the Hudson Valley. Call for our full product list and samples. Open to the public Mon. - Fri. 10am to 6pm, Sat. 11am to 3pm. Located on Route 28W between Kingston and Woodstock. (845) 331-9130.



tastings 74


PUBS Snapper Magee’s Heralded as having “the best jukebox in the Hudson Valley” by the Poughkeepsie Journal, The Kingston Times, and Scenery Magazine. Snapper Magee’s is the Switzerland of pubs, a rock & roll oasis where everyone is welcome. Daily happy hour specials from 4-7 weekdays

Halibut, or Braised Beef Short Ribs. And for dessert, Maple Mascarpone Cheesecake. Private parties, families, children welcome. New Hours 5 nights a week, closed Mondays and Tuesdays, dinner from 5pm - 10pm. We no longer serve brunch on weekends. Call or visit our website (845) 255-1426.

and noon-2 on weekends. Always open late. 59

Catamount Restaurant

N. Front Street, Kingston, NY. (845) 339-3888.

Located near Phoenicia and Woodstock, the


Catamount Restaurant has been a locals and visitors favorite for years. Experience the

23 Broadway

pastoral beauty of the surrounding Catskills as

A wine-friendly bistro with creative Mediterra-

you dine creekside in the warm, inviting dining

nean cuisine. Chef Rich Reeve has developed

room. Chef Mike Fichtel and his team have

a menu featuring Spanish tapas, fine steaks,

created a locally-inspired menu that features

fresh seafood and pastas. In a restored historic

perfectly seasoned steaks and chops, creatively

building with exposed brick walls, brass-top

prepared fish and poultry and several vegetar-

bar, and a glass-enclosed, temperature-con-

ian dishes. And don’t miss the desserts created

trolled wine room. This is a casual, cool spot

from the Emerson Bakery. “The Cat,” as locals

with big, bright, bold flavors, Zagat rated, and a

call it, has a full bar including a great selection

CIA destination restaurant (SoHo and Kings-

of local and regional micro-brews and interna-

ton). Dinner Wed. through Sun.; Brunch Sun.

tional wines that can be enjoyed next to one of, 23 Broadway, Kingston.

our two large stone fireplaces. Panoramic views

(845) 339-2322.

are the signature of The Cat, a perfect location

Agra Tandoor Restaurant Now open: “The Area’s Finest Indian Cuisine.” Open seven days a week with $7.95 lunch specials and $6.95 take-out boxes. BYOB. Open for Lunch: 12-2:30pm and Dinner: 4:30-10pm. Saturday and Sunday Brunch: 12-3pm. Buffet 9 South, Rhinebeck, NY. (845) 876-7510.

pavilion. The Catamount is open for dinner Wed.-Sat. 5pm to 10pm and Sunday from 12pm to 8pm. Call (845) 688-2828 for reservations.

The Emerson at Woodstock Experience Woodstock’s newest, hottest restaurant. Chef Jessica Winchell uses her

Aroma Osteria

creative talents with a menu celebrating the

114 Old Post Road, Wappingers Falls, NY

Hudson Valley’s bounty of fresh, seasonal

12590. (845) 298-6790.

ingredients. Local trout and other wild fish,

Beso Located on Main St. in the heart of New Paltz is Beso, formerly The Loft. Spanish for “kiss,” Beso offers casual fine dining by owners Chef Chadwick Greer and Tammy Ogletree. Fresh, modern American cuisine, seasonally inspired by local Hudson Valley farmers. Get cozy in the intimate dining room under skylights and glowing candlelit tables, or sit at the bar for a more casual experience. Housemade pastas like Acorn Squash Raviolis, Hazelnut Crusted


Dinner on Wednesdays: 5-9:30pm. 5856 Route

for weddings and banquets under the outdoor

grass-fed poultry and meats, and small-farm produce highlight a menu that changes with the seasons. The Emerson features two dining atmospheres, the romantic Riseley Room or the more spirited Rick’s Bistro, with one menu featuring a wide array of selections, including several vegetarian options. And wine director Finn Anson has hand-picked the Emerson’s wines, appropriate for any occasion and budget. The Emerson is available for birthdays/ anniversaries, corporate parties and other occasions. Open for dinner, Tue.-Sun. 5:30pm



to 10pm (9pm Sun.), brunch Sat. & Sun. 10am to 3pm. Call (845) 679-7500 for reservations. woodstock.

The French Corner Chef Jacques Qualin, former NY Times critically acclaimed chef of Le Perigord in NYC, impresses with his innovative style of cuisine which cleverly combines ingredients typical of his native Franche-Comtè, France with the sumptuous ingredients available from the Hudson Valley. All of The French Corner recipes are made on premise by Chef Jacques including the breads, pastries, and desserts. Route 213 West, just off Route 209, Stone Ridge. Dinner-Wednesday through Sunday from 5 pm, Prix Fixe $25 available every evening. Brunch Sundays from 11am. Tel: (845) 687-0810. Web:

Fresh Company At our kitchen in the Hudson Highlands, we gather great local and imported ingredients for events and pocketbooks of all


sizes, from grand affairs to dropoff parties. True to our name, we emphasize the freshest, finest ingredients, because great food is the spark that ignites a convivial gathering. Our style is reflected in meals that encourage hospitality and leisure at the table, the elemental enjoyment of eating and drinking well. Garrison NY. Tel: (845) 424-8204.

Gilded Otter A warm and inviting dining room and pub overlooking beautiful sunsets over the Wallkill River and Shawangunk Cliffs. Mouthwatering dinners prepared by Executive Chef Larry Chu, and handcrafted beers brewed by GABF Gold Medal Winning Brewmaster Darren Currier. Chef driven & brewed locally! 3 Main St., New Paltz. (845) 256-1700.

Hana Sushi Best authentic sushi in the Hudson Valley! Superb Japanese sushi chefs serve the best authentic sushi with extended Dining Area. Sit at the counter or tables and enjoy all your favorites from Chicken Teriyaki and Udon to Yellowtail and Special rolls. 76


Eat-in, take-out, and private room is available. Hours: Tuesday-Friday Lunch 11:30am-2: 30pm. Monday-Thursday Dinner 5-9pm. Friday Dinner 5-10pm. Saturday Dinner 4:30-10pm. 7270 South Broadway, Red Hook, NY. (845) 758-4333.

Hickory BBQ Smokehouse Located on historic Route 28 between Kingston and Woodstock, Hickory offers diners Hudson Valley’s finest barbecue and smokehouse cuisine such as ribs, pulled pork, smoked beef, fish and free-range chicken. Whether enjoying your meal by the fireplace in Hickory’s three-star dining room or sipping a cocktail at the wood bar, Hickory’s staff is trained to make you feel as comfortable as you would at home. Hickory also features several vegetarian options, steaks, homemade desserts, happy hour specials, a complete take-out menu, and catering and special events in our private dining room. You can enjoy live music featuring the area’s hottest bands on Friday


and Saturday nights. Open daily for lunch and dinner. 743 Route 28 (3.5 miles from NYS Thruway Exit 19). (845) 338-2424. Email:

Joyous Café Is it any wonder that Joyous Café is the most exciting new eating experience in Kingston? Whether it’s Breakfast, Lunch, or Sunday Brunch, the wonderfully prepared food and attentive service are outstanding. Open Monday through Friday 8 am - 4 pm. Sunday Brunch 9 am- 2 pm. Serving Dinner evenings of UPAC events. 608 Broadway, in The Heart of Broadway Theater Square, Kingston. (845) 3349441.

Kyoto Sushi 337 Washington Ave, Kingston, NY 12401. (845) 339-1128.

Luna 61 “Best Vegetarian Restaurant.” – Hudson Valley Magazine. “Food is simply delicious, four stars.” –Poughkeepsie Journal. “Imagine spicy Thai noodles, delicate spring rolls, and the best banana cream pie you’ve ever eaten. Join the Culinary Revolution.”



–Dutchess Magazine. Luna 61 is relaxed and funky, candlelit tables, cozy and romantic. Organic wine and beer. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday: 5-9pm. Friday and Saturday: 5-10pm. Now Accepting Credit Cards. 61 East Market Street, Red Hook, New York 12571. Tel: (845) 758-0061.

Machu Picchu Peruvian Restaurant The only authentic Peruvian restaurant in Orange County, NY. Family owned and operated since 1990. Serving the community traditional dishes from the mountains and coast of Peru. Trained in Peru, our chefs make authentic dishes come alive. Wine list available. Serving Lunch and Dinner Sunday through Thursday 10am10pm and Friday & Saturday 10am-11pm. Closed Tuesday. 301 Broadway, Newburgh. (845) 562-6478. Web:

Main Course Four-star, award-winning, contemporary American cuisine


serving organic, natural, and free-range Hudson Valley products. Open Lunch and Dinner Tuesday - Sunday & Sunday Brunch. Wednesday and Thursday nights, food & wine pairing menu available. Voted “Best Caterer in the Hudson Valley.” 232 Main Street, New Paltz. (845) 255-2600. Visit our Web site at

Marcel’s Restaurant Casual and comfortable dining, warm country inn atmosphere. Price range $13.95 - $32.95. Now offering daily 4-Course Prix Fixe specials starting at $15.95. House specialties: Pate Du Jour, Duck Laprousse Grand Marnier, Coquilles St. Jaques, and Filet Tournedos. Marcel’s is proud to announce it is celebrating 33 years of fine food and service. Check out our web site for our seasonal menu@marcelrestau or to check the date of our next jazz night. We have a complete take-out menu, and catering is available. We have also recently added a vegetarian menu and a young guest menu. Our hours of operation are Thursday-Monday 5-10pm.



Sundays 3-9pm. Located at 1746 Route 9W, West Park, New York. Call (845) 384-6700 to place an order or to make a reservation.

Mexican Radio 537 Warren St, Hudson, NY 12534. (518) 828-7770.

Monster Taco When you have a hunger that only Mexican food can satisfy, visit Monster Taco. With fresh food, reasonable prices, and a funky atmosphere, there’s no doubt you’ll keep coming back to feed the monster. Open for lunch and dinner. 260 North Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601. 845-452-3375.

Neko Sushi & Restaurant Voted “Best Sushi” Restaurant by Chronogram readers and rated four stars by Poughkeepsie Journal. Serving lunch & dinner daily. Eat-in or Take-Out. We offer many selections of Sushi & Sashimi, an extensive variety of special rolls & kitchen dishes. Live lobster prepared daily. Parking in rear available. Sun.-Thur. 12-10pm; Fri. & Sat. 12-11pm. Major credit cards accepted. 49 Main Street in the Village of New Paltz. Tel: (845) 255-0162.

OII Food. Tapas. Wine. Gallery. Catering. The newly opened OII in historic Beacon has wide appeal. Dine on contemporary American fusion cuisine in the elegant yet casual dining room while admiring the work of local artists. Sample a medley of tapas and wine at the bar. Call for your off-premise catering needs. 240 Main Street Beacon, NY 12508. Serving Dinner Sunday-Thursday 5-9pm; Friday and Saturday 5-10pm. Closed Mondays. Reservations recommended. Tel: (845) 231-


1084. Web:

Osaka Japanese Restaurant Want to taste the best Sushi in the Hudson Valley? Osaka Restaurant is the place. Vegetarian dishes available. Given four stars by the Daily Freeman. 8 Garden St., Rhinebeck. (845) 876-7338 or (845) 876-7278. Visit our second location at 74 Broadway, Tivoli. (845) 757-5055.

Pastorale Bistro & Bar Eat up, Dress down in this hip country bistro. High quality, sophisticated cooking that could fit in anywhere, says the New York Times. Serving updated bistro classics in a 1760’s colonial. Bar with signature cocktails, lively ambience. Tuesday-Saturday dinner. Brunch & Dinner on Sundays 12-8pm. Summer Patio. Private dining for up to 50. 223 Main Street (Rt. 44), Lakeville, CT 06093. (860) 435-1011.

Plaza Diner Established 1969. One of the finest family restaurants in the area. Extensive selection of entrees and daily specials, plus children’s menu. Everything prepared fresh daily. Private room for parties & conferences up to 50 people. Open 24/7. 27 New Paltz Plaza, New Paltz. Exit 18 off NYS Thruway. (845) 255-1030.

Soul Dog Featuring a variety of hot dogs, including preservative-free and vegetarian hot dogs, chili, soup, sides, desserts & many gluten-free items prepared in-house. Open for lunch Mon.Fri. 11am-4pm. Redefining the hot dog experience! 107 Main Street, Poughkeepsie, New York. (845) 454-3254.

Wasabi Japanese Restaurant 807 Warren Street, Hudson, New York, 12534. Open 7 days a week. Tel: (518) 822-1888.



tastings 80




whole living 


I met Mary Riley on a snowy morning in Kingston, during a quiet break in her round-the-clock profession of helping women and their families through the hoops of childbearing. Over a span of two decades she has assisted over a thousand births; even as we talked, the invisible helplines of cell phone and beeper linked her to two mothers in early labor. Parents, midwives, nurses, and doctors describe Riley as remarkably gifted, an angel, a great teacher. Her calling is to restore childbirth to an empowering rite-of-passage for the mother, and to deeply weave the new family’s bond by modeling nurturance, patience, and respect. Riley is a doula, a term borrowed from Greek meaning “female servant.” If you’ve never heard of a doula, you’re not alone. A doula is not a midwife, though their roles overlap somewhat. Both monitor a mother’s and baby’s well-being during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. But midwives are trained medically to do clinical tests and interventions, and vary in the time they spend with a laboring mother. Doulas give continual one-on-one attention and don’t intervene medically; in fact, they reduce the need for doing so. Randomized clinical studies have documented that a doula’s help lowered the C-section rate by 50 percent, forceps deliveries by 40 percent, and requests for epidurals by 60 percent. Significant postpartum benefits included lower rates of maternal anxiety and depression and greater breastfeeding success. Some of the Hudson Valley’s certified doulas (CD) recently spoke with me about their profession (apologies to those who aren’t quoted here!). Read on even if you aren’t planning a baby anytime soon, because a doula’s services make a fantastic gift.

WHAT DOULAS DO A doula builds a relationship with her client (and partner or other relevant family members) as pregnancy progresses to understand the particular wishes of the woman and family for the birthing experience. Once labor begins, the doula stays with the mother at home, a birthing center, or a hospital (and helps her move among these as needed), offering physical and emotional support both to the mother and also as needed among other family or friends in attendance. A doula also visits the family

after the birth to ease the transition to life with a newborn (“postpartum doulas” specialize in this). When Deborah and John Schachter of Woodstock were expecting their first child, says Deborah, “almost everyone in this area said I must use a doula. I was a little skeptical. I thought, is this a Woodstock thing? I hadn’t heard of a doula, and I didn’t want to fall for the hype.” But they took a childbirth class taught by Mary Riley, and John was impressed that “a friend who had used Mary said she couldn’t imagine having a baby without her.” So they hired her. Deborah’s uneventful pregnancy evolved into a five-day labor with complications (low amniotic fluid volume), which headed her down the path toward a C-section. “Mary explained the problems,” John says, “and helped us understand what our options were. I could ask her opinion because of her experience.” Deborah says “Mary helped me be confident that I could have a baby—me, not the doctor—and helped us discern what the doctors were saying, and have the confidence to wait a little on a decision and work with the natural process. I really think we might have had a C-section if she wasn’t there.” Not only did they avoid that, John says, “Mary made the experience the closest thing you’re going to get to magic”—even with five days of labor. A doula’s forte during labor is drug-free and intervention-free support, using a host of strategies, to ease a laboring woman’s pain and anxiety (but she also remains a faithful ally for a woman who needs or elects for medical assistance, acting as liaison to doctors and nurses). Riley especially encourages women to trust their animal instincts to discover how and when to move or to rest; to make sounds or be silent; to be open to others’ attention or turn deeply inward. She has used animal imagery to help a woman work with her energy to keep the labor progressing, and encourages going outdoors to be in a natural setting during labor if possible, “to bring out that basic earth connection and the space to find out what she needs to do to have that baby.” Or she might lie beside the woman for hours. “My job is to help create a safe environment so the laboring mother can go into deeper and deeper levels inside herself in order to do this,” explains Riley. “It’s very powerful stuff, and it’s an individual

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Tees, Long Sleeve Tees, Baby Tees, Long Sleeve Baby Tees, Hoodies. Design by David Perry. Printing by Circulation. Garments by American Apparel.


journey for each mom and her partner.” Doula Liz Pickett joins a woman in labor at home to help her stay out of the hospital (if she wants the birth there) for as long as possible. “If you’ve never had a baby before, you may not understand that ‘uncomfortable contractions’ doesn’t mean you’re in active labor. But I’ll know when it’s time to head for the hospital.” By contrast, “doctors often encourage a woman to come in right away. But once she’s there, the medical management impedes the progress of labor. Then a doctor might make a diagnosis of ‘failure to progress’ [which can prompt C-section] based on the woman’s perception of when she thinks her labor started.” At the hospital, a woman’s doula is most attuned to her specific needs and can advocate for her in ways that might seem minor but can be a godsend to a woman in labor. Pickett describes a case when “a nurse wanted to get a 20-minute recording from a fetal monitor [which goes around the mother’s belly with an elastic belt]. I was able to at least get the nurse to wait until a contraction was over.” Another client was made to sit in a wheelchair when she arrived at the hospital. “She couldn’t talk, but I could tell she really didn’t want the chair moving during contractions. So I whispered into the orderly’s ear, ‘Can you please just stop until the contraction is over?’ And he did.” Pickett also devises a code word for “pain medication” with each client, because “it’s a release and a coping mechanism for her to say she’s in pain. We want her to be able to do that without the anesthesiologist coming down the hallway waving the epidural. I can help her change positions, get into the shower, or do other things until she says that code word and really means it.”

that we need to rearrange the priorities.” Dr. Dean Bloch, an OB/GYN at the Women’s Care Center in Rhinebeck and Kingston, appreciates a doula’s presence as a go-between who has the “trust of the patient and an existing relationship, so she can talk with the woman and her partner about clinical situations. If labor slows down, for example, the doula can help the patient understand the medical aspects without being threatening.” If pushing the baby out has been going on more than two hours, “legal and medical standards require the doctor to discuss the risks and benefits [of continued pushing or C-section] at that point. I may not be able to connect to where the parents are at that moment, and it can take time for them to digest the situation.” The doula helps them do that. While many mothers have midwife-assisted births, Suzanne Berger (a midwife at the Women’s Care Center) says “everyone deserves a midwife and a doula. There are many ways we act as a team for the birthing mother. I have found that women who had a lot of fear about birth, or had a previous birth that was far from their expectations, really needed the one-on-one attention that I could not always provide. And when a mother’s mind goes into a place of fear, or they have a history of abuse, the doula can really help.” Berger and Riley have worked together in VBAC (vaginal birth after Caesarian) deliveries, combining extra medical observation and deep personal support. “We had a woman who previously had two C-sections, but really felt she could push her next baby out. We allowed her to be up and moving around, and she pushed out a baby that was a pound bigger than her others.”



A doula boosts a mother’s—and everyone else’s—confidence, faith, and patience with the natural process of childbirth. Often she advocates for a mother’s wishes to hold off on medical interventions. “You don’t just hand yourself over and become a victim [of medical interventions],” says Riley. “In any situation, as long as the baby and the mom are okay, you really have the right to take all the time in the world. There are some really good medical practitioners in this area, but certain things have to be offered because of insurance protocol or hospital protocol. So it’s up to us as consumers to know how to navigate that.” It may sound like a doula and medical staff are at odds, but they often work extremely well together. Pam Rhoades, a labor and delivery nurse for 25 years and Director of Women’s Services at Northern Dutchess Hospital in Rhinebeck (home of the Neugarten Family Birth Center), says a doula “takes a tremendous amount of stress off the nurses. When we have three or four labor patients, we don’t have as much time to sit with each one like a doula can. And if there are medical issues and the clinical aspects kick in, a doula can say to the mother

A doula does not supplant the birthing mother’s partner or family members invited to participate, but actually helps them stay in the process. “Some first-time parents don’t recognize the need for a doula because they expect others like doctors and nurses to step in,” says doula Nancy McDaid, “or they expect the husband is really going to help. But many of them are shell-shocked.” John Schachter, like many first-time fathers, says, “I was so naïve about what to expect. I thought we would take classes, I would be able to help her breathe, say ‘push’ at the right time—but I had no idea what an amazing, intense experience this would be. In reality, I didn’t know how to help my wife facilitate the process of birth. I wouldn’t have known how to propose positions, use massage, ask for different pillows, get in the shower—all the things the doula did were invaluable for Deborah in dealing with pain.” “A lot of pressure is put on a woman’s partner,” Riley concurs. “They go to a few weeks of childbirth class and now they’re supposed to go into the most amazing and biggest event of their entire life and know how to care for her, say the right thing,

advocate for her? They don’t know what to do.” Doulas strive to create a positive, memorable connection among mother and partner (or friends or family) during the birth. She perceives how everyone is doing and will rescue a stymied relative by suggesting specific ways to help—where to touch, massage, hold. Riley very much encourages partners to be present. “The dads or partners gain a respect for what the mother can do, and it creates a tremendous bond that helps in the parenting role later. Often I’ll have the partner catch the baby. I had a dad who just fell on his knees weeping with the power of that life force coming into his hands.” These efforts to facilitate a phenomenal shared event is another aspect of doulas that make them unique. Susanrachel Condon of River and Mountain Women’s Health (with Susan Rannestad and Cari Naftali) enjoys that aspect immensely. “When you’ve done hundreds of births as we have, you’re more invested in being there for the family than just being at the birth.” She notes that “a lot of families in the area are staying home to have their kids.” The trio provides midwife and/or doula services for completely at-home births or hospital births. Postpartum doulas work their magic with the new families. Mavis Gewant typically visits a family for a few hours each day during the first few weeks after birth. “We find that many new mothers are nervous, so we give a lot of support. We listen nonjudgmentally and compassionately because, even with an ideal birth, women need to process the experience and talk about it.” Gewant also offers lactation education, cares for the baby, does laundry, prepares meals, runs errands (or stays in so the partner can), plays with older children, and boosts confidence within the family. The Hudson Valley has many doulas at your service. Several are listed below; and birthing centers, midwives, and doctors can help with referrals. Note that a doula might also call herself a birthing assistant or birthing guide; conversely, some women call themselves “doula” without being certificated. So ask about training, experience, references, and perspectives to understand what each can offer.



THE MORE MORAL MAJORITY? Religious people working for social change in the Hudson Valley In the run-up to the 2004 presidential election, Mike Ignatowski, a research engineer with IBM, was feeling “increasingly concerned that a narrow group on the religious right was defining what it meant to be a religious, spiritual, and even a moral person.” So he helped organize a group of “spiritual progressives” from the Hudson Valley and New York City who called themselves Interfaith Voices, designed bright yellow T-shirts with symbols of all the major religions, and wore them in a march past the Republican Convention “to promote a positive and compassionate set of moral priorities. Coming together in that was a very encouraging and uplifting experience,” he says. Mike, age 48 and father of two, is an energetic man who lives in Red Hook, evaluates designs for future computer systems in his day job in Poughkeepsie, and chairs one of the area’s most active spiritually based social action groups across the river in Kingston. Together, he and I interviewed leaders of a number of progressive religious groups in the Hudson Valley that are promoting social change. We wanted to discover what it means to be both religious (or spiritual) and in favor of the kinds of social justice, peace, and environmental causes associated with the left. Father Frank Alagna of St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church in Staatsburg has worked for decades for social justice. With members of seven churches in Staatsburg, Hyde Park, and Poughkeepsie, he runs the Justice for All Speakers Forum. He approves of national campaigns by left-wing religious leaders such as Rev. Jim Wallis and Wallis’s evangelical Sojourners movement and Call for Renewal, which lobbied Congress last year for “a moral budget.” But Alagna feels we need “more powerful prophetic voices in the churches.” He says that most Christians see the importance of charitable work for the needy, but do not appreciate that social justice is equally promoted in the scriptures. The Christian Right, he argues, is “a violation of Christianity” for failing to attend to social inequities that nurture poverty. Veteran TV and movie actor Gerrit Graham volunteered to help with Justice for All after attending two of the forums. “I am not by any sort of normal definition a religious person,” he says. “I have a spiritual life, but that’s between me and the all86 WHOLE LIVING GUIDE CHRONOGRAM.COM 4/06

By Dave Belden Photos by Dion Ogust

knowing unknowable, and the group doesn’t ask.” Graham will play God in “J.B.,” a Pulitzer-winning play by Archibald MacLeish that will be performed at Rhinebeck’s Center for the Performing Arts on April 20-23, as a fundraiser for Justice for All. Satan will be played by Bruce Chilton, who is Bernard Iddings Bell Professor of Religion at Bard College and a priest at The Free Church of St. John in Barrytown. Woodstock poet and Chronogram poetry editor Phillip Levine will play Job. Graham says the play, based on the life of Job, gives a contemporary message of redemption through love. “In the 2000 and 2004 elections, ‘liberal’ became a devalued and empty term. A byproduct of Justice For All’s work is that it shows that liberals are not all pointy-headed intellectuals who disdain any notion of the spiritual life.” What does the spiritual life add to secular left politics? Ask Rev. Herbie Rogers of the New Progressive Baptist Church in Kingston and he will tell you stories of working with street people in the roughest parts of Kingston, Newburgh, and Albany, as well as the local prisons. Rogers was once well known on Kingston’s streets as the crack addict in a wheelchair. He went to County Jail 86 times until “I went to prison in ’95. I hit bottom. I was skinnier than my thumb.” In prison he tried the Muslims and the 12-step groups, but it was the Baptists who “quickened my spirit.” He found Jesus and turned his life around. Now, in his ministry, he is distressed at how little the government helps people in need. “Coming out of prison, a person gets a $40 check and welfare says it takes 45 days to activate their case. What are they going to do?” Rogers says that a booklet called Coming Back to Ulster County “has been real helpful to my ministry,” because it lists all the available resources for returning prisoners. The booklet was produced by the Restorative Justice group of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Catskills (UUCC) in Kingston. The group has campaigned for many years on criminal justice issues and the booklet was developed as one of several initiatives of the congregation’s Social Action Committee (chaired by Mike Ignatowski). Environmental campaigns are another major focus of the Committee.


Intriguingly for the possibilities of religious/secular alliances, Ignatowski has a broad and nontraditional understanding of what “spiritual” means. For him, it “involves a search for meaning and purpose in life, a focus on ethical behavior, and realizing that you are part of something much, much bigger than yourself. Some people expand this definition to include a focus on God or a supernatural force, but it’s not a necessary part of being spiritual.” Darlene Kelley, pastor of Kingston’s Clinton Avenue United Methodist Church, works with Rev. Rogers on a teen program. “This country is very wealthy and doesn’t take care of the poor,” she says. “If Jesus was in the flesh today he would certainly not be in Washington having dinner with the Right. He’d be with the least among us.” Kelley was a bartender and an actress for many years before studying for the ministry. She likes the work of Rabbi Michael Lerner (of Berkeley, California), whose Network of Spiritual Progressives aims to pull together religious and “spiritual but not religious” people to work for social justice nationally. When she heard that Ignatowski and I were starting a local chapter of the network, she was eager to attend its first meeting on April 26 (see below). Rev. Richard Witt is also interested in the meeting. He says he is so busy running the interfaith Rural and Migrant Ministries of Poughkeepsie that it’s hard to make contacts outside his field. Witt has been working to build a statewide network of faith communities, trade unions, and student groups to support justice for farm workers. In recent years, the campaign has achieved laws to require drinking water and sanitation for workers in the fields, inclusion of farm workers in the minimum wage, and convictions last year of labor contractors for enslaving rural workers. He says he knows he is getting somewhere when a 15-year-old farm worker marching for justice in Albany thinks, “Wow, these gringos are here marching with me.” Rural and Migrant Ministries is making this May the first Farmworker Solidarity Month. Local congregations and citizens are invited to pray for farm workers during May and to engage in solidarity vigils, actions, and liturgy with them. The kickoff rally will be in Monticello, April 30 at 2pm. Citing such examples as these, Ignatowski says, “We have a growing local movement of spiritual progressives that we can be proud of.” He found inspiration in the leading role played by local ministers in presiding over same sex marriages, one of which his family attended in New Paltz last year. “This was a wonderful example of a movement completely led at the grassroots level. We’re living through some historical times, similar in many ways to the civil rights movement in the 1960s.” A meeting for all those interested in starting a regional network of spiritual progressives will be held in New Paltz Town Hall, April 26 at 7:30pm. For information, e-mail or, or call (845) 687-4699. David Belden is a freelance writer living in Accord. His Oxford University doctorate is in the sociology of religion. He has written more than 40 columns on faith and politics for Local Resources: Justice for All Speakers Forum: UUCC: Rural Migrant Ministries: Faith Communities for Social Justice: National Resources: The Network of Spiritual Progressives: Faithful America: Sojourners: 4/06 CHRONOGRAM.COM WHOLE LIVING GUIDE 87

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whole living directory

Acupuncture Health Care, PC Peter Dubitsky, L.Ac., Callie Brown, L.Ac., and Leslie Wiltshire, L.Ac. Mr. Dubitsky is a faculty member and the Director of Clinical Training at the Tri-State College of Acupuncture, and a member of the NY State Board for Acupuncture. Ms. Brown and Ms. Wiltshire each have years of acupuncture experience in private practice and in medical offices. We are all highly experienced, national board certified, NYS Licensed acupuncturists. We combine traditional Asian acupuncture techniques with a modern understanding of acupuncture and oriental medicine to provide effective treatments of acute and chronic pain conditions, and other medical disorders. In addition to our general practice we also offer a Low Cost Acupuncture Clinic which is available for all people who meet our low income guidelines. 108 Main Street, New Paltz, NY 12561, Phone 255-7178. Stephanie Ellis, LAc, Chinese Herbalist Ms. Ellis is a magna cum laude graduate of Columbia University in pre-medical studies and has been practicing acupuncture in Rosendale since 2001. In 2003 she completed postgraduate work in the study of classical Chinese herbal medicine. Ms. Ellis trained at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center for the treatment of cancer patients with acupuncture. Ms. Ellis also has special training in infertility treatment, facial acupuncture and chronic pain. Her new, expanded location is at the medical offices of Rosendale Family Practice. Evening and weekend hours and sliding scale rates. Phone consultations available. 110 Creek Locks Road, Rosendale. (845) 546-5358. Hoon J. Park, MD, PC For the past 16 years, Dr. Hoon J. Park has been practicing a natural and gentle approach to pain management for conditions such as arthritis, chronic and acute pain in neck, back, and legs, fibromyalgia, motor vehicle and work-related injuries, musculoskeletal disorders, and more by integrating physical therapy modalities along with acupuncture. Dr. Hoon Park is a board certified physician in physical medicine and rehabilitation, pain medicine, and electrodiagnostic studies. His experienced, friendly staff offer the most comprehensive and individualized rehabilitative care available. Please call the office to arrange a consultation. New patients and most



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ART THERAPY Deep Clay with Michelle Rhodes, ATR-BC, LMSW See Psychotherapy.

ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTING Eric Francis Astrological Consultations by Phone. Special discount on follow-ups for previous clients from the Hudson Valley. (206) 854-3931. Lots to explore on the Web at Essential Astrology Free Astrology Consultation. Call with a question and I’ll give you a free 15 minute consultation to introduce you to my work and to the helpfulness of the Western and Vedic astrological traditions. Penny Seator, Essential Astrology. 518-678-3282.

BODY & SKIN CARE Absolute Laser, LLC The leaders in innovative skin care are now offering the Biomedic Facial. A gentle, clinical, deep cleansing facial, for all skin types. Absolute Laser offers commitment to beautiful skin through outstanding care and service. Offering Laser Hair Removal, Microdermabrasion, Vitalize Peel, and Fotofacial RF. The Fotofacial RF is the next generation in high-tech skin enhancement. These gentle, no downtime treatments are used

to improve cosmetic appearance of the face, neck, hands, and body. The results are brighter, smoother, more radiant and luminescent skin. This process delivers results that skin care products alone cannot do! Recover and rediscover the youth and vitality of your skin. Call for a complimentary consultation: Janice DiGiovanni, (845) 876-7100. Springbrook Medical Park, Rhinebeck. Blissful Beauty by Brenda Relax and revive with a professional beauty treatment from Brenda Montgomery, Licensed Aesthetician. Specializing in Burnham Systems Facial Rejuvenation, Belavi Facelift Massage, Anti-Aging facials, Acne treatments and Body treatments. Also offering airbrushed makeup for a flawless, natural look for your next big event. Your skin is not replaceable; let Brenda help you put your best face forward! Call (845) 616-9818. Made With Love Handcrafted lotions, crèmes, and potions to nurture the skin and soul! Therapeutic oils, salves, and bath salts made with the curative properties of herbal-infused oils and pure essential oils. No petroleum, mineral oils, or chemicals are used. Host a home party! Products available at Hudson Valley Therapeutic Massage, 243 Main Street, Suite 220, New Paltz. For a full product catalogue e-mail or call us at (845) 255-5207.


Rosen Method Bodywork Rosen Method is distinguished by its gentle, direct touch. Using hands that listen rather than manipulate, the practitioner focuses on chronic muscle tension. As relaxation occurs and the breath deepens, unconscious feelings, attitudes, and memories may emerge. The practitioner responds with touch and words that allow the client to begin to recognize what has been held down by unconscious muscle tension. As this process unfolds, habitual tension and old patterns may be released, freeing the client to experience more aliveness, new choices in life, and a greater sense of well-being. Julie Zweig, M.A., Certified Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner. (845) 255-3566.

BODYWORK bodhi studio Through bodywork one can connect with the body’s own inherent wisdom and self healing abilities. With skill, intuition, and care, we offer therapeutic massage, bodhiwork, Reiki, warm stone massage, aromatherapy, earconing, and a full range of ayurvedic treatments including Shirodara, Abyanga, and Swedna. Melinda Pizzano, LMT and Helen Andersson, D.Ay. Call for an appointment. (518) 828-2233.

David W. Basch, CPCC Transition Coach. Change is inevitable…growth is optional. Get your life, business, or career unstuck and moving forward. You become clearer about who you are and what you really want. We don’t fix you because you aren’t broken. Transitions occur more naturally and powerfully. Whatever you are up to in your career, business or key areas such as money and relationships, coaching can assist you in creating a fulfilling life, achieving goals and being more focused, present and successful. Contact David for a free session. (845) 626-0444,, Allie Roth/ Center for Creativity and Work Career and Life Coaching for those seeking more creativity, fulfillment, balance and meaning in life and work. Offers a holistic approach to career and life transitions. Also specializes in executive coaching, and coaching small business owners, consultants and private practitioners. 25 years experience. Kingston and New York City offices. Tel: (845) 336-8318. Toll Free: (800) 577-8318. Web: Email:

CHI GONG/TAI CHI CHUAN Second Generation Yang Spiritual alchemy practices of ancient Taoist sorcerers yielded these two treasures of internal arts. Chi Gong prepared the body to withstand rigorous training and overcome the battle with time. Tai Chi Chuan became the expression of the energy in movement and self-defense. These practices have brought health, vitality, and youthfulness to myself and my students. The only requirement is determined practice of the principles and the will to persevere. Call Hawks, (845) 750-6488.

whole living directory

Irene Humbach, LCSW, PC Body of Wisdom Counseling & Healing Services By integrating traditional and alternative therapy/ healing approaches, including Body-Centered Psychotherapy, IMAGO Couples’ Counseling, and Kabbalistic Healing, I offer tools for self healing, to assist individuals and couples to open blocks to their softer heart energy. Ten-session psycho-spiritual group for women in recovery. Offices in Poughkeepsie and New Paltz. (845) 485-5933.


CHI KUNG Ada Citron Explore the basics of Mantak Chia’s Healing Tao System with Ada Citron, Taoist counselor and Healing Tao Instructor for over 10 years. Meet the Six Healing Sounds which transform stress into vitality. Learn the Inner Smile and the Microcosmic Orbit meditations. Also learn standing and gently moving practices that relax and rejuvenate. (845) 339-0589.

CHILDBIRTH Catskill Mountain Midwifery See Midwifery. Kary Broffman, RN, CH See Hypnosis. Judy Joffee, CMN, MSN See Midwifery.

CHINESE HEALING ARTS Chinese Healing Arts Center The Wu Tang Chuan Kung Association was founded by Doctor Tzu Kuo Shih and his family for the purpose of providing the American public with instruction in the ancient Chinese arts of Tai Chi Chuan, Chi Kung, and traditional Chinese Medicine. 264 Smith Avenue, Kingston. (845) 338-6045 or (203) 748-8107.



CHIROPRACTIC Nori Connell, RN, DC Nori combines 28 years as a registered nurse with 18 years of chiropractic experience to offer patients a knowledgeable approach to removing the interferences in the body that lead to disease. She combines accredited techniques such as Neuro-Emotional technique, kinesiology, and Network Chiropractic to work with the body’s innate intelligence and its ability for healing. Dr. Connell also offers workshops on natural health care for the family and is also one of the directors of Alternatives Health Center of Tivoli. (845) 757-5555. Also at Rhinebeck Cooperative Health Center. (845) 876-5556. Gabriels Family Chiropractic Come visit Dr. Christopher Gabriels at 381 Washington Avenue in Kingston. Experienced in a myriad of techniques (Diversified, Applied Kinesiology, SOT, Activator, Nutrition) and providing gentle adjustments in a comfortable atmosphere. You only have one body, let me help you make the most of it by restoring your body’s natural motion and balance. Call (845) 331-7623 to make an appointment. Dr. David Ness Dr. David Ness is a Certified Active Release Techniques® (ART) Provider and Certified Chiropractic Sports Practitioner® specializing in helping athletes and active people quickly relieve their pain and heal their injuries. In addition to providing traditional chiropractic ® care, Dr. Ness utilizes ART to remove scar tissue and adhesions in order to restore mobility, flexibility, and strength faster than standard treatments will allow. If you have an injury that has not responded to treatment, call Dr. Ness for an appointment today. (845) 255-1200. Dr. Bruce Schneider New Paltz, New York 12561. (845) 255-4424.

whole living directory

COLON HYDROTHERAPY Connie Schneider, Advanced Level I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist Colon Hydrotherapy is a safe, gentle, cleansing process. Clean and private office. A healthy functioning colon can decrease internal toxicity and improve digestion; basics for a healthy body. New Paltz, NY. (845) 256-1516.

CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Craniosacral Therapy A gentle, hands-on method for enhancing the body’s own healing capabilities through the craniosacral rhythm. Craniosacral aids in the release of stress-related conditions such as anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, depression, digestive, menstrual, and other problems with organ function, breathing difficulties, and headaches. Increase energy, reduce pain, and improve immune system function. Effective for whiplash, TMJ, sciatica, fibromyalgia, scoliosis, arthritis, low back tension, and chronic pain. Also helpful for children with birth trauma, learning difficulties, chronic ear problems, and hyperactivity. Hudson Valley Therapeutic Massage, Michele Tomasicchio, LMT. (845) 255-4832.

DENTISTRY The Center For Advanced Dentistry Bruce D. Kurek, DDS, FAGD; Jaime O. Stauss, DMD

Setting the standards for excellence in dentistry for more than 25 years, the Center for Advanced Dentistry attracts clients from throughout the northeast and abroad. Their client-centered approach to providing comprehensive dental services for adults and children includes “old school” care and concern combined with the latest technologies. The office is conveniently located 1.5 miles east of the NYS Thruway, exit 18. 494 Route 299, Highland. www.thecent (845) 691-5600. Fax (845) 691-8633.

EQUINE FACILITATED HEALING Equisessions with Ada Citron Taoist counselor of 10 years. Therapeutically oriented equine facilitated encounters are based on the model introduced in The Tao 90


of Equus by Linda Kohanov, recent presenter at Omega Institute. Riding can be involved in later sessions. Ada, an equestrian herself, presented her program “Chi Kung for Horse People” at the 2005 Region 1 Conference for NARHA. Website: (845) 339-0589.

FENG SHUI DeStefano and Associates Barbara DeStefano has been the owner of DeStefano and Associates, an interior design business, for 18 years. She received certification in Feng Shui from the Metropolitan Institute of Interior Design and has completed advanced work with several Feng Shui Masters. Feng Shui is the perfect marriage to interior design. It brings a spiritual dimension to your space. Barbara can create a kind of beauty that touches your spirit, and brings balance and harmony to a level that transcends the superficial. Barbara is available for consultations, guest speaker engagements, and workshops. (845) 339-4601.

Healing By Design Feng Shui consultations, classes. Explore how Feng Shui can increase the flow of abundance, joy, and well-being in your life. Create your home or office to support your goals and dreams. Contact Betsy Stang at or (845) 679-6347.

One Light Healing Touch: Healer Training School Join us for an empowering, life-changing, six-month, transformational training. This comprehensive program includes: Meditation, Visualization, Sound work, Breath work, Movement, Sacred Ceremony, Essential Grounding and Releasing Practices, and 33 Professional Healing Techniques. School starts September 23, 2005. Free special intro evening: Self-Healing with OLHT August 26 + September 9, 7:00-9:00pm; Special Introductory Weekend: Access Your Healing Potential August 27-28 and September 10 -11. (NYSNA CEU’s available). Ron Lavin, MA, founder and director of the international OLHT schools, is a respected spiritual healer with 26 years of experience. He heads seven OLHT schools in Germany and one in Rhinebeck, NY. He has worked with the NIH in Distance Healing for eight years. Appointments and Distance Healing sessions are available in Rhinebeck, NY. Call (845) 876-0259 or e-mail The Sanctuary: A Place for Healing A quaint healing center in a quiet part of downtown New Paltz. Specializing in Craniosacral Therapy, Stress Point Release through Chiropractic, Swedish & Sports Massage, Shiatsu, and Energetic Reiki. New offerings include karma nutrition, womens gentle yoga and quqigong. 5 Academy Street, New Paltz. Call for an appointment. (845) 255-3337. (845) 853-3325.

whole living directory

Feng Shui Wei Designing Your Life with Feng Shui. The intuitive practice of Feng Shui balances your individual energy with your home or workplace and harmonizes the effect your surroundings have on all aspects of life: health, wealth, relationship, emotional well-being, mental clarity, peace, self-fulfillment. Sensitive, revitalizing personal and space clearings. Intuitive Feng Shui® certification. Free 15-minute phone consultation. Contact Sharon Rothman: (201) 385-5598;

Pathwork; and Channeling available. Contact Joel Walzer for sessions. (845) 679-8989.

HEALTH FOOD Pleasant Stone Farm 130 Dolson Avenue, Middletown, NY. (845) 343-4040.

HEALTH PUBLICATIONS Healing, Pathwork and Channeling by Flowing Spirit Guidance It is our birthright to experience the abundance of the universe, the deep love of God, and our own divinity! It is also our birthright to share our own unique gifts with the world. We long to do it. So why don’t we? Our imperfections get in the way. As we purify, we experience more and more fully, the love and the abundance of God’s universe. We can have it in any moment. We can learn to purify our imperfections AND experience heaven on earth. Jaffe Institute Spiritual Healing;

Hudson Valley Healthy Living A comprehensive directory of Mid-Hudson health services, products, and practitioners, along with articles on health issues of interest. Published biannually (April/October) by Luminary Publishing, Inc., the creators of Chronogram, 50,000 copies are distributed in the region throughout the year. Contents are also available on the Web at See for advertising rates or call the HVHL sales team at (845) 334-8600.



HERBS Monarda Herbal Apothecary In honoring the diversity, uniqueness, and strength of nature for nourishment and healing, we offer organic and ecologically wildcrafted herbs using tradition as our guide. Certified Organic Alcohol Tinctures, Teas, Salves, Essential Oils, and more. Product Catalog $1. Workshops and Internships. (845) 688-2122.

HOLISTIC HEALTH Marika Blossfeldt, HHC, AADP Holistic Health and Nutrition Counselor, Yoga Instructor You were meant to lead a happy and fulfilling life. What’s holding you back? Create change now. Discover the foods and lifestyle that truly nourish your body and soul. Infuse your life with radiant health! One-on-one counseling, lectures, wellness workshops, whole foods cooking classes, yoga, summer retreats. (646) 241 8478, Beacon.

whole living directory

Priscilla A. Bright, MA, Energy Healer/Counselor Specializing in women’s stress, emotional issues, and physical illness, including stress-related anxiety, depression, and physical burnout. Women in transition, businesswomen, mothers, all welcome. Experienced counselor. Faculty, Barbara Brennan School of Healing. Convenient offices in Kingston & New Paltz. Initial phone consultation no charge. (845) 688-7175. John M. Carroll, Healer John Carroll is an intuitive healer, teacher, and spiritual counselor, who integrates mental imagery with the God-given gift of his hands. John has helped individuals suffering from acute and chronic disorders, including back problems and cancer. Remote healings and telephone sessions. Call for consultation. Kingston. (845) 338-8420.

HOLISTIC TAROT & EXPRESSIVE HEALING ARTS Holistic Tarot/Expressive Healing Arts Discover more about your inner being and psychic energy powers, changing your life in a compassionate, creative, progressive way. Tarot, Meditation, Expressive Healing Arts/Mandala Dance, Spiritual Art Therapy, Energy/Aura Healing, Spiritual Studies. Classes/workshops for groups/individuals with Cenira - Artist, Expressive Arts Facilitator and Intuitive Counselor. Tel: (845) 594-8612. Email:

HYPNOSIS Achieve Your Goals with Therapeutic Hypnosis Sharon Slotnick, MS, CHt. Increase self-esteem; break bad habits; manage stress; alleviate pain (e.g. childbirth, headaches, back pain); overcome fears and depression; relieve insomnia; improve study habits, public speaking, sports performance; heal through past-life journeys, other issues. Sliding scale. Certified Hypnotherapist and Counselor, two years training Therapeutic Hypnosis & Traditional Psychotherapeutic Techniques. (845) 389-2302. New Paltz, Kingston. See also Psychotherapy. Kary Broffman, RN, CH A registered nurse with a BA in psychology since 1980, Kary is certified in Ericksonian Hypnosis, 92


Hypnobirthing, and Complementary Medical Hypnotism, hypnocoaching with the National Guild. She has also studied interactive imagery for nurses. By weaving her own healing journey and education into her work, she helps to assist others in accessing their inner resources and healing potential. Hyde Park. (845) 876-6753. One-Session Hypnosis with Frayda Kafka CHT Building on my success with smoking cessation in 1978, I have continued to help clients with weight loss, pain, childbirth, stress, insomnia, habits, phobias, confidence, and almost any behavior you can think of. Known for my easy, light manner and quick results, I have an intuitive knack for saying just the right thing at the right time so that a major shift can be initiated. Groups, home visits, gifts and phone sessions are available. Please call me at (845) 336-4646. Web: Email:

INTEGRATED ENERGY THERAPY Integrated Energy Therapy IET heals with the pure energy of SPIRIT and the gifts of the angels. Suppressed emotions, limiting beliefs, and past-life memories are cleared from the Energy Anatomy on a cellular level. Remember and live the true expression of your soul’s purpose. Also combining Spiritual Guidance, IET, and Massage. 17 years experience. Dona Ho Lightsey, LMT, IET Master. New Paltz. Web: Tel: (845) 883-7899. Ione, Director, Ministry of Maat, Inc. Spiritual and Educational organization with goals of fostering world community. (845) 339-5776.

INTUITIVE HEALING Guidance of Spirit, Wisdom of Heart Heart-based Intuitive Healing, Karma Release with Crystals, Space Clearings & Blessings, Long Distance Healings, End-of-Life Transitions, Guided Meditation/visualization. Thursday evenings at 7: 30 pm. Self healing is a process of self-discovery. Within the space of the heart discover what you need to heal. Kate DeChard M.Ed. The Soul Sanctuary, 6052 B Route 9, Rhinebeck, NY 12572.

JEWISH MYSTICISM/KABBALAH Chabad of Woodstock Providing Jewish people from all backgrounds the opportunity to experience the depth and soul of the Jewish teachings and vibrant way of life. Offering Jewish resources, workshops, gatherings, and classes. Rabbi Yisroel Arye and Ilana Gootblatt, co-directors. (845) 679-6407. Irene Humbach, LCSW, PC Kabbalistic Healing in person and long distance. (845)485-5933. See Body-Centered Therapy.

JIN SHIN-JYUTSU Kenneth Davis, CPLT See Psychotherapy.

MASSAGE THERAPY Joan Apter See Aromatherapy. For more information, contact Joan Apter, CMT. (845) 679-0512. Email: japter@ Web:

bodhi studio See Bodywork. Ada Citron, LMT Practicing since 1988, Ada Citron, LMT, has offered Swedish, Sports Massage, Reiki, Pranic Healing, Chair Massage, Shiatsu, Barefoot Shiatsu and Chi Nei Tsang (CNT) Chinese abdominal massage. Shiatsu and CNT are currently her preferred modalities. Classes offered in CNT. House calls fee commensurate with travel time. Tel: (845) 339-0589.

whole living directory

Donna Generale Licensed Massage Therapist If you have not experienced the deep, penetrating, and rigorous effects of Tuina massage, you owe it to yourself and your senses to enjoy a session. A myriad of hand and arm techniques provides a detailed massage that’s incomparable for sore muscles, aches and pains. When blended with Swedish massage strokes, the treatment is tempered with soothing comfort and relaxation. Whether you want a leisure hour and a half or a 15 minute “quick relief,” or any other length of time you prefer. Also: Shiatsu, Sports & Medical massage. Call me at (845) 876-1777. Hudson Valley Therapeutic Massage Michele Tomasicchio, LMT, specializes in Integrative Massage— incorporation of various healing modalities: Swedish, Myofascial Deep Tissue, Craniosacral, and stretching to facilitate the body’s healing process. A session may include all or just one modality. No fault accepted. Gift certificates available. By appointment only. 243 Main Street, Suite 220, New Paltz. (845) 255-4832. The Living Seed Yoga & Holistic Center See Yoga. Shiatsu Massage Therapy Leigh Scott will be moving to Westport, Conn. to continue her practice. She will return every 5 weeks to do housecalls. For an apointment call (203) 247-6451 or email Blessings to all. Susan DeStefano, LMT Healing Massage Swedish. Deep Tissue. Hot Stone. Shiatsu Craniosacral. Lymph Drainage Tibetan Reflexology. Reiki. Touch For Health. Tel:(845)255-6482 Woodland Massage A healing practice for body, mind and spirit. Attention artists, activ4/06 CHRONOGRAM.COM WHOLE LIVING DIRECTORY


ists, farmers, executives, builders, teachers, truckers, healers, helpers, merchants, mothers, and weekend wanderers. Strong, gentle, knowledgeable bodywork, personalized to meet your treatment goals. Flexible schedule and fees. Accord office/home visits. Call 845-687-4650. Mark Houghtaling, LMT. Keep in touch.

MEDITATION Zen Mountain Monastery Offering year-round retreats geared to all levels of experience: introductions to Zen meditation and practice; programs exploring Zen arts, Buddhist studies, and social action; and intensive meditation retreats. South Plank Road, Mt. Tremper. (845) 688-2228.

MIDWIFERY Catskill Mountain Midwifery, Home Birth Services Give birth as you wish, in an environment in which you feel nurtured and secure; where your emotional well-being, privacy, and personal preferences are respected. Be supported by a tradition that trusts the natural process. Excellent MD consult, hospital backup. (845) 687-BABY.

whole living directory

Suzanne Berger Certified nurse midwife at the Women's Care Center offering a full range of holistic, alternative and traditional services. Serving Kingston, Benedictine and Northern Dutchess Hospitals. Rhinebeck tel:(845) 876-2496. Kingston tel: (845) 338-5575. Homebirth and Gynecology Practice of Judy Joffee, CNM This practice offers a unique and exquisite opportunity for woman care in a powerfully compassionate and sacred manner. I offer complete prenatal care focused toward homebirth. For the nonpregnant woman, individualized gynecological care, counseling, and self-determination await you. Also offering school, work, and general physicals for all ages. Call for consultation. (845) 255-2096.

NATURAL FOODS Beacon Natural Market Lighting the Way for a Healthier World... Located in the heart of historic Beacon at 348 Main Street. Featuring organic prepared foods deli & juice bar as well as organic and regional produce, meats and cheeses. Newly opened in Aug. ‘05, proprietors L.T. & Kitty Sherpa are dedicated to serving the Hudson Valley with a complete selection of products that are good for you and good for the planet, including an extensive alternative health dept. Nutritionist on staff. (845) 838-1288. Sunflower Natural Foods Market At Sunflower we know the food we eat is our greatest source of health. Sunflower carries certified organic produce, milk, cheeses, and eggs; non-irradiated herbs and spices; clean, pure organic products to support a healthy lifestyle; large selection of homeopathic remedies. Sunflower Natural Foods is a complete natural foods market. Open 9am-9pm daily. 10am-7pm Sundays. Bradley Meadows Shopping Center, Woodstock. (845) 679-5361. 94


NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE Naturopathic Medicine Dr. Thomas J. Francescott, ND. Free Your Mind – Release Your Body – Energize Your Spirit! Solve health issues, enhance wellness, and gain awareness. Scientifically proven naturopathic solutions for challenging and/or chronic health concerns. I offer naturopathic expertise in a sacred space to help you feel better. Graduate of the prestigious Bastyr University. Call Rhinebeck Cooperative Health Center: (845) 876-5556.

NUTRITION Jill Malden, RD, CSW Prominent Nutritionist specializing in eating behavior and eating disorders for 15 years. Warm, nonjudgmental treatment. Understand the effects of nutrition on your mood, anxiety level, cravings, concentration, energy level, and sleep, in addition to body weight. Recover from your eating issues and enjoy a full life! 199 Main Street, New Paltz. (845) 489-4732. Vitamin Navigator Confused about what to eat and what not? Find your own bioindividuality, your diet is as unique as you are, your optimum health can be achieved without serious deprivation. Andrew Wright Randel HHC AADP has 15 years experience with alternative and complementary health care. Call for appointment (914) 466-2928.

ORGANIC PRODUCTS NewAgeProducts.Org Offers handmade Organic Soaps, All Natural & Organic Herbal Juice Supplements and many Organic Bath & Body Products. All high quality and very competitively priced. Your #1 place to get all your organic body care needs. An easy and convenient way to experience the difference of Organic & All Natural Body Care. Web:

OSTEOPATHY Applied Osteopathy Joseph Tieri, DO, & Ari Rosen, DO. Drs. Tieri and Rosen are New York State Licensed Osteopathic physicians specializing in Cranial Osteopathy. As specialists in Osteopathic manipulation, we are dedicated to the traditional philosophy and hands-on treatment of our predecessors. We have studied with Robert Fulford, DO, Viola Freyman, DO, James Jealous, DO, and Bonnie Gintis, DO, and completed a two-year residency in Osteopathic Manipulation. We treat newborns, children, and adults. 3457 Main Street, Stone Ridge, (845) 687-7589. 138 Market Street, Rhinebeck, (845) 876-1700. By Appointment. For more info call or visit

PHYSICIANS Women Care Center Empowerment through information. Located in Rhinebeck and Kingston. Massage and acupuncture available. Gynecology—treating our patients through the most up-to-date medical and surgical technologies available, combined with alternative therapies. Obstetrics—working with you to create the birth experience

whole living directory

70 Duck Pond Road Stone Ridge, NY 12484




you desire. Many insurances accepted. Evening hours available. Rhinebeck (845) 876-2496. Kingston (845) 338-5575.

PILATES Beacon Pilates A fully equipped classical studio that tailors each workout to fit the individual’s needs and abilities. Our class times and intro packages make it easy to get started. Beacon Pilates is a Power Pilates Participating Studio. For information on becoming a certified Pilates teacher please contact us. 181 Main Street, 2nd Floor, Beacon, NY (845) 831 0360. Web:

whole living directory

Pilates of New Paltz We are a fully equipped studio of certified, experienced, caring instructors with the knowledge to challenge students while respecting their limitations (injury/illness, age, etc.). We are offering a special package price for four introductory lessons and offer small group reformer classes and mat classes. We are open 6 days a week with a very flexible appointment schedule. (845) 255-0559.

PSYCHOLOGISTS Carla J. Mazzeo, PhD Licensed Clinical Psychologist offering psychodynamic psychotherapy for adolescents and adults. I have experience working with trauma, mood disturbances, sexual assault, depression, anxiety, grief/bereavement, eating/ body image difficulties, alcohol/ substance concerns, teenage problems, relationship difficulties, sexuality issues, or general self-exploration. Dream work also available. New Paltz location. Reduced fee for initial consultation. (845) 255-2259. Mark L. Parisi, PhD Licensed psychologist. Offering individual psychotherapy for adults. Specializing in gay men’s issues, anxiety, depression, relationship concerns, adjustment, issues related to aging, disordered eating, body image, sexual identity, and personal growth. Medicare and some insurance accepted. 52 South Manheim Boulevard, New Paltz. (845) 255-2259. Jonathan D. Raskin, PhD Licensed psychologist. Insightoriented, meaning-based, problem-focused, person-centered psychotherapy for adults and adolescents facing problems including, but not limited to,



self-esteem, interpersonal relationships, life transitions, family issues, career concerns, depression, anxiety, loneliness, and bereavement. 199 Main Street, New Paltz. Free initial consultation. Sliding scale. (845) 257-3471.

Thing: an expressive arts therapy group for adolescent girls, and The Healing Circle: an adult bereavement group offering a safe place to begin the healing process after the death of a loved one. Most insurances accepted. Located in New Paltz. (914) 706-0229.

PSYCHOTHERAPY Kent Babcock, LMSW Counseling & Psychotherapy Development of solutions through simple selfobservation, reflection, and conversation. Short- or long-term work around difficult relationships; life or career transitions; ethical, spiritual, or psychic dilemmas; and creative blocks. Roots in yoga, dreamwork, spiritual psychology, and existential psychotherapy. Sliding scale. Offices in Woodstock and Uptown Kingston. (845) 679-5511 x4. Debra Budnik, CSW-R Traditional insight-oriented psychotherapy for long- or short-term work. Aimed at identifying and changing self-defeating attitudes and behaviors, underlying anxiety, depression, and relationship problems. Sliding scale, most insurances accepted, including Medicare/Medicaid. NYS-licensed. Experience working with trauma victims, including physical and sexual abuse. Educator on mental health topics. Located in New Paltz, one mile from SUNY. (845) 255-4218.

Peter M. del Rosario, PhD Licensed psychologist. Insight-oriented, culturally sensitive psychotherapy for adults and adolescents concerned with: relationship difficulties, codependency, depression, anxiety, sexual/physical trauma, grief and bereavement, eating disorders, dealing with divorce, gay/ lesbian issues. 199 Main Street, New Paltz. Free initial consult. Sliding scale. Tel: (914) 262-8595.

Eidetic Image Therapy A fast moving, positive psychotherapy that gets to problem areas quickly and creates change by using eidetic (eye-DET-ic) images to promote insight and growth. The eidetic is a bright, lively picture seen in the mind like a movie or fi lmstrip. It is unique in its ability to reproduce important life events in exact detail, revealing both the cause and solution of problem areas. Dr. Toni Nixon, EdD, director. Port Ewen. (845) 339-1684. Amy R. Frisch, CSWR Psychotherapist. Individual, family, and group sessions for adolescents and adults. Currently accepting registration for It’s a Girl

Martin Knowles, LCSW Taking a systemic approach to well-being and relationships for over 20 years, Martin Knowles works with individuals, couples and families in Uptown Kingston. His effective, down-to-earth style amplifies and encourages natural talents and resources, bringing out the best in each of us. (845) 338-5450, ext. 301. Dr. Nancy Rowe, PhD, CET Heart Centered Counseling & Expressive Arts Therapy Emotional healing for children and adults using talk, imagery, sandplay, expressive arts, and/or movement. Background in transpersonal psychology, play therapy, family therapy, spiritual guidance, authentic movement, and expressive arts therapy. Offices in Woodstock and Kingston. Call Nancy, (845) 679-4827. Change Your Outlook, Heal, and Grow Sharon Slotnick, MS, CHt. With combination of “talk” therapy for selfknowledge and hypnosis to transform negative, self-defeating thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Faster symptom relief. Feel better and make healthier choices. Sliding scale, Certified Hypnotherapist and Counselor. (845) 389-2302. New Paltz, Kingston. See also Hypnosis. Richard Smith, CSW-R, CASAC Potential-Centered Therapy (PCT) alters thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that block growth. A psychodynamic approach incorporating NLP, EMDR, and hypnosis, PCT resolves addictions, trauma, limiting beliefs, and destructive behaviors. Twenty years experience and a gentle spirit guide you through an accelerated process of profound healing. Gardiner. Tel: (845) 2566456. Email: Judy Swallow, MA, TEP Integrative body/mind therapist using Rubenfeld synergy and psychodrama in her work with individuals, couples, groups, and families. Inquire for workshops and training, as well as therapy. New Paltz. (845) 255-5613. Wellspring Evolutionary coaching using movement and breath to access and clear lifelong patterns and transform relationships. Rodney and Sandra Wells, certified by Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks. (845) 534-7668.


Rachael Diamond, LCSW,CHt Holistically-oriented therapist offering counseling, psychotherapy, and hypnotherapy. Specializing in issues pertaining to relationships, personal growth, life transitions, alternative lifestyles, childhood abuse, codependency, addiction, recovery illness, and grief. Some insurances accepted. Office convenient to New Paltz and surrounding areas. Free half hour consultation call (845) 883-9642.

Ione Author and psychotherapist: Qigong, Meditation, Hypnotherapy, and Dreams. Specializing in the creative process. Healing retreats, Local and Worldwide. (845) 339-5776.

whole living directory

Deep Clay Art and Therapy Deep Clay Art and Therapy with Michelle Rhodes Licensed Master Social Worker, ATRBC. A creative and grounding approach for crisis management, transitions, and deep healing. Individual, couple, and group arts based psychotherapy. Weekly “Dreamfigures” group for Women in transition. Gardiner (845) 255-8039,,

Irene Humbach, LCSW, PC See Body-Centered Therapy.


Julie Zweig, MA Verbal Body-Centered Psychotherapy utilizing doctoral level training in psychology and 15+ years of experience as a therapist, as well as 4/06 CHRONOGRAM.COM WHOLE LIVING DIRECTORY


the principles of Rosen Method Bodywork, but without touch. See also Body-Centered Therapy. New Paltz, New York. (845) 255-3566.

REIKI The Sanctuary - Reiki Rev. Denise Meyer offers Usui Reiki treatments. Experience the benefits of deep relaxation and energetic releases through this method of healing touch. Reiki energy supports and heals the mind, body, heart and spirit through the delivery of Light Energy into the energy field of the receiver. “Denise’s work is way beyond the other Reiki treatments I have had.” Vera P. The Sanctuary 5 Academy Street New Paltz. (845) 255-3337 ext. 2


whole living directory

Institute of Transpersonal Psychology ITP is an accredited graduate psychology school offering clinical and nonclinical certificates, MA and PhD degrees. The curriculum combines mind, body, and spiritual inquiry with scholarly research and self-discovery. Graduates have strong clinical skills and can communicate in a variety of complex relational circumstances. Tel: (650) 493-4430. Email: Web:

SHIATSU Leigh Scott See Massage Therapy.

SPAS & RESORTS The Spa at Emerson Place The Emerson Spa is open! This Asian-inspired design invites guests into an oasis of relaxation that is surrounded by the Catskills’ pastoral beauty. Individually-tailored treatments are created by the European-trained staff who are skilled at delivering virtually all the Emerson Spa’s 40+ treatments. Men and women alike will enjoy the personalized attention they receive while enjoying experiences such as Ayruvedic Rituals, Aromatherapy Massage, Deep-Tissue and FourHand Massage, Hot Stone Therapy and Detoxifying Algae Wraps. Call (845) 688-1000 or visit our website at:

SPIRITUAL Healing, Pathwork and Channeling by Flowing Spirit Guidance It is our birthright to experience the abundance of the universe, the deep love of God, and our own divinity! It is also our birthright to share our own unique gifts with the world. We long to do it. So 98


why don’t we? Our imperfections get in the way. As we purify, we experience more and more fully, the love and the abundance of God’s universe. We can have it in any moment. We can learn to purify our imperfections AND experience heaven on earth. Jaffe Institute Spiritual Healing; Pathwork; and Channeling available. Contact Joel Walzer for sessions. Call (845) 679-8989 or visit our website at: Ione Egyptian Mysteries, Scarab Teachings™, Journeys to Sacred Sites. (845) 339-5776.


whole living directory

Aina Williams Have you thought about working out, changing careers or improving your interpersonal relationships but are unsure where or how to begin? Life coaching can help in all aspects of your life. If you want to change your life, give us a call, our team has over 10 years of experience helping people make important changes to reach their potential, move through life with ease and find happiness. Your Life 360°. By Appointment. For more info call (845) 750-3459. Tarot-on-the-Hudson Rachel Pollack Exploratory, experiential play with the Tarot as oracle and sacred tool, in a monthly class, with Certified Tarot Grand Master and international Tarot author Rachel Pollack. All levels welcome. Tarot Readings in person or by phone. Appointment/Info: rachel@rach (845) 876-5797. Rhinebeck. Also see ad.

THERAPY Toni D. Nixon, EdD Therapist and Buddhist Practitioner Offering a unique combination of techniques that integrate therapeutic goals & spiritual practice. The basic principles of Buddhism and psychotherapy are concerned with the goal of ending human suffering. Both paths to liberation are through greater self-awareness, a broader view of one’s world, the realization of the possibility of freedom, and finding the means to achieve it. In essence, effective psychotherapy moves toward liberation, and Buddhist practice is therapeutic in nature. Eidetic Image therapy is a unique and powerful method that encourages the liberation of the mind and spirit from obstacles that block the way to inner peace. Specializing in life improvement skills, habit cessation, career 4/06 CHRONOGRAM.COM WHOLE LIVING DIRECTORY


issues, women’s issues, & blocked creativity. By phone, online, and in person. (845) 339-1684.

VEGAN LIFESTYLES Andrew Glick - Vegan Lifestyle Coach Certified Holistic Health Counselor. The single most important step an individual can take to help save the planet’s precious resources, improve and protect one’s health, and to stop the senseless slaughter of over 50 billion animals a to Go Vegan. What could make you feel better about yourself than knowing you are helping the planet, your own health, and the lives of countless animals all at the same time? If the idea is daunting and seems undoable to you, then let your personal Vegan Lifestyle Coach take you through steps A to Z. Whether you’re a cattle rancher eating meat three times a day or a lacto-vegetarian wanting to give up dairy, it’s a process that can be fun, easy and meaningful. You can do it easily with the proper support, guidance and encouragement from your Vegan Lifestyle Coach. (845) 679-7979. or

whole living directory

Healthy Gourmet To Go Try our colossal coconut macaroons dipped in dark chocolate or our delectable pan-seared cornmeal crusted homemade seitan cutlets over rosemary smashed potatoes with mushroom gravy. From old-fashioned home cooking with a new healthful twist to live/raw foods and macrobiotics, HGTG has dishes to please every palate. Weekly Meal Delivery right to your door. Organic, vegan, kosher. Baby Registry. Gift Certificates. Catering. Visit (845) 339-7171.

WOMEN’S GROUPS Honoring the Soul with Adele Marcus,LCSW-R, ACHT See Psychotherapy.

WOMEN’S HEALTH Women’s Health & Fitness Expo (845) 338-7140.

WORKSHOPS Back to Basics at “The Barn” Life Transformational Metaphysical Workshop Series begins August 5 in Gardiner. Set in idyllic location - 130-year old renovated barn abutting Shawangunk Mountains, Author, Hand Analyst/ Life Coach shares joyous process of Evolv-



ing Consciously. Discover your Life Purpose/Life Lesson through your unchangeable Soul Goal hidden in your unique fingerprint patterns! To register for this workshop, call (845) 256-1294 or visit StoneWater Sanctuary See Holistic Wellness Centers.

YOGA Jai Ma Yoga Center Offering a wide array of Yoga classes, seven days a week, from Gentle/Restorative Yoga to Advanced. Meditation classes free to all enrolled. Chanting Friday evenings. New expanded studio space. Private consultations and Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy sessions available. Gina Bassinette, RYT & Ami Hirschstein, RYT, Owners. New Paltz. (845) 256-0465. The Living Seed Yoga & Holistic Center Open to the community for over 5 years. Inspiring movements of inner freedom and awareness. We offer Yoga classes for all levels of students, gentle/ beginner to advanced. Including Pre & Post Natal Yoga, Family & Kids Yoga, as well as a variety of Dance classes, Massage, Acupuncture, Sauna & Organic Yoga Clothing. New Paltz. (845) 255-8212. The Living Seed Yoga & Holistic Health Center, 521 Main St. New Paltz, NY 12561. Phone: (845) 255-8212. Web: Email: Satya Hudson Valley Yoga Center Satya Hudson Valley Yoga Center is located in the heart of Rhinebeck village, on the third floor of the Rhinebeck Department Store building. We offer classes for all levels, 7 days a week. There is no need to pre-register: we invite you to just show up. For more information, visit or call (845) 876-2528. Yoga on Duck Pond A new approach to yoga based on the premise that we develop habitual patterns of movement that can effectively be changed by bringing unconscious movement into conscious awareness. Only then can we explore new combinations of ways to move. Learn how to experience yoga poses comfortably and beneficially, from the inside out, without strain or struggle. When we slow down, we can sense and feel more clearly and comfortably how we move. Experience a style of yoga that is dynamic, rejuvenating, empowering and transformational. Donna Nisha Cohen, RYT with over 25 years experience. Classes daily. Privates available. (845) 687-4836.




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business directory ACTING Sande Shurin Acting Classes Revolutionary new acting technique for Film/ Stage/TV. The book: Transformational Acting...A Step Beyond, Limelight Editions. The technique: Transform into character using current emotions. No recall. No forward imagining. Shurin privately coaches many celebrities. The classes: Thursday eves. at 7pm, Woodstock. Master classes at the Times Square Sande Shurin Theatre. (917) 545-5713 or (212) 262-6848.

ANTIQUE RESTORATION Antique Clock Repair and Restoration

ARCHITECTURE DiGuiseppe Architecture Inspired, Sensitive, and Luxurious…these are the words that describe the quintessential design work that is DiGuiseppe. The firm, with Design Studios in Accord, New York City, and Boca Raton, provides personalized Architecture and Interiors for each and every client. Whether the project is a Sensitive Historic Renovation, a Hudson Valley Inspired Home or Luxurious Interiors, each project receives the attention of the firm’s principal, Anthony J. DiGuiseppe, AIA RIBA, an internationally published architect and award-winning furniture designer. Accord (845) 687-8989, New York City (212) 439-9611.,

ART GALLERIES Van Brunt Gallery Exhibiting the work of contemporary artists. Featuring abstract painting, sculpture, digital art, photography, and video, the gallery has new shows each month. The innovative gallery Web site,, has online artist portfolios and videos of the artists discussing their work. 460 Main Street, Beacon, NY 12508. Tel: (845) 838-2995.

Since 1962, big city selection and small town service have made Manny’s special. We offer a full range of art materials, custom picture framing, bookmaking supplies and the best selection of handmade and decorative papers north of Manhattan. Manny’s, it’s more than just an art store. 83 Main Street, New Paltz. (845) 255-9902.

R & F Handmade Paints Internationally known manufacturer of Pigment Sticks and Encaustic paint right here in the Hudson Valley. Stop in for a tour of our factory, get paints at discounted prices, sign up for an Encaustic or Pigment Stick workshop, or check out bi-monthly exhibits in the Gallery. Open Mon.-Sat. 10am-5pm. 506 Broadway, Kingston. (845) 331-3112.

ATTORNEYS Law Offices of Andrea Lowenthal, PLLC Offices in Hudson and Manhattan, serving individuals and businesses throughout the Hudson Valley and New York City. Estate Planning (wills and trusts) and Elder Law (planning for you or your aging relatives), Domestic Partnerships (for GLBT families), Family Matters, Business Formations and Transactions, and Real Estate. Intelligent and sensitive approach to your personal and business legal matters. Please call (518) 671-6200 or (917) 301-6524, or email

Schneider, Pfahl & Rahmé, LLP Manhattan law firm with offices in Woodstock, provides legal services to individuals, institutions, professional firms, companies, and family businesses. Specific areas include: Real Estate, Estate Planning, Corporate, New Media and Arts, and Entertainment Law. Each matter is attended to by a senior attorney who develops a comprehensive legal plan with the client. (845) 679-9868 or (212) 629-7744. See website www.nycrealestat or

BEVERAGES Leisure Time Spring Water


Pure spring water from a natural artesian spring located in the Catskill Mountains. The spring delivers water at 42oF year-round. The water is filtered under high pressure through fine white sand. Hot and cold dispensers available. Weekly delivery. (845) 331-0504.

Catskill Art & Office Supply


Traditional fine art materials, studio furnishings, office products, journals, cards, maps, and gifts. Creative services, too, at all three locations: photo processing, custom printing, rubber stamps, color copies, custom picture framing, and full-color digital output. Pushing the envelope and creative spirit for over 20 years. Woodstock: (845) 679-2251; Kingston: (845) 331-7780; Poughkeepsie (845) 452-1250.

business directory

Specializing in Grandfather clocks, Tubular chime clocks, European, Atmos and Carriage Clocks, Antique Music boxes. Pickup and delivery. House calls available. Free estimates. One year warranty. References available. For appointment call Ian D.Pomfret at (845) 6879885 or email


The Golden Notebook A feast for book lovers located in the heart of Woodstock, we are proud to be a part of Book Sense: Independent Bookstores for Independent Minds. In addition to our huge database, we can special order any book in or out of print. Our Children’s Store located right next door has an extensive selection of books and products 4/06 CHRONOGRAM.COM BUSINESS DIRECTORY


exclusively for the under-14 set. We also carry the complete line of Woodstock Chimes. 25-29 Tinker Street, Woodstock. Tel: (845) 679-8000, fax (845) 679-3054. Email: thegoldennotebook@hvc.rr.c om Web:

Mirabai of Woodstock The Hudson Valley’s oldest spiritual/holistic bookstore, providing a vast array of books, music and gifts that transform, renew, and elevate the spirit. Exquisite statuary and other art works from Nepal, Tibet, Bali. Expert Tarot reading, astrological charts/ interpretation available. 23 Mill Hill Road, Woodstock. (845) 6792100.

CARPETS / RUGS Anatolia Tribal Rugs & Weavings Direct importers since 1981– Natural-dyed Afghan carpets; Balouchi tribal kilims; Russian sumaks; antique Caucasian carpets; silk Persian sumaks; Turkish kilims. Hundreds to choose from 2’x3’ to 9’x12’. Kilim pillows, $20-$55. We encourage customers to try our rugs in their homes without obligation. Open 6 days a week 126pm. Closed Tues. MC/Visa/AmEx. 54G Tinker Street, Woodstock. (845) 679-5311.

CHILDREN’S ART CLASSES The School for Young Artists An Extraordinary Art Experience! The School for Young Artists provides you with the tools, materials, instruction and support to achieve your goals. Our studio is about the joy of learning and the power of making art. Classes and individual sessions for children and adults. Call Kathy Anderson (845) 679-9541.


business directory

Upstate Films Showing provocative international cinema, contemporary and classic, and hosting filmmakers since 1972... on two screens in the village of Rhinebeck, NY. Tel: (845) 876-2515. Web:

CLOTHING Haldora Haldora, a family name from Iceland meaning Goddess of the Mountains. Haldora designs a lifestyle in women’s clothing and scarves—styles which are timeless, understated, and have a forgiving elegance. She designs and cuts her own line, then sends it to her seamstress where it is sewn locally in New York State. Her fabrics are mostly natural, including many kinds of silk, linens, and cotton in many colors, with wool added in winter. Also at Haldora, you will find other complimentary lines. In season, she has wool, cotton, and cashmere sweaters, which include Margaret O’Leary and Kincross Cashmere. Haldora carries a full line of Hanro of Switzerland undergarments and sleepwear. Shoes are also important to finish your look. Some of the lines carried are Arche, Lisa Nading, and Gentle Souls. Haldora also carries jewelry in a wide range of prices. Open Daily. 28 East Market Street, Rhinebeck, NY. Tel: (845) 876-6250.

COLLEGES Dutchess Community College Dutchess Community College, part of the State University of New York (SUNY) system, was founded in 1957. The College offers an educational policy of access, quality, opportunity, diversity, and social responsibility. DCC’s main campus in Poughkeepsie is situated on 130 scenic acres with facilities that are aesthetically pleasing and technologically advanced. The College has a satellite campus, Dutchess South, in Wappinger Falls, and learning centers in Carmel, Staatsburg, and Pawling. (845) 431-8020.

Mount Saint Mary College An independent liberal arts college offering more than 30 undergraduate programs; graduate programs in business (MBA), education, and nursing; and noncredit courses. 2,500 women and men. Its beautiful campus overlooks the Hudson River and is conveniently located off I-84 in Newburgh. (845) 569-3222. 104


CONSIGNMENT SHOPS Past ‘n’ Perfect A quaint consignment boutique that offers distinctive clothing, jewelry, shoes, and accessories, and a unique variety of high quality furs and leathers. Always a generous supply of merchandise from casual to chic, contemporary to vintage, with sizes from infant to adult. Featuring a diverse and illuminating jewelry collection. Open Tuesday to Friday 10am-5pm, and Saturday 10am-4pm. Conveniently located at 1629 Main Street (Route 44), Pleasant Valley, NY–only 9 miles east of the Mid-Hudson Bridge. (845) 635-3115. Web:

The Present Perfect Designer consignments of the utmost quality for men, women, and children. Current styles, jewelry accessories, and knickknacks. Featuring beautiful furs and leathers. Open Monday-Saturday 10am5pm, & Sun. 12-5pm. Located at 23G Village Plaza, Rhinebeck, NY 12572. (845) 876-2939.


award-winning, full-service graphic, Web, and multi-media design firm located in Kingston, New York. We offer fresh, fun, and functional advertising and design solutions for businesses of all sizes. Make a pact for action and contact us today for your free consultation! Call (845) 532-5398 or email

DISTRIBUTION Chronogram Is Everywhere! Have you ever noticed that wherever you go, Chronogram is there? That’s because our distribution is so damn good. We can distribute your flyer, brochure, business card, or publication to over 800 establishments in Ulster, Dutchess, Columbia, Greene, Putnam, and Orange counties, and now with new stops in Peekskill, Westchester County. Call us at (845) 334-8600 or e-mail

EDITING Manuscript Consultant See Literary.

M. T. Abraham, MD, FACS Facial Plastic, Reconstructive & Laser Surgery, PLLC Dr.

Math Tutor


Customized, creative tutoring for students of all ages. Get help with arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and precalculus. Prepare for Regents, SATs, GREs, and GEDs. I emphasize fundamental concepts, number sense, real life application and problem solving skills. Individual and group sessions. Contact Halle Kananack at (917) 232-5532 or Please visit my website at

Crafts People


Representing over 500 artisans, Crafts People boasts four buildings brimming with fine crafts, the largest selection in the Hudson Valley. All media represented, including sterling silver & 14K gold jewelry, blown glass, pottery, turned wood, kaleidoscopes, wind chimes, leather, clothing, stained glass, etc. Open Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday 10:30am-6pm. 262 Spillway Road, West Hurley. (845) 331-3859.

Deep Clay Showroom Pottery and Dreamfigures Wood-fired, raku, and stoneware. From everyday mugs and bowls to Tea Ceremony ware. Simple forms, natural colors, islands of calm, created by artist/therapist Michelle Rhodes. Studied pottery in Bizen and Tea at Urasenke. Open by appointment yearround. (845) 255-8039. www.michellerhodespott

DANCEWEAR First Street Dancewear First Street Dancewear in Saugerties, NY offers quality dancewear for Adults and Children. We have dancewear, knit warm-ups, ballet, jazz, tap shoes, gymnastics wear, skatewear, accessories, and gift items. We also feature a line of women’s active wear clothing suitable for Yoga and Pilates. Call (845) 247-4517 or visit our website at

DESIGN Actionpact Solutions Actionpact Solutions is your premiere,

business directory

Abraham is one of few surgeons double board certified and fellowship trained exclusively in Facial Plastic Surgery. He is an expert in the latest minimally invasive and non-surgical techniques (Botox™, Restylane™, Thermage™, Photofacial™), and also specializes in functional nasal surgery. Offices in Poughkeepsie, Rhinebeck & NYC with affiliated MediSpas. (845) 454-8025,


Discovery Institute To Know. To Understand. To Be. Offering intensive training in a living school of psycho-transformism in the tradition of G.I. Gurdjieff. Web:

FAUX FINISHES Faux Intentions Cat Quinn, professional decorative artist, setting the standard for excellence in Custom Faux Finishes for your home and business. With infinite possibilities, your walls, floors, ceilings, fireplaces and furniture can be transformed using my faux finishing techniques. A full spectrum of decorative finishes using plasters, glazes, and many other mediums, help to fill your home full of your unique personality and spirit. Don’t miss the beauty and exhiliration of transforming the rooms you live and work in every day into spaces that reflect your sense of style. Portfolio showing a phone call away. (845) 532-3067.

FINANCIAL SERVICES Center for Financial Wellness, Inc. I don’t sell anything! I help you become financially independent – retire early, reduce your taxes, build an investment portfolio, do work that you love, get out of debt! Robin Vaccai-Yess, Certified Financial Planner™, Registered Investment Advisor, Fee-Only. Visit to receive my free Enewsletter and to register for workshops. (845) 255-6052. 4/06 CHRONOGRAM.COM BUSINESS DIRECTORY




Cool Cover™

Eco-Arch Design Works Janus Welton, AIA, BBEI

CoolCover™ keeps food cool, fresh and visible for hours using patent-pending air flow design. Perfect for entertaining at home, indoors and outdoors. CoolCover™ can be tipped back into stable, upright position for easy self serving. Clear, durable, food safe polycarbonate protects food from insects and pets. Great for everyday use as practical tool for healthy eating. No ice. 15 7/8” L x 11 7/8” W x 5 5/8” H. Price - $34.99. Web Toll Free: (800) 601-5757.

FRAMING Catskill Art & Office

An award-winning design architect, offering over 15 years of Traditional Chinese Feng Shui expertise to her Ecological and Healthy Building Design Practice: combining Building Biology, Solar Architecture, and Feng Shui to promote “Inspiring and Sustainable” environments for the 21st Century. Unlock the potentials of your site, home or office to foster greater harmony, prosperity, spirit, health and ecological integrity. Services include: Architecture, Planning, Commercial Interiors, Professional Seminars and Consultations. E-mail: or see www.JanusWelton (845) 247-4620.

See Art Supplies.


GARDENING & GARDEN SUPPLIES Mac’s Agway in Red Hook/New Paltz Agway

business directory

Specializing in all your lawn and garden needs. We carry topsoil, peat moss, fertilizers, organics, grass seed, shavings, straw, fencing, pet food, bird seed, bird houses, and more. Mac’s Agway, 68 Firehouse Lane, Red Hook, NY (845) 876-1559; New Paltz Agway, 145 Route 32N, New Paltz, NY (845) 255-0050. Hours for both locations: Mon.-Fri. 8am-5:30pm; Sat. 8am-5pm; Sun. 9am-3pm.

GIFTS Earth Lore Walk into a world of natural wonder: amethyst caves and heart-shaped druzies, quartz crystal spheres and sculptures, orbs of obsidian, lapis and jasper. PLUS a gallery of wearable art. Navaho necklaces of turquoise and coral, pendants and bracelets of moldavite, tektite and meteorite; watches crafted from oxidized copper, brass, sterling; an array of Baltic amber in all its hues: honey, lemon, butterscotch, cognac...., fashioned into jewelry that makes a statement. Earthlore also offers unique objects of home decor such as a 100 yr old camel bell from Afghanistan, a Thai rain drum, and fossilized salt lamps from the Himalayas. A great place to find gifts from around the globe. 2 Fairway Drive, Pawling N.Y. (845) 855-8889. Open Tues. thru Fri. 10am - 6pm. Sat 10-5.

GUITARS McCoy’s Guitar Shop Specializing in professional stringed instrument repairs and the best set-ups in the area at reasonable, musician friendly rates. Psychotherapy extra. Used guitars and basses bought and sold. Services available by appointment only. Conveniently located in Rosendale.

HAIR SALONS Trends Hair Design Trends is a cutting-edge hair design center offering New York City styles at Hudson Valley prices, specializing in modern color, cut, and chemical techniques for men and women. Waxing and nail services available. Open Tues. through Fri, 9am to 7pm; Sat. 10am to 3pm. Gift certificates available. 29-31 West Strand, Kingston. Tel: (845) 340-9100. 106


Frog Hollow Farm English riding lessons for adults and children. Solar-heated indoor, large outdoor, crosscountry course, extensive trails. Summer camp, boarding, training, and sales. Emphasis on dressage as a way of enhancing all horse disciplines. Holistic teaching and horse care. 572 Old Post Road, Esopus. Tel: (845) 384-6424. Web: www.dressageatfroghollowfa

INTERIOR DESIGN DeStefano and Associates Barbara DeStefano has been the owner of DeStefano and Associates, an interior design business, for 18 years. She received certification in Feng Shui from the Metropolitan Institute of Interior Design and has completed advanced work with several Feng Shui Masters. Feng Shui is the perfect marriage to interior design. It brings a spiritual dimension to your space. Barbara can create a kind of beauty that touches your spirit, and brings balance and harmony to a level that transcends the superficial. Barbara is available for consultations, guest speaker engagements, and workshops. Tel: (845) 339-4601.

INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS Webjogger Blazing fast broadband Internet access. Featuring symmetrical bandwidth, superior personal attention and technical support, rocksolid security and reliability, and flexible rates. Complementary services include e-mail, Web hosting, accelerated dialup, server collocation and management, and customized networking solutions. Webjogger is a locally grown company with offices in Tivoli and Kingston. Call (845) 757-4000 or visit us online at

LITERARY Submit to Chronogram Seeking submissions of poems, short stories, essays and article proposals. Accepting pieces of all sorts. With SASE, send submissions to Chronogram, 314 Wall Street, 2nd floor, Kingston, NY 12401. or check out our web site:

Ione Writing workshops and private instruction for writers. (845) 339-5776.




Powerhouse Summer Theater/ Lehman-Loeb Gallery

The only complete arts and cultural events resource for the Hudson Valley. Subscribe and get the lowdown first. Whether you live in the Hudson Valley or just visit, you’ll know what’s going on. Send $36 for yearly subscription to: Chronogram, 314 Wall Street, 2nd floor, Kingston, NY 12401.

MEDIATION & CONFLICT RESOLUTION Pathways Mediation Center A unique mediation practice for couples going through divorce, or families in conflict, with the innovative, combined services of two professionals. Josh Koplovitz has 30 years as a Matrimonial & Family Law Attorney, and Myra Schwartz has 30 years as a Guidance Counselor. This male/female team can effectively address all your legal and family issues. Use our one-hour free consultation to find out about us. Tel: (845) 331-0100.

Rodney Wells, CFP, Member AFM & NYSCDM

PET SERVICES & SUPPLIES Pussyfoot Lodge B&B The Pioneer in Professional Pet Care! Full housepet-plant-sitting service, proudly serving three counties for 32 years. Experienced, dependable, thorough, and reasonable house-sitting for your pets’ health and happiness. Also offering a cats-only resort with individual rooms. Extensive horticulture and landscaping knowledge in addition to domestic and zoo animal experience. Better Business Bureau Metro NY/Mid-Hudson Region Member. (845) 687-0330.

PET SITTING Dog Love, LLC Personal Hands-On Boarding and Daycare tailored to your dog’s individual needs. Your dog’s happiness is our goal. Indoor 5x10 windowed matted kennels with classical music. Supervised playgroups in 40 x 40 fenced area. Homemade food and healthy treats. Dog Love, 240 N. Ohioville Road, New Paltz, NY, (845) 255 8281

PHOTOGRAPHY France Menk Photography & Photodesign


A fine art approach to your photographic and advertising requirements. Internationally exhibited. Major communications/advertising clients. My work is 100% focused on your needs. (845) 256-0603.

Burt’s Electronics

Michael Gold

Good music deserves quality sound! Avoid the malls and shop where quality and personal service are valued above all else. Bring Burt and his staff your favorite album and let them teach you how to choose the right audio equipment for your listening needs. 549 Albany Avenue, Kingston. Monday through Friday 9am-7pm; Saturday 9am-5pm; and Sunday 12pm-4pm. (845) 331-5011.

Artistic headshots of actors, singers, models, musicians, performing artists, writers, and unusual, outlandish, off-the-wall personalities. Complete studio facilities and lighting. Creative, warm, original, professional. Unconditionally guaranteed. www.michaelgoldsphot and click on to the “Headshots” page. The Corporate Image Studios, 1 Jacobs Lane, New Paltz. (845) 255-5255.

WVKR 91.3 FM

China Jorrin Photography

Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. A listener-supported, non-commercial, student-run, alternative music station. Programming is provided by students and community members, and includes jazz, new music, folk, hip hop, polka, new age, international, blues, metal, news and public affairs programming. WVKR Web casts at Tel:(845) 437-7010.

A Hudson Valley based photographer dedicated to documenting weddings in a candid and creative style. While remaining unobtrusive she is able to capture key, quiet and personal moments of the event. For rates and avalibilty please call (917) 449-5020.

NURSERIES See Landscape Products & Services.

PAINTING Quadrattura Painting Interior/Exterior & Interior Decorator Finishes. Serving the area since 1997 with pristine jobs for the economy-minded homeowner, as well as decorator and faux finishes, completed with old-world craftsmanship and pride. Wallpaper removal, light carpentry, plaster. Environmental paints available. Free estimates. Call: (845) 679-9036.

business directory

If you’re separating, divorcing, or have issues with child support, custody, or visitation, choose mediation. On average, mediated agreements are fulfilled twice as often as litigated court decisions and cost half as much. I draw on my experience as a financial planner, psychotherapist and pro se litigant to guide couples in a responsible process of unraveling their entanglements, preserving their assets, and creating a satisfying future. Cornwall, New Paltz, and NYC. (845) 5347668.

Vassar College Box 225, Poughkeepsie, NY 12604. (845) 437-5902. Email: befargislanc

Marlis Momber Photography LTD ‘KEEP IT REAL’ Call Marlis for all your photographic needs: Commercial Photography, advertising, annual reports. Personal portraits, head shots, fine art reproduction. Weddings, family reunions, life’s events. Free in-depth consultations to meet your photographic needs and budget. Digital files sent directly to you. PHOTO CDs or film and great prints all sizes. Studio in the heart of New Paltz. www.m (845) 255-4928.

PIANO Adam’s Piano Featuring Kawai and other fine brands. 75 pianos on display in our Germantown (just 4/06 CHRONOGRAM.COM BUSINESS DIRECTORY


north of Rhinebeck) showroom. Open by appointment only. Inventory, prices, pictures at A second showroom will be opening in New Paltz in November. Superb service, moving, storage, rentals; we buy pianos! (518) 537-2326 or (845) 343-2326.

8 John Walsh Blvd. Suite 318A. Peekskill, NY. Tel: (914) 788-8090.

A radically different form of education based on the belief that children are driven by a basic desire to learn and explore. We trust that children, given the freedom, will choose the most appropriate path for their education. Our democratic School Meeting expects children to take responsibility for their lives and their community. Year-round admissions. Slidingscale tuition. Web: Tel: (845) 679-1002.


High Meadow School

Piano Clearing House

Brinkman Plumbing & Heating Services A third generation plumbing company operated by Master Plumber Berno Brinkmann and his son Timothy. They handle all your plumbing needs with skilled, prompt, and attentive service. Call for further information or to schedule a free estimate. Free Estimates. Fully Insured. Tel: (518)731-1178

N & S Supply 205 Old Route 9, Fishkill, NY 12524. (845) 896-6291.


business directory

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SCHOOLS Anderson School Anderson School is an educational residential community, serving children and adults (ages 5-21) with autism and related developmental disabilities, in Staatsburg, New York. Education and residential programs are designed to foster continuous growth, independence and social interaction. Students are accepted year-round. Funded by NYS Dept. of Education, OCFS and OMRDD. Contact Kate Haas (845) 889-4034 x534 or visit 108


Hudson Valley Sudbury School

Pre-kindergarten through 8th grade, committed to a child-centered education that engages the whole child. Intimate, nurturing, with small class size and hands-on learning. A program rich in academic, artistic, physical, and social skills. Fully accredited. Route 209, Stone Ridge, NY. Call Suzanne Borris, director. (845) 687-4855.

Maria’s Garden Montessori School Cultivating creativity, compassion and a lifelong love of learning. Serving children 3 years through second grade in a country schoolhouse surrounded by gardens, woodlands and streams. Combining the outstanding materials and attention to detail of Montessori education with an emphasis on creativity and childgenerated curriculum inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach. 8:30 am-3:30 pm, with parttime options for preschoolers. Half or full day kindergarten. 62 Plains Road, New Paltz, New York 12561. Email: info@mariasgardenmontesso Tel: (845) 256-1875.

Mountain Laurel Waldorf School At the Mountain Laurel Waldorf School, not only can all students do their best in academic basics, they can find and achieve a balance in rich programs of drama, speech, Spanish, Russian, painting, music, creative writing, woodwork, and more. Waldorf Education: for the head, heart, and hands. Nursery-8th Grade. 16 South Chestnut Street, New Paltz. Call Judy Jaeckel. (845) 255-0033.

Woodstock Day School Woodstock Day School, a state-chartered, independent school and member of NYSAIS, providing quality education for pre-school through high school students since 1972. Small classes and a 6:1 student-to-teacher ratio allow us to give each child the individualized consideration necessary for a positive learning experience. PO Box 1, Woodstock. Tel: (845) 246-3744. Web:

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the forecast


FUNNY LADY When Liza Donnelly (left) started working for the New Yorker 26 years ago, she was only one of three female cartoonists being published by the magazine. While the number of femmes publishing cartoons in the mag has increased since then, Donnelly is still in the minority alongside the boys at the New Yorker. This may have been formative in her desire to publish Funny Ladies: The New Yorker’s Greatest Women Cartoonists and Their Cartoons, an exhaustive coffee-table history of the magazine’s few women cartoonists. (The New Yorker published no cartoons by women from 1951-1972.) The book contains previsouly unpublished letters between legendary editors Wallace Shawn and William Ross and cartoonists, biographical sketches of the cartoonists, a foreword by Jules Feiffer, and of course, loads of cartoons, from the Bathtub Gin send-ups of Helen Hokinson and Helen Harvey to the stilettoheeled wine-bar denizens of Marisa Marchetto. Donnelly interviewed all of the living female cartoonists at the New Yorker for the book, as well as many of their male counterparts, including Bob Mankoff, Lee Lorenz, Gahan Wilson,and others. Donnelly, a Rhinebeck resident, has edited four books of cartoons prior to Funny Lady, including Call Me When You Reach Nirvana, with her husband Michael Maslin. Also a children’s book author, Donnelly is currently writing and illustrating two books, The Rainbow and There’s a Hippo in My Backyard. Donnelly's cartoons and illustrations have appeared in Cosmopolitan, the New York Times, the Nation, and other national magazines. An exhibition of Liza Donnelly’s current and past work will be on display in the Bertelsmann Campus Center at Bard College April 15-23. On April 19, at 5:30pm, Donnelly will speak on "Funny Ladies: The Yorker's Women Cartoonists, Now and Then," followed by a book signing and reception in the Weis Cinema of the Bertelsmann Campus Center. (845) 758-7098. —Brian K. Mahoney 4/06 CHRONOGRAM.COM FORECAST





BROOKLYN IN THE BERKSHIRES International music from Brooklyn hits the stage this month at Club Helsinki in Great

under the tag, “The Rise of the Gypsy Punkers.” However, they defy categorization. With

Barrington. Here are two bands that could only have come out of the land of Coney

unamplified horns—including truba (a rotary-valve flugelhorn), trumpets, sax, trombone—

Island and the Mermaid Parade via Latin America, Asia, Eastern Europe, Turkey, and

as well as accordion and Serbian drum, the nine band members keep busy. Stepping

the Balkans.

across vast reaches of their musical influences, they hammer out deceptively complex

Las Rubias del Norte speak the international language of love, inspiring audiences

arrangements that fuse old-world fire and new-world soul. Sexy snake charmer and belly

at the Park Slope club Barbes to wait in lines for standing-room-only performances. The

dancing rhythms segue into twisted marching-band tunes. There is a freaky engine driving

group is led by the polished, classically trained voices of gringa singing goddesses Emily

this circus train, and percussionist/composer Matt Moran leads the band while playing

Hurst and Allyssa Lamb, who met at the New York Choral Society. The players riff electric

the Serbian bubanj, which is a bass drum, a snare drum, and a cymbal all in one. The

versions of Mozart, ring the glockenspiel, and play guitar, quarto, bass, and percussion.

personnel are the finest in their respective areas of expertise ranging from chamber music

The gentle, silky smooth delivery glides into your heart with a sigh, while passionate and

and rock to new jazz, big band, and Balkan music. Slavic Soul Party has performed far

smoldering undertones of rumba and cha cha come off with excellent humor—especially

and wide, including Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, and Istanbul. In April alone, they are

when you realize the song you are swooning to contains a sample from the Abba song

playing Boston, the Berkshires, Amherst, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Cincinnati, and Brooklyn.

“Fernando.” Las Rubias del Norte (The Blondes of the North) is a welcome addition to a

Combining gypsy, East European, and Asian immigrant origins with Americana music

music scene that is experiencing a trend toward softer, intelligent, intergenre vibrations.

that twitches and stomps its way through soul, funk, and jazz, they take their audience

Their new album, Panamericana, arrived in stores on March 14. Check out their website,

hostage on a fantastic journey. You’ll soon see that resistance is futile., as a preview to their Club Helsinki show. This double bill also features Slavic Soul Party. Leave it to Brooklyn to be home base to so many cool bands. And leave it to Club Helsinki to bring them to the Berkshires.

Las Rubias del Norte and Slavic Soul Party perform at Club Helsinki, 284 Main Street, Great Barrington, MA, on Saturday, April 8, at 9pm. (413) 528-3394;

The New York Times reviewed SSP as pop/jazz, and the group has also been covered

Tees, Long Sleeve Tees, Baby Tees, Long Sleeve Baby Tees, Hoodies.

Buy Online. 112


—J. Spica




calendar NEW CALENDAR SUBMISSION FORMAT Attention Events Listers! You are now able to post your own listings online at Just go to the website, click on “Add My Event” and fill out the Calendar Submission form, supplying us with all the details of your event. When you’re done, your event will be added to our online calendar within 24 hours, and ready for publication in the print version of Chronogram. Our calendar deadline is always the 15th of the month prior to publication (i.e., April 15 for the May issue). Calendar listings may still be submitted via e-mail, fax, or the US Postal Service. Full information available on page 8.

SAT 1 ART School Invitational Theme Exhibit 3-6pm. Works by high school students. Garrison Art Center, Garrison. 424-3960.

Anthony Guy Parker’s Fractal Artwork Prints 5-7pm. Mezzanine Bookstore & Café, Kingston. 339-6925.

KIDS Cottontails Tales

THE OUTDOORS Spring Nature Walk

10am. Museum of the Hudson Highlands, Cornwall-on-Hudson. 534-5506 ext 204.

10am. Kingston Point Park, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.

The Science of Magic

Singles Hike – Table Rocks

11am. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080.

10am-2pm. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919.

Creature Feature

SPOKEN WORD Reading/Performance with Elizabeth Cunningham

Hendrik Dijk: Recent Work

12:30pm. Get up close to a resident animal. Forsyth Nature Center, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.

5-7pm. Coffey Gallery, Kingston. 339-6105.

Art Fun for Kids


1-5pm. AIR Studio Gallery, Kingston. 331-2662.

5-8pm. Works by photographer Eric H Weingartner. Awake Gallery, Kingston. 532-2448. 6-8pm. John Davis Gallery, Hudson. (518) 828-5907.

Lenny Kislin Opening 6-9pm. Conceptual assemblages. The Living Room, Kingston. 338-8353.

CLASSES Layette Call for times. 3 sessions. Yarn Swift, Poughkeepsie. 454-7444.

Fly Fishing Classes 10am-5pm. Hudson Valley Angler, Red Hook. 758-9203. $175.

DANCE East Meets West Swing Dance Mix 7-7:45pm lesson followed by open dance. First Presbyterian Church, Highland. 494-0224. $10.

English Country Dance 8-11pm. Hurley Reformed Church, Hurley. 679-8587. $10.

Latin Dance Party 9pm. Chowhound Café, Saugerties. 246-5158.

EVENTS Catskill Animal Sanctuary Opening Weekend 11am-4pm. Visit the animals. Catskill Animal Sanctuary, Saugerties. 336-8447. $5.

Below Stairs: In Service to the Great Estates

1pm. Dutchess Community College, Poughkeepsie. 431-8916.

9:30am-3:30pm. Presented by the Great Estates Consortium of the Hudson River Valley. Presidential Library, Hyde Park. 889-8851.

Terri Roiger

Gail Godwin

6-10pm. Voice and piano. Toscani and Sons, New Paltz. 255-3800.

Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra and Chorale 8pm. Classical, solo, symphonic. Newburgh Free Academy Auditorium, Newburgh. 562-1800.

Hudson Valley Friends of Jazz Spring Series 8pm. North Pointe Cultural Center, Kinderhook. (518) 758-9234. $20/$15 members/$10.

John Hammond

3pm. Queen of the Underworld. Oblong Books and Music, Rhinebeck. 246-6264.

THEATER The Spell of Sleeping Beauty 2/8. Presented by Marist College Council on Theater Arts. Nelly Goletti Theater at Marist College, Poughkeepsie. 575-3133.

Alice in Wonderland 7:30pm. New York Conservatory for the Arts Cabaret Theater, Hurley. 339-4340.

Out of the Ordinary

8pm. Kleinert/James Arts Center, Woodstock. 679-2079.

7:30pm. Magical comedy show. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

Songs of the Sufi Brotherhood

Fiddler on the Roof

8pm. Bardavon, Poughkeepsie. 454-3388.

Toshi Reagon 8pm. Classic R&B. Rosendale Café, Rosendale. 658-9048. $12.

Fred Gillen Jr. 8-11pm. Alternative, folk. Maia Restaurant and Lounge, Poughkeepsie. 486-5004.

Jazz Jam with Guitarist Peter Einhorn 8-11pm. Mezzanine Bookstore & Café, Kingston. 339-6925.

8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Woodstock. 876-3080. $22 adults/$20 seniors/children.

Two Trains Running 8pm. Elmwood Playhouse, Nyack. 353-1313.

WORKSHOPS Bread and Puppet Workshop 10am-2pm. Time & Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

Simplify Your Life

3pm. Kingston Library, Kingston. 246-3744.

9pm. Towne Crier Café, Pawling. 855-1300.

1-2pm. Cornwall Library, Cornwall-onHudson. 227-3190.

Elvis Tribute by Joseph Eigo

Nutrition for Yoga and Life

Catskill Water Discovery Center

9pm. Langes Groce Side Resort, Acra. (518) 622-393.

Alternative School Forum

4pm. Introduction to the new museum. Middletown Town Hall, Margaretville. 254-5354.

Our Community Party 7pm. Backstage Studio Productions, Kingston. 338-8700.

California Guitar Trio

The Kurt Henry Band 9pm. Alternative, dance, progressive, kurtkrap. High Falls Café, High Falls. 687-2699.

The Complications

FILM Bread and Puppet: National Circus of the Correct Moment

9pm. Choral, country, original, rock, solo, swing, vocals. Rondout Bay Marina, Kingston. 339-3917.

8pm. Time & Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

10-11pm. Pop, rock. The Cubbyhole Coffee House, Poughkeepsie. 483-7584.



Paintings by Claude Carone

MUSIC Student Recitals

Call for times. Author of The Passion of Mary Magdalene. Merritt Bookstore, Millbrook. 677-5857.

3-6pm. Satya Yoga Center, Rhinebeck. 876-2528.

SUN 2 ART Spring Postcard Show 9am-4pm. Midtown Neighborhood Center, Kingston. 338-4825.

Catching the Light 1-3pm. Landscape paintings by Eleanor Goldstein. Rockefeller State Park Preserve Art Gallery, Pocantico Hills. (914) 631-1470.



Vessels & Haybales

Birding for Beginners

2-4pm. Ceramics and photography by Felicia Flanagan. Rosendale Café, Rosendale. 658-9048.

1-2pm. Trailside Museum and Zoo, Bear Mountain State Park. 786-2701 ext. 293.

Art as a Journey into Awareness 2-5pm. A crossing path between spirituality and art. Elisa Pritzker Studio & Gallery, Highland. 691-5506.

BODY / MIND / SPIRIT Pathwork Spiritual Lecture Reading/ Discussion/Potluck 10:30am. Phoenicia. 688-2211.

CLASSES Fly Fishing School 10am-3pm. Rockefeller State Park Preserve, Tarrytown. (914) 631-1470 ext. 14.

DANCE Swing Dance Jam 6:30-9pm. Arlington Reformed Church, Poughkeepsie. 339-3032. $5.

EVENTS Kingston Train and Hobby Expo 10am-4pm. Tech City, Kingston. 334-8233. $5/$1 children.

Grace Smith House Spring Brunch and Auction 11:30am-2:30pm. Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel, Poughkeepsie. 452-7155.


FILM Holy Land—Christians in Peril

2pm. Author of The Passion of Mary Magdalene. Heavenly Sense, Sugar Loaf. 534-1132.

Hudson Valley Stoneware: George Lukacs 2pm. Part of the history of Rondout. D&H Canal Museum, High Falls. 687-9311.

Presentations by Ned Sullivan and Evelyn Trebilcock

7pm. Divas of comedy. Bodles Opera House, Chester. 469-4595.

Luscious Landscaping with Fruits 7:30pm. Brook Farm, New Paltz. 255-1052. $25.

THEATER Alice in Wonderland 2pm. New York Conservatory for the Arts Cabaret Theater, Hurley. 339-4340.

The Spell of Sleeping Beauty

2pm. National Circus of the Correct Moment, TSL Warehouse, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

MUSIC Rick Nestler

Fiddler on the Roof

2pm. Warwick Valley Winery, Warwick. 258-4858.

3pm. Center for Performing Arts, Woodstock. 876-3080. $22 adults/$20 seniors/children.

Second Helpings: St. Luke’s Chamber Ensemble


THE OUTDOORS Rainbow Falls Hike 9am. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011.

Lost City Hike or Snowshoe 9:30am-3:30pm. Strenuous 7 miles. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919.

Singles Hike-Bonticou Crag 10am-2:30pm. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919.

MUSIC Open Mike Featuring Denise Jordan Finley 7:30-10pm. Mezzanine Bookstore & Café, Kingston. 339-6925.

11pm. Acoustic, country, folk, original, solo, traditional. Oasis Café, New Paltz. 255-2400.

Bread and Puppet Theater

8pm. Towne Crier Café, Pawling. 855-1300.

4:30pm. Film screening. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7512.

Janet Droll, Patricia Mazo, and Keith Dougherty

3pm. Barnes and Noble, Kingston. 336-0590.

Pete Best Band

FILM Lecture Series: Revolution and the Limits of Reason

Open Mike with Seth Ray

KIDS Special Kindermusik Storytime

3pm. Morrison Mansion, Middletown. 343-3049. $25/$22.

6:30 Essential Swing/7:30 Essential Lindy Hop/8:30 Inter. Reformed Church of the Comforter, Kingston. 236-3939.

2pm. Explore “then and now,” showing 19th-century paintings by Hudson River School artists. Thomas Cole National Historic Site, Catskill. (518) 943-7465.

2pm. Presented by Marist College Council on Theater Arts. Nelly Goletti Theater at Marist College, Poughkeepsie. 575-3133.

2pm. Crosstown New York. Dia:Beacon, Beacon. 440-0100. $15/$10.


Book Signing with Elizabeth Cunningham

7:30pm. Christians living under the Palestinian Authority. Temple Emanuel, Kingston. 338-8131.

Eliza Gilkyson



CLASSES Swing Dance Classes

Seed Starting with Briana Davis 10am. The Phantom Gardener, Rhinebeck. 876-8606. $10.

Birth a Book, Raise Your Voice, Change the World 2-4pm. Mirabai, Woodstock. 679-2100. $15/$20.

Raise Your Voice, Change the World 7-9pm. Mirabai, Woodstock. 679-2100. $15/$20.

MON 3 BODY / MIND / SPIRIT The Gnostic Principle in the Human Being 8pm. Lectorium Rosicrucianum Center, Chatham. (518) 392-2799. $25.

8-11:30pm. Rhinebeck Grille, Rhinebeck. 876-6816.

David Kraai

SPOKEN WORD Book Signing with Elizabeth Cunningham

6pm. Author of The Passion of Mary Magdalene. Grinnell Library, Wappingers Falls. 297-3428.

George Guida and Danielle Woerner 7pm. Poetry and music. Colony Café, Woodstock. 679-5342. $3.

THEATER The Spell of Sleeping Beauty 9:30am/12:30pm. Presented by Marist College Council on Theater Arts. Nelly Goletti Theater at Marist College, Poughkeepsie. 575-3133.

WORKSHOPS Playwriting Workshop 7pm. Karen‘s Drive-In, Pawling. 832-7243.

TUES 4 MUSIC Rio Jazz Concert 7:30pm. Dutchess Community College, Poughkeepsie. 431-8050.

Richie Colan 8pm. Blues. High Falls Café, High Falls. 687-2699.

Less The Wiser 10pm. Rock. Dominick’s, Marlboro. 568-0981.

THE OUTDOORS Adult Nature Walks 8:30am. Forsyth Nature Center, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.

SPOKEN WORD Reading by Poet Yusef Komunyakaa 10:30am. SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge. 687-5263.





NEON VERNACULAR A worldly, philosophic ambience pervades the terrain of Pulitzer Prize-winner Yusef Komunyakaa’s poetic landscapes, whether stirred by the soil of a potato field in his native Louisiana or by muddy riverbanks in the jungles of Vietnam. Komunyakaa’s is a singular perception of human experience as viewed through the prism of African-American experience. The Professor of Humanities and Creative Writing at Princeton University and the author of 12 volumes of poetry, he will read his poems at SUNY Ulster on Tuesday, April 4. Born in Bogalusa in 1947, Komunyakaa (pronounced koh-mun-yah-kuh) entered the US Army in 1965. Awarded the Bronze Star for service in Vietnam, he returned stateside, collecting BA and MA degrees in Colorado, and an MFA in creative writing from the University of California, Irvine. University teaching followed. Komunyakaa’s earliest free-verse poetry, grounded in the Deep Image Movement, culminated in the much-acclaimed Lost in the Bonewheel Factory, a collection chronicling life in the American South, which was published in 1979. His follow-up, Copacetic (1983), melodically incorporated jazz and blues rhythms and idioms, establishing Komunyakaa’s reputation as a creator of lyrically resonant, short-line vernacular verse. Komunyakaa’s 1988 volume Dien Cai Dau (“crazy American solider" in Vietnamese) dramatizes war. Its much-anthologized poem “Facing It” describes a confrontation with the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, beginning with the lines: “My black face fades, / hiding inside the black granite.” But the full range of the author’s poetic power comes together in Neon Vernacular: New and Selected Poems (1994), which earned him both the Pulitzer and the Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award. In the latter, Komunyakaa combines his signature images,of rural black culture, religiosity, combat and bohemian cityscapes to encapsulate the evolution of racial politics during the past 50 years. His latest work, Taboo (2004), the first volume in a projected trilogy, masterfully extends this project into the 21st century. Yusef Komunyakaa appears at SUNY Ulster on the Stone Ridge Campus for two readings on Tuesday, April 4. He will read and discuss his poetry in the Vanderlyn Hall Student Lounge at 10:30am; at 7pm, he will read again and sign books in Quimby Theater. Both events are free and open to the public. For more information, call (845) 687-5262. —Pauline Uchmanowicz



Transform Your Life: Class and Meditation

7:30pm. SUNY Orange, Middletown. 341-4891.

7-9pm. Howland Cultural Center, Beacon. 856-9000. $8.

THEATER The Spell of Sleeping Beauty

CLASSES Beginners Meditation Class

9:30am/12:30pm. Presented by Marist College Council on Theater Arts. Nelly Goletti Theater at Marist College, Poughkeepsie. 575-3133.

WORKSHOPS One-Day Intro to Excel 9am-4:30pm. SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge. 339-2025.

Ways to Energize Your Life 7-8:30pm. Vassar Hospital, Poughkeepsie. 227-3190.

Vocal Toning for Healing 7-9pm. Mirabai, Woodstock. 679-2100. $15/$20.

WED 5 CLASSES Swing Dance Classes 6:30 Essential Swing/7:30 Essential Lindy Hop/8:30 Inter. Boughton Place, Highland. 236-3939.

African Drum 6-7pm. 4 weeks. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. $35/$45.

KIDS Creature Feature 3:30pm. Get up close to a resident animal. Forsyth Nature Center, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.

MUSIC Owen Roberts


10pm. Acoustic. Bacchus Restaurant, New Paltz. 255-8636.

SPOKEN WORD Re-building Pakistan after the 2005 Earthquake Call for times. SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge. 687-5263.

Classics in Religion 10:30am. „The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church“ discussion of the Eastern Orthodox tradition. Kingston Library, Kingston. 334-8404.

Luncheon Lecture Series 12pm. The Bible as Literature. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7388.

Alice Wexler 5pm. Outsider Art: Its Challenges to Art and Education. SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz. 257-3933.

THEATER The Spell of Sleeping Beauty 9:30am/12:30pm. Presented by Marist College Council on Theater Arts. Nelly Goletti Theater at Marist College, Poughkeepsie. 575-3133.

WORKSHOPS How To Create a Rewarding Social Life 7pm. Institute for Human Development, Kingston. 339-6250.

Tarot-on-the-Hudson 7-9:30pm. Rhinebeck. 876-5797.

7:30-9pm. 4 weeks. New Age Center and Point of Infinity, Nyack. 353-2590.

KIDS Fairy Tale Castle Puppet Theater 3:15pm. Performing Rumpelstiltskin, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty. Woodstock Day School, Woodstock. 246-3744.

MUSIC Harpist Lydia Zotto 12:15-12:45pm. Old Dutch Church, Kingston. 338-6759.

Dorraine Scofield 6-8:30pm. Acoustic Thursdays. High Falls Café, High Falls. 687-2699.

Little Scotty and the Knockouts 8:30pm. Blues, R&B, soul. Spanky‘s, Poughkeepsie. 485-2294.

SPOKEN WORD Apocryphal Science with Author Neil DeRosa 7:30pm. New Paltz Town Hall, New Paltz. 247-0098.

THEATER Fiddler on the Roof 8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Woodstock. 876-3080. $22 adults/$20 seniors/children.

Two Trains Running 8pm. Elmwood Playhouse, Nyack. 353-1313.

FRI 7 ART Grand Gestures: Celebrating Rembrandt Call for times. Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, Poughkeepsie. 437-5632.


DANCE Susan Osberg’s “Dancing on Water”


7pm. Bulldog Studios Gymnasium, Beacon. 831-1832. $10.

Cajun Music and Dance with Cleoma‘s Ghost and Friends


When it comes to melancholy, Billie Holiday is Our Lady of the Ache. One of the souls pierced by her

8pm. Colony Café, Woodstock. 384-6673.

music is that of jazz vocalist and violinist Betty McDonald. A jazz radio personality and programmer

Zydeco Dance with Li’l Anne & Hot Cayenne

for WDST and WAMC for 16 years, McDonald has interviewed legends such as Dave Brubeck, Sonny

8-11pm. Beginner lesson at 7pm. White Eagle Hall, Kingston. 255-7061. $12.

EVENTS Valeze Circus-Like Road Show

Rollins, Dizzy Gillespie, Jack DeJohnette, and Pat Metheny. But she got her greatest listener response when she played Billie Holiday specials on air. McDonald has since performed several tributes to the gardenia-bedecked Lady in Satin, using both music and spoken word. Another is coming this month. “She’s a musician I respect so much,” says McDonald. “I had been reading her autobiography and

Call for times. With music. The Forum Lounge, Kingston. 331-1116. $8.

some other books about her, so it’s a culmination of my feelings and the knowledge I gained of her, the love

Catskill Water Discovery Center

of her music. The audience loves hearing about Billie; they can relate to her and some of her struggles.”

5:30pm. Introduction to the new museum. Hurwitz Architects, West Hurley. 254-5354.

husband, a jazz musician. In the late ’60s, after moving to Woodstock and enjoying myriad jam sessions,

FILM Lecture and Movie: Justice for Bhopal 7pm. Time & Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

KIDS Cuentos de Naturaleza 1pm. Mid-Town Neighborhood Center, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.

MUSIC Jerry Hadley

Though McDonald studied classical music, she became interested in jazz after meeting her thenshe began performing jazz for the first time. She’s since performed in jazz festivals in Russia, India, and Turkey, as well as festivals in New York City and the Hudson Valley. She’s worked with the Marc Black Band, the Brazilian group Iabas, ska rock’s Winston Grennan Band, world music group Critical Theory, and Peggy Stern’s samba/salsa band, Estrella. She recently released a second CD of jazz standards and originals, Dream Come True. And when she’s not recording or performing, she’s teaching music and conducting workshops. A documentary on McDonald’s life, coproduced by Burrill Crohn and Joy Hausman, will be released this spring. McDonald performs the Holiday tribute as part of her trio, with bassist Jim Curtin and pianist Peter

Call for times. Opera. Studley Theater, SUNY New Paltz. 257-3880.

Tomlinson. “They are the perfect people to do it,” says McDonald. “They both play in the feeling of the


Terri Roiger

music from that era, so it’s very easy to connect with Billie’s sound.” McDonald’s repertoire includes

Plein Aire Paintings by Garin Baker

6-10pm. Voice and piano. Toscani and Sons, New Paltz. 255-3800.

“God Bless the Child,” “Don’t Explain,” Pennies From Heaven,” “Fine and Mellow,” “Body and Soul,”

THUR 6 3-6pm. Wallkill River Art Gallery, New Windsor. 689-0613.

Three Women’s Exhibit 5-6:30pm. Fran Smulcheski, Molly Rausch, and Kathleen Sweeney. Mildred I. Washington Art Gallery, Poughkeepsie. 431-8622.

BODY / MIND / SPIRIT LGBT Guided Meditation Group 7-8:30pm. Acorn Hill Healing Arts, Olivebridge. 657-2516. $10.



Ian Buruma: Europe-USA: A Religious Divide

Jeff Entin

“My Man,” and other well-known tunes. She includes some cheerier ones, as well. The performance

7pm. High Falls Café, High Falls. 687-2699.

is in cabaret style, and includes stories of Billie’s life, quotes from her autobiography, and information

Brahms Requiem

about the songs. McDonald will also sing “Sweet Gardenia,” an original composition inspired by Billie.

8pm. Hudson Valley Philharmonic. Quimby Theater, New Paltz. 473-2072.

This performance always sells out, so advance tickets are recommended.

Hudson Valley Philharmonic

Betty McDonald performs a Billie Holiday Tribute at Backstage Studio Productions, 323 Wall Street,

8pm. SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge. 687-5262.

Kingston, on Saturday, April 15, at 8pm. Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door. (845) 338-8700;

The Kennedys and Peter Spink

8pm. Bodles Opera House, Chester. 469-4595.


—Sharon Nichols



Maura Ellyn

The Lost Girls of Sudan

8-11pm. Folk, jazz. Maia Restaurant and Lounge, Poughkeepsie. 486-5004.

7:30pm. An evening of world dance and music. Temple Emanuel, Kingston. 876-8731. $20/$5 15 and under.

The Kurt Henry Band 8-11pm. Alternative, dance, progressive, kurtkrap. Peekskill Coffee House, Peekskill. (914) 739-1287.

Yankee Rose 8-11pm. Acoustic, blues, contemporary, folk. Mezzanine Bookstore & Café, Kingston. 339-6925.

Valeze Meets Fantom Frequency

Spring Fun Family Festival

9pm. Forum Lounge, Kingston. 331-1116.

10am-4pm. High Falls Firehouse, High Falls. 658-3467.

10pm. Afro-Cuban dance band. New World Home Cooking, Saugerties. 246-0900.

SPOKEN WORD Roberta Gould and Steve Hirsch

Symposium: Comic Books

Skyhunters in Flight

WORKSHOPS Seemorg Matrix Work

Creature Feature 12:30pm. Get up close to a resident animal. Forsyth Nature Center, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.

MUSIC The Grooveniles 10:30am. Kingston Library, Kingston. 331-0507.

Calib Nelson and Sarah Hull

Geometry of Plagiarism Opening

Faculty Group Concert to Benefit MusicLink

Photography Now Opening


O.K., So, I lied Opening 6-9pm. Objects in fabric and found materials by Gary O‘Connor. Bau, Beacon. 440-7584.

Edward Wilcox opening

12:15-12:45pm. Old Dutch Church, Kingston. 338-6759.

4pm. Dutchess Community College, Poughkeepsie. 431-8916. $10.00/$5.00 for children, seniors, students, faculty, staff.

Denise Jordan Finley and Peggy Atwood 7pm. John Street Jam. Dutch Arms Chapel, Saugerties. 943-6720.

Bernstein Bard Trio CD Release Party 8pm. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

6-9pm. „An American Gothic: Paintings & Sculpture.“ Van Brunt Gallery, Beacon. 838-2995.

Corinne West and the Posse

Works on Fabric Opening

Hudson Valley Philharmonic: Brahms Requiem

7-9pm. Textile art by Susan Kotulak and K. Velis Turan. Tivoli Artists‘ Co-op, Tivoli. 757-2667.

CLASSES What is Weaving? 1-2:30pm. Yarn Swift, Poughkeepsie. 454-7444.

13a North Front Street

DANCE Susan Osberg’s “Dancing on Water”

New Paltz, NY

5pm. Bulldog Studios Gymnasium, Beacon. 831-1832. $10.

April 7th, 2006 at 8pm

11am. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080.

Call for times. Photographs by Lawrence W. Oliverson. Galerie BMG, Woodstock. 679-0027. 5-7pm. Andrei Petrov. M Gallery, Catskill. (518) 943-0380.


8pm. Elmwood Playhouse, Nyack. 353-1313.

5-7pm. Group show, plus Ruth Adams solo. Center for Photography, Woodstock. 679-9957.


Science or Magic? 11am. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

Michael Truckpile, Robert Blake, Louis Ledford, and Julie Novak

The Bakery

4:30am. Museum of the Hudson Highlands, Cornwall-on-Hudson. 5345506 ext 204.

Two Trains Running

ART Transcendent Vision Opening


Who Gets to Call it Art?

KIDS New York Black Bear: Friend or Foe?


groups of people.

5:30pm. Time & Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $22/$20 children and seniors.

9am-6pm. New energy psychotherapy. Vivekanda Retreat, Stone Ridge. 255-2443. $495.

in small rooms to small

FILM Mardi Gras: Made in China

7:30pm. Time & Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

8pm. A day in the life of an out-of-work actor. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

connection of singing songs

5:30pm. Bard College, Annandale-onHudson. 758-7110.

Fiddler on the Roof

Fully Committed

of them love the intimate

Catskill Water Discovery Center

THEATER What‘s In My Shorts!

8pm. Improvisation based on real-life stories of audience members. Boughton Place, Highland. 691-4118. $6.

Julie Novak, and all four

12-6pm. Sale of art, crafts and used items. Rosendale Recreation Center, Rosendale. 255-2871. 4pm. Introduction to the new museum. Shandaken Town Hall, Shandaken. 2545354.

Community Playback Theater

are on tour, everybody loves

Sudan Relief Benefit

Call for times. Calling All Poets series. Howland Cultural Center, Beacon. 831-0077. $4.

7pm. Presented by Underage Thespian Action. Rondout Valley High School, Rondout. 687-2400 ext. 4242. $5.

birthday, Robert and Louis

EVENTS Spring Festival Call for times. Forsyth Nature Center, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.

Los Taino

It’s Michael Truckpile’s

8pm. David Kaynor calling, with music by Gail Blake and Friends. Woodstock Community Center, Woodstock. 246-2121.

9pm. Towne Crier Café, Pawling. 855-1300.

The Costellos

Singer/ Songwriters at the Bakery:


8pm. Rosendale Café, Rosendale. 658-9048. $12.

8pm. Bardavon, Poughkeepsie. 454-3388.

Richard Shindell with Special Guest Terence Martin 8pm. Irvington Town Theater, Irvington. (914) 591-5434. $30.

Tribute to Billie Holiday with Betty Macdonald 8pm. Backstage Studio Productions, Kingston. 338-8700. $12/$10 in advance.

Vickie Russell

Spring Fling Swing Dance Party

8-10pm. Acoustic, folk, pop. Hyde Park Free Library Annex, Hyde Park. 229-7791.

7:30pm. Music by Big Apple Lindy Hoppers. Reformed Church of the Comforter, Kingston. 236-3939. $8.

Genna Rose 8-11pm. Jazz, pop. Maia Restaurant and Lounge, Poughkeepsie. 486-5004.



8-11pm. Contemporary, folk, original. AIR Studio Gallery, Kingston. 331-2662.

Jazz Jam with Guitarist Peter Einhorn 8-11pm. Mezzanine Bookstore & Café, Kingston. 339-6925.

Sonia with Disappear Fear

1-4pm. Works by Lisa Zukowski. Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum, Newburgh. 569-4997.

CLASSES Fly-Fishing School

Chris Smither

10am-3pm. Rockefeller State Park Preserve, Tarrytown. (914) 631-1470 ext. 14.

Elvis Tribute by Joseph Eigo 9pm. Langes Groce Side Resort, Acra. (518) 622-393.

Project Mercury 9pm. Acoustic rock & modern folk. High Falls Café, High Falls. 687-2699.

Cold Sweat 9pm. Blues, oldies, original, R&B, rock, rock & roll. Rondout Bay Marina, Kingston. 339-3917.

Thunder Ridge 9:30pm. Country, rock. Kingston Holiday Inn, Kingston. 338-0400.

The Kinetics 10pm. Progressive, rock. Sung‘s Harbor, New Paltz. 255-9800.

THE OUTDOORS Spring Nature Walk 10am. Kingston Point Park, Kingston. 3311682 ext 132.

Babies in Arms and Strollers 10am-12pm. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919.

SPOKEN WORD Saul Bennett and Will Nixon


ART Aggregates

8:30pm. Bodles Opera House, Chester. 469-4595. 9pm. Towne Crier Café, Pawling. 8551300.

2pm. Hudson Valley Poet‘s Society meeting. Woodstock Town Hall, Woodstock.

New York Black Bear: Friend or Foe? 4:30pm. Museum of the Hudson Highlands, Cornwall-on-Hudson. 5345506 ext. 204.

A Tribute to Hudson Valley Poets of the Past 6-8pm. The Hudson Valley Book Stop, Kingston. 331-6713.

Book Signing with Elizabeth Cunningham

7:30pm. Author of The Passion of Mary Magdalene. Oblong Books and Music, Rhinebeck. 876-0500.

THEATER A Year With Frog and Toad 2pm/7pm. Orange County Community College, Middletown. 341-4790. $10/$7/$4.

Broadway Shows Jersey Boys and Hairspray 2pm. SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge. 687-5262. $38/$42.

Fiddler on the Roof 8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $22/$20 children and seniors.

Performance: Bard Playwrights Festival

FILM Independent America: The Two Lane Search for Mom and Pop 1pm. Rosendale Theater, Rosendale. 331-2670. $8/$6.

Who Gets to Call it Art? 2:30pm. Time & Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

Mardi Gras: Made in China 4pm. Time & Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

KIDS Storytime With Authors Sandra and Myles Pinkney 3pm. „Read and Rise“. Barnes and Noble, Kingston. 336-0590.

MUSIC Colorado Quartet 3pm. Performing Katherine Hoover’s String Quartet No. 2. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7250.

Jazz by Reformed Church of the Comforter 3pm. Josephine-Louise Public Library, Walden. 778-7621.

Attacca String Quartet 4pm. The Church of the Messiah, Rhinebeck. 876-2870. $20/$5 students/ children free.

Ensemble East

8pm. Elmwood Playhouse, Nyack. 353-1313.


TAKE THIS, JOB “There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright,

Tret Fure

Job for a wager. Satan bets the Lord that if his money and family and sheep and oxen are taken from

8pm. Towne Crier Café, Pawling. 855-1300.

THE OUTDOORS Singles Hike – Gertrude’s Nose 9am-4pm. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919.

Spring Pools 10am. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011.

SPOKEN WORD The Secret Lives of Men

and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.” So begins The Book of Job. God and Satan choose him, Job will “curse Thee to Thy face.” God agrees to the bet, and soon Job has lost his children, his wife, and his fortune—and is sitting alone on a dunghill. Archibald McLeish’s theatrical adaptation of the Job story, “J.B.,” will be staged at the Rhinebeck Center for the Performing Arts this month, directed by Gerrit Graham.The play debuted on Broadway in December of 1958. The director was Elia Kazan, and Christopher Plummer and Raymond Massey starred. The New York Times called it “one of the most memorable works of the century.” MacLeish won his third Pulitzer Prize for the play, which was also his greatest popular success. The show begins with two old, broken-down actors, Nickels and Mr. Zuss, in a traveling circus.

2pm. Mezzanine Bookstore & Café, Kingston. 339-6250. $5.

Nickels sells popcorn; Mr. Zuss sells balloons. They decide to reenact the Job story for fun.

THEATER A Year With Frog and Toad

citizen. (The name “J.B.” is a joke on the corporate lingo of the 1950s, when executives were often known

3pm. Orange County Community College, Middletown. 341-4790. $10/$7/$4.

In this case, J.B. is a millionaire who owns a bank and a factory. He is a beloved, philanthropic by their initials.) Nickels (Satan) and Mr. Zuss (God) interact constantly, while standing together on a

Fiddler on the Roof

platform above the stage; “that’s all they do is argue and bitch at each other,” Graham observes.

3pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $22/$20 children and seniors.

role of Mr. Zuss is played by Gerrit Graham. “I asked Bruce, ‘Why do you want to play Satan?’” Graham

Performance: Bard Playwrights Festival 7pm. Bard College, Annandale-onHudson. 758-7900.

Noted theologian and Bard College chaplain Rev. Bruce Chilton plays the Satan figure, while the recounts. “He said, ‘Well, I’m tired of playing good guys.’” Rev. Chilton majored in drama-dance at Bard and recently appeared as Creon in “Antigone” and Beckett in “Murder in the Cathedral.” Alexandra Angeloch is Sarah, J.B.’s wife. Phillip Levine, the poet and playwright (and editor of this magazine’s poetry section), plays the unlucky Job. Soon after “J.B.” ends, Levine will play Giggles, a

MON 10 ART New Orleans: Portrait of a City 2003

murderous, pedophilic, cannibalistic clown in Fear of Clowns 2. In addition to directing, Gerrit Graham is known for his many film and TV roles, including appearances in “Starsky and Hutch,” “The Twilight Zone,” “Seinfeld,” and “Law & Order.” He also


Call for times. John Rizzo Photography. Montgomery Row Second Level, Rhinebeck. 876-6670.

wrote the lyrics to the Grateful Dead song “Victim or the Crime.”

10am-12pm. Koto performance and tea workshop. Mirabai Books and Gifts, Woodstock. 679-7599. $15/$20 at the door.

BODY / MIND / SPIRIT Self-knowledge and Knowledge of the Two Nature Orders

involved with the production—including set designer Richard Prouse and costume designer Natalie

Healthy Heart Cooking Series 1pm. Newburgh Free Library, Newburgh. 563-3619.

Finding Your Intuitive Self: Part II 2-4pm. Mirabai, Woodstock. 679-2100. $15/$20.



4pm. Traditional Japanese chamber music. Howland Cultural Center, Beacon. 297-9243. $25/$12.

8pm. Bard College, Annandale-onHudson. 758-7900.

Two Trains Running



Jay Mankita

8pm. Lectorium Rosicrucianum Center, Chatham. (518) 392-2799.

CLASSES Learn to Meditate 7pm. Hudson Valley Book Stop, Kingston. 797-1218.


Because “J.B.” is being performed as a fundraiser for the Justice for All Speakers Forum, everyone Lunn—is donating their services. It’s no coincidence this play is being performed during Lent. Father Frank Alagna, the play’s producer, chose it intentionally to honor the season in which Christians give up pleasures in the 40 days before Easter. “J.B.” will play at the Rhinebeck Center for the Performing Arts on April 20-22 at 8pm and April 23 at 3pm. (845) 876-3080; —Sparrow


DANCE Youth Movement 2006 8pm. A night of teen dance and inspiration. Paramount Center for the Arts, Peekskill. (914) 217-9249. $25/$10 students/$5 for children.

MUSIC Open Mike Night Hosted by Kurt Henry 7:30-10pm. Mezzanine Bookstore & Café, Kingston. 339-6925.

Seth Ray Hosts Open Mike Night 8-11pm. Rhinebeck Grille, Rhinebeck. 876-6816.

SPOKEN WORD Public Hearing FAA Airspace Redesign Holiday Inn, Kingston. 687-9719.

Lecture Series: Revolution and the Limits of Reason 4:30pm. Debating Darwin‘s God. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7512.

Poets Redell Olsen, Drew Milne, and Juliana Spahr 6:30pm. Bard College, Annandale-onHudson. 758-7425.

Rolf Sturm, Susan Pilewski, Mike Jurkovic 7pm. Poetry and music. Colony Café, Woodstock. 679-5342. $3.

THEATER Performance: Bard Playwrights Festival 7pm. Bard College, Annandale-onHudson. 758-7900.

WORKSHOPS Photovoltaic Design & Installation

THUR 13 ART 2006 Video Artists in Dialogue Series #3 7pm. Video screenings and discussions. Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, Peekskill. (914) 788-7166.

BODY / MIND / SPIRIT Transform Your Life: Class and Meditation 7-9pm. Howland Cultural Center, Beacon. 856-9000. $8.

6-8:30pm. Acoustic, jazz, folk. High Falls Café, High Falls. 687-2699. $5.

Yankee Rose 8-11pm. Acoustic, blues, contemporary, folk. Mezzanine Bookstore & Café, Kingston. 339-6925.

Little Scotty and the Knockouts 8:30pm. Blues, R&B, soul. Spanky‘s, Poughkeepsie. 485-2294.


THEATER Fish n’ Chips 8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $18/$16 children and seniors.

FRI 14 EVENTS Woodstock Day School Open House

7:30pm. Time & Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

1pm. Stories from and about nature. Forsyth Nature Center, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.

THE OUTDOORS Adult Nature Walks


8:30am. Forsyth Nature Center, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.

10am-2pm. Dominick‘s 2, Walden. 568-0981.

THEATER Performance: Bard Playwrights Festival

Nina Sheldon

7pm. Bard College, Annandale-onHudson. 758-7900.

Denise Jordan Finley

6:30-8:30pm. Poetry, short story, novel or memoir. 5 sessions. Woodstock. 679-8256.

WED 12 KIDS Creature Feature 3:30pm. Get up close to a resident animal. Forsyth Nature Center, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.

THE OUTDOORS Hike for Tykes 10am. For parents with children up to age 6. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011.

SPOKEN WORD Classics in Religion 10:30am. „The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church,“ discussion of the Eastern Orthodox tradition. Kingston Library, Kingston. 334-8404.

SHOW TIMES: Fri. & Sat. 8pm and Sun. 2pm. Call for reservations. 62 Plains Rd, New Paltz, NY 12561 / 845.255.9081

KIDS BookWorms

10am-2pm. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011.

Writing Workshop

T HE S UNNYSIDE T HEATER APRIL 21,22,23, & 28,29,30 / MAY 5,6,7


Tours start at 9am. Woodstock Day School, Woodstock. 246-3744.

1pm/3pm. Fun and educational programs for kids. Staatsburgh State Historic Site, Staatsburgh. 889-8851.

6:30-7:30pm. Pawling Library, Pawling. 227-3190.

Alysabeth Anderson

8pm. Forsyth Nature Center, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.

FILM Murder & Murder

WORKSHOPS De-Clutter De-Stress Your Life

A Dramatization of The Devil and Daniel Webster

MUSIC Denise Jordan Finley

KIDS Young at Art Spring Break Social

Spring Break Junior Naturalist Eco-Adventure Program

Speak of the Devil

6pm. Woodstock. 679-2626.

Playwriting Workshop



CLASSES Magick for Beginners Class

Call for times. Ulster Park. 657-8096. 7pm. Karen‘s Drive-In, Pawling. 832-7243.


7pm. Jazz. High Falls Café, High Falls. 687-2699. 8pm. Guitarist/singer/songwriter. Mezzanine Bookstore & Café, Kingston. 339-6925.

Taylor Brown 8-11pm. Blues, folk, jazz, pop. Maia Restaurant and Lounge, Poughkeepsie. 486-5004.

Steve Forbert 8:30pm. Bodles Opera House, Chester. 469-4595.

The Charms Meet The Wifeys 9pm. Forum Lounge, Kingston. 331-1116.

Crawdaddy 10pm. New World Home Cooking, Saugerties. 246-0900.

Reality Check 10pm. Rock, contemporary. Quiet Man‘s Pub, Wappingers Falls.

SPOKEN WORD Book Signing with Elizabeth Cunningham

7:30pm. Author of The Passion of Mary Magdalene. High Valley, Clinton Corners. 266-2309.

Celebrate the Writings of John Sayles 7:30pm. Oblong Books and Music, Rhinebeck. 246-6264.





A HINT OF CAJUN FLAVOR When the accordion found its way into Cajun society, it seems no one was taught how to play it. Louisiana accordion music developed without the smooth, easy style of European melodies. The fast, choppy Cajun method, with its syncopated style, was not found anywhere else in the world. Cajun music moved the accordion back into the limelight. The accordion is not just a piece of Cajun instrumentation; it is the heart of the music.


The accordion entered Cajun culture in the mid-1890s via German emigrants. The Cajuns adopted the accordion readily; its sound was more robust and it was more reliable than the Cajun fiddle. Eventually, the accordion replaced the fiddle as the lead instrument in Cajun music. Ease of chord changes on the accordion sped up the music and lead to the development of fast-paced Cajun dance. Anne Stork, accordion player and singer of Li’l Anne and the Hot Cayennes explains that when she plays, she watches the audience. “I play to the dancers,” she says. She tries to vary speeds, always keeping her audience in mind. “If I were in the audience,” she asks herself, “what would I want to hear so I could dance all night long?” Zydeco evolved out of Cajun music, incorporating buoyant African rhythms with traditional Cajun melodies. “Like the blues and jazz, [or] rock and reggae, the music of the Louisiana black Creoles usually called zydeco is the result of a typically American experience that blended European, Native American, and Afro-Caribbean musical traditions,” explains Barry Ancelet, professor of Creole studies at the University of Louisiana. The name zydeco is fabled to have come out of the musicians’ gentle mocking of themselves: a slurring of the French “les haricots,” or “the beans,” because zydeco musicians were often so poor they did not have money to “salt their own beans.” Zydeco music was developed in the spirit of bringing people together. “Like most folk music, it began in the kitchen,” says Stork. “People were out in the fields all day long. At the end of the day, eventually, someone would pull out an accordion. Originally, [zydeco] was just an accordion and a scrub board.” Cajun-infused music has been on the rise in the Northeast since its popularization in the ’80’s by internationally famous bands like Buckwheat Zydeco and CJ Chenier. Bands like Li’l Anne and the Hot Cayennes, Captain Squeeze and the Zydeco Moshers, and Jesse Lege and the Bayou Brew are coloring the Northeast music scene. Some modern zydeco musicians are not of Cajun descent: Stork, of Li’l Anne and the Hot Cayennes, grew up listening to zydeco on the radio in New Hampshire; her passion for the music and dance styles inspired her to pursue the accordion. Others, like Jesse Lege, are Louisiana transplants. It’s easy to find Cajun-infused music in the Hudson Valley. Li’l Anne and the Hot Cayennes will be giving beginner’s zydeco dance lessons on April 7 at White Eagle Hall in Kingston at 7pm (845-255-7061). Also on April 7, Cleoma’s Ghost plays the Colony Café in Woodstock, beginner’s dance lessons at 8pm (845-679-5342). Crawdaddy’s Cajun-infused rock will be at New World Home Cooking in Saugerties on April 14 at 10pm. Captain Squeeze and the Zydeco Moshers come to New World Home Cooking on April 21 at 10pm (845-246-0900). Jesse Lege and Bayou Brew will perform at Time and Space Limited in Hudson on April 29 at 7pm (518-822-8448). —Jenna Hecker




Secure Voting Panel: Can An Election Be Stolen?

SPOKEN WORD Dr. James Heron

7:30pm. Bard College, Annandale-onHudson. 758-7512.

10am. “Alexander Hamilton at Denning’s Point.” Boscobel Restoration, Garrison. 265-3638.

THEATER David Temple 8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $20/$18 children and seniors.

SAT 15 ART Flow 5-7pm. Exploring matter in movement and changing states. Kleinert/James Arts Center, Woodstock. 679-2079.

DANCE Pascal Rioult Dance Theater 7:30pm. Kaatsbaan International Dance Center, Tivoli. 757-5106.

EVENTS Adult Easter Egg Hunt 12pm. Rivendell Winery, New Paltz. 255-2494.

FILM Who Gets to Call it Art? 5:30pm. Time & Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

Murder & Murder

THEATER Performance: Bard Playwrights Festival 7pm. Bard College, Annandale-onHudson. 758-7900.

WORKSHOPS Reiki I & II Certification 10am-5pm. Become a certified Reiki practitioner. Woodstock. 336-4609.

SUN 16 BODY / MIND / SPIRIT Pathwork Spiritual Lecture Reading/ Discussion/Potluck 10:30am. Phoenicia. 688-2211.

World Meditation Hour 6-7:30pm. Peace Village Learning & Retreat Center, Haines Falls. (518) 589-5000.

Satsang, Meditation, Prayers for Peace 6-8pm. Hudson Amma Satsang, Hudson. (518) 851-9610.

KIDS 12 Dancing Princesses

DANCE Pascal Rioult Dance Theater

11am. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080.

2:30pm. Kaatsbaan International Dance Center, Tivoli. 757-5106.

Creature Feature

FILM Who Gets to Call it Art?

Salamander Sleuths and Frog Finders

MUSIC A Tribute to Billie Holiday Call for times. Backstage Studio Productions, Kingston. 338-8700.

Terri Roger

4pm. Time & Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

MUSIC Unplugged Acoustic Open Mike Call for times. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

THEATER Performance: Bard Playwrights Festival 7pm. Bard College, Annandale-onHudson. 758-7900.

6-10pm. Voice and piano. Toscani and Sons, New Paltz. 255-3800.

WORKSHOPS Reiki I & II Certification

Anna Cheek

10am-5pm. Become a certified Reiki practitioner. Woodstock. 336-4609.

8pm. Folk, grunge, rock. Colony Café, Woodstock. 679-5342.

The Vassar Vocal Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Band 8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $22/$20 children and seniors.

Helen Avakian

MON 17 CLASSES Learn to Meditate 7pm. Hudson Valley Book Stop, Kingston. 797-1218.

8-11pm. Folk, rock. Maia Restaurant and Lounge, Poughkeepsie. 486-5004.

KIDS Spring Break Camp

Jazz Jam with Peter Einhorn

Call for times. Museum of the Hudson Highlands, Cornwall-on-Hudson. 5345506 ext. 204.

8-11pm. Mezzanine Bookstore & Café, Kingston. 339-6925.

Mark Raisch 8-11pm. Jazz, swing, vocals, American Standards. Brickhouse Restaurant Bistro, Marlboro. 236-4682.

Elvis Tribute by Joseph Eigo 9pm. Langes Groce Side Resort, Acra. (518) 622-393.

John Stewart 9pm. Towne Crier Café, Pawling. 855-1300.

Deuce 9pm. Acoustic, oldies, original, rock, rockabilly. Rondout Bay Café & Marina, Kingston. 339-3917.

The Outpatients 10pm. Blues, comedy, original, rock. The Talk of the Town, Walden. 778-9911.

THE OUTDOORS Bonticou Crag Hike 9:30am-2:30pm. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919.

Spring Nature Walk 10am. Kingston Point Park, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.


10pm. Museum of the Hudson Highlands, Cornwall-on-Hudson. 534-5506 ext. 204.

Philadelphia Shipyard #145 12x12 Polaroid image from “Photowork 2006,” Barrett Art Center, 55 Noxon St.,Poughkeepsie. (845) 471-2550. Through April 15.

7:30pm. Author of True Born Maroons. Oblong Books and Music, Rhinebeck. 246-6264.

7:30pm. Time & Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

12:30pm. Get up close to a resident animal. Forsyth Nature Center, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.

Mike Mergen

Kenneth Bilby

Mini-Camp Horse Care for Children 9am-2pm. Winslow Therapeutic Center, Warwick. 986-6686. $40.

MUSIC Open Mike Night hosted by Bruce Blair 7:30-10pm. Mezzanine Bookstore & Café, Kingston. 339-6925.

Seth Ray Hosts Open Mike Night 8-11pm. Rhinebeck Grille, Rhinebeck. 876-6816.

Setting Sun 11pm. Indie, singer-songwriter, experimental. Oasis Café, New Paltz. 255-2400.

SPOKEN WORD Lecture Series: Revolution and the Limits of Reason 4:30pm. The Future of Atheism. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7512.

Carl Welden and Robert Milby 7pm. Poetry and music. Colony Café, Woodstock. 679-5342. $3.



WORKSHOPS Advanced Photovoltaics

Jonell Mosser


Call for times. Ulster Park. 657-8096.

7pm. Rock, blues. SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge. 687-5262. $8.

Playwriting Workshop

Little Scotty and the Knockouts

8-11pm. Acoustic, new age, world fusion. Peekskill Coffeehouse, Peekskill. (914) 739-1287.

7pm. Karen‘s Drive-In, Pawling. 832-7243.

Holistic Eye Care 7:30-9:30pm. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

TUES 18 CLASSES Italian Intensivo 6-8:30pm. SUNY Ulster, Kingston. 339-2025. $149.

EVENTS Winter Wine Dinner Series: Wines of Bogle Vineyard, CA 6:30pm. Terrapin Restaurant, Rhinebeck. 876-3330.

FILM What Corporate Media Does Not Want You to Know Call for times. Independent Media in a Time of War and Toxic Sludge is Good for You. Sky Tree Gallery, Kingston.

MUSIC Richie Colan 8pm. Blues. High Falls Café, High Falls. 687-2699.

THE OUTDOORS Adult Nature Walks 8:30am. Forsyth Nature Center, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.

SPOKEN WORD Larry McGlinn 5pm. Cancer Clusters: Linking Disease and the Environment. SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz. 257-3933.


WED 19 KIDS Creature Feature 3:30pm. Get up close to a resident animal. Forsyth Nature Center, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.

9pm. Forum Lounge, Kingston. 331-1116.

SPOKEN WORD Taking the “Diss” Out of Disability 10:30am. MacLean Gander. Dutchess Community College, Poughkeepsie. 431-8050.

Students’ Mathematics Learning 4:30pm. Bard College, Annandale-onHudson. 758-7145.

The River Community and Global Ecosystem 7:30pm. Garrison Institute, Garrison. 424-4800.

THEATER J.B. 8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $20.

WORKSHOPS Arlington Branch Library 1:30-3:30pm. Pawling Library, Pawling. 227-3190.

FRI 21 BODY / MIND / SPIRIT Evenings of Psychodrama 7:30pm. Open group sessions. Boughton Place, Highland. 255-7502.

EVENTS Woodstock Day School Open House Tours start at 9am. Woodstock Day School, Woodstock. 246-3744.

Conference for Teachers Call for times. Great Expectations: ReVisioning the Academic Paper. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7484.

FILM The Gleaners and I 7:30pm. Time & Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

10:30am. „The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church,“ discussion of the traditions of Eastern Orthodoxy. Kingston Library, Kingston. 334-8404.

King Kong

1:30-3:30pm. SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge. 687-5190.

Funny Ladies: The New Yorker’s Women Cartoonists, Now and Then

8pm. Friday night film series. Dutchess Community College, Poughkeepsie. 431-8050.

KIDS Spring Tyke Hikes 11am. Forsyth Nature Center, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.


5:30pm. Cartoonist Liza Donnelly. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7512.

Student Recitals

WORKSHOPS From Garden to Table with Sybille Schubert

Terri Roiger

10am. The Phantom Gardener, Rhinebeck. 876-8606. $10.

How to Make Your Marriage Better 7pm. Institute for Human Development, Kingston. 339-6250.

THUR 20 BODY / MIND / SPIRIT LGBT Guided Meditation Group 7-8:30pm. Acorn Hill Healing Arts, Olivebridge. 657-2516. $10.

Transform Your Life: Class and Meditation

1pm. Dutchess Community College, Poughkeepsie. 431-8916. 6-10pm. Voice and piano. Toscani and Sons, New Paltz. 255-3800.

The Blur Division 7-11pm. Fusion, jazz, rock. Howland Cultural Center, Beacon. 831-4988.

American Symphony Orchestra 8pm. Johannes Brahms’s Piano Concerto No. 2. Bard College, Annandale-onHudson. 758-7250.

Fiddler‘s Green Coffeehouse Featuring Mark Rust 8pm. Hyde Park United Methodist Church, Hyde Park. 483-0650.

Pepe Romero

7-9pm. Howland Cultural Center, Beacon. 856-9000. $8.

8pm. Classical guitar. Studley Theater, New Paltz. 255-1559.

FILM Young Frankenstein

Teri Roiger

8pm. Mezzanine Bookstore & Café, Kingston. 339-6925.


MUSIC Vocalist Herman Sebek 12:15-12:45pm. Old Dutch Church, Kingston. 338-6759.


DJs Ryan Lion, Chef Red-I, Dub D and King Tony

SPOKEN WORD Classics in Religion

The Human Condition Panel Discussion


8:30pm. Blues, R&B, soul. Spanky‘s, Poughkeepsie. 485-2294.

8pm. High Falls Café, High Falls. 687-2699. 8pm. Pop, rock. Club Crannel, Poughkeepsie. 471-1966.

Live Music 8-11pm. Maia Restaurant and Lounge, Poughkeepsie. 486-5004.

Yankee Rose 8-11pm. Acoustic, blues, contemporary, folk. Mezzanine Bookstore & Café, Kingston. 339-6925.

The Matthew Funck Trio 9pm. The Forum Lounge, Kingston. 331-1116. $5.

Captain Squeeze and the Zydeco Moshers 10pm. New World Home Cooking, Saugerties. 246-0900.

The Outpatients 10pm. Blues, comedy, original, rock. Fusion‘s and Billy‘s Bar, Highland. 691-9882.

THE OUTDOORS Babes in the Woods Hike 10am. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011.

SPOKEN WORD Nature’s Spotlight: The Day After Tomorrow 7pm. Forsyth Nature Center, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.

Tracking Dinosaurs Around the World 7:30pm. Chatham High School, Chatham. (518) 672-0116. $12.

A Joans for Poetry: A Celebration of Ted Joans 8pm. Tuscan Café, Warwick. 988-0441. $5.

Hudson Poetry Circle 8pm. Share poems with the group. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

THEATER American Buffalo 8pm. SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge. 687-5190.

Barefoot in the Park 8pm. Comedy by Neil Simon. Pawling High School, Pawling. 855-1965.

Brighton Beach Memoirs 8pm. Coach House Players, Kingston. 331-2476.

Bug Call for times. Starring Penelope Milford. Morton Memorial Library, Rhinecliff. 876-5946.

J.B. 8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $20.

Speak of the Devil 8pm. The Present Company. Sunnyside Theater, New Paltz. 255-9081.

WORKSHOPS The Wonder of Relationships Call for times. A reflective, nurturing and experiential retreat for women. Peace Village Learning and Retreat Center, Haines Falls. (518) 589-5000.

SAT 22 ART School Invitational Theme Exhibit 2-4pm. Works by elementary and middle school students. Garrison Art Center, Garrison. 424-3960.

Painter Stephanie Rose 6-8pm. Nicole Fiacco/Modo Gallery, Hudson. (518) 828-5090.

Clown Room Closing Reception 6-9pm. By Wayne Montecalvo. No Space Gallery, Rosendale. 658-3275.

DANCE Ulster Ballet Festival of Dance 7pm. Ulster Performing Arts Center, Kingston. 339-6088. $18/$14.

Moscow Festival Ballet 8pm. Performing Swan Lake. Lycian Centre, Sugar Loaf. 469-2287.

Contradance With Eric Hollman 8-11pm. New Paltz United Methodist Church, New Paltz. 883-4467. $10/$5 Teens, Undergrads/$1 kids.





BRING ON THE CLOWNS We are first introduced to clowns when we are quite small, and are easily frightened by the colorful and bizarre. The conjunction of violence, humor, and sexual confusion (are clowns male, female, or something else?) remains with us throughout life—until, as parents, we gleefully escort our young children to the circus and initiate them into this troubling phenomenon. “The Clown Room,” a solo exhibition by multimedia artist Wayne Montecalvo, weighs the attractive and repulsive effects of clowns. Since the fall of 2004, Montecalvo has been working on the video Clown!, which he describes as a “nonending soap opera.” The first two sections of the video were shown at the Rosendale Theatre as part of this exhibit’s opening. Clown! uses “nonactors,” and was shot in basements, caves, bars, and other mysterious spaces, mostly around Rosendale. “I’m also interested what people will do once they’re in a disguise,” Montecalvo says. “It’s like they become someone else, and they’ll do really outrageous things, ’cause a lot of it is just ad-libbed.” Much of the movie consists of clown gossip—off-duty clowns discussing the death of Binky or the website “Clown by The Pound,” which is rumored to sell clown meat. Some of the paintings are based on stills from the movie; others are derived from photographs taken of the actors in clown-face. Six large panels, each four by eight feet—all portraits of clowns—were hung outdoors in the Rondout as part of the Kingston Sculpture Biennial last summer. They are painted with exterior latex housepaint. There are also acrylic paintings on paper, and encaustics on wood. Of course, anyone can be a clown—the way anyone can be a soldier or a stripper. It’s simply a matter of adopting the dress. “The Clown Room” made this point at the opening, when any attendee could dress up as a clown and be photographed. The closing party will show photographs taken that night. Montecalvo was born in Edison, New Jersey, attended the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan, and moved to Rosendale in 1982. He was the lead singer and accordionist for The Fighting McKenzies, one of the most beloved Hudson Valley bands. He has been in numerous musical constellations, including Dean Jones’ Car Horn Orchestra, which literally created music with car horns. “Trash Town” was an installation Montecalvo created entirely out of garbage in Rosendale in 1999, in which he staged a public pageant. A short video interview with the artist plays in the gallery. DVDs of the first two sections of “Clown!” are for sale, and will be screened on request. The gallery warns: “This exhibition and film are not intended for children of any age” (i.e., there is clown nudity). The No Space gallery, at 449 Main Street in Rosendale, is open by appointment; call (845) 658-9709. The closing of “The Clown Room” will take place Saturday, April 22, 6-9pm. For more information, go to —Sparrow



EVENTS Red Fox Friends Pancake Breakfast 9am-12pm. Marbletown Community Center, Stone Ridge. 256-9830.

Save-a-Life Saturday 9am-12:30pm. Learn CPR. SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge. 687-5262.

Secondhand Sports Sale 9am-4pm. Benefit for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. New Paltz Fire Department Station 2, New Paltz. 698-0297.

Earth Day Celebration 11am-3pm. Museum of the Hudson Highlands, Cornwall-on-Hudson. 534-5506 ext. 204.

FILM Murder & Murder 5pm. Time & Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

KIDS Poppytown Puppets 11am. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080.

Creature Feature 12:30pm. Get up close to a resident animal. Forsyth Nature Center, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.

Celebrate the Earth 2-4pm. Comic book art, sculpture, drawings by kids. Childrens‘ Art Workshop, New Paltz. 255-7990.

MUSIC Schubert and Dvorak: The Contour of Melody 6pm. St. James Church, Great Barrington, MA. (413) 528-0100.

American Symphony Orchestra 8pm. Johannes Brahms’s Piano Concerto No. 2. Bard College, Annandale-onHudson. 758-7250.

Denise Jordan Finley


8pm. With Daniel Pagdon and Matt Finley. Irving Farm Coffeehouse, Millerton. (518) 789-6540.

Joshua Pearl and The Most Valuable Players Live 8pm. Colony Café, Woodstock. 679-5342. $12/$15 at the door.

The Joint Chiefs 8pm. Ancram Opera House, Ancram. (518) 789-4182.

Jazz Jam with Peter Einhorn 8-11pm. Mezzanine Bookstore & Café, Kingston. 339-6925.

Live Music 8-11pm. Maia Restaurant and Lounge, Poughkeepsie. 486-5004.

DJ Ease, Bill Skillz, Chucky Smash 9pm. Forum Lounge, Kingston. 331-1116.

Elvis Tribute by Joseph Eigo 9pm. Langes Groce Side Resort, Acra. (518) 622-393.

Maria Muldaur 9pm. Towne Crier Café, Pawling. 855-1300.

The Kurt Henry Band 9pm. Alternative, dance, progressive, kurtkrap. Hickory BBQ Smokehouse, Kingston. 338-2424.

Pitchfork Militia 9:30pm. High Falls Café, High Falls. 687-2699.

Thunder Ridge 9:30pm. Country, rock. Creekside Restaurant, Catskill. (518) 943-6522.

THE OUTDOORS Shawangunk Earth Day Hike 9am. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011.

Preserve Singles Hike – Indian Head 9:30am-4pm. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919.

Spring Nature Walk 10am. Kingston Point Park, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.

Earth Day Spring Fling 11am-3pm. Trailside Museum and Zoo, Bear Mountain State Park. 786-2701.





SPOKEN WORD Death Passage on the Hudson Call for time. Kris Hansen recounts the wreck of the Henry Clay. Boscobel Restoration, Garrison. 265-3638.

Rock Brynner

1pm. Reads and signs Empire & Odyssey. The Book Cove, Pawling. 855-9599.

Birds, Birds and More Birds! 1:30pm. Forsyth Nature Center, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.

Keith Stewart

7:30pm. Author of It‘s a Long Road to a Tomato. Oblong Books and Music, Rhinebeck. 246-6264.

THEATER American Buffalo

12:30-1:30pm. Crystal Essence, Great Barrington. (413) 528-2595.

Saving Mother Nature in Warwick: 1700 to Present 2pm. The history of our efforts to save our environment in Warwick. Baby Grand Café, Warwick. 986-1989.

Lessons Learned from Katrina: What‘s our Local Plan? 4-6pm. Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz. 256-2726. $10.


2pm. SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge. 687-5190.

Call for times. Starring Penelope Milford. Morton Memorial Library, Rhinecliff. 876-5946.

Brighton Beach Memoirs

Barefoot in the Park

Speak of the Devil

8pm. Coach House Players, Kingston. 331-2476.

Hudson River Playback Theater

2pm. Coach House Players, Kingston. 331-2476. 2pm. The Present Company. Sunnyside Theater, New Paltz. 255-9081.

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes 3pm. Lycian Centre, Sugar Loaf. 469-2287.


8pm. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

Call for times. Starring Penelope Milford. Morton Memorial Library, Rhinecliff. 876-5946.



8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $20.

3pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $20.

Performance: Bard Playwrights Festival

Performance: Bard Playwrights Festival

8pm. 10-Minute Play Festival. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7900.

7pm. 10-Minute Play Festival. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7900.

Speak of the Devil 8pm. The Present Company. Sunnyside Theater, New Paltz. 255-9081.


SPOKEN WORD Book Signing Ted Andrews

THEATER American Buffalo

Brighton Beach Memoirs

SUN 23 ART Studio Arts: Watercolor Painting in the Catskill Forest Call for times. Frost Valley YMCA, Claryville. 985-2291 ext. 305.

CLASSES Discover The Animal In You 2-5pm. With Ted Andrews. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448. $75/$85.

DANCE Coppelia 3pm. New Paltz Ballet Theater. Bardavon, Poughkeepsie. 473-2072. $15/$10 groups of ten+.

EVENTS Book Signing and Publishing Party 1pm. Alf Evers‘ Treasure of Watchdog Mountain. Kleinert-James Gallery, Woodstock. 679-2079.

FILM The Gleaners and I 4pm. Time & Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

MUSIC Little Toby Walker 1-3pm. Acoustic, blues, country, original, ragtime, storytelling, swing. Peekskill Coffeehouse, Peekskill. (914) 739-1287.

Oliver Grech 2pm. Ambient music. New Paltz Cultural Collective, New Paltz. 255-1901.

Will Ackerman 3pm. Morrison Mansion, Middletown. 343-3049. $25/$30.

Banshanachie & Friends Perform Traditional Music 4pm. Traditional Irish music. Rosendale Café, Rosendale. 658-9048.

THE OUTDOORS Fly Fishing: The Catskill Tradition Call for times. Frost Valley YMCA, Claryville. 985-2291.


10am-3:30pm. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919.

8pm. SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge. 687-5190.

8pm. Comedy by Neil Simon. Pawling High School, Pawling. 855-1965.


Singles Hike – Millbrook Mountain

WORKSHOPS At Home in the Woods with Eli Joseph-Hunter 10am. The Phantom Gardener, Rhinebeck. 876-8606. $10.

MON 24 BODY / MIND / SPIRIT The Divine World and the World of Opposites 8pm. Lectorium Rosicrucianum Center, Chatham. (518) 392-2799.

CLASSES Learn to Meditate 7pm. Hudson Valley Book Stop, Kingston. 797-1218.

MUSIC Wind Ensemble Concert 7:30pm. SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge. 687-5262.

Open Mike Night Hosted by Bruce Blair 7:30-10pm. Mezzanine Bookstore & Café, Kingston. 339-6925.

Seth Ray Hosts Open Mike Night 8-11pm. Rhinebeck Grille, Rhinebeck. 876-6816.

SPOKEN WORD Lecture Series: Revolution and the Limits of Reason 4:30pm. Symphony No. 3 in E-flat Major, “Rhenish” Op. 97, by Robert Schumann. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7512.

Doug Maynard 5pm. Being Overqualified. SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz. 257-3933.

Micky Barker and Shirley Powell 7pm. Poetry and music. Colony Café, Woodstock. 679-5342. $3.

THEATER Performance: Bard Playwrights Festival 7pm. 10-Minute Play Festival. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7900.

I‘m Peggy Guggenheim and You‘re Not 7:30pm. Lycian Center for the Performing Arts, Sugar Loaf. 469-2287.

TUES 25 KIDS After School Program for K & 1St Grade Students 3:45-5pm. Pathfinders Session 2: Wonders of Science. Museum of the Hudson Highlands, Cornwall-on-Hudson. 534-5506 ext. 204. $70/$80.

MUSIC Wind Ensemble Concert 7:30pm. Student musicians and The Huguenot Choir. Quimby Theater, Stone Ridge. 687-5262.

SPOKEN WORD Theology Conference 9am-9pm. Bard College, Annandale-onHudson. 758-7279.

Today‘s New China 7-8:30pm. Lecture by Professor Edwin Williams. SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge. 339-2025.

THEATER Performance: Bard Playwrights Festival 7pm. 10-Minute Play Festival. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7900.

Performance: Deafology 101 with Professor Ken Glickman 7pm. SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge. 687-5262.

WED 26 EVENTS Poughkeepsie Area Chamber of Commerce Real Estate Showcase 1-3pm. Poughkeepsie Area Chamber of Commerce Office, Poughkeepsie. 454-1700 ext. 1000.

Real Estate Showcase 1-4pm. Mahoney’s at Dooley Square, Poughkeepsie. 454-1700 ext. 1000.

KIDS Creature Feature 3:30pm. Get up close to a resident animal. Forsyth Nature Center, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.

After School Program for 2nd – 5th Grade Students 3:30-5pm. Explorers Session 2: Happy Herpetologists. Museum of the Hudson Highlands, Cornwall-on-Hudson. 534-5506 ext. 204. $70/$80.

MUSIC Celtic Jam Seisun 7:30-10:30pm. New World Home Cooking, Saugerties. 246-0900.

Little Scotty and the Knockouts 8:30pm. Blues, R&B, soul. White House Bar and Restaurant, Fishkill. 896-9967.

SPOKEN WORD Classics in Religion 10:30am. “The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church,” discussion on the traditions of Eastern Orthodoxy. Kingston Library, Kingston. 334-8404.

Melissa Pierson, “The Place You Love is Gone” 7pm. Barnes and Noble, Kingston. 3360590.

Outstanding in the Field 7-8:30pm. Discussion and display of Native American artifacts. Rosendale Library, Rosendale. 658-9013.

WORKSHOPS The Secret Tradition In The Minor Arcan 10am-5pm. Practical dimensions of the mystery teachings. Rhinebeck. 876-5797. $65.

21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card 7pm. Rhinebeck. 876-5797. $35.

THUR 27 BODY / MIND / SPIRIT Transform Your Life: Class and Meditation 7-9pm. Howland Cultural Center, Beacon. 856-9000. $8.

CLASSES Magick for Beginners Class 6pm. Woodstock. 679-2626.

EVENTS Symposium on Jewish Music Call for times. Jewish Music: Tradition and Innovation. Bard College, Annandaleon-Hudson. 758-7543.

Wine Tasting Mixer 7pm. Mezzanine Bookstore & Café, Kingston. 339-6925.

MUSIC Violin Students of Leonid Polischuk 12:15-12:45pm. Old Dutch Church, Kingston. 338-6759.

Little Scotty and the Knockouts 8:30pm. Blues, R&B, soul. Spanky‘s, Poughkeepsie. 485-2294.

Gandalf Murphy & The Slambovian Circus Of Dreams 9pm. Towne Crier Café, Pawling. 855-1300.

THEATER Barefoot in the Park 8pm. Comedy by Neil Simon. Pawling High School, Pawling. 855-1965.

Caucasian Chalk Circle 8pm. McKenna Theater, SUNY New Paltz. 257-3880.

WORKSHOPS Self Managing Leadership Call for times. Peace Village Learning and Retreat Center, Haines Falls. (518) 589-5000.

The Joy Of Tea 7:30-9:30pm. Koto performance and tea workshop. Mirabai Books and Gifts, Woodstock. 679-7599. $15/$20 at the door.


ART Politikai 6-9pm. Varga Gallery, Woodstock. 679-4005.

DANCE Swing Dance 8:30-10:30pm. Featuring The Love Dogs. Poughkeepsie Tennis Club, Poughkeepsie. 454-2571. $12.


EVENTS Arbor Day Celebration


Call for times. Forsyth Nature Center, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.

Live Auction to Benefit the St. Joseph School 7pm. Silo Ridge Country Club, Amenia. 832-7089. $35/$40.

KIDS BookWorms 1pm. Stories from and about nature. Forsyth Nature Center, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.

John Bruschini Trio 7pm. Blues. High Falls Café, High Falls. 687-2699.

A Night at the Opera 8pm. Woodstock Chamber Orchestra. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7250. $15/$5.

Denise Jordan Finley 8pm. Guitarist/singer/songwriter. Mezzanine Bookstore & Café, Kingston. 339-6925.

Fred Gillen Jr. 8pm. Peekskill Coffeehouse, Peekskill. (914) 739-1287.


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Stolen Crown 8pm. Rock. The Loft, Poughkeepsie. 471-7477.

Helen Avakian 8-11pm. Folk, rock. Maia Restaurant and Lounge, Poughkeepsie. 486-5004.

Less The Wiser

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9:30pm. Rock. Mercury Bar, Wurtsboro. 888-2004.



of New Paltz

Peach Jam

Terri Roiger

10pm. Blues. New World Home Cooking, Saugerties. 246-0900.

6-10pm. Voice and piano. Toscani and Sons, New Paltz. 255-3800.


Jesse Lege and Bayou Brew

10pm. Alternative, heavy metal, rock. Hyde Park Brewing Company, Hyde Park. 229-8277.

7pm. Cajun. Time & Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

SPOKEN WORD Conference: Levy Economics Institute

8pm. Rosendale Café, Rosendale. 658-9048. $18.

Call for times. Government Spending on the Elderly. Bard College, Annandale-onHudson. 758-7700.

8pm. Jazz. North Pointe Cultural Center, Kinderhook. (518) 758-9234. $20/$16 members.

CL Watson, “Eating the Shadow” 7pm. Discussion and singing. Barnes and Noble, Kingston. 336-0590.

Geology of the Shawangunks, Part I 7-9pm. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919.

255-4SAM (4726)

THEATER Barefoot in the Park 8pm. Comedy by Neil Simon. Pawling High School, Pawling. 855-1965.

Brighton Beach Memoirs 8pm. Coach House Players, Kingston. 331-2476.

8pm. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

10am. The Phantom Gardener, Rhinebeck. 876-8606. $10.

SUN 30 ART Works by Louis Scheffey

The Ying Quartet

4-6pm. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

8pm. Church of the Messiah, Rhinebeck. $20/$5 students/children free.


Jazz Jam with Peter Einhorn

Stretch and Stride: Yoga and Hiking in the Catskills

8-11pm. Mezzanine Bookstore & Café, Kingston. 339-6925.

Sonny and Perley 8-11pm. Jazz, old-time. Maia Restaurant and Lounge, Poughkeepsie. 486-5004.

Call for times. Frost Valley YMCA, Claryville. 985-2291 ext. 305.

Pathwork Spiritual Lecture Reading/Discussion/Potluck 10:30am. Phoenicia. 688-2211.

Call for times. Starring Penelope Milford. Morton Memorial Library, Rhinecliff. 876-5946.

9pm. Langes Groce Side Resort, Acra. (518) 622-393.


Jimmy Eppard and Company

Caucasian Chalk Circle

9pm. Dance, rock. High Falls Café, High Falls. 687-2699.

11am-3pm. Let the Docents in period dress help you discover the history of the local area. Trailside Museum and Zoo, Bear Mountain State Park. 786-2701.

8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $20/$18 children and seniors.

Fully Committed 8pm. A day in the life of an out-of-work actor. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

Lenelle Moise: Womb-Words, Thirsting


Michael Smith

Garden Preparation and Planting

Elvis Tribute by Joseph Eigo

Death of a Salesman

8pm. Music, poetry, stories. Time & Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448.

Speak of the Devil 8pm. The Present Company. Sunnyside Theater, New Paltz. 255-9081.

WORKSHOPS Organic Beekeeping Workshop Call for times. Pfeiffer Center, Chestnut Ridge. 352-5020 ext. 20.

SAT 29 ART Oil & Steel 5-7pm. Works in oil by Sophia Tarassov and metal sculpture by Matt Weinberger. The Chocolate Factory, Rhinebeck. 758-8080.

Elements 6-8pm. Air, water, earth and fire. Carrie Haddad Gallery, Hudson. (518) 828-1915.

EVENTS The Great Hudson River Sweep 9am-1pm. Museum of the Hudson Highlands, Cornwall-on-Hudson. 534-5506 ext. 204.

16th Annual Beltane Festival 1-11pm. Renaissance and craft faire. Stone Mountain Farm, Tillson. 658-8540.

KIDS Dr. Think, Man of Imagination

Albert Cummings & Debbie Davies 9pm. Blues. Bodles Opera House, Chester. 469-4595.

Vivino Brothers Band 9pm. Towne Crier Café, Pawling. 855-1300.

Reality Check 9:30pm. Firebird Grille & Lounge, Rhinebeck.

THE OUTDOORS Turn Off Your TV and Watch Ours 1-2pm. Trailside Museum and Zoo, Bear Mountain State Park. 786-2701.

SPOKEN WORD Cornell Garden Day 2006

Call for time. W/Kathleen Hulser, public historian. Boscobel Restoration, Garrison. 265-3638.

Geology of the Shawangunks, Part II 9am-2pm. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919.

David Deitcher On Kawara 1pm. Dia:Beacon, Beacon. 440-0100.

Margrit Lohrer

3:30pm. Author of Morehouse Farm Merino Knits. Oblong Books and Music, Rhinebeck. 246-6264.

THEATER Typo 3pm/8pm. Chaplinesque family fare. Bardavon, Poughkeepsie. 454-3388.

Barefoot in the Park 8pm. Comedy by Neil Simon. Pawling High School, Pawling. 855-1965.

12:30pm. Get up close to a resident animal. Forsyth Nature Center, Kingston. 331-1682 ext 132.

8pm. McKenna Theater, SUNY New Paltz. 257-3880.

Hot Diggity Dog Family Music Radio Show

Call for times. Starring Penelope Milford. Morton Memorial Library, Rhinecliff. 876-5946.

3pm. Alternative Books, Kingston. 338-5984.

MUSIC Second Helpings: St. Luke’s Chamber Ensemble 2pm. Conversation Pieces. Dia:Beacon, Beacon. 440-0100. $15/$10.

The Flames of Discontent 2pm. Celebrate May Day. Chthonic Clash Coffee House, Beacon. 831-0359.

Tom Russell 3pm. Morrison Mansion, Middletown. 343-3049. $25/$22.


Caucasian Chalk Circle

Steve Clorfeine

1-4pm. Rosendale Recreation Center, Rosendale. 658-9347.

Hudson Valley Slavery: The Forgotten History

Creature Feature

1/4pm. Dutchess Community College, Poughkeepsie. 431-8916.

Rosendale Peace Pole Festival

Shanghai String Quartet

Brighton Beach Memoirs

MUSIC Student Recitals

History Day

8:30am-3:30pm. Hands-on and how-to classes for gardeners. SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge. 340-3478.

11am. Meet great thinkers from the past. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080.

2pm. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.


Lee Shaw Trio

Call for times. The Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Energy Field. Vivekananda Retreat Ridgely, Stone Ridge. 687-8440.


8pm. McKenna Theater, SUNY New Paltz. 257-3880.


Chris Smither

WORKSHOPS Introduction to Brennan Healing Science

8pm. Coach House Players, Kingston. 331-2476.


Death of a Salesman 8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $20/$18 children and seniors.

Speak of the Devil 8pm. The Present Company. Sunnyside Theater, New Paltz. 255-9081.

4pm. Howland Cultural Center, Beacon. 297-9243. $25/$12.

7am. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011.

Singles Hike – Breakneck Ridge 9:30am-4pm. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919.

SPOKEN WORD Breast Cancer Options Medical Conference 8am-5pm. Bard College, Annandale-onHudson. 657-8222. $25/$12 students and seniors.

THEATER Bug Call for times. Starring Penelope Milford. Morton Memorial Library, Rhinecliff. 876-5946.

Brighton Beach Memoirs 2pm. Coach House Players, Kingston. 331-2476.

Caucasian Chalk Circle 2pm. McKenna Theater, SUNY New Paltz. 257-3880.

Speak of the Devil 2pm. The Present Company. Sunnyside Theater, New Paltz. 255-9081.

Death of a Salesman 8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $20/$18 children and seniors.

WORKSHOPS Qi- Improving Our Quality of Life 10am-5pm. Fit Lady, Kingston. 331-5334. $75.



BODY / MIND / SPIRIT Sitting and Walking Meditation 6-8:30pm. Well-Beingthe Antidote to Spiritual Materialism. Sky Lake Lodge, Rosendale. 255-4005.

Learn Raja Yoga Meditation

The River, Restoration and Rebirth 7:30pm. Garrison Institute, Garrison. 424-4800.

THEATRE Social Security 8pm. Comedy about an upscale New York art dealer and his wife. Ghent Playhouse, Ghent. (518) 392-6264. $15/$12 members.

7-8pm. Peace Village Learning & Retreat Center, Haines Falls. (518) 589-5000.

FILM What Corporate Media Does Not Want You to Know Call for times. Fear and Favor in the Newsroom. Sky Tree Gallery, Kingston.

MUSIC Acid Jazz Night Featuring the Steve Raleigh Jazz Trio 9:30pm. Oasis Cafe, New Paltz. 255-2400.

SPOKEN WORD Defying Hitler: The White Rose Resistance

BODY / MIND / SPIRIT Evenings of Psychodrama 7:30pm. Open group sessions. Boughton Place, Highland. 255-7502.

EVENTS Women’s Sacred Moonlodge

WORKSHOPS Microsoft Publisher for Fun and Pleasure

FILM Isn’t This a Time

7pm. Presented by Gateway to Entrepreneurial Tomorrows. Adriance Memorial Library, Poughkeepsie. 454-1700 ext. 1020.

WED 17 MUSIC Celtic Jam Seisun 7:30-10:30pm. New World Home Cooking, Saugerties. 246-0900.


7:30-9:30pm. Student thesis exhibitions. Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, New Paltz. 257-3846.

7pm. Old Dutch Church, Kingston. 338-8131.

Strategic Planning and Writing for Success

SPOKEN WORD Biography of Dorje Paldron and Vajrayana (Tibetan) Buddhism 10:30am. Study of the life of Dorje Paldron. Community Room of the Kingston Library, Kingston. 334-8404.

Luncheon Lecture Series 12pm. Topics on science, the environment, and religion. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7145.

Mood Disorder Support Group 5:30-7pm. Family of New Paltz, New Paltz. 331-0541.

Going Native! 7:30pm. Museum of the Hudson Highlands Kenridge Farmhouse, Cornwall-on-Hudson. 534-5506 ext. 204. $7/$4 members.

WORKSHOPS Natural Medicine: Homeopathic and Herbal 6:30-8pm. Treatment & not well since. Mother Earth’s, Kingston. 688-2976.

THU 18 CLASSES Self-Defense for Women 6-9pm. The Healing Cottage in the Brotherhood Winery, Washingtonville. 496-3020.

MUSIC Jazz Night Featuring the Steve Raleigh Jazz Trio 8pm. Pamela’s On The Hudson, Newburgh. 562-4505.

Latin Jazz with Estrella 8:30-10:30pm. New World Home Cooking, Saugerties. 246-0900.

THE OUTDOORS Bimonthly Mid-Week Hike 3.6 moderate miles. Call for time and meeting place. 677-9909.

SPOKEN WORD Children’s Health 6:30pm. Office of Dr. Aruna Bakhru, Poughkeepsie. 463-1044.



7pm. Celebrate moon-time bleeding with ritual, song, and dance. Wise Woman Center, Woodstock. http: //

6-9pm. SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge. 339-2025.


TUE 16

2003 Carnegie Hall concert to honor Harold Leventhal. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. 518-822-8448.


MUSIC Judy Norman 7pm. Acoustic, folk, rock, jazz. Club Crannell Street, Poughkeepsie. 471-1966.

Acoustic Medicine Show Featuring Denise Jordan Finley 7:30pm. Red Hook Country Inn, Red Hook. 758-8445.

Rolf Sturm 8pm. Blues, folk, jazz guitarist, of the Tony Trischka Band. Peekskill Coffeehouse, Peekskill. (914) 739-1287.

Mamapalooza 9: All Creatures Great & Small

THE OTHER SIDE OF OBLIVION Local musical polymath/chameleon Marc Black met Dan Mountain when he was in Los Angeles scoring music for commercials. Black explains: “Dan had a great reputation as an extremely poetic advertising writer. We became friends and would get together, usually at a bar, and enjoy each other’s company. He has a natural affinity for the multidimensional communication of music and we wanted to do something outside of advertising.” Then Mountain suffered a devastating stroke. Doctors were sure that even if he

8pm. Acoustic, folk, jazz, funk, soul. Crannell Street at the Chance Entertainment Complex, Poughkeepsie. 471-1966.

did emerge from his coma, there was “zero chance for a meaningful recovery.” Twenty-one days passed

Kurt Henry Band

Mountain began writing poetry that expressed what it felt like to journey back from the other side of

8-11pm. Acoustic, alternative, folk, r&b, rock, vocals. Mezzanine Bookstore, Cafe and Wine Bar, Kingston. 339-6925. $5.

Give Our Regards to Broadway 8pm. A musical salute with love to the Great White Way. Putnam Arts Council, Mahopac. 628-3664. $35/$30 PAC members.

Love Whip 10pm. New World Home Cooking, Saugerties. 246-0900.

Reality Check 10pm. Rock. Quiet Man’s Pub, Wappingers Falls.

THE OUTDOORS Babes in the Woods Hike 10am. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011.

SPOKEN WORD Tom Lewis 6:30pm. Author of The Hudson. Merrit Bookstore, Red Hook. 677-5857.

THEATRE Gypsy 8pm. County Players Falls Theatre, Wappingers Falls. 298-1491.

Mohonk Mountain State Readers Theater Presents Other Places 8pm. Three one-act plays by Harold Pinter. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. $11 members/$15 non-members.

Social Security

and Mountain was removed from life support. Miraculously, he woke up and proceeded to rally his will, making an unprecedented bid for survival. After a dramatic and transformative period of adjustment, oblivion. Black created music for these poems, collaborating with Mountain, and the Stroke of Genius Project was born. Black and Mountain worked back and forth, responding to each other’s creativity until they both felt the project was complete. Black recalls, “Dan is hoping to use his second chance to be a positive force.” The result, an album titled Stroke of Genius, is a compilation of 14 tracks that feel like a two-act play, with seven songs on each side of this tale of before and after. Music and lyrics are a perfect fit, and most of the tunes, like the opening song, “These Days,” have spare arrangements that let the simplicity of the music shine through. The song “Rewind” has a spooky intro and complex layers of sound that ring forward into a techno/Frank Zappa-style translation of the experiences of someone who has just returned from space. Black is a musical adventurer, stretching effortlessly between techno-funk jams and classic Americana. He has collaborated with household-name musicians like Richie Havens, Rick Danko, Jack Dejohnette, and Peter Schickele (PDQ Bach). Stroke of Genius, his 10th album, has a roster of music legends performing on it as well. As well as cowriting the album’s songs with Mountain, Black sings and plays guitar. He is joined by Michael Esposito on bass and Theremin; Warren Bernhardt playing piano, organ and synthesizer; Steve Gadd on drums; and John Sebastian contributing harmonica and guitar. The Dixie Hummingbirds perform selected vocals, as do Art Garfunkel and Ellie Brown. On May 13 at 8pm, Unison Arts Center in New Paltz will host a CD-release party for Stroke of Genius. Black will be accompanied by a more compact band: Betty MacDonald on electric violin and Michael Esposito on bass, bicycle, and Theremin. The CD is only part of the story, however. Filmmaker Bahman Soltani has created a documentary following Dan Mountain’s transformation, which will also have its premier screening at Unison on May 13. This film brings the viewer through and the experience that Mountain, his friends, and family faced as

8pm. Comedy about an upscale New York art dealer and his wife. Ghent Playhouse, Ghent. (518) 392-6264. $15/ $12 members.

they finally reached a turning point in his ordeal. The Stroke of Genius Project is a powerful celebration

Witness for the Prosecution

out, and for the music.

8pm. Agatha Christie tale of a man on trial for murder. Center for the Performing Arts. 876-3080. Adults 20$/Children and Seniors 18$.


of Dan Mountain’s soul, as well as Mountain’s and Black’s hard work. Black sums up the project: “In a time of darkness, the mind begins to see.” (845) 255-1559; For film clips check —J. Spica




THE IMPRESSION OF IMPRESSIONISM BEW: The style in which you describe the very

But the great irony comes with the current consumption

now resides with his family in a small town near Oxford,

complicated artistic scene of mid-19th-century Paris

of Impressionism, this fascination with nostalgic images

England. While he has a PhD in English literature, he

is very accessible, almost novelistic. How do you

of 19th-century France, seeing it as so many pretty

has always been intensely interested in the history of

approach the telling of this story? Who are your

pictures of quaint subjects—this is exactly the appeal

art. After abandoning the idea of a career in academia,

influences in approaching the writing of nonfiction?

Meissonier’s work had in its own time, as he turned to

he wrote two historical novels (Domino and Ex Libris),

RK: I want to tell stories. As I work on a book, I’m always

look back at courtly bonshommes in 18th-century dress.

which he has followed with a string of successful

interested in plot, character, and action, and so that’s

It’s astonishing how similar the public appreciation of

nonfiction books. Brunelleschi’s Dome chronicled the

the way I put the information together. This is different

Impressionism has become.

Renaissance architect’s feat of completing the Florence

from the sort of writing that art historians and academics

I wanted to take the glow off some of the familiar

cathedral, and the complex social and cultural matrix

produce—they aren’t worried about writing for a broad

canvases, to see how the men who made them were

that enabled it. Michelangelo and the Pope’s Ceiling

audience, it’s just not their brief.

flawed and petty, and to understand the everyday

similarly chronicled the painting of the Sistine Chapel,

Back when I was 15 or 16, the first real adult book I

dynamic, the process through which the work was made.

and life in Rome during the early 1500s. His latest foray

ever read was Irving Stone’s The Agony and the Ecstasy

I’m not interested in writing hagiography of these artists, as many others have done.

into cultural history is The Judgment of Paris, which

[a novelization of the Michelangelo/Sistine ceiling story].

explores the complex cultural ferment of Paris in the

Compared to my work, his books were more fiction-

1860s, which ultimately gave rise to the Impressionist

oriented, kind of “docudrama,” based on historical facts.


But thanks to Stone’s book, Michelangelo became a —Beth E. Wilson

Beth E. Wilson: How did you make the leap from

character in my head, and that’s an approach that’s carried through in my own nonfiction work.


Author Ross King was born and raised in Canada, and

BEW: What implications does your book have for today’s artists—you know, “here today, Schnabel tomorrow?” RK: The book begs this question in many ways. The lesson I’ve taken from it is that posterity will second

the Renaissance to the 19th century in this latest

BEW: What came as the biggest surprise to you, in

guess us, and will always have the last word. Over time,


your research about the Impressionists?

it’s hard to tell which of our lionized figures will survive,

Ross King: Back when I was writing fiction, I had originally

RK: My book contrasts the fortunes of Edouard Manet

but it’s certain that our grandchildren will take a very

thought of writing a third novel set in late 19th-century

[“father” of the Impressionist movement] and the

different view than we do, and may well denigrate the

Paris, which I never quite got to. I had done some research

incredibly precise academic painter Ernest Meissonier,

people we praise.

for it, however, and picked up the idea again some 10

who was described as the opposite of Manet. They share

It’s absolutely impossible to predict this process—but

years later.

absolutely nothing but the initials “E.M.” One of the art

we should all remember that no matter how high an artist’s

While I didn’t think of it consciously, it occurred to me

critics said there was no room for both of them—either

star may rise, obscurity can still await him.

as I worked on The Judgment of Paris that in fact this

it was one or the other, and that’s the way it turned out.

brought to a conclusion many of the ideas that had started

Meissonier, lionized in his own day and valued as one

Ross King will be reading from and signing his

in Brunelleschi’s Dome and the Michelangelo book. If

of the leading painters of his era, was nearly forgotten a

book at two events in our area: Marist College, in

those were about the birth of a particular representational

decade after his death, while Manet, of course, struggled

the Nelly Goletti Theater, on May 3 at 7pm; Merritt

style, it seemed, the story of the birth of Impressionism

throughout his life, and now has replaced Meissonier in

Bookstore, 57 Front St., Millbrook, on May 6 at 1pm.

brought it to a close.

the public imagination.

(845) 677-5857;



Cheryl Wheeler

Social Security

8pm. Morrison Mansion, Middletown. 343-3049. $32/$30.

Call for times. Zen Mountain Monastery, Mount Tremper. 688-2228.

Classical Concert with Pianist Warren Bernhardt

8pm. Comedy about an upscale New York art dealer and his wife. Ghent Playhouse, Ghent. (518) 392-6264. $15/ $12 members.

Qigong for Health and Vitality

8pm. Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild, Woodstock. 679-2079. $25/$20.

Call for times. Zen Mountain Monastery, Mount Tremper. 688-2228.

SAT 20 ART Painting Demonstration by Garin Baker 3-4:30pm. Wallkill River Art Gallery, New Windsor. 689-0613.

Kevin Cook and Keith Gunderson 6pm. Opening. Mark Gruber Gallery, New Paltz. 255-1241.

DANCE 4th Annual Multicultural Dance Celebration 7-9pm. Break dancing, tango, hip hop, ballet, Chinese cultural, and many more. Kingston High School, Kingston. 3387664. $20/$15 in advance/$10 students and seniors.

Contra Dance 8pm. Celtic, dance, folk, traditional, contra dance music. Arlington Reformed Church, Poughkeepsie. 473-7050. $10/$5.

Freestyle Frolic 8:30pm. Smoke, drug, alcohol, and shoefree environment to a wide range of music. Center for Symbolic Studies, Tillson. 6588319. $7/$3 teens and seniors.

EVENTS Going Green = Saving Green: Rosendale Energy Expo


Call for times. Learn about incentives and new products. Rosendale Community Center, Rosendale. 339-3062. $5.

Third Annual Benefit Fashion Show 5pm/7pm. Benefit the Kent Children’s Center. Kent Children’s Center, Kent, CT. (860) 927-1255.

Pawling Free Library Book Sale 9am-6pm. Over 25,000 books in 35 categories. Pawling. 855-3444.

Antique Machinery, Truck, and Motorcycle Show

8pm. 19th and 20th century love songs. North Pointe Cultural Center, Kinderhook. (518) 758-9234. $20/$16.

Pork Belly Futures 8pm. Fundamental folk, blues, and roots music. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. 8pm. Bluegrass, country. Peekskill Coffeehouse, Peekskill. (914) 739-1287.

United States Military Academy Jazz Knights 8pm. The legendary West Point Jazz Knights. SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge. 687-5262. Free.

Project Mercury 8-10pm. Acoustic rock & modern folk. Chthonic Clash Coffee House, Beacon. 831-0359.

Rusty Boris 8-10pm. Jazz. 410 Espresso Cafe, Rosendale. 658-3659.

Jazz Jam with Peter Einhorn 8-11pm. Mezzanine Bookstore, Cafe and Wine Bar, Kingston. 339-6925. $5.

Give Our Regards to Broadway 8pm. A musical salute with love to the Great White Way. Putnam Arts Council, Mahopac. 628-3664. $35/$30 PAC members.

Getting On Featuring Hot Flash 8:30pm. Variety, comedy. Bodles Opera House, Chester. 469-4595.

11am-5pm. Music, art, and the cooking and eating of the shad. Village of Catskill. (518) 622-9820.

The Sky’s the Limit Fundraising Gala 7pm. Cocktail party, buffet, live and silent auctions of artwork. Art Society of Kingston, Kingston. 338-0331. $75.

FILM Isn’t This a Time 2003 Carnegie Hall concert to honor Harold Leventhal. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. 518-822-8448.

KIDS Double Vision: Mixed Nuts 10:30am. Kingston Library, Kingston. 331-0507.

The Princess and the Pea 11am. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080.

MUSIC Cappella Festiva Chamber Choir & Orchestra 8pm. Mozart: Solemn Vespers and Schubert: Mass in G. Poughkeepsie United Methodist Church, Poughkeepsie. 454-0715.

SUN 21 ART Reverence 4-6pm. International contemporary art. Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, Peekskill. (914)788-1766.

BODY / MIND / SPIRIT Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl Chakra Balancing Meditation 11am. The Auracle, New Paltz. 255-6046. $7.

DANCE Swing Dance Jam 6:30-9pm. White Eagle Hall, Kingston. 339-3032. $5.

EVENTS Pawling Free Library Book Sale 9am-5pm. Over 25,000 books in 35 categories. Pawling. 855-3444.

16th Annual Duck Derby 10am. Benefits Winslow Therapeutic Center “Healing With Horses”. Winslow Therapeutic Center, Warwick. 986-6686. $5.

17th Annual Shad Festival and Hudson River Celebration

9pm. With Daniel Pagdon, bassist. Manna Dew Cafe, Millerton. 789-3570.

100 Years of Fashion

John Gorka 9pm. Towne Crier Cafe, Pawling. 855-1300.

Todd Giudice

3-6pm. Fashion show opening for a summer-long exhibit. Old School Baptist Meeting House-Baird’s Tavern, Warwick. 845-986-3236. $25.00.

Call for times. Frost Valley YMCA, Claryville. 985-2291.

Valley to Ridge Birds part two; Ridge Birds 7am. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011.

Mohonk Preserve Singles HikeRock Rift 9am-3pm. Meet at the Spring Farm Trailhead, New Paltz. 255-0919.

Spring Wildflower Walk 2-5pm. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919.

SPOKEN WORD Author Susan Richards Reads From Her Memoir “Chosen By a Horse” 5pm. Catskill Animal Sanctuary, Saugerties. 336-8447.

THEATRE Social Security 2pm. Comedy about an upscale New York art dealer and his wife. Ghent Playhouse, Ghent. (518) 392-6264. $15/ $12 members.

MON 22 CLASSES Learn to Meditate 8pm. Sponsored by the Sri Chinmoy Center. Woodstock Community Center, Woodstock. 797-1218.

MUSIC Open Mike Night with Mark Brown 7:30-10pm. Mezzanine Bookstore, Cafe and Wine Bar, Kingston. 339-6925. $5.

Doug Siegel 8:30-11pm. Acoustic, Celtic, contemporary, folk, pop, solo, soul. Rhinebeck Grille, Rhinebeck. 876-6816.

THEATRE Admit One 7:30pm. Lycian Center for the Performing Arts, Sugar Loaf. 469-2287.

9pm. Folk, roots, Americana. Cubbyhole Coffeehouse, Poughkeepsie. 483-7584.

French Dinner Hosted by the Hurley Heritage Society


Lowry Hamner

5:30pm. Twin Lakes Resort, Hurley. 331-0593. $35.

7-8pm. 4 sessions. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. $45 members/$55 nonmembers.

Thunder Ridge

Historic Catskill Point Shad Festival

1:30-3:30pm. With life coach Denise Lewis. Arlington Branch Library, Poughkeepsie. 227-3190.

Denise Jordan Finley

Civil War Encampment

11am-12pm. Huguenot Street, New Paltz. 255-1660.

WORKSHOPS De-Clutter De-Stress Your Life

12-5pm. Boscobel Restoration, Garrison. (800) 21-RIVER ext. 231.

9pm. Blues and roots. Aroma Thyme Bistro, Ellenville. 647-3000.

Guided Tour of Historic Huguenot Street Graveyard

8pm. Agatha Christie tale of a man on trial for murder. Center for the Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. Tickets $20 adults, $18 seniors and children..

Uncle Wade

9am-4pm. Dutchess County Fairgrounds, Rhinebeck. 266-5212. 10am-3pm. Re-enactment by the 150th New York Volunteers. Bevier House Museum, Marbletown. 338-5614.


Music for Fun

Witness for the Prosecution

THE OUTDOORS Songs of Spring: Birding and Wildflower Studies

9-11pm. Country and rock. Hickory BBQ Smokehouse, Kingston. 338-2424.

THE OUTDOORS Kaaterskill Hotel Site 4 easy miles. Call for meeting time, Haines Falls. 339-7170.

Valley to Ridge Birds Part One: Grassland Birds 7am. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011.

Delaware River Paddle 8:30am. Meet at Furniture Options, Goshen. 457-4552.

Mohonk Preserve Singles Hike Walkabout 5 9:30am-4pm. Mohonk Preserve Visitor Center, New Paltz. 255-0919.

FILM Isn’t This a Time 2003 Carnegie Hall concert to honor Harold Leventhal. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. 518-822-8448.

Isn’t This a Time - A Folk Tribute to Harold Leventhal

Acid Jazz Night Featuring the Steve Raleigh Jazz Trio

Postcards About Summer 2-4pm. Postcard sized-art created by kids and their teachers. Children’s Art Workshop and Gallery, New Paltz. 255-7990.

MUSIC Unplugged Acoustic Open Mike

Cappella Festiva Chamber Choir & Orchestra

SPOKEN WORD Susan Richards, author of “Chosen by a Horse”

3pm. Mozart: Solemn Vespers and Schubert: Mass in G. Lyall Memorial Federated Church, Millbrook. 454-0715.

THEATRE Gypsy 8pm. County Players Falls Theatre, Wappingers Falls. 298-1491.


TUE 23


12-4pm. Difficult 7.5 miles. Call for time and meeting place. (518) 851-9089.

7:30pm. From My Father Married Your Mother: Writers Talk About Stepparents, Stepchildren, and Everyone In Between. Oblong Books and Music, Rhinebeck. 876-0500.

8-9pm. 4 sessions. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. $45 members/$55 non-members.

MUSIC Community Shape Note Sing

YMG Mohonk Rock Scramble

Reading by Four Authors

Fox-Trot Workshop

Features a 2003 concert featuring many of folk music’s leading lights. Time & Space Limited, Hudson. 518-822-8448. $7 general admission/$5 students and members.

Call for times. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

5pm. The Golden Notebook, Woodstock. 697-8000.

West Coast Swing Dance

Jupiter String Quartet 4pm. Playing Haydn, Bartok and Beethoven. Howland Cultural Center, Beacon. 297-9243. $25/$12.

7pm. Songs from The Sacred Harp. Holy Cross Church, Kingston. 658-3485.

9:30pm. Oasis Cafe, New Paltz. 2552400.

SPOKEN WORD Mood Disorder Support Group 5:30-7pm. Resource Center for Accessible Living, Inc, Kingston. 3310541.

WORKSHOPS Microsoft Publisher for Fun and Pleasure 6-9pm. SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge. 3392025.

Technology in Business 7pm. Presented by Gateway to Entrepreneurial Tomorrows. Adriance Memorial Library, Poughkeepsie. 4541700 ext. 1020.

Violinist Michelle Makarski 4pm. The Chapel of Our Lady Restoration, Cold Spring. 424-3825.

Tribute to Bill Vanaver 7pm. Featuring Pete Seeger, Natalie Merchant, Jay Ungar & Molly Mason, the Klezmatics. Ulster Performing Arts Center, Kingston. 339-6088. $50.

WED 24 BODY / MIND / SPIRIT Amma Sri Karunamayi: Spiritual Discourse 6:30pm. Bearsville Theatre, Woodstock. (718) 595-0555.


WORKSHOPS Loving This Land, Being Saved by the Earth





I WON'T GROW UP! “I don’t want ever to be a man, I want always to be a little boy and to have fun,” says Peter Pan in J.M. Barrie’s classic novel Peter and Wendy (most often published now simply as Peter Pan). In the story, Peter invites a young girl, Wendy Darling, to come with him to Neverland and be a mother to his brood of Lost Boys. Wendy’s brothers John and Michael join her in Neverland, and as we all know, many thrilling adventures ensue, some involving the beloved Tinkerbell and evil Captain Hook. In the end, Wendy returns to London, leaving Peter in his perpetual state of pre-adolescence in Neverland. A new play, “Ever Ever,” explores the idea of Peter as a mark of maleness, and treats Peter Pan and Wendy’s relationship as symbolic of male-female relationships. “Peter Pan refuses to grow up,” explains Katherine Burger, author of “Ever Ever.” “He is the consummate solipsist, the eternal self-centered child, and has devolved from J.M. Barrie’s rarefied English icon into a buzzword in popular culture for a man who embodies these traits.” In “Ever Ever,” Burger poses the theatrical question: What would happen if the eternal boy was forced to grow up—if Peter’s pearly white baby teeth fell out, would he remain a child emotionally? Barrie wrote several versions of Peter Pan. In one version, Captain Hook isn’t killed by the crocodile, but goes back to London. It was from this variation that Burger drew inspiration for her play. In “Ever Ever,” Wendy, Peter, and the Lost Boys have grown up, and are living in a flat in New York City. Captain Hook, who has also fled from near-deserted Neverland, is their landlord. Wendy has created a home rich with games and ritual in an attempt to bring the youthfulness of Neverland to New York, but Peter continues to defy aging by living in a world of mourning. He can’t accept the loss of the island, and his magic. The play was written specifically for performance by a six-member theater group in Costa Mesa, California. “The given set-up of five men and one woman, seasoned actors who had evolved beyond ingénue roles, intrigued me,” said Burger. “Looking at their pictures on my wall, I tried to get a sense of who they could be, as a group, as individuals. When I thought of Wendy and the Lost Boys I knew I’d found a template that offered the starting point I needed. I wanted to write about Peter Pan and Wendy, long after the fairy tale has ended.” “Ever Ever” will be performed as part of the Actors and Writers Reading Series at the Odd Fellows Theater in Olivebridge on Saturday, May 22 at 8pm. Actors and Writers is a 26-member ensemble of theater and film professionals who live in the Hudson Valley. Admission is free. (845) 657-9760. —Jenna Hecker



Learn Raja Yoga Meditation

Murali Coryell

7-8pm. Peace Village Learning & Retreat Center, Haines Falls. (518) 589-5000.

10pm. New World Home Cooking, Saugerties. 246-0900.

EVENTS Singles Wine Tasting Mixer

Reality Check

8pm. Mezzanine Bookstore, Cafe and Wine Bar, Kingston. 339-6925.

FILM Dinner & A Movie - Spiritual Cinema Circle Call for times. Garden of One, Rensselaerville. (518) 797-3373.

MUSIC Celtic Jam Seisun

10pm. Rock. Pickwick Pub, Poughkeepsie.

THEATRE Social Security 8pm. Comedy about an upscale New York art dealer and his wife. Ghent Playhouse, Ghent. (518) 392-6264. $15/ $12 members.

Witness for the Prosecution

7:30-10:30pm. New World Home Cooking, Saugerties. 246-0900.

8pm. Agatha Christie tale of a man on trial for murder. Center for the Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. Adults 20$/ Children and Seniors 18$.

SPOKEN WORD Biography of Dorje Paldron and Vajrayana (Tibetan) Buddhism

WORKSHOPS Raja Yoga Intensive

10:30am. Study of the life of Dorje Paldron. Community Room of the Kingston Library, Kingston. 334-8404.

Call for times. Peace Village Learning and Retreat Center, Haines Falls. (518) 589-5000.

Valerie Paradiz 7-8:30pm. Author of “Clever Maids: the Secret History of the Grimm’s Fairy Tales”. Rosendale Library, Rosendale. 658-9013.

WORKSHOPS Natural Medicine: Homeopathic and Herbal 6:30-8pm. Childhood Acutes, Earaches, Fevers, etc. Mother Earth’s, Kingston. 688-2976.

THU 25 9am-12pm. Bearsville Theatre, Woodstock. (718) 595-0555.


EVENTS The Joy Of Tea Ceremony and Workshop 7:30-9:30pm. Koto performance and tea workshop led by Joshua Pearl. Mirabai, Woodstock. 679-7599. $15/$20.

MUSIC Jazz Night Featuring The Steve Raleigh Jazz Trio 8pm. Pamela’s On The Hudson, Newburgh. 562-4505.

Latin Jazz with Estrella 8:30-10:30pm. New World Home Cooking, Saugerties. 246-0900.

THEATRE Witness for the Prosecution 8pm. Agatha Christie tale of a man on trial for murder. Center for the Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. Adults 20$/ Children and Seniors 18$.

FRI 26 DANCE Swing Dance 8:30-10:30pm. Featuring Swingadelic. Poughkeepsie Tennis Club, Poughkeepsie. 454-2571. $12.

EVENTS Candlelight Tours of Historic Huguenot Street 7pm. Huguenot Street, New Paltz. 255-1660.

MUSIC Fred Gillen, Jr. 8pm. Folk. Peekskill Coffeehouse, Peekskill. (914) 739-1287.

The Brentano String Quartet 8pm. SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge. 687-5263.

Big Kahuna 8pm. Dance, pop, rock. The Pavilion on The Hudson, Poughkeepsie. 471-2233.

Helen Avakian 8-11pm. Acoustic, alternative, new age. Maia Restaurant and Lounge, Poughkeepsie. 486-5004.

Mark Brown, “Uncle Buckle” 8-11pm. Acoustic, folk, rock, solo, vocals. Mezzanine Bookstore, Cafe and Wine Bar, Kingston. 339-6925. $5.



ART Craig J. Barber- Ghosts in the Landscape 5-7pm. Artist talk and book launch party. Center for Photography and Woodstock, Woodstock. 679-9957.

Unexpected Catskills 5-8pm. Artists different responses to the Catskill landscape. Kleinert/James Arts Center, Woodstock. 679-2079.

Made In China 6pm. Explore propaganda, global commerce, human rights, and consumerism. Time & Space Limited, Hudson. 518-822-8448. $7 general admission/$5 students and members.

Rosanna Bruno: Paintings 6-8pm. John Davis Gallery, Hudson. (518) 828-5907.

EVENTS Kingston Old Town Stockade Farmers’ Market 9am-2pm. Organic and traditional fruits & vegetables, breads, flowers. Wall Street, Kingston. 331-3418.

Patent Day with Revolutionary War Reenactors 10am-5pm. Celebrate the 329th anniversary of the signing of the New Paltz Patent. Huguenot Street, New Paltz. 255-1660.

Rhinebeck Antiques Fair 10am-5pm. Dutchess County Fairgrounds, Rhinebeck. 876-1989.

MUSIC Premik Tubbs 5pm. New Age jazz. Woodstock Community Center, Woodstock. 797-1218.

Amadeus 6pm. Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center, Great Barrington, MA. (413) 528-0100.

Open Mike 8pm. Blues, country, folk, jazz, rock, world. Peekskill Coffeehouse, Peekskill. (914) 739-1287.

Piano Meets Violin 8pm. Lecture and concert. Red Barn Performing Arts, Hunter. (518) 263-4908. $15.

The George Crumb Ensemble 8pm. SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge. 687-5263.

Jazz Jam with Peter Einhorn 8-11pm. Mezzanine Bookstore, Cafe and Wine Bar, Kingston. 339-6925. $5.

Ritchie Colan Band 9pm. Rock and blues. Aroma Thyme Bistro, Ellenville. 647-3000.

Deuce 9pm. Acoustic, oldies, original, rock, rockabilly. Rondoutbay Cafe & Marina, Kingston. 339-3917.

Big Kahuna 9:30pm. Dance, pop, rock. Kingston Holiday Inn, Kingston. 338-0400.


BODY / MIND / SPIRIT Amma Sri Karunamayi: Individual Blessings

SAT 27



Flute Force With Ed Sanders and David Alpher 8pm. SUNY Ulster, Stone Ridge. 687-5263.

Leslie Ritter & Scott Petito 8pm. Acoustic, contemporary, folk. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

Elly Wininger and Elise Pittelman 8-11pm. Blues, contemporary, folk. Mezzanine Bookstore, Cafe and Wine Bar, Kingston. 339-6925.

Dorraine Scofield 9pm. Acoustic, country, folk, pop, solo, vocals. Hickory BBQ Smokehouse, Kingston. 338-2424.

The McKrells 9pm. Towne Crier Cafe, Pawling. 855-1300.

Graymoor 10pm. Rock. Mahoney’s Irish Pub, Poughkeepsie. 471-7026.

SPOKEN WORD Don Lev and Phillip Levine Call for times. Calling All Poets series. Howland Cultural Center, Beacon. 831-0077. $4.

THEATRE Community Playback Theatre 8pm. Improvisation based on real-life stories of audience members. Boughton Place, Highland. 691-4118. $6.


Social Security


6-8pm. Photographs and coloages of paper and fabric. Port of Call Gallery, Warwick. 258-4796.

DANCE East Meets West Swingdance Mix

7pm. “After Willoughby Station”. Warwick Valley Winery, Warwick. 258-4858. $10/$13.

Rodgers with Hart and Hammerstein: An Evening of Songs in Matched Pairs 8pm. Quimby Theatre, Stone Ridge. 6872687. $25/$20 seniors.

7-7:45pm lesson followed by open dance. First Presbyterian Church, Highland. 494-0224. $10.

John Schrader Band

EVENTS Spring Garden Party

Big Kahuna

Call for times. Fundraiser for the Garden. Garden of One, Rensselaerville. (518) 797-3373.

9pm. Pop, rock. High Falls Café, High Falls. 687-2699. 10pm. Dance, pop, rock. Ramada Inn, Newburgh. 564-4500.

THE OUTDOORS Minnewaska State Park Hike

Kingston Old Town Stockade Farmers’ Market

Difficult. Call for time and meeting place. 462-0142.

9am-2pm. Organic and traditional fruits & vegetables, breads, flowers. Wall Street, Kingston. 331-3418.

Mohonk Preserve Singles Hike Stony Kill Falls

The Great Millbrook Paint-out and Auction

9:30am-4:30pm. Minnewaska State Park Preserve Jenny Lane, New Paltz. 255-0919.

9am-6:30pm. Watch professional artists paint Hudson Valley scenes, view their work, and buy pieces at auction. The Thorne Building, Millbrook. 471-2550.

Beacon Hill Hike

Family Fun on Historic Huguenot Street

10am-1:30pm. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919.

10-11:30am. Tour the Bevier Elting House. Huguenot Street, New Paltz. 255-1660.

THEATRE Social Security

8pm. Comedy about an upscale New York art dealer and his wife. Ghent Playhouse, Ghent. (518) 392-6264. $15/ $12 members.

KIDS Art Fun for Kids

WORKSHOPS Organic Beekeeping


1-5pm. AIR Studio Gallery, Kingston. 331-2662.

A workshop for active beekeepers and beginners. The Pfeiffer Center, Chestnut Ridge. 352-5020 x20.

Folk Music Festival

A Spiritual Approach-Creating Positive Experiences in the Workplace

Cornwall-on-the-Hudson Music & Arts Festival

Call for times. Peace Village Learning & Retreat Center, Haines Falls. (518) 589-5000.


ART Seeing Double

Paul Siegel’s CD Release Party

11am-7pm. Sanctuary Coffee House, Rock Tavern. 695-6851.

12-6pm. Blues, progressive, r&b, soul. Donahue Park, Cornwall-on-Hudson.

10am. Scenic 2-mile hike. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011.

National Trails Day Writer’s Hike.

8pm. Comedy about an upscale New York art dealer and his wife. Ghent Playhouse, Ghent. (518) 392-6264. $15/ $12 members.

WORKSHOPS Organic Beekeeping A workshop for active beekeepers and beginners. The Pfeiffer Center, Chestnut Ridge. 352-5020 x20.

Direction and Inspiration Call for times. Center for Photography at Woodstock, Woodstock. 679-9957.



Parting Shot Andy Uzzle

As a crime scene photographer for the New York Post, Andy Uzzle chased ambulances. He rode his bicycle around Brooklyn, relying on police scanners to determine his next shooting locale. This photograph was taken when Uzzle heard about a fire over his scanner; by the time he reached the scene, three families had been rescued from the building, and Police Officer Miller was in the process of carrying out an elderly tenant. Uzzle studied under his father, famed photographer Burt Uzzle, but has since made a name for himself. He is aggressive in his pursuit of an interesting shot: When Uzzle was found lurking outside Kit Culkin’s Manhattan home, the burly celebrity father slugged him. His work has appeared in Time, Newsweek, Sports Illustrated, and various New York dailies. He was voted one of the top 10 journalists worldwide by Brill’s Content in 1999. Uzzle will be featured in “Hard News: Crime Scenes And Other Urban Images” at the newly opened KMoCA, at 105 Abeel Street, from April 1 through 29.


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