Micro Ad Pages Whole Living
SMALLER IS BETTER Chronogram recession squasher for Health & Wellness
who le li vin gm ark etp lac ew hole livin gm ark etp lac ew hole livin g.
New micro-ad pages from Chronogram. Market your business for a fraction of the cost. The go-to place for information about:
complementary care traditional care
wellness products services
din ing guid ed inin gg uid ed inin gg uid ed inin gg uid ed inin gg uid Xf! JtoĂ–u ed tfmm !ju !uijt!t inin .Z AUR O Uijo -!bnpo pgb!ojd gg R_VP R`a f@ ht!gp htu!p uid s!zp uifs ! V D !ui N[ P [ vs ed pn 123 f!bo !ipvtf joht/ inin basi e!tf / b c st f/ gg V`V[ a re re uid ww 555- et ki st R 5 a 55 ng w.s 5 u e. ofas 5-12 ston 123 www.a 5-555 rant 12 ny ar
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-1 re in st staura 212 ree nt.
For over 15 years Chronogram has had the most comprehensive listings of health and wellness resources in the Hudson Valley. Our readers look for providers in a medium they trust as much as word-of-mouth. “If it’s in Chronogram, it’s got to be good!� they say.
t hig com h fa UP lls, ny FA STAT MARMER E R ’S wee ken KE T ds m som e a
yum parkin y–sep t min g ess fo lot up r all state
by al art artislocal ts
Th 12 is Ga Rh 3 Loc llery kno ine al S bec t kno w whe k w w re y o
Dia m have onds a othe re fo r r th ings ever. W as w e ell.
her e yo u’ve b psy u’re een. ch pas ic con goin tsult g. atio taro life re
Yoga P lac
123 Ne That S w 555 Paltz t , ww 555 1 NY w.y 2 oga 34 pla cen p.c
gre n t re adin ssion s gs
Your lo 123 cal Fine Poug Main St Jeweler s 555 hkeepsie reet .5 , www 55.12 NY .you 3 rlocal 4 fine.c om
the pla for ce yog a
A S RT a HO Gat ThisW ller y loc
by al art artislocal ts Th 12 is Ga Rh 3 Loc llery ine al S bec t k
kno kno w whe w w re y her ou’v e yo e psy u’re been. chic p as c goin t-life onsult g. atio taro re
stre ww 555- et ki w.s 555- ngst ofas on 12 ny aren 12 ice. com
Gar restlic aur Cl ant ov &b e ar
n st reet , hu ww d w.gar 555.5 son, n lich 55.12 y udso 3 n.com 4
Gar restlic aur Cl ant ov &b e ar
n st reet
, hu
5 so ww .gar 55.555 n, ny Dia lich m udso .1234 have onds a n.com othe re fo reve r th ings r. as w We ell.
e Your lo 123 cal Fine Poug Main St Jeweler s 555 hkeepsie reet .5 , www 55.12 NY .you 3 rlocal 4 fine.c om
1/16 ad size 123
123 Ne That S w 555 Paltz t , ww 555 1 NY w.y 2 oga 34 pla cen p.c
psy ch 555 ic pe psy -555-1 rson ch 123 icpe 234 ma rson in st @ ree xyzm t, re a d h il.com ook
Xf! JtoĂ–u tfmm !ju !uijt!t Uijo -!bnpo pgb!ojd f@! ht!gp htu!p ui Dpn s!zpvs fs!ui 123 f!bo !ipvtf joht/ basi e!tf / c f/
YogaNG GUIDE P lac e
the pla for ce yog a
gre n t re adin ssion s gs
UP FA STAT MARMER E RK ’S wee k som ends m ET e a
psy ch 555 ic pe psy -555-1 rson ch 123 icpe 234 ma rson in st @ ree xyzm t, re a d h il.com ook
e A S RT O at H Ga ThisW ller y loc
3\ \
yum parkin y–sep t min g ess fo lot up r all state
Q _ \PX
2 inches x 2.75 inches
1/16 page: $195
123 1 2 /0
.Z AUR O R_VP R`a N[ P V[ bV` a re V[R st ww 555-5 auran w 5 t ma .arest 5-121 in st aura 2 ree t hig nt.com h fa lls, ny
Launching March ’10 issue of Chronogram | Advertising Deadline: February 15, 2010 Chronogram is the premier arts and lifestyle
Chronogram believes in a Local Living
Luminary Publishing is a full-service
magazine for the Hudson Valley. In print
Economy and supports local Hudson
publisher offering custom content and design
for over 16 years, Chronogram enjoys a
Valley businesses and businesspeople who
solutions for print and online. Call for an in-
passionate readership of over 65 thousand
are the drivers of creative prosperity in our
depth discussion of your project, and to find
loyal residents and visitors that enjoy the
out how we can make your idea a reality.
magazine every month.
314 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 Ph/845.334.8600 • Fax/845.334.8610
online: www.chronogram.com • email: sales@chronogram.com
Micro Ad Pages Dining Guide
SMALLER IS BETTER Chronogram recession squasher for Food & Dining who le li vin gm ark etp lac ew hole livin gm ark etp lac ew hole livin g.
New micro-ad pages from Chronogram. Market your business for a fraction of the cost. Local eaters look to Chronogram first for: local restaurants cafes, bakeries farms CSAs all things food-related
din ing guid ed inin gg uid ed inin gg uid ed inin gg uid ed inin gg uid Xf! JtoĂ–u ed tfmm !ju-!b !uijt!tpg inin .Z AUR O n Uijo b!o po gg R_VP R`a ht!gp htu!p jdf@! uid ui s! Dpn zpvs fs!ui N[ P V[ ed 123 f!bo !ipvtf joht/ inin ba e! / bV` tff/ sic gg st a re V[ 555- reet uid w st ki w R 55 au w.s 555- ngst e. ofas 1212 on 123 www.a 5-555 rant ny ar
3\ \
Q _ \PX
-1 re in st staura 212 ree nt.
t hig com h fa UP lls, ny FA STAT MARMER E R ’S wee ken KE T ds m som e a
For over 15 years the magazine has been the de facto resource for locally-grown, locally-made, locally-prepared food. Have a presence in the new micro-ad dining guide for a fraction of the cost of regular advertising in Chronogram.
yum parkin y–sep t min g ess fo lot up r all state
loc by al art artislocal ts
Th 12 is Ga Rh 3 Loc llery kno ine al S bec t kno w whe k w w re y o
Dia m have onds a othe re fo r r th ings ever. W as w e ell.
her e yo u’ve b psy u’re een. ch pas ic con goin tsult g. atio taro life re
Yoga P lac
123 Ne That S w 555 Paltz t , ww 555 1 NY w.y 2 oga 34 pla cen p.c
gre n t re adin ssion s gs
Your lo 123 cal Fine Poug Main St Jeweler s 555 hkeepsie reet .5 , www 55.12 NY .you 3 rlocal 4 fine.c om
the pla for ce yog a
A S RT a HO Gat ThisW ller y loc
by al art artislocal ts Th 12 is Ga Rh 3 Loc llery ine al S bec t k
kno kno w whe w w re y her ou’v e yo e psy u’re been. chic p as c goin t-life onsult g. atio taro re
stre ww 555- et ki w.s 555- ngst ofas on 12 ny aren 12 ice. com
Gar restlic aur Cl ant ov &b e ar
n st reet , hu ww d w.gar 555.5 son, n lich 55.12 y udso 3 n.com 4
Gar restlic aur Cl ant ov &b e ar
n st reet
, hu
5 so ww .gar 55.555 n, ny Dia lich m udso .1234 have onds a n.com othe re fo reve r th ings r. as w We ell.
e Your lo 123 cal Fine Poug Main St Jeweler s 555 hkeepsie reet .5 , www 55.12 NY .you 3 rlocal 4 fine.c om
1/16 ad size 123
123 Ne That S w 555 Paltz t , ww 555 1 NY w.y 2 oga 34 pla cen p.c
psy ch 555 ic pe psy -555-1 rson ch 123 icpe 234 ma rson in st @ ree xyzm t, re a d h il.com ook
Xf! JtoĂ–u tfmm !ju !uijt!t Uijo -!bnpo pgb!ojd f@! ht!gp htu!p ui Dpn s!zpvs fs!ui 123 f!bo !ipvtf joht/ basi e!tf / c f/
YogaNG GUIDE P lac e
the pla for ce yog a
gre n t re adin ssion s gs
UP FA STAT MARMER E RK ’S wee k som ends m ET e a
psy ch 555 ic pe psy -555-1 rson ch 123 icpe 234 ma rson in st @ ree xyzm t, re a d h il.com ook
e A S RT O at H Ga ThisW ller y
3\ \
yum parkin y–sep t min g ess fo lot up r all state
Q _ \PX
2 inches x 2.75 inches
1/16 page: $195
123 1 2 /0
.Z AUR O R_VP R`a N[ P V[ bV` a re V[R st ww 555-5 auran w 5 t ma .arest 5-121 in st aura 2 ree t hig nt.com h fa lls, ny
Launching March ’10 issue of Chronogram | Advertising Deadline: February 15, 2010 Chronogram is the premier arts and lifestyle
Chronogram believes in a Local Living
Luminary Publishing is a full-service
magazine for the Hudson Valley. In print
Economy and supports local Hudson
publisher offering custom content and design
for over 16 years, Chronogram enjoys a
Valley businesses and businesspeople who
solutions for print and online. Call for an in-
passionate readership of over 65 thousand
are the drivers of creative prosperity in our
depth discussion of your project, and to find
loyal residents and visitors that enjoy the
out how we can make your idea a reality.
magazine every month.
314 Wall Street, Kingston, NY 12401 Ph/845.334.8600 • Fax/845.334.8610
online: www.chronogram.com • email: sales@chronogram.com