Institute for Integrative Nutrition 2009

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study with top nutrition experts

learn over 100 dietary theories

i nst it ut e for



the largest nutrition school in the world

2 0 0 9 prof es siona l tr a ining pro gr a m i n pa r t n e r s h i p w i t h p u r c h a s e c o l l e g e o f t h e s tat e u n i v e r s i t y o f n e w y o r k ( s u n y )

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Every human being has a personal legend to be fulfilled, and this is our reason for being in the world. Paulo Coelho


contents I n s t i t u t e f o r I n t e g r at i v e N u t r i t i o n 2 0 0 9

about the institute

4 Letter From Our Founder 7 Quiz: Are you IIN? 8 USDA vs. IIN Food Pyramid 9 Healthcare vs. Self-care 10 Primary Food 12 Bio-Individuality 15 Sweet Solutions 16 What is a Health Counselor? 18 The Tipping Point 19 IIN the Community 20 Our Mission

professional training program

22 Our Program 23 Success Stories 24 Guest Speakers 28 Dietary Theories 30 Curriculum 32 Educational Theory 34 Student Experience 36 Student Benefits 37 Success Stories 38 Career Opportunities 41 Graduate Support 42 Enrollment & Tuition

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welcome Ou r mi ssi o n i s t o play a cruci al ro le i n i mp ro vi ng h ealth and happ i ness i n Am eri ca, and t hro ug h that process, create a ri pple effect that tra n sfo rms t he w o rld. I AM PROUD

to lead a school with an

both East and West. We present

exciting and contemporary mission.

this spectrum of information to our

This bold vision guides us as we

students to expand and challenge

continue to offer an education of the

their concepts of food and diet in

highest caliber. Our new affiliation

the world today.

with Purchase College of the State

At the heart of our diversity lies

University of New York furthers our

the unifying factors that we all

commitment to offer the best holis-

share—the sensitivity to compre-

tic nutrition program possible. We

hend the power of food, the intellec-

continue to empower students and

tual curiosity to learn what is truly

graduates to go out in the world

true in this evolving science and,

and inspire family, friends and the

most importantly, the deep desire

broader community to live healthy,

to educate and inspire to make the

happy lives.

world a better place for the genera-

We are no ordinary school. In

tions ahead. The potential to dra-

June we graduated more than

matically change the course of your

1,200 students from our Profes-

life and the lives of many other

sional Training Program. We are

people is right here, right now.

incredibly diverse, attracting driven

Thank you for your interest

individuals. The students at our

and welcome to The Institute for

school have a wide range of cul-

Integrative Nutrition.

tural, political and socio-economic backgrounds. Our guest speakers and curriculum address popular dietary theories from Atkins to vegan diets and philosophies influenced by


Joshua Rosenthal, MScEd Founder and Director

For 16 years, The Institute for Integrative Nutrition has been at the forefront of holistic nutrition education, offering comprehensive, cuttingedge training in health counseling.

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It is difficult to think of any major industry that might benefit if people ate less food; certainly not the agriculture, food product, grocery, restaurant, diet, or drug industries. All flourish when people eat more, and all employ armies of lobbyists to discourage governments from doing anything to inhibit overeating. –M a r i o n

Nestle PhD,

Professor of Nutrition and Food S t u d i e s at NYU


ar e you i i n?

90/10 theory 5 element Ayurveda

Giv e yo ur sel f one p oint for each statement that


rings true for y ou . I’m not inspired by my job and I’d like to make a switch. I would like more balance between my career and personal life.

protein carbohydrate fats

I often try new diets, but can’t find one that works for me.


I suffer from health problems like asthma, allergies, insomnia, and unhealthy weight and I would like to heal myself. Vegan

I read books and online articles about health. Vegetarian

I already have a strong base of clients and would like to offer

Raw Food

them more information on nutrition and wellness. Caloric Intake

I would like to pursue a career that improves people’s health and happiness. enzymes

Friends, family and coworkers come to me with health concerns and I’d like to know more.

vitamins calories

I want to know the truth about what really works in the field of nutrition and get clear about the myths.


I am looking for a career where I can create my own hours, earn a great living and pursue my passion. The Zone

I want to be a part of a supportive community that

South Beach

can help me accomplish my health and career goals. Blood Type

I want to learn with the top nutrition experts in the world.


0-4 points Keep reading, maybe you know someone who would be interested in hearing about us.

Dairy 5-8 points You have a knack for well-being and a drive to succeed. we will enrich your knowledge and guide you to a successful career. 9-12 points You are IIN! Contact us now to find out how to enroll. call (877) 730-5444 or visit

Sugar Oil Gluten REGISTER NOW! (877) 730-5444


i i n pyr a m id

usda vs. i i n food pyramid We’ve adapted the USDA food pyramid to represent our nutritional philosophy: more high-quality, organic vegetables, fruits, complex carbohydrates, protein and water; less meat, milk, sugar and artificial food. the usda “mypyramid”


vital in enhancing health. Primary

incorporating a wider variety

food is more than what is on your

of vegetables, fruits, oils and

plate. Healthy relationships,

proteins as well as the importance

regular physical activity, a

of exercise with a human figure

fulfilling career and a spiritual

climbing to the top of the pyramid.

practice feed our bodies and satisfy

We firmly believe no one diet is

our hunger for living.

right for everyone. MyPyramid

Our food pyramid illustrates our nutrition philosophy. 8

primary food circle because it is

improved in recent years by

Our pyramid encourages

recognizes this fact by having 12

drinking more water, finding an

different pyramids that depend

appropriate protein source and

on gender, age and activity

consuming healthy fats and oils.

level. Even with these advances,

You will discover the foods and

MyPyramid is far from an easily

lifestyle choices that best

understood, legitimate and

nourish you.

accurate presentation of which foods are necessary for health. We’ve surrounded the iIN pyramid with what we call the

Did you know? you will start learning as soon as you enroll with our WARM UP PROGRAM.

h e a lt h ca r e v s . s e l f - ca r e A merica spends ov er $2 trillion a y e a r o n h e a lt h c a r e . That’s a lot of money! We spend far more on healthcare than any other country in the world. The pillar of our healthcare system is operations and medications. Prescription drug costs continue to skyrocket. With an aging baby boomer generation, medical costs will continue to soar. About 80% of healthcare spending happens during the final years of life. Almost no money is spent on education and prevention. As we look to develop a national healthcare policy, what if we were to spend 2% of our national budget teaching people how to adopt healthier habits? More than a healthcare system, we need a self-care system where people understand how to make the choices that best support their lives. We need people educated on whole foods, exercise and stress prevention. At Integrative Nutrition, we see a huge opportunity to shift this national conversation. We are training leaders to step up and make a difference for the health of America. “America’s healthcare system is in crisis precisely because we systematically neglect wellness and prevention.” Tom Harkin, U.S Senator, Iowa

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iin food

p r i m a r y f ood Prima ry fo o d i s mo re t han what i s o n yo ur plat e. Healthy relat i o nshi ps, reg ular physi cal act i vi t y, a f u l f i lli ng career and a spi ri t ual pract i ce can fill your soul and satisfy your hunger for life. when primary food


balanced and satiating, your life feeds you, making what

at all. The passion of play consumed your attention. Sometimes we are fed not

you eat secondary. But what

by food, but by the energy

is primary food?

in our lives. These moments

Please think back to a time

and feelings demonstrate

when you were passionately in

that we are hungry for

love. Everything was exciting.

more than food.

Colors were vibrant. Intimacy was magical. Your lover’s touch and feelings of exhilaration sustained you. You were floating on air and you forgot about food; you were high on life. Remember when you were a

Primar y food is more than what is on your plate. 10

everyt hing is food We t a k e i n t h e e x p e r i e n c e s o f l i f e i n t h o u s a n d s o f w a y s . We h u n g e r f o r p l a y, f u n , t o u c h , ro m a n c e , i n t i m a c y, l o v e , s u c c e s s , a r t , m u s i c , a d v e n t u re a n d s p i r i t . A l l o f t h e s e a re

child, you were playing outside

essential forms of

and having fun? Suddenly, your


mother announced dinner was ready, but you were not hungry

Just as food is needed for the body, love is needed for the soul. Osho

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i i nd iv id ua l

bio-individuality In 1956 Ro g er Wi lli ams publi shed Bio chemical Ind ividuali t y , ex plai ni ng ho w perso nal di fferenc es in an ato my, metabo li sm, co mp o si t i o n o f bo di ly fl uids an d c ell st ruct ure i nfluence yo ur o verall health . Williams wrote,

ences, natural shapes and sizes,

has genetically determined and

blood types, metabolic rates and

highly individualistic nutrition

genetic backgrounds influence

requirements. This theory influ-

what foods will and won’t nour-

enced some independent-thinking

ish us. So, when the experts say,

minds in the nutrition world but

“dairy is good for you” or “fat is

is still largely ignored by the

unhealthy,” it’s too much of a gen-


eralization. One person’s food is

Each person,

We are too individualistic to eat

another person’s poison and that’s

the same exact food. Ever notice

why fad diets don’t work in the

that men eat very differently than

long run. They are not based on

women? Children, teens and adults

the reality that we all have differ-

all have very different prefer-

ent dietary needs.

ences. People who work in an office

One per son’s food is another per son’s poison. 12

eat differently than those who do

feed your hunger

physical labor. People eat accord-

Learn more about

ing to their age, whether they are 25, 55 or 85. Our personal tastes and prefer-

our curriculum at or call (877) 730-5444. we’d love to hear from you!

pay at t e n t i o n t o y o u r b o d y.

The point is everybody is different. y o u h av e t o f i g u r e o u t w h at w o r k s f o r y o u . A ndre w Weil md, guest spe a ker

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No par ticular food or way of eating is the answer. Good food is that which nourishes without causing stress, allowing our immune system to spend its energy in healing. Many dif ferent diets will have healing ef fects. Of ten it’s not what we eat but what we don’t eat that helps us become healthy again. Annemarie Colbin PhD, Guest Speaker


i i n th e k i tc h e n

sweet solutions M a n y p e o p l e e x p e r i e n c e u n c o n t r o l l a b l e c r av i n g s f o r s w e e t s . I n s t e a d o f r e a c h i n g f o r a s u g a r y t r e at, t r y a s w e e t v e g e ta b l e s n a c k . A d d i n g t h e s e v e g e ta b l e s t o y o u r d ay i s a h e a lt h y w ay t o s at i s f y y o u r c r av i n g s . promotes healthy vision. Although the most recognizable varieties are orange, you can also find yellow and red-colored carrots.


butternut squash is more watery than

other types of squash and it has a similar flavor to sweet potatoes. The more ripe you allow the vegetable to get, the sweeter and richer it becomes. 4

pumpkin is usually carved into jack-o-

lanterns and used for pumpkin pies.They


Acorn squash is a sweet, yellow vegeta-

r e c i p e : sweet sensation Cho ose 1-5 vegetables featured

are a part of the squash family and grow

in this article. Add any other

all around the world. Roasting the seeds

vegetables you like.

is a great treat.

Chop the vegetables into small

ble that is great for the cooler months. You can

chunks. Add vegetables to a pot.

eat the flesh baked, sautĂŠed or steamed. The

Add about 1 inch of water to the

seeds are also delicious when they’re toasted.

pot and cook 15-20 minutes or until vegetables are soft. 5

Onions are one of the oldest vegetables

known to humankind. Typically chopped or 3

Carrots are year-round vegetables, but are

sliced, onions accompany many salads, meat

freshest and most flavorful in the summer and

dishes and other foods to add a spicy, tangy,

fall months. Carrots contain beta-carotene, which

mild or sweet flavor depending on the variety.

Empt y vegetables into a large bowl

and use leftover cooking water as a delicious sweet sauce. enjoy! Find more healthy recipes at

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he alt h c o u nsel i n g

what is a

h e a lt h c o u n s e l o r ? A h ealt h co unselo r i s a nut ri t i o n ex per t, wellne ss au th ori t y and a supp o r t i ve co ach. Peo ple w o rk w ith Health Co unselo rs t o achi eve t hei r healt h g o al s in area s such as wei g ht manag ement, fo o d cravi ng s, sl eep, energ y and di g est i o n. together,

the Health Counselor

even trying. What a relief to know

and client customize a plan to

that I will never have to diet again!

upgrade the client’s nutrition and

Working with the program has

diet. During the 6-month program,

even gotten me trying to go organic

clients develop a deeper under-

and green. My doctor was very im-

standing of the foods and lifestyle

pressed with my weight loss and

choices that work best for them,

the progress that I was making in

and implement lasting changes

all areas of my life. This has truly

that improve their energy, balance

been a life changing experience!�

and health. Catherine Pate of Jacksonville, AL says, “I recently completed the six-month program with an Integrative Nutrition graduate. She is a great inspiration to me and I have learned so much from her. I have adopted a healthy lifestyle and have lost 40+ pounds without


earn while you learn Many students earn back their tuition before they graduate.

Loca l vs. org a nic The traditional definition of organic food is pure, pesticide-free, locally produced ingredients grown on a small family farm. Since the 1990s the major food industry retailers picked up on the organic food trend. Now organic food is the fastest growing segment of the food industry. As a result, corporations like General Mills, Wal-Mart and many other major distributors buy organic food from across the globe and ship it thousands of miles to a store near you. A counter movement focused on local food is picking up momentum. Local food cuts down on food miles—the distance food travels from the field to your plate—and decreases the amount of fossil fuel burned. Local food is available at health food stores, farmers’ markets and CSAs (community supported agriculture). Buying from these sources gives us an opportunity to build relationships with local farmers. For information on organic foods, visit To learn more about eating locally, visit

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ti p pi n g p o in t

The Tipping Point trans fats

fast food chains going healthy

All NYC restaurants are now prohibited from

Fast food chains are slowly picking up on Americans’ desire for

using trans fats oils, which are known to raise

healthy foods. Now you can buy raw

your bad (LDL) cholesterol and lower your

apple slices from Burger King, fruit

good (HDL) cholesterol. Integrative Nutrition

and walnut salads from McDonald’s,

played a key role in banning trans fats from

and even “Real Fruit Smoothies”

the city, which has created a ripple effect for

from Jack in the Box.

restaurants across the country.

School Lunches School food is a leading contributor to the childhood obesity epidemic. Three out of four schools serve too much fat and not enough whole foods, fruits and vegetables.

Pressure to Be Thin The average female model is 5’11” and weighs 117


juicy diets

pounds, whereas the average American woman is

The practice of

5’4” and weighs 140 pounds. To keep their jobs,

cleansing has

models must maintain 0% body fat. The ADA

been around for

recommends women have 20-25% body fat.

thousands of years, but in


big pharma profits

in Politics

$250,000,000,000! That’s about what Americans

Healthcare is the most

spent on prescription drugs last year. Three main

increasingly popular with

important concern for

factors drive prescription drug spending: changes

Americans. The big attraction

34% of all adults,

in the number of prescriptions dispensed, price

to cleanses are the prom-

ahead of jobs, economy,

increases and changes in the types of drugs used.

illegal immigration and

Every month new pills emerge, and each drug

ises of weight loss and body

terrorism, according to

cites side effects: “Warning: may cause nausea,

a Wall Street Journal/

headaches, constipation, dizziness, drowsiness or

properly they can cause more

NBC news poll.

in extreme cases death.”

harm than good.

Source: Kaiser Family Foundation, May 2007

recent years it has become

detox. However, if not done

i I n t he communi t y

GO GREEN EAST HARLE M W he n M a n h atta n bo r o u g h pr e sid e nt S c o t t S t ri n g e r l a unc h ed th e Go Gr e e n East Har l e m i n i t i at i v e l a st yea r, o n e o f its f ir st e f f o r ts wa s t h e “ Go G r een E a s t Har l e m” Co o kbo o k. Stringer invited local

guided residents on using food

restaurant chefs, farmers’

stamps to buy vegetables at

market vendors, residents and

local farmers’ markets.

neighborhood leaders to provide

Go Green East Harlem is

healthy recipes. He wanted the

part of a larger initiative in

bilingual cookbook to teach how

Manhattan with a committee of

local cuisine can be healthy.

over 100 neighborhood residents,

He asked us to review recipes

civic, environmental and

and create a coding system for

business leaders, public health

the recipes with labels such as

advocates and elected officials.

“dairy free,” “sugar free” and

The Go Green project has

“vegetarian.” For the launch

spearheaded the development

of the cookbook, we created

of a new asthma center, planting

a nutrition program for 100

hundreds of trees in East

residents. Our graduates

Harlem and a new farmers’

counseled participants to make

market on 106th Street.

smarter food and lifestyle choices. The nutrition sessions

photos, top to bottom: manhattan borough president scott stringer at the

involved getting a “food buddy,”

go green east harlem book release party;

incorporating more leafy green

the harlem green market; iin founder joshua rosenthal with guests in harlem.

vegetables into the diet and learning tips for healthy home cooking. Our graduates also

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Our mission is to play a crucial role in improving health and happiness in America, and through that process, create a ripple effect that transforms the world.


caution The section you are about to read may dramatically change your future. Please read slowly. Your life depends on it. the institute for integrative nutrition

invites you to re-evaluate your priorities and to create congruity between your daily life and your deepest values. Look inside and ask yourself: Who am I? Why am I here? What would I like to do with this one precious life of mine? w w w . i n t e g r at i v e n u t r i t i o n . c o m

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professional training program

We offer an uplifting experience that will create a complete change in your life. our program is designed to educate

and inspire you to live your best life and to work with others to live their best lives, too. You will learn over 100 different dietary theories and understand the pros and cons of each. We train you to understand intuitive eating and how to discover which foods best support your body. Throughout the year, we empower you to take an active role in this mission by training you step-by-step in developing a Health Counseling practice. Admission is not determined by

academic prerequisites or scholastic achievement. We welcome anyone interested in improving health and happiness in the world.


students build meaningful friendships

success stories

Annette and Billy Varoli Health Counselors

Queens, NY | Class of 2007 our success

Annette and Billy lived a typical happily married life. They had separate, successful corporate jobs in architecture. But they weren’t inspired by their work. After their daughter was born, they didn’t want her to grow up with parents who didn’t love their jobs. Before Integrative Nutrition

Billy worked full-time and I recently left my corporate job

to stay at home with our new daughter. We were discussing the possibility of doing business together and incorporating our design background. Our relationship

Before school we had a strong connection, but going through the pro-

gram together deepened our relationship. Our communication improved and we learned to nourish our relationship by slowing down and enjoying our family time together. Our learning experience

Each weekend was an amazing experience. We learned so

much and we were on such a motivational high at the end of it. We didn’t have to explain

The question that really pushed us to go for what we wanted:

“Is your career aligned with how you want to live your life?”

anything we learned because we learned it together. It was so wonderful to do the program together. We got so much more out of it.

jason kessler entrepreneur New York, NY | Class of 2006 my success

Jason Kessler worked for NASA in Washington D.C. for 8 years, traveling around the world and working 17-hour days. He craved a balanced life of

wholemato ketchup

work, creativity and health. Jason’s mom approached him about her desire

“The best accomplishment is knowing that we’ve got a product that so many people enjoy and knowing that it is good for them.”

to make and sell her own BBQ sauces. He agreed to help her if it was organic and she attended school with him. It was through Integrative Nutrition that Jason and his mom launched Wholemato Ketchup, now available in over 800 stores nationwide. My experience I

knew I could have a career that fostered my interest in health and wellness,

but I wasn’t sure where to start. When my mom came to me with her business idea I knew that Integrative Nutrition would give us the tools to make this ketchup healthy and delicious. How the school nurtured my success

It introduced us to Wholemato’s key

ingredient—agave nectar. This school opened our eyes to the nutritional needs of our country and how we can make a difference. Wholemato is successfully growing because Integrative Nutrition encouraged us to follow our hearts and maintain commitment to ourselves and to our business.

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guest speakers

From medical doctors to best-selling

and Health and author of books such as

authors, our guest speakers pioneer

The Book of Whole Meals, Food and

new ideas, theories and directions in

Healing and Food and Our Bones.

nutrition and personal growth. Geneen Roth A pioneer in Joshua Rosenthal

distinguishing the link between

MScEd Primary teacher

our emotions and hunger.

with more than 25 years

She is the author of seven books, including

experience in the fields of whole foods,

When Food Is Love and Breaking Free

personal coaching, curriculum development

from Emotional Eating.

and nutritional counseling. An insightful healer whose simple approach allows

Barry Sears PhD

people to quickly and successfully reach

Founder of the Zone Diet,

improved levels of health and happiness.

and author of more than 10 books about it, he is an expert in biotech-

Neal Barnard MD

nology, developing drug-delivery systems

Founder of the Physicians

for cancer and heart patients. He is also a

Committee for Responsible

former MIT researcher, holding more than

Medicine, a nonprofit organization bring-

12 patents for cancer treatments and the

ing together doctors and laypersons for

dietary control of hormones.

compassionate and effective medical practices, research and health promotion.

Andrew Weil MD

PCRM promotes preventative medicine

A Harvard Medical School

and leads the way in reforming federal

graduate, Dr. Weil has

nutrition policies.

devoted the past 30 years to developing, practicing, and teaching others about the

Deepak Chopra One of the

principles of integrative medicine. He is

world’s greatest leaders in the

the bestselling author of Healthy Aging

field of mind-body medicine,

and Eight Weeks to Optimum Health.

he founded the Chopra Center for Wellbeing, integrating Western medicine

Walter Willett MD

with natural healing traditions. Author of

Chairman of Nutrition at

more than 50 books, including Perfect

the Harvard School of

Health: The Complete Mind/Body Guide.

Public Health and a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School,


Annemarie Colbin PhD

he is the author of Eat, Drink, and Be

Founder of the Natural

Healthy: The Harvard Medical School

Gourmet Institute for Food

Guide to Healthy Eating.

The Institute for Integrative Nutrition is a world-class organization inspiring positive change. deepak chopra, guest speaker

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guest speakers

Stephan Rechtschaffen MD, speaking to students after his lecture.

Andrea Beaman A successful

Waltz and also wrote for Rolling

Integrative Nutrition graduate

Stone and New York Magazine.

and author of The Whole Truth, she teaches the art of cooking

Marc David A consultant in health

whole foods in a simple, fun and

and nutrition and author of The Slow

quick way. She was featured on

Down Diet: Eating for Pleasure, Energy,

Bravo’s Top Chef and is host of

and Weight Loss and Nourishing Wis-

Wise Up! with Andrea Beaman.

dom: A Mind-Body Approach to Nutrition and Well Being. He also serves

julia cameron An award-winning

on the editorial staff of Alternative

poet, playwright, filmmaker and

Therapies in Health and Medicine.

author of 24 books, including The


Artist’s Way, which has sold over two

John Douillard PhD International

million copies worldwide. She was a

teacher of Ayurveda for more than

writer on movies such as Taxi Driver,

16 years, he has certified more than

New York, New York and The Last

2,000 Western doctors in Ayurvedic

medicine. He is the author of The

Flavor Point Diet and the Flavor-Full Diet,

in Manhattan. He shares his wealth of

3-Season Diet, The Encyclopedia of

he is the founder and director of the

networking, marketing and business

Ayurvedic Massage and is founder of

Yale Prevention Research Center, an

building knowledge as the primary

LifeSpa in Boulder, CO.

associate professor of public health and

teacher of Fast Track.

associate director of nutrition science at Sally Fallon Journalist, chef, nutri-

Yale University.

tion researcher and community activist,

Paul Pitchford MS Highly ac-

claimed author of the encyclopedic

she is the author of Nourishing Traditions:

Teresa Kennedy PhD A graduate

Healing with Whole Foods: Oriental

The Cookbook that Challenges Politically

of Integrative Nutrition, motivational

Traditions and Modern Nutrition, his

Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats

speaker and yoga teacher, she is the

gentle approach is a life-changing

and Eat Fat, Lose Fat. She is also the

founder of both Power Living and of

inspiration toward living in balance

founding president of the Weston A.

Ta Life, Inc., organizations that

with greater awareness.

Price Foundation for wise traditions in

promote healthy and positive living

food, farming and the healing arts.

to underserved urban communities.

Stephan Rechtschaffen MD

Co-founder of Omega Institute, he is Lynn Goldstein MS, RD, CDN

Lawrence H. Kushi ScD

a holistic physician who uses concepts

A registered dietitian and graduate of In-

Internationally recognized expert

of time and healing as the focus for devel-

tegrative Nutrition, Goldstein is a nutrition-

in nutritional epidemiology from his

oping optimal health. Author of Time Shift-

al educator for the Jay Monahan Center

research on the role of diet and

ing: Creating More Time to Enjoy Your Life.

of Gastrointestinal Health. She counsels

nutrition on disease. He was a profes-

patients with gastrointestinal problems on

sor of nutrition at Teachers College of

Bernie Siegel MD Author of several

how to eat for a disease-free life.

Columbia University and is Associate

best-selling books including: Love,

Director for Etiology and Prevention

Medicine & Miracles, Peace, Love &

Research at Kaiser Permanente.

Healing, and How to Live Between Of-

Mark Hyman MD Editor-In-Chief of

fice Visits. As a physician he has cared

Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine and coauthor of the bestsell-

Howard Lyman Fourth-generation

for and counseled thousands with life-

ing book, Ultraprevention: the Six-Week

family farmer in Montana, former presi-

threatening illnesses. He continues to

Plan that Will Make You Healthy for Life,

dent of Earth Save, and activist that

break new ground in the field of healing.

and author of Ultrametabolism: The

turned Oprah Winfrey against hamburg-

Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss.

ers, he has become a voice for family

David Wolfe Considered by peers

He practices in Lenox, MA.


to be the world authority on raw food nutrition, he is the author of the best-

Michael Jacobson PhD Co-founder

Victoria Moran Certified life coach

selling books Eating for Beauty and

and executive director for the Center

and international speaker on wellness

The Sunfood Diet Success System.

for Science in the Public Interest and

and personal growth. She is the author

He conducts health lectures, seminars

coauthor of Restaurant Confidential and

of 10 books including Fat, Broke &

and hosts raw adventures.

Six Arguments for a Greener Diet.

Lonely No More, Fit From Within and

Note Visiting teachers subject to change.

Creating a Charmed Life. David Katz MD Renowned expert on

inspired? read about our

weight control, nutrition and preventa-

Robert Notter Graduate of Integra-

tive medicine and the author of the

tive Nutrition, he has a thriving practice

cutting-edge approach to nutrition at

REGISTER NOW! (877) 730-5444


dietary theories

We are the only school in the


world teaching more than 100 dietary

A philosophy based on balancing

theories, from traditional to modern,

yin and yang through eating natural,

Eastern to Western, popular to

whole foods.

esoteric. Some of the theories we cover include:

Raw Food

Raw or living food diets are based on 90/10 Theory

eating unprocessed and uncooked

A flexible approach to eating that

plant foods.

strives for eating healthy foods 90% of the time, and allowing 10% to eat

South Beach Diet

whatever you desire.

A low-carb diet that distinguishes the right kinds of carbohydrates and fat,

The Atkins Diet

while emphasizing lean proteins.

This diet restricts carbohydrates, causing the body to burn its own fat for fuel,

Traditional Chinese Medicine

instead of carbohydrates.

An ancient belief system which looks at health holistically and uses


diagnosis as a way to assess overall

This ancient healing system from India

health of the body.

emphasizes eating in accordance with your individual body type and

Vegetarian/Vegan Diets

the seasons.

A vegetarian diet restricts eating meat. A vegan diet restricts the use of all ani-

Blood Type Diet

mal products.

An individualized approach to eating, depending on blood type that combines

Wise Traditions

anthropology, medical history and genetics.

Based on the work of Dr. Weston A. Price, this diet emphasizes nourishing,

Calorie Restriction

traditional foods and farm produce for

A diet that aims to expand life expec-

optimal health.

tancy through minimal caloric intake. The Zone Diet


High-Carbohydrate Diets

A diet based on regulating blood sugar

This modern take on traditional diets

levels with a balance of carbohydrates,

relies on whole grains, beans and

fats and proteins at every meal, enabling


the body to burn fat more efficiently.

When diet changes, everything


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We teach you how to become a Health Counselor and work with clients in a 6-month program. our curriculum is designed

to give you a wide variety of skills in business, counseling, nutrition, eating habits and lifestyle choices. We address the latest research in nutrition and wellness. We teach you how to work with

clients in a one-on-one setting, run group programs and workshops in settings such as corporations, spas, health clubs, doctors’ offices, schools and more.


John Douillard phd, speaking to students.

integrative learning

Nutrition Concepts



food politics

Health Counseling

Crowding Out

Food Corporations

You will be trained in the art of listening

Most nutrition experts give their clients

Food corporations are big business;

in order to hear your clients’ every need

a list of foods to avoid, which explains

the fast food and restaurant industries

and learn how to effectively guide them

why so many people are turned off

generate billions of dollars in annual

through a 6-month program to reach

by nutrition. Crowding out adds more

sales. Learn how companies spend their

their health goals.

healthy food to your diet rather than

advertising dollars to influence the public

cutting back on the food you enjoy.

to buy their products.

You will learn how to effectively run a

Energetics of Food

Government Policies

professional Heath Counseling business.

All food has distinct qualities and

Why are unhealthy foods cheaper than

energetic properties that affect your

healthy foods? Learn about government

your Health

body depending on where, when and

subsidies, campaign contributions and the

You will learn to eat healthier and live

how it’s grown and prepared.

pros and cons of the USDA food pyramid.

Food/Mood Connection


Nutrition Science

Scientific research and personal experi-

Literally meaning, “low glucose levels in

Our curriculum reviews the science and

ence both demonstrate that what we eat

the blood,” this condition is a pre-cursor

anatomy to provide you with an under-

affects how we think, feel and act.

to diabetes. A poor diet can cause a

Professional Practice

happier with tools you learn in school.

standing of how our bodies function

gradual breakdown in the body’s ability

and why certain dietary habits work and

Primary Food

to manage blood glucose, causing a

don’t work for individuals.

We are fed not only by food but by other

roller-coaster effect in energy.

factors in our lives. Healthy relationships, Bio-individuality

regular physical activity, a fulfilling career

Organic vs. Non-Organic Foods

No one diet works for everyone. We

and a spiritual practice can fill your soul

Discover the difference between organic

explore different ways of eating in order

and satisfy your hunger for life.

and non-organic commercially raised

to create a personalized approach that is

produce and how both methods affect

appropriate for the individual depending on

American Health Crisis

your overall health.

their age, health, activity level, where they

Rates of obesity, diabetes and cardio-

live, personal tastes and preferences.

vascular disease continue to increase.

Eating Disorders

We spend an exorbitant amount of

Eating disorders are prevalent in America

Deconstructing Cravings

money on medications and operations

today with many types of eating disor-

Many people believe cravings are a

and virtually nothing on prevention,

ders such as anorexia, bulimia, com-

problem, but cravings play a critical role

education and holistic health. Learn how

pulsive eating disorder and orthorexia

in understanding what the body needs.

you can help reverse this trend.


REGISTER NOW! (877) 730-5444


educational theory

As a school, we respect the three main

counseling sessions, paired sharing,

learning styles: visual, auditory and

dance and movement to truly provide

kinesthetic. Visual learners learn by

a dynamic holistic educational

seeing, reading, and watching videos and


live demonstrations. Auditory learners

We recognize that just as different

learn by listening to lectures, MP3s and

people thrive with different ways of

conference calls. Kinesthetic learners

eating, students flourish with a diverse

learn by experience, by doing.

educational approach.

We incorporate diverse styles of

We also provide:

teaching to engage all of the senses,

which is considered the most effective way to educate adults.

wellness and business-building topics •

We cover the most up-to-date nutrition

Complimentary reference library of books, CDs, DVDs and other

and wellness information by providing an interactive educational experience that

Focus classes on specific nutrition,

study materials •

promotes long lasting benefits.

Support from your own Health Counselor

Continuous support after graduation

We encourage learning outside of the classroom, teaching students to shop,

Sharing is the ultimate learning

eat, cook, speak and listen in new ways.

experience. Part of your education is to

We offer training in effective communica-

take what you are learning and share it

tion with clients and corporations.

with the world. We help you start your

You will shift from a healthcare

own practice and train you to work

consumer to a healthcare provider

with clients.

and receive personalized care and attention throughout the year.

The American healthcare system is not working. Our school offers you the

We incorporate diverse styles of teaching to engage all of the senses. 32

You won’t have to experience a dull

opportunity to make a contribution and

classroom with boring lectures, mind-

mend the system.

less homework assignments, term papers or high-stress exams. Instead, you’ll find a dynamic educational environment of established speakers, group discussions, cooking demonstrations,

did you know? You receive books, cds, dvds and other materials to enhance your learning.

We use a variety of teaching styles: visual, auditory and kinesthetic, engaging our students in a unique educational experience.

Our methodology is considered the most effective way to educate adults.

joshua rosenthal leading a lecture REGISTER NOW! (877) 730-5444 33

student experience

inside the classroom Classes are held at Avery Fisher Hall in New York City on Saturday and Sunday. sample weekend





Nutrition Theor y with Joshua Rosenthal

Primar y Food: Movement

He introduces core concepts like primary food and bio-individuality.

Get a taste of exercise, breathing techniques, yoga, Indian dance, aerobics, pilates and more.

Stretch break

Healthy Cooking

USDA vs. IIN Food Pyramid

Learn how to cook greens and 20-minute meals.

Learn government recommendations and why our pyramid is modified.


Health History Demonstration


Learn how to conduct a health history evaluation with a client.

Start learning the fundamentals of building a practice. Guest Speaker

Andrew Weil MD Topics include the wellness revolution, integrative medicine and preventative care.


Lunch Marketing



Group Discussion

Questions about Health Histories Stretch break Guest Speaker

Barr y Sears PhD Topics include the Zone Diet, inflammation and omega-3 fatty acids.

OUTSide the classroom Our curriculum is designed to support students in their communities and at home. Online Education Forum

to learn in a small group setting and to

As soon as you enroll, you will have

meet other students in your area.

access to our Online Education Forum (OEF), a virtual gathering place for our stu-

Fast Track

dents and graduates. You can interact

Integrative Nutrition includes

at any time of day with everyone in our

business training in your education

community. You

because we want students to feel

will always have access

to the OEF, even after you graduate!

confident to go out and become Health

Forum topics include:

Counselors. We specialize in getting

Dietar y theories

you to step out and work with the

After-class discussion

public. Students receive lectures

Business suppor t

and materials while focusing on the

Advice on working with clients

different aspects of running a

Sharing new resources

successful practice. fast track Topics include:

Individual Health Counseling

Before class begins, you’ll choose a Health Counselor who will coach and

how to star t a practice •

support you one-on-one throughout the

Step-by-step instructions on All the paper work you need for client sessions

school year.

Finding and keeping clients

Your counselor will:

Adver tising and networking

Guide you to improve your physical,

Identifying your target market

mental and emotional health

Achieving work-life balance

Model the counseling approach

With this support and careful mentoring,

you’ll learn in class

many students start seeing clients while

Provide suppor t and encouragement

still in school. Many even earn back the

for your own counseling practice once

cost of their tuition before graduation.

you star t to see clients of your own Focus Cl asses Local Study Chapters

In addition to our in-class instruc-

Over the years we’ve been amazed

tion, we provide you with a series of

by the strong community created

optional Focus Classes on topics such

between our students. As a way to

as children’s health, gluten intolerance

help you create this community for

and holistic skin care. These special

yourself, to deepen your learning

interest classes are available online to

experience between weekends, we

download to your computer or your

have created Local Study Chapters.

MP3 player, allowing you the flexibility

These meetings provide an opportunity

to learn whenever and wherever.

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student benefits

Marketing Materials

delicious. We teach you how to make

We have noticed that some students

easy, tasty meals in 20 minutes or less

feel they must have the perfect business

and how to lead inspiring cooking classes

accessories before they can begin their

that motivate people to cook.

practice. While marketing is important, we find it can distract students from getting

Healthy Daily Routine

out there and building their practice.

Small changes over time make a

To assist you, we provide:

substantial difference to your overall


health. During the school year we provide

Personalized business cards

you with many health-supportive items–


from food samples to cooking utensils,


from stress management tools to nutrition

These materials help you become vis-

reference books. We make it simple to

ible in your community without the time,

upgrade your daily routine by putting an

hassle, and expense normally invested in

array of healthy tools at your fingertips.

starting a new business. We want you to concentrate on counseling rather than on

Healthy Movement


People need physical activity. To demonstrate how healthy movement

Business Organizing System

can be simple, fun and rewarding, we

Each student receives all the docu-

provide you with our Total Body Workout

ments and essential instructions to help


make your business thrive in an orga-

sonal trainer and IIN graduate. You’ll learn

nized, professional and clutter-free way.

excellent exercise techniques and be

featuring instruction by a top per-

inspired to incorporate various forms of Healthy Community

movement into your life. We’ll also show

Surrounding yourself with healthy

you how to support your clients, friends

people who support you and your goals

and family to embrace physical activity.

is a powerful key to creating good health. Welcome!

Graduates often report forming some of

Healthy Shopping

the best relationships of their lives while

Health food shopping can be mysterious,

in school. We’ve created our program to

overwhelming and confusing. Our Healthy

help even the quietest person connect to

Shopping DVD

this new community.

secrets of efficient high-quality shopping

will guide you through the

and teach you everything you want to

The website alone is wor th the cost of tuition. 36

Healthy Cooking

know: organic vs. non-organic, protein,

One of the keys to our curriculum is

dairy, grains, pastas, frozen vs. fresh, and

the importance of home-cooked

shopping in season. We’ll cover every-

meals. We know everyone is busy and

thing and teach you how to lead a health

wants something quick that’s healthy and

food store tour for your own clients.

success stories

andrea beaman Health Counselor

New York, NY | Class of 1999 why integrative nutrition?

Andrea Beaman cured her thyroid disease through whole foods and then came to Integrative Nutrition to gain the tools she needed to coach others on health and wellness. As host of WISE UP! and FED UP!, two shows that look at alternative therapies to healing specific health conditions, she is a nationally recognized food and health expert. My experience

I had all of this knowledge I wanted to share, and I learned how to share

it in a professional and effective way. I learned to experiment in my body and then take what I learned to teach others. The school has provided a strong community and continuous support system. Years after graduation, I still have a strong connection with the school. My success

I just finished taping 26 episodes of FED UP!, where I teach people how to

cook for specific illnesses. I see clients on a daily basis. I don’t work on Fridays— that’s my day to work on writing my third book. I teach cooking classes at home, Whole Foods and health food stores. It took time to establish my business, but now I have people constantly calling for advice. I get calls from people I met three years ago saying they are now ready to live a healthier lifestyle.

After I cured myself from thyroid disease with food, my friends and family wanted me to go to nutrition school and become a doctor.

“Modern methods of healing were not calling me like the holistic methods. I had this burning desire to teach people that they can heal themselves with natural foods too. ”

Barbara Doherty, RN Health Counselor and Clinical Nurse Case Manager

New York, NY | Class of 2008 my experience at integrative nutrition

Barbara has been working in health care for 35 years. Early in her career, she realized there was more to treating patients than shots and medicine. It was

I have gone through a lot of schools and

after battling her own cancer and healing herself through a nutritious diet that

courses were taught like this one.

she realized she could do the same for others. why integrative nutrition

After I healed myself with vegetables and whole foods, I

realized I could help other cancer patients heal faster through nutrition. When I was searching for nutrition programs, I saw the highly esteemed doctors, healers and educators that taught at this school. I knew I had to come. my success

I now work at Sloan-Kettering with patients suffering from GI Cancer,

but I am working with other clinicians to start a Nutritional and Holistic Cancer Survivorship Program. My target population is clients who have completed treatment, are disease-free or in remission. We plan to help patients recover from treatment, get healthy and remain disease-free or in remission through natural, holistic and nutritional recommendations.

acquired many degrees and I wish more

“The school introduced me to a variety of people who specialize in natural and holistic approaches to health and wellbeing, such as massage therapists, acupuncturists, and chefs, which provided me with a great referral network.”

REGISTER NOW! (877) 730-5444


career opportunities

Our program is unique in higher

Health Counseling

education because it focuses on

We train you to offer a comprehensive

Home • Clinical setting

significantly improving the health of

6-month program which includes:

Rented office space • Gyms

Yoga studios • Day spas • Natural

America, while simultaneously reach-

Meeting clients in one-on-one sessions

ing a deep level of human potential

Running group events

and ability in each student.

Providing tools to suppor t your

food stores •

Corporations • Schools

Places of Worship • Libraries

clients to achieve their health goals

The possibilities are unlimited. You have

Integrative Nutrition

This unique, thorough approach allows

the ability to shape and personalize your


you to provide a supportive space for

practice into whichever works for you.

Upon commencement, you will receive a

your clients to improve their health and

diploma from the Institute for Integrative

transform their entire lives.

When to Work

Nutrition, representing your education,

With your guidance,

Another benefit of health counseling

knowledge and experience.

your clients will significantly:

is that you can choose when you want

Improve their way of eating

to work. Our graduates report earning

SUNY partnership

Deepen their personal relationships

$75 to $100 or more an hour. They

Purchase College of the State University

Become more physically fit

do this work full time, or enjoy the stability

of New York is part of the nation’s largest

Re-evaluate career choices

and income of their current career. Others

and most comprehensive state university


use their education as a way to contribute

system. The school is recognized regionally,

When diet changes, everything

to family, friends and others or earn extra

nationally and internationally as an innovative

changes. People often use poor

income in the evenings and on weekends.

leader in conservatory arts education and

dietary patterns, such as overeating, as

Many start with a part time practice and

the liberal arts and sciences. Due to its leg-

a way to cover up feelings. Once the diet

see how it develops. If desired, the flex-

acy of offering conservatory programs that

improves, emotions begin to awaken.

ibility allows them to gradually ease out

combine experiential learning with theory

Clients’ lives shift in the mental, emo-

of a currently unfulfilling job.

and its strength in educating students in sci-

tional, and spiritual levels. They report

ence, Purchase College is uniquely qualified

clearer thinking, more balanced emo-

Building a successful health counsel-

to partner with us. In addition to our own

tions, deeper spiritual connections and a

ing practice is like star ting any new

certification, this partnership allows students

greater freedom and pleasure in love.

business. It usually requires two to three

to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and a certificate from Purchase College.


examples of where you can work:

years of focused awareness, perseverWhere to Work

ance, commitment and motivation. Gradu-

One of the gifts of this career path

ates report receiving great respect from

National Certification

is that you choose where to work. Many

both clients and healthcare providers; they

Upon graduation you will qualify for a

graduates work in their own homes, creat-

receive referrals and are eagerly invited to

national certification by the American

ing a home office or counseling clients

work in medical offices, chiropractic clin-

Association of Drugless Practitioners,

over the phone. Others move to a more

ics and other professional settings. Their

an independent, association for holistic

accessible location within their area, while

education and accreditation are greatly

healthcare professional. For details,

some relocate to other parts of the country

appreciated as a healthy alternative to

visit their website at

or even other parts of the world.

the other single-theory approaches.

the IIN difference We are not your ordinary nutrition school.


a holistic approach

We go beyond calories, carbs

and fats, recognizing that no perfect


your time to shine

With the support of your

individual Health Counselor, you

way of eating works for everyone. It’s

will experience incredible personal

all about the individual and we look at


how to simplify, slow down and create a life you love.



Earn while you learn

You will begin practicing

warm Up program

health counseling with fellow stu-

Every athlete knows—your

dents immediately, and start seeing

warm-up determines the quality of

clients halfway through the pro-

your performance. As soon as you

gram. Our students take on paying

enroll, you will dive into the curriculum

clients while they are in school, and

with our Warm Up program.

some even earn back their entire


tuition before graduation. Walk the talk

As you receive training to be a

Health Counselor, you will learn to deconstruct cravings, try healthy recipes,


A free second year of school

Qualified graduates may attend our

reduce stress and incorporate exercise

Immersion program, which is a free

and self-care into your lifestyle.

second year of advanced training,


retreats and classes. Graduates Around-the-clock

benefit enormously from the second


year of support from our inspiring

No matter where you live, you will feel connected through our Online Education Forum. Students use the OEF to share recipes, get support around health concerns, discuss working



Do work that you love

Our program opens the door

to building a business that helps

with clients and strategize business

other people and is in alignment with


your values. The result? Our gradu-


ates are making a huge difference by center of the universe

Our classes are held in New

York City at the prestigious Lincoln Center. Students love the electricity of New York City and take advantage of

doing work that they love.


Change the world

Integrative Nutrition is not

just a school, it’s a movement.

Broadway shows, shopping and seeing the sights.

REGISTER NOW! (877) 730-5444


The Japanese

eat very little fat, and suffer

fewer heart attacks than the Americans. The French eat

a lot of fat, and suffer

fewer heart attacks than the Americans. The Mexicans

drink very little red wine, and

suffer fewer heart attacks than the Americans. The Italians drink

excessive amounts of

red wine, and suffer fewer heart attacks than the Americans. The Germans

drink a lot of beer and eat a lot

of sausage and fats, and suffer fewer heart attacks than the Americans. CONCLUSIOn

Eat and drink what you like:

Apparently speaking English is what kills you.


graduate support

Integrative Nutrition is committed to free or inexpensive lifelong learning for our graduates. By remaining in our community, you can stay motivated to continually enhance your business and personal life. Immersion Program We offer a free, optional second-year Advanced Certification Program, where qualified students deepen their studies and receive mentoring to build their practice.

This program includes

a winter conference in Florida and an extraordinary journey to Costa Rica the following summer.

Immersion students learning yoga and meditation on the beach

Immersion students receive regular guidance and mentoring, as well as an indispensable series of classes devoted to business development. Lifelong Learning Program Our lifelong learning program is a series of downloadable classes aimed to keep our graduates up-to-date with the most current nutrition and wellness information. Internet Support We offer online discussion groups to connect with all of our successful graduates. Our alumni newsletter provides tips to stay healthy and keep your business growing. Joshua Rosenthal teaching

REGISTER NOW! (877) 730-5444


enrollment / tuition

integr ative nutrition 2009 cl as s schedule l e a r n i n 1 0 w e e k e nd s

Weekend 1

Januar y 17 - 18

fast track

Januar y 19


weekend 2

Januar y 31 - Februar y 1

weekend 3

Februar y 21 - 22

weekend 4

March 7 - 8

weekend 5

April 18 - 19

weekend 6

May 16 - 17

fast track

May 18


weekend 7

June 6 - 7

weekend 8

June 27 - 28

weekend 9

July 11 - 12

weekend 10

July 25 - 26

for the most current information, please visit our website at

Enrollment All of our Admissions Advisors are graduates of the program. They are eager to answer your questions and help you to apply over the phone. We’ll walk you through the process and get you learning right away with our Warm Up Program. You will start working with your personal Health Counselor and have the option to attend local study chapters starting now. Tuition We recognize that financing an education is a major commitment. We are dedicated to reasonable tuition and payment plans for you to continue your education regardless of your financial circumstance. We offer a payment plan to help you fit the tuition into your monthly budget. Class Location Classes are held in Aver y Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center, a world-class performance space, centrally located in New York City. This venue allows us to provide an intimate atmosphere with comfortable seating and excellent acoustics. It is easily accessible from all the transportation hubs of New York City.

Did you just read

Class Schedule

our catalog cover

Our class schedule allows

to cover? Call now. (877) 730-5444.


you to continue with your life and your existing career while training you for an exciting new future.

REGISTER NOW! (877) 730-5444


teaching the future of nutrition & wellness

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walte r wil l e t t m d

ge ne e n rot h

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