Chronogram June 2005

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FOUNDERS Jason Stern & Amara Projansky


Brian K. Mahoney ART DIRECTOR




17 ESTEEMED READER Jason Stern explains why only a Sith believes in absolutes.


news and politics 18 THE ROOT OF RICHARD DAWKINS Gordy Slack interviews the evolutionary biologist. 24 MUTING THE CONVERSATION OF DEMOCRACY A speech by Bill Moyers.

portfolio 30 BEACON: A WEEK IN THE LIFE Images from the Spirit of Beacon 2005 photo shoot.


Andrea Birnbaum PROOFREADERS

Laura McLaughlin, Barbara Ross


34 REDISCOVERED ROCK Jonathan King on the comeback of Rosendale cement.


42 EAR WHACKS Sharon Nichols profiles Meredith Monk. CD Reviews, Nightlife Highlights. 46 PLANET WAVES Eric Francis Coppolino on words vs. pictures. Plus horoscopes. 52 POETICA Poems by Brett Bevell, Diane Banks Eichelberger, Kevin Frey, Will Nixon, Theodore K. Phelps, Russ Tinsley, and Jane Wong.

art of business 54 GROUP SHOW Mala Hoffman meets the creatives at the Evolving Media Network.


chef spotlight 66 DOOR-TO-DOOR GOURMET Jennifer May on the personal chef phenomenon. 69 TASTINGS A directory of what’s cooking and where to get it.

the book shelf 80 GOING DUTCH Nina Shengold profiles author Russell Shorto. 82 BOOK REVIEWS, SHORT TAKES, OUT & ALOUD

whole living guide 88 MEAT IN OUR MIDST Lorrie Klosterman examines the new wave of meat eating. 92 THE CENTER FOR AN EXAMINED LIFE Lorrie Klosterman visits the new center. 96 WHOLE LIVING DIRECTORY Products and services for a positive lifestyle.




parting shot 152 UNTITLED A black-and-white photo by F-Stop Fitzgerald.


Phillip Levine COPY EDITOR


40 FRANKLY SPEAKING Frank Crocitto recalls finding Gurdjieff.

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Lorrie Klosterman POETRY EDITOR

community notebook

38 LIFE IN THE BALANCE Susan Piperato examines the nuclear option.



32 RACQUET MAN Gary Stern profiles tennis pro and renaissance man DeWitt Nelson.

36 LUCID DREAMING Beth E. Wilson exhorts us to buy local art.


Sharon Nichols




Jim Andrews

view from the top

Yulia Zarubina-Brill Rebecca Zilinski Julie Novak DESIGN ASSISTANT


Kiersten Miench


Jamaine Bell, Ralph Jenkins OFFICE MANAGER

Lisa Mitchel-Shapiro OFFICE ASSISTANTS

Molly Maeve Eagan, Kate O’Keefe TECHNOLOGY DIRECTOR



Kristen Rodecker PUBLISHER

Jason Stern PRINTER

New York Press Direct, Inc. CONTRIBUTORS Sam Baden, Beth Blis, Ann Braybrooks, Mary Britton, Eric Francis Coppolino, Frank Crocitto, DJ Wavy Davy, Mike Dubisch, F-Stop Fitzgerald, Jim Fossett, Betty Greenwald, Roy Gumpel, C. Lee Hale, Mala Hoffman, Jonathan D. King, Susan Krawitz, Jennifer May, Megan McQuade, France Menk, Alicia Perre-Dowd, Anne Pyburn, Fionn Reilly, Angelika Rinnhofer, Kim Rosen, Gordy Slack, Jane Smith, Gary Stern, Sparrow, Pauline Uchmanowicz, Beth E. Wilson ALL CONTENTS COPYRIGHT 2005



314 Wall St. Kingston, NY 12401 845.334.8600 fax 334.8610 SUBMISSIONS CALENDAR LISTINGS

Calendar listings are a free service to our community. JULY 2005 DEADLINE June 13 SUBSCRIPTIONS $36 / 12 issues ADVERTISING RATES Available upon request.


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On the Cover


sydney cash, 2005 light sculpture (glass, steel), 24” x 21” x 11”


riginally an artist specializing in glass sculpture and painting, Sydney Cash embraced jewelrymaking about five years ago after coming to the decision that art was too limiting and craftsmanship would allow him greater creative freedom. Long fascinated with mirrors, Cash began working with glass in New York City in a rented loft in the former White Street Glass Factory in the late 1960s, bending abandoned sheet glass in electric kilns to create curved mirrors. His “mistakes” later became the basis of his three-dimensional slumped-glass forms for which he is world renowned. Cash’s sculptural work is featured in collections worldwide, including New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Le Musee des Arts Decoratifs in Paris; and he has received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the New York Foundation for the Arts. However, by turning to jewelry design, Cash broke his longestablished artistic routine—working only when inspired, rather than routinely settling down in his studio each day. As a result, he found himself suddenly compelled to begin a new series of light sculptures using glass. "Target," and the body of work which it belongs, was created by using a single piece of glass with alternating areas of clear glass and mirror. By shining a light on the piece, Cash creates stripes of light and shadow. In May, Cash’s light sculptures were exhibited at Van Brunt Gallery in Beacon (; 845-838-2995), with a simultaneous showing of his jewelry at Hudson Beach Glass (; (845-724-5088), both in Beacon. Cash lives and works in Marlboro (

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Editor’s Note


had the good fortune this past month to be invited to an event at the Culinary Institute of America sponsored by Brewery Ommegang and a coalition of students groups at the CIA entitled “Three Philosophers Symposium on Food, Beer, and Culture.” While “symposium” might be overstating the academic character of the event, the evening featured brief lectures by three speakers—Raymond Boisvert, professor of Philosophy at Sienna College; Garrett Oliver, brewmaster at the Brooklyn Brewery; and Bill McKibben, the widely read author of books on the environment—and judicious pairings of Ommegang’s ales with tidbits of food in a theater packed with CIA students. (For those not familiar with Ommegang: It’s a microbrewery operating on a hop farm outside Cooperstown that produces five scrumptious Belgian-style ales.) Here are some interesting facts I picked up at the Three Philosophers Symposium, some more pertinent than others: · Transporting food accounts for 40 percent of truck traffic in the US. · Before it ends up on your fork, a bite of food in the US has traveled, on average, 1,500 miles. · There are more prison inmates in the US than full-time farmers. · If Wal-Mart were a country, it would be China’s eighth-largest trading partner. · Wal-Mart is the biggest food retailer on the planet. · During hurricanes, the top two items bought at supermarkets are beer and Pop Tarts. While Boisvert, Oliver, and McKibben approached the symposium’s themes in different ways— from the anthropological, historical, and scientific points of view, respectively—all three men saw fit to trot out the idea of localism as an antidote to the corporate homogenization of our culture. By “localism,” they meant not an exclusionary idea, some latter-day foodie Know-Nothing party platform wherein all the French wine and Belgian chocolate are catapulted back across the sea and all the cookbooks of foreign cuisines are burned in a heap in favor of “real [insert locality here] food and cooking.” Localism seeks to satisfy two main objectives: to build self-referencing, self-sustaining local economies whenever possible, and, as a by-product of those strong local economies, to create webs of interaction that thereby creates stronger communities. Localism is an acknowledgment that trucking our food 1,500 miles just doesn’t make sense—in a sustainable and socially just world, or any other. Brooklyn Brewery’s Oliver noted that it is especially galling to think that processed foods like Wonder bread and cheese in an aerosol can are trucked from one side of the country to the other while delicious and sustainable local alternatives exist yet are not widely available. One example of localism in action McKibben offered is that of The Farmers Diner in Barre, Vermont, near his home in the Champlain Valley. The Farmers Diner is in many ways a typical downscale restaurant—it serves a bottomless cup of coffee, as well as eggs and bacon, a Reuben, burgers and fries, meatloaf, pies, and so on. What makes it exceptional is that the Farmers Diner buy 65 percent of its food from farmers and small-scale food producers who live and work within 70 miles of the restaurant. And it doesn’t serve animals that have been injected with hormones and antibiotics, or lack access to pasture—something most diners cannot tell their customers as they tuck into a plate of biscuits and sausage gravy. Since opening in 1999, the Farmers Diner has been a success and is now seeking to create a national network of Farmers Diners, serving typical diner food sourced from local farmers and producers and furthering the cause of sustainable local economies. Beer works in the same way with regard to local economies. By 1980, the beer industry, following its consolidation from hundreds of robust regional breweries at the beginning of the 20th century to a market controlled by a handful of megaconglomerates had become focused more on moving millions of product units rather than crafting a delicious product. The rise of the craft-beer movement in the ‘80s and ‘90s, starting with West Coast breweries like Sierra Nevada and Anchor Steam, has helped transform the brewing industry, which now boasts 1,500 mostly local and regional producers. And let’s be honest here, does Budweiser really taste better than Kingston’s Keegan Ale or Hyde Park Brewing Company’s Big Easy Blonde? A few days after the Three Philosophers event, I made my usual thrice-weekly grocery-store visit, picking up the essentials of the next few days’ lunches and dinners for myself and Lee Anne. Passing through the produce aisle, I spotted a bin full of shiny green Granny Smith apples, making me long for their tart goodness. It was only after I had half a dozen already in the bag that I saw the sticker on the apples that read “Chile” that gave me the howling fantods. I put the apples back, thinking I’d wait for the fall picking season. Localism begins at home—eat local! —Brian K. Mahoney 6/05

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No Thesaurus Needed To the Editor: On page 117 of your May 2005 issue there sits a small jewel in a perfect setting. The title, “Dutch Time Travel,” is like the rest of the article—precise and informative. Ms. Cassai’s economy of language is refreshing. The reproduction of one of the paintings, in the exhibit at Vassar College, was almost as big as the text. Unlike many other “art critics” Mary has the confidence to focus on the art and its history. She has no need to impress the reader with the fact that she owns a thesaurus and know how to use it. I would have liked to have seen the painting in color. The article was perfect. M.I. Lazo, Kingston

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Esteemed Reader Somewhere in the ancient, mystic trinity / You get three as a magic number The past and the present and the future / Faith and hope and charity The heart and the brain and the body / Give you three / That’s a magic number —Three is a Magic Number, from “Schoolhouse Rock!”; words by Bob Dorough Esteemed Reader of Our Magazine: y son was born just days before the 2004 election. It was an intense and joyful event that outshined political preoccupations. My frustration over the injustice of the rigged election with its implicit confirmation that democracy in the US is a pleasant fiction designed to opiate the oppressed masses with the illusion of involvement in their governance and keep the already powerful in power was eclipsed. In the event of birth the two of us became three, and not just a baby but a whole new unit was born. A child, the “third force” finding manifestation in the relationship of a man and woman made us a Father and Mother, parents, and together, a Family! Three-ness is everywhere. The Law of Three is even represented in the system designed by America’s cosmic-law abiding founding fathers who designed a government with three branches. This system was to be self-balancing and self-correcting. It would protect its underlying principles through its organization. Though abused, it was a pretty good system, until its demise in the 2000 election, when the judiciary “picked sides.” And at the time of this writing the Supreme Court is probably about to receive its final death-blow at the hands of the majority party that would reduce the court to yet another instrument of the executive branch through the removal of the for them inconvenient filibuster. The annihilation of the possibility of the Supreme Court functioning as an objective arbiter in government is significant. The image of Lady Justice shines light on the role that the judiciary should play as a third, or reconciling force. She is the holder of the scales, balancing and bringing together opposing interests. Because she is blind-folded to sentimentality and partiality her sword can cleave the knot of ignorance. Our nation has become third-force blind, reduced to sets of simplistic dualities—Republicans and Democrats, Good and Evil, Us and Them. Our erstwhile tripartite system is now material for the yet to be written history books relating to the downfall of the short-lived American empire and its role in the destruction of the world. If it has any merit at all the new episode of Star Wars portrays the neocon revolution in America well and accurately: ANAKIN: I have brought peace, justice, freedom, and security to my new Empire. OBI-WAN: Your new Empire? ANAKIN: If you’re not with me, you’re my enemy. OBI-WAN: Only a Sith Lord deals in absolutes. Sound familiar? Certainly more graceful than “If yer not with us, yer aginst us.” The underlying cause of such simplistic dualistic thinking is also well-expressed in the film: YODA: Careful... Anakin. The fear of loss is a path to the dark side. We live in a society governed by men who fear loss; that oppress humanity through policies, legislation, and through the fostering of ignorance. And this has given rise to much larger problems. The world is on fire, and it is too late to do anything. Even if we stop burning fossil fuels today, the gigatons of carbon dioxide already belched into the atmosphere will do their work. The planet is hotter now than it has been at any point in the last two thousand years and it’s getting hotter. Huge and unknowable climactic shifts are imminent (see “The Climate of Man,” by Elizabeth Kolbert, published in the New Yorker in three parts: April 25, May 2, and May 9, 2005). And then there’s Peak Oil. Production can no longer keep up with demand. The world’s economy—notably food production and distribution—depends on oil. The slowing and stoppage of its flow is inevitable whilst we thirst for ever more of this malignant black beverage and make no preparation for its depletion. Not to mention the world’s vast and unaccounted nuclear arsenal... Big changes are afoot in our collective life on the planet. How do we consider our individual lives in this context? Should we plant gardens and move off the grid? Or should we find the third, reconciling force in ourselves—the peaceful force that brings newness and possibility to each event? It is conducted in us by the Observer—that intelligence which sees without judgment; that doesn’t try to change what is sees, but paradoxically transforms through seeing. Yes, I think this is the way. As my son demonstrated with his arrival, so too can we find that transformative, reconciling force being born and manifest through us. —Jason Stern



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THE ROOT OF RICHARD DAWKINS DEBUNKING INTELLIGENT DESIGN As the religious right proceeds with its sweep over the airwaves and through the classroom, evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins offers a counterpoint to the assault on secularism.


ichard Dawkins is the world’s most famous out-of-the-closet living atheist. He is also the world’s most controversial evolutionary biologist. Publication of his 1976 book, The Selfish Gene, thrust Dawkins into the limelight as the handsome, irascible human face of scientific reductionism. The book provoked everything from outrage to glee by arguing that natural selection worked its creative powers only through genes, not species or individuals. Humans are merely “gene survival machines,” he asserted in the book. Dawkins stuck to his theme but expanded his territory in such subsequent books as The Blind Watchmaker, Unweaving the Rainbow and Climbing Mount Improbable. His most recent work, The Ancestor’s Tale, traces human lineage back through time, stopping to ponder important forks in the evolutionary road. Given his outspoken defense of Darwin, and natural selection as the force of life, Dawkins has assumed a new role: the religious right’s Public Enemy No. 1. Yet Dawkins doesn’t shy from controversy, nor does he suffer fools gladly. He recently met a minister who was on the opposite side of a British political debate. When the minister put out his hand, Dawkins kept his hands at his side and said, “You, sir, are an ignorant bigot.” Currently, Dawkins is the Charles Simonyi Professor of the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University, a position created for him in 1995 by Charles Simonyi, a Microsoft millionaire. Earlier this year, Dawkins signed an agreement with British television to make a documentary about the destructive role of religion in modern history, tentatively titled “The Root of All Evil.” I met Dawkins in late March at the Atheist Alliance International

annual conference in Los Angeles, where he presented the alliance’s top honor, the Richard Dawkins Prize, to magicians Penn and Teller. During our conversation in my hotel room, Dawkins was as gracious as he was punctiliously dressed, in a crisp white shirt and soft blazer. GS: Once again, evolution is under attack. Are there any questions at all about its validity? RD: It’s often said that because evolution happened in the past, and we didn’t see it happen, there is no direct evidence for it. That, of course, is nonsense. It’s rather like a detective coming on the scene of a crime, obviously after the crime has been committed, and working out what must have happened by looking at the clues that remain. In the story of evolution, the clues are a billionfold. There are clues from the distribution of DNA codes throughout the animal and plant kingdoms, of protein sequences, of morphological characters that have been analyzed in great detail. Everything fits with the idea that we have here a simple branching tree. The distribution of species on islands and continents throughout the world is exactly what you’d expect if evolution was a fact. The distribution of fossils in space and in time are exactly what you would expect if evolution were a fact. There are millions of facts all pointing in the same direction and no facts pointing in the wrong direction. British scientist J.B.S. Haldane, when asked what would constitute evidence against evolution, famously said, “Fossil rabbits in the Precambrian.” They’ve never been found. Nothing like that has ever been found. Evolution could be disproved by such facts. But all the fossils that have been found are in the right place. Of course there are plenty of gaps in the fossil record.

There is just no evidence for the existence of God. Evolution by natural selection is a process that works up from simple beginnings, and simple beginnings are easy to explain.

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There’s nothing wrong with that. Why shouldn’t there be? We’re lucky to have fossils at all. But no fossils have been found in the wrong place, such as to disprove the fact of evolution. Evolution is a fact. GS: Still, so many people resist believing in evolution. Where does the resistance come from? RD: It comes, I’m sorry to say, from religion. And from bad religion. You won’t find any opposition to the idea of evolution among sophisticated, educated theologians. It comes from an exceedingly retarded, primitive version of religion, which unfortunately is at present undergoing an epidemic in the United States. Not in Europe, not in Britain, but in the United States. My American friends tell me that you are slipping toward a theocratic Dark Age. Which is very disagreeable for the very large number of educated, intelligent, and right-thinking people in America. Unfortunately, at present, it’s slightly outnumbered by the ignorant, uneducated people who voted Bush in. But the broad direction of history is toward enlightenment, and so I think that what America is going through at the moment will prove to be a temporary reverse. I think there is great hope for the future. My advice would be, Don’t despair, these things pass. GS: You delve into agnosticism in The Ancestor’s Tale. How does it differ from atheism? RD: It’s said that the only rational stance is agnosticism because you can neither prove nor disprove the existence of the supernatural creator. I find that a weak position. It is true that you can’t disprove anything, but you can put a probability value on it. There’s an infinite number of things that you can’t disprove: unicorns, werewolves, and teapots in orbit around Mars. But we don’t pay any heed to them unless there is some positive reason to think that they do exist. GS: Believing in God is like believing in a teapot orbiting Mars? RD: Yes. For a long time it seemed clear to just about everybody that the

beauty and elegance of the world seemed to be prima facie evidence for a divine creator. But the philosopher David Hume already realized three centuries ago that this was a bad argument. It leads to an infinite regression. You can’t statistically explain improbable things like living creatures by saying that they must have been designed because you’re still left to explain the designer, who must be, if anything, an even more statistically improbable and elegant thing. Design can never be an ultimate explanation for anything. It can only be a proximate explanation. A plane or a car is explained by a designer, but that’s because the designer himself, the engineer, is explained by natural selection. Those who embrace “intelligent design”—the idea that living cells are too complex to have been created by nature alone—say evolution isn’t incompatible with the existence of God. There is just no evidence for the existence of God. Evolution by natural selection is a process that works up from simple beginnings, and simple beginnings are easy to explain. The engineer or any other living thing is difficult to explain—but it is explicable by evolution by natural selection. So the relevance of evolutionary biology to atheism is that evolutionary biology gives us the only known mechanism whereby the illusion of design, or apparent design, could ever come into the universe anywhere. GS: So why do we insist on believing in God? RD: From a biological point of view, there are lots of different theories about why we have this extraordinary predisposition to believe in supernatural things. One suggestion is that the child mind is, for very good Darwinian reasons, susceptible to infection the same way a computer is. In order to be useful, a computer has to be programmable, to obey whatever it’s told to do. That automatically makes it vulnerable to computer viruses, which are programs that say, “Spread me, copy me, pass me on.” Once a viral program gets started, there is nothing to stop it. Similarly, the child brain is preprogrammed by natural selection to obey and believe what parents and other adults tell it. In general, it’s a good thing that child brains should be susceptible to being taught what to do and what to believe by adults. But this necessarily carries the down side that


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Hans Ericsson/REUTERS


bad ideas, useless ideas, waste of time ideas like rain dances and other religious customs, will also be passed down the generations. The child brain is very susceptible to this kind of infection. And it also spreads sideways by cross infection when a charismatic preacher goes around infecting new minds that were previously uninfected. GS: You’ve said that raising children in a religious tradition may even be a form of abuse. RD: What I think may be abuse is labeling children with religious labels like “Catholic child” and “Muslim child.” I find it very odd that in our civilization we’re quite happy to speak of a Catholic child that is four years old or a Muslim child that is four, when these children are much too young to know what they think about the cosmos, life, and morality. We wouldn’t dream of speaking of a Keynesian child or a Marxist child. And yet, for some reason, we make a privileged exception of religion. And, by the way, I think it would also be abuse to talk about an atheist child. GS: You are working on a new book tentatively called The God Delusion. Can you explain it? RD: A delusion is something that people believe in despite a total lack of evidence. Religion is scarcely distinguishable from childhood delusions like the imaginary friend and the bogeyman under the

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bed. Unfortunately, the God delusion possesses adults, and not just a minority of unfortunates in an asylum. The word “delusion” also carries negative connotations, and religion has plenty of those.

Bush and Bin Laden are really on the same side: the side of faith and violence against the side of reason and discussion. GS: What are its negative connotations? RD: A delusion that encourages belief where there is no evidence is asking for trouble. Disagreements between incompatible beliefs cannot be settled by reasoned argument because reasoned argument is drummed out of those trained in religion from the cradle. Instead, disagreements are settled by other means, which in extreme cases inevitably become violent. Scientists disagree among themselves but

they never fight over their disagreements. They argue about evidence or go out and seek new evidence. Much the same is true of philosophers, historians, and literary critics. But you don’t do that if you just know your holy book is the God-written truth and the other guy knows that his incompatible scripture is, too. People brought up to believe in faith and private revelation cannot be persuaded by evidence to change their minds. No wonder religious zealots throughout history have resorted to torture and execution, to crusades and jihads, to holy wars and purges and pogroms, to the Inquisition and the burning of witches. GS: What are the dark sides of religion today? RD: Terrorism in the Middle East, militant Zionism, 9/11, the Northern Ireland “troubles,” genocide (which turns out to be “credicide” in Yugoslavia), the subversion of American science education, oppression of women in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and the Roman Catholic Church, which thinks you can’t be a valid priest without testicles. Fifty years ago, philosophers like Bertrand Russell felt that the religious worldview would fade as science and reason emerged. Why hasn’t it? That trend toward enlightenment has indeed continued in Europe and Britain. It just has not

continued in the US, and not in the Islamic world. We’re seeing a rather unholy alliance between the burgeoning theocracy in the US and its allies, the theocrats in the Islamic world. They are fighting the same battle: Christian on one side, Muslim on the other. The very large numbers of people in the United States and in Europe who don’t subscribe to that worldview are caught in the middle. Actually, holy alliance would be a better phrase. Bush and bin Laden are really on the same side: the side of faith and violence against the side of reason and discussion. Both have implacable faith that they are right and the other is evil. Each believes that when he dies he is going to heaven. Each believes that if he could kill the other, his path to paradise in the next world would be even swifter. The delusional “next world” is welcome to both of them. This world would be a much better place without either of them. GS: Does religion contribute to the violence of Islamic extremists, and of Christian extremists? RD: Of course it does. From the cradle, they are brought up to revere martyrs and to believe they have a fast track to heaven. With their mother’s milk they imbibe hatred of heretics, apostates, and followers of rival faiths. I don’t wish to suggest it is doctrinal disputes that are motivating the individual soldiers who are doing the killing. What I do suggest is that in places like Northern Ireland, religion was the only available label by which people could indulge in the human weakness for “usor-them” wars. When a Protestant murders a Catholic or a Catholic murders a Protestant, they’re not playing out doctrinal disagreements about transubstantiation. What is going on is more like a vendetta. It was one of their lot’s grandfathers who killed one of our lot’s grandfathers, and so we’re getting our revenge. The “their lot” and “our lot” is only defined by religion. In other parts of the world it might be defined by color or by language, but in so many parts of the world it isn’t; it’s defined by religion. That’s true of the conflicts among Croats and the Serbs and Bosnians—that’s all about religion as labels. The grotesque massacres in India at the time of partition were between Hindus and Muslims. There was nothing else to distinguish them; they were racially the same. They only identified themselves as “us” and the others as “them” by the fact that some of them were Hindus and some of them were Muslims. That’s what the Kashmir dispute is all about. So, yes, I would defend the view that religion is an extremely potent label for hostility. That has always been true and it continues to be true to this day.

Of course there are plenty of gaps in the fossil record. There's nothing wrong with that. Why shouldn't there be? We're lucky to have fossils at all. But no fossils have been found in the wrong place, such as to disprove the fact of evolution. GS: How would we be better off without religion? RD: We’d all be freed to concentrate on the only life we are ever going to have. We’d be free to exult in the privilege—the remarkable good fortune—that each one of us enjoys through having been born. An astronomically overwhelming majority of the people who could be born never will be. You are one of the tiny minority whose number came up. Be thankful that you have a life, and forsake your vain and presumptuous desire for a second one. The world would be a better place if we all had this positive attitude to life. It would also be a better place if morality was all about doing good to others and refraining from hurting them, rather than religion’s morbid obsession with private sin and the evils of sexual enjoyment. GS: Are there environmental costs of a religious worldview? RD: There are many religious points of view where the conservation of the world is just as important as it is to scientists. But there are certain religious points of view where it is not. In those apocalyptic religions, people actually believe that because they read some dopey prophesy in the Book of Revelation, the world is going to come to an end some time soon. People who believe that say, “We don’t need to bother about conserving forests or anything else because the end of the world is coming anyway.” A few decades ago one would simply have laughed at that. Today you can’t laugh. These people are in power. 6/05

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You won't find any opposition to the idea of evolution among sophisticated, educated theologians. It comes from an exceedingly retarded, primitive version of religion, which unfortunately is at present undergoing an epidemic in the United States. GS: Unlike other accounts of the evolution of life, The Ancestor’s Tale starts at the present and works back. Why did you decide to tell the story in reverse? RD: The most important reason is that if you tell the evolution story forwards and end up with humans, as it’s humanly normal to do because people are interested in themselves, it makes it look as though the whole of evolution were somehow aimed at humanity, which of course it wasn’t. One could aim anywhere, like at kangaroos, butterflies, or frogs. We’re all contemporary culmination points, for the moment, in evolution. If you go backward, however, no matter where you start in this huge tree of life, you always converge at the same point, which is the origin of life. So that was the main reason for structuring the book the way I did. It gave me a natural goal to head toward—the origin of life. Then I could legitimately start with humans, which people are interested in. People like to trace their ancestry. One of the most common types of websites, after ones about sex, are ones about family history. When people trace the ancestry of their name, they normally stop at a few hundred years. I wanted to go back 4,000 million years. The idea of going back toward a particular goal called to my mind the notion of pilgrimage as a kind of literary device. So I very vaguely modeled the book on Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, where the pilgrims start off as a band of human pilgrims walking backward to discover our ancestors. We are successively joined by other pilgrims—the chimpanzee pilgrims at five million years, then the gorilla pilgrims, then the orangutan pilgrims. Starting with humans, there are only about 39 such rendezvous points as you go back in time. It’s a rather surprising fact. Rendezvous 39 is where we meet the bacteria pilgrims. GS: The idea that evolution could be “random” seems to frighten people. Is it random? RD: This is a spectacular misunderstanding. If it was random, then of course it couldn’t possibly have given rise to the fantastically complicated and elegant forms that we see. Natural selection is the important force that drives evolution. Natural selection is about as non-random a force as you could possibly imagine. It can’t work unless there is some sort of variation upon which to work. And the source of variation is mutation. Mutation is random only in the sense that it is not directed specifically toward improvement. It is natural selection that directs evolution toward improvement. Mutation is random in that it’s not directed toward improvement. The idea that evolution itself is a random process is a most extraordinary travesty. I wonder if it’s deliberately put about maliciously or whether these people honestly believe such a preposterous absurdity. Of course evolution isn’t random. It is driven by natural selection, which is a highly non-random force. GS: Is there an emotional side to the intellectual enterprise of exploring the story of life on Earth? RD: Yes, I strongly feel that. When you meet a scientist who calls himself or herself religious, you’ll often find that that’s what they mean. You often find that by “religious” they do not mean anything supernatural. They mean precisely the kind of emotional response to the natural world that you’ve described. Einstein had it very strongly. Unfortunately, he used the word

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“God” to describe it, which has led to a great deal of misunderstanding. But Einstein had that feeling. I have that feeling. You’ll find it in the writings of many scientists. It’s a kind of quasi-religious feeling. And there are those who wish to call it religious and who therefore are annoyed when a scientist calls himself an atheist. They think, “No, you believe in this transcendental feeling, you can’t be an atheist.” That’s a confusion of language. GS: Some scientists say that removing religion or God from their life would leave it meaningless, that it’s God that gives meaning to life. RD: Unweaving the Rainbow specifically attacks the idea that a materialist, mechanist, naturalistic worldview makes life seem meaningless. Quite the contrary, the scientific worldview is a poetic worldview. It is almost a transcendental worldview. We are amazingly privileged to be born at all and to be granted a few decades—before we die forever—in which we can understand, appreciate, and enjoy the universe. And those of us fortunate enough to be living today are even more privileged than those of earlier times. We have the benefit of those earlier centuries of scientific exploration. Through no talent of our own, we have the privilege of knowing far more than [those in] past centuries. Aristotle would be blown away by what any schoolchild could tell him today. That’s the kind of privileged century in which we live. That’s what gives my life meaning. And the fact that my life is finite, and that it’s the only life I’ve got, makes me all the more eager to get up each morning and set about the business of understanding more about the world into which I am so privileged to have been born. GS: Humans may not be products of an intelligent designer but, given genetic technologies, our descendants may be. What does this mean about the future of evolution? RD: It’s an interesting thought that in some remote time in the future, people may look back on the 20th and 21st centuries as a watershed in evolution—the time when evolution stopped being an undirected force and became a design force. Already, for the past few centuries, maybe even millennia, agriculturalists have in a sense designed the evolution of domestic animals like pigs and cows and chickens. That’s increasing, and we’re getting more technologically clever at that by manipulating not just the selection part of evolution but also the mutation part. That will be very different; one of the great features of biological evolution up to now is that there is no foresight. In general, evolution is a blind process. That’s why I called my book The Blind Watchmaker. Evolution never looks to the future. It never governs what happens now on the basis on what will happen in the future in the way that human design undoubtedly does. But now it is possible to breed a new kind of pig, or chicken, that has such-and-such qualities. We may even have to pass that pig through a stage where it is actually less good at whatever we want to produce—making long bacon racks or something—but we can persist because we know it’ll be worth it in the long run. That never happened in natural evolution. There was never a “let’s temporarily get worse in order to get better, let’s go down into the valley in order to get over to the other side and up onto the opposite mountain.” So yes, I think it well may be that we’re living in a time when evolution is suddenly starting to become intelligently designed. This article originally appeared on


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MUTING THE CONVERSATION OF DEMOCRACY THE CORPORATION FOR PUBLIC BROADCASTING UNDER ATTACK Bill Moyers is a broadcast journalist and former host of the PBS program “NOW With Bill Moyers.” The following is an excerpt of the closing address Moyers delivered


he story I’ve come to share with you goes to the core of our belief that the quality of democracy and the quality of journalism are deeply entwined. As some of you know, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting was established almost 40 years ago to set broad policy for public broadcasting and to be a firewall between political influence and program content. What some on this board are doing today, led by its chairman, Kenneth Tomlinson, is disturbing, and yes, even dangerous. We’re seeing unfold a contemporary example of the age-old ambition of power and ideology to squelch and punish journalists who tell the stories that make princes and priests uncomfortable. I mean the people obsessed with control, using the government to threaten and intimidate. I mean the people who are hollowing out middle-class security even as they enlist the sons and daughters of the working class in a war to make sure Ahmed Chalabi winds up controlling Iraq’s oil. I mean the people who turn faith-based initiatives into a slush fund and who encourage the pious to look heavenward and pray so as not to see the long arm of privilege and power picking their pockets. I mean the people who squelch free speech in an effort to obliterate dissent and consolidate their orthodoxy into the official view of reality from which any deviation becomes unpatriotic heresy.

Patricia Kennelly Denker

at the National Conference on Media Reform in St. Louis on May 15, 2005.

That’s who I mean. And if that’s editorializing, so be it. A free press is one where it’s okay to state the conclusion you’re led to by the evidence. One reason I’m in hot water is because my colleagues and I at “NOW” didn’t play by the conventional rules of Beltway journalism. Those rules divide the world into Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, and allow journalists to pretend they have done their job if, instead of reporting the truth behind the news, they merely give each side an opportunity to spin the news.





Jonathan Mermin writes about this in a recent essay in World Policy Journal. Mermin quotes public television’s Jim Lehrer acknowledging that, unless an official says something is so, it isn’t news. Why were journalists not discussing the occupation of Iraq? Because, says Lehrer, “the word occupation...was never mentioned in the run-up to the war.” Washington talked about the invasion as “a war of liberation, not a war of occupation, so as a consequence, “those of us in journalism never even looked at the issue of occupation.” “In other words,” says Mermin, “if the government isn’t talking about it, we don’t report



it.” He concludes, “[Lehrer’s] somewhat jarring declaration, one of many recent admissions by journalists that their reporting failed to prepare the public for the calamitous occupation that has followed the ‘liberation’ of Iraq, reveals just how far the actual practice of American journalism has deviated from the First Amendment ideal of a press that is independent of the government.” [The] “rules of the game” permit Washington officials to set the agenda for journalism, leaving the press all too often simply to recount what officials say instead of subjecting their words and deeds to critical scrutiny. Instead of acting as filters for readers and viewers, sifting the truth from the propaganda, reporters and anchors attentively transcribe both sides of the spin, invariably failing to provide context, background, or any sense of which claims hold up and which are misleading. I decided long ago that this wasn’t healthy for democracy. I came to believe that objective journalism means describing the object being reported on, including the little fibs and fantasies as well as the Big Lie of the people in power. In no way does this permit journalists to make accusations and allegations. It means, instead, making sure that your reporting and your conclusions can be nailed to the post with confirming evidence. This is always hard to do, but it has never been harder than today. Without a trace of irony, the powers-that-be have appropriated the newspeak vernacular of George Orwell’s 1984. They give us a program vowing “No Child Left Behind” while cutting funds for educating disadvantaged kids. They give us legislation cheerily calling for “Clear Skies” and “Healthy Forests” that give us neither. An unconscious people, an indoctrinated people, a people fed only on partisan information and opinion that confirm their own bias, a people made morbidly obese in mind and spirit by the junk food of propaganda, is less inclined to put up a fight, to ask questions and be skeptical. That kind of orthodoxy can kill a democracy—or worse.

A LIMITED SET OF VOICES PBS asked me after 9/11 to start a new weekly broadcast. They asked us to tell stories no one else was reporting and to offer a venue to people who might not otherwise be heard. That wasn’t a

hard sell. Extensive research on the content of public television over a decade found that political discussions on our public affairs programs generally included a limited set of voices that offer a narrow range of perspectives on current issues and events. Instead of far-ranging discussions and debates, the kind that might engage viewers as citizens, not simply as audiences, this research found that public affairs programs on PBS stations were populated by the standard set of elite news sources. Whether government officials and Washington journalists (talking about political strategy) or corporate sources (talking about stock prices or the economy from the investor’s viewpoint), public television, unfortunately, all too often was offering the same kind of discussions, and a similar brand of insider discourse, that is featured regularly on commercial television. Who didn’t appear was also revealing. Hoynes and his team found that in contrast to the conservative mantra that public television routinely featured the voices of antiestablishment critics, “alternative perspectives were rare on public television and were effectively drowned out by the stream of government and corporate views that represented the vast majority of sources on our broadcasts.” The so-called "experts" who got most of the face time came primarily from mainstream news organizations and Washington think tanks rather than diverse interests. In sum, these two studies concluded, the economic coverage was so narrow that the views and the activities of most citizens became irrelevant. All this went against the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967 that created the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. As a young policy assistant to President Johnson, I attended my first meeting to discuss the future of public broadcasting in 1964 in the office of the Commissioner of Education. I know firsthand that the Public Broadcasting Act was meant to provide an alternative to commercial television and to reflect the diversity of the American people. This was on my mind when we assembled the team for “NOW.” It was just after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. We agreed on two priorities. First, we wanted to do our part to keep the conversation of democracy going. That meant talking to a wide range of people across the spectrum—left, right and center. It meant poets, philosophers, politicians, scientists, sages, and scribblers. It meant Isabel Allende, the novelist, and Amity Shlaes, the columnist for the Financial Times. It meant the former nun and best-selling author Karen Armstrong, and it meant the right-wing evangelical columnist Cal Thomas. It meant Arundhati Roy from India, Doris Lessing from London, David 6/05

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Suzuki from Canada, and Bernard Henry-Levi from Paris. It also meant two successive editors of the Wall Street Journal, Robert Bartley and Paul Gigot, the editor of the Economist, Bill Emmott, the Nation’s Katrina vanden Heuvel and the LA Weekly’s John Powers. It means liberals like Frank Wu, Ossie Davis, and Gregory Nava, and conservatives like Frank Gaffney, Grover Norquist and Richard Viguerie. It meant Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Bishop Wilton Gregory of the Catholic Bishops conference in this country. It meant the conservative Christian activist and lobbyist Ralph Reed and the dissident Catholic Sister Joan Chittister. We threw the conversation of democracy open to all comers. We had a second priority. We intended to do strong, honest, and accurate reporting, telling stories we knew people in high places wouldn’t like.

A SPECTACLE OF CORRUPTION I told our producers and correspondents that in our field reporting our job was to get as close as possible to the verifiable truth. This was all the more imperative in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks. America could be entering a long war against an elusive and stateless enemy with no definable measure of victory and no limit to its duration, cost, or foreboding fear. The rise

media business itself—to how mega media corporations were pushing journalism further and further down the hierarchy of values, how giant radio cartels were silencing critics while shutting communities off from essential information, and how the mega media companies were lobbying the FCC for the right to grow ever more powerful. The broadcast caught on. Our ratings grew every year. There was even a spell when we were the only public affairs broadcast on PBS whose audience was going up instead of down. Our journalistic peers took notice. The Los Angeles Times said, “NOW’s team of reporters has regularly put the rest of the media to shame, pursuing stories few others bother to touch.” The Austin American-Statesman called "NOW" “the perfect antidote to today’s high pitched decibel level—a smart, calm, timely news program.” Frazier Moore of the Associated Press said we were “hard-edged when appropriate but never ‘Hardball.’ Don’t expect combat. Civility reigns.” The Public Broadcasting Act of 1967 had been prophetic. Open public television to the American people—offer diverse interests, ideas, and voices…be fearless in your belief in democracy—and they will come.

We intended to do strong, honest, and accurate reporting, telling stories we knew people in high places wouldn't like. of a homeland security state meant government could justify extraordinary measures in exchange for protecting citizens against unnamed, even unproven, threats. Furthermore, increased spending during a national emergency can produce a spectacle of corruption behind a smokescreen of secrecy. For these reasons and in that spirit we went about reporting on Washington as no one else in broadcasting—except, occasionally, “60 Minutes”— was doing. We reported on the expansion of the Justice Department’s power of surveillance. We reported on the escalating Pentagon budget and expensive weapons that didn’t work. We reported on how campaign contributions influenced legislation and policy to skew resources to the comfortable and well-connected while our troops were fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq with inadequate training and armor. We reported on how the Bush administration was shredding the Freedom of Information Act. We went around the country to report on how closed-door, backroom deals in Washington were costing ordinary workers and taxpayers their livelihood and security. We reported on offshore tax havens that enable wealthy and powerful Americans to avoid their fair share of national security and the social contract. And always—because what people know depends on who owns the press—we kept coming back to the

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The more compelling our journalism, the angrier the radical right of the Republican party became. Never mind that their own stars were getting a fair shake on “NOW”: Gigot, Viguerie, David Keene of the American Conservative Union, Stephen Moore of the Club for Growth, and others. No, our reporting was giving the radical right fits because it wasn’t the party line. It wasn’t that we were getting it wrong. Only three times in three years did we err factually, and in each case we corrected those errors as soon as we confirmed their inaccuracy. The problem was that we were getting it right, not right-wing—telling stories that partisans in power didn’t want told.

STANDING UP TO YOUR GOVERNMENT Strange things began to happen. Friends in Washington called to say that they had heard of muttered threats that the PBS reauthorization would be held off “unless Moyers is dealt with.” The chairman of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Kenneth Tomlinson, was said to be quite agitated. Apparently there was apoplexy in the right-wing aerie when I closed the broadcast one Friday night by putting an American flag in my lapel, and here is [an excerpt of] what I said: “I wore my flag tonight. First time. Until now I

haven’t thought it necessary to display a little metallic icon of patriotism for everyone to see. It was enough to vote, pay my taxes, perform my civic duties, speak my mind, and do my best to raise our kids to be good Americans. "So what’s this doing here? Well, I put it on to take it back. The flag’s been hijacked and turned into a logo—the trademark of a monopoly on patriotism. "I put this on as a modest riposte to men with flags in their lapels who shoot missiles from the safety of Washington think tanks, or argue that sacrifice is good as long as they don’t have to make it, or approve of bribing governments to join the coalition of the willing (after they first stash the cash). I put it on to remind myself that not every patriot thinks we should do to the people of Baghdad what Bin Laden did to us. The flag belongs to the country, not to the government. And it reminds me that it’s not un-American to think that war—except in self-defense—is a failure of moral imagination, political nerve, and diplomacy. Come to think of it, standing up to your government can mean standing up for your country.” That did it. That—and our continuing reporting on overpricing at Halliburton, chicanery on K Street, and the heavy, if divinely guided, hand of Tom DeLay. When Sen. Lott protested that the Corporation for Public Broadcasting “has not seemed willing to deal with Bill Moyers,” a new member of the board, a Republican fundraiser named Cheryl Halperin, who had been appointed by President Bush, agreed that CPB needed more power to do just that sort of thing. She left no doubt about the kind of penalty she would like to see imposed on malefactors like Moyers. As rumors circulated about all this, I asked to meet with the CPB board to hear for myself what was being said. I thought it would be helpful for someone like me, who had been present at the creation and part of the system for almost 40 years, to talk about how CPB had been intended to be a heat shield to protect public broadcasters from exactly this kind of intimidation. I simply never imagined that any CPB chairman, Democrat or Republican, would cross the line from resisting White House pressure to carrying it out for the White House. But that’s what Kenneth Tomlinson has done. On Fox News this week, he denied that he’s carrying out a White House mandate or that he’s ever had any conversations with any Bush administration official about PBS. But the New York Times reported that he enlisted Karl Rove to help kill a proposal that would have put on the CPB board people with experience in local radio and television. The Times also reported that “on the recommendation of administration officials” Tomlinson hired a White House flack named Mary Catherine Andrews as a senior CPB staff member. While she was still reporting to Karl Rove at the White House, Andrews set up CPB’s new ombudsman’s office and had a hand in hiring the two people who will fill it, one of whom once worked for…you guessed it…Kenneth Tomlinson. According to a book written about Reader’s Digest

when he was its editor-in-chief, he surrounded himself with other right-wingers—a pattern he’s now following at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. There is Ms. Andrews from the White House. For acting president he hired Ken Ferrer from the FCC, who was Michael Powell’s enforcer when Powell was deciding how to go about allowing the big media companies to get even bigger. According to a forthcoming book, one of Ferrer’s jobs was to engage in tactics designed to dismiss any serious objection to media monopolies. And, according to Eric Alterman, Ferrer was even more contemptuous than Michael Powell of public participation in the process of determining media ownership. Alterman identifies Ferrer as the FCC staffer who decided to issue a "protective order" designed to keep secret the market research on which the Republican majority on the commission based their vote to permit greater media consolidation. Mr. Tomlinson also put up a considerable sum of money, reportedly over five million dollars, for a new weekly broadcast featuring Paul Gigot and the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal. Gigot is a smart journalist, a sharp editor and a fine fellow. I had him on “NOW” several times and even proposed that he become a regular contributor. But I confess to some puzzlement that the Wall Street Journal, which in the past editorialized to cut PBS off the public tap, is now being subsidized by American taxpayers although its parent company, Dow Jones, had revenues in just the first quarter of this year of $400 million. I thought public television was supposed to be an alternative to commercial media, not a funder of it. Only two weeks ago did we learn that Mr. Tomlinson had spent $10,000 last year to hire a contractor who would watch my show and report on political bias. That’s right. Kenneth Y. Tomlinson spent $10,000 of your money to hire a guy to watch “NOW” to find out who my guests were and what my stories were.

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TAKING BACK PUBLIC BROADCASTING Having spent that cash, what did he find? He apparently decided not to share the results with his staff or his board or leak it to Robert Novak. The public paid for it—but Ken Tomlinson acts as if he owns it. That’s not the only news Mr. Tomlinson tried to keep to himself. As reported by Jeff Chester’s Center for Digital Democracy, of which I am a supporter, there were two public opinion surveys commissioned by CPB but not released to the media—not even to PBS and NPR! The data revealed that, in reality, public broadcasting has an 80 percent favorable rating and that “the majority of the US adult population does not believe that the news and information programming on public broadcasting is biased.” In fact, more than half believed PBS provided more in-depth and trustworthy news and information than the networks and 55 percent said PBS was “fair and balanced.” This letter came to me last year from a woman in New York, five pages of handwriting. She said, among other

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things, that “After the worst sneak attack in our history, there’s not been a moment to reflect, a moment to let the horror resonate, a moment to feel the pain and regroup as humans. No, since I lost my husband on 9/11, not only our family’s world, but the whole world seems to have gotten even worse than that tragic day.” She wanted me to know that on 9/11 her husband was not on duty. “He was home with me having coffee. My daughter and grandson, living only five blocks from the Towers, had to be evacuated with masks—terror all around … my other daughter, near the Brooklyn Bridge…my son in high school. But my Charlie took off like a lightning bolt to be with his men from the Special Operations Command. ‘Bring my gear to the plaza,’ he told his aide immediately after the first plane struck the North Tower…He took action based on the responsibility he felt for his job and his men and for those Towers that he loved.” In the FDNY, she continued, chain-of-command rules extend to every captain of every fire house in the city. “If anything happens in the firehouse—at any time—even if the Captain isn’t on duty or on vacation—that Captain is responsible for everything that goes on there 24/7.” So she asked: “Why is this administration responsible for nothing? All that they do is pass the blame. This is not leadership… Watch everyone pass the blame again in this recent torture case [Abu Ghraib] of Iraqi prisons…..” She told me that she and her husband had watched my series on “Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth” together and that now she was a faithful fan of “NOW.” She wrote: “We need more programs like yours to wake America up…. Such programs must continue amidst the sea of false images and name calling that divide America now….Such programs give us hope that search will continue to get this imperfect human condition on to a

higher plane. So thank you and all of those who work with you. Without public broadcasting, all we would call news would be merely carefully controlled propaganda.” Enclosed with the letter was a check made out to “Channel 13–NOW” for $500. Someone has said recently that the great raucous mob that is democracy is rarely heard and that it’s not just the fault of the current residents of the White House and the capital. There’s too great a chasm between those of us in this business and those who depend on TV and radio as their window to the world. We treat them too much as an audience and not enough as citizens. They’re invited to look through the window but too infrequently to come through the door and to participate, to make public broadcasting truly public. To that end, five public interest groups including Common Cause and Consumers Union will be holding informational sessions around the country to “take public broadcasting back”—to take it back from threats, from interference, from those who would tell us we can only think what they command us to think. We’re big kids; we can handle controversy and diversity, whether it’s political or religious points of view or two loving lesbian moms and their kids, visited by a cartoon rabbit. We are not too fragile or insecure to see America and the world entire for all their magnificent and sometimes violent confusion. "There used to be a thing or a commodity we put great store by,” John Steinbeck wrote. “It was called the people.” The full text and video of Bill Moyers's speech at the National Conference on Media Reform, as well as a host of other resources on how readers can become involved in the media reform movement, can be found at

SOME THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING According to the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, 79 percent of Americans believe that money given to Public Broadcasting is well spent. In fact, 51 percent think it’s too little, and 35 percent think it’s about right, yielding a combined 86 percent of the public who state satisfaction with PBS funding. Public Broadcasting was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson in 1967, following the Carnegie Commission’s outline, with the mission to “provide the miracles of education and the ideals of citizenship and culture,” and to serve as a “forum for debate and controversy” and provide a voice to groups that may not otherwise have a voice. The Corporation of Public Broadcasting was created to help carry out that mission, allocate funds, and in general, to guard Public Broadcasting against undue political pressure.


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Beacon: A Week In the Life For two weeks in May, 20 local photographers documented the city of Beacon—its architecture, its landscapes, and its people. The brainchild of longtime Beacon resident and photographer John Fasulo, “The Spirit of Beacon: One Week of Photography 2005” will be exhibited both online at and in an exhibition at Bulldog Studios in Beacon from September 17 through October 2. Credits: Cali Gorevic “Beacon Mill Shack”; Daniel Aubry “Hat Factory 1,” “Hat Factory 2,” “Wood Head Mannequin”

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Credits (from upper left): Gary Ovitt “Factory 1 & 2”; Ian Wickstead (group of 3, clockwise) “Madam Brett Park tree cluster,” “Hanging bikes,” “Gertrude Rogers 100th”; Jeremiah Carey (down right side) “Joe Serrano”; John Fasulo (down right side): “Christie Lurato, Manager, Sanctuary,” “Tony Penzetta, Hollywood barber shop,” “Sean Gilvey, Hudson Beach Glass”; Roseann Petrie (lower left): “Watching Hatday” ; William Carey (bottom left): “Marty King in Diner” Flora Jones (bottom left corner) “John Berry”; Susanne Moss (bottom right ): “Deli”

Racquet MAN BY



eWitt Nelson, the convivial head pro at the Woodstock Tennis Club, has been a musician, an actor, a forester, a motorcycle mechanic, an educator, and more. Like a character out of a Frank Sinatra song, he’s been “up and down and over and out” but always manages to “get back in the race.” He also might be the poster boy for Dion’s “The Wanderer,” since he has moved repeatedly from one town to another. About his wanderlust, he admits, “Things took their course and I followed them. An opportunity would present itself, and I’d jump in.” After moving from one job to another, Nelson has found a home in the Hudson Valley and at the Woodstock Tennis Club. Named head pro at the club in 2003, he has brought stability to a club that turned over four pros in four years. Its 90 members acquired the club in 1999. “Private country clubs can be daunting, but the Woodstock Tennis Club isn’t. It’s not your stuffy, all-white, dress-code tennis club, but [it’s]very laid-back. We don’t have a kitchen, bar, or swimming pool,” he says. The no-frills club does have six Har-tru courts, a refrigerator, outdoor shower stalls, and an eclectic membership that reflects Woodstock. “It’s a diverse groups of Woodstockers and weekenders, including several artists,” he says. Members include Neil Rubinstein, who runs major craft festivals; Paul Solis-Cohen, Catskill Arts Supply owner; and Elena Zang, owner of an eponymous art gallery. “It’s a low-key club. Many people don’t know us. They confuse us with Zena Rec, but if they tried us, they’d like us,” the ebullient Nelson says. Most summer days Nelson starts off by watering the courts and then sweeping them to ensure they’re in top playing condition. He usually gives a morning lesson. He runs daily drills (stretch for the overhead and loosen your wrist on the serve) in the morning and then oversees junior camp, where children up to age 16 learn the basics of tennis. In junior camp, he emphasizes having fun. “Competition can be healthy, but it puts too much pressure on kids,” he notes. Thursday night is mix ’n’ match, where members and nonmembers play doubles and then dine on pizza. After Labor Day, Nelson organizes the Woodstock Open, which attracts some of the best players in the Hudson Valley, from Poughkeepsie to Albany. Though most tennis players love the game, Nelson has observed that too many players get bent out of shape by the competition. “Tennis is very psychological. If your personal worth is tied into the score, that can mean trouble,” he says. When he played tournaments as a teenager, he recalls having smacked the ball in warm-ups, then tightening up as each match reached its finale. “My mind took over, and it wouldn’t let me be free to do the strokes my body knew,” he admits. DEWITT NELSON EXPLAINS RACQUET POSITIONING TO A STUDENT

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orn in Manhattan, Nelson’s was raised by actorquit. He moved to Fort Collins, Colorado, and played bass parents. His mom, Joan DeWeese, performed in the for B. B. Coleman’s blues band. soap “One Life to Live” and acted in several productions After a stint in Oakland, California, Nelson returned of Joseph Papp’s Shakespeare in the Park. His dad, Hereast and helped establish “Up Close,” a syndicated radio bert Nelson, appeared in the soap “Guiding Light” and show, with Dan Neer, whose brother, Richard Neer, was a the films Little Big Man (he led the posse that tarred and WNEW-FM disc jockey. The show ran for eight years and feathered Dustin Hoffman) and Hindenburg. Rather than reached 180 stations. Nelson interviewed Paul McCartney, hire a babysitter, mom dragged Nelson along to auditions Sting, Pink Floyd, Santana, Bob Dylan, and Derek Clapton, and rehearsals and turned him into a child actor. At age with each show interspersing the performer’s music with seven, he appeared in a Shakespeare in the Park producthe Q&A. tion of “MacBeth,” playing MacDuff’s son to James Earl Nelson married in 1990 and lived in Greenwich Village. Jones’ s MacDuff, and also performed in “A Winter’s Tale,” In 1992, he and his wife had a daughter, Lani, and moved to alongside Dixie Carter, Charles Durning, and Michael Stone Ridge. “I took some time off and became Mr. Mom,” Moriarity. After gaining his Actor’s Equity card, he tired he says. He became a board member at his daughter’s private of having to “wear tights and makeup” and quit theater at school, the High Meadow School in Stone Ridge. He was the ripe age of 10. widowed in the late 1990s. Nelson graduated from Mississippi State College as a Nelson’s school board involvement led to him becoming forestry major in the early 1970s, and then started working a seventh-grade math and science teacher at High Meadow for International Paper in Jefferson, Texas, near Texarkana. School. Nelson enjoys teaching because “the kids still beAs a forester, he “cruised timber,” which involved determinlieve in magic and you can’t help but have some of that rub ing through a sample how many feet of timber and cords off on you.” At the school he has managed to incorporate REMOVING OLD STRINGS FROM A RACQUET the pulpwood would yield. He also had to set fire to the much of his past in teaching and extracurricular activities. IN PREPARATION FOR RESTRINGING woods to clear the undergrowth and promote the growth of He teaches earth science, which taps his forestry expertise, pine. But when those duties got monotonous, he quit forestry and moved to Daytona runs the School of Rock after school, and teaches intensive tennis. Beach, Florida, where he attended a trade school and became a motorcycle mechanic. After taking a break from bass playing, he started performing again in the Hudson Transplanting yet again to Athens, Georgia, he worked as a mechanic at Bishop Cycle Valley and met singer Barbara Dempsey, formed the Barbara Dempsey Trio, and Sales, and started playing bass at night for local bands. will be marrying Ms. Dempsey this Memorial Day. The trio performs at Gadaleto’s, Returning east in the 1980s, Nelson’s music career soon escalated. He started play- the Hickory BBQ Smokehouse, and the Willow Creek Inn, and also appears with ing bass at the oldies circuit with the Drifters, the Marvelettes, and Little Anthony, Big Joe Fitz’s blues band, led by the WDST disc jockey. and then toured with Roy Radin’s Vaudeville Theatre with luminaries such as Tiny “People who do one job for many years can get into a rut. I’ve had so many Tim and Pinkie Lee. He played clubs from Maine to South Carolina, including the jobs that it’s much more difficult getting into a rut,” says the actor/musician/tennis Bottom Line in Greenwich Village, the Nassau Coliseum, and some dives, and also pro/educator. performed on albums by Jumpin’ Jack, Pride, and D. Saxmo. Why did he drift from one job to another? “Mostly out of passion, not the desire Though bass players are often viewed as providing background, Nelson begs to differ. to make a living. I just loved making music, had motorcycle fever forever, have always “You can’t do anything without them. They supply the melodic aspect and rhythm. been fascinated by tennis, and loved being in the woods,” he said. Good bass players are essential,” he said. After performing at hundreds of do-wop In Walden, Henry David Thoreau wrote that he wanted to “live deliberately, concerts, Nelson says, it started to become drudgery. Frustrated, he exclaimed after live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, and not, when I came to die, discover one 1984 Crystals concert, “One more do-wop song and I’ll go nuts.” He promptly that I had not lived.” Sounds a lot like DeWitt Nelson’s journey. 6/05

Chronogram 33

Rediscovered ROCK Jonathan D. King


The caves and smokestacks and giant brick kilns scattered throughout Rosendale are all that remains of an era over a hundred years ago when this little town was a world-famous brand name. The layers of dolomite that produce a durable hydraulic cement were first discovered by engineers working on the Erie Canal in 1818 in western New York. Significant deposits were also found in Rosendale during the excavation of the Delaware & Hudson Canal—by 1827, there were at least four known companies exporting Rosendale cement to the world via the canal. From 1825 to 1900, Ulster County supplied the country with 50 percent of its natural cement needs, most famously for the Brooklyn Bridge, which became a calling card for Rosendale cement. At the height of the boom, Rosendale was choked with companies mining, burning, and grinding the precious rock side by side, producing five million pounds a year. But by 1928 the good times were over for Rosendale, as it was upstaged by Portland cement—a cheaper cement that could be manufactured anywhere. One of the largest contractors using Rosendale cement was the United States military. In the aftermath of the burning of Washington, DC, during the War of 1812, a set of forts stretching from Maine to Texas was envisioned to provide coastal defense. General Joseph Totten and General Quincy Gilmore of the US Army Corps of Engineers experimented at Fort Adams in Rhode Island and at West Point to determine what materials were ideal for fortifications, especially in wet and salty conditions. The military ended up focusing exclusively on Rosendale cement, and Gillmore wrote in his 1838 A Practical Treatise on Limes and Mortars: “The Rosendale cements are to be depended upon for hydraulic mortars.” MINERS OF THE NEW YORK CEMENT COMPANY CIRCA 1890 AT LEFEVER FALLS MINE. Dietrich Werner, president of the Century House Historical PHOTO COURTESY OF THE ROBERT SPINDLER COLLECTION, CENTURY HOUSE ARCHIVES. Society and Rosendale town historian, commented on the ubiquity of Rosendale cement as a building material: “Natural cement is how America was built. It’s how New York City was built. That was the mortar that held everything together from 1825 to almost 1900. Portland cement wasn’t even created on a trial basis in the US until 1876, in Pennsylvania, by David Saylor.” In Rosendale, the last man standing was A.J. Snyder, the owner of the only natural cement company left in the US. Using a blend of Rosendale cement and Portland cement that he manufactured himself, Snyder won many lucrative contracts, such as the New York State Thruway, a huge Nigerian dam, and the runways at JFK (then Idlewilde) airport. After Snyder finally shut the doors on his plant in 1970—Snyder’s former estate is now a museum—there was no natural cement produced in the US commercially for over 30 years. That is, until a few years ago when Rosendale cement was rediscovered in an unusual place—at Fort Jefferson, an abandoned outpost off the coast of Florida in the Dry Tortugas. Fort Jefferson, conceived as part of the coastal defense system, was never completed. It was used sporadically to garrison troops in the late 19th and early 20th century before being declared a National Monument in 1935 and a National Park in 1992. One hundred and fifty years of exposure to the 23-acre, 16-million-brick fort had taken its toll, however, and in 2004 the National Park Service hired the Atlanta-based firm of Lord, Aeck, and Sargent to begin a six-year, $18-million restoration. At the American Natural Cement Conference, held at the Hudson Valley Resort in late March, Mary Catherine Martin, lead architect with Lord, Aeck, and Sargent on the Fort Jefferson restoration, gave a presentation about her field research on natural mortars and how she became familiar with Rosendale cement. “The process began with a test piece of the wall and extensive research to determine the nature of the materials used for the original construction.… So I start trying to take a sample for analysis and we discovered that this mortar is incredibly tenacious. One of the workers had a hammer drill and I started pointing out sections that I needed samples from. So after one hour of working on one brick with this hammer drill, he still hadn’t gotten it out, and this guy is screaming at me now. I really started wondering, ‘What is this stuff?’”

34 Chronogram


Betty Greenwald

Jonathan D. King

Ken Uracius is a gruff, barrel-chested mason with a Boston accent who has been in the restoration business his entire life, with over 20 years spent directing major historic restoration projects. He believes buildings are best restored using the original materials, but in the case of mortars, he found there was no one producing natural cement, and he was constantly addressing the problem of what to substitute. His research led him to the Century House in Rosendale, where he met Dietrich Werner and Kurtis Burmeister, the latter a geologist from U-Cal Bakersfield who was doing a study of the Rosendale strata for his PhD. While Martin was researching the Fort Jefferson project she began scouring eBay looking for old books about natural mortars and found she kept losing auctions to the same person. When Martin met Ken Uracius, who was working on a restoration of Fort Adams at the time, at another cement conference, she told him the story of the “jerk” who was scooping up all the outof-print books on natural cement she needed. Uracius stuck out his hand and said, “That’s me.” Meanwhile, Uracius had obtained some rocks from the area and was trying to make Rosendale cement, studying all of his old texts and manuals while contacting people around the restoration industry. His talk at the Natural Cement Conference kept a room full of people laughing (yes, about cement) for almost an hour as he described experimenting with formulating natural mortars in his garage, which he almost burned down in the process. “It took me about six months, I’d say, just to figure out how to get the material to burn. It was a lot tougher than I expected. I tried coal: didn’t work. So I finally ended up buying a kiln and using electricity.” Uracius eventually got it right and was able


Jonathan D. King



to produce small batches of handmade cement. He then started to look for a way to produce it in commercial quantities, which led him to an engineering firm specializing in mortars, Edison Coatings in Plainfield, Connecticut. Uracius and Michael Edison made a deal to start producing Rosendale cement again in limited quantities. Through Martin, Uracius and Edison were contracted to produce a batch of cement for the test wall at Fort Jefferson. The raw material was obtained from mines in the Rosendale area that were abandoned as soon as they closed. There are still literally tons of the raw rock lying around. Uracius made a deal with Iron Mountain, a company that now stores documents in abandoned cement mines, to empty some of the rubble out of the back of some of the mines on their property, and Edison started experimenting on a large scale. Edison told me: “I can say that we have produced about 20 tons of material so far. We’ve moved beyond the experimenting phase and are in the early production phase. We are ramping up production to meet the current demands.” The cement will never regain its place as the world standard due to the high cost of production, but thanks to Uracius’s determination, it is once again available, still as indestructible and tenacious as ever, and one of the only boutique cements on the market. The test wall at Fort Jefferson was completed in the summer of 2004 and was the first use of Rosendale cement in over 30 years. It was deemed a success, and there is now a $18-million restoration project moving forward, depending on Rosendale cement as the hydraulic mortar of choice, as General Gillmore specified back in 1838.


Chronogram 35

Lucid Dreaming BY BETH E. WILSON

Buy Local Art o I found myself recently sitting in the (very) darkened interior of the Rosendale Theater, madly scribbling notes that would later prove to be barely legible. But I wasn’t there to review a film—I was trying to process a rapid-fire stream of images and information in the first-ever Slide Slam sponsored by the newly formed Rosendale Artists Group (RAG). Twenty artists, invited by RAG’s three “curators” (Myra Mimlitsch-Gray, Laura Moriarty, and Jill Parisi) presented selections and explanations of their work to an audience of 70 or so interested onlookers. As the range and depth of the work on view became apparent, once again I couldn’t escape the feeling that we’ve got an enormous pool of artistic talent here in the Hudson Valley. Painters, photographers, printmakers, sculptors, and those who transcend all categories—they’re all here, in abundance. This density of talent has something to do with the number of people moving up from New York City (at least since 9/11), but it has even more to do with the open and accepting communities—and arts organizations—that have provided fertile ground for these new flowers to spring up. But perhaps the most striking thing about this scene is the struggle that the vast majority of these talented people have in making a real go of their artwork. Periodically at the slide slam, a stray comment would creep in, like “I did this series in response to my social work clients” or “She works on production jewelry, but this is her artwork.” I’m not saying that just because somebody wants to be an artist, society owes them a living (although that might be nice, at least if the artist is talented!). But there’s something very wrong when a person can easily blow $10,000 at Best Buy on a plasma-screen TV and entertainment center but has a hard time even thinking about plunking down $500 for an original work of art. One of the major draws of this area is its cultured, artfriendly environment. On any given weekend, there are a slew of new gallery openings and other art-related events, reasons to get out of the house, look at some new things, and maybe even get to know some of the other members of the community while you’re out there. The art scene has come to


36 Chronogram


serve as an essential type of social connective

of the Hudson Valley,” he recently told me,

tissue here, something that stimulates and

“and we need to promote and cultivate what

energizes the place. Ironically, it’s also one

you might call ‘local, heirloom art.’”

of the desirable elements driving the current

There is, of course, no shortage of ways

crazy real estate market—bringing higher

to plug into the regional cultural scene.

property taxes, which ultimately drive out

At a recent press conference, the mayors

lower-income, long-term residents, a group

of Kingston, Beacon, Poughkeepsie, and

that quite often includes artists.

Newburgh met with key arts leaders in those

If you’re the proud new owner of your

communities to celebrate “Art Along the

own little corner of Hudson Valley heaven,

Hudson,” the coordination of their respective

then it seems only proper to anticipate your

“art openings, music, theatrical events, and

ultimate karmic return by supporting local

culinary pleasures” on each Saturday of the

artists—and this isn’t at all complicated—by

month. (Kingston is First Saturday, Beacon

actually buying their art.

Second, etc.) These social events are a great way to get to know the various galleries and


n recent years, farmers have done a

exhibition venues first-hand—and to see the

fantastic job of making the case for living

tremendous range of work being produced

close to the land, supporting local (often


organic) agriculture through farmers’ markets

Granted, there will always be work

and CSA memberships. The advantages are

out there by gifted (and not-so-gifted)

clear: Maintaining a viable economic base

amateurs, but you can always make your

for local farmers helps us maintain the rural,

own judgment—it’s art, which is supposed

open character of the area and provides

to depend upon some subjective appeal, after

fruits, vegetables, and meat that are a million

all. I guarantee that if you attend just one or

times fresher than factory-farmed, trucked-

two of these Saturday soirees, you’ll be able

in alternatives. In short, it’s an ecologically

to find at least one artwork that you love, and

enlightened way to dwell in harmony with the

that you could thoroughly enjoy displaying

place you live, with benefits for everybody

in your home.


So why not apply this thinking to the

plunge, don’t hesitate to ask the artist or the


cultural realm? To borrow a concept from

gallery owner (depending on the context) if


Murray Bookchin, how about thinking

they could set up a payment plan—in almost

about our social ecology as well? By

all cases, they can and gladly will. If you like

developing sustainable social and economic

the style of a particular artist on display in a

relationships with artists—by making a point

gallery, but you’d prefer something bigger

of trying to understand their work, talking

or smaller, or a different subject, ask. Quite

about it with others, and, most importantly,

often, there is an inventory of works in the

buying locally-produced artwork that you

back room to choose from. As a general rule,

enjoy—you will ensure the ongoing health

artists and gallerists are happy to discuss or

and vitality of the Hudson Valley cultural

explain the work they have available, as

scene. When you get down to it, decorating

well as finding ways to accommodate your

your house with a bunch of framed posters or

particular taste and needs. So don’t be shy

imported knickknacks from Pier One is really

with your questions and concerns!

(except the big food corporations).

If you’re tentative about taking the financial

the aesthetic equivalent of supplanting local

My primary recommendation this month,

farming with the Poltergeist-like horror of

to adapt an old ’60s motto, is tune in (check

endless, sprawling tracts of McMansions.

out the art listings in Chronogram and other

Benjamin Krevolin of the Dutchess County

local publications, as well as the resources

Arts Council enthusiastically supports this

listed below), turn on (find the art that really

whole notion. “Artists are a natural resource

does it for you), and BUY LOCAL ART.

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Chronogram 37

Life in the Balance BY SUSAN PIPERATO

Going Nuclear? ince the first barrels of oil were drawn from American soil 145 years ago in a now-depleted hole in Titusville, Pennsylvania, it’s been a matter of time before supplies run out. Experts disagree on whether we are approaching or have already reached “Peak Oil” capacity—the point at which oil extraction reaches its highest point and then begins declining. In any case, the window is closing on our oil culture. “Humanity’s way of life is on a collision course with geology—with the stark fact that the Earth holds a finite supply of oil,” National Geographic reported in June 2004. We no longer need to be environmentalists to understand the need to find alternatives to oil. But rather than embrace the opportunity to develop clean alternative energy forms—something environmentalists have long promoted— President Bush has proposed increasing the use of nuclear power as “one of the most promising sources of energy,” including rehabilitating the country’s 103 nuclear reactors and building more than 30 new ones nationwide. Bush’s plan follows on the heels of a 150-page report from the National Commission on Energy Policy calling for the US to invest billions in subsidies in reinvigorating the nuclear industry—approved by a board that includes a Harvard professor emeritus of environmental policy and a senior attorney for the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the nation’s largest environmental action organization, with over one million members. That report was rejected by the NRDC, Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, and the Union of Concerned Scientists, but nuclear power is still finding favor with environmentalists. The most infamous pro-nuke convert is Patrick Moore, cofounder of Greenpeace. In 1986, after 15 years fighting nuclear testing, uranium mining, and toxic waste dumping, Moore suddenly left the international nonprofit to become a spokesman for nuclear energy. “Climate change is a wonderful example to demonstrate the limitations of science,” he notes on his website, In recent months, three other prominent environmentalists have publicly defected to the pro-nuke side. James Lovelock, creator of the Gaia Theory—that the earth’s living matter functions as a single organism—criticized the Kyoto Treaty as a cosmetic attempt to hide the political embarrassment of global warming, in the Independent, (5/24/04), and complained that nuclear energy isn’t popular because

38 Chronogram


of “irrational fear fed by Hollywood-style fic-

increases to about 24 percent and a voluntary

tion, the Green lobbies, and the media.” For

green market to provide one percent mini-

Lovelock, nuclear energy’s risks are “minute”

mum. New York’s energy plan requires wind

compared to global warming’s devastating ef-

power to account for 5percent of its renew-

fects: “Nearly one-third of us will die of can-

able energy requirement, primarily because

cer anyway.” In October, British theologian

Niagara Falls—also a renewable resource—al-

Hugh Montefiore was dismissed as a trustee

ready provides 17 percent.

at Friends of the Earth for calling nuclear

New York State’s electricity is generated

energy the most viable alternative to global

by means of natural gas (29 percent), nuclear

warming. And last month, Jonathan Lash,

(23 percent), coal (18 percent), hydrogen (17

president of World Resources Institute, a

percent), oil (11 percent), and biomass (2

green think tank, launched “ecomagination,”

percent). Of the 31 states with nuclear capac-

an initiative designed in collaboration with

ity, New York ranks fourth, with six nuclear

General Electric to accelerate development of

power plants—of which Indian Point, located

alternative energy sources by stating: “Global

in Buchanan, 24 miles from New York City,

warming is the most pressing environmental

ranks 67th out of the 100 largest US power

problem humankind has ever faced. I think

plants. Indian Point’s evacuation plan for the

nuclear has to be a part of the carbon-free

20,000 people living within its 50-mile has

energy mix.”

been judged by many as unworkable. Several

Some environmentalists say they could

citizens and environmental groups—includ-

accept nuclear power if certain problems

ing the Westchester County Legislature and

within the industry were resolved: prohibit-

Riverkeeper—have formed coalitions to work

ing plants from recycling fuel; strengthening

for its closing. But regardless of safety issues,

reactor facilities’ security; updating aging

some believe the energy produced at Indian

plants, increasing safety protocols and im-

Point is unnecessary. Even if Indian Point

proving supervision; finding a secure place,

were retired, claims Riverkeeper, New York

or national interim storage system, for stor-

City still would have over 13,100 megawatts of

ing nuclear waste; using cleaner extraction

electric generating and transmission import

methods; and toughening regulations for

capacity available to meet peak demands and

uranium mining.

keep adequate system reserves.

For other environmentalists, the con-

But James Steets, external communica-

cept of safe, clean nuclear power remains an

tions manager at Entergy, operator of Indian

oxymoron. Nuclear power creates massive

Point, disagrees. “Indian Point is an impor-

amounts of hazardous radioactive waste,

tant stabilizing factor, an anchor of sorts that

which must be stored somewhere, Julia

provides electricity for the grid,” he says.

Willebrand, cochair of the Green Party Inter-

The plant is safe, he says, “because it was al-

national Committee, announced in response

ways regarded as a potential terrorist target,

to the president’s plans to upgrade nuclear

before 9/11.” Steets says that in the next 10

power. “Nobody wants to live near a nuclear

years nuclear power will “play a bigger role”

waste facility. Wherever the waste gets stored,

because it’s “already been proven safe, and

the danger of leakage threatens the environ-

the newer [reactor] designs give more confi-

ment, especially water tables.” Instead, says

dence.” Nuclear power also has the “obvious

Willebrand, we should focus on conserving

advantages” of being reliable without “emit-

more, consuming less, and developing re-

ting combustible toxic gasses.” Steets sees

newable alternative energy.

wind farms and natural gas supplementing

“Energy planning will always involve un-

nuclear-produced electricity. “Coal and oil

knowns and trade-offs and a mix of sources

will hopefully be diminished,” he says. “Ev-

and conservation options,” says Melissa

erybody wants clean air.”

Everett, director of Sustainable Hudson Val-

But nobody seems able to agree on how

ley. She believes the New York State Public

to get clean air and keep life-as-we-know-it

Service Commission’s Renewable Portfolio

running along. “It’s understandable as en-

Standard Policy, issued last September, is

ergy prices rise that there would be curiosity

a hopeful sign for the future of alternative

about every possible option,” says Everett.

energy—not nuclear.

“However, I think that the attractiveness of

The renewable portfolio policy calls for

nuclear energy is sharply reduced when we

an increase in renewable energy used in the

look at the whole system. This is an argument

state, from its current level of about 19 to 25

environmentalists have made for the past 30

percent by the year 2013, and utilizes a cen-

years, but it’s an argument that needs to be

tral procurement approach that provides for

made until it is heard.”


Chronogram 39

Frankly Speaking BY FRANK CROCITTO

The Man of the Moment


In last month’s column, I wrote about the prisons of my youth. I likened the experience to being caught in a

Chinese puzzle of a prison—escape from one cellblock only led to another, from family to public school to street life, to college. Mike Dubisch

Like any prisoner, all I dreamed of was escape, but as I made my way past collegiate love affairs, survived a two-year selective service sentence as a worker at a mental hospital, as I staggered into the muck and ego-driven mire of the Off-Broadway scene, I one day got lucky. I don’t know how else to describe it. I found a way out of my prison maze by finding someone else who had made his own great escape. I discovered a fellow named George Gurdjieff. How I came upon him was pure serendipity. The father of a friend had sized me up one day and given me the name of this man whose name sounded like what you say when you sneeze: “Gurdjieff!” God bless you. I read a book about him, something called Boyhood With Gurdjieff, by a fellow named Fritz Peters. It was this man’s reminiscences of what it was like to be a boy in the presence of a man like no one he had ever seen before. The man Peters describes was some kind of character. Peters spent four years in the 1920s at Gurdjieff’s Institute for the Harmonious Man, an estate in France where people had come to learn something new about themselves and the world around them. It was quite a place, this institute. It had to be, because Gurdjieff was quite a man. He was a man unlike any other I’d ever encountered, whether in the flesh or in the pages of a book. This book turned out to be my escape manual. Remembering that experience of discovery today, I still get chills, exactly the way someone who had been held in solitary confinement would feel at the memory of the door to his cell being suddenly blown off. Here was a man—an absolutely fearless man. He could think for himself and he could take action, and the actions he would take were original, unforeseen, and marvelously suited to the situation. When he spoke, he was right there, listening, picking up what the other person was giving out. And when he responded it was deep and rich, like good, black, fertile soil in the spring. He wasn’t pretending and hiding things from himself. What he knew flowed into the moment at hand, so that he seemed to be a great force, a fountain of knowingness.

40 Chronogram


He was at the center of a circle whose circumference reached out to embrace the stars.

of doing all and everything. And as if that wasn’t enough, he accomplished all this in the most ordinary

He could do anything, create anything,

circumstances of life. He dressed like an

fix anything—whether it was a building or a

ordinary man of his era (his magnificent

steam engine or a clock. With the beam of his

handlebar moustache only looks exotic to

attention he could bring his powers to bear

our eyes today). He strolled the streets of

upon any problem, and lo, it was no problem.

Paris. He counseled people while eating

He was the ultimately resourceful man.

at Childs Restaurant in New York. And he

Nothing seemed to restrict him, not time

protected a band of people traveling with

nor place nor people. He did as he pleased,

him through the mountains of the Caucasus

as a free man. And it pleased him to work, to

during the Russian Revolution.

exert himself, to stretch himself.

He was, in short, a new type of man. His

And he could laugh. He arranged the most

new type was built firmly on the bedrock of

elaborate practical jokes, sometimes just to

the old. He was, in fact, a sort of mutation. He

amuse himself. He saw the humor inherent

had all these preeminently human qualities

in situations and could elaborate on it and

that we all recognize and in our heart of

turn it to practical use.

hearts admire. What he did was take another

Only years later did I hear a recording of him talking to a group. His voice was so

step, and that step had taken him through the ordinary and into newness.

sweet, so mellow, I saw why people loved

That’s it—he was a mutant. He had come

to be in his presence. He spoke and there

into the world to accomplish something.

were gales of laughter, and when the laughter

He was an agent of the Absolute and was

subsided he spoke again and there was more

entirely focused on service to the earth.

laughter. He sounded like he was having the

Because of that position he could afford to

time of his life.

have no loyalty but one—loyalty to the truth.

He was the kind of person you could

He didn’t have to accept all the rigmarole of

depend on, especially in the clutch. When

ordinary life—since he belonged to no party

there was danger he maintained his presence

and did not have to fear threats to his position

of mind and could do what was necessary.

he could do what was right and necessary.

He had traveled everywhere and done

He could pick and choose as the situation

everything and he knew everything that

required. He could use what worked. He

needed to be known. He had explored the

could create new forms. He could rise to the

world but he had also explored himself,

occasion as the earth wobbled on the edge

so that he knew what human beings were

of destruction. He could set a new standard

capable of. He had come to know, yet, hadn’t

and live it.

become jaded by his knowledge.

Of course, I didn’t realize all this at my

Life came to life when he was there.

first meeting with this remarkable man. It

Anything could happen, and did. He was

took time. I read more books, but not too

as unpredictable as the wind, yet he was

many. I attended classes, and I began to

steadfastly grounded in himself.

practice some of what I learned there. The

He could cook and play music and dance

more I learned about George Gurdjieff, the

and write. People thought him a charlatan. He

more I wanted to learn. He opened up every

didn’t care. He knew who he was and acted

possibility for me, this unexpected man, this

accordingly. He was a human being capable

servant of the earth, this hero.


Chronogram 41


Merciful Monk eredith Monk views her avant-garde artistry as a large tree with two principal branches. One branch explores the human voice and all its possibilities through singing; the other supports a mosaic of work comprised of opera, musical theater, installation, and film. Cornell Christie

Unquestionably a maverick, this composer, vocalist, director, dancer, and choreographer has been breaking new ground for four decades, exploring the capability of the human voice-as-instrument to paint aural panoramas that unearth emotional gems we didn’t even know we possessed. The accomplishments of this “voice of the future,” as she is sometimes called, are legion, and her impressive resumé would take a month of Sundays to fully digest. To name a few feats: Her awards include a MacArthur “genius” grant, two Guggenheim fellowships, three Obies, two Villager Awards, a Bessie, a National Music Theatre Award, and sixteen American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers awards. She holds honorary Doctor of Arts degrees from Bard College, the University of the Arts, The Julliard School, the San Francisco Art Institute, and the Boston Conservatory. In 1968, Monk founded The House, an organization devoted to an interdisciplinary approach to performance. In 1978, she created Meredith Monk and Vocal Ensemble, having made more than a dozen recordings; her critically acclaimed masterpiece Mercy (ECM New Series, 2002) is haunting, meditative, and breathtakingly beautiful. Her compositions have been performed by various ensembles, most recently the Kronos Quartet. Her award-winning film, Book of Days, was shown on PBS, at the New York Film Festival, and at the Whitney Museum. Monk even presented a vocal offering for the Dalai Lama as part of the World Festival of Sacred Music in Los Angeles. No matter what this postmodern personality is channeling, it’s guaranteed to be complex and salient. Despite all her artistic achievements, Monk seems a humble, lovely, contemplative soul. Currently living in New York City, she longs to be at her house in the foothills of the Catskills in (appropriately enough) the Delaware County town of East Meredith, where she’s spent time since 1978. “I love it,” she says softly, earnestly. “Very much. I don’t get to go up there very much, but I usually try to get there for the whole summer.” Monk will certainly spend part of this summer upstate, as she’s performing a benefit concert at Sky Lake Lodge in


Rosendale on June 10, followed by a workshop there on June 11. Located on the northern crest of the Shawangunk

42 Chronogram


Mountains, the Shambhala contemplative

week.” She’s also working on a piece that she

center at Sky Lake is a haven for meditation

did as a work in progress last July, called The

and the arts, with hiking trails on 18 acres and

Impermanence Project, which enjoyed its

a spring-fed pond.

world premiere at Riverside Studios in London

The workshop combines voice and move-

and included eight voices, piano, keyboard,

ment, Monk says. “I’ve spent a lot of time at

marimba, vibraphone, percussion, violin, clari-

Gampo Abbey in [Nova Scotia], and I taught

nets, and bicycle wheel. “I lost my partner—it

at the Zen Mountain Monastery [in Mount

will be three years in November—so I’ve been

Tremper], so I’ve been thinking a lot about

contending with grief, loss, and death.” She

voice as spiritual practice. It’s very much

explains how the project took root.

about integrating the voice and the body. We

“There’s an organization, Rosetta Life, that

do a lot of different exercises to get the voice

works with people who are dying, from hos-

and the energy going, working with range and

pices all over England. They send artists out

resonances but also energizing the space. I

to different hospices and have them help the

always think of music, sound, and space, and

people who are dying, and, if they want to,

how sound really influences space and space

they can make artwork about that process.

influences sound. I start with very simple

[Rosetta] came to me not long after my partner

physical exercises and then a vocal warm-up.

had died, and I was just thinking of nothing

We work on the playfulness of singing and

else, so I told them I would make a piece for

creativity in relation to singing. ”

them. They were doing a festival about the

Monk has been a part of the Shambhala

process of dying, in London. So, I worked with

community since the mid-1970s. A Tibetan

people who were dying. We came together,

Buddhist, she taught at Naropa Institute in

they told me their stories, and I sang for them.

Boulder for much of the 1970s. She started

I knew I couldn’t really use their stories as part

practicing Shambala very seriously in the

of the piece, because it’s not the way I work. I

mid–’80s, taking the full Shambhala training at

work much more poetically, not so much in a

that time, and finally taking her refuge in 1998

linear kind of way. But it was very inspiring to

and her Bodhisattva vows in 2003. “I’m very,

be with them. We did this piece as a work in

very happy there’s a place for people who are

progress and a lot of them were in the audi-

practitioners here in the city to come, or for

ence. I had their faces as part of the piece in

everybody in the area,” she says. “That’s why

a film. So, now we’re working on it again, to

we are doing the benefit. I think it’s very, very

finish it, and we’re going to be going on tour

worthwhile that the center is there.”

with it next season.”

Joining Monk at the Sky Lake concert is

This year, like most others, has been a

otherworldly composer and performer Theo

flurry of activities for Monk. She’s also in the

Bleckmann, who’s been a member of Monk’s

conceptual stage of creating a very large piece

ensemble since 1994. His own background in

with Kronos and visual artist Ann Hamilton.

installation, theater, cabaret, and performance

Songs of Ascension, as she’s currently calling

art led to his being crowned “local cult favor-

it, will open at a tower that Hamilton is build-

ite” by the New Yorker.

ing in San Francisco. “Oh my goodness! It’s

“For the first half of the performance,”

been nonstop,” chimes Monk.

Monk says, “I’m going to sing ‘Our Lady of

As she celebrates the 40th anniversary of

Late,’ a solo piece I made in the early ’70s. I

her work this year, Meredith Monk is reflect-

really like coming back to it from time to time.

ing on her life as an artist, as well as looking

It’s a piece with voice and wineglass, the wine-

ahead. “My mother was a singer, my grandfa-

glass being a drone instrument. During the

ther was a singer, and my great grandfather

piece, I drink out of it, and so the pitch actually

was a singer, so I sang very, very young. I sang,

goes up. There are certain numbers of pieces

really, before I talked. I knew that I wanted to

that are built on that particular pitch, and then

not be an interpretive artist, but a creative art-

it goes up. That would be the first half [of the

ist. That’s quite a different path, it’s a lonelier

concert]. Then, in the second half, Theo and I

path. You really have to find your own way

will sing ‘Facing North,’ a piece I wrote in the

through, step by step. But that’s, of course,

early ’90s. There might be one or two other

what makes it very exciting, because you

pieces we do. I’m not sure yet.”

don’t have a precedent. You have to just find

Monk is currently working on quite a few exciting projects. She’s just finished writing

your own way.” She laughs. “You just stumble along yourself.”

her first string quartet for the Kronos Quartet.

Tickets for the June 10 Sky Lake benefit

“It’s called ‘Stringsongs,’” says Monk, joyfully.

concert are $25; the June 11 workshop is $125.

“They’re going to be performing it in Paris next

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Chronogram 43



WDST MOUNTAIN JAM June 4. It’s an exciting time around Utopia Studios as WDST celebrates 25 years of independent broadcasting. Known for fostering new talent, ‘DST artists who will return the favor at Hunter Mountain include slide-guitar wiz Robert Randolph and the Family Band; Medeski, Martin, and Wood; and the unstoppable Gov’t Mule. (The birthday party continues when the Neville Brothers hit UPAC July 2.) 2pm. $40 advance, $45 day-of-show. Hunter. (845) 679-7600

ANNUAL SPRING RAGAS June 4. Bansuri flute virtuoso Steve Gorn calls his spring fling a Jugalbandi (literally “weaving together”), where two or more artists perform together. Steve will be joined at the Stone Ridge Center for the Arts by Barun Kumar Pal (a disciple of Ravi Shankar) on hansaveena, a modern Indian slide guitar, and Samir Chatterjee on tabla. The same trio graces Steve’s latest CD Pranam (Biswas), dedicated to Swami Vivekananda. 8pm. Stone Ridge. (845) 687-8890

BENMARL FIRST WEEKEND SERIES June 4, 5. Cries of “In Vino Musicas” will be heard from the hills of Benmarl Winery as they open their 2005 festival season. On Saturday imbibe straight from the source as charming owner Mark Miller leads his famous cellar tasting. Sunday bring your picnic basket and enjoy sultry chanteuse Rebecca Martin. Noon. $6 (Sat.) $10 (Sun.) Children and Wine Club members free. Marlboro. (845) 236-4265.

VARGA OPEN MIKES Thursdays. Gallery gal Christina Varga is a live wire on the art scene, hitting every area opening and hosting plenty more at her eponymous space. Varga curates outdoor art shows, lifemodel drawing, and now a weekly open mike that draws the most outrageous performers in town. According to Varga, “Anything goes! All kinds of music, all kinds of artists welcome.” 7pm. Free. Woodstock. 845-679-4005.

MOHAMMAD REZA LOTFI June 18. The righteous Rosendale Theater presents a rare performance by Lotfi, a leading interpreter of traditional Persian music and a virtuoso of the tar and setar (long-necked lutes). Lotfi will perform extended improvisations from the classical Persian repertoire accompanied by his son Omid on setar and tonbak (goblet drum). Because of its delicacy and intimate sonority, the setar is the preferred instrument of Sufi mystics. 8pm. $15. Rosendale. (845) 658-8989.

CHRISTINE SPERO GROUP June 25. This red-hot Brazilian jazz singer/bandleader recently won the Billboard 2004 USA Songwriting competition with her tune “He Wasn’t Always That Way.” Spero’s swinging into the big time, but The Market at Catskill Point presents her combo during their weekly farmers’ mart, graced by shimmering views of the Catskill Creek and Hudson River. 10:30am. Free. Catskill. (518) 943-3400.

KINGSTON JAZZ WEEKEND June 25, 26. Kingston hits a sweet note with not one but three outdoor jazz events this weekend. Saturday at 3pm join director Peggy Stern at the second Wall Street Jazz Fest, featuring Betty MacDonald, Rebecca Martin (pictured at left), Lee Shaw Trio, and more. The Hudson Valley Youth Jazz quartet, with vocalist Laura Simpson, hits the Senate House historic site Sunday at 2pm. Then head downtown for the first Rondout Jazz Fest at T.R. Gallo Park, starring Jon Faddis’s Quartet, The Vanguard Jazz Orchestra with Joe Lovano, and the Alex Torres Latin Band, beginning at noon. All events free. Kingston. (845) 331-0080. WWW.WALLSTREETJAZZFESTIVAL.COM

—DJ Wavy Davy

44 Chronogram



Part re-imagined Nonesuch Explorer world music travelogue, part John Cage-ian everything-we-do-is-music audio documentary, part human/computer jam session, part “Rhythms from Around the World” anthropological cavalcade, Chris Brown’s 27-track Talking Drum is a challenging reassessment of “music,” “musician,” and “listener.” Through it all, Brown retains the humanity of his nine-year, cross-cultural music-making by recording the entire CD with binaural microphones worn near each ear. The stunning effect of this simple production decision, as Brown puts it, immerses the listener “in a three-dimensional sound image.” Headphone highlights include a phantasmagoric stroll through a street market in the Philippines; a moon-drenched Asian ocean bay boiling with insect white noise; a machine/human group conversation between percussion, violin, and computers from RPI in Troy; and an avant-funky improvisation from Sausalito, California, between free-jazz vibraphone, hip-hop scratching, and African-style drumming over a phase-shifted drum machine. —Dane McCauley


In 1970, Mark Sherman finished a PhD in psychology at Harvard and took a position teaching at SUNY New Paltz. He responded to the area with songs he performed on campus and at Hudson Valley, Berkshires, and New York City venues. Please, Professor eventually came about after an anonymous student wrote on his teacher-evaluation form: “Someday you’ll tape your songs and make it big.” Sherman’s music is infused with pathos, bawdiness, neurotic wit, and abundant irony. No student or teacher, local, or lover

Rt. 416 Montgomery, NY

of folk music could help but laugh along with his 16 songs and accompanying stories, including an old answering-machine message from his father: “You are a schmuck,” he says. “You know I love ya, bye.” With a Portnoy’s Complaint-style childhood, no wonder Sherman wound up funny. In “Solitaire Rag,” he sings, “In his infinite wisdom/I know God understands/If he didn’t want us to grab it/Then why’d he give us hands?” But while Sherman sometimes ponders gender relations (Why is it hard for men to be macho? Because “penis” is “a little kid word,” while “vagina” sounds “big and strong”), he’s whole, hale, hearty, and hilarious in the end, dedicating “Sweetest Little Ass in the World” to his wife. —Susan Piperato


Back in the day, hip-hop was fun. But times change and now bling’s the thing, echoed by G-Unit, Ludacris, Snoop, et al. What’s next? Howzabout post-gangster rap with themes of hope vs. despair and insight vs. chaos. The leaders of this new school are the GreenTeem, a five-man unit based in Hudson. Their debut CD, The Hazard County Project, gives props to the old school while asking where things went so wrong. Masterminded by Fritz “Globug” Schwarz, THCP jumps out the gate with “GameFace,” calling each rapper into formation. Everyone drops science on “The Things I See,” a haunting ode to urban blight. Then the rappers (Alley Gumbel, Simon, Marblez, and Da Core) break off into duos and trios for 13 other tracks, including the rap-speed metal explosion “Battery Acid” and a classic ode to martial arts flicks, “The Emerald Forest.” GT’s strength comes from razor-sharp lyrical delivery and creatively twisted production. This is a band to watch, or better yet, listen to online at —DJ Wavy Davy


Chronogram 45


Words to Pictures Getting a digital camera changed my life. I don’t know what I waited for, but it took me until earlier this year to go for it. What my camera taught me first was that I had spent most of the past 20 years sitting in front of a computer. Suddenly, I had a reason to go outside and look at things. Yes, I needed a reason, I admit it. But at least I found one. ERIC FRANCIS COPPOLINO

I have always loved photography, though as a news and environmental reporter most of what I took pictures of were things like people speaking at press conferences. Even photographing Zack de la Rocha (of “Rage Against the Machine” fame) in the press room of the Meadowlands Sports Complex is only so exciting. In New Paltz, I became a specialist in hazmat-suited men and spools of wire. Of the two, the spools of wire (in the early 1990s, outside PCB-contaminated Scudder Hall on the SUNY New Paltz campus) are more firmly impressed in my mind, as if I memorized them when I photographed them. I look at those memories like tarot cards. Why did they need to pull miles of wire out of the walls of that building? These were the kinds of things I photographed. Then, in 1999, my camera was destroyed in a flood. Cameras are easy to get, but I didn’t bond with any of the ones that I replaced it with. And I was becoming very concerned about the environmental impact of the film, paper, and chemicals associated with photography. The whole process is extremely expensive, messy, and takes up a lot of space. Seeing all the dead fish floating in the lake outside the Kodak plant in Rochester is still impressed upon my mind. So, too, is flushing gallons of darkroom chemicals down the drain. These things definitely got in my way. Plus, I always wanted to do things with photography that I couldn’t afford, like make a lot of enlargements or do color darkroom work, which is expensive and tricky. The result was that I never used a camera just for pleasure until my digital. Yes, I took some photos on various trips and vacations, but something bothered me about it. Rolls of film would collect in my house. Slides would never make it to prints. It got to the point where I might as well have walked around without film in the camera. I am certain that my guilt complex or creative block (same difference) was allayed by the fact that suddenly I could put 250 photos on a chip the size of a quarter, download them to my Macintosh for free, and go out and do it again. This cured me. So did rechargeable batteries, which I bought a lot of—and promptly put into everything I own that uses AA cells, which cured me of another environmental guilt complex. A set of very good rechargeable

46 Chronogram


batteries costs about 10 times more than the

the way they experience their environment.

ones you throw away, and lasts at least 1,000

The cafés in Paris are very good for this be-

times longer. I began to visualize how many

cause they all have huge windows, and you

pallets of batteries I was saving with my five

can set up your camera on a table and look

little sets of rechargeables. Everybody knows

at the world closely. I discovered how much

this. I did. For some reason I had ignored it.

fun it is to photograph important monuments

Now I cannot believe that nonrechargeable

from a few blocks away, partly blocked by

batteries are even legal. And finally, I could

other buildings. Photography grants a kind of

ignore the huge debate between which lasts

poetic entitlement to look and to see.

longer—Duracell or Energizer. (In digital

Then I noticed that my pictures are dif-

cameras, they last about 10 minutes and are

ferent than any I’ve ever seen. I noticed, in


effect, that I really do see the world my own

Freed from film, developing, paper, plas-


tic packaging, and batteries, suddenly I was

But I think the most important thing that

going out on photo missions twice a day. I

happened was that I began to find phases of

started exploring my Paris neighborhood at

time when I was freed from language and

midnight, visiting Ile St. Louis at odd hours,

ideas. I felt, more than anything, liberated

and paying attention to fruit stands. I started

from the burden of having to make sense.

hanging out by the fountain at Place Maubert

Making sense is a terrible weight that writers

studying the way the light refracted in the

are placed under, even the ones whose work

water, and waiting for passersby to stroll

is primarily creative, not journalistic. Even if

along behind it. Like a lot of artists in Paris

you have nothing to prove, it’s necessary to

before me, I became curious about the way

consider the worldview of your readers and

light reflected off of two buildings in my

editors, spell everything right, make sure that

neighborhood, the Pantheon and Notre

the paragraphs work, keep the facts straight,

Dame Cathedral. I became curious about a

and be conscious of tone.

lot of things I would never have considered, like paving stones and escalators. I took a lot of pictures. I didn’t plan what

raphy can be more passive; it can observe; it is not right or wrong. Where language enters the picture, there

where, walked around and photographed

is a powerful drive, both conscious and un-

anything that looked interesting. Then I be-

conscious, to be right. Once the work is

gan studying the results, scrolling through

published, writing is subject to intellectual

iPhoto. Looking at my pictures told me some-

analysis and is therefore, in someone’s mind,

thing about how I see the world.

going to be wrong. There is a mental craft to

One thing I noticed right away was that

not caring what people think about your writ-

there are always multiple layers in my pic-

ing (including editors and agents), but craft

tures. There always seems to be one world

takes effort, and that is not a particularly cre-

leading into another and another, like I’m

ative use of time. And most writing involves

approaching a threshold all the time. I also

an explanation. Explaining anything takes a

noticed my fascination with geometry. As an

lot of effort, and one must adapt to those to

astrologer, I swim in geometry, but it’s pretty

whom we are doing the explaining. I don’t

abstract; an astrological aspect is, from our

care how enlightened we are: When we say

viewpoint on Earth, usually a figment of the

something, we want to be understood, even


if we’re not believed. This is challenging in What I found with my photographs was

there are windows everywhere. My pictures

that I was suddenly freed from explaining

often explore the layered window-mirror

how I feel. Without recognizing what I was

reflection theme. After I saw a few hundred

doing at first, I began to present to the world

of these, I recognized that this has something

examples of the real thing. These may have

in common with the way I see the world,

been my first experiences of conveying feel-

something I wasn’t aware of before seeing

ing without first processing it through the fil-

it illustrated. I noticed I am always looking

ter of an idea. I seem to have a lot of feelings,

through things, looking past the surface of

and I do need to express them. I think I’ve

the world for something else.

always tried to do this through my writing.

I also noticed I’m fascinated by context. I pictures of people seem to be explorations of

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Next Session Begins July 11 Space is Limited -- Call Today!

the world of feelings.

with reflections. Paris has a lot of mirrors, and

noticed the way I would see people; all my

��������������������� ��������������� �������������������������

Writing is an active construction. Photog-

to photograph, I just took my camera every-

Another thing I noticed is that I like to play

��������������������������������������� ����������������������

Taking pictures turns out to be a lot easier. And for sure, I need something easy. Eric’s photography:


Chronogram 47

Horoscopes by Eric Francis Coppolino

ARIES March 20-April 19 It’s likely that the last

confidence: that which is put on from the

few days of Mars in Aries

outside like a costume, and the kind that

(through June 11) may not

comes from the inside and is connected

exactly have you feeling

to your core reality. That’s the kind to seek

like the Six Million Dollar Man. The ques-

now. Know when to pause and ask, “Is this

tion is: Why? The answer is probably that

right?” When you get back a no, let it be

you are, consciously or not, attempting to

no—confidently. When you get back a yes,

bring a long cycle of experience to a close.

that’s your time to proceed with the sense

The last gasps of this process are likely to

that you are doing the right thing for yourself.

come with substantial emotional and psy-

Keep in mind that what’s most important to

chological pressure, which may feel like the

you is subject to change. Then you can feel

urgency to do or be something. The pres-

confident letting it change.

sure is an illusion. Yes, something is ending, and something about you is resolving itself.

Cancer is an odd mix of en-

on one specific agenda item. It could be

ergies. It’s a cardinal sign,

making sure you return to a creative project,

usually considered the most

perhaps to finish it. You may need to find

dynamic kind. And it’s ruled by the Moon,

closure with a particular person in your life.

which is energetically more like a lake and

Or you may want to devote the time to com-

less like a volcano. But as the next couple

ing to terms with what has come and gone

of weeks progress, you are certainly gather-

in your life in the past two years.

ing your forces and building your strength. You are set to make many discoveries about

April 19-May 20

who you are and what you need. And you

Think beautiful thoughts

are more than likely to figure out how to pull

and they are all the more

the whole package together. The idea, “as

likely to manifest. But

within, so without,” will prove itself true this

don’t forget to give fear a

month again and again. There will be times

place, a little spot on the altar of life. I am

when what you seek the most seems to be far

not encouraging you to be afraid or make

from your sight or way out of reach. And the

yourself paranoid. I am suggesting that fear

moment you find it inside you, you’re likely

is a natural aspect of consciousness, and if

to see it appear before your eyes.

we don’t keep it out in the open, it can run around our minds and wreak havoc. If you

LEO July 22-Aug. 23

let the fear speak first, it will feel listened

You have no need to worry if you

to. Then, the many plans, ideas, and hoped-

suddenly transform from a famous

for experiences you are developing—which

socialite to the hermit on the

seem specifically designed to offer you a

mountain. I have a sense that

feeling of safety on the planet—will feel all

the interaction with friends

the more valid and necessary. Remember

and colleagues will gradually lead you into

that even if only a few of your most cher-

yourself, and one particular experience will

ished ideas find a home in the world you

make the point that you need to seek your

are doing very well. And it is true, most of

own counsel in a rather deep way. There is,

the time, that one good success leads to

in fact, quite a lot going on in your interior


world, and if you’ll hang out there for a while,



CANCER June 21-July 22

Given the astrology, you may want to focus


48 Chronogram

have noticed that there are two kinds of

you may notice that it’s really the richest,

May 20-June 21

most fulfilling state of being. You are clearly

You’re in a stage of life when

gathering your energy for a specific purpose

it’s becoming productive

that will become obvious around the time

to interact more assertively

Saturn enters your sign next month. In the

with the world around you.

meantime, follow the natural guidance of

This may involve a variety

your feelings and energy level; listen to your

of what feel like tests of

inner voice with particular care. The moment

confidence. They’re not really tests; rather,

in which you stand is far more important than

they’re more like experiments. You may

you may now realize.

Horoscopes by Eric Francis Coppolino

VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22

take you. This has likely caused you to do

Friends are good for confi-

what runners call “push the wall”: that is,

dence, but remember that

stretch your outer limit of what you know in-

you are the ideological leader

tuitively is real, true, and possible. In actual

of your tribe. With or with-

fact, much more than you suspected could

out realizing it, you have

come into being; though when we expand

opened up a territory that others are soon

the limits of the good and positive things

to follow you into. For a long time it seemed

that are possible there are phases where

like you were the odd person out, the one

we must check out the dark and negative

who was too strange to fit in. As time has

things that are possible. At this stage, the

passed, you’ve mysteriously become the

element of choice must become a factor in

person who had foresight, who had guts,

the spiritual equation. You are free to make

who believed something was possible that

a commitment to yourself—the promise to

others doubted. The fact that you perse-

make the right decision when you can.

vered is all the more to your credit. Now you need to accept the support being offered


you with no trace of resentment. The real

Commitments run in a kind of cycle,

work has yet to happen, and there will be

and sometimes many cycles. This

many hands around you to make it lighter,

holds true of the ones you

more fun, and a true opportunity for bond-

make, and the ones that

ing in the kind of friendship that can only

others make to you. At the

come with a shared mission. Not a sense of

moment, emphasis is shifting

mission: an actual mission. Lead on.

LIBRA Sept. 22-Oct. 23

to debts that you are owed, promises to you that have not been fulfilled, and business arrangements that are specifically designed to

This is the time of year when

finance your projects. I suggest you gradu-

most horoscope columns

ally turn up the energy on collecting old

will be talking about making

bills, and remind people who thought you

professional advances, and

were a great investment six months ago that

astrologers have many reasons to give

you’re still a great investment today. It’s be-

you glowing reports. What they may not be

yond question that you have a great deal to

saying, and what I will tell you, is that you

share with others. But your own need for

are in truth so successful that you cannot

nourishment, affection, support, and care at

afford do be under anyone’s thumb. To the

this point cannot be overstated. Fortunately

contrary, you are a rare kind of visionary,

the world is putting just these things on of-

and a big part of that vision involves making

fer. And there are some people around you

sure that everyone’s needs are met. There

who will be taking custom requests, so think

are always those who will antagonize such

about what you need and pluck up the cour-

efforts, or declare them impossible to fulfill,

age to ask for it specifically.

or claim that everyone needs to be a rugged individual. Which of your parents felt that

CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 20

you were worthy of care and nurturing, like

There’s only so much work we

a young plant or animal? Which parent saw

should be required to do for

your potential, and acted intentionally to

relationships. Before anyone

protect you? That is the parent whose ex-

complains that I’m saying

ample you are following, and whose inner

“it’s all fun and games,” let

wisdom will benefit you now.

SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov.22

me issue

a denial. But it’s not all work,

either, and in many ways for you it has been. A wise tactic would be to avoid discussions

Though it’s always nice to go beyond

or confrontations that are primarily mental

reasons for faith, it does help to have

exercises, where things are spoken of in the-

them. My take is that in recent

ory rather than in terms of grounded emo-

years, counting back about two

tions, needs, desires, and grievances. You

of them, that you’ve noticed a

are not a beast of burden with a dual 2GHz

certain phenomenon where you

processor whose job it is to work through

can go with your life as far as your faith will

everyone else’s desires for a confrontation.


Chronogram 49

Horoscopes by Eric Francis Coppolino I suggest you sidestep any conversation that

don’t need to “get it right.” All you need is

does not begin with the words “I feel” and

to open the jar and let yourself free. Let the

include plenty of space for something like,

lightning out of the bottle, rather than trying

“Is now a good time to talk about this?” Along

to collect it there.

a similar line, you might want to funnel all unusually assertive tendencies into a negotiation process, rather than getting involved in

Financial, sexual, or cre-

a hostage situation.

ative partnerships take

AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 19

50 Chronogram


PISCES Feb. 20-March 20 center stage this month. It matters little that you and

If you’ve had your mind on

whoev- er else may be involved are such

creative projects lately, now

different people, seemingly coming from

is the time to make some real

such different places. What’s vital is the en-

headway. The Sun is passing

ergy of the meeting, the agreement to col-

through the most daring

laborate, and the awareness of how you can

and artistically liberated part

support your mutual needs. You are finally

of your chart this month, and after that, the

coming into your own on having a measure

planets shift to the work angle, ever helpful

of authentic self-confidence, which as you

in putting partly developed ideas into tan-

know is not your usual mode of living. You

gible form. If you have other responsibilities,

have other things going for you; this is true.

remind yourself how much of life is about

And you don’t lose access to them because

setting priorities. If I may play consultant

you’re feeling on some level that you really

for a moment, remember that at the mo-

do have what it takes to create a life where

ment, what you may encourage in yourself

your own needs are acknowledged and met.

is a spirit of curiosity and experimentation

Keep an eye out for anyone who happens to

that will help set you free to have your best

notice how much you offer before you even

ideas. You don’t need to have the feeling

say hello. Those are the partners to keep on

that you’re “doing it right” and you certainly

top of your dance card.


Chronogram 51


EDITED BY PHILLIP LEVINE . You can submit up to three poems to CHRONOGRAM at a time. Send via snail or e-mail. Poetica. 314 Wall St., Kingston, NY 12401. E-mail: poetry @ Subject: Poetica.

i ripped my soul on goya you know the rest —p

Grace at Dinner

Soho in the Fall

Set before me on a plate, A slice of salmon— Not farmed, but taken from the sea— Warm and soft as peaches, set with Cut red organic boiled and buttered Potatoes. Set before me by the one Who made the food a meal the way She made the man a husband, Made the husband father and The three of us a family.

Through muggy August on searing streets My father moved His things from his third-floor home. Into musky freight elevators. Through ground-level doors. Down to the granite street.

I will fork the potato first— Something from the earth must pull me to it— But first we close our eyes and ask What brought this food to us. The labors. The sea life, taken. Just asking it in silence, Just caring for her labors in this Kitchen These last dark afternoon hours While we were off with other things, Just knowing this one thing is grace. —Theodore K. Phelps

Miles To be so cool forty years later Allen Murphy still reveres the way you said “shit,” not “shoot” with a bite, not some hapless whine about fate, but “shit” like a whip crack aimed so precisely from your night club chair only Allen Murphy heard it, Allen a hayseed in Cleveland at 19, come to hear your Quintet with his dad, thinking maybe on his way to the Men’s Room he’ll slide by your table. “Shit,” said so well Allen Murphy pops out of my living room chair forty years later to reenact every nervous step, closer and closer, until you gave the word. Miles, you fucker, you genius, you taught Allen Murphy how to say “shit.” Now he rules every inch of the room. —Will Nixon

The floors I toddled on will be refinished To host glittering dinner parties. Walls that held paintings Will be demolished to make room For clever furniture. The money’s seeping its way down, Soaking everything In a friendly fog of comfort. This fall, cobblestones Will be ripped from the streets. —Russ Tinsley

Butterknife & Glass of Water Stillness has been written of before Zen haiku and New England snow but tonight the butterknife is sleeping A cracked walnut remembers the lullabies it sang And the glass of water keeps drinking each thought which comes to be And I keep thinking of what I read in the Upanishads: “take perfect from perfect the remainder is perfect may peace and peace and peace be everywhere” —Brett Bevell

The Kissing Box, Swimming Pond by this pond where old shoes tumbled near the bottom and miniature vessels went to pieces among the duckweed (it is here that a drowned man kept his home) they laughed in their sodden mittens, tossing slush against the kissing box— within my glasses were crooked but clear; I could hear the bayberry drip above me. —Jane Wong

52 Chronogram


Ferronnerie I Initially the needle is put on the beginning of the record, it plays a song; before the song ends the needle is lifted and placed on the record again at the beginning and it plays a different song; each time the needle is lifted and placed at the beginning of the recording, a different song is heard; if you want to hear the entire song the needle is on...the trick is not to lift the needle. The same holds true for a book with ever-shifting it...but do not turn the pages...if you are far steadier when things do not move...movement complements if it is repeated in the same disorder...which of course becomes the is the book within the book I like to read. —Diane Banks Eichelberger

Self-Portraiture as a Dying Art He Reads French Philosophy

He Wears Fine Clothes

He Works Late Nights

Beside the bed a copy of Of Grammatology because he knows it’s so passé it’ll soon be back in vogue.

Brother to coolness is fear covering him in the icy cloak of never enough.

Accumulation prefigures the gradual winding down.

He Frequents Galleries

He Polishes His Shoes

Large swathes of empty floorspace he knows equal the expectation of large crowds and revenues.

Reflection is a dangerous thing a stiletto buried deep within the sole.

He Shops Online

He Sends TXT MSG

Returning is an art a refining of desire into byte-sized obituaries.

Striving towards connectivity made easier by there being so little substance to send.

He Watches Porn Never the thrill but its deadening thrusting aside the requisite subjugation.

He Follows Extreme Sports

He Drinks Dark Coffee

He Drives Fast, He Drives Big

Damn the birds and those who protect them; he just wants smooth taste.

Acceleration is of the essence the unlayering of the past to escape from the [future] will.

He Dines Out Often

He Eats Foie Gras

Waste not want, he tells his friends; you never know what hunger may feed you.

Stuffing himself with what’s been force-fed others reminds him of who’s on top.

Striving for limits as he knows no circumspection.

He Hates Small Dogs Whatever can’t kill you isn’t worth a kick. He Donates His Time In the form of checks balanced with a healthy dose of self-loathing. —Kevin Frey


Chronogram 53

group show

evolving media network in kingston (and beyond)


kale kaposhilin, cofounder of the kingston-based evolving media network

mala hoffman 54 Chronogram


photos by

fionn reilly

their Kingston-based company, Evolving Media Network, and one theme emerges—the whole truly is the sum of its parts. With a range of projects, from building multimedia websites to creating instructional CDs to recording high-quality jazz, EMN combines a small full-time staff with the far-flung availability of more than two dozen creative contractors to provide clients with what Kaposhilin claims is “the reality” of their visions. “We do high-level computer work, video production, film,” notes Stone, EMN’s media director. “We have a broad reach, and we think about the products. We’re a one-stop network of companies.” “We’re really selling intelligence,” adds Kaposhilin, who is the company’s director of operations. According to the pair, the essence of EMN is the people it employs. In addition to the seven to nine people who work in the Wall Street office every day, the company also has a network of as many as 30 technical and creative contractors in states such as California, Texas, and Arizona. The company also owns a recording studio in Germantown and has a satellite office in Manhattan. “Our biggest resource is the people we hire,” Stone points out. “One employee might be a 3-D artist who is also a 3-D animator plus a programmer.” “We have all of these resources because our people have such a variety of skills, talents, and interests,” Kaposhilin concurs. “We found people who are passionate about their medium.” Evolving Media Network was formed in 2000 and is actually the blending of two organizations that Kaposhilin and Stone were working on independently. Both men attended Bard College, although at different times. Kaposhilin grew up in Vermont and left college to train as a recording engineer while living in an “artists’ house” in Tivoli. He started 32B Media Arts (named for the house, which was located at 32 Broadway) with the plan of making it into a not-for-profit arts organization. At the same time, Stone, who grew up as the child of television producers and directors in New York City, started the web-design company Evolution Studios with some friends from Bard after graduating with a focus in religion and philosophy. “I thought I was going to become an ambassador,” he says of his degree. “But then I went back to my core, which was video editing and IT work.” The organizations merged after Stone “had identified real work that we could do,” Kaposhilin recalls. “I was very committed to not getting into debt,” Stone adds with a smile. Since its inception, EMN has created about 50 websites as well as video promotional films and other instructional tools. The company worked with the abstract artist Al Held to produce a three-dimensional “pre-visualizational” look at the planned site for a sculpture that has since been placed in the Citicorp subway station. It is also in the process of pitching innovative website proposals to Six Flags and to Pentax.

evolving media’s studio 32b in germantown, where acts such as godspeed you black emperor have recorded

One aspect of the company, Kaposhilin points out, is that it tries to provide services that clients don’t even know exist. “We can help someone stuck in the traditional business model, and help bring it into new technology,” he says. “Clients can come to us knowing there are possibilities out there that they’re not aware of. Because we are at the center of artists and technical providers, we’re on the razor’s edge, and we work with people to put it out there.” According to Stone, most clients come to the company through word of mouth or through its contractors. Depending on the situation or problem, Stone will bring in certain network members to brainstorm with the goal of a quick turnaround. “I like to do group thinking on projects as fast as possible,” he adds. Though the company has been successful in its vision of “technical and creative providership,” the partners are now ready for a change. “We want to get out of producing technology in the long run,” Stone says. “There’s a new era of content media, more dynamic media, and we’re preparing the company to work on that.” “To this point, most of our efforts have not been in new business development,” Kaposhilin points out. “We’ve been concentrating on creating the cornerstone of the foundation of an arts company, and figuring out how artists and creatives could work successfully in a business.” “Now, after five years, we’re ready to launch our business,” Stone adds. Evolving Media Network is located on the second floor of 302 Wall Street in Kingston. EMN has entered into a strategic alliance with Backstage Studio Productions, also on Wall Street, and hopes to move its rehearsal and recording facilities to BSP’s Kingston space in the coming year. For more information, call (845) 338-3220 or go to

independent project


ale Kaposhilin, director of operations for Evolving Media Network, notes that the constant duality for him and the other artists who work for the company is combining client work with “projects we love to do because of our own intense enjoyment.” While often these are one and the same, one of the benefits of working with EMN is the availability of technology and resources for other ventures. “People who are working with us also have visions of their own, and they can have access to equipment and sometimes even launch a new business that we can then work with,” Kaposhilin says. “We’re a horizontal network,” adds EMN media director Dan Stone. One example is a film by one of its artists, Jason Martin (described by the pair as their “artistic muse”), that EMN is helping to produce. Kaposhilin himself has continued to keep his own hand in recording, working through the Soluna label on Jeff Marx’s Treading Air, Breathing Fire, among other releases, and several of the technical contractors are also musicians. “Working with us, we can back them in personal projects,” Stone says of EMN employees. “They can draw on our resources. We have a lot of sources and are affiliated with a number of producers. It’s a privilege of working with us and being with us.” —MH


Chronogram 55

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56 Chronogram


Road Trip 6/05

Chronogram 57

What does your sign say

about your business?


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1 5 4

58 Chronogram








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Chronogram 59

Road Trip 60 Chronogram


Road Trip 6/05

Chronogram 61




“Do we live where we live,” asks New Zealand writer Janet Frame, or are we “always in other places, lost.” There’s only one way to find out: Travel to the edge of your home sphere. The Hudson Valley is situated between mountains, lakes, the sea, cities, and forests, making it easy to follow one of so many roads, so close to home, to a different world.














62 Chronogram 62 Chronogram6/05 6/05 62 Chronogram 6/05

183 mi.


NEW PALTZ TO THE ADIRONDACKS: 230 MILES, 3.5 HRS The state’s tallest mountain peaks have been battlegrounds for three wars; home turf to Native American and French encampments, loggers and miners; host to two Olympics; and destination of choice for Gilded Age magnates. The region includes the Adirondack Park, Lake Champlain’s western shore, and 11 Scenic Byways. Campgrounds and accommodations range from low-key to sumptuous. Find virtually every outdoor sport; artisans; shops; museums; historic homes, forts, and farms; gemstone fields; theater; regattas; dining; and excursion railroads.


KINGSTON TO FINGER LAKES: 258 MILES, 4 HRS. Whatever you can do outdoors can be done bigger and better here—including hiking, rock climbing, mountain biking, fishing, white-water rafting, sailing, bird-watching, and wine tasting along the Canandaigua, Cayuga, Keuka, and Seneca Wine Trails. These 9,000 square miles also feature world-class ballooning, hangliding, golf, and tennis. Route 54A along Keuka Lake was named one of the top 15 scenic drives in the world by British Airways. Historical sites include the Women’s Rights Heritage Trail, Underground Railroad stops, and the Erie Canal.

CORNING Glass Museum

HUDSON TO BERKSHIRES: 60 MILES, 1.5 HRS. The Berkshires provide a lushly wooded home for some of the country’s most venerated cultural institutions. The Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge exhibits Rockwell’s beloved painted Americana. MASS MoCA (North Adams), offers diverse, sophisticated works—like German socialist artist Joseph Beuys’s sculpture. The Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival (Becket) features the contemporary Maori and Pacific Islander company Black Grace and Japan’s Project Fukurow. The summertime Tanglewood Music Festival presents everything from Beethoven to Tony Bennett.

BECKET Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival

BEACON TO PHILADELPHIA: 157 MILES, 3 HRS. Trends, kitsch, and history meld together. Get grits at Down Home Diner, Amish farmers’ meals—with Amish folks onsite—at the Dutch Eating Place, or genuine espresso at Old City Coffee—all within fanciful Reading Terminal Market. Find your roots at Liberty Bell Center, Independence Hall, and the National Constitution Center. Shop exclusive boutiques like Reebok’s Rbk and punk fashion house Zipperhead. Crowd-crushing clubs abound, from the Swanky Bubbles champagne bar, to 32 Degrees, where shots are served in ice cube “glasses.”

PHILADELPHIA Liberty Bell HYDE PARK TO THE BEACH: 114 MILES, 2.5 HRS. Though we live in a valley the salt and solace of the beach isn’t far away. Less than three hours will get you to Brooklyn’s famous and now refurbished Coney Island, where a historic museum has joined burlesque shows, or the Jersey Shore. Long Branch, a glamorous ’Jersey resort from the 1860s to World War I, is enjoying a rebirth but remains ostensibly a monument to past glory that’s a perfect setting for a quiet, romantic wander. Visit nearby Keansburg for its newly cleaned-up beaches, scenic bay-walk park, and Beachway Road amusement and water park.


CONEY ISLAND Mermaid Parade

Chronogram 63

OVER 600 EXHIBITORS Dawn to Dusk

Rain or Shine

July 2nd & 3rd Free Admission & Parking • No Pets

Rt 216 Stormville, NY (845) 221-6561 64 Chronogram


When we are driving, we tend to think of arriving, and we sacrifice the journey for the sake of the arrival. But life is to be found in the present moment, not in the future. —Thich Nhat Hanh

ARE WE NOT THERE YET? driving and the art of boredom BY SUSAN PIPERATO

Going someplace else allows you to make yourself anew. But the process of getting wherever it is you’re going can be just as illuminating and rejuvenating as the stay itself. On long drives as a kid I, like my own kids today, often complained of boredom. But I have learned over the years that boredom isn’t necessarily a bad thing. For boredom, especially when combined with wandering, induces wondering. As a kid I travelled with my family each summer in the car to the Jersey shore for vacation. Ostensibly, I loved the drive and reveled in being the first one to call out our arrival at certain geographical markers along the way: the early, sparsely configured Storm King Art Center; the Star Mountainville sign; the row of little towns split in half by the Thruway; the deep green flats and hazy sky and gaping silver manufacturing plants just over the New Jersey border; Tom’s River’s rickety little bridge. And yet, having to remain inert for so long, forced to close my eyes or else find something to stare at, inevitably bored me into experiencing what I now recognize as a profound spiritual dislocation and the beginnings of learning about Zen. In the car, as the hours wore on, I often felt as if I were being ripped apart from my continued sense of self in small yet painful, nearly imperceptible but completely unavoidable ways—the same way that, no matter how I tried not to, I’d rip the sweaty backs of my legs away from the vinyl upholstery and be left with a terrific sting every time I shifted in my seat. About halfway through the trip, I wouldn’t be able to stand it anymore, but I’d have to. No amount of yearning to smell the ocean would make the trip end any faster, so I had no choice but to learn to bear being bored. So I let the time on the road lull me into a state of reverie and acute awareness. If I closed my eyes, a story began forming in my mind, told to me in a voice that was at once my own and like no

voice I’d ever heard before. If I focused very hard on staring at the air in between the backs of the two front seats without allowing my glance to shift even slightly, and squinted just so, I could make the world outside my window streak along my peripheral vision like endless watercolor stripes of gray road, green trees, and blue sky, splotched intermittently with the colors of cars and buildings passed along the way. “Each mile we drive, each step we take, has to bring us into the present moment,” Thich Nhat Hanh writes. “This is the practice of mindfulness.” Driving, he believes, helps us find the Buddha: rather than being things that keep us from achieving the goal of reaching our destination, red lights and stop signs are bodhisattvas, “bell[s] of mindfulness,” friends that help us “resist rushing,” that call us “to return to the present moment where we can meet with life, joy, and peace.” Unbeknownst to me until my own kids began complaining of boredom in the backseat, my backseat rides to the beach were my first lessons in Zen, and I’m determined to pass them on. When are we going to get there? my kids still ask, even though they’re older now and have moved on from Gameboy and coloring and the magnetized chessboard to personal stereos, skateboard magazines, and even conversation. I’m bored. Aren’t we there yet? No, I tell them, but that’s part of life. Like me at their ages, they’re still not convinced of the benefits of boredom. Lounging in the car’s stillness for hours on end doesn’t yet seem as important as getting to the beach and stepping onto the sand and into the water. But they’re learning the Zen of driving nonetheless. In the rearview mirror I’ve seen their fidgeting turn into long gazes out the window and their faces soften with calm, and I’ve heard the stories they’ve found within themselves, in the midst of a seemingly interminable ride, and told me when they didn’t think I was looking.


Chronogram 65


Door-to-door gourmet meal home delivery services from personal chefs


roni shapiro of healthy gourmet to-go delivers food to the door of new mother susan graham and daughter olivia.

text & photos by Jennifer May 66 Chronogram


eople prepare dinner in all sorts of ways. Some marinate choice cuts of beef for days. Others cook same-old, same-old pasta dishes in rotation throughout the week. Some tear the box off a frozen potpie, pop it in the microwave, and eat it right out of the paper dish. Others frequent restaurants. But there is another option, abundant with variety, health benefits, and convenience, and tailored to every taste. Personal-chef businesses are patterned after the housecleaning industry, which began to flourish in the 1970s, says John Moore, executive director of the United States Personal Chef Association. He explains that most personal chefs assist busy families and people with dietary requirements to eat the healthy and delicious food they might otherwise not have time to cook for themselves. Unlike a private chef, who works exclusively for one client or family, a personal chef cooks for many. Some cook in the client’s own kitchen, while others cook off-site and deliver a week’s worth of packaged meals to the client’s door. Nutrition counselor Holly Shelowitz’s services as a personal chef evolved through her practice, Nourishing Wisdom. While teaching classes on how to cook delicious, healthful foods, she often heard clients moan a similar refrain: I know I should, but I just can’t seem to make the time to shop, prepare, cook, and clean up. Shelowitz sent an e-mail to all the people she knew, offering her service as a personal chef, and the response was tremendous. In a large rented commercial kitchen in Kingston, Shelowitz cooks a full range of foods, from meats to vegetarian and vegan fare. All of the produce is organic and, when possible, from local sources. Meats and poultry are all grass-fed and pastured, and of the highest quality. Shelowitz also provides clients with nutrition information so people learn about food in the process. Shelowitz has compiled inspirational lists of foods she loves to prepare—soups, grains, meats, and vegetables. Each week she consults with individual clients to create the menu. “They become part of the creative process—that’s part of my service,” said Shelowitz.

clockwise from top left: holly shelowitz of nourishing wisdom cooking seafood gumbo and bean burritos in a rented commercial kitchen in kingston; a ladle full of shelowitz’s seafood gumbo is heavy with scallops, crab, and shrimp; jonathan taube adding spices to a simmering dish; holly shelowitz’s multibean and cheese burrito in the making—she calls it “kid food.”


n a Friday morning in spring, onions and herbs simmered in olive oil in an oversized pan as part of a bean and cheese enchilada filling. A seafood gumbo bubbled in a huge cauldron. One of Shelowitz’s specialties is women’s nutrition and she says the stock, prepared from fish bones and herbs, is full of high mineral concentrates that will encourage strong bone tissue and help prevent osteoporosis. These dishes were being prepared for Gail Bradney and her family in Bearsville. Both Bradney and her husband work full-time, and on weekends their home is overrun with hungry packs of teenage boys. In a moment of exasperation, when Bradney realized she was topping a full day of work with two to four hours of household chores, Bradney’s husband mentioned he had seen an advertisement for Shelowitz’s personal chef services. They decided to give it a try. For the Bradneys, Shelowitz prepares “kid food” such

as giant pans of stuffed shells, enchiladas, and lasagna. When the boys clamor for a feeding, the pans are pulled from the freezer, and Bradney is secure in the knowledge that they are well nourished. For the adults, entrees such as salmon puttanesca, curried coconut chicken, and hearty soups await. As their relationship has developed, meals have evolved to please the Bradneys’ palate. “I’m a boring cook,” said Bradney, “I cook steamed vegetables, salad, and a piece of fish. Holly uses spices and makes food exciting.” Some personal chefs come to the profession after a career change. Jonathan Taube, previously a passionate amateur in the kitchen, began cooking professionally after he finished with a career in international shipping. He used to organize large shipments of grain to ports in Latin America; he now cooks weekly batches of epicurean delights for clients throughout Westchester, Putnam, and Dutchess counties.

Clients moan a similar refrain: I know I should, but I just can’t seem to find the time to shop, prepare, and clean up.

His clients are for the most part career-minded couples who have the goal of eating more vegetables, less fat, and less salt. Each week Taube and his clients create a new menu for the week, after which he shops for fresh ingredients that he cooks in the clients’ kitchens. Taube describes his favorite style of cooking as “fusion contemporary” and loves introducing clients to the flavors of India, Asia, and the Southwest. One client is a single father with two teenage boys. The relationship began with the boys insisting, “We don’t like anything.” “Appealing to teenagers has a lot to do with wording,” says Taube. For teenagers who abhor the idea of a sauce, “Szechwan shrimp in a spicy sauce of soy, ginger, and garlic” is renamed simply “Chinese shrimp.” And while Taube encourages his clients to take advantage of the opportunity to acquaint themselves with new cuisines, he is also happy to prepare simple and hearty favorites, often requested by the less adventurous boys, such as roast turkey with gravy and potatoes. While all personal chefs share a love of cooking and find reward in pleasing their clients, others also


Chronogram 67

have ulterior motives. Lagusta Pauline Yearwood is passionate about vegetarian food, even though only about 40 percent of her clients are vegetarians. She calls her food “secretly vegan,” as she seduces customers through their taste buds. A typical week’s delivery might include wild-rice crepes with oyster mushrooms and miso-mushroom gravy, a tarragon-leek soup, and strawberry shortcake. It might also include artisanal calzones with flaky crust, sun-dried tomato pesto, artichoke hearts, and roasted fennel; cactus gumbo soup; and ginger crinkle cookies. At Lagusta’s Luscious home meal delivery service, meals are cooked off-site in a rented restaurant kitchen. Lagusta and an assistant prepare large batches of food and divide them into recyclable containers, which are delivered throughout the Hudson Valley, New Jersey, and New York City. Menus are posted online so clients can preview the food they will be eating weeks in advance. Meals are purchased in weekly plans and are somewhat customizable. Deliveries are made to the clients’ doors, with serving suggestions and instructions for reheating. The next week, the containers are picked up, sterilized, and reused. People become Lagusta’s clients for a variety of reasons. Some have signed on for months while their kitchens were being remodeled, others are working professionals. A core group has come to depend on the weekly deliveries. The food is organic when possible and grown locally in season. Like Lagusta, Roni Shapiro of Healthy Gourmet to Go (HGTG) cooks off-site and delivers readyto-eat packages to her clients’ homes. Shapiro became a personal chef through her love of the vegan diet and began cooking with a goal of creating heart-healthy food. One of her clients, 85-year-old Harriet Blau of Manhattan, has been an HGTG regular for 10 years. Blau says, “The food is imaginative and delicious and it gives me energy. Nobody believes how old I am—when I tell the doctors, they laugh.” Shapiro’s clients range from families to singles to new parents. Shapiro says the new moms especially love the service. Food such as curried tofu “egg salad” and shepherd’s pie filled with peas, mushrooms, beans, and rosemary-garlic smashed potatoes are all easy to reheat in a stove or microwave and reduce the stress of those first weeks of parenthood. Along with helping people to eat better, Shapiro’s aim is to make vegan food more delicious and convenient, and to save animals in the process. Each week Shapiro e-mails a list to her clients highlighting the upcoming menu so they know what to expect and can alert her to special requests.


he cost of a personal chef varies. Some charge by the hour plus groceries, while others offer packages. Jonathan Taube compares the price of a personal chef to that of eating at a good restaurant—but one in which each meal is tailored to the diner’s tastes. Holly Shelowitz says her prices range from about $12 to $20 per meal, including cooking time, nutritional information, and ingredients. Lagusta’s Luscious basic weekly plan includes six to ten meals (depending on portion size) of three entrees and three sides for $125, including labor, food, and local delivery—about $15 per meal. Healthy Gourmet to Go’s Bag of Specials is $93.50 and serves approximately 10 portions of entrees, sides, soups, and dessert. In a dizzying whirlwind of information, the words “What’s for dinner?” can be regarded as a battle cry. Along with careers, child-rearing, exercise, and finding time for fun, healthful eating has become one more challenge. How refreshing to hear the words of personal chef Alexis Jette: “When a client asks me what I can make, I can honestly say, ‘Whatever you want to eat.’” Jette is a recent graduate of the Culinary Institute of America, where she was immersed in world cuisines. She shops, cooks, labels, and packages meals for families and prides herself on leaving their kitchens spotless. Having just cleaned my own kitchen of last night’s dishes, the idea of another dinner looms ominously near. Then I remember that today is different: Tonight’s dinner will be selected from Healthy Gourmet-to-Go’s Bag of Specials. As arrival time draws near, I lick my lips in anticipation of the promised delicacies, including mushroom-barley soup and Japanese brown-rice sushi rolls with avocado and tamari dipping sauce. For the next few days my kitchen stays clean. This is a luxury to which I could easily adapt.

CHEF CONTACTS: Holly Shelowitz Jonathan Taube Lagusta Yearwood Roni Shapiro Alexis Jette

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(845) 658-7887; (845)216-4535; (845) 255-8VEG; (845) 339-7171; (845) 527-5590;



“The Area’s Finest Indian Cuisine”


“The Village Baker of the Rondout.” 100% Scratch Bakery. Stickybuns, Scones, Muffins, Breads, Focaccia, Tartes, Tortes, Seasonal Desserts featuring local produce, plus Sugar-free, Wheat-free, Dairy-free, Vegan, Glutenfree, and Organic Treats! Cakes and Wedding Cakes by Special Order. We ship our Lemon Cakes nationwide, $30 2-pound bundts. Open Thursday-Monday 8am-6pm; Sunday 8am-4pm. Closed Tuesday and Wednesday. Well Worth The Trip! 35 Broadway, at the historic waterfront district, Kingston. (845) 331-5517 or (800) 399-3589. CATERING Claudia’s Kitchen

Personalized celebrations and weddings, using fresh local ingredients to create delicious and elegant menus. Homemade artisanal breads, Hudson Valley cheese, fabulous appetizers, meat and vegetarian entrées, out-ofthis-world desserts. Claudia works one on one to custom design your menu, your party, your wedding or special event. (845) 868-7338 or (914) 475-9695. www.claudias Pad Thai Catering

Delicious, affordable, and authentic Thai cuisine served with authentic Thai hospitality to your group of six or more. Lunch or dinner served in your home by Chef & Owner Nuch Chaweewan. Please call (845) 687-2334 for prices and information. DAIRY Bobolink

42 Meadowburn Road, Vernon, NJ 07462. nina@cows GOURMET MARKETS Totis Gourmet

Totis Gourmet is a market and cafe located at 490 Main Street in historic downtown Beacon. We feature locally grown pro-

duce, dairy, and meat in our cooking, and on sale in our market. We also provide a wide range of gourmet foodstuffs and inspiration for those who love to eat! (845) 831-1821. HOME MEAL DELIVERY Healthy Gourmet to Go

(845) 339-7171.www.carrotta See Natural Foods in the Whole Living Directory. Lagusta’s Luscious

Lagusta’s Luscious brings heartbreakingly delicious, sophisticated vegetarian food that “meat-and-potatoes people” love too to the Hudson Valley and NYC. We are as passionate about our politics -- locally grown organic produce, environmentally sustainable business practices – as we are about our food, and it tastes just as good as any you’ll find at the finest restaurants. End weeknight meal boredom forever. (845) 255-8VEG. MEATS Fleisher’s Grass-fed & Organic Meats

A retail and wholesale butcher specializing in pasture-raised and organic meat, poultry, dairy, eggs, and cheese. Also glatt Kosher meat and poultry. Special orders welcome. Curbside delivery available—call first. Chef/owners Jessica & Joshua Applestone will also create delicious meals-to-go on the premises including rotisserie chicken and hot soups. Open Monday-Friday 10am-7pm, Saturday 9am5pm. 38 John Street, Kingston. (845) 338-MOOO (6666). PASTA La Bella Pasta

Fresh pasta made locally. Large variety of ravioli, tortellini, pastas, and sauces at the factory outlet. We manufacture and deliver our excellent selection of pastas to fine restaurants, gourmet shops, and caterers throughout the Hudson Valley. Call for our full product list and samples. Open to the public Monday through Friday 10am to 6pm, Saturday 11am

to 3pm. Located on Route 28W between Kingston and Woodstock. (845) 331-9130. RESTAURANTS 23 Broadway

A wine-friendly bistro with creative Mediterranean cuisine. Chef Rich Reeve has developed a menu featuring Spanish tapas, fine steaks, fresh seafood and pastas. In a restored historic building with exposed brick walls, brass-top bar, and a glass-enclosed, temperaturecontrolled wine room. This is a casual (cool spot) with (big, bright, bold flavors), Zagat rated, and a CIA destination restaurant (SoHo and Kingston). Dinner Wednesday through Sunday; Brunch Sunday. <http: //>. 23 Broadway, Kingston. (845) 339-2322.

“Best Indian Restaurant in Hudson Valley” —Daily Freeman, Taconic Press

 —Poughkeepsie Journal

Open 7 Days a Week • BYOB Wednesday Dinner Buffet • Friday Maharaja Royal Buffet Sunday Koral Buffet 5 - 9:30 pm • Sunday Brunch 12-2:30 pm

4 Vegetable Dishes, 5 Meat Dishes with soups, appetizers, salads, bread, coffee, tea. Children under 8 – half price Hours: Lunch: Sat - Thurs 12 - 2:30 Friday: 5 - 9:30 • Dinner Daily 4:30 - 9:30

Let us cater your wedding party or event

5856 Route 9 South Rhinebeck, N.Y. 12572 Phone: (845) 876-7510

Agra Tandoor Restaurant

Now open: “The Area’s Finest Indian Cuisine.” Open seven days a week with $7.95 lunch specials and $6.95 take-out boxes. BYOB. Open for Lunch: 12-2:30pm and Dinner: 4:3010pm. Saturday and Sunday Brunch: 12-3pm. Buffet Dinner on Wednesdays: 5-9:30pm. 5856 Route 9 South, Rhinebeck, NY. (845) 876-7510. Aroma Osteria

114 Old Post Rd, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590. (845) 298-6790. Bacchus

Celebrating our 28th Year! Enjoy creative cuisine with seafood and Southwest specialties in a casual, relaxed atmosphere. Offering a full salad bar; over 300 varieties of bottled beers, 13 on tap, plus a full wine list. Open Daily. Lunch 11am-4:30pm; Dinner 4:30-10pm. Weekend Brunch, late-night menu, and takeout available. 4 South Chestnut Street, New Paltz. (845) 255-8636. Beech Tree Grill

Since 1991, this funky American bistro has entertained the 6/05

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Be the toque of the town.

Vassar College/Arlington Community and beyond with its sophisticated yet unpretentious menu that offers something for everyone in a comfortable and relaxing environment, including a fine selection of wine, beer, and microbrew that is as diverse as its clientele. 1-3 Collegeview Ave., Poughkeepsie. (845) 471-7279. Monday dinner 5-11pm; Tuesday-Saturday lunch 11:30am-3pm, dinner 5-11:30pm; Sunday brunch 11:30am-3:00pm, dinner 5:00-10:00pm. Live music Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. MC, V, AE, D. Beso



Located on Main St. in the heart of New Paltz is Beso, formerly The Loft. Spanish for “kiss, ”Beso offers casual fine dining by owners Chef Chadwick Greer and Tammy Ogletree. Fresh, modern American cuisine, seasonally inspired by local Hudson Valley farmers. Get cozy in the intimate dining room under skylights and glowing candlelit tables, or sit at the bar for a more casual experience. Housemade pastas like Acorn Squash Raviolis, Hazelnut Crusted Halibut, or Braised Beef Short Ribs. And for dessert, Maple Mascarpone Cheesecake. Private parties, families, children welcome. Dinner six days a week, weekday lunch and weekend brunch. Closed Tuesday. 845.255.1426 Catamount Waterside Dining & Bar at Emerson Place

Located near Phoenicia and Woodstock, Catamount Waterside Dining & Bar is a great place to experience the beauty of the Catskills while you enjoy mouth-watering food. Dine Waterside and take in the vistas provided by the Esopus Creek and Mt.Tremper as you choose from a menu that includes right-off-the-grill steaks, chops, chicken and fish, homemade pastas with delectable sauces, several dinner-sized salads, and irresistible desserts. The “Cat,” as locals call it, has a full bar including local micro-brews and international wines that can be taken out onto our streamside patio. Join us for dinner

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& cocktails for a fun and relaxed atmosphere that is children friendly. 5368 Route 28, Mt. Tremper, NY 12457. We are currently open for dinner 5:00 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday. Panoramic views are also the signature of weddings and banquets, featuring a beautiful outdoor pavilion. For reservations call: 845-688-2444 Catskill Rose Restaurant

Four-star dining and catering in a comfortable and elegant dining room with antique art deco bar plus gorgeous gardens and outdoor dining. Chefs and proprietors Peter and Rose draw on years of creative experience to prepare the familiar and comforting to the classical and innovative. Soups and desserts made in-house from scratch. Route 212, Mt. Tremper. (845) 688-7100. Cosimo’s on Union Ristorante & Bar

The most unique modern Italian Restaurant in Orange County, featuring woodfired pizza, gourmet Italian pasta dishes, and other specialties from our open-air kitchen. Homemade Desserts, Espresso, Cappuccino, Full Bar, Party Rooms on request. Private Wine Cellar Dining; New Expansion; On- & Off-Premise Catering; Highly Rated, Zagat’s; Award of Excellence, Wine Spectator; Winner, Best of Hudson Valley 1994-1998; “5-Star Service”–Poughkeepsie Journal. Union Avenue, Newburgh. (845) 567-1556. The Inn & Spa at Emerson Place

Choose to dine in the elegant tapestry Dining Room, in the privacy of the Wine Room, or under the moonlight on The Terrace. Extraordinary cuisine complemented by a 6,000-bottle wine collection and the impeccable service of our European-trained staff. Spa and Lunch packages available. Lunch 12: 30-2:30pm and dinner 6: 30-9pm served daily. Reservations required. 146 Mount Pleasant Road, Mt. Tremper. (845) 688-7900 or

The French Corner

Routes 213 West and 209, Stone Ridge, just minutes from Kingston. Experience Chef Jacques’ menu, which features recipes using ingredients from his native FrancheComte, France, combined with fresh seasonal products from Hudson Valley farmers. The French Corner dining room and bar are decorated with antiques and artifacts from Eastern France. Families and children are welcome, private dining room available. Dinner Tuesday through Sunday and Brunch Sunday. Closed Monday. (845) 687-0810. Gilded Otter

A warm and inviting dining room and pub overlooking beautiful sunsets over the Wallkill River and Shawangunk Cliffs. Mouthwatering dinners prepared by Executive Chef Larry Chu, and handcrafted beers brewed by GABF Gold Medal Winning Brewmaster Darren Currier. Chef driven & brewed locally! 3 Main St., New Paltz. (845) 256-1700. Hana Sushi

Best authentic sushi in the Hudson Valley! Superb Japanese sushi chefs serve the best authentic sushi with extended Dining Area. Sit at the counter or tables and enjoy all your favorites from Chicken Teriyaki and Udon to Yellowtail and Special rolls. Eat-in, take-out, and private room is available. Hours: Tuesday-Friday Lunch 11:30am-2:30pm. Monday-Thursday Dinner 5-9pm. Friday Dinner 5-10pm. Saturday Dinner 4:30-10pm. 7270 South Broadway, Red Hook, NY. (845) 758-4333.

The Hoffman House

Hickory BBQ Smokehouse

Located on historic Route 28 between Kingston and Woodstock, Hickory offers diners Hudson Valley’s finest barbecue and smokehouse cuisine such as ribs, pulled pork, smoked beef, fish and free-range chicken. Whether enjoying your meal by the fireplace in Hickory’s threestar dining room or sipping a cocktail at the wood bar, Hickory’s staff is trained to make you feel as comfortable

A National Historic Landmark Circa 1711 Enjoy Relaxed Dining in one of Kingston’s oldest Stone Houses.

Full Lunch & Dinner Menu Pasta - Steaks - Seafood Open Monday thru Saturday Our outside patio is now open for your dining pleasure Celebrating 27 years of fine food and service 94 North Front Street, Kingston, NY (845) 338-2626

� ������������� �������� ��������� Brunch Lunch Dinner Late Night 2629 South Road, Poughkeepsie

845.471.0600 fax 845.471.3900


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as you would at home. Hickory also features several vegetarian options, steaks, homemade desserts, happy hour specials, a complete take-out menu, and catering and special events in our private dining room. You can enjoy live music featuring the area’s hottest bands on Friday and Saturday nights. Open daily for lunch and dinner. 743 Route 28 (3.5 miles from NYS Thruway Exit 19). (845) 338-2424 www.hickory The Hoffman House

Located at the corner of the Stockade District in uptown Kingston, the Hoffman House is a National Historic Landmark, which during the 1600s served as a lookout for marauding Indians canoeing up the Esopus. Today, you can enjoy relaxed dining as you warm yourself near a soothing fireplace in winter or outside on patio in summer. Take a step back in time as you dine in one of Kingston’s oldest stone houses and savor the cuisine and service that the Hoffman House has been providing to their customers for over 27 years. Open Monday through Saturday for lunch and dinner, 94 North Front Street, Kingston. (845) 338-2626. Joyous Café

Is it any wonder that Joyous Café is the most exciting new eating experience in Kingston? Whether it’s Breakfast, Lunch, or Sunday Brunch, the wonderfully prepared food and attentive service are outstanding. Open Monday through Friday 8 am - 4:30 pm Saturday 10 am 2:30 pm and Sunday Brunch 10 am- 2:30 pm. Serving Dinner evenings of UPAC events. 608 Broadway, in The Heart of Broadway Theater Square, Kingston. (845) 334-9441. Kyoto Sushi

337 Washington Ave, Kingston, NY 12401. (845) 339-1128. Luna 61

“Best Vegetarian Restaurant.” –Hudson Valley Magazine. “Food is simply delicious, four stars.” –Poughkeepsie Journal. “Imagine spicy Thai noodles, delicate spring rolls, and the best banana cream pie you’ve ever eaten. Join the Culinary Revolu-

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tion.” –Dutchess Magazine. Luna 61 is relaxed and funky, candlelit tables, cozy, and romantic. Organic wine and beer. Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday: 5-9pm. Friday and Saturday: 5-10pm. Now Accepting Credit Cards. 61 East Market Street, Red Hook, NY 12571. (845) 758-0061. Machu Picchu Peruvian Restaurant

The only authentic Peruvian restaurant in Orange County, NY. Family owned and operated since 1990. Serving the community traditional dishes from the mountains and coast of Peru. Trained in Peru, our chefs make authentic dishes come alive. Wine list available. Serving Lunch and Dinner Sunday through Thursday 10am10pm and Friday and Saturday 10am-11pm. Closed Tuesday. 301 Broadway, Newburgh. (845) 562-6478. www.machu Main Course

Four-star, award-winning, contemporary American cuisine serving organic, natural, and free-range Hudson Valley products. Open Lunch and Dinner Tues-Sun, & Sunday Brunch. Wed and Thurs nights, food & wine pairing menu available. Voted “Best Caterer in the Hudson Valley.” 232 Main Street, New Paltz. (845) 255-2600. Visit our Web site at www.maincourse Marcel’s Restaurant

Casual and comfortable dining, warm country inn atmosphere. Price range $13.95 - $32.95. Now offering daily 4-Course Prix Fixe specials starting at $15.95. House specialties : Pate Du Jour, Duck Laprousse Grand Marnier, Coquilles St Jaques, and Filet Tornodos. Marcels is proud to announce it is celebrating 33 years of fine food and service. Check out our web site for our seasonal menu@marcel or to check the date on our next jazz night. We have a complete take out menu, and catering is available. We have also recently added a vegetarian menu and a young guest menu.Our hours of operation are Thursday-Monday 5-10pm. Sundays 3-9pm. Located at 1746 Route 9W, West Park, NY. Call 384-6700 to place an order or to make a reservation.


Chronogram 73

Mexican Radio

537 Warren St, Hudson, NY 12534. (518) 828-7770. Neko Sushi & Restaurant

Voted “Best Sushi” Restaurant by Chronogram readers and rated four stars by Poughkeepsie Journal. Serving lunch & dinner daily. Eat in or Take Out. We offer many selections of Sushi & Sashimi, an extensive variety of special rolls & kitchen dishes. Live lobster prepared daily. Parking in rear available. Sun.-Thurs. 12-10pm; Fri. & Sat.12-11pm. Major credit cards accepted. 49 Main St., in the Village of New Paltz. (845) 255-0162. Osaka Japanese Restaurant

Want to taste the best Sushi in the Hudson Valley? Osaka Restaurant is the place. Vegetarian dishes available. Given four stars by the Daily Freeman. 18 Garden St., Rhinebeck. (845) 876-7338 or 8767278. Visit our second location at 74 Broadway, Tivoli. (845) 757-5055. Pastorale Bistro & Bar

Eat up, Dress down, in this hip country bistro. ‘High quality, sophisticated cooking that could fit in anywhere’ says the New York Times. Serving updated bistro classics in a 1760’s colonial. Bar with signature cocktails, lively ambience. Tuesday-Saturday dinner. Brunch & Dinner on Sundays 12-8pm. Summer Patio. Private dining for up to 50. 223 Main street (RTE. 44), Lakeville, CT 06093. (860) 435-1011. Plaza Diner

Established 1969. One of the finest family restaurants in the area. Extensive selection of entrees and daily specials, plus children’s menu. Everything prepared fresh daily. Private room for parties & conferences up to 50 people. Open 24/7. 27 New Paltz Plaza, New Paltz. Exit 18 off NYS Thruway. (845) 255-1030. The Red Onion Restaurant & Bar

The Red Onion Restaurant & Bar, a robust international bistro, invites you to join us for casual, upscale service & dining in comfortable elegance. Offering the freshest quality

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streamside dining at the bear cafe in bearsville—a magical environment for a summer evening’s dinner Open Thursday through Monday for dinner. 419 Main Street, Rosendale. (845) 658-3210; Allyn’s Restaurant and Cafe After driving through Millbrook-area horse farms bordered by black split-rail fences, you arrive at Allyn’s—a restaurant housed in a renovated 1834 Episcopal church. The outdoor dining area is just off the road and on a day with a slight breeze the sound of traffic is masked by the gentle tones of a large wind chime. Tables are set on a lawn between formal perennial beds. Across the road, a hill dips into a valley over which the sun sets. It’s a beautiful place to watch the early evening light turn golden over the rolling fields and pastures. After a day of golf, horseback riding, or gardening, unwind in an environment both elegant and relaxed. CIA-trained chef and owner Allan Katz has built Allyn’s reputation on its food and wine list. “We like to work with peak seasonal ingredients to create vibrant, healthful, and very flavorful dishes,” says Katz. The crisp greens and purples of the radicchio, arugula, and Belgian endive salad is loaded with shaved grana padano parmesan cheese, and paired with a bowl of cream of sorrel and mushroom puree, it is a satisfying light summer meal. Entrées range between $17 and $24. Open Thursday through Monday for lunch and dinner. There is also a two-course price-fixed Sunday brunch from 11:30am to 4pm. 4258 Route 44, Millbrook. (845) 677-5888; Catamount Cafe Deep in the heart of the Catskill Mountains in Mount Tremper, the Catamount Cafe has made the most of its gorgeous setting, with a large wooden deck at the edge of

the Esopus River. The rushing river completely muffles the sound of the traffic, which is also hidden from view. The feeling is of comfort on the edge of the wild frontier. The deck has a partial canopy of white birches and maples, and on a day I visited two kayakers navigated the currents to reach our shore. In early evening the silhouette of the mountain beyond the river resembles an oversize limpet shell. The menu is contemporary Catskill cuisine and features regional specialties such as smoked trout and grass-fed dairy products from local-sources. For guests who fish, Chef Mike Fichtel will even cook and present your own fresh catch. Wine is poured generously, fried calamari are spicy, and barbequed shrimp are dressed in a sweet sauce. Entrees like spicy dry rubbed barbecued ribs and Dijon-balsamic glazed Atlantic salmon range between $15 and $20. After dinner, stroll the River Walk. Open Wednesday to Sunday, 5pm to 11pm; A lunch menu is being prepared for the summer. 146 Mount Pleasant Road, Mount Tremper. (845) 688-2828; Peekamoose Restaurant and Tap Room Further north on Route 28, just north of Big Indian, the Peekamoose Restaurant and Tap Room has recently opened in the location of the former Jake Moon restaurant. Trees and carefully placed wood rails restrict the view of Route 28, and the large wooden deck offers mountain views. The menu features cuisine of the Hudson Valley with French and Italian influences. Locally grown food sources are emphasized, and with five vegetarian sisters, the chef and owner, Devon Mills (himself a Catskills native), knows how to cook delicious food for those who eschew meats. Or try the locally raised chicken that has been fed almost exclusively on

blueberries—apparently the meat is not only delicious but also high in antioxidants. Open for dinner Thursday through Monday, 4-10pm. (845) 254-6500; Demitasse Cafe Surrounded in red brick walls, the courtyard of the Demitasse Cafe is a spacious oasis in downtown Poughkeepsie. There is unpretentious and comfortable outdoor seating is for 65, yet tables feel private due to the separate environments: One stone patio is set between small angular lawns, a back patio is raised, and there is a courtyard within a courtyard—open on one side and bordered by stone and brick walls with a ceiling of lush tree foliage. A Victorian era inspired mural of a Paris street scene adds to the romantic ambiance. An outdoor kitchen is staffed by a chef who grills the gamut, from hamburgers to 1.5-pound Maine lobsters—including salmon steaks and New Zealand rack of lamb. Sides change daily and might include saffron pasta or grilled eggplant. The regular and grill menus were both created by new owners Christopher and Tony May (both trained at the Culinary Institute). For brunch on Saturday and Sunday try the challah French toast with orange mascarpone and macerated berries, or the lox platter served with capers and tomatoes. This is an ideal place to stop for dinner or drinks while strolling through Poughkeepsie for the Third Saturday ArtHop. And any afternoon it is a perfect place to read, dream, and sip a large, foamy latte. Brunch prices range between $6 and $12. Grilled lunch specials average $10. Dinner entrées range between $18 and $25. 202 Main Street, Poughkeepsie. (845) 485-8707; Open 11am to 9pm every day. Outdoor grill is weather permitting.


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GOING DUTCH Two miles above Russell Shorto’s Putnam Valley home, there’s a broad plaque embedded in stone. Its text begins, “In 1699, the Dutch of New Amsterdam created a road to Albany which followed Indian trails called The Path.” Driving down the plunging curves of the packed-dirt Albany Post Road, flanked by stone walls and unfurling spring maples, it’s easy to picture the way this wild land must have looked to a rider in topcoat and breeches. It’s harder to make that imaginative leap in the author’s old neighborhood, New York’s East Village.


nless, of course, you’re Russell Shorto. In 1997, the best-selling author of The Island at the Center of the World brought his young daughter to play in the churchyard of St. Mark’s-in-the-Bowery, near their apartment. As she ran around under the sycamores, he studied the worn 17th-century tombstones, including that of Peter Stuyvesant, the notorious peg-legged Dutchman who lost Manhattan to the English. Shorto found himself wondering what sort of settlement he had once governed, and how this quintessentially urban neighborhood had looked without pavement. The Island at the Center of the World (a title thathas provoked some affront in outer-borough booksignings) conjures an untamed island of reedy salt marshes, waterfalls, and forested hills, populated by deer, mountain lions, and wolves. But no one Shorto asked, including historians, seemed to know much about Stuyvesant’s colony. Then he met Albany scholar Charles Gehring, who’s devoted the past 30 years to translating a 12,000-page archive of handwritten 17th-century documents from the New Netherland colony. Initially planning a magazine feature, Shorto kept asking questions that started, “Do you mean to tell me...?” As he listened to Gehring, he realized that his whole notion of America’s roots by

N i n a

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S h e n g o l d


was shifting. “Everyone knows about the Puritans in New England, the Virginia colony,” he says, “Well, what was in between?” A lot, it would seem. Shorto describes the first European settlement on the Hudson: “It was founded by the Dutch, who called it New Netherland, but half of its residents were from elsewhere. Its capital was a tiny collection of rough buildings perched on the edge of a limitless wilderness, but its muddy lanes and waterfront were prowled by a Babel of peoples–Norwegians, Germans, Italians, Jews, Africans (slaves and free), Walloons, Bohemians, Munsees, Montauks, Mohawks, and many others—all living on the rim of empire, struggling to find a way of being together, searching for a balance between chaos and order, liberty and oppression. Pirates, prostitutes, smugglers, and business sharks held sway in it. It was Manhattan, in other words, right from the start.” A thriving multicultural community on American soil in the pre-colonial era? Why haven’t we heard about this? (Though every American schoolchild can recite the shopworn anecdote of the purchase of Manhattan Island from the Indians for $24, the Dutch colony is a mere footnote to the “original” 13 English colonies.) “It’s the history we choose to remember versus the history we choose not to,” says Shorto. “The Puritans made for a stronger creation myth.” He is quick to point out that the English refugees who, we’ve been

taught, came to America for religious freedom, would shortly wind up burning witches. The New Netherland colony was far more freewheeling: a messy, contentious port where currency ranged from doubloons to beaver pelts and the salty residents spoke 18 languages. In Holland, tolerance was not some lofty ideal, but a practical response to an international sea trade and different peoples living side by side in close quarters. One has only to look at portraiture of the era—foppish English nobles in brocades and periwigs versus Rembrandt’s sturdy merchants in dark, simple garb—to realize that these were different cultures indeed. New Netherland stretched from Manhattan to the upriver fur-trading settlement at Fort Orange, later known as Beverwyck, then Albany. There was little but forest between these two settlements in the Dutch period, though Wiltwyck (later Kingston) became an important outpost, where deeper-keeled tall ships were exchanged for boats that could navigate the shallower waters to the north. The Mid-Hudson Valley saw many Dutch settlers later (“when the English took over, the Dutch didn’t go anywhere”) and hundreds of Dutch names remain on the land. The Island at the Center of the World has popped up on best-seller lists around the country (“mostly in blue states,” Shorto observes wryly). The author worked hard at shaping his tale for all readers. “History is just this mass of stuff,” he says, alluding to

Angelika Rinnhofer

Gehring’s 12,000-page pile of moldering land grants, court records, and shipping lists. “I struggled the whole time: Is it history or is it a story?” Those who yearn for scholarly documentation can take comfort in Shorto’s 45 pages of notes and bibliography. The rest of us can savor a work of narrative nonfiction that reads like a novel. Shorto is a firm believer in presenting ideas through characters—”that’s the way we transmit meaning, whether it’s in a novel or nonfiction”—and The Island at the Center of the World juxtaposes the rigid, militaristic Stuyvesant and his freethinking challenger Adriaen van der Donck. (There are also some juicy cameo roles, like barmaid Griet Reyniers, who measured her customers’ penises on a broomstick.) Van der Donck is a revelation, a university-trained lawyer who became fluent in Indian languages and lore, kept meticulous natural history notes, and questioned authority at every turn; Shorto calls him the first American. Shorto has a novelist’s gift for description. In cinematic terms, he’s adept at both the establishing shot—his chapters open with richly evoked “master scenes”—and the close-up. “I love a good detail,” he says, breaking into a grin. Russell Shorto’s writing studio is a converted family garage, with a large pile of mulch and a pinktired child’s bike just outside. His voice is low and measured, but as he perches on a tapestry chaise in his timber-framed, art-filled living room, his foot often taps the air with restless energy; he gives the impression of someone who’s happiest when he’s in motion. Shorto grew up in Johnstown, Pennsylvania (“famous for floods”). He loved writing in school, but he didn’t want to major in English. “I was convinced that being a writer didn’t follow a particular path. There wasn’t some Writer Corporation where you could apply for a job...I thought it had to be more complicated than that, so I made sure it was.” After studying philosophy and journalism at George Washington University, Shorto and his girlfriend (now wife) Marnie Henricksson impulsively moved to Japan. Henricksson was a Kurosawa enthusiast, and the young couple found work teaching English. They stayed long enough to get comfortable with another culture, but expatriate life didn’t appeal. They moved to New York, where Shorto looked for work as a journalist and wrote children’s history texts on commission, on subjects ranging from Jackie Robinson to Tecumseh to J.R.R. Tolkien. “I think I wrote 10 in a year and a half,” he says now. “It was intellectual slave labor.” Eventually Shorto landed assignments at such prestigious magazines as the New Yorker, GQ, Travel and Leisure, the Nation, and the New York Times Magazine. And he started writing the first of his books for adults. Gospel Truth: The New Image of Jesus Emerging from Science and History, and Why It Matters, which was published in 1997, had its roots in a magazine article. The search for the historical Jesus was catnip


to the Catholic-raised Shorto. Although he’s left the Church, he acknowledges that “there’s a strong interest and attraction there, even though I’ve got issues... I’m always a seeker.” His next book, Saints and Madmen: Psychiatry Opens Its Doors to Religion, explores the overlap between the mystical and the psychotic as altered states of consciousness. He seems to be a man of serial obsessions, who comes back time and again to themes of cultural origins. Since the recent paperback release of The Island at the Center of the World, Shorto has booked dozens of speaking engagements, led historical walking tours, even dined with Dutch royalty. He’s enjoyed the wild ride, but avres, “I do have a day job.” Shorto’s current “day job” is a cover story for the New York Times Magazine on the anti-gay marriage movement; he recently flew to Bhutan for a GQ piece

on the impact of two high-end boutique hotels in the previously untouristed country. This summer, he’s moving his wife and two daughters to Amsterdam for a year to research his next book, Descartes’ Bones. (The French philosopher and father of rationalistic inquiry moved to Holland in 1629 in search of intellectual freedom.) After his death, Descartes’ bones were dispersed, and some were taken as religious relics. As Shorto says, in that day and age, “any investigation that looked into the heart of nature was religious... Cartesians were persecuted like early Christians.” The author anticipates sidelines into the origins of humanism, early science, and other aspects of social history, but “however abstract it could become, there’s nothing more concrete than a bone.” He grins. “That should be my mantra: Stay with the bones.” 6/05

Chronogram 81


Bound for Canaan: The Underground Railroad and


the War for the Soul of America


Fergus M. Bordewich


A beautifully written account of a three-week walk from Vermont’s Champlain Valley to the Adirondacks, part back-country road trip and part meditation on man’s relationship to nature, the joys of the local, and the importance of sustainable living.


The latest edition of this indispensable guide to family-friendly outings on both sides of the Hudson, including pick-your-own farms, water parks, dude ranches, bike trails, drive-in movies, haunted hayrides, and historic sites. Conveniently organized by county and region, from Westchester to Saratoga.


This companion to Ron Mann’s documentary on Harrelson’s bike/biodiesel bus odyssey—a Woodstock Film Festival hit—is a trippy assemblage of photos, graphics, and essays, printed in soy inks on recycled paper. Dedicated to (who else?) Ken Kesey.


Savor kvell-worthy recipes from throughout the Diaspora, informative essays on Jewish communities worldwide (Calcutta; who knew?), and traditional foods from herring to challah. Try the beet latkes with goat cheese, or the goldene yoich chicken soup with Alsatian matzo balls, and remember to save room for rugelach.


An eclectic collection of Asian-inflected verse by the founding spirit of Shivastan, a Woodstock poetry press that craftprints its books on handmade papers in Nepal, idiosyncratically illustrated with line drawings and odd nudes of holy men. For information and booklist, contact


Renowned Kingston-based composer, educator, and sound theorist Oliveros gathers her writings on the practice of deep listening, including bodywork exercises, sonic meditations, and Deep Listening Pieces, including her own compositions and writings by other practitioners. An ear-opening read.

82 Chronogram


Amistad/HarperCollins, April 2005, $ 27.95


o much of what comes down to us as historical fact is filtered through a sort of educational shorthand that misinterprets and oversimplifies. Washington and the cherry tree comes immediately to mind. I was surprised to learn that this story is still being taught, when I heard my seven-year-old recite the famous mythology. Not quite as trivial, but shorthand nevertheless, we learn Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech to the exclusion of almost everything else he ever said, just as we learn that the Civil War was fought for the single purpose of freeing slaves. Harriet Tubman was no myth, but this rumination on historical shorthand occurred to me again as I read the illuminating Bound for Canaan: The Underground Railroad and the War for the Soul of America. For so many of us, the story of the Underground Railroad has been reduced—or perhaps distilled is the better term—into a symbiotic association with that brave and stalwart woman. But, as we learn in this inspired new history by Dutchess County author Fergus M. Bordewich, the story of the Railroad and the freedom struggles of black slaves in America began long before Tubman’s time. From the earliest moments in the history of this nation, Bordewich tells us, there were people engaged in helping those in bondage escape it. Though today it’s difficult to imagine a society in which slavery was a fully accepted fact of life, one of Bordewich’s talents as a storyteller is to make the historical and social milieu of the past understandable to the modern reader. His clear prose makes it possible for us to fully appreciate the tremendous challenges that the social acceptance of slavery posed to the abolitionists who presaged the Underground Railroad. The abolitionist movement had its roots with the Quakers, who argued early in the 18th century that Christian principles demanded opposition to slavery. When conscientious members of that faith tried to free their slaves, however, they were met with vast resistance from both the state and society at large for bucking the status quo. It was common (yes, even in the North) for states to pass Draconian laws to discourage manumissions. People who freed their slaves could be held responsible and punished in kind for any criminal charge against said slaves, or could be forced to put up huge sums of money as bond for freed slaves. And so on. Time and again, Bordewich reports, freed slaves were sold back into bondage, kidnapped from states tolerant to their free status and sold in other places. Given this continual resistance to the idea of black freedom, abolitionism ultimately began to coalesce across state lines. By the 1830s, abolitionists had formed The American Anti-Slavery Society, which thereby created an effective platform for what came to be known as the Underground Railroad. Bordewich’s extensive research shows us how truly extraordinary and complex this movement was. However, the most important contribution of Bound for Canaan is that it more fully explores the lives, motivations, and histories of those lesser-known, everyday citizens who forged this resistance. The book also speaks of the most well-known figures in this history; you’ll find well fleshed-out descriptions of Fredrick Douglass, Uncle Tom’s Cabin author Harriet Beecher Stowe, and, of course, Tubman herself. Bound for Canaan is a vital contribution to American history, and is written in a style that is accessible and enjoyable to the general reader. It provides essential background for the Civil War buff, and will be of interest to anyone seeking to broaden his or her understanding of this remarkable movement in our nation’s past. —Mary Britton


Maria Housden Harmony Books, 2005, $23.


he subtitle of Maria Housden’s new memoir is “The True Story of a Woman Who Dared to Become a Different Sort of Mother.” I admit that subtitle put me off. Like most people, I’m partial to the idea that under the definition of motherhood, Webster’s ought to include a cross-reference that says, “See also ‘Sainthood.’” The only “different kind of mother” I could envision wore horns and hightailed it to Tahiti like a female Paul Gauguin. It turns out that the mother in Unraveled is far more like a decent pioneer woman in a poke bonnet who strikes out for the unknown territory of the West, a simile that crops up throughout her story. It also turns out that thousands of readers have met this particular mother before, in Hannah’s Gift: Lessons From a Life Fully Lived (2003), a best-selling book excerpted in O magazine about the death of Housden’s daughter, age three, from cancer. Unraveled revisits Hannah’s death, but this time in the context of Housden’s own metamorphosis, from a house-proud wife and stay-at-home mom to a divorcee who cedes her husband primary custody of their three living children, all under the age of 10. Like most transformations, this one’s painful. At first she tries to fight it. OK, so her husband decides to remove his wedding ring, saying he’ll put it back on when she starts acting like someone he wants to be married to. And so what if other mothers routinely knock her mothering skills, scolding her for permitting the occasional Oreo and daydreaming of time to herself. Housden still figures she has compensation enough: She delights in her children and relishes motherhood. Keeping watch over her sleeping daughter, Housden writes of a silence that is the “secret source of every mother’s strength, a place where the quietest work of the universe happens, while the rest of the world sleeps.” But when the arguments with her husband get louder and louder, and she finds herself shrieking at the children once too often, Housden longs for silence in her daytime life. So her sister gives her a gift: a retreat at a Mennonite farm where guests are encouraged not to speak to each other. Three things happen. Housden begins to listen to herself and banish the critical voices of her husband and those nasty mothers. She begins to write about Hannah. And she falls in love with a stranger. Reading Housden’s descriptions of what happened to her on that quiet country retreat is like reading a good self-help book, part Thich Nhat Hanh, part Chicken Soup for the Soul, part The Artist Within, the kind of book that makes you feel calm and hopeful. What happens afterward is a bit harder to take. The principals in this story, especially Housden’s children (who accept the divorce and custody arrangement with unusual understanding), sound a little too Yoda-like for comfort. An evil part of me longed for a glimpse of ugly behavior, just a little teeth gnashing or dish throwing to keep things real. (The only unenlightened figure is Housden’s husband, who retreats into a silence of his own.) In fact, Housden’s spiritual bonding with her retreat man—whom she eventually marries—sounds somewhat creepy, especially when you read between the lines of the epilogue. Housden’s own silences can be disquieting. Still, Maria Housden carefully places quotation marks around her story to remind us that hers is only one version of these events. The former Woodstock resident also suggests, gently and persistently, that there might be more than one version of a good mother, and that any definition of motherhood is bound to keep shifting and evolving, no matter how much we might like to capture it safely in a dictionary for all time. —Jane Smith 6/05

Chronogram 83



n eclectic sampling of upcoming literary events.

CURATED BY PHILLIP LEVINE. Send your events listings to

SUNDAY, 6/5, 2PM EDWARD SCHWARZSCHILD Reading and signing with author of Responsible Men (Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill). Merritt Bookstore, Vol. III, 66 Main Street, Cold Spring, (845) 265-9100. Also: 6/11, 2pm Merritt Bookstore, Vol. II, 7496 South Broadway, Red Hook, 758-2665. 6/18, 4pm, Merritt Bookstore, 57 Front Street, Millbrook, 677-5857. Free.

TUESDAY, 6/7, 6PM BETSY BURTON Reading and signing with author and bookselling diva Betsy Burton, The King’s English: Adventures of an Independent Bookseller (Gibbs Smith Publishers). Ariel Bookstore, 3 Plattekill Avenue, New Paltz, (845) 255-8041. Free.

WEDNESDAY, 6/8, 7PM MALENA MORLING & MICHAEL BURKARD Poetry reading with poets Malena Morling (Ocean Avenue) and Michael Burkard (Entire Dilemma, Unsleeping, Pennsylvania Collection Agency). Julia L. Butterfield Memorial Library, 10 Morris Avenue, Cold Spring, (845) 265-3040. Free.

SATURDAY, 6/11, 2PM ROBERTA GOULD & JANINE POMMY VEGA Roberta Gould & Janine Pommy Vega read at the Woodstock Poetry Society; followed by open mike. Woodstock Town Hall, 76 Tinker Street. Hosted by Phillip Levine. Free.

SATURDAY, 6/11, 7PM JULIE MARS Reading and signing of A Month Of Sundays: Searching for the Spirit and My Sister (Greycore Press). Ariel Bookstore, New Paltz, (845) 255-8041. Free.

SATURDAY, 6/18, 2-5PM PAUL MULDOON Reading and discussion with the Pulitzer prize-winning poet (Moy Sand and Gravel, 2003). Part of the “For the Natural Poet Series” curated by Faith Lieberman. Catskill Mountain Foundation Theater, Rt. 23A, Hunter, (518) 263-4908. $7.

6/10-19 READINGS OF NEW PLAYS Byrdcliffe Theatre Group presents readings of new plays. Byrdcliffe Theatre, Woodstock. Fri., Sat.: 7:30pm; Sun.: 2pm. Suggested donation: $10 Fridays, Saturdays; $5 on Sundays.

TUESDAY, 6/21, 7:30PM ELISABETH MILLER & DONALD E. LEVY Poetry reading and open mike. Cross Street Atelier/Gallery, Saugerties, (845) 331-6713. Hosted by Teresa Costa. $3 suggested.

SATURDAY, 6/25, 7PM ALICIA ERIAN Book reading and signing with the author of Towelhead (Simon & Shuster). Ariel Bookstore, New Paltz, (845) 255-8041. Free.


Zen Shorts

written and illustrated by Jon J Muth Scholastic Press, March 2005, $16.95


hat’s the best way to treat people? How do you deal with angry feelings? Is there really such a thing as luck? Every human has faced these questions, and if you have children, you’ll encounter infinite variations as you try to guide them along their own twisty life paths. Our grandparents used books like the Bible, Koran, and Talmud to teach lessons of wisdom, morality, and kindness. But in a world where an increasing number of us are checking the “spiritual, but not religious” box, new alternatives are needed. Dogma-lite need not apply; anything preachy or ponderous won’t work with the sound-byte generation. It was in search of such books for my eight-year-old daughter that I discovered The Three Questions, a retelling of a Leo Tolstoy short story by Jon J Muth, a Kingston-based children’s book writer and illustrator with a talent for breaking big concepts into cogent, digestible pieces. Zen Shorts, Muth’s latest picture book, consists of three stories within stories that are spun by Stillwater, an enormous panda who arrives in the suburban neighborhood where Addy, Michael, and Karl live. Each of the siblings pays the bear a visit, and Stillwater tells her or him a koan-like tale that links with whatever they’ve brought along with them: a wagonload of anger, a gift of cake, a question about good and bad. To Addy, he recounts the story of a poor uncle (a polar bear, of course) who, upon finding a burglar in his home, gifts him with his only robe, and wishes he had more to offer. To Michael, he tells the well-known story (reputedly several thousand years old) of the farmer for whom the loss of a horse helps show the village the meaning of good and bad luck. To Karl, he speaks of a young monk who couldn’t stop being angry with an imperious woman an old monk had lifted over a puddle. “I set her down hours ago,” the old monk finally says. “Why are you still carrying her?” Each tale is an ageless gem, transmitted here with deft, gentle grace. The use of two very different illustrative styles helps separate the main story from the ministories nested within. Softly glowing watercolor is employed for most of the book—Muth uses a cool, washy palette with centering touches of yellow and gong-like spots of red; the panda’s narratives are illustrated in spare black ink. Muth has studied brush technique in Japan and Asian-inspired visuals abound throughout the entire work. One part of the book’s construction seemed flawed to me: the unremarked-upon arrival of that giant talking panda in an otherwise “normal” human world. Stillwater (whose name, says Muth in his author’s note, is derived from the idea that you can’t see the moon’s reflection in water unless the water is calm) is a storytelling device, plain and simple, but my grownup mind wanted his appearance to be more logically finessed. My daughter wasn’t bothered. She did, however, have a quibble of her own: “Where are their parents?” I knew the answer to that one: They were probably out hunting for spiritually generous books the children would actually enjoy. Muth had a previous career as a comic-book illustrator, and has said that he turned to creating picture books when his children were born. The drive to nurture a young child’s soul is as compelling as the one to stare at the moon. Zen Shorts helps this urge amply, and if we parents are lucky, Muth will continue to turn out books that make this job just a little bit easier. —Susan Krawitz

SPOKEN WORD OPEN MIKE 6/6 Peter Chelnik, Roberta Gould; 6/13 Celia Bland, Karen Chase, Joan Handler; 6/20 Dan Wilcox, Stephen Dodge; 6/27 Rob (R.M.) Engelhardt, Joann Deiudicibus; Colony Cafe, 22 Rock City Road, Woodstock (845) 679-5342; $3.

84 Chronogram


CHRONOGRAM BEST-SELLER LIST AVAILABLE AT WWW.CHRONOGRAM.COM The Book Sense best-seller list is updated weekly and compiled from sales data from 450 independent bookstores throughout the US. Book Sense is a marketing initiative of the nonprofit American Booksellers Association, an organization through which independently owned bookstores support free speech, literacy, and programs that encourage reading.


Chronogram 85

MON - SAT 11:30 - 7:30,

86 Chronogram


The Green Piano

Janine Pommy Vega Black Sparrow Books, 2005, $18.95


eat culture of the 1950s and ‘60s included writers often overlooked by today’s readers, even those who actually finish On the Road. But lately the movement’s canon is “Recapturing the Skipped Beats” (as a landmark Chronicle of Higher Education article proclaimed in 1999), typically people of color and women. A celebrity for the cause and among those identified as comprising “the first full generation of female Beat writers,” Janine Pommy Vega has released her 20th book, The Green Piano. Bestowing beatitude upon figures occluded on the margins of American counterculture, particularly those locked within the prison system, this powerful volume of verse is destined to secure Pommy Vega’s place in the galaxy of American poets. Vega, who currently resides in the hamlet of Willow (a notable setting in The Green Piano), first united with other Beat personalities in New York City when she was 16. Settling for a time in San Francisco, where City Lights Press published her first book, Poems to Fernando (1968), and later living abroad for extended periods, she also has traveled extensively in Europe, the Middle East, and South America. For nearly a decade, the artist/activist/educator has belonged to a writing group at the Eastern Correctional Facility in Napanoch; she currently teaches at two other prisons for the Bard Prison Initiative. This personal history informs the subject matter and tone of The Green Piano, its name and animus derived both from a musical vision the author experienced during an upstate New York meteor shower and an upright piano she painted (deep green with a zodiac motif) in Italy for an art collector. Awash in elemental symbols, such as water (moving and iced), forest floors, birds in flight and night sky, yet retaining the vernacular of an unblinking diarist who indicts US military aggression and social policies, the collection achieves political lyricism. Its “terrible beauty” (to quote anti-war Yeats) is tempered by Black Sparrow publisher David Godine’s knack for elegant book design and Saugerties artist Carol Zaloom’s vibrant cover illustration (a pea-green upright piano stationed under a streetlamp on a cobblestone city block as if echoing the fountain described “in the tiny square / like a giant child peeking out of a dollhouse” in Vega’s “Colosseum”). Repeated in identical stanzas that launch companion title poems, numbered I and II, the lines “someone has lifted the lid / and begun to play” sum up the author’s overall project, timely as well as timeless. Divided into four sections, the book opens with a suite of prison-themed poems. Many employ long-line, expansive compositional strategies, such as cataloguing and enumeration. For instance, statistics compiled in “The Age of Grasshoppers” document “320 billion for defense, 100 billion for a war / no one wants against a beautiful land / and its ancient people.” Elsewhere socioeconomic landscapes dissolve into quiet illuminations that reveal the monumental in the momentary, suggestive of “miniatures” penned by French surrealist Jean Follain (“Today love has settled in like a toothache” reads the first line of Vega’s “Piazza della Bussola”). The volume’s final, title section meanwhile reads like a series of vacation or political-outpost postcards from Rome, Bologna, and Sarajevo. Elsewhere in The Green Piano the poet borrows from Pan-African oral traditions, including spirituals and slave chants, exemplified by “Habeas Corpus Blues” and “Mean Ol’ Badger Blues.” “Sometimes I just don’t want to hear another prison poem,” admits the narrator of “Thoughts in the Morning,” as if addressing the ubiquity in The Green Piano of those that grimly acknowledge the incarcerated among us. But Janine Pommy Vega makes clear we cannot afford to throw away the keys, calmly insisting in the epiphany that closes “Tray”: “I have something here to share with you / it has brought me to your door.” —Pauline Uchmanowicz

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Chronogram 87

whole living 

eat in our idst voices of vegetarians, messages from meat-eaters a friend and i realized the other day that several of our vegetarian friends are now eating meat—some occasionally, others voraciously— and we suddenly felt very alone.


hould we be eating animal flesh? It’s a huge, vast topic to which books, organizations, videos, websites, careers, and life purposes have been devoted. The diversity of opinions expressed among them is as wide as it could be, from “lots of meat or dairy every day” to “avoid animal products whenever possible.” Of course, there are some half-baked ideas out there, but even among the well-researched works and well-credentialed experts the recommendations are widely diverse. Some vegetarians jumped ship for the “eat right for your type” concept promoted by Peter D’Adamo, ND, which says people with type O blood must consume animal products for good health, though denouncements of it point out that it has all the traits of the latest fad and no good science behind it. Still, some vegetarians say they feel great when they add back meat and dairy. (Consult Eat Right 4 Your Type or for more explanation; opposing views by Michael Klaper, MD, at or in John Robbins’s The Food Revolution.) Some in the vegetarian camp are rethinking a protein staple, soy, given evidence it could be harmful unless fermented (though its safety is also being defended). Fermented foods figure strongly in the recommendations of Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig. Part cookbook and part erudition of why grass-fed meat and whole-fat dairy foods are essential to good health, Nourishing Traditions is based on the works of Weston Price, DDS. Price found those foods abundant in traditional societies with superb health around the world. His recommendation of whole grains and unprocessed, fresh foods speaks

   88 Chronogram


to vegetarians, too ( Still, going without consuming animal products, or doing so only rarely, is alive and well as a dietary choice. Research-and-documentation rich works like The Food Revolution and Diet for a New America by John Robbins (and at and others, as well as ethical, spiritual, and ecological considerations, continue to argue for a vegan or vegetarian choice. Locally it is manifest in restaurants, organizations, websites, events, and residents. So, should we be eating animal products? This article doesn’t propose to answer that thorny question. Instead of point-counterpointing through that discussion, recounted here are snippets of real-life “dietary journeys” from area residents who shared their stories with me. I thank all of them and apologize for the brevity herein of their much richer stories. Apologies, too, to all you readers with equally interesting tales.

Meat and potatoes Like many of us, Kirk Weiler of Red Hook was brought up on meat and potatoes. But he became a vegetarian at college. “My freshman year, many of my friends were experimenting with vegetarianism. So, I did it as well. My sophomore year, someone had me read Diet for a New America. It was very instrumental in my decision to become vegan for two years.” But he says he “wasn’t eating all that healthfully—lots of potatoes and ramen noodles.” And while he believes it is possible to eat well as a vegan, he had little free time to be creative with it and a limited budget. He added a little dairy, then, as a graduate student, “started learning more about the role of animals and, more importantly, animal /

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nutrients in sustainable agriculture. I started to realize that eating locally produced beef was probably healthier for the environment than eating bananas produced in South America.” Eventually, he says, “seafood was my downfall. That led to eating more types of meat—locally produced, mind you.” He adds, “I could see becoming a vegetarian again” at some point. Meat was central to Jerry Cook’s childhood, too. “A typical day would include animal products for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with a dairy product for late night snacks.” Cook is a health counselor, nutritional therapist, and cohost of the Meat Free Zone website with its founder and creator, Andy Glick of Woodstock ( Cook now attributes recurrent physical problems he had to the animal products. “They were making me feel sluggish, bloated, constipated, and I had abdominal pain, and still felt nutritionally unfulfilled.” At age 45, his declining health coincided with meeting “several diet gurus who seemed to appear just as I needed them. As I learned about the harmful effects of flesh eating, I quickly changed to a vegetarian diet, and a few months later I removed dairy and eggs from my plate. I felt more energy than I had in years. Living a vegan lifestyle has been one of the best decisions I have made for myself.” Cook’s choice also reflects a deepened respect for animals. “I would never consider going back to eating a sentient being.” Judi Gelardi of Milan has been vegetarian, sometimes vegan, nearly all of her life (she’s a grandmother). “As a young child I just could not eat meat. Chicken was the first thing that disturbed me because it looked like part of your body—a wing looked like an elbow. My parents never forced me to eat it, and being Italian, we had a lot of pasta and a good selection of vegetables. It wasn’t like I didn’t have foods to eat.” She does understand, though, that people might feel they are giving something up to go without meat. Today, she keeps a vegan household because of “the cruelty involved in eggs and dairy” as well as in factory farming to produce meat. “I can’t imagine eating flesh from an animal that suffered so much.” Her 14-year-old son agrees and has always been vegan (except for a rare slice of pizza when among peers). She hasn’t any nutritional worries about him. “He takes a daily regular multiple vitamin, that’s it. He’s a very healthy kid.”

You, the expert As popular advice about dietary choices sway back and forth like seaweed in the current, proclaiming one thing, retracting another,

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what are we to do? Just go with our gut? Well, yes, and our whole body’s wisdom. “Each individual has to figure out for themselves what kind of foods work the best,” counsels Marie Lumholtz of Olivebridge, trained as a live food chef and food counselor. Her dietary choices progressed from “not being conscious about what I was eating” years ago to vegetarian, then vegan, then to only raw/ living foods, to now: “I don’t really believe that one way of eating is better than another. It’s better that you hone in on listening to your own body. When I got pregnant, I had to totally revisit how I ate. I was primarily eating vegetarian, but started craving meat to an extent I couldn’t believe. Rather than fighting it with my mind, I went with it, eating a lot of things I hadn’t for years.” Lumholz, who now does a short meditation to perceive what she needs at a meal, acknowledges that’s unusual. “We’re not taught to listen to what our own bodies need,” she says. Instead, “we look elsewhere—the low carb diet, the high protein diet, finding comfort in foods we grew up with. This country is a big meat-eating country—no wonder Dr. Atkins is so popular. He gives us permission to eat the foods we did as children.” As for other popular diets, “They might be tuned to your body’s needs at some times, but not others. I don’t think any of them holds the truth, really, for everybody.” Barbara Banfield opened her popular restaurant, In the Raw, in Woodstock about a year ago to serve vegan organic foods—nearly all raw (cooked below 110-115 degrees). Once a meat-eater, Banfield as a child “ate more meat than anybody in my family—and raw meat back then, too.” But about 25 years ago she learned how veal calves and other meat animals are treated. “I couldn’t eat meat anymore after that,” She didn’t miss it at all. But during an exhausting phase in life—finishing graduate school, working, doing an internship, trying to get pregnant, then going through a divorce—she consulted a naturopath, who encouraged her to eat meat, because Banfield had type O blood. Reluctantly, she did so. “I gave a lot of thanks to the animals [that she ate] to regain my health. But after a few months it just didn’t feel right ethically.” She had seen cattle farms in the Midwest during a drive across the country. “It was horrific to see the cows all piled in together in the heat—it was the first time I had seen it in person, and there is no way I could eat meat again.” Now she is nearly vegan (she enjoys goat’s milk cheese on occasion) and chooses raw foods because “live foods have intact enzymes that

aid our own digestion” and she “feels clearer and lighter, not just physically but mentally and spiritually.”

More on raw Some vegetarians don’t envision going back to meat unless their lives depend on it. “When I was 34, after 15 years of being vegetarian, I was dying of spine, liver, and uterine cancer,” recounts a friend, Pamela. “I refused medical treatment because I was just so bad [she weighed 62 pounds]. Then I met a man who cured himself of cancer by eating everything raw, including fresh raw meat and fish.” Pamela was willing to give it a try. “During the first year I ate pretty much only fresh ground beef and oranges.” That’s all her body could handle. Gradually she could eat more. “I ate three pounds of raw meat a day for six years. In seven years I was completely well.” She’s in excellent health now, 17 years later. “I eat a lot of protein, fresh salads, fruits, lightly steamed vegetables, my own fresh farmer’s cheese from goats’ milk. But I have made a very important effort not to be rigid about what I do. That wasn’t my point.” Pamela’s earlier choice to be vegetarian was an ethical one, but she recalls “I craved meat all my life, three times a day, even as a child. To be vegetarian, I forced my body to do differently.” Pamela has come to accept that she is a carnivore by nature and still eats her meat raw most of the time—about half a pound a day. “Most of the time I buy it at Whole Foods or local organic meat,” she says, “but I’ve eaten raw meat all over this country from many different sources [including ordinary supermarkets], and I’ve never had any problem”—except she eats only organic poultry and eggs.

Compassion calling Roberta Schiff, President of the Mid-Hudson Vegetarian Society ( mhvs), invites people to join them and experience a vegan meal. “You don’t have to be a vegetarian to belong, just eat like us when we eat together.” She has been vegetarian for 12 years, vegan the last five. “I’m type B [blood group], one of the ones who is supposed to eat meat, but I would never go back. I feel so much better.” She originally went vegetarian as she “learned that many of the chronic diseases of developed countries—cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity—are more prevalent among meat eaters. As I learned more, I discovered that the way animals are factory farmed today is done with a lot of cruelty, in overcrowded conditions, using an unnatural diet, and the slaughterhouses are horrific. I made the choice

not just for me but for animals.” Debra and Peter Maisel opened Luna 61, a vegetarian restaurant with many vegan foods, over nine years ago in Red Hook. “We felt animals did not have to suffer for our simple enjoyments,” says Debra. “You can make complete proteins with rice and beans. Tempeh, seitan, and tofu are excellent choices for any high protein meal. Luna 61 has endured the Atkins craze, eat for your blood type, and all the other high protein fads.” She knows people diagnosed with illnesses such as cancer who are told to eat a plant-based organic diet, free of the hormones in meat. “There is life after meat,” Debra adds. For Andy Glick, founder of the Woodstock Animal Rights Movement and creator of Meat Free Zone, studies of Eastern religions and cultures during college sparked his interest in veganism. “I tried it on and off over the years but didn’t get really serious about it until around 1989. From that point on I became a strict vegan for ethical reasons. Over 10 billion animals a year are slaughtered for food in the US alone (not including marine life) and even those on organic ‘free range’ farms may live a slightly better short life but end up at the same gruesome slaughterhouses. I have never looked back or wavered,” he says about his vegan choice. “Also, for the past 16 years I’ve followed closely all the medical and nutritional aspects to a plant-based diet...and I’m fully convinved that a 100 percent plantbased diet is by far the healthiest.” Glick now is a certified Health Counselor specializing in Vegan Lifestyle Coaching. Allow me this final comment: Consumers of meat and eggs from most sources—factory farmed cows, pigs, and chickens—are party to a massive system of animal abuse. Sounds harsh, but there is just no way around that reality. Many pro-meat advocates point this out, too. The evidence is available in books (e.g., Mad Cowboy; Slaughterhouse; Prisoned Chickens, Poisoned Eggs), on video (Meet your Meat; Peaceable Kingdom), and online (;—this last is a clever cartoon). Vegan Outreach, an organization devoted to reducing animal suffering, seeks to reduce that by promoting veganism. But meat consumers could become the strongest advocates for humane treatment of food animals. If they knew how their meals grew up and made it to the table, perhaps their outrage would derail the system, demand its remodeling in a more compassionate incarnation, and make the flesh of the day easier to swallow. 6/05

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hen Arzi McKeown moved to the Hudson Valley from Maryland two years ago, she had been envisioning for years a center to help deepen selfawareness through the creative and expressive arts. That vision is now reality at the Center for an Examined Life, in West Hurley, which opened in April. A group of workshop leaders has joined McKeown in putting together a diverse program using movement, art, music, poetry, writing, psychodrama, dreamwork, and meditation, both to heal and to enrich personal and spiritual discovery. The focus on creative arts comes from McKeown’s 25plus years of experience as a therapist in hospitals, outpatient mental health clinics, and in private practice. “The creative arts touch people in different ways,” she explains, “bringing the subconscious and unconscious to conscious awareness by engaging our senses, our hearts, minds, and souls. People learn and become aware from the inside out. Issues aren’t covered up by extraneous words.” McKeown finds dance an especially powerful tool and has used it therapeutically for years. “We have each acquired specific movements—we develop ways to hold our bodies or specific mannerisms in response to life situations or experiences. Some of those are associated with emotional shutdown or a closing off that hinders our growth and wellness. If you change the way you move or experience your body, you can change perception and behavior.” That opens the door for healing and for living a vibrant emotional and spiritual life. McKeown relates her own experience in a dance therapy workshop when she was training. “At the time, my mother was dying, and I was not in a good place with her. I’d been talking about it [in therapeutic settings] for years, and all that had come up was anger. This gave me a whole different perspective.” In her movements she was imagining the color ecru and a rich brocade fabric, which suddenly helped her perceive a richness in her mother that she hadn’t let in before. “I started to see her in a different light, and really understood the pain in her life.” In addition to dance, McKeown incorporates guided imagery, dreamwork, poetry, music, and songs in her workshops. She currently is offering “Legacy Writing: A Gift Honoring Your Life and Times,” “Coming of Age: Approaching the Second Half of Life with Creativity and Awareness,” and “Healing the Wounds of Relationship.” Linda Zelizer leads Authentic Movement workshops at the center. “The form is profoundly simple, yet powerful,” she explains. “It’s all about going within. You close your eyes

and wait for an impulse to move. There’s no music, no one talking—it’s like a body mediation. Entering deeply into our own physical sensations is the key to unlocking the physical, emotional, and spiritual richness of life. Some people get images, some hear dialogue, for some it’s very physical.” In her first experience with it, Zelizer says “I had this impulse to roll on the floor. When I came to a wall, I wanted more room.” In grappling with the frustration of that, she had a flash of insight that, possibly because she is a twin, she has always wanted more space and fought against the restriction. Over years of practicing Authentic Movement, she has both literally and metaphorically come to acknowledge “walls” without distressing over them. “I now enjoy the space I have instead of recognizing the space I don’t have.” Zelizer also facilitates workshops in journal writing on a range of themes, often codetermined by the participants. One of her favorite tools is “stepping stones,” a process of listing 10 key events in one’s life and then writing about their influence on one’s spiritual journey. Group discussion about each person’s journaling deepens awareness and insight. “People can have very powerful opening experiences,” she has witnessed. Several workshops at the Center for an Examined Life use psychodrama methodologies. Micky Shorr, with over 30 years experience as a clinical social worker and more than a thousand hours training in psychodrama, uses the technique in her workshops on personal development for women, support for parents and caregivers, and an interchange among helping professionals. “Psychodrama is guided dramatic action in a safe and affirming setting,” Shorr explains. “You are not acting. You are just being, cocreating what arises. As the director, I make suggestions, but the protagonists decide where it’s going to go.” Psychodrama is predicated on the unique contribution of group interplay to self-discovery and awareness. “I’ve been a therapist for a very long time but nothing has been as powerful as what happens in a group,” Shorr says. “When we are fully present and authentic and spontaneous, we become creative and find new solutions and connections. It’s very optimistic, very spiritual.” Another contributor to the center is Frayda Kafka, who has been a healing professional in the Hudson Valley region since moving to Woodstock in 1972. Among her many credentials, Kafka was a cofounder in the 1960s of Group Laboratories, a New York organization specializing in Depth Encounter, a form of group therapy for personal growth. She is

also an expert in therapeutic hypnosis and is founder and director of LifeWorks, a dating and singles support service with 20 years of successful matchmaking in our region. Kafka describes hypnosis as a form of highly focused attention—an induced state of mind that enables people to alter the way they perceive and process reality. “Once you realize that you are awake, aware, and in control, you will find the experience quite enjoyable.” She often uses color as a tool in the process. “When I first began my conscious spiritual path I received the gift of becoming a color healer. Violet is a visual tool I use to open the crown chakra. If you begin a journey with this color, you can find blockages.” She then helps clients identify those blockages and resolve them. Kafka’s regular offerings at the Center for an Examined Life are “Finding Love: A One Day Workshop to Propel You Toward Love,” and “Stop Smoking in One Session with Group Hypnosis.” On June 11, the center will host a free mini-version of the Finding Love workshop, followed by a social mixer so people can get to know each other. It’s impossible to do justice here to the center’s full schedule of workshops and each of the leaders. Below is a selection of what’s coming up over the next few months; call or check the website to find out more. • “Finding Angels’ Eve: Finding the Sweetness of the End Time” (Garnette Arledge) • “Dreams, Divination and Imagination: Exercising our Right Brain” (Sarvananda Bluestone) • “Sounds for Healing: Rhythm and Vibration for Awareness and Growth” (Peter Blum) • “Opening our Dreams” (Ellen Foreman) • “Sacred Art: Yantra Painting of the Divine Mother” (Mavis Gewant) • “Motherhood, a Sacred Journey” (Mavis Gewant) • “Writing for the Soul” (Susan Krauss) • “A Playgroup for Women with Difficult Bodies” (Jana Smith) • “Answering the Call to the Creative Force” (Jeddah Vailakis, Lynn Keller) Evening talks, meditation circles, cinema circles, after-work meditation, yoga, and other activities will also be offered. In planning stages are two weekend retreats for women at the beautiful Linwood Spiritual Center in Rhinebeck: “Re-Visioning a Life: Living Single, Living Whole” and “Coming of Age: Approaching the Second Half of Life with Creativity and Awareness.” The Center for an Examined Life is located in the Kingswood Park complex, 33 Basin Road in West Hurley. (845) 331-3390; 6/05

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reast cancer is the leading cause of death in American women over the age of 40, and over 182,000 women are diagnosed each year. Twenty-five percent of these women will die. Until the early 1980s, the only procedure available for detecting tumors, aside from self-examination, was the mammogram. Most women know of the discomforts and humiliation associated with this procedure—the breasts are squashed between cold glass plates—and they’re often reluctant to have it done. There’s an old joke circulating which is supposed to help women prepare for their first mammogram with easy, at-home exercises—one being to lie on a cold garage floor and wedge a breast under the rear tire of your car, having a friend back over it until it’s sufficiently flattened and chilled. Those who’ve had a mammogram will agree that this is precisely what it feels like, but the actual procedure is really no joke at all. In 1982, the FDA approved a new breast cancer detection procedure called thermography, which is non-invasive and considered mainstream in Europe and Canada. A local expert in thermography, Susan Willson, a certified nurse/midwife in Stone Ridge, is eager to spread the word about this technique, but she stresses that thermography is not necessarily better than mammography, as each has their place in the world of medicine. “I feel it’s important not to polarize the issue and make it an either/or thing,” she says. “That’s what causes so much resistance in the medical community, when you say ‘Do this instead,’ or ‘This is better than that because.’ People turn off in some ways, particularly when you’re talking about breast cancer. It’s the most litigated issue in women’s health, and people are very sensitive about it. These are two different technologies, and each has their strengths and limitations.” In thermography, the patient is dressed in a paper gown so her body can start to acclimate to the temperature of the room, and she will fill out a questionnaire with certain risk factors. A special infrared camera will take a set of five different images that cover all areas of the breast; the body is not touched at any time. This camera is incredibly sensitive to changes in temperature differentiation and reads these patterns (any pathology would change the temperature of the skin). The images, along with the questionnaire, are sent to physicians who are specially trained to interpret thermographic scans. They will interpret the images, compare them to any previous ones, and send back a report. The patient is given two copies of the report with the images, so she can keep one and share one with a care provider if desired. It’s recommended that the patient have two thermograms three


months apart to establish a baseline, so the physician can make sure the first set of images shows a stable pattern for the individual. She should then have one thermogram every year. Though not at all anti-mammogram, Willson has definite opinions on how we view medicine. “When dealing with health care, we want to be positive,” she says. “Our mindset has a lot to do with how healthy we are and how we heal. There are a lot of appropriate reasons to have a mammogram, I just don’t think screening is the best use of this procedure. The mammogram is limited to what can be squeezed between the plates, so there are some areas that are not going to show up as well. For instance, a mammogram would be very limited for a woman with implants, because mammography can’t see well through them. Thermography is a test of physiology, not a test of anatomy the way a mammogram is, so it doesn’t matter if there are implants there, the information is still available. A mammogram sees by looking at the density of tumor tissue, as opposed to the surrounding tissue. So, women with dense breasts—those with implants, fibercystic breasts, or young women—don’t screen as well on mammography, tumors don’t stand out.” Willson points out that health care providers receive mammogram reports all the time saying the study is limited due to the density of the patient’s breast. She also says there are other limitations to

the mammogram. “A large percentage of tumors are located in the upper and outer quadrants of the breast. These are often missed by the mammogram, because it can only see what can be squeezed between the plates. The upper, outer quadrant of the breast up around the armpits can’t be seen.” The medical establishment claims radiation exposure from mammography is slight and carries very little risk. But Willson says this isn’t necessarily the case. “Mammograms use very low dose x-rays, but we’re finding out that the low dose can carry five times the risk we originally thought it did. It’s difficult for the body to repair the DNA damage that comes from these x-rays. And prior to menopause women’s breast tissue is much more vulnerable to damage from x-ray, so we don’t want to be screening really young women with mammograms.” One plus side of thermography is that it picks up on something many years before it would show up on a mammogram. “Tumors have usually been growing eight to ten years before they’re big enough to show up on a mammogram,” says Willson, “so you’ve lost all that time when you could be intervening. When you have abnormal cells that are wanting to grow into a tumor, they have to grow a blood supply to themselves in order to do that. Thermography would detect this abnormal blood supply and physiology earlier, so you have an opportunity to institute lifestyle changes, antioxidant therapies, or other protocols that have a good chance of

actually reversing these abnormal changes before a tumor is well established. We also now know that chronic inflammation is at the root of many diseases that kill us—cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s—and thermography also picks that up. So, thermography offers the opportunity for prevention in terms of breast cancer. And even if a tumor is well enough established that you can’t reverse the process, you can have it localized so you can use other diagnostic therapies, like the mammogram, ultrasound or MRI, to further localize it and have a biopsy earlier on when you have more options open to you. Mammograms aren’t always accurate for screening; they work better as diagnostic tools.” The question of whether or not to have a mammogram is an individual decision, one that should be made with a care provider that is familiar with a patient’s history in both technologies. But women have been looking for an alternative for a long time, and Willson treats patients from fairly far away—New York City, Albany, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, even Canada. Certified by the American College of Clinical Thermography at Duke University Medical Center, Willson has been offering thermography screening at her local practice for nearly two years. For more information on how thermography may be right for you, contact Willson by calling (845) 687-4807 or e-mail matrixconsulting@ver For general information on preventing breast cancer, visit


Chronogram 95

Whole Living Guide ACUPUNCTURE Dylana Accolla, LAc

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96 Chronogram


Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, and Pure Sound to treat many conditions. Sound Acupuncture is a needleless technique using specially designed tuning forks, not needles. Provides certified Acupuncture Detoxification, effective for smoking cessation, certified in Constitutional Facial Acupuncture Renewal® or facial rejuvenation (needleless option available). Main Office: 515 Haight Ave., Poughkeepsie, NY 12603. (845) 473-7593. Patients with Physical Therapy concerns are seen at Phyllis Moriarty & Associates, 301 Manchester Rd (Rte 55) Ste101,Poughkeepsie,NY12603. www.phyllismoriartyassociates. com. (845) 454-4137. Hoon J. Park, MD, PC

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Offering luxurious massage therapy, including Raindrop Technique, with therapeutic essential oils to relieve stress, boost the immune system, and address system imbalances. Natural animal care, individual consultations for a healthy home and personal concerns, spa consultant, classes, and keynotes. Essential Oils, nutritional supplements, personal care, pet care, children’s and home cleaning products from Young Living Essential Oils. For more information contact Joan Apter, CMT. (845) 679-0512. www.joan ART THERAPY Deep Clay with Michelle Rhodes, ATR-BC, LMSW

See Psychotherapy. ASTROLOGICAL CONSULTING Eric Francis: Astrological

Consultations by Phone. Special discount on follow-ups for previous clients from the Hudson Valley. (206) 854-3931. Lots to explore on the Web at BODY & SKIN CARE Absolute Laser , LLC

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Blissful Beauty by Brenda

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ing. Rosen Method uses touch and words to contact the physical tension that limits our full experience of life. As the body relaxes or releases this muscular tension, awareness of the underlying purpose of this tension can become conscious. Rosen Method provides the safety to hear from within what is true for us and to trust that truth. Transformation then becomes possible. Julie Zweig, MA. (845) 255-3566. BODYWORK bodhi studio

Through bodywork one can connect with the body's own inherent wisdom and self healing abilities. With skill, intuition, and care, we offer therapeutic massage, bodhiwork, Reiki, warm stone massage, aromatherapy, earconing, and a full range of ayurvedic treatments including Shirodara, Abyanga, and Swedna. Melinda Pizzano, LMT and Helen Andersson, D.Ay. Call for an appointment. (518) 828-2233. CHI GONG/TAI CHI CHUAN Second Generation Yang

Spiritual alchemy practices of ancient Taoist sorcerers yielded these two treasures of internal arts. Chi Gong prepared the body to withstand rigorous training and overcome the battle with time. Tai Chi Chuan became the expression of the energy in movement and self-defense. These practices have brought health, vitality, and youthfulness to myself and my students. The only requirement is determined practice of the principles and the will to persevere. Call Hawks, (845) 687-8721. CHILDBIRTH Catskill Mountain Midwifery


See Midwifery.

Body of Wisdom Counseling & Healing Services. By integrating traditional and alternative therapy/ healing approaches, including Body-Centered Psychotherapy, IMAGO Couples’ Counseling, and Kabbalistic Healing, I aim to offer tools for self healing, to assist individuals and couples to open blocks to their softer heart energy, thereby increasing their capacity to cope, create in the world, and love. Offices in Poughkeepsie and New Paltz. (845) 485-5933.

Nori Connell, RN, DC

Rosen Method Bodywork

The physical body is the gateway to our emotional and spiritual be-

Nori combines 28 years as a registered nurse with 18 years of chiropractic experience to offer patients a knowledgeable approach to removing the interferences in the body that lead to disease. She combines accredited techniques such as Neuro-Emotional technique, kinesiology, and Network Chiropractic to work with the body’s innate intelligence and its ability for healing. Dr. Connell also offers workshops on natural health care for the family and is also one of the directors of Alternatives Health Center of Tivoli. (845) 757-5555. Also at

Rhinebeck Cooperative Health Center. (845) 876-5556. Kary Broffman, RN, CH

See Hypnotherapy. Judy Joffee, CMN, MSN

See Midwifery. CHINESE HEALING ARTS Chinese Healing Arts Center

The Wu Tang Chuan Kung Association was founded by Doctor Tzu Kuo Shih and his family for the purpose of providing the American public with instruction in the ancient Chinese arts of Tai Chi Chuan, Chi Kung, and traditional Chinese Medicine. 264 Smith Avenue, Kingston. (845) 338-6045 or (203) 748-8107. CHIROPRACTIC Dr. David Ness

Dr. David Ness is a Certified Active Release Techniques ® (ART) Provider and Certified Chiropractic Sports Practitioner® specializing in helping athletes and active people quickly relieve their pain and heal their injuries. In addition to providing traditional chiropractic care, Dr. Ness utilizes ART® to remove scar tissue and adhesions in order to restore mobility, flexibility, and strength faster than standard treatments will allow. If you have an injury that has not responded to treatment, call Dr. Ness for an appointment today. (845) 255-1200. Dr. Bruce Schneider

New Paltz, New York 12561. (845) 255-4424. COLON HYDROTHERAPY Connie Schneider, Advanced Level I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist

Colon Hydrotherapy is a safe, gentle, cleansing process. Clean and private office. A healthy functioning colon can decrease internal toxicity and improve digestion; basics for a healthy body. New Paltz, NY. (845) 256-1516. See display ad. COUNSELING SERVICES Elizabeth Cunningham, MSC

Counselor, interfaith minister, and novelist, Elizabeth brings humor, compassion, and a deep understanding of story to a spirited counseling practice for individuals and couples. If you are facing loss, crisis in faith, creative block, conflict in 6/05

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relationship, Elizabeth invites you to become a detective and investigate your own unfolding mystery. 44 Schultzville Road, Staatsburg. (845) 266-4477. E-mail: CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Craniosacral Therapy

A gentle, hands-on method for enhancing the body’s own healing capabilities through the craniosacral rhythm. Craniosacral aids in the release of stress-related conditions such as anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, depression, digestive, menstrual, and other problems with organ function, breathing difficulties, and headaches. Increase energy, reduce pain, and improve immune system function. Effective for whiplash, TMJ, sciatica, fibromyalgia, scoliosis, arthritis, low back tension, and chronic pain. Also helpful for children with birth trauma, learning difficulties, chronic ear problems, and hyperactivity. Hudson Valley Therapeutic Massage, Michele Tomasicchio, LMT. (845) 255-4832. DENTISTRY The Center For Advanced Dentistry Bruce D. Kurek, DDS, FAGD Jaime O. Stauss, DMD

Setting the standards for excellence in dentistry for more than 25 years, the Center for Advanced Dentistry attracts clients from throughout the northeast and abroad. Their client-centered approach to providing comprehensive dental services for adults and children includes “old school” care and concern combined with the latest technologies. The office is conveniently located 1.5 miles east of the NYS Thruway, exit 18. 494 Route 299, Highland. www.thecenterforadvanced

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6/05 (845) 691-5600. Fax (845)691-8633. FENG SHUI Healing By Design

Feng Shui consultations, classes. Explore how Feng Shui can increase the flow of abundance, joy, and well-being in your life. Create your home or office to support your goals and dreams. Contact Betsy Stang at or (845) 679-6347 HEALING SCHOOLS One Light Healing Touch: Healer Training School

Join us for an empowering, life-changing, six-month, transformational training. This comprehensive program includes: Meditation, Visualization, Sound work, Breath work, Movement, Sacred Ceremony, Essential Grounding and Releasing Practices, and 33 Professional Healing Techniques. School starts September 23, 2005. Free special intro evening: Self-Healing with OLHT May 6, 7:00-9:00pm; Special Introductory Weekend: Access Your Healing Potential May 7-8 (NYSNA CEU’s available). Ron Lavin, MA, founder and director of the international OLHT schools, is a respected spiritual healer with 26 years of experience. He heads seven OLHT schools in Germany and one in Rhinebeck, NY. He has worked with the NIH in Distance Healing for eight years. Appointments and Distance Healing sessions are available in Rhinebeck, NY. Call (845) 876-0259 or e-mail www. HEALTH & HEALING FACILITIES Healing, Pathwork and Channeling by Flowing Spirit Guidance

It is our birthright to experience the abundance of the universe,

the deep love of God, and our own divinity! It is also our birthright to share our own unique gifts with the world. We long to do it. So why don’t we? Our imperfections get in the way. As we purify, we experience more and more fully, the love and the abundance of God’s universe. We can have it in any moment. We can learn to purify our imperfections AND experience heaven on earth. Jaffe Institute Spiritual Healing; Pathwork; and Channeling available. Contact Joel Walzer for sessions or for June 25 healing workshop. 845-679-8989. The Sanctuary: A Place for Healing

A quaint healing center in a quiet part of downtown New Paltz. Specializing in Craniosacral Therapy, Stress Point Release through Chiropractic, Swedish & Sports Massage, Shiatsu, and Energetic Reiki. New offerings include meditation and nutritional counseling. 5 Academy Street, New Paltz. Call for an appointment. (845) 255-3337. HEALTH FOOD Pleasant Stone Farm

130 Dolson Avenue, Middletown, NY. pleasantstonefarm@ (845) 343-4040. HEALTH PUBLICATIONS Hudson Valley Healthy Living

A comprehensive directory of Mid-Hudson health services, products, and practitioners, along with articles on health issues of interest. Published biannually (April/October) by Luminary Publishing, Inc., the creators of Chronogram, 50,000 copies are distributed in the region throughout the year. Contents are

also available on the Web at The upcoming Spring/ Summer 2005 issue will be available in March. See for advertising rates or call the HVHL sales team at (845) 334-8600. HERBS Monarda Herbal Apothecary

In honoring the diversity, uniqueness, and strength of nature for nourishment and healing, we offer organic and ecologically wildcrafted herbs using tradition as our guide. Certified Organic Alcohol Tinctures, Teas, Salves, Essential Oils, and more. Product Catalog $1. Workshops and Internships. (845) 688-2122. HOLISTIC CENTERS Annette’s Heart and Soul Holistic Center

Annette’s Heart and Soul is a non-profit, non-denominational ministry dedicated to helping you heal your heart and soul while enhancing your body. We have some of the most gifted spiritual counselors and body workers, who are fully trained in many areas. We offer fully accredited classes and much, much more. Twice a month we hold “Reunions,” getting in touch with those we have loved and lost. 500 Main Street, Beacon, NY 12508. (845) 440-0724. HOLISTIC HEALTH Priscilla A. Bright, MA, Energy Healer/Counselor

Specializing in women’s stress, emotional issues, and physical illness, including stress-related anxiety, depression, and physical burnout. Women in transition, businesswomen, mothers, all welcome. Experienced counselor.

Faculty, Barbara Brennan School of Healing. Convenient offices in Kingston & New Paltz. Initial phone consultation no charge. (845) 688-7175. John M. Carroll, Healer

John Carroll is an intuitive healer, teacher, and spiritual counselor, who integrates mental imagery with the Godgiven gift of his hands. John has helped individuals suffering from acute and chronic disorders, including back problems and cancer. Remote healings and telephone sessions. Call for consultation. Kingston. (845) 338-8420. Spirittus Holistic Resource Center

See Workshops. HYPNOSIS One-Session Hypnosis with Frayda Kafka

Building on my success with smoking cessation in 1978, I have continued to help clients with weight loss, pain, childbirth, stress, insomnia, habits, phobias, confidence, and almost any behavior you can think of… Known for my easy, light manner and quick results, I have an intuitive knack for saying just the right thing at the right time so that a major shift can be initiated. Phone hypnosis, gift certificates, and groups are available. Please call me at (845) 336-4646. Offices in Kingston and Pleasant Valley. info@ or

back pain); overcome fears and depression; relieve insomnia; improve study habits, public speaking, sports performance; heal through past-life journeys, other issues. Sliding scale. Certified Hypnotherapist and Counselor, two years training Therapeutic Hypnosis& Traditional Psychotherapeutic Techniques. (845)3892302. New Paltz, Kingston. See also Psychotherapy. Kary Broffman, RN, CH

A registered nurse with a BA in psychology since 1980, Kary is certified in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, Hypnobirthing, and Complementary Medical Hypnotherapy with the National Guild. She has also studied interactive imagery for nurses. By weaving her own healing journey and education into her work, she helps to assist others in accessing their inner resources and healing potential. Hudson Valley Healing Arts Center, Hyde Park. (845) 876-6753. Ruth Hirsch

Call me for help moving forward! What are you ready/almost ready to change? Stop smoking? Weight loss? Old patterns you realize you are repeating? I have more than 20 years experience helping people using hypnosis and teaching stress reduction. It is a comfortable, enjoyable process. Office: 44 Main Street, Kingston. Phone me. Ruth Hirsch: (845) 246-8601 or (845) 255-8601. Adele Marcus, LCSW-R, ACHT

HYPNOTHERAPY Achieve Your Goals with Therapeutic Hypnosis Sharon Slotnick, MS, CHt.

Increase self-esteem; break bad habits; manage stress; alleviate pain (e.g. childbirth, headaches,

See Psychotherapy. INFANT MASSAGE INSTRUCTION Baby Touch

Learn infant massage and gift yourself with the knowledge

Acupuncture Gentle, Powerful, and Effective

Melanie Shih, O.M.D., L.Ac., PC Sixth Generation Dr. of Traditional Chinese Medicine

• Chinese Diagnostic • Chinese Herb • Qi Healing • Pain Management Call for appointment • Most insurance accepted

QI GONG WORKSHOP AVAILABLE Chinese Healing Arts Center, Kingston, NY (845) 338-6045 6/05

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Whole Living

and skill to massage your child. Children need loving touch to grow emotionally and physically strong. Massage helps your child relax and let go of tension. Clinical studies show that regular use of massage helps promote faster weight gain, improves cardiac and respiratory output, and also enhances sleep patterns. Children from infancy and older can benefit from the gift of nurturing touch. For further information, please call Francine Phillips, MS.Ed.(845) 485-7106 or Nancy Pate, OTR/L, CIMI (845)296-0739. INTEGRATED ENERGY THERAPY Integrated Energy Therapy

IET heals with the pure energy of SPIRIT and the gifts of the angels. Suppressed emotions, limiting beliefs, and past-life memories are cleared from the Energy Anatomy on a cellular level. Remember and LIVE the true expression of your soul’s purpose. Also combining Spiritual Guidance, IET, and Massage. 15 years experience. Dona Ho Lightsey, LMT, IET Master. New Paltz. lightsey.asp. (845) 256-0443. INTERFAITH MINISTRIES Elizabeth Cunningham, MSC

See Counseling Services. Ione, Director, Ministry of Maat, Inc.

Spiritual and Educational organization with goals of fostering world community. (845) 339-5776. Reverend Kevin Kraft, Interfaith Minister

Sacred Intimate Joyful. “Honor Tradition and Have the Ceremony You Want.” Together we develop a meaningful ceremony that expresses who you are while considering sensitive concerns. Personal attention to details ensures your needs are thoughtfully addressed and creates a joyful ceremony expressing your vision completely. Weddings, Unions, Renewals, Rites of Passage, and Spiritual Counseling. Hudson Valley Interfaith Fellowship. 89 N. Front Street, Kingston. (845) 338-8313. E-mail: IRIDOLOGY Dr. Donald V. Bodeen

Iridology is the art and science of

100 Chronogram


visually examining the iris of the eye to determine one’s inherent weaknesses and strengths, acute and chronic inflammations and more. We use the latest computer imaging technology enabling both doctor and client to view the iris on our monitor. We then suggest alternative therapies and nutritional information according to what the iris tells us. (845) 473-3276. JEWISH MYSTICISM/KABBALAH Chabad of Woodstock

Providing Jewish people from all backgrounds the opportunity to experience the depth and soul of the Jewish teachings and vibrant way of life. Offering Jewish resources, workshops, gatherings, and classes. Rabbi Yisroel Arye and Ilana Gootblatt, co-directors. (845) 679-6407. www.chabadof JIN SHIN-JYUTSU Kenneth Davis, CPLT

See Psychotherapy. LYME DISEASE Lyme Disease Treatment

Get off antibiotics now! Colloidal silver is a natural, safe, and effective way to live symptomfree again. After 8 months on antibiotics for my Lyme, I went on silver and have been fine ever since. Guaranteed fresh and effective or money back. 16 oz. just $25. Call (845) 943-5985 to order. MARTIAL ARTS

Men, Women, Children (10+). All levels/styles (beginners welcome). Promote a positive attitude by learning to be selfconfident, aware and streetwise while developing coordination, improved physical fitness and discipline of the mind. Private/Small group instruction in your home by 6th degree blackbelt. Starting at $50/hr. (845) 255-4088, MASSAGE THERAPY Joan Apter

Offering luxurious massage therapy, including Raindrop Technique, with therapeutic essential oils to relieve stress, boost the immune system, and address system imbalances. Natural animal care, individual consultations for a healthy home and personal concerns, spa consultant, classes, and keynotes. Essential Oils, nutritional

Daily classes All levels Workshops Teacher training 200/500 hr. ongoing visit us at

2015 Route 9 Garrison, NY 10524 T 845.424.3604


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Whole Living

supplements, personal care, pet care, children’s and home cleaning products from Young Living Essential Oils. For more information, contact Joan Apter, CMT. (845) 679-0512. japter@ joanapter. bodhi studio

See Bodywork. Hudson Valley Therapeutic Massage

Michele Tomasicchio, LMT, specializes in Integrative Massage—incorporation of various healing modalities: Swedish, Myofascial Deep Tissue, Craniosacral, and stretching to facilitate the body’s healing process. A session may include all or just one modality. No fault accepted. Gift certificates available. By appointment only. 243 Main Street, Suite 220 New Paltz. (845) 255-4832. Monica Sequoia Neiro, LMT

Self-Healing through Bodywork Massage tailored to the individual, promoting your body’s healing response. I am certified in Swedish, Deep Tissue, and Lymphatic massage, as well as Zen Shiatsu Acupressure, Craniosacral Energy Work, and TMJ treatment. Pregnancy cushion. Gift certificates available. Great shower or wedding gift! See ad for Rhinebeck Cooperative Health Center. Rhinebeck. Cell (845) 300-3569, or (845) 876-5556. Shiatsu Massage Therapy

Leigh Scott is a licensed Shiatsu Massage Therapist with 20 years experience and a former teacher at the Ohashi Institute in New York City. Leigh uses her skills and knowledge of Shiatsu, as well as Reflexology and Polarity, to give a very satisfying hour-long massage. (845) 679-3012. MEDITATION Sivananda Ashram Yoga Ranch

See Yoga. Zen Mountain Monastery

Offering year-round retreats geared to all levels of experience: introductions to Zen meditation and practice; programs exploring Zen arts, Buddhist studies, and social action; and intensive meditation retreats. South Plank Road, Mt. Tremper. (845) 688-2228.

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MIDWIFERY Catskill Mountain Midwifery, Home Birth Services

Give birth as you wish, in an environment in which you feel nurtured and secure; where your emotional well-being, privacy, and personal preferences are respected. Be supported by a tradition that trusts the natural process. Excellent MD consult, hospital backup. (845) 687-BABY. Homebirth and Gynecology Practice of Judy Joffee, CNM

This practice offers a unique and exquisite opportunity for woman care in a powerfully compassionate and sacred manner. I offer complete prenatal care focused toward homebirth. For the nonpregnant woman, individualized gynecological care, counseling, and self-determination await you. No cost consultation. Also offering school, work, and general physicals for all ages. Call for no cost telephone consultation. (845) 255-2096. NATURAL FOODS Healthy Gourmet To Go

Try our colossal coconut macaroons dipped in dark chocolate or our delectable pan-seared cornmeal crusted homemade seitan cutlets over rosemary smashed potatoes with mushroom gravy. From old-fashioned home cooking with a new healthful twist to live/raw foods and macrobiotics, HGTG has dishes to please every palate. Weekly Meal Delivery right to your door. Organic, vegan, kosher. Baby Registry. Gift Certificates. Catering. (845) 339-7171. Sunflower Natural Food Market

At Sunflower we know the food we eat is our greatest source of health. Sunflower carries certified organic produce, milk, cheeses, and eggs; non-irradiated herbs and spices; clean, pure organic products to support a healthy lifestyle; large selection of homeopathic remedies. Sunflower Natural Foods is a complete natural foods market. Open 9am-9pm daily. 10am-7pm Sundays. Bradley Meadows Shopping Center, Woodstock. (845) 679-5361. NATURAL HEALING Suzanne Meszoly & Associates, Inc.

174 Palentown Rd, Kerhonkson, NY 12446. (845) 626-5666.

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Dr. Thomas J. Francescott, ND. Free Your Mind – Release Your Body – Energize Your Spirit! Solve health issues, enhance wellness, and gain awareness. Scientifically proven naturopathic solutions for challenging and/or chronic health concerns. I offer naturopathic expertise in a sacred space to help you feel better. Graduate of the prestigious Bastyr University. Call Rhinebeck Cooperative Health Center: (845) 876-5556.

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Creating Wellness for individuals and businesses. Nutrition counseling: combining traditional and integrative solutions to enhance well-being. Health Fairs for Businesses wanting to improve employees’ productivity. Providing help with diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, weight loss, digestive support, women’s health, and pediatric nutrition. Many insurances accepted. Offices in New Paltz and Kingston. Call (845) 255-2398 for an appointment. Jill Malden, RD, CSW

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Prominent Nutritionist specializing in eating behavior and eating disorders for 15 years. Warm, nonjudgmental treatment. Understand the effects of nutrition on your mood, anxiety level, cravings, concentration, energy level, and sleep, in addition to body weight. Recover from your eating issues and enjoy a full life! 199 Main Street, New Paltz. (845) 489-4732. NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING Hopewell Nutrition Center

Are you doing the best you can for your body? Are you living the lifestyle that promotes optimal health? Are you ready to take charge of your nutritional health status? Our nutritionist team holds graduate degrees in human nutrition, and are New York State licensed and certified in nutrition. We offer comprehensive one-onone nutritional consultation that will assist you in weight management, heart disease, blood sugar disorders, chronic fatigue, eating disorders, cancer, women’s health and wellness, GI disorders, and other health issues. Hopewell Nutrition Center, 129 Clove Branch Road, Hopewell Junction, NY. Free consultations. (845)223-5940.

104 Chronogram


OSTEOPATHY Applied Osteopathy

Joseph Tieri, DO, & Ari Rosen, DO. Drs. Tieri and Rosen are New York State Licensed Osteopathic physicians specializing in Cranial Osteopathy. As specialists in Osteopathic manipulation, we are dedicated to the traditional philosophy and hands-on treatment of our predecessors. We have studied with Robert Fulford, DO, Viola Freyman, DO, James Jealous, DO, and Bonnie Gintis, DO, and completed a two-year residency in Osteopathic Manipulation. We treat newborns, children, and adults. 257 Main Street, New Paltz, (845) 256-9884. 138 Market Street, Rhinebeck, (845) 876-1700. By Appointment. For more info call or visit PHYSICIANS Women Care Center

Empowerment through information. Located in Rhinebeck and Kingston. Massage and acupuncture available. Gynecology—treating our patients through the most up-to-date medical and surgical technologies available, combined with alternative therapies. Obstetrics—working with you to create the birth experience you desire. Many insurances accepted. Evening hours available. Rhinebeck (845) 876-2496. Kingston (845) 338-5575. PSYCHOLOGISTS James Cancienne, PhD

Licensed Clinical Psychologist offering adult psychotherapy and couples counseling. Jungian-based psychotherapy for people in crisis, those with ongoing mental health difficulties, and those wishing to expand their personality and

gain greater satisfaction from their relationships and work. Some insurance accepted and sliding scale. Hudson. (518) 828-2528. Carla J. Mazzeo, PhD

Licensed Clinical Psychologist offering psychodynamic psychotherapy for adolescents and adults. I have experience working with trauma, mood disturbances, sexual assault, depression, anxiety, grief/bereavement, eating/body image difficulties, alcohol/substance concerns, teenage problems, relationship difficulties, sexuality issues, or general self-exploration. Dream work also available. New Paltz location. (845) 255-2259. Reduced fee for initial consultation. Mark L. Parisi, PhD

Licensed psychologist. Offering individual psychotherapy for adults. Specializing in gay men’s issues, anxiety, depression, relationship concerns, adjustment, issues related to aging, disordered eating, body image, sexual identity, and personal growth. Medicare and some insurance accepted. 52 South Manheim Boulevard, New Paltz. (845) 255-2259. Jonathan D. Raskin, PhD

Licensed psychologist. Insightoriented, meaning-based, problem-focused, person-centered psychotherapy for adults and adolescents facing problems including, but not limited to, self-esteem, interpersonal relationships, life transitions, family issues, career concerns, depression, anxiety, loneliness, and bereavement. 199 Main Street, New Paltz. Free initial consultation. Sliding scale. (845) 257-3471.

PSYCHOTHERAPY Kent Babcock, MSW, CSW Counseling & Psychotherapy

Development of solutions through simple self-observation, reflection, and conversation. Short- or long-term work around difficult relationships; life or career transitions; ethical, spiritual, or psychic dilemmas; and creative blocks. Roots in yoga, dreamwork, spiritual psychology, and existential psychotherapy. Sliding scale. Offices in Woodstock and Uptown Kingston. (845) 679-5511 x4. Heather Bergen, LMSW

Holistic, heart-centered psychotherapy for adults, adolescents, and children. Healing process through dreamwork, art therapy, play therapy (for children), and spirituality by connecting to inner wisdom and highest self. Specializing in women’s issues. Alternatives Health Center of Tivoli. (845) 220-8602. Judith Blackstone, MA

Subtle Self Work is a transformative practice integrating nondual spiritual realization, psychological healing, and awakening the energy/light body. Private sessions for individuals and couples, weekly classes, monthly meditation retreats, teacher/certification trainings. Judith Blackstone, MA, author of The Enlightenment Process and Living Intimately, director of Realization Center, Woodstock. (845) 679-7005. Debra Budnik, CSW-R

Traditional insight-oriented psychotherapy for long- or short-term work. Aimed at identifying and changing


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self-defeating attitudes and behaviors, underlying anxiety, depression, and relationship problems. Sliding scale, most insurances accepted, including Medicare/Medicaid. NYSlicensed. Experience working with trauma victims, including physical and sexual abuse. Educator on mental health topics. Located in New Paltz, one mile from SUNY. (845) 255-4218. Deep Clay Art and Therapy

Deep Clay with Michelle Rhodes ATR-BC, LMSW. Individual, couple, parent and child, and group arts-based psychotherapy. “Dreamfigures� Clay Psychotherapy group for women. Expressive clay group and individual sessions for children and teens. A unique, creative, and grounding approach for crisis management, transitions, and deep healing. Sessions in Gardiner and NYC. (845) 417-1369. Ruth Hirsch

Couples, Individual, Family Counseling. Use my 20 years experience to move forward and feel better about your life! Comfortable, effective work. Extensive training in stress reduction, phobias, parent-child and family issues, Gottman Institute Advanced Couples Therapy Training. Office at 44 Main Street, Kingston. Phone me, Ruth Hirsch: (845) 246-8601 or (845) 255-8601. Peter M. del Rosario, PhD

Licensed psychologist. Insightoriented, culturally sensitive psychotherapy for adults and adolescents concerned with: relationship difficulties, codependency, depression, anxiety, sexual/physical trauma, grief and bereavement, eating disorders, dealing with divorce, gay/lesbian issues. 199 Main Street, New Paltz. Free initial consult. Sliding scale. (914) 262-8595. Rachael Diamond, CSW,CHt

Holistically-oriented therapist offering counseling, psychotherapy, and hypnotherapy. Specializing in issues pertaining to relationships, personal growth, life transitions, alternative lifestyles, childhood abuse, codependency, addiction, recovery illness, and grief. Some insurance accepted. Office convenient to New Paltz and surrounding areas. (845) 883-9642.

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Eidetic Image Therapy

A fast moving, positive psychotherapy that gets to problem areas quickly and creates change by using eidetic (eye-DET-ic) images to promote insight and growth. The eidetic is a bright, lively picture seen in the mind like a movie or filmstrip. It is unique in its ability to reproduce important life events in exact detail, revealing both the cause and solution of problem areas. Dr. Toni Nixon, EdD, director. Port Ewen. (845) 339-1684. Amy R. Frisch, CSWR

Psychotherapist. Individual, family, and group sessions for adolescents and adults. Currently accepting registration for It’s a Girl Thing: an expressive arts therapy group for adolescent girls, and The Healing Circle: an adult bereavement group offering a safe place to begin the healing process after the death of a loved one. Most insurances accepted. Located in New Paltz. (914) 706-0229. Irene Humbach, CSW, CBT

See Body-Centered Therapy. Ione

Author and psychotherapist: Qigong, Meditation, Hypnotherapy, and Dreams. Specializing in the creative process. Healing retreats, Local and Worldwide. (845) 339-5776. Elise Lark, LMSW, LMT Acorn Hill Healing Arts

Soul Expressions utilizes bodycentered dialogue, touch, spontaneous self-expression, dreams, and self-awareness practice to explore bodymind symptoms and psychospiritual issues, and to access healing resources within. LGBT Guided

Meditation, Trauma Recovery, and Women’s Groups; Traditional Sweat Lodges. Olivebridge (845) 657-2516. Adele Marcus, LCSW-R, ACHT

Life Design: Creative Healing. Heart/Body/Mind-centered psychotherapy. Gestalt, Hypnotherapy, Expressive Arts. Fifteen years experience working with adults/youth, families, and groups; anxiety/ fear, depression, abuse/trauma, addictions, grief, spirituality. Honoring the Soul women’s group/workshops; expressive movement classes. New Paltz. (845) 255-9717. Dr. Nancy Rowe, PhD, CET

Heart Centered Counseling & Expressive Arts Therapy Emotional healing for children and adults using talk, imagery, sandplay, expressive arts, and/ or movement. Background in transpersonal psychology, play therapy, family therapy, spiritual guidance, authentic movement, and expressive arts therapy. Offices in Woodstock and Kingston. Call Nancy, (845) 679-4827. Change Your Outlook, Heal, and Grow Sharon Slotnick, MS, CHt.

With combination of “talk” therapy for self-knowledge and hypnotherapy to transform negative, self-defeating thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Faster symptom relief. Feel better and make healthier choices. Sliding scale, Certified Hypnotherapist and Counselor. (845) 389-2302. New Paltz, Kingston. See also Hypnotherapy. Richard Smith, CSW-R, CASAC

Potential-Centered Therapy

(PCT) alters thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that block growth. A psycho-dynamic approach incorporating NLP, EMDR, and hypnosis, PCT resolves addictions, trauma, limiting beliefs, and destructive behaviors. Twenty years experience and a gentle spirit guide you through an accelerated process of profound healing. Gardiner. (845) 256-6456. richard Judy Swallow, MA, TEP

Integrative body/mind therapist using Rubenfeld synergy and psychodrama in her work with individuals, couples, groups, and families. Inquire for workshops and training, as well as therapy. New Paltz. (845) 255-5613. Wellspring

Evolutionary coaching using movement and breath to access and clear lifelong patterns and transform relationships. Rodney and Sandra Wells, certified by Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks. (845) 534-7668. Julie Zweig, MA

New Paltz, NY 12561. (845)255-3566. REBIRTHING Susan DeStefano

Heart-centered therapy for healing the body, mind, and emotions. Improve relationships, release the past, heal the inner child through personal empowerment. (845) 255-6482. SCHOOLS & TRAINING Institute of Transpersonal Psychology

ITP is an accredited graduate psychology school offering clinical and nonclinical certificates, MA and PhD


Chronogram 107

degrees. The curriculum combines mind, body, and spiritual inquiry with scholarly research and self discovery. Graduates have strong clinical skills and can communicate in a variety of complex relational circumstances. (650) 493-4430. SHIATSU Leigh Scott

See Massage Therapy. SPAS & RESORTS Emerson Place

This extraordinary, historic property has been beautifully transformed into an oasis for connoisseurs of fine living. The Asian-inspired spa immerses you in a world of personally tailored therapies and stressrecovery programs. The spa offers more than 40 personalized services for men and women by European-trained therapists, including an array of Ayurvedic Rituals, Vichy shower, Oxygen Facials, Aromatherapy Massage, Hot Stone Therapy, and Detoxifying Algae Wraps. (845) 688-7900 or Jenkinstown Day Spa

45 Jenkinstown Road, New Paltz, NY 12561. (845) 255-3160. SPIRITUAL Bioenergetics/Hands-On Healing, Irene Humbach, CSW, CBT

See Body-Centered Therapy. Healing, Pathwork and Channeling by Flowing Spirit Guidance

It is our birthright to experience the abundance of the universe, the deep love of God, and our own divinity! It is also our birthright to share our own unique gifts with the world. We long to do it. So why don’t we? Our imperfections get in the way. As we purify, we experience more and more fully, the love and the abundance of God’s universe. We can have it in any moment. We can learn to purify our imperfections AND experience heaven on earth. Jaffe Institute Spiritual Healing; Pathwork; and Channeling available. Contact Joel Walzer for sessions or for June 25 healing workshop. 845-679-8989.

108 Chronogram



Egyptian Mysteries, Scarab Teachings™, Journeys to Sacred Sites. (845) 339-5776. New York Region Pathwork

The Pathwork is a way of life, a community of seekers, a school, and a philosophy. It is based in a profound set of teachings channeled over a 30-year period by Eva Pierrakos that show a way to live in this world with complete inner freedom and happiness. Learn more at, or (845) 688-2211. Shakra Center for Humane Development

Our practitioners support individuals and communities on paths to enlightenment using different modalities. Transformational healing increases when we embody enough light that we feel safe to explore our shadows with an open heart. Please visit our website at Now excepting applications for the 2005 Mystic Apprentice Program. PO Box 747, Woodstock NY 12498. (845) 679-4553. Spirittus Holistic Resource Center

See Workshops. THERAPY Toni D. Nixon, EdD Therapist and Buddhist Practitioner

Offering a unique combination of techniques that integrate therapeutic goals and spiritual practice. The basic principles of Buddhism and psychotherapy are concerned with the goal of ending human suffering. Both paths to liberation are through greater self awareness, a broader view of one’s world, the realization of the possibility of freedom, and finding the means to achieve it. In essence, effective psychotherapy moves toward liberation, and Buddhist practice is therapeutic in nature. Eidetic Image therapy is a unique and powerful method that encourages the liberation of the mind and spirit from obstacles that block the way to inner peace. Specializing in life improvement skills, habit cessation, career issues, women’s issues, and blocked creativity. (845) 339-1684. By phone, online, and in person.


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WEDDINGS & COUNSELING Reverend Kevin Kraft, Interfaith Minister

See Interfaith Ministries. WORKSHOPS Spirittus Holistic Resource Center

The Spirittus Holistic Resource Center is a healing environment where people gather to explore Spirituality, Health, and Holistic Living. Each month we host 25 + workshops. Weekly meditation, monthly Nutrition, Astrology, and Reiki Study groups. We have a private healing room offering Reiki, Counseling, Hypnotherapy, and CranioSacral Therapy. We provide access to a holistic library, holistic referral network, and the holistic gift shop. 89 N. Front St, Kingston. (845) 338-8313. Kevin@ StoneWater Sanctuary

See Holistic Wellness Centers. WOMEN’S GROUPS Honoring the Soul with Adele Marcus, LCSW-R, ACHT

See Psychotherapy. WOMEN’S HEALTH Women’s Health & Fitness Expo (845) 338-7140. YOGA Jai Ma Yoga Center

Offering a wide array of Yoga classes, seven days a week, from Gentle/Restorative Yoga to Advanced. Meditation classes free to all enrolled. Chanting Friday evenings. New expanded studio space. Private consultations and Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy sessions available. Gina Bassinette, RYT & Ami Hirschstein, RYT, Owners. New Paltz. (845) 256-0465.

We offer classes for all levels, 7 days a week. There is no need to pre-register: we invite you to just show up. For more information, visit www.hudson or call (845) 876-2528 Sivananda Ashram Yoga Ranch

77 acres of rolling hills and woodlands. Breathtaking views, hiking, and cross-country ski trails, organic garden, swimming pond, and sauna. Daily Sivananda Ashram Schedule of Yoga Asanas, Pranayama, and Meditation. Year-round Yoga vacations. Weekend Workshops on health, Yoga, and meditation. Karma Yoga residential programs. Yoga Teachers Training, September 7-October 5. Founded in 1974 by Swami Vishnu-Devananda. Woodbourne, NY. (845) 4366492. or ranch.htm. Yoga on Duck Pond

Grounded in the alignment of the inner and outer body, yoga can reduce your stress, reshape your body, recharge your mind. “Working with Donna is a spiritual and physical adventure for me. I experience a renewed sense of well-being, increased mobility, clarity of mind, and a natural diet adjustment. She is helping me change my life.” –Carlo Travaglia, sculptor. Donna Nisha Cohen, director and certified instructor, over 20 years experience. Stone Ridge. Classes Sunday through Friday. Call for times, and information on pre-natal and private sessions. (845) 687-4836.

The Living Seed

Sivananda Yoga offered five days a week. Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate, Realize–Sivananda. 521 Main Street (Rte. 299, across from Econo Lodge), New Paltz. (845) 255-8212. Satya Hudson Valley Yoga Center

Satya Hudson Valley Yoga Center is located in the heart of Rhinebeck village, on the third floor of the Rhinebeck Department Store building. 6/05

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the forecast







Fifth annual celebration combines art exhibits, performances, art workshops, children’s activities, and open studios of 50 artists and craftspeople from Garnerville Arts & Industrial Center, a sprawling, renovated early 1800s textile mill reminiscent of a London cluster of mews buildings. “Via:Beacon at GAGA,” an exhibit on the lower level, is the firsttime collaboration between Beacon’s and Garnerville’s artist communities. Rain or shine. 11am–6pm. $5/kids under 14 free. Garnerville Arts & Industrial Center, Garnerville. (845) 947-7108.

body/mind/spirit classes dance events film kids music the outdoors CHRIS DAFTSIOS

spoken word theater workshops




f you’ve ever wanted to spend an evening in an apartment entryway, or yearned to feel job-issue schadenfreude, or you want to see a high-quality revival of an Off-Broadway hit right here in the Hudson Valley, Kenneth Lonergan’s comedy-drama “Lobby Hero” will more than suffice. Running on the boards at the Shadowland Theater in Ellenville through June 12 under the direction of Michael La Fleur, the play follows the story of Jeff, a down-on-his-luck security guard at a Manhattan high-rise, who becomes entangled in a murder investigation. Jeff’s slacker routine is broken up as two police officers, an older Clint Eastwood-type hero cop and a younger female rookie who are having an affair, start asking questions. His attitude of detached bemusement is further called into question when he discovers that he has feelings for the rookie cop, who is unaware that her partner is having another affair. Jeff must also deal with his supervisor, who is conflicted over whether or not he should turn against his brother, the accused. Though he never aspired to be a hero, or even a good security guard, Jeff's lobby, and indeed his whole world, are turned upside down. Lonergan, better known for the 2000 film You Can Count on Me, which he wrote and directed, and as the screenwriter of The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Gangs of New York, is an accomplished playwright. In addition to “Lobby Hero,” which had a successful run Off-Broadway in 2001, Lonergan's staged plays include “The Waverly Gallery,” a family drama in which the matriarch is falling prey to Alzheimer’s, and “This Is Our Youth,” the story of three adolescents dealing with emotionally distant parents who are themselves still very much children of the '60s. While “Lobby Hero” provides plenty of excitement in the story of Jeff’s ever-increasing involvement in the murder investigation, the play is entirely character-driven. Shadowland’s new artistic director Brendan Burke, who is directing the play, fell in love with it because “these four people make the right decisions for the wrong reasons and the wrong decisions for the right reasons. Lonergan excites me, because it’s almost like he’s an actor himself—nothing is stock.” This season, the 145-seat theater will host a variety of shows, including a comedy about Hollywood dropping in on rural Ireland, “Stones in His Pockets” (June 17-July 10); Arthur Miller’s classic “All My Sons,” featuring the husband-and-wife team of Richard Benjamin and Paula Prentiss (July 15-August 7); “The Devil’s Music,” a musical adaptation of the life of blues singer Bessie Smith (August 12-September 4); and “The Woman in Black,” an atmospheric horror thriller currently tearing up London’s West End (September 9-25). —Sam Baden “LOBBY HERO” RUNS THROUGH JUNE 12, WITH EVENING PERFORMANCES THURSDAY THROUGH SATURDAY AT 8PM AND A SUNDAY MATINEE AT 2PM, AT THE SHADOWLAND THEATER, 157 CANAL STREET, ELLENVILLE. $23. (845) 647-5511; WWW.SHADOWLANDTHEATRE.ORG.

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JUNE 4 & 5 Japanese Dance Debut The TAKE Dance Company, a 10-member ensemble led by Takehiro Ueyama, formerly of the Paul Taylor Dance Company, comes off a critically acclaimed premiere season in New York City to celebrate its new residence in Tivoli. The program presents modern and sophisticated movements that are influenced by Japanese traditions. Company classes for dance students and free open rehearsals also available. Kaatsbaan International Dance Center, Tivoli. Sat. 7:30pm; Sun. 2:30pm. $20/$10. (845) 757-5106.

JUNE 9-12 Earth and Religion Conference Concerned about the growing political influence of Christian conservativism and its backlash on the environmental movement? Looking for ways to honor all spiritual paths and respect the earth? Resurgence magazine’s annual conference focuses on “Earth and Religion” with more than a dozen renowned speakers on science and spirit, including David Suzuki, Riane Eisler, and Robert Thurman. Bard College, Annandale on Hudson. $195 for Hudson





Art Galleries

Valley residents, including lunch. Free registration to anyone who brings in four kindred spirits. (845) 679-8761.

ALBANY INSTITUTE OF HISTORY AND ART 125 Washington Avenue, Albany. (518) 463-4478.

BETSY JACARUSO STUDIO & GALLERY 54 Elizabeth Street, Red Hook. 758-9244.

“Albany and Troy Arts and Craft: 19071918.” Through August 31.

JUNE 10 & 11

“Remembrandt and Titus, Father and Son.” Paintings by Thomas Locker. Through August 14.

“New Paintings and Giclee Prints.” Watercolorist Betsy Jacaruso and mentored works. June 4-June 18.

Chocolate Weekend Chocolate isn’t only a delicious indulgence; it’s a cultural, botanical, ecological, and healthy wonder. Join certified nutrition counselor Holly Anne Shelowitz of Nourishing Wisdom Nutrition in welcoming Sante Fe’s Mark Sciscenti, a chocolate historian, herbalist, pastry chef, and owner of Kakawa Chocolate House. Experience the enchanted world of chocolate from Mesoamerica to modern times with Sciscenti’s slide show, talk, traditional chocolate drinks, and Q&A on Friday, 7:30-10:30pm ($45); learn truffle- and chocolate treat-making Saturday 11am3pm ($65). Suitable for vegans, too. (845) 658-7887.

JUNE 11 Cheese Day Local farm-based cheesemakers, culinary experts, and farmers who milk goats, sheep, and cows present a day of workshops and demonstrations on the cycle of cheese processing, from grass to milk to table. Everything from keeping a family cow, sheep, or goat to soap-, ice cream- and butter-making will be demystified. Rain or shine. Sprout Creek Farm, outside Poughkeepsie. 10am-4pm. $25/$10. (518) 692-8242.

JUNE 11 Jeri Eisenberg Opening Intriguing manipulations of Polaroid SX-70 photographs by Jeri Eisenberg make the ordinary seem strange, poetic, and beautiful. It is in the details, says Eisenberg, that we glimpse the divine. Galerie BMG, Woodstock. Reception 5-7pm; show runs through June 27. Free. (845) 679-0027.

“Exhibition by Artists of the MohawkHudson Region.” June 25-September 4.

ALBERT SHAHINIAN FINE ARTS 19 Main Street, Poughkeepsie. 454-0522. “Dutchess County Courthouse Mural Project.” Seth Nadel. Through June 12.

ALDRICH CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUM 258 Main Street, Ridgefield, CT. (203) 438-4519. “Contemporary Erotic Drawing.” Through August 7. “Selected Works by Recent MacDowell Colony Fellows.” “Alyson Shotz: Light, Sound, Space.” “Shannon Plumb.” 8 short films with herself as the only performer. Through June 22.

ART GALLERY AT ROCKEFELLER STATE PARK PRESERVE Route 117, Mount Pleasant. (914) 631-1470 ext. 12. “Photographs by Elinor Stecker-Orel and Linda Tommasulo.” June 1-July 27.

Opening Saturday, June 4, 6-8pm.

CATSKILL MOUNTAIN FOUNDATION GALLERY Main Street, Hunter. (518) 263-4908 ext. 247. “Folk, Outsider, and Tramp Art.” Art unaffected and uninfluenced by cultural or artistic influences. Through June 26. “Raw Visions: Folk, Outsider & Tramp Art.” Through June 28.

CENTER FOR PHOTOGRAPHY AT WOODSTOCK 59 Tinker Street, Woodstock. 679 7747. “Charise Isis: American Stripper.” Through June 19.

CLARK ART INSTITUTE 225 South Street, Williamstown, MA. (413) 458-2303. “Jacques-Louis David: Empire to Exile.” Exploring his post-Revolutionary years. June 5-September 5.

COFFEY GALLERY 330 Wall Street, Kingston. 339-6105. “Preview of the 2005 Kingston Sculpture Biennial.” June 4-June 26.

Reception Saturday, June 11, 1-3pm.

DEBORAH DAVIS FINE ARTS 345 Warren Street, Hudson. (518) 822-1890.

ASK GALLERY 37 North Front Street, Kingston. 338-0331.

“Face to Face.” Barbara Green, Pat Hogan, Jacqueline Jolles, Roberta Meyerson, Marion Vinot. Through June 19.

“Focus on the Face.” June 4-June 26.

“Botanical Art.” Group show. June 23-August 7.

Opening Saturday, June 4, 5-8pm.

Opening Saturday, June 25, 6-8pm.

AWAKE GALLERY 10 Down Street, Kingston. 532-2448.

DIA 3 Beekman Street, Beacon. 400-0100.

“Chasing the Virgin in a Land Obsessed with Ham.” Photographs by F-stop Fitzgerald. June 4-July 9.

“Agnes Martin’s Early Paintings 1957-67.” Through December 1.

Opening Saturday, June 4, 7-10pm.

DEEP CLAY STUDIO 180 Phillies Bridge Road, Gardiner. 417-1369.

BACKSTAGE STUDIO PRODUCTIONS GALLERY 323 Wall Street, Kingston. 338-8700. Group show. Bill McKnight, Jeshurun, Patti Hill, Joe Livoti, Alex Plitkins, & Richard Wade. Opening Saturday, June 4, 5pm.

“Pottery and Dreamfigures.” Michelle Rhodes Summer Show. June 24-June 26. Opening Friday, June 24, 4-8pm.

DYE WORKS GALLERY Garnerville Arts & Industrial Center, 55 West Railroad, Garnerville. (914) 844-6515.

BAU 161 Main Street, Beacon. 591-2331.

“Via:Beacon at GAGA.” Works by many Beacon artists. June 4-July 3.

“Bau 5- Stages.” Donald Alter, Melissa Greaves, Claude van Lingen, Harald Plochberger. Through June 5.

ELISA PRITZKER STUDIO & GALLERY 257 South Riverside Road, Highland. 691-5506.

“Amalgam.” New work by Chris Albert. June 11-July 3. Opening Saturday, June 11, 6-9pm.

BCB ART 116 Warren Street, Hudson. (518) 828-4539. “Imagine You Driving (Fast), Oil Shtick, and Epiphany.” Exhibitions by Julian Opie, Kay Rose, and Bill Seaman. Through June 19.

“Old & New Friends.” Group Exhibit. June 11-July 30. Opening Saturday, June 11, 5-8pm.

THE FRANCES LEHMAN LOEB ART CENTER Vassar, Poughkeepsie. 437-5632. “Time and Transformation in 17th Century Dutch Art.” Through June 19.


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Art Galleries GALERIE BMG 12 Tannery Brook Road, Woodstock. 679-0027.

“Night is a House.” Trent Miller works that explore the spaces between dreams and waking. June 18-July 16.

“Photographs by Jeri Eisenberg.” June 11-June 27.

“Measures of Time.” David Burnett. Through June 11.

Reception Saturday, June 11, 5-7pm.

HUDSON VALLEY CENTER FOR CONTEMPORARY ART 1701 Main Street, Peekskill. (914) 788-7166.

GALLERY 81 Intersection of Routes 81 and 32, Greenville. (518) 966-4038. “Nature Magnified.” Drawings from nature by Soly Zwick. Through July 2.

“Figure it Out.” Sculpture and video. Through March 31.

GALLERY AT DEEP LISTENING SPACE 75 Broadway, Kingston. 338-5984.

INQUIRING MIND GALLERY 65 Partition Street, Saugerties. 246-5155.

“Universal Portraits.” Paintings by Sadee Brathwaite. Through July 30.

“Crime Seen.” Paintings by Rick Finkelstein. Through June 12.

GALLERY AT R & F 506 Broadway, Kingston. 331-3112.

GALLERY AT STAGEWORKS 41 Cross Street, Hudson. (518) 828-7843. “Modern Romanticism.” Robert Cronin, Tony Thompson, and Barbara Willner. Through June 7.

GALLERY N25 25 North Division Street, Peekskill. (914) 293-0811. “Visions From a Mathematical Mind.” Through June 5.

Carlos Uribe & Maria Melero. June 11-July 3.

“Humble Genius.” Joseph Garlock 1884-1980. Through June 2.

GCCA CATSKILL GALLERY 398 Main Street, Catskill. (518) 943-3400.

JAMES DOUGLAS GALLERY 22 Railroad Avenue, Montgomery. 978-1371.

“Cloudscapes.” Susan Miller solo Exhibit. June 25-August 6.

“God and the Sun Held Hand.” Sacred landscape paintings by Robert Lewis Hoover. June 2-June 30.

“Spring Cleaning.” Art created with found, vintage, reused and recycled objects. Through June 8.

GCCA MOUNTAINTOP GALLERY Main Street, Windham. (518) 734-3104. “Journeys in Clay V.” June 14-July 31. Opening Saturday, June 18, 2-4pm. “Greene County Arts and Crafts Guild Spring Exhibit and Sale.” Through June 12.

HADDAD LASCANO GALLERY 297 Main Street, Great Barrington, MA. (413) 528-0471. “A View of One’s Own.” Personal vistas of six regional landscape painters. Through June 5.

HIPPOCRATES GALLERY 506 Broadway, Kingston. (914) 388-4630. “Group Show.” Works by Ernest Shaw, Mana Watsky and Marc Hirsch. June 4-July 23.

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JAMES COX GALLERY 4666 Rt. 212, Willow. 679-7608.

Opening Saturday, June 11, 5-8pm.

Opening Saturday, June 25, 5-7pm


ticker JUNE 11 Stone Ridge Library Annual Fair Thousands of used books are the main attraction, but don’t forget all the other reasons to attend the 59th annual fair, the Stone Ridge library’s main fundraiser: local author’s table, a gift and collectibles emporium, works by local artists, plant sale, an eclectic mix of live music, food, and Mr. Bouncity-Bounce for the kids. 10am-6pm. (845) 687-7023;

Strawberry Festival

Opening Saturday, June 4, 5-7pm.

“Spring Member Show.” Through June 5.



“Spatial Boundaries.” Paper and wax works by Lori Brown. June 4-July 30.

GARRISON ART CENTER 23 Garrison’s Landing, Garrison. 424-3960.


Opening Saturday, June 4, 3-6pm.

KARPELES MANUSCRIPT MUSEUM 94 Broadway, Newburgh. 569-4997. “Country Views.” Watercolors by Richard Price. “The Close of the Civil War.” Key manuscripts from the Civil War period. Through June 30.

KIESENDAHL+CALHOUN CONTEMPORARY ART 192 Main Street, Beacon. 838 1177. “Landscapes of the Hudson Valley.” Paintings by Thomas Locker. June 11-June 20.

KLEINERT/JAMES GALLERY 34 Tinker Street, Woodstock. 657-9714. “Byrdcliffe/Second Century.” Local and national artists exhibiting a variety of genres. Through June 10.

Reception Saturday, June 4, 7-7pm.

LIVINGROOM 45 North Front Street, Kingston, NH. 338-8353.

HUDSON OPERA HOUSE 327 Warren Street, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

“Luminous Visions.” Paintings by Paul Abrams and Jane Bloodgood-Abrams. Through June 26.

Homemade shortcakes, candies, smoothies, and all things strawberry, along with free sails on the sloop Woody Guthrie are the highlights of the annual Beacon Sloop Club’s Strawberry Festival. Arts and crafts and activists’ booths. Live entertainment, emceed by Chris Ruhe, includes Randolph School Players, Howland Wolves, Betty & the Baby Boomers, Gretchen Reed Gospel Choir, Rick Nestler and the Dirty Stayout Jug Band, Driscoll and Smith, and yes, Pete Seeger himself. Rain or shine, Beacon Harbor (near the MetroNorth station). Free. 12-6pm. (845) 831-6962.

JUNE 12 Gay Pride Festival The Village of New Paltz celebrates last year’s historic same-sex weddings with its first annual Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transexual (LGBT) pride festival. A march through New Paltz, starting at noon at the middle school, followed by live music, performances, children’s entertainment, and local merchants and community organizations in Hasbrouck Park at 1pm. (845) 255-2117;

JUNE 18 Animal Sanctuary Shindig Catskill Animal Sanctuary’s annual Shindig features hayrides, farm tours, silent and live auctions of more than $10,000 in goods and services,






Art Galleries

a kids’ tent, and plenty of food. Music by WDST’s Greg Gattine; live bluegrass with Mary DeBerry’s band Burnt Toast. The event benefits this 100-acre haven for abused and abandoned horses and farm animals, many of which will be roaming among the crowd. CAS, Saugerties. 126pm. $10. (845) 336-8447.

LUCINDA KNAUS FINE ART 3667 Route 212, Shady. 679-4758.

“Landscapes 2005.” Group Show. June 3-26.

“Where Next?” Watercolor paintings on the road from around the world by Lucinda Knaus. June 25-July 23.

Opening Saturday, June 4, 6pm.


“Boxes and Foxes.” Jo-Ann Brody and Keiko Ikoma. Through August 9.

Dine with Ben Franklin A four-course meal based on authentic colonial recipes, served in an 18th-century Dutch barn by waitresses in period costume, accompanied by music from the Mistral Trio, with special guest founding father Ben Franklin, as portrayed by Dean Bennett of the American Historical Theatre. His performance, entitled “Dr. Franklin, I Presume,” sheds light on the complex life and accomplishments of this statesman, scientist, inventor, printer, philosopher, musician, economist, and ladies’ man. Rain or shine. Benefits museum’s education programs. Mt. Gulian Historic Site, Fishkill. 5pm. $125. (845) 831-8172.

THROUGH JUNE 30 Wilderstein Historic Costume Show “Out of the Closet. Outside the Box. Down from the Attic.” Highlights from the Wilderstein’s costume collection present American costumes and textiles worn by the Suckley family and their servants and discovered over the past 10 years in trunks, closets, attics, and dressers at Wilderstein. The 1,200-piece collection, which spans many eras, includes Revolutionary War period wedding slippers, mourning clothes, work and war uniforms, and haute couture. (Also this month: Tea Seminars on Sunday, June 5 and Saturday, June 18, both at 2pm. $20.) Thursdays through Sundays, 12-4pm. Wilderstein Historic Site, Rhinebeck. $12/$7. (845) 876-4818;

Opening Saturday, June 25, 2-6pm.

MARK GRUBER GALLERY New Paltz Plaza, New Paltz. 255-1241.

“Eat Me.” Pictures of food. Through June 1.

MAXWELL FINE ARTS, INC. 1204 Main Street, Peekskill. (914) 737-8622.

MORGAN LEHMAN GALLERY 24 Sharon Road, Lakeville, CT. (860) 435-0898. “Summer of Love-Redux.” Symbolizes a time of peaceful protest and cultural revolution in 1967. Through June 26.

VARGA 130 Tinker Street, Woodstock. 679-4005. “Gotta Get Varga.” Through June 5.

VAULT GALLERY 322 Main Street, Great Barrington, MA. (413) 644-0221. “Deceptive Fragility.” Leonard Baskin, Clemens Kalischer, Marilyn Kalish, and Kayla Corby. June 1-June 30. Reception Saturday, June 11, 5-8pm.

WEBER FINE ART 8 Park Row, Chatham. (518) 392-5335. “Recent Works: Figurative and Still Life Collages.” Hank Virgona. Through June 6.

NO-SPACE 449 Main Street, Rosendale. 658-9709.

WHITECLIFF VINEYARD GALLERY 331 McKinstry Road, Gardiner. 255-4613.

NORTH POINTE CULTURAL CENTER 62 Chatham Street, Kinderhook. (518) 758-9234.

WILDERSTEIN HISTORIC SITE 330 Morton Rd, Rhinebeck. 8764818. “Out of the Closet. Outside the Box.

“Trimmed Fat.” Megan Irving. Through July 7.

“Mark & Vincent Pomilio.” Mixed media paintings, some based on scientific literature. Through July 1. Reception Saturday, June 11, 4-6:30pm.

RIVER GALLERY 14 Main Street, New Hamburg. 298-1756.

“New Paltz Artist.” Works by Ryan E. Cronin. Through June 20.

SHAKER MUSEUM AND LIBRARY 88 Shaker Museum Road, Old Chatham. (518) 794-9100. “Notable Neighbors: The Shaker Legacy in Columbia County.” Through October 31.

SPENCERTOWN ACADEMY 790 State Route 203, Spencertown. (518) 392-3693.


“Vineyard, Valleys and Views.” Works by Martinez, Richichi, Zukowski. Through August 21.

Down from the Attic.” Costume collection exhibition. Through June 30.

WOODSTOCK ARTISTS’ ASSOCIATION 28 Tinker Street, Woodstock. 679-2940. “Botanica.” Group show

regarding all things related to plants. “Continuity of Vision.” Solo show by photographer Bernard Gerson. Through June 5. “The Art & Career of Carl Eric Lindin.” Through July 31.

ZAHRA’S STUDIO 496 Main Street, Beacon. 838-6311. “Dakin Roy’s Beauty Parade.” Photographic images that remind us of simpler times. Through June 4.

“A La Carte.” Paintings and pastels of good things from and for the table. “Peaceable Kingdom.” Fine traditional crafts. Through June 26.

STRAY DOGS GALLERY 206 Main Street, Poughkeepsie. 473-2076. “Recent Paintings.” Rebecca Zilinski. Through June 13.

STORM KING ART CENTER Old Pleasant Hill Road, Mountainville. 534-3115. “Richard Bellany and Mark di Suervo.” June 8-November 13.

UNISON ARTS AND LEARNING CENTER 68 Mountain Rest Road, New Paltz. 255-1559. “Masaaki Sato: Retrospective 1975-2005.” June 5-June 25. Opening Sunday, June 5, 4-6pm.

TIVOLI ARTISTS CO-OP 60 Broadway, Tivoli. 757-2667.


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warm but gravelly voice appears on my answering machine: “It’s...Reno!” I grab the phone, and our conversation begins to accelerate. Reno is intimate, politically informed, with a whirling, whiplike mind. She’s not just funny; she is what I call “funny funny.” I speak to her as she walks her dog, Edith (a poodle/cocker spaniel mix)—and her neighbor’s dog—in downtown Manhattan. Her speech is punctuated with commands to the canines (“[Expletive deleted]! Get up off the goddamn sidewalk! Up here! Fred! Come on!”), greetings to neighbors, and directions to a lost pedestrian. Reno is a one-woman party. I ask her what street she’s on, and she replies, “Hudson Street.” “That’s ironic,” I observe, “because your show is in Hudson, New York.” “No, I always do that,” Reno replies instantaneously. “If I’m about to appear in Tallahassee, I go to Tallahassee Street! People think it’s a little eccentric, but otherwise I’m afraid they’ll give me a bad preview.” This leads her to muse about Reggie Miller of the Indiana Pacers. “Reggie has approximately 40 rituals he goes through before he can go out on the court,” Reno says. “One of them is to have a fight with the press representative of the team. He has to dress him down, insult his mother—'trash talk,’ as they call it in sports. Can you imagine being burdened with such a thing? Superstition is obsession. And some would say that the religious exuberance we’re being victimized by in this country today is superstition gone amok. And it’s somebody else’s superstition, not even ours! Now there’s a bill on the floor of the legislature in Michigan that a doctor can refuse to treat anybody who has HIV because of the patient’s ‘moral deficiencies'! Can you [expletive deleted] imagine that? What century did we just go into? We went backwards four or five hundred years! More than that! It’s unbearable! It’s just crazy! And it’s also very funny.” With her own sinuous logic, Reno has arrived at the subject of her new performance, “The god Show.” Speaking of the Christian Right, she says: “They are revising [expletive deleted] history! You have no idea, Sparrow! They’re saying that the framers of the Constitution meant this to be a Christian country. Well, in that case, why didn’t they put [expletive deleted] God in the goddamn Constitution? Hello? You know? Because it’s obvious that religion ruins peace.” Some performance artists are closer to fiction—Reno is definitely in the category of nonfiction. She lives in Tribeca, and her irreverent response to the knee-jerk patriotism and flag-waving following September 11 evolved into the one-woman show “Rebel Without a Pause,” which she performed more than 400 times throughout the US and Europe, and which was made into a movie by Nancy Savoca. —Sparrow RENO WILL APPEAR AT TIME & SPACE LIMITED ON JUNE 17-18, 24-25. TIME & SPACE IS AT 434 COLUMBIA STREET IN HUDSON, NEW YORK. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (518) 822-8448 OR VISIT WWW.TIMEANDSPACE.ORG.

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CLASSES Swing Dance Classes- Beginner 6:30pm. 4 Wednesday sessions. Trinity Episcopal Church, Fishkill. 236-3939.

ART 1st Fridays in Peekskill 5-8pm. Art galleries open late, music. Peekskill. (914) 734-2367.

Flamenco Classes 7-8:30pm. Center for Symbolic Studies, Tilson. (914) 434-6198.

BODY / MIND / SPIRIT Meditation for Busy People Call for times. Raja Yoga Meditation. Peace Village Learning and Retreat Center, Haines Falls. (518) 589-5000.

Swing Dance Classes- Intermediate 7:30pm. 4 Wednesday sessions. Trinity Episcopal Church, Fishkill. 236-3939. Wine With Food 7:30pm. The New Paltz Wine School, New Paltz. 255-0110. Swing Dance Classes- Advanced 8:30pm. 4 Wednesday sessions. Trinity Episcopal Church, Fishkill. 236-3939. EVENTS Anderson School Golf Tournament 9am registration, 10am start. Casperkill Country Club, Poughkeepsie. 889-4034. $125/$500 team. MUSIC Open Mic Night Call for time. With Marc Teamaker. Towne Crier, Pawling. 855-1300. Graham Parker and the Figgs 9pm. Pop. Hudson River Theater, Hudson. (518) 828-9550. $30. Mike Chipak / Dave Ellison 10pm. Acoustic, blues, folk, rock. Bacchus Restaurant and Bar, New Paltz. 255-8636. SPOKEN WORD Ted Gill 7:30pm. Poetry, spoken word. The New York Bagelry and Café, Poughkeepsie. 463-3370. THEATER Play By Play 7:30pm. World premiere of one act plays. Stageworks Hudson, Hudson. (518) 822-9667. THURSDAY 2 JUNE EVENTS Spring Wine-and-Cheese Fundraiser 5-8pm. Held by the Peekskill Education Foundation. The Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, Peekskill. 788-7166. $35/$60 couple. Tour the Hudson Valley Materials Exchange 6pm. With Mid-Hudson Sierra Club. Hudson Valley Materials Exchange, Newburgh. 255-5528. MUSIC Little Scotty and the Knockouts 8-11:30pm. Blues, R&B, soul. The Woronock House, Wappingers Fall. 462-6600. THE OUTDOORS Hike for Tykes 2pm. Exploration at a toddlers pace, up to 6 years. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011. SPOKEN WORD Tivoli Bays Talks: Raptors of the Hudson River Valley 7:30-8:30pm. Tivoli Bays Visitor Center, Tivoli. 758-7012.

CLASSES Modern Dance Intermediate Class 5-6:30pm. For mature, motivated dancers in a noncompetitive atmosphere. Sarah Stackhouse Studio, Rosendale. 943-6700. $14. DANCE Dzul Dance 8pm. Modern and ritual dance of Mayan and Aztec cultures. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $15/$12 members. Cajun Dance 8-11:15pm. Cleoma’s Ghost and Friend. Colony Café, Woodstock. 384-6673. $10. EVENTS Art Show and Book Sale Starr Library, Rhinebeck. 876-2127. Benefit Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary 7-11pm. Art show and silent auction. Museum of Cartoon and Comic Art, Woodstock. 679-5955. FILM A Day’s Work, A Day’s Pay 7:30pm. Story of 3 welfare recipients becoming social justice leaders. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448. $6/$4 members. MUSIC The McKrells Call for time. Towne Crier, Pawling. 855-1300. Chamber Music Festival Call for times. Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz. 256-2731. Shuga Kain 8pm. Rock. The Chance, Poughkeepsie. 471-1966. The Mammals 8pm. Rock and roll string band. Joyous Lake, Woodstock. 679-8100. $15. Vega String Quartet 8pm. Marbletown Community Center, Stone Ridge. 687-2687.

Play By Play 8pm. World premiere of one act plays. Stageworks Hudson, Hudson. (518) 822-9667. Tommy 8pm. The Who’s Rock Opera. Woodstock Playhouse, Woodstock. 247-4007. $15/$12 children and seniors. WORKSHOPS How to Think Like Leonardo: A Creative & Spiritual Renaissance Omega Institute, Rhinebeck. (800) 944-1001. $255. Empowerment Through Connection to the Divine Feminine Call for times. The mystery of Mary Magdalene with Susan Rosen. Miriam’s Well, Saugerties. 246-5805. $300. Meditation for Busy People II Call for times. Pre-requisite: Completion of Part I of “Meditation for Busy People”. Peace Village Learning and Retreat Center, Haines Falls. (518) 589-5000. Seeds of Transformation Presented by the Institute of Advanced Theology. Bard College, Annandale-onHudson. 256-1444. $460. SATURDAY 4 JUNE ART Gaga Arts Festival Call for times. Music, food, kids’ workshop, magic show. Garnerville Arts and Industrial Center, Garnerville. 947-7108. $5. Great Millbrook Paintout and Auction 9am-6:30pm. Paintings, drawings, reception and auction. Barrett Art Center, Millbrook. 471-2550. God and the Sun Held Hands 3-6pm. Sacred landscape paintings by Robert Lewis Hoover. James Douglas Gallery, Montgomery. 978-1371. Preview of the 2005 Kingston Sculpture Biennial 5-7pm. Coffey Gallery, Kingston. 339-6105. BSP Group Show 5pm. Opening reception. BSP Gallery, Kingston. 338-8700. Spatial Boundaries 5-7pm. Paper and wax works by Lori Brown. Gallery at R & F, Kingston. 331-3112. Focus on the Face 5-8pm. Ask Gallery, Kingston. 338-0331.

Four Dogs Playing Poker 9:30pm. Heavy metal, pop, rock. Mahoney’s, Poughkeepsie. 566-0474.

Madness and Mythology, Part II 5-10pm. Exhibition by Chris Hawkins: painter, leather smith, sculptor. Farfetched Gallery, Kingston. 339-2501.

Rock and Swing Fling 10pm. Featuring PeachJam. New World Home Cooking, Woodstock. 246-0900.

Landscapes 2005 6pm. Opening of group show. Tivoli Artists Co-op, Tivoli. 757-COOP.

SPOKEN WORD Institute of Advanced Theology Conference Call for times. Seeds of Transformation: Toward a Spiritual Renaissance in a Time of Fundamental Change. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 256-1444 pin 8418. $650/$460.

New Paintings and Giclee Print 6-8pm. Watercolorist Betsy Jacaruso and mentored works. Betsy Jacaruso Studio & Gallery, Red Hook. 758-9244.

THEATER Play By Play 7:30pm. World premiere of one act plays. Stageworks Hudson, Hudson. (518) 822-9667.

THEATER Community Playback Theater 8pm. Improvisation based on audience members’ experiences and dreams. Boughton Place, Highland. 691-4118. $6.

WORKSHOPS Euro Dance 1:30-2:30pm. With Helvi & Richard Impola. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. $5.

Intimate Apparel 8pm. SummerStar Theater Company. Orange County Community College, Middletown. 341-4790. $15/$10 students and seniors.

Chasing the Virgin in a Land Obsessed with Ham: Semana Santa in Spain 7-10pm. Photographs by F-stop Fitzgerald. Awake Gallery, Kingston. 532-2448. Group Show 7-7pm. Works by Ernest Shaw, Mana Watsky and Marc Hirsch. Hippocrates Gallery, Kingston. (914) 388-4630. CLASSES Flamenco Classes 9:30-11am. Center for Symbolic Studies, Tilson. (914) 434-6198. DANCE Take Dance Company 7:30pm. Kaatsbaan International Dance Center, Tivoli. 757-5107. $20/$10.


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Dzul Dance 8pm. Brings Mayan and Aztec cultures to life. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $15/$12 children and seniors. English Country Dance 8-11pm. Workshop at 7:30. Hurley Reformed Church, Hurley. 679-8587. $8. EVENTS Antiques Show Call for times. Hits on the Hudson, Saugerties. 246-8833. Art Show and Book Sale Starr Library, Rhinebeck. 876-2127. Spring Garden Party 9am-11pm. Plant sale, silent auction, food, music, drumming circle. The Garden at Thunder Hill, Rensselaerville. (518) 797-3373. 16th Annual Hudson Bush Plant and Garden Exchange 10am-3pm. Clermont State Historic Site, Germantown. (518) 537-4240. Used Book Sale 10am-3pm. Woodstock Library, Woodstock. 679-2213. 1658 Stockade National Historic District Walking Tour 2pm. Friends of Historic Kingston Museum, Kingston. 339-0720. $5/$2 children. Annual Silent Auction 2-4pm. Woodstock School of Arts, Woodstock. 679-2388. FILM Nomi Song 7:30pm. About the life of Klaus Nomi. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448. $6/$4 members. Golden Silents Film Series 8pm. Sergei Eisenstein’s Battleship Potemkin (USSR, 1925). Spencertown Academy, Spencertown. (518) 392-3693. $8/$6 members/$4 children. KIDS Ward Manor Walk 10am-12pm. Hudson River Research Reserve, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7012. MUSIC Buckwheat Zydeco Call for time. Towne Crier, Pawling. 855-1300. Mountain Jam 2pm. WDST’s 25th anniversary featuring Gov’t Mule. Hunter Mountain Gates, Hunter. (800) 594-Tixx. Music for Meditation 7:30pm. With Premik Russel Tubbs. Woodstock Community Center, Woodstock. 797-1218. 2005 Hudson Valley Chamber Music Circle 8pm. Brahms, Op. 18 in B Flat and Op. 36 in G. Bard College, Annandale-onHudson. (518) 537-6665. A Tribute to Nick Brignola 8pm. Gary Smulyan & Peter Malinverdi play live jazz. North Pointe Cultural Center, Kinderhook. (518) 758-9234. $10-$25. Eric Erickson 8pm. Acoustic, original, solo, traditional, vocals. Colony Café, Woodstock. 679-5342.

Pony Extravaganza Call for times. Frost Valley YMCA. 985-2291 ext. 240. Strenuous 9 Miles in Rondout Creek Area Near Peakamoose Call for meeting place and time. 255-1704. Singles Hike – Top of the Gunks 9am. Meet at the West Trapps Trailhead, strenuous, 8-mile hike with rock scrambling. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919. Living with Coyotes 10am. Museum of the Hudson Highlands, Cornwall-on-Hudson. 534-5506 ext 204. National Trails Day 10am. Strenuous 6-mile hike, with some rock scrambling. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919. Survival 10am-1pm. Learn survival tips during a short hike. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011.

SUNDAY 5 JUNE ART Masaaki Sato: Retrospective 1975-2005 4-6pm. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. BODY / MIND / SPIRIT Soul and Sustainability 2-5pm. Meditation and creative expression for activists. Sustainable Living Resource Center, Cottekill. 679-9597. $12. DANCE Take Dance Company 2:30pm. Kaatsbaan International Dance Center, Tivoli. 757-5107. $20/$10. Solas An Lae 3pm. Traditional Irish dance, contemporary music and dance styles. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $13/$11 children and seniors. Swing Dance Jam 6:30-9pm. Arlington Reformed Church, Poughkeepsie. 339-3032. $5. EVENTS Annual Garden Party Fundraiser Call for time. For the Warwick Arts Festival. Home of John and Connie Vandenberg, Florida. 258-1010. Art Show and Book Sale Starr Library, Rhinebeck. 876-2127. Sculpture Garden Opening Reception 4-6pm. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

SPOKEN WORD Indigo Children Program Call for time. Hosted by Larry Davidsohn. New Age Center, Nyack. 3532590. $10.

FILM Nomi Song 5pm. About the life of Klaus Nomi. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448. $6/$4 members.

Barbara Lehman, The Red Book 2pm. A children’s book reading. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.

KIDS Monkey King II 2pm. Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center, Great Barrington, MA. (800) 843-0778.

Low Back Pain: Causes and Solutions 5pm. With Dr. Joseph F. Grable. Cragsmoor Free Library, Cragsmoor. 647-4611. F.Paul Pacult on Scotch 7pm. Ariel Bookstore, New Paltz. 255-8041. THEATER Play By Play 3pm/8pm. World premiere of one act plays. Stageworks Hudson, Hudson. (518) 822-9667. The Unexpected Man Call for times. Presented by the Mohonk Mountain Stage Company. St. Andrews Church, New Paltz. 255-3102. Illusion Theater: Mime & Magic 2pm. Karla Kartoon. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. $9/$7 members. The Magic Castle 7pm. Benefit for Mid-Hudson Ballet. Beacon High School, Beacon. $15. 987-2667. Intimate Apparel 8pm. SummerStar Theater Company. Orange County Community College, Middletown. 341-4789. $15/$10 students and seniors. Tommy 8pm. The Who’s Rock Opera. Woodstock Playhouse, Woodstock. 247-4007. $15/$12 children and seniors. WORKSHOPS Introduction to Photography Call for times. Center for Photography, Woodstock. 679-9957.

Shafaatullah Khan 8pm. Indian music. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. $18/$14 members.

Coming of Age 10am-4:30pm. Approaching the second half of life with creativity. Center For An Examined Life, West Hurley. 331-3390.

Verdehr Trio 8pm. Marbletown Reformed Church, Stone Ridge. 687-2687.

Cosmic Salon 10:30am-12pm. Astrological study group w/Alexander Mallon. Mirabai of Woodstock. 679-2100. Call for fees.

Luminous Ragas 8:30pm. Indian music concert. Stone Ridge Center for the Arts, Stone Ridge. 687-8890.


THE OUTDOORS Moderate 6.5- Mile Hike at Indian Rock/High Point Call for meeting place and time. 532-9303.

Gary Smulyan and Pete Malinverni 8pm. Jazz saxophone and piano. North Pointe Cultural Center, Kinderhook. (518) 758-9234.

Little Scotty and the Knockouts 8-11:30pm. Blues, R&B, soul. The Woronock House, Wappingers Fall. 462-6600.

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The Christine Spero Group 8:30pm. Contemporary, fusion, jazz, Latin, pop, salsa. Backstage Studio Productions, Kingston. 338-8700.

Native Plants 12:30-4:30pm. 4 sessions. Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook. 677-9643. $240.

MUSIC Enter The Haggis Call for time. Towne Crier, Pawling. 855-1300. Harvey Reid 3pm. Friends of Music, Middletown. 343-3049. $22/$20 members. Alexander Korsantia 4pm. Marbletown Reformed Church, Stone Ridge. 687-2687. Save the Ridge Benefit Concert 4-6pm. The Silos, Wallkill. $20. Banshanachie & Friends 4-7pm. Traditional Irish music. Rosendale Café, Rosendale. 658-9048. Enter the Haggis 8pm. Celtic fusion. Towne Crier Café, Pawling. 833-1300. $17.50/$15 members. THE OUTDOORS Campfire Cook-Out Trail Rides Call for times. Frost Valley YMCA. 985-2291 ext. 240. Singles Hike – Zaidee’s Bower 9:30am. Moderate to strenuous, 7-mile hike with rock scrambling. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919. SPOKEN WORD Edward Schwarzshild 2pm. From his book Responsible Men. Merritt Bookstore, Cold Spring. 265-9100. THEATER The Magic Castle 2pm. Benefit for Mid-Hudson Ballet. Beacon High School, Beacon. $15. 987-2667. Play By Play 2pm. World premiere of one act plays. Stageworks Hudson, Hudson. (518) 822-9667. Tommy 2pm. The Who’s Rock Opera. Woodstock Playhouse, Woodstock. 247-4007. $15/$12 children and seniors. How Jan Klaassen Cured the Sick King 3pm. Hudson Teen THEATER Project. Hudson River THEATER, Hudson. (518) 822-1438.



If you want to know all about Andy Warhol, just look at the surface of my paintings and films and me, and there I am. There’s nothing behind it.


ia’s Andy” is an apt name for the new, long-term exhibition that recently opened at Dia:Beacon. Warhol’s persona—like his work—was an ingeniously designed puzzle that succeeded the most when it gave away the least. Claiming to be “deeply superficial,” the trendsetting Pop star became a screen on which to project everything from consumer desire to celebrity glitz to the wish for radically democratized, nonelitist art. Like the magic mirror in Harry Potter, you can see just about whatever you most deeply desire reflected in all those silvery, flattened Warholian surfaces. For this exhibition, Dia has replaced the acres of Hannah Darboven’s sprawling calendar work documented nothing less than the course of the 20th century, with vast quantities of one of Andy’s signature wallpapers, here repeating the motif of a greatly enlarged pencil sketch of the Washington Monument and (appropriately enough) its reflecting pool. On these busy walls, in a space adjacent to the permanent installation of Warhol’s Shadows paintings, Dia curator Lynne Cooke has assembled a selective collection of works from various phases and series of the artist’s career. These include some of the early, great Disasters—silkscreened and hand-painted deadpan reproductions of gory news photos of car accidents—to a number of his commissioned portraits, presenting doubled canvases of everyone from Dia artists Michael Heizer and John Chamberlain to Willie Shoemaker, Lana Turner, and Sly Stallone. The show-stopper here ought to be the 60 Brillo Boxes. Silkscreened plywood simulacra of the brandname shipping boxes, they’ve been installed in four long, precisely spaced rows of 15, echoing the preferred mode of Dia’s more typical artists, exemplified by the permanent collection’s installation of Sol Le Witt’s conceptual sculpture and Donald Judd’s Minimalist plywood boxes. But the resemblance between these works is strictly superficial—the operating principles of Warhol, Le Witt, and Judd are so radically different, it’s incredibly misleading to insist that their formal similarities are enough to bring them together. Of the three, Andy’s really the odd man out—despite the institutional ties between Dia and the Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh (which loaned back works originally donated by Dia for this show), his relationship to the museum has always been a bit vexed. He was never the recipient of Dia’s Renaissance-style patronage, as were a number of artists in their preferred Minimalist/conceptual/land art mode. He’s the only Pop artist in their collection, sticking out like something of a sore thumb in this context. The chief accomplishment of this exhibition, then, is to provide an extremely selective, fairly narrow view of this incredibly prolific and complex artist, presenting the Andy that most effectively reflects the image of Dia itself. Absolutely not-to-be-missed, however, is the series of screenings of Warhol’s early films, curated by Douglas Crimp, which will be on view every weekend through September 4. In a darkened space in Dia’s basement, you’ll be able to project your own Andy on the empty, flickering, silver images that represent one of the most compelling—and too little known—aspects of his polymorphous career. —Beth E. Wilson



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Voted BEST IN THE VALLEY Year After Year

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orraine Scofield gets around. Perhaps you’re not familiar with her work as a solo artist in the Hudson Valley, but chances are you’ve heard of some of the groups in which she expresses her potent vocals and musical prowess—she provides fiddle, mandolin, acoustic guitar, and vocals in the popular country band Thunder Ridge, affords the same talents to the acoustic, three-part harmony band Blind Mice, and delivers simply voice in the acappella group The Phantoms. But what you may not know is that she’s just released her first solo CD, I’m Gonna Sing, and it’s not what you’d expect if you’ve only heard her band work. Produced by Ralph Legnini, the recording is an acoustic rock/folk blend of 12 tracks, a variety of moods, and many guest artists; a good portion, however, is purely Dorraine. She weaves her musical journey through pensive acoustic ballads, smooth, soulful grooves, and joyful folk jams that reflect hopeful visions of life and love in the enchanted Catskill Mountains. “I’ve been writing songs for a very long time,” she says, “so it was good to be able to put a variety of tunes together that could reach different preferences. And since most folks recognize me locally from Thunder Ridge, which is a Top 40 country cover-tune dance band, I think they’re a bit surprised that I did a CD of all original songs I’ve written, and that they’re not necessarily country music. The CD seems to relate to people in different ways. I always love when someone comes up to me and tells me how a particular song affected them or what happened in their life that makes them relate to it.” Dorraine’s name comes from a Johnny Cash song recorded in the late 1960s. Born in West Shokan, she began playing violin when she was eight and got her first regular gig with the bluegrass band The Suttons at fifteen. She’s been performing between 50 and 100 shows annually ever since, playing with The Pontiacs, Wild East, and Little Creek, and sharing the stage with Diamond Rio, John Sebastian, Charlie Daniels, Kathy Mattea, Waylon Jennings, and many others. For her own recent solo gigs, Dorraine’s been featuring songs from I’m Gonna Sing, as well as throwing in Blind Mice tunes that she’s written and acoustic versions off the Thunder Ridge play list, focusing mainly on 12-string guitar and vocals. She can be seen many times with Thunder Ridge this month, along with bandmates Chris Walsh, Larry Federman, J.B. Hunt, and Dave Ryan, performing cover songs by Garth Brooks, Shania Twain, Faith Hill, Charlie Daniels, Lynryd Skynyrd, and other country-rock faves. And whether Dorraine is thoughtfully singing on her own or wailing with others, this fine vocalist doesn’t hold back—she belts. —Sharon Nichols DORRAINE SCOFIELD WILL PERFORM WITH THUNDER RIDGE AT HICKORY BBQ, KINGSTON, ON SATURDAY, JUNE 11; DUTCHMAN’S LANDING, CATSKILL, ON THURSDAY, JUNE 16; DOWNTOWN TIVOLI ON SATURDAY, JUNE 18, AS PART OF THE TIVOLI DAY FESTIVAL; CATSKILL POINT RESTAURANT, CATSKILL, ON FRIDAY, JUNE 24; AND THE POINT, CATSKILL, ON SUNDAY, JUNE 26, AT THE GREENE COUNTY WACKY RAFT RACE. WWW.DORRAINE.COM.

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Tales of a Jewish American Prince 7pm. By Glenn Laszlo Weiss. Woodstock Jewish Congregation, Woodstock. 246-1671 ext.2. $15/$10 members. WORKSHOPS Energy, Health & Wholeness Call for times. Omega Institute, Rhinebeck. (800) 944-1001. $435. Water Color For Beginners 1-4pm. 4 Sessions. Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook. 677-9643. $180. MONDAY 6 JUNE CLASSES Swing Dance Class by Chester Freeman Beginner 6:30, Intermediate 7:30, Advanced 8:30. Reformed Church of the Comforter, Kingston. 236-3939. Learn to Meditate 8pm. Woodstock Community Center, Woodstock. 797-1218. EVENTS Art Show and Book Sale Starr Library, Rhinebeck. 876-2127. MUSIC Raq-Out 3pm. Featuring Raq, School Bus Yellow, Manikin Ed, Adam Foster, Mudfunk, Chuck Costa. Full Moon Resort, Big Indian. 254-5117. Sweetie Pie Jonus’ Going Away Party 10pm. Acoustic, alternative, pop, rock. Bacchus Restaurant and Bar, New Paltz. 255-8636. SPOKEN WORD Open Mike Night 7pm. Featuring poets Peter Chelnik and Roberta Gould. Colony Café, Woodstock. 679-5342. THEATER How Jan Klaassen Cured the Sick King 6:30pm. Hudson Teen Theater Project. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438. WORKSHOPS Challenging Racism Mondays 6-8pm. A workshop for white activists. New Paltz. $150-$250. Portrait and Genre Painting 9am. Woodstock School of Art, Woodstock. 679-2388. Songwriting and the Creative Process 7-8:30pm. With Colleen Geraghty for 4 sessions. Dutchess County Community College, Poughkeepsie. 431-8916. $85. TUESDAY 7 JUNE CLASSES Holly’s Organic Cooking ClassHealthy Cooking Basics 6:30-10pm. Stone Ridge. 658-7887. $50 + $15 materials. EVENTS Art Show and Book Sale Starr Library, Rhinebeck. 876-2127. THE OUTDOORS Early Birds 6:30am. Bird watching. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011. Babes in the Woods Hike 10am. Hike for grownups with babies. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011. SPOKEN WORD Betsy Burton Call for time. Her new book The King’s English. Ariel Bookstore, New Paltz. 255-8041. Energy Solutions for Business & Agriculture 7:45am-3:45pm. Sullivan County Community College, Loch Sheldrake. 331-2238. WORKSHOPS Woodstock Writers Workshops 6:30-8:30pm. Writing and how to get it published with Iris Litt. Village Green, Woodstock. 679-8256. $15.

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WEDNESDAY 8 JUNE CLASSES Flamenco Classes 7-8:30pm. Center for Symbolic Studies, Tilson. (914) 434-6198. EVENTS Art Show and Book Sale Starr Library, Rhinebeck. 876-2127. MUSIC Rebecca Pronsky 10pm. Acoustic, alternative, original. Bacchus Restaurant and Bar, New Paltz. 255-8636. SPOKEN WORD Marta Costa 7:30pm. Poetry, spoken word. The New York Bagelry and Café, Poughkeepsie. 463-3370. WORKSHOPS Introductory Lesson 7:30pm. Discovery Institute School of Practical Wisdom. Heaven and Earth Books and Gifts, New Paltz. 255-5777. A Course in Miracles 7:30-9:30pm. Study group with Alice Broner. Call to verify. Unitarian Fellowship, Poughkeepsie. 229-8391. THURSDAY 9 JUNE BODY/MIND/SPIRIT The Fine Art of Channelling 7-9:30pm. W/Terra Sonora. Mirabai of Woodstock. 679-2100. $15/$20. EVENTS Art Show and Book Sale Starr Library, Rhinebeck. 876-2127. MUSIC Steel Pulse Call for time. Reggae. The Chance, Poughkeepsie. 471-1966. THE OUTDOORS Hike for Tykes 2pm. Exploration at a toddlers pace, up to 6 years. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011. SPOKEN WORD Institute of Advanced Theology Conference Call for times. Earth and Religion; Crisis, Opportunity, Convergence–Bringing Together People of Ecology and Faith. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 679-9761. $425/$395. WORKSHOPS The Fourth US Resurgence Conference Call for times and prices. Crisis, Opportunity, Convergence-Bringing Together People of Ecology and Faith. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 679-8761. Euro Dance 1:30-2:30pm. With Helvi & Richard Impola. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. $5. Journal Writing 6:30-9:30pm. Center for an Examined Life, West Hurley. 331-3390. FRIDAY 10 JUNE BODY / MIND / SPIRIT Summer Fasting & Cleansing Retreat Call for times. Point of Infinity, Nyack. 353-2590. CLASSES Modern Dance Intermediate Class 5-6:30pm. For mature, motivated dancers in a noncompetitive atmosphere. Sarah Stackhouse Studio, Rosendale. 943-6700. $14. EVENTS Art Show and Book Sale Starr Library, Rhinebeck. 876-2127. FILM Nomi Song 7:30pm. About the life of Klaus Nomi. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448. $6/$4 members. MUSIC Kaki King Call for time. Towne Crier, Pawling. 855-1300.


71 (LAST SUPPER), 1992-93



e see a New York City newsstand, laid out in a hierarchy of attractions: chewing gum and Lifesavers on the bottom rack; Skittles and Reese’s peanut butter cups on the second rack; M&Ms at the third level; then the magazines: Playgirl, Time, Mirabella, Self, etc. But something is strange about these journals: the “k” in Look is backwards, as is the “e” in Hooters. Also, some of the contiguous magazine titles form sentences: “Life” “is” “a” “mere” “journey” “but take care of” “your” “health.” Three magazines form the phrase: “Summer” “of” “1993.” This is Newsstand No. 65 (Life is a mere journey) by Masaaki Sato, painted in 1992-93. Sato came to this subject matter by a circuitous route. Born in 1941 in Kofu City, Japan, he moved to London in 1967 and spent four years there, working and painting. In 1970, Sato relocated to New York City and immediately found it more congenial. “In London people kept asking him, ‘When are you going back to Japan?’ When he moved to New York, people asked him, ‘When are you going to exhibit next?’” observes Sato’s friend Aaron Cohen, who helped organize a retrospective of his work at Unison Arts Center in New Paltz that opens June 6. New York City transformed Sato’s art. In London, he painted abstract spheres pierced by little holes, like geometric Swiss cheese. In New York, the shapes evolved into recognizable figures—apples, faces, automobiles—still perforated by cone-shaped holes. Eventually, Sato painted subway stations and subway cars filled with these holes. Several of these subwayscapes appeared in a show with two of his heroes, Jasper Johns and Andy Warhol, at the Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art in Ridgefield, Connecticut, in 1976. The New York Times ran a photo of Subway Station on the cover of the Arts and Leisure section, and Sato was discovered. The OK Harris Gallery began to represent him in 1982. After painting subway stations, Sato began to photograph newsstands within the subways—with permission—to transform them into paintings. These images allowed him to comment on the entire culture. Newsstand No. 64 (Faces from MET) includes 11 paintings from the Metropolitan Museum, reproduced on the covers of Gent, Spin, Mad, GQ, and other magazines. Newsstand No. 71 (Last Supper) has portraits of all the characters in da Vinci’s painting—and quietly beneath, the hopeful New York Post headline: PEACE IN OUR TIME. Newsstand No. 68 (Homage to Magritte) quotes 14 Magritte paintings, including one on the cover of Combat Handguns. Sato explains his subway-related images this way: “In paintings and prints I use NYC subway newsstands as metaphors for the languages of diversity. Through my work I seek to tear down barriers at the horizon of our consciousness, by exposing the viewer to foreign cultures both past and present.” Sato’s show at Unison presents work from 1970 to 2005. In addition to paintings, there will be nickelbronze sculptures, woodblock prints, lithographs, serigraphs, and etchings. —Sparrow THE WORK OF MASAAKI SATO WILL BE EXHIBITED JUNE 5 THROUGH JUNE 25 AT UNISON ARTS CENTER, 68 MOUNTAIN REST ROAD IN NEW PALTZ. A RECEPTION FOR THE ARTIST WILL BE HELD ON JUNE 5 AT 6 PM. (845) 255-1559; WWW.UNISONARTS.ORG.


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Big Kahuna 9:30pm. Dance. Kingston Holiday Inn, Kingston. 338-0400. SPOKEN WORD Forum: Focus is Water Contaminants 10am-3pm. Cornell Cooperative Extension Dutchess County, Millbrook. (607) 255-1185.

Kayaking Course 9:30am-4:30pm. Ages 14 and older through SUNY Ulster. Call for location. 339-2025. $115.

THEATER The Hatmaker’s Daughters Call for times. Presented by Kids Up Front. Pawling United Methodist Church, Pawling. 222-9204. $11/$6 children.

Reiki I Class 10am-2pm. Certification/attunements. Hurley. $50.

Intimate Apparel 8pm. SummerStar THEATER Company. Orange County Community College, Middletown. 341-4789. $15/$10 students and seniors. McBride: Magic Unmasked 8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $20/$15 children and seniors.

DANCE Freestyle Frolic 8:30pm. Shoe, alcohol, drug and smoke free. Tillson. 658-8319. $7/$3 teens. EVENTS Tour of Coleman Station Historic District Call for times. Coleman Station Historic District, North East. 471-1630. $30 in advance/$35. Art Show and Book Sale Starr Library, Rhinebeck. 876-2127. 59th annual Stone Ridge Library Fair 10am-4pm. Stone Ridge Library, Stone Ridge. 687-7023.

Shorts on Tour 8pm. An evening of ten minute plays. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559.

Cheese Day 10am-4pm. From grass to milk to table. Sprout Creek Farm, Poughkeepsie. (518) 692-8242. $25/$10.

Tommy 8pm. The Who’s Rock Opera. Woodstock Playhouse, Woodstock. 247-4007. $15/$12 children and seniors.

Peace Rocks 1-3pm. Paint peace rocks. Common Ground Farm, Stony Kill. 831-7567.

WORKSHOPS Make Your Creative Dreams Real Call for times. Omega Institute, Rhinebeck. (800) 944-1001. $285. Transformative Meditation Training Call for times. Presented by Meditation Center of Dutchess County. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. 471-7213. $750. Prosperity Aerobics: Worry About Money No More 7-9pm. Coach Cary Bayer. Esoterica. 255-5777. $20. SATURDAY 11 JUNE ART Equine Art Exhibit Call for times. Hits on the Hudson, Saugerties. 246-8833. Photographs by Elinor Stecker-Orel and Linda Tommasulo 1-3pm. Art Gallery at Rockefeller State Park Preserve, Mount Pleasant. (914) 631-1470 ext. 12. Lecuter by Artists Vincent & Mark Pomilio 4pm. North Pointe Cultural Center, Kinderhook. (518) 758-9234. Mark & Vincent Pomilio 4:30-6:30pm. Mixed media paintings, some based on scientific literature. North Pointe Cultural Center, Kinderhook. (518) 758-9234. Landscapes of the Hudson Valley 5-7pm. Painting by Thomas Locker. Kiesendahl+Calhoun Contemporary Art, Beacon. 838-1177. Photographs by Jeri Eisenberg 5-7pm. Galerie BMG, Woodstock. 679-0027. Carlos Uribe & Maria Melero 5-8pm. Opening reception. Garrison Art Center, Garrison. 424-3960. Deceptive Fragility 5-8pm. Leonard Baskin, Clemens Kalischer, Marilyn Kalish, and Kayla Corby. Vault Gallery, Great Barrington, MA. (413) 644-0221. Old & New Friends 5-8pm. Group exhibit. Elisa Pritzker Studio & Gallery, Highland. 691-5506. Amalgam 6-9pm. New work by Chris Albert. Bau, Beacon. 591-2331.


CLASSES Flamenco Classes 9:30-11am. Center for Symbolic Studies, Tilson. (914) 434-6198.

Breastfeeding Café 7pm. Mothers share the joys, challenges and secrets of nursing. Ariel Bookstore, New Paltz. 255-8041.

And Miss Reardon Drinks a Little 8pm. Presented by the Coach House Players. Coach House, Kingston. 331-2476. $15/$12 seniors.

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BODY / MIND / SPIRIT The Timeless Wisdom of Lao Tzu 11am. Lectorium Rosicrucianum Center, Chatham. (518) 392-2799.

The History of Chocolate 7:30-10:30pm. Slide show, talk, tastings. Call for more info. 658-7887. $45. Singles Spring Fling 8pm. Blues music, international buffet, dancing. Community Center of New Paltz, New Paltz. 236-3817. $20. FILM Ulee’s Gold 7pm. Bees and rural life. Sustainable Living Resource Center, Cottekill. 679-9597. $7. Pygmalion 8pm. Comedy. Catskill Mountain Foundation Movie Theater, Hunter. (518) 263-4908 ext. 202. $15/$10 subscribers. KIDS Saturdays for Children: River Creature Origami 11am-12:30pm. Tivoli Bays Visitor Center, Tivoli. 758-7012. MUSIC Lucy Kaplansky Call for time. Towne Crier, Pawling. 855-1300. Lincoln Mayorga Tells All: High Spots in a Low Life 8pm. Pianist/composer. Spencertown Academy, Spencertown. (518) 392-3693. $18/$16 members/$9 students. The Italians 8pm. Acoustic duo of Livio Guardi and Wilson Montuori. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. $15/$11 members. Acoustic Artists Coalition 8-11pm. Tim Hunter, singer/songwriter, political satirist. A.i.r, Kingston. 331-2662. $6/$10 couple. Water Witch Sunshine Sally & Bobo Thorn 9pm. Blues and rock and roll. Evergreen B&B Performance Space, Fleischmanns. 254-5392. $5. Thunder Ridge 9pm. Country rock. Hickory Smokehouse, Kingston. 338-2424. THE OUTDOORS Giant Ledges in the Slide Mountain Wilderness Area Easy 3.4-Mile hike. Call for time and place. 339-7170.





heck your preconceptions at the door. At “American Stripper,” the first solo exhibit of photographs by artist Charise Isis, you won’t find stark images of bored, languid dancers. Instead, you’ll discover soft and seductive portraits of the “powerful and creative” women Isis works with—as a stripper herself—at Di Carlo’s, a club in the Albany suburb of Colonie that can hold up to 100 people (mostly men, but increasingly populated by women, couples, and groups). “I’m interested in my colleagues’ humanity,” says Isis, a softspoken blonde with long dreadlocks who was born in New Jersey and raised in New Zealand. “Strippers are often depicted as dysfunctional, but I’ve seen dysfunctional people in all levels of society. There are dysfunctional lawyers and doctors. The women I work with are amazing for many reasons. They work very hard. They go to great lengths to create an identity for themselves by choosing their costumes and music, planning their routines, and choosing a name. Then they go onstage and transform themselves into goddesses who are worshipped by the people watching them. Dancing is an ancient ritual. If you watch a woman doing a raw, powerful performance, it’s going to move you.” The 18 black-and-white prints displayed at the Center for Photography at Woodstock were selected by the center’s curators: Isis was too attached to all of her photos to edit them herself. Titles include Moulin Rouge, Flagpole, Pieta, Joie, Salome, and Voodoo. Most of the photos are slightly out of focus and look like they were taken early in the last century—partly due to the club’s erratic lighting (strobe lights, disco balls, light-reflective costumes)—and because Isis wanted to express the dancers’ movement. The emotions conjured are those of joy, warmth, spontaneity, affection—and yes, desire. While the Kingston resident has worked as an exotic dancer on and off for the past 12 years—to support her art (theater, sculpture, and painting) and family, including a son who is now seven—she began photographing her coworkers three years ago. “I hope that my work is thought-provoking,” she says. “There’s so much ugliness in the world. I want to create something that is beautiful and positive. I ask myself: ‘Would I want to put this on my wall and look at it everyday?’” “I like the idea that I can help give these women self-esteem by taking beautiful pictures of them. I once showed a woman a photo of herself and she looked at it and said, ‘This is me? This is me?’ Then she started jumping around the room, exclaiming, “This is me! This is me!’ Another time, when I gave a woman her photo, she cried. She had been used to being photographed for men’s magazines. It was touching for her to be photographed in another way. She bought a new house, and now the photo is hanging in her living room.” Would you hang a portrait of a stripper—one that is provocative, evocative, and lovingly photographed— in your home? Go, and see for yourself. —Ann Braybrooks CHARISE ISIS’S “AMERICAN STRIPPER” WILL BE EXHIBITED THROUGH JUNE 19 AT THE CENTER FOR PHOTOGRAPHY AT WOODSTOCK, 59 TINKER STREET, WOODSTOCK. (845) 679-9957; WWW.CPW.ORG.


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Trail Rides along the Neversink River Call for times. Frost Valley YMCA. 985-2291 ext. 240. Strenuous 7.7-Mile Hike of Breakneck-Undercliff Loop 8:30am. Meet at McDonalds Wappingers Falls. 876-4534. Singles Hike – Rhododendron Bridge 10am-1pm. Moderate to 5-mile hike. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919. SPOKEN WORD Toast and Poetry Jam Call for times. Presented by the Mohonk Mountain Stage Company. St. Andrews Church, New Paltz. 255-3102. The View from Kowawese Tells Many Stories 10am. The story behind Murderer’s Creek and Bannerman’s Castle. Museum of the Hudson Highlands, Cornwall-onHudson. 534-5506, ext 204. Edward Schwarzshild 2pm. From his book Responsible Men. Merritt Bookstore, Red Hook. 758-2665. Woodstock Poetry Society Meeting 2pm. Featuring Hudson Valley poets Roberta Gould and Janine Pommy Vega. Woodstock Town Hall, Woodstock. July Marss, A Month of Sundays 7pm. Ariel Bookstore, New Paltz. 255-8041. THEATER The Hatmaker’s Daughters Call for times. Presented by Kids Up Front. Pawling United Methodist Church, Pawling. 222-9204. $11/$6 children. Auditions for the Rhinebeck Unplugged Student Theater 4pm. Production of Aida. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 758-4213. And Miss Reardon Drinks a Little 8pm. Presented by the Coach House Players. Coach House, Kingston. 331-2476. $15/$12 seniors. Intimate Apparel 8pm. SummerStar Theater Company. Orange County Community College, Middletown. 341-4789. $15/$10 students and seniors. McBride: Magic Unmasked 8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $20/$15 children and seniors. Tommy 8pm. The Who’s Rock Opera. Woodstock Playhouse, Woodstock. 247-4007. $15/$12 children and seniors. WORKSHOPS Encaustics and Photography Call for times. Center for Photography, Woodstock. 679-9957. The Photographer’s Eye 10am-4pm. Taught by G. Steve Jordan. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. $80/$75 members + 15 materials.

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Sounds for Healing 10am-4:30pm. Rhythm and vibrations. Center for an Examined Life, West Hurley. 331-3390. Drumming Beyond the Edge 2-4pm. W/Ubaka Hill. Mirabai of Woodstock. 679-2100. $20/$25. SUNDAY 12 JUNE BODY / MIND / SPIRIT Basic Daoist Alchemy 10am-5pm. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. $95/$85 members. CLASSES Truffle Making Class 11am-3pm.. Call for more info. 658-7887. $65.

Art Show and Book Sale Starr Library, Rhinebeck. 876-2127. Scarborough Faire 11am-6pm. A celebration of herbs, horticulture, food and wine. Mills Mansion, Staatsburg. 889-4100 ext. 307. Annual Beacon Sloop Club Strawberry Festival 12-6pm. Strawberry foods and free sailing. Riverfront Park, Beacon. 831-6962. Celebration of Martha Washington’s Birthday 2-4pm. Refreshments, historical presentations, award presentation. Washington’s Headquarters State Historic Site, Newburgh. 562-1195. FILM Sunset Story 7:30pm. Documentary on 2 residents of Sunset Hall, a retirement home for free thinkers. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448. $6/$4 members. MUSIC Acoustic Originals and Classics 6-9pm. Featuring Kat Mills. Gadaleto’s Seafood and Bandstand, New Paltz. 255-1717. Open Book, Terence Martin, Ina May Wool, Dan Bonis 7:30pm. Acoustic, contemporary, original. Towne Crier Café, Pawling. 855-1300. $10. THE OUTDOORS Riding Lessons Call for times. Frost Valley YMCA. 985-2291 ext. 240. Peters Kill Mountain Laurel Hike 9:30am-2:30pm. Moderate to strenuous 8-mile hike. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919. Singles Hike – Millbrook Mountain 9:30am-3:30pm. Strenuous, 9-mile hike. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919. Minnewaska in Bloom 10am. Spring flowers in bloom. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011. A Sunday Drive Touring Country Homes and Gardens 12-5pm. Presented by the Historical Society of Newburgh Bay and the Highlands. Captain David Crawford House in Newburgh. 561-2585. $20. SPOKEN WORD Sharon Watts Reads From A Style All Her Own 2pm. Merritt Bookstore, Cold Spring. 265-9100. THEATER The Hatmaker’s Daughters Call for times. Presented by Kids Up Front. Pawling United Methodist Church, Pawling. 222-9204. $11/$6 children. Auditions for the Rhinebeck Unplugged Student Theater 10am. Production of Aida. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 758-4213. Staged Reading of Dream of a Blacklisted Actor 2pm. Followed by discussion with the playwright, Conrad Bromberg. Spencertown Academy, Spencertown. (518) 392-3693. $8/$6 members & students. Tommy 2pm. The Who’s Rock Opera. Woodstock Playhouse, Woodstock. 247-4007. $15/$12 children and seniors. Intimate Apparel 3pm. SummerStar THEATER Company. Orange County Community College, Middletown. 341-4789. $15/$10 students and seniors.

Discovering Grains and Greens 4-7pm. Whole Foods Whole People, Salt Point. 266-4282. $35.

McBride: Magic Unmasked 3pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $20/$15 children and seniors.

EVENTS Gay Pride March and Celebration Call for times. New Paltz. 255-2465.

And Miss Reardon Drinks a Little 8pm. Presented by the Coach House Players. Coach House, Kingston. 331-2476. $15/$12 seniors.

WORKSHOPS Spontaneous Inventions Call for times. Omega Institute, Rhinebeck. (800) 944-1001. $895. 7 Secrets to a Slimmer Summer 10am-4pm. Facilitated by Denise Lewis. Jewish Community Center, Poughkeepsie. 227-3190. Tele, Transference, Countertransference 1:30-4pm. 3 sessions. Center for an Examined Life, West Hurley. 331-3390. MONDAY 13 JUNE CLASSES Swing Dance Class by Chester Freeman Beginner 6:30, Intermediate 7:30, Advanced 8:30. Reformed Church of the Comforter, Kingston. 236-3939. Learn to Meditate 8pm. Woodstock Community Center, Woodstock. 797-1218. MUSIC Sun Pie 10pm. Acoustic, rock. Bacchus Restaurant and Bar, New Paltz. 255-8636. SPOKEN WORD Low Back Pain: Causes and Solutions 7pm. With Dr. Joseph F. Grable. Olive Free Library, West Shokan. 657-2482. Open Mike Night 7pm. Featuring poets Celia Bland, Karen Chase, Joan Handler. Colony Café, Woodstock. 679-5342. WORKSHOPS Painting the Figure in Oil 9am. Woodstock School of Art, Woodstock. 679-2388. TUESDAY 14 JUNE CLASSES Holly’s Organic Cooking ClassOne Pot Meals 6:30-10pm. Uptown Kingston. 658-7887. $50 + $15 materials. THE OUTDOORS Early Birds 6:30am. Bird watching. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011. Babes in the Woods Hike 10am. Hike for grownups with babies. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011. WEDNESDAY 15 JUNE CLASSES Flamenco Classes 7-8:30pm. Center for Symbolic Studies, Tilson. (914) 434-6198. EVENTS Mohonk Consultations 25th Anniversary Celebration & Benefit Program 5:30pm. Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz. 256-2726. $30. MUSIC Open Mike Call for time. With Scott Sylvester. Towne Crier, Pawling. 855-1300. Dances with Werewolves 8pm. Carl Welden. New York Bagelry, Poughkeepsie. 436-3370. Dave Ellison / Gian Starr 10pm. Acoustic, alternative, folk, rock,. Bacchus Restaurant and Bar, New Paltz. 255-8636. SPOKEN WORD Carl Welden 7:30pm. Poetry, spoken word. The New York Bagelry and Café, Poughkeepsie. 463-3370. THEATER The Tempest 7pm. Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival. Boscobel Restoration, Garrison. 265-9575. THURSDAY 16 JUNE CLASSES Holly’s Organic Cooking ClassThe Lowdown on Fats




n the mid-18th century, as development began to spread to the untamed landscape of the Hudson River Valley, the Hudson River School artists gathered to paint the changing scenery of their namesake. They realized that the change they were witnessing would likely alter mankind’s relationship to nature, and so, through their art, they consciously promoted direct experiential bonding with the earth. Their goal was to try to heighten people’s awareness of the natural world and connect to nature through direct experience. Beyond their paintings, they left their mark on such famous urban areas as Central Park and the more recently restored Prospect Park in Brooklyn. Following in the footsteps of these Hudson River painters, local artist and activist Shawn Dell Joyce has formed a plein-air painting workshop that meets weekly at sites where the Hudson River School painted throughout the summer and early fall. Like their predecessors, the “new Hudson River School” focuses on the preservation and love of nature. In fact, two annual auctions of their landscape artwork raise a sizeable amount of revenue for sustainable development. As the leader of the group, Dell Joyce sees art and activism as logically connected. “I use art as a tool for social change,” she says. “We bring artists out from the inner cities and suburbs to paint in the fields that sustain them.” Dell Joyce has been recognized with numerous awards, including a grant from the Puffin Foundation, which awards money to artists who work to “continue the dialogue between art and the lives of ordinary people.” Focusing on sustainable development and agriculture, Landscapes on Location holds two auctions of donated work completed during the plein-air series, on July 16 and September 25. Proceeds benefit expanding the biodynamic farming and food donation programs at Philles Bridge Farm in New Paltz. To diversify the workshop series, they also offer a limited number of scholarships to low-income, differentlyabled, multicultural, teen, and elderly folks. The plein-air painters meet every Sunday from 9am to noon at a series of locations each month. Classes will be held in June at the Bear Hill Wildlife Preserve in Cragsmoor; demonstrating artists will be Laura Martinez-Bianco (6/5), Steve Blumenthal (6/12), William Noonan (6/19), and Jane Bloodgood-Abrams (6/26). Participants enjoy a demonstration by one of twelve professional artists from the region working in the genre of the new Hudson River School. After the demo, participants work on their own with individual attention from the demonstrator. “Just to be in that little space in time where you are one with nature...It becomes a spiritual practice,” commented Pat Dunn, a third-year painter. “It’s a great group and they provide accepting circumstances where both old and new artists can thrive." —C. Lee Hale LANDSCAPES ON LOCATION MEETS EVERY SUNDAY AT LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT THE HUDSON VALLEY AND IS OPEN TO BEGINNING AND ADVANCED ARTISTS IN ALL MEDIA. (845) 728-4001; WWW.SHAWNDELLJOYCE.COM.


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6:30-9:30pm. Boces, Port Ewen. 331-0902. $35.

MUSIC Thunder Ridge 7-9pm. Country, rock. Dutchman’s Landing, Catskill. Bar Scott and Jon Clearly 9pm. Piano playing singer/songwriters. Joyous Lake, Woodstock. 679-8100. $16/$14 in advance. THEATER The Tempest 7pm. Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival. Boscobel Restoration, Garrison. 265-9575. The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie 8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $15/$13 children and seniors. WORKSHOPS Euro Dance 1:30-2:30pm. With Helvi & Richard Impola. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. $5. FRIDAY 17 JUNE CLASSES Modern Dance Intermediate Class 5-6:30pm. For mature, motivated dancers in a noncompetitive atmosphere. Sarah Stackhouse Studio, Rosendale. 943-6700. $14. MUSIC Groovelilly and The Costellos Call for time. Towne Crier, Pawling. 855-1300. Oteil and the Pacemakers with opening act Spaceface 9pm. Rock and roll. Joyous Lake, Woodstock. 679-8100. $16/$14 in advance. THE OUTDOORS Father’s Day Weekend Retreat Call for times. Frost Valley YMCA. 985-2291 ext. 240. SPOKEN WORD See Every Bird on Earth with Dan Koeppel 7pm. Ariel Bookstore, New Paltz. 255-8041. An Evening with Emmanuel 7-10pm. For teens only to talk and ask questions on any topic. New Paltz. 658-9025. $15. Reno: The God Show 8:30pm. Live comedy. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448. $17.50/$15 members. THEATER Reading Festival #1 Call for times. Readings from several works. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. 437-7404. Stones in His Pockets Call for times. The making of a major Hollywood movie in a rural Irish community. Shadowland Theater, Ellenville. 647-5511. Amadeus 8pm. Presented by the Mohonk Mountain Stage Company. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-3102. And Miss Reardon Drinks a Little 8pm. Presented by the Coach House Players. Coach House, Kingston. 331-2476. $15/$12 seniors. The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie 8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $15/$13 children and seniors. The Tempest 8pm. Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival. Boscobel Restoration, Garrison. 265-9575. WORKSHOPS Introduction to Omega Call for times. Omega Institute, Rhinebeck. (800) 944-1001. $175.

130 Chronogram


Initiation Through the Elements Call for times. With Mary Magdalene & Brenda Edwards. The Garden at Thunder Hill, Rensselaerville. (518) 797-3373.

Ars Chorals 8pm. Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5 by Heitor Villa-Lobos. Maverick Concert Hall, Woodstock. 679-8217.

How to Create Ideal Relationships 7-9pm. Coach Cary Bayer. Esoterica. 255-5777. $20.

Eight Cellos and a Guitar 8pm. A choral exploration of the musical influence of Spain and Portugal. Maverick Concert Hall, Woodstock. 338-3973. $20/$15 in advance.

Chinese Energetics 7-9pm. W/Sirriya Din. Mirabai of Woodstock. 679-2100. $15/$20. Open Psychodrama Session 7:30pm. Theme: Living On Purpose. Boughton Place, Highland. 255-7502. $6/$4. SATURDAY 18 JUNE ART Journeys in Clay V 2-4pm. GCCA Mountaintop Gallery, Windham. (518) 734-3104. BODY/MIND/SPIRIT Mandala Labyrinth Project 9-11am. Soulpaths Spirituality and Healing Institute, Barrytown. 417-1345. The Winds of Prayer 1-4pm. Soulpaths Spirituality and Healing Institute, Barrytown. 417-1345. DANCE Flamenco Classes 9:30-11am. Center for Symbolic Studies, Tilson. (914) 434-6198. EVENTS Colonial Dinner Call for time. Dinner and talks with Ben Franklin. Mount Gulian Historic Site, Fishkill. 831-8172. $125. Used Book Sale 10am-3pm. Woodstock Library, Woodstock. 679-2213. Clearwater Festival 10am-8:30pm. Croton Point Park. (800) 67-SLOOP. Catskill Animal Sanctuary Annual Shindig 12-6pm. Food, music, a silent and live auction, kids’ activities, hayride farm tours. Catskill Animal Sanctuary, Catskill. 336-8447. $10/$8. Rondout National Historic District Walking Tour 2pm. Kingston Heritage Area Visitor Center, Kingston. 339-0720. $5/$2 children. Eighth Annual Benefit Auction and Dinner 5pm. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919. $75. FILM Sunset Story 7:30pm. Documentary on 2 residents of Sunset Hall, a retirement home for free thinkers. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448. $6/$4 members. KIDS Saturday Children’s Workshop 10am-1pm. On the Hudson River’s maritime history. Hudson River Maritime Museum, Kingston. 338-0071 ext. 13. $13. MUSIC Dennis Gruenling & Jump Time Call for time. Towne Crier, Pawling. 855-1300. Around the World 12-6pm. Folk groups. Warwick Valley Winery, Warwick. 258-4858. An American Songbook 4pm. Soprano Susan Narucki and pianist Michael Boriskin. Spencertown Academy, Spencertown. (518) 392-3693. $25/$18 members. 2005 Hudson Valley Chamber Music Circle 8pm. Kalichstein-Laredo-Robinson Trio. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. (518) 537-6665. An Evening of Traditional Persian Music 8pm. Mohammad Reza Lotfo performs with his son Omid Lotfi. Rosendale Theater, Rosendale. 658-8989. $15/$18 at the door.

Thrivin’ On A Riff with Teresa Broadwell 8pm. Jazz and Swing. North Pointe Cultural Center, Kinderhook. (518) 758-9234. $15/$13.50 seniors/ $12 members. Baketeo 9pm. Cuban Latin jazz. Evergreen B&B Performance Space, Fleischmanns. 254-5392. $5. Thunder Ridge 9pm. Country, rock. Hickory BBQ Smokehouse Restaurant, Kingston. 338-2424. THE OUTDOORS Moderately Strenuous 10-Mile Hike Around the Bashakill Call for time and place. 532-9303. Rainbow Falls Hike Call for time. Difficult 8-mile hike. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011. Strenuous 8-Mile Hike at Schunemunk Mt. Call for time and place. 462-0142. Winter Bird Walks 9am. Clermont State Historic Site, Germantown. (518) 537-4240. $2. Long Hike to Van Leuven Cabin 9:30am-12:30pm. Moderate to strenuous, 6-mile hike. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919. SPOKEN WORD Riley Martin, Author of The Coming of Tan Call for time. A.I.R. Studio, Kingston. 331-2662. The View from Kowawese Tells Many Stories 10am. The story behind Murderer’s Creek and Bannerman’s Castle. Museum of the Hudson Highlands, Cornwall-onHudson. 534-5506, ext 204. NAACP Health Fair 10am-2pm. African American Men’s Association. Ellenville. 647-5430. A Day with Emmanuel 10am-4pm. Open for all ages 13 and up. New Paltz. 658-9025. $50. Reading by Akiko Busch 11am. The Uncommon Life of Common Objects. Merritt Bookstore, Millbrook. 677-5857. Reading By Karen Bussolini 11am. Elegant Silvers: Striking Plants From Every Garden. Merritt Bookstore, Millbrook. 677-5857. Poetry with Lisa Allen 2pm. Inspirational and motivational poems. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438. For the Natural Poet 2-5pm. Open mike, reading, discussion. Catskill Mountain Foundation Movie Theater, Hunter. (518) 263-4908 ext. 202. $7. Edward Schwarzshild 4pm. From his book Responsible Men. Merritt Bookstore, Millbrook. 677-5857. Acoustic Artists Coalition 6-10pm. Riley Martin, author of The Coming of Tan. A.i.r, Kingston. 331-2662. Reno: The God Show 9:30pm. Live comedy. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448. $17.50/$15 members. THEATER Reading Festival #1 Call for times. Readings from several works. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. 437-7404.






hat it all boils down to is this: I’m a boy prone to crushes.” Poet, playwright, actor, director Phillip Levine reveals the crux of his dilemma early on in his new play/poem/ story/album/one-man show (except for his wife, who plays a kind-of silent Gracie to Levine’s proverbial, hyperverbal, neurotic George Burns). “Approximate Poet Falls in Love and Can’t Get Up,” explains Levine, "is part memoir, part embellishment, and like all art, lies to tell the truth." Unless you’re a first-time Chronogram reader or truly don’t get out much, you probably know Phil Levine. Levine runs the Monday-night open mike readings at the Colony Cafe in Woodstock and his experimental, cutting-edge plays, performed largely in our region and in New York City, take poetry to a new level, mixing prose, stream of consciousness, quips, narration, movement, expression, voice, emotion, and of course, poetry. [Full disclosure: Levine is Chronogram’s poetry editor.] As a performer and director, Levine got his start in the alternative New York City theater scene, also known as Off-Off-Broadway, where in the last 20 years crossing the lines between art forms became an art form unto itself. His focus became bringing work, “so-called poetry,” into different settings. “A lot of what you’ll see here, you’ll see in yourself,” he says about his newest work. The play is broken down into nine parts, with an “Overture,” an “Epilogue,” and six poems, which Levine described as being similar to “stations of the cross or stones in the stream.” Each vignette takes the audience on a heartbreaking and/or hilarious tour of a man in love. With whom? Anyone. During the Overture, he’s yearning to lasso the pigtails of the girl next door; then it’s a stranger on the subway; then a woman he let go with regret; then a blind date. Through it all, Levine’s real wife, Meredith, is there with him, onstage—fleshing out the scene with movement, dance, commentary, encouragement, reaction. Meredith Levine is somewhat new to the play, Levine says. He formerly performed it with a friend, but the play took on new meaning when he got married a year and a half ago. That’s when he added Meredith, and the Epilogue: “art can’t fix it religion can’t fix it your lover can’t fix it.” Settling into a healthy, long-term relationship helped complete the artistic journey of the poems that became “Approximate Poet Falls in Love and Can’t Get Up,” Levine says. Without Meredith, he might have stayed stuck in the “Questions for a Blind Date” phase: “Will you call me a poet if I call you a poem?” —Molly Maeve Eagan “APPROXIMATE POET FALLS IN LOVE AND CAN’T GET UP” WILL BE PERFORMED ON FRIDAY, JUNE 17, AT 8PM AT THE HUDSON OPERA HOUSE, 327 WARREN STREET, HUDSON. (518) 822-1438; WWW.HUDSONOPERAHOUSE.ORG. THE SHOW RUNS 35 MINUTES AND WILL BE FOLLOWED BY AN OPEN MIKE. ADMISSION IS FREE. “APPROXIMATE POET” WILL ALSO BE PERFORMED ON SATURDAY, JULY 23, AT 6 PM AT THE CORNELIA STREET CAFE, 27 CORNELIA STREET, NEW YORK CITY. (212) 989-9319; WWW.CORNELIASTREETCAFE.COM.


Chronogram 131

Amadeus 8pm. Presented by the Mohonk Mountain Stage Company. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-3102. And Miss Reardon Drinks a Little 8pm. Presented by the Coach House Players. Coach House, Kingston. 3312476. $15/$12 seniors. The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie 8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $15/$13 children and seniors. The Tempest 8pm. Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival. Boscobel Restoration, Garrison. 265-9575. WORKSHOPS Navigating the Magazine World Call for times. Center for Photography, Woodstock. 679-9957. Write Saturday 8:30am-4pm. With Wallkill Valley Writers. New Paltz. 255-7090. Circle of You- Collage 9-11am. Mandala Labryinth Project. SoulPaths Spirituality and Healing Institute, Barrytown. 417-1345. $20/$25. A Rose is a Rose: The Basics 9am-12pm. Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook. 677-9643. $45. The Winds of Prayer 1-4pm. SoulPaths Spirituality and Healing Institute, Barrytown. 417-1345. $20. SUNDAY 19 JUNE CLASSES Fiddle and Dance Camp Western & Swing Week. Ashokan. 246-2121. DANCE Swing Dance Jam 6:30-9pm. White Eagle Hall, Kingston. 339-3032. $5. EVENTS Clearwater Festival 10am-8:30pm. Croton Point Park. (800) 67-SLOOP. FILM Deserted Station 5pm. Drama about the Iran rarely covered in the news. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448. $6/$4 members. MUSIC Terrance Simien & The Zydeco Experience Call for time. Towne Crier, Pawling. 855-1300. Bennett Harris Solo Acoustic Blues 2-5pm. Acoustic, blues. Applewood Winery, Warwick. 988-9292. Ars Chorals 3pm. Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5 by Heitor Villa-Lobos. Maverick Concert Hall, Woodstock. 679-8217. Eight Cellos and a Guitar 3pm. A choral exploration of the musical influence of Spain and Portugal. Maver-


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132 Chronogram


ick Concert Hall, Woodstock. 338-3973. $20/$15 in advance.

Unplugged Acoustic Open Mike 3:30pm. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. THEATER Reading Festival #1 Call for times. Readings from several works. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. 437-7404. The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie 3pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $15/$13 children and seniors. The Tempest 6pm. Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival. Boscobel Restoration, Garrison. 265-9575. And Miss Reardon Drinks a Little 8pm. Presented by the Coach House Players. Coach House, Kingston. 331-2476. $15/$12 seniors. WORKSHOPS Evolutionary Somatics Call for times. Omega Institute, Rhinebeck. (800) 944-1001. $425. MONDAY 20 JUNE EVENTS Plan-It-X Festival 12pm. Workshops and outdoor activities during the day, music from 5pm on. The Newburgh Elks Lodge, Newburgh. (518) 207-5318. MUSIC Allison Dennis 10pm. Acoustic, alternative, folk, rock. Bacchus Restaurant and Bar, New Paltz. 255-8636. SPOKEN WORD Healthy Eating (The Anti-Diet Solution) 6:30pm. With Dr. Joseph F. Grable. Cragsmoor Free Library, Cragsmoor. 679-6405. Creativity and the Outsider 7pm. Roger Ricco. Woodstock Artists Association, Woodstock. 679-2940. $6. Open Mike Night 7pm. Featuring poets Dan Wilcox and Stephen Dodge. Colony Café, Woodstock. 679-5342. WORKSHOPS Drawing Marathon 9am. Woodstock School of Art, Woodstock. 679-2388. Miniature Painting 9am. Woodstock School of Art, Woodstock. 679-2388. Holistic Eye Care 7:30-9:30pm. With Dr. Marc Grossman. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. $12/$10 members. TUESDAY 21 JUNE BODY/MIND/SPIRIT Summer Solstice Labyrinth Walk 7:30pm. Unification Theological Seminary, Barrytown. 417-1345.

CLASSES Holly’s Cooking ClassFour Ingredient Cooking 6:30-10pm. Stone Ridge. 331-0902. $50 + $15 materials. EVENTS Go Skate Day 12-8pm. Food, music, skating. TSX SkatePark, Kingsotn. (834) 339-2500. THE OUTDOORS Early Birds 6:30am. Bird watching. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011. Babes in the Woods Hike 10am. Hike for grownups with babies. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011. WEDNESDAY 22 JUNE BODY/MIND/SPIRIT Magick for Beginners Class 7pm. Hurley. $50. Full Moon Labyrinth Walk 7:30pm. Unification Theological Seminary, Barrytown. 417-1345. DANCE Flamenco Classes 7-8:30pm. Center for Symbolic Studies, Tilson. (914) 434-6198. KIDS Nature Stories 11am. Stories and activities for preschoolers at the Nature Center. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011. MUSIC Zydeco Pilots 10pm. Cajun, traditional, zydeco. Bacchus Restaurant and Bar, New Paltz. 255-8636. THE OUTDOORS Feature of the Week- Trees 4pm. Lore, identification, ecology at the Nature Center. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011. SPOKEN WORD Linda Lerner 7:30pm. Poetry, spoken word. The New York Bagelry and Café, Poughkeepsie. 463-3370. THEATER Donna Morelli Call for times. Modern love story inspired by Romeo and Juliet. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. 437-7404. The Tempest 7pm. Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival. Boscobel Restoration, Garrison. 265-9575. WORKSHOPS Authentic Movement 6:30-9pm. Center for an Examined Life, West Hurley. 331-3390. THURSDAY 23 JUNE MUSIC Independent Folk Music 7:30pm. 3rd Floor Underground, Kingston. 331-4580. $5.





ou never thought this day would come. Right on the banks of the majestic Hudson River this Father’s Day weekend you can play the game “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” while the actor/musician/activist (and his brother Michael) belt out their tunes within yards of you…and your Frisbee. Welcome to the 2005 Great Hudson River Revival, offering the quantity of a smorgasbord with the quality of finely spun silk. Two days and six stages packed to the gills with outstanding entertainers: the Indigo Girls, jazz legend Jack DeJohnette, upbeat jam musicians Assembly of Dust, Irish rockers Black 47, the Scottish musicians Battlefield Band, alterna-pop songstress Demi Bonet, and dizzying dozens of others. There’s nothing quite so delicious: the taste of a cool river breeze after you’ve danced yourself a twostep frenzy in the Dance Tent lead by superstar C.J. (and son of late Zydeco pioneer Clifton) Chenier. But if catchy Cajun or the beckoning of bluegrass isn’t enough, the Great Hudson River Revival offers a Children’s Area, international and natural food, an artisan’s marketplace, and an ever-astounding array of environmental and social activism booths. All the proceeds from the festival will fund the Clearwater organization’s yearround environmental and educational efforts. Those wanting to get closer to the Hudson are invited to take a two-hour sail on one of their historic tall ships (including the famous sloop Clearwater—the inspirational raison d’être for the festival’s beginnings back in 1966). Expanding their ecoboundaries further, this year’s entire festival will be fueled by 100-percent sustainable alternative energy (solar, wind, and biodiesel); and due to outstanding solar cell charging, they’ll even credit some energy back to the county before leaving Croton Point. For the visitor concerned with keeping up with such sustainable-fuel standards, the direct action environmental group Time’s Up offers free valet parking for all who ride their bikes to the event (tip: Metro North trains allow bicycles). Even with two days, there’s not a chance you could experience, learn, dance, or listen to everything offered at this year’s festival. From the swirling lyrical mists of the Story Grove to the driving fiddle out on the Hudson River Stage, the options could drive one to consider juggling the whole weekend (and yes, Virginia, there’s even a Juggling Area). Fortunately, Ron Aja, Clearwater’s festival director, offers the sound advice of experiencing the festival with the “wander and watch” methodology. He also recommends you find time to “sit quietly under the willow tree by the Hudson; because that’s the reason for this festival, that’s why we’re all here.” Sail on down to the Great Hudson River Revival, and find out for yourself. —Alicia Perre-Dowd THE CLEARWATER MUSIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL FESTIVAL WILL BE HELD AT WESTCHESTER’S CROTON POINT PARK ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, JUNE 18-19, FROM 10AM TO 8:30PM. ADVANCE TICKETS (PURCHASED BEFORE JUNE 17) ARE $40 PER DAY OR $55 FOR THE WHOLE WEEKEND; TICKETS ARE $45/$60 AT THE GATE. (800) 67-SLOOP; WWW.CLEARWATER.ORG.


Chronogram 133

Feeling Foolish?

A Good Reason for a New Tattoo

THE OUTDOORS Hike for Tykes 2pm. Exploration at a toddlers pace, up to 6 years. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011. SPOKEN WORD Dutch Colonial Homes in America 7:30pm. Roderic H. Blackburn. Hurley Reformed Church, Hurley. 331-0593. THEATER Donna Morelli Call for times. Modern love story inspired by Romeo and Juliet. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. 437-7404. The Tempest 7pm. Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival. Boscobel Restoration, Garrison. 265-9575. The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie 8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $15/$13 children and seniors.

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WORKSHOPS Euro Dance 1:30-2:30pm. With Helvi & Richard Impola. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. $5. Inter-Dimensional Communication 7-9pm. W/Atala Toy. Mirabai of Woodstock. 679-2100. $15/$20. FRIDAY 24 JUNE ART Pottery and Dreamfigures 4-8pm. Michelle Rhodes Summer Show. Gardiner. 417-1369. CLASSES Modern Dance Intermediate Class 5-6:30pm. For mature, motivated dancers in a noncompetitive atmosphere. New Paltz School of Ballet, New Paltz. 943-6700. $14. DANCE Swing Dance to The Blue Rays 8:30pm. Lesson at 7:30. Poughkeepsie Tennis Club, Poughkeepsie. 454-2571. $10. EVENTS Hudson Valley Arts Festival Call for times. Columbia County Fairground, Chatham. 246-9038. $7/$3.50 children. MUSIC Old Songs Festival Call for times. Festival of traditional music and dance. Altamont Fairgrounds, Altamont. (518) 765-2815.

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Dar Williams Call for time. Towne Crier, Pawling. 855-1300. Studio Stu 7:30-10:30pm. Many musical genres. Maia Restaurant & Lounge, Poughkeepsie. 734-5004. Big Kahuna 8pm. Dance, rock. The Pavilion, Poughkeepsie. 943-7100. Shuga Kane 8pm. Rock. The Loft, Poughkeepsie. 471-1966. Popa Chubby With Opening Act Five Points Band 9pm. Blues. Joyous Lake, Woodstock. 679-8100. $15. Thunder Ridge 10pm. Country rock. Catskill Point Restaurant & Bar, Catskill. (518) 943-3173. SPOKEN WORD Reno: The God Show 8:30pm. Live comedy. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448. $17.50/$15 members. THEATER Donna Morelli Call for times. Modern love story inspired by Romeo and Juliet. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. 437-7404. The Man in the White Suit Call for times. An eccentric scientist invents a fabric that destroys the textile industry. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. 437-7404.

Amadeus 8pm. Presented by the Mohonk Mountain Stage Company. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-3102. The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie 8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $15/$13 children and seniors. The Tempest 8pm. Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival. Boscobel Restoration, Garrison. 265-9575. WORKSHOPS The Wild Man & the Wild Woman In Our Time: Call for times. Omega Institute, Rhinebeck. (800) 944-1001. $350. The Fine Art of Black and White Printing Call for times. Center for Photography, Woodstock. 679-9957. SATURDAY 25 JUNE ART Where Next? 2-6pm. Watercolor paintings on the road from around the world by Lucinda Knaus. Lucinda Knaus Fine Art, Shady. 679-4758. Cloudscapes 5-7pm. Susan Miller Solo Exhibit. GCCA Catskill Gallery, Catskill. (518) 943-3400. Go Fish 5-7pm. Artists’ views beneath the water’s surface. GCCA Catskill Gallery, Catskill. (518) 943-3400. Botanical Art Opening 6-8pm. Group show opening reception. Deborah Davis Fine Art, Hudson. (518) 822-1890. BODY / MIND / SPIRIT Live In Harmony With Life: Surrender to God 10am-5pm. With Joel Walzer of Flowing Spirit Guidance. Woodstock. 679-8989. CLASSES Flamenco Classes 9:30-11am. Center for Symbolic Studies, Tilson. (914) 434-6198. Reiki I Class 11am-3pm. Certification/attunements. Hurley. $50. DANCE Freestyle Frolic 8:30pm. Shoe, alcohol, drug and smoke free. Tillson. 658-8319. $7/$3 teens. EVENTS Tour of the Daniel Smiley Research Center 10:30am-12pm. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919. FILM Deserted Station 7:30pm. Drama about the Iran rarely covered in the news. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448. $6/$4 members. Chronogram05


MUSIC Old Songs Festival Call for times. Festival of traditional music and dance. Altamont Fairgrounds, Altamont. (518) 765-2815. Dave’s True Story with Blue Horse Call for time. Towne Crier, Pawling. 855-1300.

Mikhail Horowitz & Gilles Malkine 8pm. Perf poetry, political satire, folk parody, semiotic sing-alongs. Rosendale Theater, Rosendale. 658-8989. $15. Reno: The God Show 9:30pm. Live comedy. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448. $17.50/$15 members.

Wall Street Jazz Festival 3pm. Wall Street, Kingston. 246-4106. Contrasts Quartet 6pm. Chamber music. Maverick Concerts, Woodstock. 338-5254.

THEATER Donna Morelli Call for times. Modern love story inspired by Romeo and Juliet. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. 437-7404.

2005 Hudson Valley Chamber Music Circle 8pm. Orion String Quartet. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. (518) 537-6665.

The Man in the White Suit Call for times. An eccentric scientist invents a fabric that destroys the textile industry. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. 437-7404.

Songs from the Movies…and Beyond 8pm. Andrea Wolper, jazz. North Pointe Cultural Center, Kinderhook. (518) 758-9234. $25/$22.50 seniors/ $20 members.

Carmen 7:30pm. Lake George Opera. Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs. (518) 587-3330.

Soul Reasons 8pm. Blues and jazz by Abby Lappen. Hudson Opera House, Hudson. (518) 822-1438. $12/$10.

The Fula from America 7:30pm. Presented by the Byrdcliffe Theater Group. Byrdcliffe Theater, Woodstock. 679-2079. $10.

Xoch 8:30pm. Rock. The Chance, Poughkeepsie. 471-1966.

Amadeus 8pm. Presented by the Mohonk Mountain Stage Company. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-3102.

Cabaret Voltron 9pm. Electro party. The Sweetwater Café, Kingston. 339-7800.

The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie 8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $15/$13 children and seniors.

Ethereal World Orchestra Jam & The Sam Morrison Band 9pm. Evergreen B&B Performance Space, Fleischmanns. 254-5392. $5.

The Tempest 8pm. Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival. Boscobel Restoration, Garrison. 265-9575.

The Christine Spero Group 10:30pm. Contemporary, fusion, jazz, Latin, vocals. Music at the Market at the Point, Catskill. (518) 943-3400.

WORKSHOPS Introduction to Digital Photography Call for times. Center for Photography, Woodstock. 679-9957.

THE OUTDOORS Hidden Gardens of Spencertown Call for times. Tours of the gardens. Spencertown Academy, Spencertown. (518) 392-3693. $20/$15 in advance. Castle Point Hike 9am. Strenuous 8 mile hike. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011. Family Fishing Day 9-11am. Museum of the Hudson Highlands, Cornwall-on-Hudson. 534-5506, ext 204.

Motherhood a Sacred Journey 11am-2pm. Center for an Examined Life, West Hurley. 331-3390. The Tenets and Practices of Buddhism 3:30pm. By the Venerable Lama Pema Wangdak. Buddhist Center, Philmont. (518) 672-5216. SUNDAY 26 JUNE

Singles Hike – Wittenberg Mountain 9:30am-4pm. Meet at Sweet Sue’s, Phoenecia. Strenuous 9-mile hike. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919. Fish: What Will We Find In Our Seine Net? 10am. Learn the life and history of the Hudson River fish species. Museum of the Hudson Highlands, Cornwall-onHudson. 534-5506, ext 204. SPOKEN WORD Jennifer Mackiewicz on Michael Heizer 1pm. Dia: Beacon, Beacon. 440-0100.

9:42 AM

Alicia Erian on her book, Towelhead 7pm. Ariel Bookstore, New Paltz. 255-8041.

FILM Deserted Station 5pm. Drama about the Iran rarely covered in the news. Time and Space Limited, Hudson. (518) 822-8448. $6/$4 members. MUSIC Old Songs Festival Call for times. Festival of traditional music and dance. Altamont Fairgrounds, Altamont. (518) 765-2815. Showcase Evening Call for time. Jeffry Braun, Mieka Pauley, Scott Sylvester. Towne Crier, Pawling. 855-1300.

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Charles Libove, Violin and Nina Lugovoy, Piano 3pm. Chamber music. Maverick Concerts, Woodstock. 338-5254. The Princes of Serendip 7pm. Acoustic, folk, sing-poetry. Colony Café, Woodstock. 679-5342. THE OUTDOORS Singles Canoe/Kayak – Chodikee Lake Paddle 10am-2pm. Easy 5-mile paddle. Chodikee Lake in Highland. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919. Guided Tour of Main Street 2pm. David Baker, Hurley town historian. Main Street, Hurley. 331-0593. $3. SPOKEN WORD Readings in Contemporary Literature: Anne Carson 2pm. Dia: Beacon, Beacon. 440-0100. $5/$3. THEATER The Man in the White Suit Call for times. An eccentric scientist invents a fabric that destroys the textile industry. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. 437-7404. The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie 3pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $15/$13 children and seniors.

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Lots of berries, exquisite flavor, friendly folks. Find out for yourself why more and more people from the Hudson Valley are picking at...

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The Tempest 6pm. Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival. Boscobel Restoration, Garrison. 265-9575. The Fula from America 7:30pm. Presented by the Byrdcliffe Theater Group. Byrdcliffe Theater, Woodstock. 679-2079. $20. WORKSHOPS Scrolls of Adam & Eve 2-4pm. W/Padmani Luccardi of the Academy of Future Science. Mirabai of Woodstock. 679-2100. $15/$20. Insight Into Iyengar Yoga Call for times. Omega Institute, Rhinebeck. (800) 944-1001. $305. MONDAY 27 JUNE CLASSES Free and Easy Wandering Call for times. A Journey Through Chinese Meditation. Full Moon Resort. (212) 477-7055. $659. The Conductor’s Institute Call for registration and times. Series of programs for professional and student conductors and composers. Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson. 758-7425. KIDS Randolph Weekly Summer Adventures Ages 3-18, web design, film making, science, drama, photography. Randolph School, Wappingers Falls. 297-5600. Ecology Camp Call for times. Weekly sessions. Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook. 677-7600 ext. 316. Summer Nature Explorers Program: Hide and Seek! 8:45-11:15am. Museum of the Hudson Highlands, Cornwall-on-Hudson. 534-5506, ext 204. Summer Nature Explorers Program: The Native Way 9am. Grades 2-3. Museum of the Hudson Highlands, Cornwall-on-Hudson. 534-5506, ext 204. $120. Arts Camp 1: Kids on Stage 9am-1pm. Monday-Friday. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080 ext. 13. $400. Children’s Art Program 9am-1pm. Ages 5-7. Unison Arts and Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. $150/$175 non-members. MUSIC Studio Stu 10pm. Experimental, fusion, jazz, oldtime, swing. Bacchus Restaurant and Bar, New Paltz. 255-8636.

136 Chronogram


SPOKEN WORD Healthy Eating (The Anti-Diet Solution) 7pm. With Dr. Joseph F. Grable. Olive Free Library, West Shokan. 657-2482. Open Mike Night 7pm. Featuring poets Rob Englehardt and Joann Deiudicibus. Colony Café, Woodstock. 679-5342. WORKSHOPS Natural Step Framework Seminar Call for time. Learn the basic science behind sustainable industry. Sustainable Living Resource Center, Cottekill. 679-9597. $65-$125. Introduction to Waldorf Education Call for times. Sunbridge College, Chestnut Ridge. 425-0055 ext. 24. $495. Figure Drawing 9am. Woodstock School of Art, Woodstock. 679-2388. Sprouts 10-11:45am. Art, music, theater, dance workshop for kids 3-7. Windham-Ashland-Jewett Elementary School, Windham. (518) 943-3400. TUESDAY 28 JUNE

THE OUTDOORS Early Birds 6:30am. Bird watching. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011. Babes in the Woods Hike 10am. Hike for grownups with babies. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011. WEDNESDAY 29 JUNE CLASSES Flamenco Classes 7-8:30pm. Center for Symbolic Studies, Tilson. (914) 434-6198.

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Richard Thompson Call for time. Guitar legend. Troutbeck, Amenia. (800) 978-7688.

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MUSIC The Bill Davis Band 10pm. Acoustic, alternative, original, pop, rock. Bacchus Restaurant and Bar, New Paltz. 255-8636.

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KIDS Nature Stories 11am. Stories and activities for preschoolers at the Nature Center. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011.

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FILM Healing Work of John of God 7-9pm. Film & talk. W/Burrill Crohn. Mirabai of Woodstock. 679-2100. Free. MUSIC Community Shape Note Sing 7pm. Holy Cross Church, Kingston. 658-3485.

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THE OUTDOORS Feature of the Week – Pond Life 4pm. What lives in the muck? Frogs and more, short hike. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011. SPOKEN WORD Nate Leslie 7:30pm. Poetry, spoken word. The New York Bagelry and Café, Poughkeepsie. 463-3370. THEATER The Tempest 7pm. Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival. Boscobel Restoration, Garrison. 265-9575. THURSDAY 30 JUNE EVENTS Mohonk Garden Walk and Luncheon 10am. Hosted by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County Master Gardener Program. Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz. 340-3990. $45. Cosmic Woman’s Dinner 6pm. The Garden at Thunder Hill, Rensselaerville. (518) 797-3373. $13. MUSIC The Wayward Sons 8:30pm. Acid, alternative, classical, goth-


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ic, heavy metal, r&b, rock. Mary’s Pub & Music room, Millbrook. 677-2282.

Elly Wininger with Elise Pittelman and Friends 9pm. Singers, songwriters, guitarists. Joyous Lake, Woodstock. 679-8100. THE OUTDOORS Hike for Tykes 2pm. Exploration at a toddlers pace, up to 6 years. Minnewaska State Park, New Paltz. 255-2011. SPOKEN WORD Presidential Campaigns 10:30am. Alex Miller with prez campaign memorabilia. Bevier House Museum, Marbletown. 338-5614. THEATER The Tempest 7pm. Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival. Boscobel Restoration, Garrison. 265-9575. WORKSHOPS Draw the Figure with Color 9am. Woodstock School of Art, Woodstock. 679-2388. Euro Dance 1:30-2:30pm. With Helvi & Richard Impola. Unison Arts & Learning Center, New Paltz. 255-1559. $5. Traditional Art & Craft Weekend Call for time. Study in various media. Lake Conference Ctr., Monticello. (877) 807-2845. FRIDAY 1 JULY ART 1st Fridays in Peekskill 5-8pm. Art galleries open late, music. Peekskill. (914) 734-2367. THEATER Anna and Me Call for times. Personal, metaphysical and emotional odyssey through the 1990’s. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. 437-7404. Love Child Call for times. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. 437-7404.

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Community Playback THEATER 8pm. Improvisation based on audience members’ experiences and dreams. Boughton Place, Highland. 691-4118. $6. Rodgers’ and Hammerstein’s Oklahoma! 8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $20/$18 seniors and children. The Tempest 8pm. Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival. Boscobel Restoration, Garrison. 265-9575. SATURDAY 2 JULY


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EVENTS Butterfly Mini-Festival 9:30am. Catskill Native Nursery, Kerhonkson. 626-2758. 1658 Stockade National Historic District Walking Tour 2pm. Friends of Historic Kingston Museum, Kingston. 339-0720. $5/$2. Berkshire Arts Festival 7/2-7/4. Arts and crafts fair. Ski Butternut, Great Barrington, MA. (800) 834-9437. MUSIC Mei-Ting Sun, Piano 6pm. Chamber music. Maverick Concerts, Woodstock. 338-5254. THE OUTDOORS Singles Hike – Lost City 9:30am-3pm. Meet at the Coxing Trailhead. Strenuous, 7-mile hike with rock scrambling. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919. SPOKEN WORD Hardie Truesdale 7pm. His new book, Adirondack High. Ariel Bookstore, New Paltz. 255-8041.

THEATER Anna and Me Call for times. Personal, metaphysical and emotional odyssey through the 1990’s. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. 437-7404. Love Child Call for times. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. 437-7404. The Mikado 7:30pm. Lake George Opera. Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs. (518) 587-3330. Rodgers’ and Hammerstein’s Oklahoma! 8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $20/$18 seniors and children. The Tempest 8pm. Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival. Boscobel Restoration, Garrison. 265-9575. WORKSHOPS Butterfly Gardening Workshop 10:30-11:30am. Catskill Native Nursery, Kerhonkson. 626-2758. SUNDAY 3 JULY EVENTS Berkshire Arts Festival 7/2-7/4. Arts and crafts fair. Ski Butternut, Great Barrington, MA. (800) 834-9437. Fourth of July Family Festival 3-10pm. Music, fireworks, games. Columbia County Fairgrounds, Chatham. (518) 392-2121. $5. MUSIC Rossetti String Quartet and Ursula Oppens 3pm. Chamber music. Maverick Concerts, Woodstock. 338-5254. Amati Music Festival 8pm. Celebrate America’s 229th birthday. Catskill Mountain Foundation, Hunter. (518) 263-4908 ext. 202. $15/$10 subscribers. THE OUTDOORS Rock Rift Scramble 9am-3pm. Strenuous 7-mile hike. Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz. 255-0919. THEATER Anna and Me Call for times. Personal, metaphysical and emotional odyssey through the 1990’s. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. 437-7404. Love Child Call for times. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. 437-7404. L’Italiana in Algeri 2pm. Lake George Opera. Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs. (518) 587-3330. The Tempest 6pm. Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival. Boscobel Restoration, Garrison. 265-9575. Rodgers’ and Hammerstein’s Oklahoma! 8pm. Center for Performing Arts, Rhinebeck. 876-3080. $20/$18.


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Business Directory ACCOUNTING Dennis Abbott Certified Public Accountant

An alternative CPA firm for those who prefer the personal attention so rarely found these days. Taking care of the tax and accounting needs of individuals, LLCs, partnerships, and small business corporations for over 30 years. The office is located in New Paltz. (845) 255-3482. ACTING Sande Shurin Acting Classes

Revolutionary new acting technique for Film/Stage/TV. The book: Transformational Acting...A Step Beyond, Limelight Editions. The technique: Transform into character using current emotions. No recall. No forward imagining. Shurin private coaches many celebrities. The classes: Thursday eves at 7pm, Woodstock. Master classes at the Times Square Sande Shurin Theatre. (917) 545-5713 or (212) 262-6848. ANTIQUE RESTORATION Antique Clock Repair and Restoration

Specializing in Grandfather clocks, Tubular chime clocks, European, Atmos and Carriage Clocks, Antique Music boxes. Pickup and delivery. House calls available. Free estimates. One year warranty. References available. For appointment call Ian D.Pomfret at (845) 687-9885 or email

ture designer. Accord (845) 687-8989, New York City (212) 439-9611 diarcht@msn. com, ART CENTERS The Living Seed

The Living Seed Yoga Center offers Sivananda Yoga classes 7 days a week. All levels and ages welcome. Morning meditations are free. Yoga Day 2nd & 4th Sundays. Sauna. Art Gallery. Dance. Drum. Workshops. And so much more. Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate, Realize Sivananda. 521 Main St. (Route 299) New Paltz (845)255-8212. ART CLASSES Ceramic Classes

Develop your creativity and learn the art of clay in a small Saturday class for adults with any experience level. Classes are taught by Doris Licht in a large, working pottery studio with gas kiln. Learn handbuilding, wheelthrowing, decorating, glazing, and kiln firing. Visit the showroom by appointment. Phone: (845)679-5620. ART GALLERIES The Gallery@Highland Studio

A wide variety of art using highend digital printmaking. Large format on heavy papers and canvas using archival ink. Printing done on premises. Bi-monthly shows. 176 Main Street, Beacon, NY. (845) 838-3700. Van Brunt Gallery

ARCHITECTURE DiGuiseppe Architecture

Inspired, Sensitive, and Luxurious…these are the words that describe the quintessential design work that is DiGuiseppe. The firm, with Design Studios in Accord, New York City, and Boca Raton, provides personalized Architecture and Interiors for each and every client. Whether the project is a Sensitive Historic Renovation, a Hudson Valley Inspired Home or Luxurious Interiors, each project receives the attention of the firm’s principal, Anthony J. DiGuiseppe, AIA RIBA, an internationally published architect and award-winning furni-

140 Chronogram


Exhibiting the work of contemporary artists. Featuring abstract painting, sculpture, digital art, photography, and video, the gallery has new shows each month. The innovative gallery Web site,, has online artist portfolios and videos of the artists discussing their work. 460 Main Street, Beacon, NY 12508. (845) 838-2995. Varga Gallery

Varga is the artists co-operative representing outsider, lowbrow, pop, self-taught, and emerging artists. Artists share space in monthly exhibitions, and new

artists are welcome to submit work. New exhibitions open every 2nd Saturday of the Month with a reception from 5 - 7PM. VARGA Gallery of Woodstock, 130 Tinker Street, Woodstock, NY 12498, 845.679.4005, Open Thurs. - Sun. 12 - 5pm. ART SUPPLIES Catskill Art & Office Supply

Traditional fine art materials, studio furnishings, office products, journals, cards, maps, and gifts. Creative services, too, at all three locations: photo processing, custom printing, rubber stamps, color copies, custom picture framing, and full-color digital output. Pushing the envelope and creative spirit for over 20 years. Woodstock (845) 679-2251; Kingston (845) 331-7780; Poughkeepsie (845) 452-1250. Manny’s

Since 1962, big city selection and small town service have made Manny’s special. We offer a full range of art materials, custom picture framing, bookmaking supplies, and the best selection of handmade and decorative papers north of Manhattan. Manny’s, it’s more than just an art store. 83 Main Street, New Paltz. (845) 255-9902. R & F Handmade Paints

Internationally known manufacturer of Pigment Sticks and Encaustic paint right here in the Hudson Valley. Stop in for a tour of our factory, get paints at discounted prices, sign up for an Encaustic or Pigment Stick workshop, or check out bi-monthly exhibits in the Gallery. Open Monday-Saturday 10am-5pm. 506 Broadway, Kingston. (845) 331-3112. ART THERAPY Deep Clay Art and Therapy

Deep Clay with Michelle Rhodes ATR-BC, LMSW (see Psychotherapy in Whole Living Guide). ATTORNEYS Schneider, Pfahl & Rahmé, LLP

Manhattan law firm with of-

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Chronogram 141

fices in Woodstock, provides legal services to individuals, institutions, professional firms, companies, and family businesses. Specific areas include: Real Estate, Estate Planning, Corporate, New Media and Arts, and Entertainment Law. Each matter is attended to by a senior attorney who develops a comprehensive legal plan with the client. (845) 679-9868 or (212) 629-7744.www.schneider; www.nycrealestate AUTOMOTIVE Roberti Motor Cars

Specializing in previously owned SAABs. Over 150 pre-owned SAABs in stock at all times. Authorized SAAB service center. Large selection of new and used SAAB parts available. Prices range from $1,500 to $25,000. All cars warranteed bumper to bumper. (845) 339-SAAB. 385 Foxhall Avenue, Kingston, NY. BED & BREAKFASTS Sparrow Hawk Bed & Breakfast

A romantic getaway serving a full gourmet breakfast, 15 minutes from New Paltz and Kingston, nestled between the Shawangunk and Catskill Mountains. This registered brick Colonial farmhouse sits in a stand of 200-year-old black locust trees. Each morning Chef Howard, a graduate of the New York Restaurant School, delights guests with his culinary talents, served fireside or on the patio. Entire facility is air-conditioned. Antique-decorated rooms, some with fireplaces, will make your getaway complete. You only need to decide among the many activities and fine restaurants just minutes away. BEVERAGES Esotec

Choose Esotec to be your wholesale beverage provider. For 20 years we’ve carried a complete line of natural, organic, and unusual juices, spritzers, waters, sodas, iced teas, and iced coffees. If you are a store owner, call for details or a catalog of our full line. or (845) 246-0965.

spring delivers water at 42oF year-round. The water is filtered under high pressure through fine white sand. Hot and cold dispensers available. Weekly delivery. (845) 331-0504. BOOKSTORES Alternative Books

Fine used and out-of-print books, and new books from great local presses. Tens of thousands of handpicked beauties you won’t find at the mall. Art monographs, poetry, signed and first edition fiction, Americana and regional history. Hundreds of current magazine titles and unusual journals. We have the largest collection of French language books in the region. Children’s books, film, music, theatre, dance, spirituality, esoterics, classics, humanities, sciences, travel, home, garden, cookbooks. More. We travel from town to town searching through attics to fill our store just for you. We also buy books at the counter. Special orders, book searches, libraries purchased. 35 North Front Street in lovely uptown Kingston, at the head of Wall Street. Open 7 days 11-5, occasionally more. (845) 331-5439. Barner Books

Used books. From kitsch to culture, Thoreau to thrillers, serious and silly. We have the books you read. Monday - Saturday 10-7, Sunday 12-6. Located at 69 Main Street, New Paltz, NY. (845) 255-2635. E-mail: The Golden Notebook

A feast for book lovers located in the heart of Woodstock, we are proud to be a part of Book Sense: Independent Bookstores for Independent Minds. In addition to our huge database, we can special order any book in or out of print. Our Children’s Store located right next door has an extensive selection of books and products exclusively for the under-14 set. We also carry the complete line of Woodstock Chimes. 25-29 Tinker Street, Woodstock. (845) 679-8000, fax (845) 679-3054. the

Leisure Time Spring Water

Pure spring water from a natural artesian spring located in the Catskill Mountains. The

142 Chronogram


Mirabai of Woodstock

The Hudson Valley’s oldest spiritual/holistic bookstore,

providing a vast array of books, music, and gifts that transform, renew, and elevate the spirit. Exquisite statuary and other art works from Nepal, Tibet, Bali. Expert Tarot reading, astrological charts/interpretation available. 23 Mill Hill Road, Woodstock. (845) 679-2100. BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Articulate Solutions: Organic, Inspired Marketing

Holistic, Creative, and Service Professionals: Don’t know where to start with your marketing? Coach with a seasoned, intuitive marketing expert to discover your unique niche. We’ll handle the rest while you enjoy your work and the abundance! Starter and custom Web packages, brochures, marketing plans, ads, and more. Call Kathleen Boyd at Articulate Solutions, (845) 255-5541. CARPETS / RUGS Anatolia Tribal Rugs & Weavings

Direct importers since 1981– Natural-dyed Afghan carpets; Balouchi tribal kilims; Russian sumaks; antique Caucasian carpets; silk Persian sumaks; Turkish kilims. Hundreds to choose from 2’x3’ to 9’x12’. Kilim pillows, $20-$55. We encourage customers to try our rugs in their homes without obligation. Open 6 days a week 12-6pm. Closed Tuesdays. MC/Visa/AmEx. 54G Tinker Street, Woodstock. (845) 679-5311. CHILDREN’S ART CLASSES The Children’s Art Workshop & Gallery

For ages 7+ (and adults). Classes offered: oils, watercolors, acrylic, pencil, clay, mixed media, perspective, color theory, and design, intro to decorative arts, graphic design, and illustration concepts without using the computer. Students also learn to curate and show art in the “Artists in Training” gallery. Hours: Mon.-Wed. 1-5pm, Sat.11am12:30pm. Call (845) 255-7990. CINEMA Upstate Films

Great International Cinema. Contemporary & Classic. 26 Montgomery Street, Rhinebeck. (845) 876-2515.


Haldora, a family name from Iceland meaning Goddess of the Mountains. Haldora designs a lifestyle in women’s clothing and scarves—styles which are timeless, understated, and have a forgiving elegance. She designs and cuts her own line, then sends it to her seamstress where it is sewn locally in New York State. Her fabrics are mostly natural, including many kinds of silk, linens, and cotton in many colors, with wool added in winter. Also at Haldora, you will find other complimentary lines. In season, she has wool, cotton, and cashmere sweaters, which include Margaret O’Leary and Kincross Cashmere. Haldora carries a full line of Hanro of Switzerland undergarments and sleepwear. Shoes are also important to finish your look. Some of the lines carried are Arche, Lisa Nading, and Gentle Souls. Haldora also carries jewelry in a wide range of prices. Open Daily. 28 East Market Street, Rhinebeck, New York. (845) 876-6250. COLLEGES Dutchess Community College

Dutchess Community College, part of the State University of New York (SUNY) system, was founded in 1957. The College offers an educational policy of access, quality, opportunity, diversity, and social responsibility. DCC’s main campus in Poughkeepsie is situated on 130 scenic acres with facilities that are aesthetically pleasing and technologically advanced. The College has a satellite campus, Dutchess South, in Wappinger Falls, and learning centers in Carmel, Staatsburg, and Pawling. (845) 431-8020.

x6039. Fax: (845) 575-3166. E-mail: Web: Mount Saint Mary College

An independent liberal arts college offering more than 30 undergraduate programs; graduate programs in business (MBA), education, and nursing; and noncredit courses. 2,500 women and men. Its beautiful campus overlooks the Hudson River and is conveniently located off I-84 in Newburgh. (845) 569-3222. COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS Hawthorne Valley Association

Cultural renewal through education, agriculture, and the arts. Hawthorne Valley Farm, Hawthorne Valley School, Visiting Students Program and Summer Camps, Adonis Press, Alkion Center for Adult Education, Farmscape Ecology Program, Center for Social and Environmental Responsibility. 327 Route 21C, Ghent, NY 12075. www.hawthornevalley, or call us at (518) 672-5118. CONSIGNMENT SHOPS Past ‘n’ Perfect

A quaint consignment boutique that offers distinctive clothing, jewelry, shoes, and accessories, and a unique variety of high quality furs and leathers. Always a generous supply of merchandise from casual to chic, contemporary to vintage, with sizes from infant to adult. Featuring a diverse and illuminating jewelry collection. Open Tuesday to Friday 10am-5pm, and Saturday 10am-4pm. Conveniently located at 1629 Main Street (Route 44), Pleasant Valley, NY–only 9 miles east of the Mid-Hudson Bridge. (845)635-3115. www.past

buildings brimming with fine crafts, the largest selection in the Hudson Valley. All media represented, including sterling silver & 14K gold jewelry, blown glass, pottery, turned wood, kaleidoscopes, wind chimes, leather, clothing, stained glass, etc. Open Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday 10:30am-6pm. 262 Spillway Road, West Hurley. (845) 331-3859. DANCE Freestyle Frolic

An alternative to the club scene: dancing in a smoke-free, alcoholfree, and shoe-free environment to a wide range of music spun by some very eclectic DJs. Usually first and third Saturdays, 8:30pm to 1am at Kingston Knights of Columbus Hall, 389 Broadway. Adults $5, Kids Free! (845)658-8319.www.Freestyle DANCEWEAR First Street Dancewear

First Street Dancewear in Saugerties, NY offers quality dancewear for Adults and Children. We have dancewear, knit warm-ups, ballet, jazz, tap shoes, gymnastics wear, skatewear, accessories, and gift items. We also feature a line of women’s active wear clothing suitable for Yoga and Pilates. Phone (845) 247-4517. www.first DESIGN Actionpact Solutions

Actionpact Solutions is your premiere, award-winning, full-service graphic, Web, and multi-media design firm located in Kingston, NY. We offer fresh, fun, and functional advertising and design solutions for businesses of all sizes. Make a pact for action and contact us today for your free consultation! (845) 532-5398 or support

The Present Perfect Marist College

Ranked among the top 10 percent of all American colleges by the Princeton Review, Marist College stands with over 70 years of educating adults. The School of Graduate and Continuing Education offers undergraduate and graduate degrees, and certificates, noncredit professional programs, and personalized services in Poughkeepsie, Fishkill, Goshen, Monticello, Kingston, and online. Phone: (845) 575-3000

Designer consignments of the utmost quality for men, women, and children. Current styles, jewelry accessories, and knickknacks. Featuring beautiful furs and leathers. Open Monday-Saturday 10am-5pm, and Sunday 12-5pm. Located at 23G Village Plaza, Rhinebeck, NY 12572. (845) 876-2939. CRAFTS Crafts People

Representing over 500 artisans, Crafts People boasts four

DISTRIBUTION Chronogram Is Everywhere!

Have you ever noticed how wherever you go, Chronogram is there? That’s because our distribution is so damned good. We can distribute your flyer, brochure, business card, or publication to over 700 establishments in Ulster, Dutchess, Columbia, Greene, Putnam, and Orange counties & now with new stops in Peekskill, Westchester County. Call us at (845) 334-8600 x107 or e-mail 6/05

Chronogram 143


Mac’s Agway in Red Hook /New Paltz Agway


See Attorneys.

Specializing in all your lawn and garden needs. We carry topsoil, peat moss, fertilizers, organics, grass seed, shavings, straw, fencing, pet food, bird seed, bird houses, and more. Mac’s Agway, 68 Firehouse Lane, Red Hook, NY (845) 876-1559; New Paltz Agway, 145 Route 32N, New Paltz, NY (845) 255-0050. Hours for both locations: Monday-Friday 8am-5:30pm; Saturday 8am-5pm; Sunday 9am-3pm.

The studio offers Beginner Workshops in both Glassblowing and Beadmaking. Lee Kind has been teaching glassblowing since 1990 and has the ability to make this hot medium safe for anyone to try. In addition to teaching, Lee creates a line of “one of a kind” lamps and lighting installations for both homes and businesses. For more information call (845) 297-7334 or

EDITING Manuscript Consultant

See Literary. EVOLUTION Discovery Institute

To Know. To Understand. To Be. Offering intensive training in a living school of psychotransformism in the tradition of G.I. Gurdjieff. (845) 255-5548. FINANCIAL SERVICES Center for Financial Wellness, Inc.

I don’t sell anything! Robin Vaccai-Yess, Certified Financial Planner™, Registered Investment Advisor, and founder of the area’s first fee-only financial planning firm, will help you achieve financial independence through smart money management techniques. Reduce your taxes, save and invest more, get out of debt, and build a nest egg. 691-9700. Post Office Box 738, Highland NY 12528. FRAMING Catskill Art & Office

See Art Supplies. Manny’s

See Art Supplies. GARDENING & GARDEN SUPPLIES Blue Mountain Gardens

Ulster County’s newest garden center specializing in unusual annuals, proven perennials, shrubs and vines and located next to Beyond The Pail, a fine gift store offering accessories for the gardening lifestyle. 3524 Rt. 32 North, Saugerties. Open daily 9am-6pm. (845) 246-6978.

144 Chronogram


The Phantom Gardener

At Phantom we provide everything you need to create and enjoy an organic, beautiful landscape. Our dedicated and knowledgeable staff will help you choose from an unbeatable selection of herbaceous or woody plants, garden products and books. We offer professional design, installation, and maintenance services. Visit us! Rhinebeck, NY. 9am – 5pm daily. (845) 876-8606. See display ad. GIFTS Sapphire

The newly opened Sapphire is a unique gift shop like none other. Featuring handmade quality gifts of pottery, stained glass, jewelry, wooden bowls, bags, prints, cards, and home accents made by American and Hudson Valley artisans. Located in downtown Rosendale, Sapphire is open Monday: 2-9pm, closed Tues. & Wed., Thurs: 2-9pm, Fri: 2-9pm, Saturday: 12-9pm, and Sunday: 11-4pm. 415 Main Street, Rosendale. (845) 658-3315. sapphire

GUITAR & BASS LESSONS Learn Guitar or Bass Guitar!

Beginner to Advanced, all Styles. All Ages Welcome! Note Reading, Theory, Chords, Harmony. Modern Fun Approach. Call Today! Dennis Jacobs, BA of Music, 15 Years Performance & Teaching Experience. (845) 384-6477. Get Started Today and Receive One FREE Lesson the First Month. HAIR SALONS Trends Hair Design

Trends is a cutting-edge hair design center offering New York City styles at Hudson Valley prices, specializing in modern color, cut, and chemical techniques for men and women. Waxing and nail services available. Open Tuesday through Friday, 9am to 7pm; Saturday, 10am to 3pm. Gift certificates available. 2931 West Strand, Kingston. (845) 340-9100. HOME DESIGNS Eco-Arch Design Works Janus Welton, AIA, BBEI

An award-winning design architect, offering over 15 years of Traditional Chi-

nese Feng Shui expertise to her Ecological and Healthy Building Design Practice: combining Building Biology, Solar Architecture, and Feng Shui to promote “Inspiring and Sustainable” environments for the 21st Century. Unlock the potentials of your site, home, or office to foster greater harmony, prosperity, spirit, health, and ecological integrity. Services include: Architecture, Planning, Commercial Interiors, Professional Seminars and Consultations. E-mail: or see www.JanusWeltonDesign (845) 247-4620. HOME FURNISHINGS & GIFTS The Pearl Gallery

The Pearl Fine Decorative Arts Gallery specializes in handcrafted furniture and sculpture by local artists and renowned 20th-century designers. The gallery also offers African and Native American Art, handmade jewelry, and hand-blown glass. Among other items featured are exceptional 20th-century prints, lithographs, and photography. 3572 Main Street, Stone Ridge. (845) 687-0888.

ing all horse disciplines. Holistic teaching and horse care. 572 Old Post Road, Esopus. (845) 384-6424. www.dressage

company with offices in Tivoli and Kingston. (845) 757-4000.

Green Heron Farm, Inc.

On-line and retail boutique shopping at the Water Street Market in New Paltz! Luna Blue Jewelry Boutique features contemporary jewelry and accessories in silver and gold, hand-made Hudson Valley artisan pieces and bridal party gifts and jewelry. Our merchandise is of the highest quality. Personalized customer service sets us apart from the rest; your e-mail and telephone inquiries are always welcome… yes, a human to talk to! Free gift with every online order! Or come to our beautiful new store location at the Water Street Market, Suite 202, New Paltz. Phone: 845-725-7977; Web site:

We offer riding instruction to children and adults beginner through advanced all year round in a safe, fun environment with qualified instructors. We also offer summer day camp for children. We are located 3 miles from the center of Woodstock. 446 John Jay Road. For more information call (845) 246-9427 or visit us at INTERIOR DESIGN DeStefano & Associates

Barbara DeStefano. (845) 339-4601. See Whole Living Guide under Feng Shui. INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS Hudson Valley Internet

Local Internet access and commercial Web site hosting. Fast, reliable, easy to use, flexible pricing…Want more? How about: free software, extra e-mail, K56Flex support, personal web space, helpful customer service, and no setup charges. (845) 255-2799.

White Rice


531 Warren St, Hudson, NY 12534. (518) 697-3500.

Blazing fast broadband Internet access. Featuring symmetrical bandwidth, superior personal attention and technical support, rock-solid security and reliability, and flexible rates. Complementary services include e-mail, Web hosting, accelerated dialup, server collocation and management, and customized networking solutions. Webjogger is a locally grown


English riding lessons for adults and children. Solarheated indoor, large outdoor, cross-country course, extensive trails. Summer camp, boarding, training, and sales. Emphasis on Dressage as a way of enhanc-

JEWELRY Luna Blue Jewelry Boutique

LITERARY Submit to Chronogram

Seeking submissions of poems, short stories, essays, and article proposals. Accepting pieces of all sorts. With SASE, send submissions to Chronogram, 314 Wall Street, 2nd floor, Kingston, NY 12401. or check out our web site: Ione

Writing workshops and private instruction for writers. (845) 339-5776. MAGAZINES Chronogram

The only complete arts and cultural events resource for the Hudson Valley. Subscribe and get the lowdown first. Whether you live in the Hudson Val-


Chronogram 145

ley or just visit, you’ll know what’s going on. Send $36 for yearly subscription to: Chronogram, 314 Wall Street, 2nd floor, Kingston, NY 12401. MEDIATION & CONFLICT RESOLUTION Pathways Mediation Center

A unique mediation practice for couples going through divorce, or families in conflict, with the innovative, combined services of two professionals. Josh Koplovitz has 30 years as a Matrimonial & Family Law Attorney, and Myra Schwartz has 30 years as a Guidance Counselor. This male/female team can effectively address all your legal and family issues. Use our one-hour free consultation to find out about us. (845) 331-0100. Rodney Wells, CFP, Member AFM & NYSCDM

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If you’re separating, divorcing, or have issues with child support, custody, or visitation, choose mediation. On average, mediated agreements are fulfilled twice as often as litigated court decisions and cost half as much. I draw on my experience as a financial planner, psychotherapist, and pro se litigant to guide couples in a responsible process of unraveling their entanglements, preserving their assets, and creating a satisfying future. Cornwall, New Paltz, and NYC. (845) 534-7668. MUSIC Burt’s Electronics


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Good music deserves quality sound! Avoid the malls and shop where quality and personal service are valued above all else. Bring Burt and his staff your favorite album and let them teach you how to choose the right audio equipment for your listening needs. 549 Albany Avenue, Kingston. Monday through Friday 9am-7pm; Saturday 9am5pm; and Sunday 12pm-4pm. (845) 331-5011. Drums of Woodstock

The ultimate source for all your jammin’ needs. Check out our diverse collection of Djembe, Dun Dun, Conga, Bougarabou Drums, Didgeridoos, Rain Sticks, Chimes, and Hand-Held Musical Instruments. 77 Tinker Street,

146 Chronogram


Woodstock, NY 12498. (845) 810-0442. www.drums WVKR 91.3 FM

Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. A listener-supported, non-commercial, studentrun, alternative music station. Programming is provided by students and community members, and includes jazz, new music, folk, hip hop, polka, new age, international, blues, metal, news, and public affairs programming. WVKR Web casts at (845) 437-7010. MUSIC LESSONS Girls Rock!

Female guitar teacher available to help you develop strength, co-ordination, great sound and fearlessness. Specializing in pop/ rock. Electric or acoustic. Beginners welcome – all ages. Learn to play your favorite songs, move beyond generic folk chords, expand your understanding of technique and theory. New Paltz and beyond. Guys welcome too! Modest Pro tools set upbut INCREDIBLE piano! If you need a stellar piano recording, I have a 1947 Steinway upright and can record you simply and inexpensivly. Perfect for songwriters, students and pianists. Located in Minnewaska area. $20/hr. (646) 734-8018. NURSERIES

See Landscape Products & Services. PAINTING Professional Painting Co.

Hire the best for residential and commercial painting. Our skilled staff uses quality materials and combines the necessary resources to complete each job to your satisfaction. Painting improves the appearance of your residence, protects your investment, and increases its value. Call Trevor @ (845) 430-1290 or (845) 679-4232. PERFORMING ARTS Hudson River Performing Arts Center

29 Elm St, Fishkill, NY 12524. (845) 896-1888. hudsonriver Powerhouse Summer Theater/ Lehman-Loeb Gallery

Vassar College Box 225,

Poughkeepsie, NY 12604. (845) 437-5902. befargislanc@ PERSONAL ASSISTANTS Personal Assistant

Office and personal assistant more than able to provide full-spectrum support. Intelligent, dependable, industrious, discreet long-term resident can handle it all. Plan a travel itinerary or a dinner party? Organize a wardrobe or a year’s worth of accumulated clutter? Bring order to chaos? No problem. Treat yourself. Free yourself. Your style is my objective. Contact or phone (518) 945-3311. PET SERVICES & SUPPLIES Pussyfoot Lodge B&B

The Pioneer in Professional Pet Care! Full house-pet-plant -sitting service, proudly serving three counties for 32 years. Experienced, dependable, thorough, and reasonable house sitting for your pets’ health and happiness. Also offering a cats-only resort with individual rooms. Extensive horticulture and landscaping knowledge in addition to domestic and zoo animal experience. Better Business Bureau Metro NY/ Mid-Hudson Region Member. (845) 687-0330. PHOTOGRAPHY France Menk Photography & Photodesign

A fine art approach to your photographic and advertising requirements. Internationally exhibited. Major communications/advertising clients. My work is 100% focused on your needs. (845) 256-0603. Melissa Cliver

Weddings, architecture, portraits and aerials. I treat each wedding as a documentary project capturing the subtle moments, the environment and the feeling of the day. I offer flexible packages and give you your negatives. www.melissacliverphoto (917) 887-9721. Michael Gold

Artistic headshots of actors, singers, models, musicians, performing artists, writers, and unusual, outlandish, off-thewall personalities. Complete studio facilities and lighting. Creative, warm, original, professional. Unconditionally

guaranteed. www.michaelgo and click on to the “Headshots” page. The Corporate Image Studios, 1 Jacobs Lane, New Paltz. (845) 255-5255. Andy Wainwright

Creative photography of artwork, architecture, people, and products. Grant proposals require outstanding 35mm slides to be successful, and your web site can be improved with fresh and imaginative images. The impact of a stunning postcard/announcement should never be underestimated. Andy possesses cutting edge digital skills and 28 years of experience exceeding the client’s expectations. Spectacular lighting, all the tools, and an impassioned interest in your goals. Take a look: (845) 757-5431. Michael Weisbrot Studio

Wedding Photography. Color and Archival, Museum-quality, B&W Photography. Customized packages. I’m an experienced professional whose work combines sensitivities of an artist with storytelling skills of a photojournalist. General commercial freelance. Studio and location. Portraits, Theatre. Custom B&W darkroom work. Exhibition Printing. Call for prices, samples, and appointment. or (845) 338-0293. PLUMBING & BATH N & S Supply

205 Old Route 9, Fishkill, NY 12524. (845) 896-6291. PRINTING SERVICES New York Press Direct

At NY Press Direct we exist for one reason - to delight our customers! What does that mean to you? Worry-free shopping for all your printing and fulfillment needs. Our solutions are leading edge in the industry. Our pricing is among the most competitive in the northeast region. Call John DeSanto or Larry Read for more information. (845) 457-2442.

Enroll in Marist s innovative sequence in

Alternative & Complementary Healthcare This popular and exciting sequence of courses is designed for those seeking a comprehensive understanding of the alternative healthcare field. MARIST is offering these courses, starting this Spring: In Fishkill:

� World Religion

In Goshen:

�Topics in Biology � World Religion

school of graduate & continuing education

���Fundamentals of Counseling

MARIST ���������������������������������


Chronogram Luminary Pubs 1/8H Marist Alternative Health Run: Feb, March, April, May 2005 Design: J. Reed 1/12/05

PUBLISHERS Monkfish Book Publishing Company

Monkfish publishes books that combine spiritual and literary merit. Monkfish books range 6/05

Chronogram 147

from memoirs to sutras, from fiction to scholarly works of thought. Monkfish also publishes Provenance Editions, an imprint devoted to elegant editions of spiritual classics. Monkfish books are available at your favorite local or online bookstores, or directly from us. Rhinebeck, NY. (845) 876-4861. REAL ESTATE Willow Realty

Willow Realty is a small, personalized Real Estate Agency in Ulster County, New York. We have access to all the properties in the Multiple Listing Service, but high-pressure tactics are not part of our sales kit. We have extensive experience in buyer agency and new construction. We listen to you!!! New Paltz. (845) 255-7666. SCHOOLS Anderson School

Anderson School is an educational residential community, serving children and adults (ages 5-21) with autism and related developmental disabilities, in Staatsburg, New York. Education and residential programs are designed to foster continuous growth, independence and social interaction. Students are accepted year-round. Funded by NYS Dept. of Education, OCFS and OMRDD. Contact Kate Haas (845)889-4034 x534 or visit Hawthorne Valley School

Hawthorne Valley School offers Waldorf Education pre-K to twelfth grade in Columbia and surrounding counties in an expanded campus with a new kindergarten, teaching kitchen, and fine arts wing through a curriculum integrating academics, arts, and practical work. The goal is to educate young people in mind, heart, and body. 330 Route 21C, Ghent, NY. (518) 672-7092. Hudson Valley Sudbury School

A radically different form of education based on the belief that children are driven by a basic desire to learn and explore. We trust that children, given the freedom, will choose the most appropriate path for their education. Our demo-

148 Chronogram


cratic School Meeting expects children to take responsibility for their lives and their community. Year-round admissions. Sliding-scale tuition. (845) 679-1002. High Meadow School

Pre-kindergarten through 8th grade, committed to a child-centered education that engages the whole child. Intimate, nurturing, with small class size and hands-on learning. A program rich in academic, artistic, physical, and social skills. Fully accredited. Route 209, Stone Ridge, NY. Call Suzanne Borris, director. (845) 687-4855. Maria’s Garden Montessori School

Cultivating independence, confidence, compassion, peace, and a lifelong love of learning. Serving children 3 years through first grade in a one-room country schoolhouse surrounded by gardens, woodlands, and streams. 8:30 am-3:30 pm, with part time options for preschoolers. Half or full day kindergarten. Affiliated with the American Montessori Society. 62 Plains Road, New Paltz, NY 12561. (845) 256-1875. info@mariasgarden

there is a mutual respect among the Shawangunk Ridge community. (845) 471-3815. Woodstock Day School

Woodstock Day School, a state-chartered, independent school and member of NYSAIS, providing quality education for pre-school through high school students since 1972. Small classes and a 6:1 student-toteacher ratio allow us to give each child the individualized consideration necessary for a positive learning experience. PO Box 1, Woodstock. (845) 246-3744. www.wood STONEWORK

See Landscape Products & Services. TAROT Tarot-on-the-Hudson Rachel Pollack

Exploratory, experiential play with the Tarot as oracle and sacred tool, in a monthly class, with Certified Tarot Grand Master and international Tarot author Rachel Pollack. All levels welcome. Tarot Readings in person or by phone. Appointment/Info: (845) 876-5797. Rhinebeck. Also see ad. TATTOOS Pats Tats

Mountain Laurel Waldorf School

At the Mountain Laurel Waldorf School, not only can all students do their best in academic basics, they can find and achieve a balance in rich programs of drama, speech, Spanish, Russian, painting, music, creative writing, woodwork, and more. Waldorf Education: for the head, heart, and hands. Nursery-8th Grade. 16 South Chestnut Street, New Paltz. Call Judy Jaeckel. (845) 255-0033. Shawangunk Ridge School

Shawangunk Ridge School is a Regents Accredited Day School grades 4-12, where students can enjoy rich experiences that lead to clarity, competence and compassion. Our school provides a rich environment that tailors itself to the needs of each student. The Ridge School offers small class size in a safe and welcoming setting. Each child is treated as an individual and

Since 1976, Pat Sinatra and her team create custom, oneof-a-kind tattoos in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Excellent portraits, tribal, gothic, Oriental, Americana, and realism. Gray, black, and color. Appointments are advised. Walk-ins available Tuesdays and Fridays. More than just a mark, it’s an experience! 948 Route 28, Kingston, NY 12401. (845) 338-8282. WEB DESIGN Actionpact Solutions

See Design. HDS Internet

See Internet Service Providers. Karen Williams Design

Your creative solution... concept to completion. Web design, maintenance, domain registration and hosting for $80 per year for sites under 50MG. All sites are custom made for your indi-

vidual needs. Free estimates. www.karenwilliamsdesign. com. (845) 883-9007. WEB DEVELOPMENT Curious Minds Media Inc.

Want a website that works for you? We’ve got solutions to fit any budget, and we understand the needs of small businesses. Flash, E-commerce, database applications. CMM has what it takes to get you results. Mention this ad and receive 3 months FREE hosting! Call now toll-free, at (888) 227-1645. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY fete accompli

Why choose an ordinary photographer for your extraordinary event? fete accompli offers photojournalistic-style photography for all your gala occasions. We excel in artistic, journalistic imagery that records the most poignant and surprising moments of your event, capturing the details without interrupting the flow of the occasion. or (845) 838-3990. WINE in good taste

45 Main Street, New Paltz, NY. (845) 255-0110. ingoodtaste@ New England Wine Cellars

For more than ten years New England Wine Cellars has been designing and building wine cellars as unique as they are beautiful. Experience in the art world, graphic design, carpentry, masonry and climate control combine to make the New England Wine Cellars team the perfect group to turn your wine storage dreams into reality. New England Wine Cellars, P.O. Box 257, West Cornwall, CT 06796. (800) 863-04851.


Chronogram 149




M I D - H U D S O N






Endless Views of the Shawangunk Ridgeline from this gracious sunbathed contempo. Lovely new hardwood floors, soaring two sided fireplace, 3 beds/2 baths, separate studio/office space on lower level, breezy screened porch, deck & patio. High-end cul-de-sac close to the fun of Village & rail trail. Asking $469,000. Helen Nickerson @ Westwood Metes & Bounds Realty. (845) 255-9400, ext 104.

This classic unaltered bungalow is a fabulous example of a Sears and Roebuck contribution to the Arts and Crafts style. The sellers’ family built and lovingly maintained this home from the beginning. The 3 BR home sits high on a .31 acre corner (double) lot in Nyack, NY offers a breathtaking view of the Hudson River, HDWD floors throughout, all original wood trim moldings spacious attic, full basement, two car garage and additional 1 car garage. Offered at $999,900. For information call Windchime Realty (845) 831-1451. See this and other homes at

Attention to detail makes this 5 BR, 2Bth home with Corian kitchen, HDWD floors throughout and fully tiled baths in one of Beacon’s most sought after areas a true find! This home features a spectacular Tennessee marble fireplace soaring to the top of the dramatic FLR, an elegant FDR with bow window. A perfect home for a large or extended family, it is solidly built and beautifully landscaped, and has been lovingly maintained by the original owner. Convenient to all. Presented for sale by Linda at Windchime Realty (845)831-1451. Visit to check this and many more available properties.




Restored 1840 Home on 5 acres with stream. EIK 3 BR 1.5 baths LR office den with FP. Located in Stone Ridge access to 300 acres for walking and hiking. Convenient to restaurants and shopping. Season-$15,000, Monthly-$5,000. Prudential Nutshell Realty (845)

Private 2 BR mid-century modern furnished retreat. Swimmable pond/tennis courts. Vaulted LR screened dining porch/deck. 1 BR/queen, 1 BR twins, fully equipped kitchen, DR/LR Den. 10 minutes to shopping, restaurants, etc. $14,000/season. Prudential Nutshell Realty (845) 658-3737.

Adorable furnished stone/frame 1 BR cottage plus lg sleeping loft. Open kitchen/dining/living area. Very private with direct access to rail trail and Rondout Creek. Minutes to Minnewaska, Mohonk, Stone Ridge and High Falls. $9,800 for the season. Prudential Nutshell Realty (845) 658-3737.




This lovely 3000+ sq. ft. contemporary Center Hall Colonial sits on 16+ acres with a pond. It features 3 or 4 BRs, 3 full baths, plus a 20’x30’ living room w/ 10’ ceiling, custom media wall & a slate fireplace. Walk outside on a huge cedar deck that overlooks apple trees, woods, fields & a Bluestone niche waiting for your hot tub. 3 separate garages (total 2100 sq.ft.), 1 is heated! Rondout Schools. Perfect for horses or an active life. $535,900. Cindy Graham. (845)626-3402.

This 3BR, 2 bath converted barn on 4.25 lovely meadow acres surrounded by woods & mountain view offers privacy in a very convenient location. Oversized 3-car detached garage has great potential for use as studio or workshop. $375,000. Mary Collins Real Estate. (845) 687-0911.

Listen to the sounds of the Mombaccus Creek rushing yr-round outside this Adirondack style 2BR cabin perched on 3.3 acres. Master suite w/ woodstove opens onto deck, stone fireplace in living area, custom kitchen w/granite counters, slate & pine floors. $289,000. Mary Collins Real Estate. (845) 687-0911.

150 Chronogram



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Parting Shot

F-Stop Fitzgerald / Untitled, 2005

F-Stop Fitzgerald /


Chasing the Virgin in a Land Obsessed with Ham

-Stop Fitzgerald is renowned for his 35mm chronicling of rock bands (including Dead Kennedys: the Unauthorized Version, 2004, Last Gasp of San Francisco). But last March in Sevilla, Spain, he switched to digital format, recording Holy Week celebrations featuring men dressed in hooded robes carrying floats bearing statues of Christ or Mary. A show of Fitzgerald’s digital Spanish travelogue, “Chasing the Virgin in a Land Obsessed with Ham,” opens Saturday, June 4 (7-10pm) at Awake Gallery, 10 Down Street, Kingston, and runs through July 9. (845) 532-2448.

152 Chronogram

6/05 caption



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