Cutest Babies of 2011

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Oh Baby

Cutest Babies of 2011

An Advertising Supplement of

The Chronicle

BABY 2 - The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis, Wash., March 2012

Milo Caswell Milo Scott Caswell

Born: Feb. 9, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 10 oz

Parents: Zander Caswell and Joyce Crowley Grandparents: Barbara Francis, Robert Francis , Fran Buzzard, Randy Buzzard Great-grandparents: Robert and Barbara Brienza, Irene Ferris, Jody and Joe Caswell

Laney McGregor

Laney Grace McGregor Born: March 18, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 11 oz

Cutest Babies of 2011

Lindyn Taylor

Parents: Casey and Julie Taylor Grandparents: Jay and Kip Henderson, Bruce and Marleta Taylor Great-grandparents: Lucille Wheeler, Jeannine Henderson, Dorothy Clowe

Parents: Travis and Laci McGregor Grandparents: Chris and Darrell McGregor, Dan Gallagher and Marilyn Gallagher, Jeff Campbell and Shelli Campbell Great-grandparents: Joyce Jensen, Betty McGregor, Shirley Gallagher, Larry and Maureen Campbell, Dick and Carol Ponder

Runner Up

Grayson Gallagher

Grayson Charles Gallagher Born: April 9, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 6 oz

Parents: Charles and Katy Gallagher Grandparents: Fred Gallagher, Lisa Gallagher, Melvin Wheeling, Gail Wheeling Great-grandparents: Edna Dotson, Mary Brunoff, Roy Gallagher, Rosie Gallagher

Lindyn Nichole Taylor Born: March 23, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 8 oz

Runner Up

Elias Siewert

Elias Jack Siewert Born: June 20, 2011 8 lbs. 1 oz.

Parents: Matthew Siewert and Alexis Chambers Grandparents: Charles and Rebecca Chambers, Raleigh and Pam Stone Great-grandparents: Jack and Ruth Looney, Harrison and Antionetta Chambers, Raleigh and Helen Stone

The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis, Wash., March 2012 - BABY 3


Thank you to all our participants.

to the 2011 winners!

What a cute bunch of babies!

First place will receive a photo session and a baby gift basket. Second and third place will receive a photo session. Runners-up will receive a local gift certificate.

Cutest Babies of 2011 brought to you by:

Family Superb Care Southwest Washington

Local physicians provide

Cascade Family Medical Clinic 360-736-7623 Eric DeMun, M.D., Family Practice Kenneth Perko, M.D., Family Practice Christopher Yarter, M.D., Family Practice Cedar Crest Whole Health Medical Center 360-785-0300 David Ellis, M.D., Family Practice Chehalis Children’s Clinic 360-748-6693 Conrad LeProwse, M.D., Pediatrics Chris Nelson, M.D., Pediatrics Northwest Pediatric Center 360-736-6778 Jennifer Caserta, M.D., Pediatrics Aaron Dalan, M.D. Lily Lo, M.D., Pediatrics James Miller, M.D., Pediatrics Jennifer Polley, M.D., Pediatrics Jemima Tso, M.D., Pediatrics Joe Wiley, M.D., Pediatrics Pope’s Kids Place 360-736-9147 Isaac Pope, M.D., Pediatrics Loraine Escarcha, M.D., Pediatrics

for your child

Valley View Health Center 360-330-9595 David Little, D.O., Family Practice Michael Quirk, D.O., Family Practice Steck Medical Center 360-748-9822 Harley Miller, M.D., Family Practice Michael Strohback, M.D., Family Practice Jose Garcia, M.D., Family Practice Tenino Family Practice 360-264-5665 Leyton Jump, M.D., Family Practice Washington Park Medical Center 360-736-0771 Charles McGill, M.D., Family Practice Paul Williams, M.D., Family Practice Lisa Neff, D.O., Family Practice Rochester Family Medicine 360-273-8818 Peggy Hosford, M.D., Family Practice Individual Practices Jeanne Adams, M.D., Family Practice, 360-748-8272 Thomas Cooke, D.O., Family Practice, 360-262-3966 Simon Elloway, M.D., Family Practice, 360-748-4461 Robert McElhaney Jr., M.D., Family Practice, 360-262-3966

BABY 4 - The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis, Wash., March 2012

Sophia Theodora Abbarno

Ava Marie Acevedo

Isaac Hunter Adams

Wyatt William Allen

Manny Edgar Arceo

Parents: Peter and Holly Abbarno Grandparents: Rick Hawes, Susie Hawes, Anthony Abbarno, Theodora Abbarno

Parents: Mateo Acevedo and Sara Garrison Grandparents: Fred and Jackie Martin, D.B. Garrison, Mateo and Petra Acevedo Great-grandparents: C.O. Creel

Parents: Jason and Vickie Adams Grandparents: Buford Bailey, Mike and Barb Craft, Sherman and Lynn Adams, Charlie and Joleen Roy Great-grandparents: Joe Smathers

Parents: Jacob and Nicole Allen

Parents: Manuel Arceo-Garcia Jr. and Adrienne Watts Grandparents: Susan Marie Garcia, Manuel and Felicitas Arceo Great-grandparents: Edgar B. Watts

Kolten Bryan Archer

Stryker Lee Armitage

Leland Matthew Armstrong

Avery Jean Ashmore

Lexi Grace Ayers

Parents: Rex and Jenny Ashmore Grandparents: Margaret Foglesong, Allan Foglesong, Ken Lowery Great-great-grandparents: Gerry Touchette, Bill Touchette

Parents: Michael and Maria Ayers Grandparents: Max and Alice Mendez, Bill and Daryl Ayers Great-grandparents: Joyce Frogner, Custodio Mendoza

Cooper Lee Beaulieu

Ryan Michael Bingisser

Gavin Duane Bird

Parents: Lee and Lindsey Beaulieu Grandparents: Pierre Beaulieu, Pam Beaulieu, Bob Schmidt, Cathy Schmidt

Parents: Joshua and Amber Bingisser Grandparents: Susan Anderson, Michael Bingisser Great-grandparents: Ed Hanson, Mary Hanson, Shirley Osburn, Nancy Bingisser, Albert Bingisser

Parents: David Bird and Andrea Schute Grandparents: Doug and Vicki Shute, Jack Bird, Marie Bird Great-grandparents: Dean and the late Margaret Shute, Lois and the late Ephraim Bird

Born: July 27, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 9 oz

Born: Dec. 25, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 6 oz

Born: April 10, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 7 oz

Born: Jan. 16, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 8 oz

Parents: Kevin and Amy Archer Grandparents: Melody Estep, John Estep, April Archer, Harry Archer

Parents: Brandon Armitage and Stevie Snider Grandparents: Jim and Milissa Snider, Ray and Vicky Schliesser, Steve and Denise Armitage Great-grandparents: Noel and Dedra Wade, Karen Snider, Neil and Bev Auman

Xander James Barton

Milo Kennar Chance Baumann

Born: Oct. 10, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 7 oz

Parents: Bryson Barton and Tabitha Herr Grandparents: Angie Barton, Tracy Herr Great-grandparents: Gene and Carol Barton Great-great-grandparents: Betty Barton

Born: Oct. 12, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 4 oz

Parents: Dianne Baumann Grandparents: Henry and Roberta Baumann, Mike and Julie Kinney, Harold and Edna Becker, Jerry and Becky Schoelkopf Great-grandparents: Marie Baumann

Born: Oct. 18, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 1 oz

Born: March 6, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 3 oz

Parents: Jerry Armstrong and Oleta Hawkins Grandparents: Malinda Hawkins, Elma Witherel, Jerry D. Armstrong, Clarence Hawkins

Born: Oct. 4, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 15 oz

Born: April 10, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 3 oz

Born: Jan. 31, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 2 oz

Born: May 13, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 1 oz

Born: Feb. 2, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 11 oz

Born: July 18, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 4 oz

Born: July 10, 2011 Weight: 5 lbs 10 oz

The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis, Wash., March 2012 - BABY 5

Gage Douglas Bird

Kasen Charles Boehm

Jaxon Johnny Bowen

Jaiden Ruger Dale Bowen

Shelby Beth Brown

Parents: David Bird and Andrea Shute Grandparents: Doug and Vicki Shute, Jack Bird, Marie Bird Great-grandparents: Dean and the late Margaret Shute, Lois and the late Ephraim Bird

Parents: Adam and Erica Boehm Grandparents: Rick and Rose Wichert, Bill and Pam Boehm Great-grandparents: Fred and Linda Wichert, Esther Ocken, John and Lois Harned

Parents: John Bowen and Erica Quintero Grandparents: Johnnie Bowen, Elma Bowen, Martin Quintero, Linda Birdwell

Parents: Jesse Bowen and Jessica Hill Grandparents: Heidi Slaymaker, Jim Hill, Darla Bowen, Jerry Bowen Great-grandparents: Judy Wright, Rowayne and John Hill, Dick and Linda Slaymaker, Roland and Kim Jones

Parents: Mike Brown and Teaya Hamilton Grandparents: Dave and Rita Hamilton, Joseph Brown, Mary Ertl Great-grandparents: Beth Lawrence, Dean and Vie Hamilton

Easton River Buck

Kohen Anthony Butterworth

Kasen Michael Carbaugh

Finn William Carns

Milo Scott Caswell

Parents: Rocky Carbaugh Jr. and Stacey Carbaugh Grandparents: Mike Sturza, Micki Sturza, Rocky Carbaugh Sr., Christy Carbaugh Great-grandparents: Bill and Pauline Carbaugh

Parents: Kevin Carns and Melanie Anderson Grandparents: Sherry Lattimer, Jack Anderson, Terry Carns, Pam Carns

Parents: Zander Caswell and Joyce Crowley Grandparents: Barbara Francis, Robert Francis, Fran Buzzard, Randy Buzzard Great-grandparents: Robert and Barbara Brienza, Irene Ferris, Jody and Joe Caswell

Born: July 10, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 4 oz

Born: June 25, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 9 oz

Parents: Aaron and Melissa Buck Grandparents: Scott and Cindy Sweet, Sonny and Judy Buck Great-great-grandparents: Paul and Bette Sweet, Charlotte Pace

Born: May 2, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 13 oz

Born: Oct. 26, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 5 oz

Parents: Joseph and Kortney Butterworth Grandparents: Jennifer Lawson, Letha Butterworth, Kevin Hendricks, Jeff Butterworth Great-grandparents: Joseph Butterworth Sr., Kathleen Rowland, Earl Johnson Great-great-grandparents: Karen Hargand, David Lawson, Julie Lawson

Born: May 25, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 14 oz

Born: March 4, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 15 oz

Born: Dec. 26, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 2 oz

Born: Feb. 20, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 13 oz

Born: June 27, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 9 oz

Born: Feb. 9, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 10 oz

Olivia Jane Lee Chapman

Olivia Mae Cherrington

Sean David Clary

Kale Joshua Cole

Braxton Wyatt Cole

Parents: Fred and Jamie Chapman Grandparents: Kirk and Pam Werner, Dick and Cathy Jorstad, Fred and Pam Chapman Great-grandparents: Fred and Cecil Christen, Vonnie and Henry Hoffman

Parents: David and Kate Cherrington Grandparents: Mike and Karen Roewe, Steve and Rosey Cherrington

Parents: David and Sena Clary Grandparents: Joe Goff, Krista Goff, Ida Clary, Patrick Clary Great-grandparents: Lloyd Goff Great-great-grandparents: Dorcas Gurley

Parents: Josh Cole and Katrina Martinez Grandparents: Julie and Don Mcleod, Brian Cole Great-grandparents: Betty Bryant

Parents: Sean and April Cole Grandparents: Jeff Pace, Don and Ruth Pierce, Steve Cole, Pam and Ron Kiehn Great-grandparents: Bettey Etzel

Born: April 20, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 4 oz

Born: April 11, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 9 oz

Born: April 8, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 2 oz

Born: April 9, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 10 oz

Born: May 18, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 4 oz

BABY 6 - The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis, Wash., March 2012

Mylah Areli Contreras Born: May 24, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 5 oz

Rylinn Nicole Cox

Andres Miki Cruz

Tarynn Alta Dalebout

Parents: Jose Cruz Mendez and Kendra Tryon Grandparents: Yvonne Tryon, James Tryon, Emilia Mendez Martinez, Bernardo Cruz Herrera Great-great-grandparents: David Thrall, Shirley Thrall, Valery Anderson, Loyd Tryon

Parents: Trevor and Amanda Dalebout Grandparents: Doug and Donna Dalebout, Jeff and Kay King Great-grandparents: Irene King Francis, Alta Rotter

Raygen Marie Due

Meghan E. Edeburn

Emree Ann Epling

Parents: Randy and Erin Due Grandparents: Brad and Lori Lyons, Ray and Dorothy Due Great-grandparents: Judy White, Buck and Bev Lyons

Parents: Brandon and Kayd Edeburn Grandparents: Eric and Jan Millam, Lance Ross, David and Dawn Hawkins

Parents: Kevin and Brandy Epling Grandparents: Rhonda Vandettey, Dennis and Connie Vandetty, Tom and Barb Epling Great-grandparents: Ted Karniss

Elia Sage Fisher

Preslee Dee Fisher

Payton Annmarie Ford

Travis Michael Fosnacht

Parents: Stewart and Sarah Fisher Grandparents: Dianne Bradley, Darren Bradley, David Fisher Great-grandparents: Betty Fisher, Pat and Mark Bradley, Sandra Frye, Burt and Lea Gossard Great-great-grandparents: Nita Morris, Betty Bradley

Parents: Bryan Fisher and Madison Shawgo Grandparents: Dan Shawgo, Sha’non Shawgo, Terri Morris Great-grandparents: Julie Shawgo, Bruce Shawgo, Sue Fisher, Wendell Fisher

Parents: Jason Ford and Cristy Rydberg Grandparents: Dennis and Donna Rydberg, Richard and Sandy Ford, Judy Jeffries

Parents: Travis and Savannah Fosnacht Grandparents: Mike Fosnacht, Denise Fosnacht, Jeannie Dragt, Sal Verduzco Great-grandparents: Earl and Polly Dragt, Frank and Rebecca Fosnacht, Pat Murray Dee Cravens

Born: July 1, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 1 oz

Parents: Fredi and Yasmin Contreras Grandparents: Celso Molina, Angela Molina, Epifanio Contreras, Irma Contreras

Parents: Eric Cox and Michelle Eastman Grandparents: Greg and Debbie Cox, Tina Battrick, Tim Eastman Great-grandparents: Robert and Ada Cox, Stan and Ruth Beksinski, Richard “Dick” Scott, Jimmy and Phyllis Eastman

Alaylla Joy Dover

Charli Jean Driver-Aumiller

Born: June 14, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 3 oz

Parents: John and Samantha Dover Grandparents: Joy Hall, Michael Hall, Michael Dover Great-grandparents: Janice Rayton, Dan Rayton, Sharon Hall Great-great-grandparents: Marion Moerke

Michael Spencer Alex Estus Born: June 16, 2011 Weight: 3 lbs 11 oz

Parents: Michael and Elizabeth Estus Grandparents: Arik and Joyce Estus, Carol and Doug Walsh

Born: June 19, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 2 oz

Parents: Ryan Aumiller and Kari Driver Grandparents: Chad Driver, Tammy Ashley, Rob Aumiller, Darla Aumiller Great-grandparents: Clayton Driver, Nancy Williams, Steve and Ellen Ashley, Marilyn Torstvet, Del and Judi Aumiller

Born: Jan. 21, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 10 oz

Maddieson Kimberly- Jean Crawford Born: March 27, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 0 oz

Parents: Jason Crawford and Erin Kranz Grandparents: Kimberly Lorentzen, Mark Lorentzen, Karen Crawford, Mike Crawford Great-grandparents: Dale Hobbs Great-great-grandparents: Phyllis Cox

Born: March 23, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 2 oz

Born: May 23, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 10 oz

Born: Feb. 21, 2011 Weight: 5 lbs 3 oz

Born: Jan. 8, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 6 oz

Born: April 10, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 3 oz

Born: June 2, 2011 Weight: 5 lbs 11 oz

Born: Feb. 25, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 7 oz

Born: June 19, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 7 oz

The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis, Wash., March 2012 - BABY 7


Chehalis Children’s Clinic 748-6693 370 S. Market Blvd • Chehalis, WA 98532 •

Conrad LeProwse, M.D., F.A.A.P Chris Nelson, M.D., F.A.A.P Lisa McCarthy, N.T.P. P.A.C. • Comprehensive Pediatric Care • Adolescent GYN • Same Day Appointments


BABY 8 - The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis, Wash., March 2012

Scarlette Grace Fraley

Jazmin Olivia Fuentes

Casen Jack Gale

Parents: Nolan Fraley and Lela Mitchell-Fraley Grandparents: Karla Mitchell, the late Larry Mitchell, Deanna Lange, Roger Lange Great-grandparents: Grace Mitchell, Maggie Fraley, Bill and Marylin, Logan, Virginia Gregory

Parents: Luis Fuentes and Krystal Brooks Grandparents: Mia Brooks, Howard Price, Luis Fuentes, Olivia Fuentes Great-great-grandparents: Joe and Virgina Florek

Parents: Brian and Katie Gale Grandparents: Rick and Pam Gale, Shawn and Debbie Corrigan Great-grandparents: Jack and Annette Ayerst, Ken Corrigan, Art Gale, Robert and Barb Allen

Parents: Charles and Katy Gallagher Grandparents: Fred Gallagher, Lisa Gallagher, Melvin Wheeling, Gail Wheeling Great-grandparents: Edna Dotson, Mary Brunoff, Roy Gallagher, Rosie Gallagher

Parents: Jimmie Gertson III and Shannon Gertson Grandparents: Brenda and Calvin Galbraith, Jim and Sheila Gertson Great-grandparents: Iona Bristow, Norma Craig

Kyrhe Jae Gilmer

Isabella Victoria Gonzalez

Zakary Griffith

Eliza Inez Grove

Adele Larae Guenther

Parents: Paul and Bretta Gilmer Grandparents: Wendy Roberson, Ed and Nola Roberson, Lorraine and Forrie Edwards, Gary and Elaine Gilmer Great-grandparents: Jean Wigley

Parents: Victor Gonzalez and Lindsey Fitzpatrick Great-grandparents: Alonna and Harry Sumrok Great-great-grandparents: Doris Martin

Parents: Jason and Jodi Griffith Grandparents: Jim Overman, Jane Butterfield Great-grandparents: Evelyn Hughes

Parents: Zach and Courtney Grove Grandparents: Rick Grove, Karen Grove, Dennis Clark, Bonnie Clark

Parents: Chris and Tiffany Guenther Grandparents: Marvin and Melody Guenther, Jerry and Deborah Graham Great-grandparents: Betty Hamilton, Flora Guenther, R.C. and Bonita Coleman

Gracie Lynn Guenther

Clarinda Jean Guffey

Madalyn Rae Guy

Matthew Ashton Hadaller

Gracelynn Annette Hail

Parents: Matt and Sarah Guenther Grandparents: John and Patty Harris, Jerry and Vikky Guenther Great-grandparents: Richard and Mary Guenther

Parents: Paul and Calista Guffey Grandparents: Melinda Hawkins, Clarence Hawkins, Haden Guffey, Orshella Davis Great-grandparents: Marge and Mathew Jr. Hadaller Great-great-grandparents: Althea and Charles Pike

Parents: Ronald and Kellie Guy Grandparents: Paula Martin, Jerry Martin, Dorinda Guy, Ronald Guy Great-grandparents: Dottie Guy, Silas Guy

Parents: Matthew Hadaller and Kelsie Smith Grandparents: Tracy and Mike Smith, Lisa and Chris Fitzgerald, Matthew and Loranda Hadaller Great-grandparents: Martha and Don Newby, Janice Smith, Lee Smith, Marge and Matthew Hadaller, Carrol and Dennis Hadaller

Parents: Shad and Lauren Hail Grandparents: Sherrie Shea, Roger Shea, Patricia Alexander, Lance Corrigan Great-grandparents: Wayne and Viola Eason Great-great-grandparents: Beverly and Dick Greear

Born: March 23, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 6 oz

Born: Dec. 10, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 14 oz

Born: July 9, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 11 oz

Born: May 15, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 8 oz

Born: Feb. 7, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 1 oz

Born: Dec. 6, 2011 Weight: 5 lbs 14 oz

Born: Feb. 10, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 11 oz

Born: July 7, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 0 oz

Born: July 26, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 12 oz

Grayson Charles Gallagher Mayerick Thomas Gertson Born: April 9, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 6 oz

Born: June 7, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 2 oz

Born: July 21, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 2 oz

Born: June 5, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 12 oz

Born: July 11, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 14 oz

Born: March 25, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 0 oz

The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis, Wash., March 2012 - BABY 9

Tru Amelia Hamrick Born: June 24, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 9 oz

Tyson Aaron-James Hamrick Born: June 17, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 11 oz

Carter Edwin Hardin

Madison Marie Harding

Jacob Christopher Harding

Born: May 6, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 1 oz

Born: Nov. 3, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 1 oz

Born: Nov. 3, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 7 oz

Parents: Brandon and Natalie Hamrick Grandparents: Skip and Elizabeth Erickson, Roy and Brenda Elliott Great-grandparents: Buck and Bev Lyons Great-great-grandparents: Harry Erickson

Parents: James and Amaris Hamrick Grandparents: Sherri Hamrick, Dennis Hamrick, Mark Smith, Yvonne Atkins Great-grandparents: Mary Lou Mathis

Parents: Robert Hardin, Jr. and Kate Stenback-hardin Grandparents: John and Julie Frye, Robert and Francine Hardin, Barry and Rosie Stenback Great-grandparents: Margaret Sherwood, Hazel Sherwood, Sandi Frye, Mary Benedict, Cliff and Betty Hardin

Parents: Justin and Alexandria Harding Grandparents: Diane Lopez, Angela Harding, Carson Harding, Joe Lopez Great-grandparents: Esperanza Delgado, Benjamin Harding, Francisco Delgado, Bill Flucas, Connie and Russ Hornback

Parents: Justin and Alexandria Harding Grandparents: Diane Lopez, Angela Harding, Carson Harding, Joe Lopez Great-grandparents: Esperanza Delgado, Benjamin Harding, Francisco Delgado, Bill Flucas, Connie and Russ Hornback

Gracie Sue Harper

Claire Louise Hawes

Shilo Nathaniel Hawks Jr.

Katelyn Kay Hemenway

Lillian Layne Hernandez

Parents: James and Amber Harper Grandparents: Gene and Rhonda Heitzman, Joan and Gordon Harper Great-grandparents: Bill and Ida Allen, Sue Keeling, Tony and Linda Keeling

Parents: Kyle and Chelsey Hawes Grandparents: Rob Laymon, Pam Laymon, Rick Hawes, Susie Hawes Great-grandparents: Donna Rae Smith Great-great-grandparents: Walt Larson

Parents: Shilo and Lara Hawks Grandparents: Barbara Hawks, Vernon Hawks, Raelene McElvain, Dwayne McElvain

Parents: Eric Hemenway and Shannon Hoyt Grandparents: Mark and Kim Alexander, Rdhoyt, Patrick Martin, Penny Barney, Alen and Dian Barney Great-grandparents: Kathryn Bostwick, Eugen and Beverly Hoyt

Parents: Eliseo and Sarah Herandez Grandparents: Kim Ronnell, Robin Ronnell, Eliseo Herandez, Maria Herandez

Nolan Daniel Hess

Audrey Kay Marie Hill

Garrett Kristopher Hoctor

Alayna Mshelle Holmes

Brooklyn Holmes

Parents: Dan and Sara Hess Grandparents: Bob and Patty Siemers, Bill and Barbara Bergquist

Parents: Roger and Amanda Hill Grandparents: David Hill, Selinda Hill, Michael Greer, Sharon Greer Great-grandparents: Linda Cothren, Roger Hill, Joyce Wheeler, Wendall Wheeler, Forest Greer, Nancy Greer, William Richards, Betty Richards

Parents: Damon and Stephanie Hoctor Grandparents: Brenda Hoctor, Ken Hoctor, Dan Scott, Faith Jeffrey Great-grandparents: Charles Hoctor, Mary Sturdevent

Parents: Theodore and Milisa Holmes Grandparents: Charles Holmes, Henreta Gall, Mishelle Gorzynski, William Turnbull

Parents: Jaysen and Jessica Holmes Grandparents: Harold Holmes, Verna Morris, Greg and Joanne Richards

Born: Oct. 5, 2011 Weight: 5 lbs 8 oz

Born: July 2, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 4 oz

Born: April 2, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 11 oz

Born: Oct. 3, 2011 Weight: 5 lbs 2 oz

Born: June 8, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 7 oz

Born: Oct. 7, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 8 oz

Born: March 15, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 9 oz

Born: Oct. 25, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 5 oz

Born: July 6, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 5 oz

Born: Feb. 1, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 13 oz

BABY 10 - The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis, Wash., March 2012

Tugger Allen Holmes

Kya Kwinn Homan

David Edwin Hunt

Dean Noel Hunter

Aiden Mathew Hurley

Parents: Tig and Carly Holmes Great-grandparents: Eileen Boes, Frances Romine

Parents: Rusty and Kristen Homan Grandparents: Edward and Carol Shearer, Russell and Ellie Homan, Shelley Carroll Great-grandparents: Doris Shearer, Russell and Jean Homan

Parents: Jared and Melissa Hunt Grandparents: Steve and Lynn Hunt, Dave and Ann Disney Great-grandparents: Frances Richardson

Parents: Gregory Hunter Jr. and Shana Hunter Grandparents: James Birdwell, Theresa Dehaven, Greg Hunter Sr., Bobbi Hunter Great-grandparents: Leonard and Sherild Birdwell Great-great-grandparents: Bob and Shana Marrs, Judy Tokstad

Parents: James and Nicole Hurley Grandparents: Laura Hurley, Robert Wade Great-grandparents: Dorris Hurley, Dale Hurley

Kaylee Mae Ingles

Victoria Grace Jacoby

Quay Patrick Jendryka

Charlie Eileen Jensen

Kennadee Grace Jewell

Parents: Clifford Ingles Jr. and Katie Ingles Grandparents: Judy Cunningham, Cliff and Connie Ingles, Bob and Sue Cunningham Great-grandparents: Ron and Mary Wright, Bill and Corky Cunningham, Toby Garland

Parents: Jonathan and Summer Jacoby Grandparents: Brian and Candice Dickason, John and Cyndy Jacoby Great-grandparents: Vida Decker Great-great-grandparents: JoAnn and Larry Strain

Parents: Shawn and Lacie Jendryka Grandparents: Stan and Kathy Jendryka, John and Marla Sawvel, Jim and Susan Webb Great-grandparents: Connie Hirtzel, Jim and Shirley Hirtzel, Maude Strickler

Parents: Chad Jensen and Caitlin Tivnan Grandparents: Cathy Tivnan, James Tivnan, Wesley Jensen, Jennifer Wilson-Price Great-grandparents: Mary Graham, Emma Lou Jensen

Parents: Chad and Jacki Jewell Grandparents: Bill Jewell, Diane Jewell, Jeff Speer, Lori Speer Great-grandparents: Russ and Margie Trentlage, Helen Morton, Ione Speer

Narissa Aslin Aurora Jimenez

Tristan Michael Johnson

Garrett Steven Johnson

Miley Fae Keeling

Alanna Kaye Keiran

Parents: Dana Johnson and Brittany Myhre Grandparents: Betsy and Mike Murphy, Michael Myhre, Paul and Jackie Johnson, Wanda Johnson Great-grandparents: Dede Uptgrove, Carol Johnson Great-great-grandparents: Flora Stonex

Parents: Richard Andy and Jennifer Johnson

Parents: Derek Keeling and Nicole Crockford Grandparents: Jeanie and Jack Smith, Mark and Teresa McCrite, Laura and Steven Keeling, Nick and Lori Crockford Great-grandparents: Dorothy and Roy Dibble, Sue Keeling Great-great-grandparents: Mavis Crockford, Gary and Bettie Christensen

Parents: TJ and Natasha Keiran Grandparents: Mel Neighbours, Marilyn Neighbours, Betty Chambers

Born: June 20, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 7 oz

Born: Nov. 9, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 12 oz

Born: June 4, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 14 oz

Parents: Francisco Jimenez and Amber Montes Grandparents: Vicente and Rhonda Mendez, Blaine Montes, Mercedes Sosa

Born: Feb. 7, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 0 oz

Born: June 7, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 4 oz

Born: June 8, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 4 oz

Born: March 24, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 2 oz

Born: July 20, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 2 oz

Born: April 5, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 6 oz

Born: Oct. 13, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 0 oz

Born: May 30, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 6 oz

Born: Jan. 5, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 8 oz

Born: May 12, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 12 oz

Born: Dec. 22, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 0 oz

Born: Jan. 5, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 11 oz

The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis, Wash., March 2012 - BABY 11

Kinley Grace Kelly Born: Jan. 2, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 8 oz

Brinley Diane Kephart Born: Nov. 24, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 10 oz

Maisy Lee King

Born: March 21, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 15 oz

Kennedy Catherine Kinsman

Mackenzie Jo Kinswa Born: May 10, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 4 oz

Born: July 19, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 10 oz

Parents: Kenneth and Rhonda Kinswa

Parents: Devin and Kathy Kelly Grandparents: Buzz and Carolyn Graham, Tim and Eileen Kelly Great-grandparents: Jim and Jesse Steel, Theressa Connelly, Kevin Kelly, Micky Kelly

Parents: Travis and Christina Kephart Grandparents: Jody Kephart, Pam Hogan, Tina Hawkins, Phil Hawkins Great-grandparents: Karen Schessler Great-great-grandparents: Gilbert Proske, “Pappo� Lewis Barone

Parents: Byran and Tiffanie King Grandparents: Bill and Kelly Johnson, Linda King, Eric King Great-grandparents: Bernice Craig, Bill and Glenda Garrotte, Beverly King

Parents: Jim and Carrie Kinsman Grandparents: Terry and Cathy Lawton, Ron and Holly Kinsman, Cathy Ahmann

Dani Laine Kramer

Jaydon Scott Larson

Jackson Hank Lewis

Olivia Hailey Lynn Lines

Jeremiah Isaiah Lopez

Parents: Jason and Misti Kramer Grandparents: Steve and Sherri Riddle, Mary Kramer, Matt Kramer Great-grandparents: Virgil and Chris Danielson, Diane and Larry Macomber, Dick and Mary Boyce Great-great-grandparents: Lois Costagno

Parents: Joshua Larson and Jessica Passmore Grandparents: Keith and Sandy Rogers, James Passmore, Debra Parscal Great-grandparents: Sally Irwin, Mina and Bob Cheney Jr., Margaret Church

Parents: Robert and Cassandra Lewis Grandparents: Cody Lawler and Barb Russell, Ralph and Karen Chick, Harold and Verda Lewis, Vivian Bremner Great-grandparents: John and Ester Bremner, George and Matilda Lewis Great-great-grandparents: Aseneth Bridge and Gary South, Leonard and Norma Lawler

Parents: Jeff Lines and Chelsey Cox Grandparents: Jeff Sr. and Lela Lines, Darryl and Kim Cox Great-grandparents: Roland and Rebecca Turner, Jack and Joann Coleman

Parents: Mercedes Lopez Grandparents: Diane Lopez Great-grandparents: Esperanza Delgado

Hunter Baily Lorentzen

Trent William Lyon

Brody Thomas Magruder

Avery Faith Mannikko

Selena Jade Matagi

Parents: Shane Lorentzen and Kori James Grandparents: I.L. and Lenore James, Mary and Don Thayer Great-grandparents: Buck and Viola Zimmerman

Parents: Darnell Carpenter and Ashley Lyon Grandparents: Debbie and Kevin Lyon, Kris and Steve Carpenter, Joni Sonneman, Debra Williams Great-grandparents: Jo Anne Lyon, Diana Williams

Parents: Toneil and Stasha Magruder Grandparents: Donna Muller, Thomas Muller, Juanita Magruder, Lee Magruder

Parents: Jeremy and Leslie Mannikko Grandparents: Douglas Mannikko, Patty Mannikko, Kenneth Kinder, Connie Kinder Great-grandparents: Bonna Millus, Edna Shellhart, Reino Mannikko

Parents: John and Jamie Matagi Grandparents: Jim and Cheryle Budgett, Eliu and Lorraine Matagi

Born: May 26, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 5 oz

Born: Dec. 25, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 11 oz

Born: June 7, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 4 oz

Born: Jan. 22, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 8 oz

Born: Feb. 9, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 5 oz

Born: Jan. 28, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 13 oz

Born: June 16, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 6 oz

Born: April 15, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 10 oz

Born: Dec. 6, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 10 oz

Born: Dec. 28, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 1 oz

BABY 12 - The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis, Wash., March 2012

these moments don’t last.

photos do.


The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis, Wash., March 2012 - BABY 13

Caroline Mathena

Owen Michael Maxwell

Paisley Brooke McAllister

Wyatt Brodie McAllister

Rylen James McConnell

Parents: Ryan and Kristi Mathena Grandparents: Roger and Caroline McKinnell, Sharon Mathena, Pat Mathena Great-grandparents: Florence Fruhwirth

Parents: Terry Maxwell and Amanda Aerni Grandparents: Bruce Aerni, Tracy Aerni, Terry Maxwell, Dawn Maxwell

Parents: Brandon and Marie McAllister Grandparents: Michael Lakey, Mollie Dunn, Dave McAllister, Laurie Waldref Great-grandparents: Paul and Earlene Waldref, David McAllister

Parents: Brandon and Marie McAllister Grandparents: Michael Lakey, Mollie Dunn, Dave McAllister, Laurie Waldref Great-grandparents: Paul and Earlene Waldref, David McAllister

Parents: Michael and Brittani McConnell Grandparents: Darin and Donna Bonahoom, Brian and Susie Parker, Greg McConnell Great-grandparents: Marge and Eual Addington, Jerry Palmateer, Diane and Gary Uhmdahl, Don and Linda Bonahoom

Sydney Madison McConnell

Laney Grace McGregor

Layton Reed McKinley

Hunter Riley McLean

Drew Michael Merriman

Parents: Travis and Laci McGregor Grandparents: Chris and Darrell McGregor, Dan Gallagher and Marilyn Gallagher, Jeff Campbell and Shelli Campbell Great-grandparents: Joyce Jensen, Betty McGregor, Shirley Gallagher, Larry and Maureen Campbel Dick and Carol Ponder

Parents: Derek and Rebecca McKinley Grandparents: George and Sheryl McKinley, Patricia Lloyd, Charles Lloyd Great-grandparents: Denny Cole

Parents: Colton McLean and Shelby Williams Grandparents: Chance and Angela Williams, Rob and Wendy McLean, Dave and Chris Clark Great-grandparents: John and Pam Warner, Scott and Angie McLean, Dave and Chris Clark, Don and Kathleen Williams Great-great-grandparents: Sylvia Clark

Parents: Nathan and Amanda Merriman Grandparents: Greg and Debbie Merriman, Kode and Dayna Morris

Allee Rae Miles

Lane Allen Mills

Ashlynn Marie Mitchell

Parents: Marcus and Ashlee Miles Grandparents: Shari and Steve Nowlen, Tom Auman, Tim and Vicky Miles Great-grandparents: Ruby Meade Great-great-grandparents: Neal & Bev Auman, Jean & Larry Peterson, Don & Mary Thayer

Parents: Dave and Kim Mills Grandparents: Pat and Karen Russell, Dale and Gloria Mills

Parents: Luther Mitchell and Katie Larson Grandparents: John Larson, Sharon Larson, Tammy Taplin, Dawn Lohr Great-grandparents: Gladys Larson, Steve Graham Great-great-grandparents: Jean Graham

Born: Jan. 2, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 2 oz

Born: July 20, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 12 oz

Parents: Andrew and Kristan McConnell Grandparents: John and Lynn Durkin, Susie and Brian Parker , Greg McConnell Great-grandparents: Jane Bockwinkel and Michael Brittain, Gerald and Marlene Palmateer, George Durkin, and Pat Anderson

Beyonca Ann Meserve Born: Jan. 23, 2011 Weight: 4 lbs 0 oz

Parents: Alan Meserve and Brittany Charneski

Born: April 29, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 0 oz

Born: March 18, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 11 oz

Isabelle Kayann Milanowski

Born: Feb. 25, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 4 oz

Parents: Joe and Misti Milanowski Grandparents: Steve and Celia Milanowski, Ben Maze, Sharyl and Ron Quinn Great-grandparents: Beverly King, Ted Karniss

Born: June 27, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 6 oz

Born: March 4, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 2 oz

Born: June 29, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 0 oz

Born: June 27, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 15 oz

Born: March 7, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 9 oz

Born: Oct. 21, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 5 oz

Born: June 10, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 9 oz

Born: Feb. 20, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 12 oz

Born: April 21, 2011 Weight: 15 lbs 4 oz

BABY 14 - The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis, Wash., March 2012

Sophia Lorraine Smith

Gabriella Elizabeth Myhre

Zoey Jaycee Nelson

Eva Amelia Rose Nelson

Xtyn Danielle Norberg

Parents: Tasha Smith Grandparents: Todd McMenamy

Parents: Paul and Christina Myhre Grandparents: Mike Myhre, Becky Myhre, Mark Leard, Teresa Watson

Parents: Brad Nelson and Kateland Russell Grandparents: Brad Nelson, Robi Nelson, Corinna Workman, Martin Russell Great-grandparents: Winona Nelson, Glenna Stack, Bob Valdez, Connie Workman, Dean Workman Great-great-grandparents: Rowena Davis

Parents: John and Ruth Nelson Grandparents: Erik Potter, Dave and Meg Nelson, Chris and Susan Hanson Great-grandparents: Bill and Patty Morton

Parents: Scott and Monique Norberg Grandparents: Ken Norberg, Joan Norberg, the late David Ball, the late Jennifer Ball

Seth Norby-Betts

Brantley Matthew Noren

Chad Norwood

Jayden Patrick Obermire

Hayden James Patrick Oechsner

Parents: Adam and Kristel Betts Grandparents: Steve and Kris Norby, Lisa Betts Great-grandparents: Buzz and Susie Norby, Dan and Jean Hager

Parents: Matthew and Andrea Noren Grandparents: Jim and Kathy Noren, Greg and Kitty Einert Great-grandparents: Eva Aiken, Darlene and Heartsill Einert

Parents: Kevin and Jamie Norwood Grandparents: Bob and Shari Marsyla Great-grandparents: Ann Carson

Parents: Logan Obermire and Chelsea Bradley Grandparents: Melody Bradley, Tom Bradley, Denise Obermire, Pat Obermire Great-grandparents: Beverly Jaeger

Parents: Patrick and Shawna Oechsner Grandparents: Dan and Debbie Justice, Ron and Ronda Johnson, Jim Oechsner

Samantha Orning

Ashton Mary Osborn

Bristol Don Osborn

Aubree Ann Ozretich

Morgan Jeffery Palmerson

Parents: David and Leah Orning Grandparents: Debbie Locke, Doug and Sharon Orning Great-grandparents: Bob Orning Great-great-grandparents: Emma Orning

Parents: Laroy Osborn Jr. and Kathryn Harris Grandparents: Richard and Diane Harris, Roy and Joyce Osborn Great-grandparents: Dolores Roberts, Linda Osborn, Josephine Vincent

Parents: Gregory and Jaimee Osborn Grandparents: Joyce Osborn, Roy Osborn, James Birdwell, Theresa Dehaven Great-grandparents: Russ and Jo Vincent, Wayne and Linda Osborn, Howard Dehaven Great-great-grandparents: Leonard and Sherild Birdwell

Parents: Bud and Sharee Ozretich Grandparents: Gary Jr. and Karen Duryea, Diana Wallace, Clint and Diana Ozretich Great-grandparents: Gary Sr. and Judy Duryea, Marlene Lord, Marie McNelly, Cheriel Turner, Pat and Doris Ozretich

Parents: Erik and Ashley Palmerson Grandparents: Kay and Jeff King, Lela and Dave Palmerson Great-great-grandparents: Irene King

Born: June 21, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 10 oz

Born: March 21, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 6 oz

Born: March 5, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 11 oz

Born: March 9, 2011 Weight: 1 lb 4 oz

Born: March 16, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 0 oz

Born: Nov. 9, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 15 oz

Born: July 9, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 14 oz

Born: May 26, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 6 oz

Born: Nov. 10, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 2 oz

Born: July 8, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 11 oz

Born: Jan. 14, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 9 oz

Born: April 17, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 0 oz

Born: May 21, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 2 oz

Born: March 16, 2011 Weight: 5 lbs 8 oz

Born: March 17, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 1 oz

The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis, Wash., March 2012 - BABY 15

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BABY 16 - The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis, Wash., March 2012

Brooklyn Passage

Kaleah Marie Payne

Caysen Joseph Perryman

Bodie Norman Piper

Nevaeh Rose Ranney

Parents: Dustin and Selina Passage Grandparents: Daryn and Virginia Wieburg, Robert and Julie Passage Great-grandparents: David and Bonnie Wieburg, Archie and Bessie Hart

Parents: Dontae Payne and Eskai Sharp Grandparents: Jay Howell, Tracy Howell Great-grandparents: Jay and Marie Thomas

Parents: Bradley and Jessica Perryman Grandparents: Mary Cooke, Jeff Gull, Toni Perryman, Fred and Donna Perryman Great-grandparents: Jim and Lois Samson Great-great-grandparents: Peggy and Duane Sartain

Parents: Brock and Nicole Piper Grandparents: Brian and Cindi Piper, Troy and Susie Nicholson, Kenny and Lori Severns, Frank and Cheryl McHugh Great-grandparents: David and Dorothy Nicholson, Don and Carol Mason, Walt and Conseulo Zetterholm, Norm and Claudette Klein Great-great-grandparents: Esther Medley

Parents: Jason Ranney and Ashley Seely Grandparents: Dave Coulter, Pattie Coulter, Mark Jarvis, Jane Jarvis Great-grandparents: Janet Pruett, Gordon Jarvis, Belva Jarvis

Born: March 14, 2011 Weight: 3 lbs 13 oz

Born: Oct. 13, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 5 oz

Born: Jan. 13, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 5 oz

Born: Jan. 27, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 4 oz

Born: Oct. 27, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 10 oz

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The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis, Wash., March 2012 - BABY 17

Lily May Rayton

Wylie J. Eugene Reimer

Brady James Reynoldson

Herb Wyatt Robinette

Axel Dean Robinson

Parents: Tom Rayton and Pam Orr-Rayton Grandparents: Don and Sharon Metcalfe, Juleigha and Harry Frick, Scott and Debbie McLennan

Parents: Jason and Roxanne Reimer Grandparents: Norma and Gary Wright, Phil and Naomi Reimer, Toby Lockwood, Cindy Johnson Great-grandparents: Dee Lockwood, Norman Daly

Parents: Carly Reynoldson Grandparents: Ray Reynoldson, Patty Reynoldson Great-grandparents: George and Lois Godding, Willie and Melody Reynoldson

Parents: Jimmy Robinette and Candice Beaver Grandparents: Richard and Irene Robinette, Chris and Vicki Beaver Great-grandparents: Jim Carter

Parents: Terry and Dawn Robinson Grandparents: Kenny and Viki Jerome, Bill Leydig Jr. Great-grandparents: Sharon Leydig, Kathy Benson, Clarence Shipp

Jaxson Kory Rogers

Willow Leone Rogerson

Anna Marie Rosenborg

Ryder James Sager

Lochlyn Elizabeth Jo Salisbury

Parents: Kory Rogers and Ashley Nutter Grandparents: Sue Nutter, Randy Nutter, Lonnie Haerling, Tom Rogers Great-grandparents: Lila Haerling

Parents: Christopher and Kendra Rogerson Grandparents: Tim and Sally Rogerson, Kimberly Bolender Great-grandparents: Dixie Rogerson-Bill, Lois Gibson Great-great-grandparents: Karla Herren

Parents: James Rosenborg and Brianna Lawrence Grandparents: Kim Pruitt, Brian Lawrence, Joe and Danette Fuhrer Great-grandparents: Terry Kaija, Clareen Claeys, Phillip Lawrence

Parents: Joseph Sager II and Krissy Killian Grandparents: Joseph Sager, Lou Sager, Kurt Killian, Kandy Wilson Great-grandparents: Janet Killian, Russell Killian, Betty Sager, Edwin Sager, Joyce Stafford, Lloyd Stafford

Cruz Alesandro Sanchez

Mylee Michelle Schlecht

Tyson Brandon Seeger

Isabela Higinia Servellon

Elias Jack Siewert

Parents: Moises Sanchez and Erica Mora Grandparents: Herminio Mora, Socorro Mora

Parents: Matt and Michelle Schlecht Grandparents: Bruce and Sandy Bray, Roger and Rosemary Schlecht Great-grandparents: Sue Bray

Parents: Brandon Seeger and Stephanie Baumel Grandparents: Sandy Seeger, Patty Poenitsh, Joe Seeger, Jack Baumel Great-grandparents: Sue Keeling, Tony Keeling, Buzz Williams, Tom and Martha Poenitsh, Sandy Baumel

Parents: Simon and Katie Servellon Grandparents: Sarah Ridenour, Higinia Rodriguez, Roberto Servellon

Parents: Matthew Siewert and Alexis Chambers Grandparents: Charles and Rebecca Chambers, Raleigh and Pam Stone Great-grandparents: Jack and Ruth Looney, Harrison and Antionetta Chambers, Raleigh and Helen Stone

Born: Jan. 27, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 1 oz

Born: Nov. 16, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 13 oz

Born: March 17, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 8 oz

Born: July 24, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 11 oz

Born: Nov. 16, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 6 oz

Born: June 19, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 6 oz

Born: June 9, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 5 oz

Born: June 16, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 5 oz

Born: Feb. 4, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 11 oz

Born: Oct. 19, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 8 oz

Born: Oct. 27, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 10 oz

Born: Dec. 29, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 12 oz

Born: Oct. 15, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 1 oz

Born: March 6, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 11 oz

Parents: Chato and Angela Salisbury Grandparents: Rick and Sue Bear, Georgia Forsberg

Born: June 20, 2011 8 lbs. 1 oz.

BABY 18 - The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis, Wash., March 2012

Beau Ryan Simpson

Cody James Sipp

Carter Jaxen Smith

Gabriella Ann Solis

Adriana Ann Solis

Parents: Megan Simpson Grandparents: Pam Simpson, Dean and Bonnie Simpson Great-grandparents: Alice Elder

Parents: Andrew and Crystal Sipp Grandparents: Sheri Sipp, Richard Sipp Sr., Sherry Haubrick, Mark Haubrick Great-grandparents: Betty Sipp, Woody Sipp, Melvin Mackey, Viola Mackey

Parents: Hank Smith and Casara Beck Grandparents: Matt and Cory Moses, Steve Beck, Don and Robbie Smith, Lisa McAlister Great-grandparents: Howard Sr. and Almetta Sears, John and Sally Beck, Fred and Sherry Moses, Marian McAlister, Virginia Moore

Parents: Roberto and Jennifer Solis Grandparents: Sharon Hiatt, Mike Hiatt, Martina Solis

Parents: Roberto and Jennifer Solis Grandparents: Sharon Hiatt, Mike Hiatt, Martina Solis

Ayla Raeann South

Amelia Rose Spencer

Brooklyn Rae Spencer

Monica Alyson Stanton

Madalynn Mckenzie Stilwell

Parents: Andrew South and Amber Finley Grandparents: Jerry Naumann, Terri Naumann, Debbie Carrillo Great-grandparents: Mary Grant Great-great-grandparents: Hank and Patsy Naumann, Edna Jacoby, Delmar and Judy Aumiller

Parents: Thomas and Alicia Spencer Grandparents: Dyanne Parnel, Richard Parnel, Clara Blankinship, Jim Spencer Great-grandparents: Jean Parnel

Parents: Timothy and Nicole Spencer Grandparents: Ron McKinney, Joan McKinney, Dale Spencer, Kathy Spencer Great-grandparents: Jack and Jann Blain, Gerrie McKinney, Douglas Spencer

Parents: Tom and Carrina Stanton Grandparents: Ed and Darleen Stanton, Ernest and Lois Stukes, Brian and Theresa Galloway Great-grandparents: Jim and Lucille Fleming, Doris Galloway, Goldie Brewer

Davey Harvey Stratis

Kingston Allen Strozyk

Lindyn Nichole Taylor

Brady Bruz Taylor

Justus Rhoman Teitzel

Parents: David and Jessica Stratis Grandparents: Harvey and Jayne Brooks Great-grandparents: the late Edith Gavin

Parents: Ron and Michelle Strozyk Grandparents: Joe and Carol McCloskey, Harold and Linda Strozyk Great-grandparents: Roberta West, Edith Farmer

Parents: Casey and Julie Taylor Grandparents: Jay and Kip Henderson, Bruce and Marleta Taylor Great-grandparents: Lucille Wheeler, Jeannine Henderson, Dorothy Clowe

Parents: Brady Yaylor and Amy Taylor Grandparents: Mickey and Pat Taylor, Marie and Bill Stepp

Parents: Michael and Jennifer Teitzel Grandparents: Robert and Julie Johnson Michael and Orena Teitzel, Jim and Patty Partain Great-grandparents: Paul and Dale Hansen

Born: March 9, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 0 oz

Born: Oct. 24, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 15 oz

Born: June 30, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 9 oz

Born: April 28, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 2 oz

Born: March 9, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 14 oz

Born: March 8, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 4 oz

Born: April 15, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 12 oz

Born: Feb. 2, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 0 oz

Born: March 23, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 8 oz

Born: March 10, 2011 Weight: 3 lbs 11 oz

Born: Jan. 9, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 4 oz

Born: Jan. 6, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 11 oz

Born: March 10, 2011 Weight: 3 lbs 4 oz

Born: Nov. 1, 2010 Weight: 9 lbs 7 oz

Parents: Noah and Kathryn Stilwell Grandparents: Guy McGuire, Carolyn McGuire, Mary Todd, Jerry Stilwell

Born: June 8, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 10 oz

The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis, Wash., March 2012 - BABY 19

Frederic Samuel Trent Born: May 11, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 6 oz

Taliyah Paige Turner Born: Oct. 20, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 7 oz

Enan Alexander Vandervelde

Born: June 29, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 13 oz

Puranjay Wadhawan

Sebastian Ray Walker

Parents: Romil Wadhawan and Bhawna Gupta Grandparents: Siya and Subhash Wadhawan, Sheela and Padam Gupta

Parents: Richard and Lyndsay Walker Grandparents: Mike and Susan Walker, Dan and Kim Webster

Born: June 28, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 9 oz

Born: June 20, 2011 Weight: 6 lbs 14 oz

Parents: Matthew and Jenny Trent Grandparents: Bob Joachim, Sue Joachim, Steve Trent, Patti Trent

Parents: Denarvis Turner and Shelly Hadaller Grandparents: John Hadaller, Deb Hadaller, Tonya Jackson, Eddie Turner Great-grandparents: A.B. Jackson, Bessie Jackson Great-great-grandparents: Buck Blankenship, Kareen Blankenship

Parents: Brendan and Erin Vandervelde Grandparents: Bob and Loretta O’Neill, Taco and Margaret Vandervelde Great-grandparents: Bob and Doris O’Neill, Lamert and Hendrika Hopman, Anne Vandervelde

Maddox Craig Walker

Liam Mark Wallace

Darin William Ware

Brody Mats Weagant

Ryder James Weeks

Parents: Joseph and Sarah Walker Grandparents: Stephen and Annette Walker, Craig and Tina McClay Great-grandparents: Lennice Dalrymple, Maxine Swallow, Donald McClay

Parents: Matthew and Andrea Wallace Grandparents: Mark and Linda Wallace, Bryant and Pam Mercil

Parents: William and Valeri Ware Grandparents: Nancy Ware, Glen Ware, Annette Howe, Charles Howe

Parents: Norman Weagant and Christina Thunberg Grandparents: Joanne Grimes, John Thunberg, Leah Thompson, Norman Weagant Sr. Great-grandparents: Kenny and Ouralee Weagant, Gayla Thompson, Carol Thunberg

Parents: David and Stacie Weeks Grandparents: David and Connie Baird, Henri and Barlene Weeks Great-grandparents: Joan Weeks, Pat Smith, Virginia Baird, Cecil Baird, Gilda Stubbs, Bob Mason

Jakia Mae Ann Westmoreland

Bryson Wesley Wilson

Connor William Winter

Cora Ann Woodford

Zoey Marie Zachry

Parents: Jamie and Cassie Wilson Grandparents: Wes and Cindee Floyd, Fred and Kelly Hylton

Parents: Brian Winter and Charlotte Reynolds Grandparents: Paula Herron, Sandy Stafford Great-great-grandparents: Louise Kangas

Parents: Trefford and Kristy Woodford Grandparents: Kim and Jr Woodford, Barbara and Randy Hill, Tom and Karen Barrett

Parents: Gerri Zandecki Grandparents: Jerry Zandecki, Diane Zandecki Great-grandparents: Mary Hodel

Born: Dec. 28, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 0 oz

Born: July 21, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 14 oz

Parents: Anthony and Delila Westmoreland Grandparents: Denise and Larry Lester, Vanessa and Larry Westmoreland Great-grandparents: Vance Murphy

Born: March 2, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 8 oz

Born: March 7, 2011 Weight: 8 lbs 1 oz

Born: Feb. 15, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 4 oz

Born: May 10, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 11 oz

Born: Feb. 11, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 0 oz

Born: July 25, 2011 Weight: 9 lbs 1 oz

Born: July 10, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 7 oz

Born: Jan. 21, 2011 Weight: 7 lbs 5 oz

BABY 20 - The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis, Wash., March 2012

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