SWWFamily Feb. 2013

Page 1

Southwest Washington


Feb 2013

Don’t Delay, Prevent Decay Protecting Your Pearly Whites

Teacher Feature Thankful Beyond Words

Hibernating ’Hogs Shadow Science


41 Reasons The Rain Can Stay Entertaining Area Activities



My kids love their dentist


EXAM & X-RAYS Includes comprehensive exam & all necessary x-rays

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Coupon not valid with insurance. May not be combined with any other offers.

Coupon not valid with insurance. May not be combined with any other offers.





Xtreme E3800 Power Toothbrush (for adults) or Children’s Electronic Toothbrush

Upon completion of exam, x-rays and cleaning. May not be combined with any other offers.

Upon completion of exam, x-rays and cleaning. May not be combined with any other offers.

“Wow, if you are in need of a dentist, Dr. Calvin Kim is awesome!” “We have been to two other dentists in the past year, both of them pediatric dentists, in an effort to have dental work done on our daughter. She was petrified to the point that both dentists insisted that she be put under general anesthetic. Dr. Kim asked me if I could give it a try. I agreed and so thankful. He took the time to put Mary at ease and got through the whole treatment. Mary actually asked when she could back! How is that for a compliment?” - Kristen Zanas

Gentle, Caring Dentistry you can trust for the whole family. • Convenient no interest in-office Payment plans available

• Emergency care • Calm & relaxing office with a caring team • Complimentary consults • Preferred provided for most insurances • Convenient insurance assistance • Individual rooms for patient privacy

Meet Dr. Calvin Kim and his family.

Shown here with his wife, Amy, and their children, Charis and Caia! He is a 2000 graduate of Loma Linda University, CA. In his 10th year of practicing dentistry, Dr. Kim has recently moved his family into Lewis County so that his family can enjoy the blessings of living in the country. He is excited and considers it a privilege to open a brand new dental office in Chehalis and serve the dental needs of families in Lewis County.

Chehalis Family Dental

1299 B Bishop Rd. Chehalis, WA 98532

(Off of I-5, Exit 76. Next to the Steck Medical Center)



O s r Reade

Mont e h h fT

Elaina Koenig St. Joseph

Kevin Calvillo Jefferson Lincoln

Neveah Garman Jefferson Lincoln

Sapphire McDaniel-Pease R.E. Bennett

Courtney Sayers Edison

Victoria Teitzel Fords Prairie

Josha Silva St. Joseph

Maritza Salmeron Jefferson Lincoln

Analyse Johnson R.E. Bennett

Romeo Settles Fords Prairie

Yovany Gomez Edison

Elijah Emery Edison

Jisu Han Centralia Christian

Ethan Suhoney Centralia Christian

Alex Yip St. Joseph

Andrea Mora R.E. Bennett

Autumn Imes Edison

Khailee Ross Fords Prairie

Now with two locations to serve you!

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505 S. Tower Avenue Centralia www.yardbirdsmall.com Open 5 AM - 12 PM • 360-736-9328


Washingt t s e w h t u So



12 page

17 page


Feb 2013

, Don’t Delay y ca e D t n e Prev Your Protecting tes Pearly Whi

ture Teacher Fea Words yond

Thankful Be






Entertaining ities Activ


On the cover:

Samantha Ames, 2.5 years. Proud family: Parents Nikki and Rob Ames, of Chehalis, and little sister Piper. Photo by Alison Clinton, owner of Horizon Photo & Design. Please see ad on page 17.

SWW Family Staff Advertising Sales: Brian Watson, Sales Manager Chrystal Zelazny Shelleen Lundeen

Premium Quality Parts

Graphic Designers: Kelli Erb, Lead Graphic Designer Devon Bergeron Cindy Gundo Southwest Washington Family is a publication of Lafromboise Communications Inc. Southwest Washington Family 321 N. Pearl Street Centralia, WA 98531

Celebrating Catholic Schools Week Educational Excellence Since 1923

Scholarships Available



Free pre-trip saFety check

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41 Reasons an Stay The Rain C

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Over 30 years Experience



Creative Director, Editor: Chantel Wilson cwilson@swwfamily.com

Professionally Trained Technicians


g Hibernatisn ’Hog Shadow Science

Nathan Wright Manager Chehalis 36 N. Market 748-0295

Call today for a private tour and scholarship details Principal Dr. Gary Udd 360.748.0961

St. Joseph Catholic School 123 SW 6th Street, Chehalis www.stjoeschehalis.com

Every day at St. Joseph’s begins with prayer: O Heavenly Father, watch over me while I am here at St. Joseph’s School; so I may become a responsible, caring, productive citizen, and a lifelong learner. I will try to live as Jesus would live and learn my lessons as best I can. Thank you for my teachers and continue to bless them …

this month...

is h t in ue iss

Did you know? Punxsutawney Phil

February Events Rainy Day Activities

Lovely Facts, Valentines & Candy Castles


4 14

Baby Steps To Healthy Teeth


Teacher Feature



'H g n i t a n Hiber

17 Presidential Matters


Red Hot Birthdays



Day Trip: Minty Fresh

Books Fo r Boys


Car Seat Safety


23 26 Game

Night Family Scrapbook 28 28 Awesome Activities

29 February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 3

Details at


& maternity clothes, shoes, toys, furniture, baby equipment, books, games, bedding, room decor,

outdoor toys, and much more! Consignors earn up to 70%! Consign and volunteer to shop the pre-sale on Friday, March 1, 2013.

March 2nd - 3rd, 2013

items that your children no longer need, register to be a consignor. Sell items without yard sale hassles! BUY & SELL children’s

SWW Kidsignment is a consignment event held twice each year. If you have gently used children’s

4 • February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family

February 2


Arts Jamboree 10 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. (two age divisions), Centralia Middle School Commons Children in 1st through 7th grade are invited to participate in art sessions from paper mache to beading and cartooning. Dress to get messy! For more information please call 330-7688.


Support a Scout Dinner 6 p.m., Washington Hotel, Chehalis Learn about the local program offered to our youth while supporting Scouts! For more information, please call 304-8536.

9 11

Valentine Studio 10 a.m., Winlock Timberland Library Spread the love this Valentine’s Day. Stop by the library and create beautiful valentines for your loved ones. Art supplies are provided.

Time to nominate your Family Favorites! See page 16.

Health & Fitness Fair 4 p.m., Chehalis Thorbeckes Free health and wellness event featuring over 60 vendors. Fun and informational for the whole family. For more information, please call 748-3744.


An Evening for the Children Benefit Gala 6 p.m., Great Wolf Lodge, Grand Mound Parents can enjoy a night out with dinner and dancing while raising money toward the construction of the new respite center. For more information or to RSVP, please email events@popeskidsplace.org. Game Day 1 p.m., Chehalis Timberland Library Enjoy a variety of board games with your family. Enjoy refreshments and meet other families who like a good game day as well!


Paper Airplane Flight School & Contest 1 p.m., Olympic Flight Museum, Olympia Experts will be on hand to guide you from construction, first flight and advanced maneuvering of your paper airplane creations. Contests will be held for distance and spot landing, with prizes in various categories. Children 6 and under are free, $7 for other participants and $5 for spectators. Construction materials and snacks are provided. For more information, please call 360-705-3925. SWWF February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 5

y a D g o h Ground Did You Know?

Every February 2nd, people across the country anxiously await the groundhog’s weather forecast. Should the groundhog see his shadow, it is six more weeks of winter. If the shadow goes unseen, spring will arrive ahead of schedule. For some, Groundhog Day is the only time a person actually lays eyes on the animal during the prognosticating. But there’s more to groundhogs than their ability to forecast the weather.

The scientific name of the groundhog is Marmota monax. Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, are closely related to squirrels and can climb trees and swim. The burrows made by the animals have several chambers and different entrances and exits. It may be challenging to find a groundhog’s entry point to your yard as a result. Groundhogs are herbivores, mostly feeding on whatever plant material they can find. Because they like crops, many farmers view them as pests. On occasion, groundhogs will scavenge for and eat insects. Groundhog fur is not particularly thick or warm, so the animal’s coat has never been prized for its use in clothing.

6 • February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family

On average, a groundhog will live between 3 to 6 years in the wild. In captivity, a groundhog can live around 10 years. Groundhogs are often mistaken for other animals. In fact, the “gopher” that was seen in the film “Caddyshack” was actually a groundhog. A groundhog can produce a highpierced whistle when frightened, which has earned it the nickname “whistlepig”. A wildlife biologist once measured the inside volume of a typical woodchuck burrow. It was estimated that if the hole was filled with wood shavings instead of dirt, that a woodchuck could chuck about 700 pounds of wood.


Rainy Day Activities

by Nancy Keaton of Chehalis “I’m bored!” Tired of hearing that yet? You’ve made play dough, watched movies, played board games, baked cookies, made a fort, read books, and played video games. Great activities and a lot of fun, but our northwest winters can be long and dreary. So if you’re looking for some new ideas for fun times with the family, check out our list of local activities. We think you’ll be surprised at the variety of interests that can be explored!

Arts and Crafts Locations: Central Glass Works 109 W. Main St., Centralia 360-623-1099 centralglassworks.net Open Wednesday - Sunday, 11 a.m. 6 p.m., Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Call ahead and find out when you can watch glass be created and molded into works of art, free. Fletcher Gober Studio 1946 S. Market Blvd., Chehalis 360-748-3165 fletchergober.com Open to meet the needs of individual families. Hours are flexible. Call to schedule. Create multigenerational impressions of hands or a place setting of cups and plates family members make themselves. Very family oriented with great exposure to art methods for art minded children. Pricing is very individualized, call for specifics. Book ‘n’ Brush 518 N. Market Blvd., Chehalis 360-748-6221 Booknbrush.com Open Monday - Saturday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Offers instruction in oil painting, calligraphy, drawing pastel, and watercolor. Prices start at $15 per person, per class.

The Scrappy Stamper 1724 Gold Street, Centralia 360-623-1075 scrappy-stamper.com Open Monday - Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Scrapbooking and stamping products and classes. Classes offered for ages 12 and up, accompanied by an adult. If a group of 6 or more of younger children is interested, a class can be accommodated. Card classes start at $18.00. Morgan Arts Centre 190 Plomondon Road, Toledo 360-864-4278 morganartscentre.com Classes in sewing, chocolate making, comedy improv, and a family clay day. After school art classes are offered throughout the school year for children ages 6-16. Check website for days and times. Prices start at $15 per child, per class. Fee includes materials and snack.

pieces to be picked up. No sitting fee. Prices starting at $2.

Game Play Locations: Thorbeckes Laser Tag 2020 Borst Ave., Centralia 360-736-1683 thorbeckes.com Open Fridays 5 p.m. - 9 p.m., Saturdays 4 p.m. - 9 p.m. Play a round (about 20 minutes) of tag starting at $5/members, $8/nonmembers. Blitz Hobbies 620 S. Tower Ave., Centralia 360-464-2352 blitzhobbies.com Open Sunday-Thursday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. Friday - Saturday 10 a.m. - Midnight. The hobby shop offers free gaming days for all ages. Wednesdays: Dungeons and Dragons for ages 10 and up, 3 p.m. -7 p.m. Sundays bring your own board game 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Tammy’s Ceramic Shop 16742 Sheldon Lane, Rochester 360-359-6587 tammysceramicshop.com Open Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Please call ahead to ensure Tammy is in as she often visits schools. Paint your own pottery. Children can make their own handprints in clay or paint animal figurines or boxes. Allow one week for February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 7

Quesadilla Factory/Game Linx 1744 S. Gold St., Centralia 360-623-1073 dillatime.com Open Sunday, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday, 11a.m. - 10p.m. Food, vintage arcade games, X-Boxes, air hockey, pool table and ping pong are available. Prices start at 50 cents for arcade games. Morton Victory Lanes 834 Westlake Ave., Morton 360-496-6797 mortonvictorylanes.com Call ahead for current hours. Bowling leagues, open bowl and miniature golf. Party space available. Centralia Lanes 827 N Tower Ave., Centralia 360-736-3815 Open bowl Tuesday, Saturdays, and Sunday starting at 5:00 p.m. Prices are $2.75 per game, $2.00 for shoe rental.

Fairlanes Bowl 1501 S Gold St., Centralia 360-736-4100 bowler1@fairwaylanes.net Open Monday through Thursday 10 a.m. – 10 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays 11 a.m. – 1 a.m., Sundays 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. Prices starting at $2.75 per game, $2.00 for shoe rental. Great Wolf Lodge 20500 Old Highway 99, SW, Grand Mound 360-273-7718 greatwolf.com Arcade opens at 8:30 a.m. Daily free activities include story time, wolf walk, and the great clock tower show. The arcade is open to the public with games starting at 25 cents, as well as MagiQuest and CompassQuest, $30. Time Masheen Arcade 2100 N. National Ave. (In the Yard Birds Mall) Stop by from 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. and use your spare change to play all time family favorite arcade games. Charlie’s Safari 5400 Martin Way E. Suite J, Lacey 360-292-1600 charliessafari.com Open Monday-Thursday, 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Friday, 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sunday, Noon - 8 p.m. Call ahead before holidays to find out changes to regular hours. Indoor family fun center with a tag arena, arcade, indoor play structure, inflatables and food. Prices start at $5.95 per child.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Chuck E. Cheese 625 Black Lake Blvd.101, Olympia 360-943-7695 chuckecheese.com Open Sunday-Thursday, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friday-Saturday 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. Great for parties or an afternoon of entertainment. Arcade games, simulator rides and a separate play area for big and little guests. Prices start at 25 cents for one token/arcade game. Shankz Black Light Miniature Golf 1520 SW Cooper Point Rd. #250, Olympia 360-943-1715 shankzglowgolf.com Open Tuesday - Thursday, 3:00 8:00 p.m. Friday - 3:00 - 10:00 p.m. Saturday, 11 a.m. -10:00 p.m. Sunday, 11 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Play a round of miniature golf in 3-D! Admission starts at $8.50, with kids 4 and under free. Arcade games are also available.

Movies and Theatres Locations: McMenamin’s Olympic Club and Theater 112 N. Tower Ave., Centralia 360-736-5164 mcmenamins.com Movie showings change weekly. $3.00 per person, children under 3 years free. Enjoy a meal from the Oly Club’s menu and lounge on a couch while taking in a show. Coming Attractions Theatres (Midway Cinema) 181 NE Hampe Way, Chehalis 360-740-9600 http://www.catheatres.com Visit website for show times. This

February 15 - March 3 Fri. & Sat. at 8 pm Sunday Matinee at 2 pm Thur. Feb. 21st Pay What you Will Tickets available at:

Santa Lucia and Sterling bank in centralia. In chehalis at book n’ brush or www.brownpapertickets.com


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226 W. Center Street Centralia WA

Written by W. Shakespeare Directed by Isaac Wulff



8 • February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family

Located in Historic Downtown Chehalis 518 N. Market Blvd., Chehalis, WA 98532 ◆ 360-748-6221 BookNBrush@gmail.com

theatre offers free refill on a large popcorn, birthday packages, and theatre rental. Admission prices start at $7. Evergreen Playhouse 226 West Center Street, Centralia 360-736-8628 www.evergreenplayhouse.org Theatrical entertainment for all ages. Visit website for current show times. Roxy Theater 233 W Main St, Morton 360-496-0541 mortonroxy.org This theatre is run by volunteers who are dedicated to bringing arts to the community. They offer movies, plays, concerts and a year round children’s theater. Movies cost $7 for adults and $5.00 for children at movie showings Friday and Saturdays. Sundays all tickets are $5, Mondays are “Dollaroff Days” with adult tickets for $6 and kids are $4. All shows begin at 7:00 p.m. Olympia Family Theater Performances downtown Olympia or at South Puget Sound Community College 360-570-1638 olyft.org Call or visit website for current shows and times. Admission prices start at $9.

Do you have a rainy day activity not shown here? Let us know! cwilson@swwfamily.com

Museum Locations: Discover! Children’s Museum 1461 NW Louisiana Ave., Chehalis discovermuseum.org Open Wednesday - Sunday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. This 6 month pilot museum open February 9th. Many hands on experiences will be available, such as a market exhibit, a veterinarian clinic, a paleontology fossil dig and Lego building. Admission is $4. Lewis County Historical Museum 599 NW Front Way, Chehalis 360-748-0831 lewiscountymuseum.org Hours are Tuesday - Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Saturdays 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Great local history exhibits and resources housed in Chehalis’ charming Train Depot. Children under 7 are free, ages 7-18 are $4, adults are $5.00. Veterans Memorial Museum 100 SW Veterans Way, Chehalis 360-740-8875 www.veteransmuseum.org Open Tuesday thru Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. The main gallery has 85 display cases and hundreds of displays honoring veterans. The museum also has a military history reference library and gift shop. Admission to the main gallery is $6.00 per adult and $3.00 per student or child under 18 years of age. Vintage Motorcycle Museum 545 N Market Blvd Ste. 101, Chehalis (access through Upstairs Hotel Washington) 360-748-3472

fairway laneS

Rock & Bowl FRi & Sat 10pm-1am

& Tuskos Cafe

• Birthday PartieS (2) PaCkaGeS to ChooSe from! aS low aS $8/kid • ComPany PartieS

1501 S. Gold • Centralia • 736-4100

antiquemotorcycles.net Open Tuesday - Friday 9 a.m. -1 p.m. Admission is $5.00. White Pass Country Museum 12990 US Highway 12, Packwood 360-494-4422 Whitepasscountrymuseum.org Open Saturday, 12 p.m. - 4 p.m., and by appointment. (Call 360-494-4031, 360-494-4007, or 360-494-4353.) This museum is run by volunteers. Browse through the display room and school room and logging displays. You will leave with a better understanding of the roles of the forest service and local logging. Great for field trips as well as family groups. $2 for adults and $1 for children.

Olympic Flight Museum 7637 Old Hwy 99, Olympia 360-705-3925 olympicflightmuseum.com Current hours are Wednesday Sunday, 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Tuesday by appointment. Visitors are encouraged to call in advance to confirm the museum is open to the public. Explore a local take on the history of flight. Adults $7.00, Children 7-12 $5.00, Children 6 & Under FREE.

Good For Thursday Family Skate Night 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

4 Regular Skate Rentals $10 Sorry - Closed To Public February 14th Must Present Coupon • Expires June 30, 2013 Cannot Be Combined With Any Other Offers

centralia rollerdrome 216 W. Maple St., Centralia 360-736-7376 February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 9

State Capitol Museum 211 SW 21st Ave, Olympia 360-753-2580 http://www.wshs.org/scmoc/default. aspx Open Saturdays, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Special appointments can be made by calling Susan Rohrer at 360753-2580. Two floors of exhibits and resources featuring Washington State history. Families (2 adults and up to 4 children), $5.00. Children under 5, free. Olympia Hands On Children’s Museum 414 Jefferson St. NE, Olympia 360-956-0818 www.hocm.org Open Monday – Saturday, 10 a.m. 5 p.m. Sunday, 11:00 a.m. - 5 p.m. Hands on fun for children! Loads of exhibits, classes and learning opportunities. Admission starting at $6.95. The first Friday of every month admission is FREE from 5:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Music and Movement Locations:

Southwest Washington Dance Center 455 N Market Blvd, Chehalis 360-748-4789 www.swwdance.org Many scheduling options. Offers instruction in creative dance, ballet, modern dance, jazz, tap, rhythmic gymnastics, and hip hop. Lessons start at $34.50 per month.

Rollerdrome 216 W Maple St., Centralia 360-736-7376 centraliarollerdrome.com Open Friday and Saturday evenings, 7 p.m. -10 p.m. Saturday and Sunday afternoons, 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Thursday, 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Open skate times, lessons, arcade games, bounce and obstacle course, snack bar. Available for parties and events. Additional open hours during Chehalis and Centralia school district breaks. Prices starting at $4.50.

Allen Creek Dance Studio 1153 Rush Rd., Chehalis 360-219-7855 Many scheduling and class options. Call for details. Nancy teaches dance in a fun and flexible way in order to give young dancers, ages 3-18, a positive experience with performance as well as how the art of dance merges the expression of movement with health and fitness. Classes start at $35 per month.

Centralia Ballet Academy 221 S Tower Ave, Centralia 360-623-9010 centraliaballet.com Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 3 p.m. - 8 p.m. Saturday, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Classes and new opportunities for male and female dancers. Instruction begins with 2 and 3-year-olds in a “Moving Together” class and continues to teach the skills and professionalism of dance and music performance to teens and adults. If you have a group, a program can be developed especially for you! A free Saturday class for boys is offered. Tuition for other classes starts at $25.00. Pacific Gymnastics 91 SW Chehalis Ave. 360-748-3744 http://pacificgym.tripod.com/ Open Monday -Thursday, 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Local gymnastics offered to students starting at age 2. Gymnastics taught at both recreational and competitive levels with a cheer program available. Class fees start at $41 for Thorbeckes members, $65 for nonmembers. Mokey Skinner Yoga 2715 N Pearl St. (Oakview Grange), Centralia 360-241-4855 www.coffeecreekcommunitygardens. com or littlelionsyoga@gmail.com Traditional asana yoga postures and breathing techniques are taught to children using engaging animal sounds, rhymes, and songs. $8 per student. Sibling discounts available.

The Evergreen Academy of Arts & Sciences Go On A Scavenger Hunt, Operate Our Model Railroad, Dress Up & Play Pioneer In Our Kid Sized Mercantile Store Play Area! www.lewiscountymuseum.org

Lewis County Historical Museum ◆ 599 NW Front Way ◆ Chehalis, WA 98532 360-748-0831 ◆ Adults $5 ◆ Seniors/Students $4 ◆ Kids Under 7 & Members FREE All proceeds benefit the museum WINTER HOURS: Tuesday through Friday 10am-4pm • Saturday 10am-2pm • Closed Sunday

10 • February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family

is now registering for second semester and 2013-2014 classes Pre-school through sixth includes: Spanish • Tae Kwon Do • Music Lessons • Dance Art & Science • Reading and Math Readiness

For More Information Call: 360-330-1833 or 360-269-4048 506 S. Washington Ave., Centralia The Evergreen Academy of Arts and Sciences is a non-discriminating, non-profit school dedicated to educating the whole child.

Thorbeckes Climbing Wall 91 SW Chehalis Ave., Chehalis 360-748-3744 thorbeckes.com 30 foot climbing wall in an indoor setting. Open orientations (required before one is allowed to climb) Monday, 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., preregister before 5 p.m. Class has no charge for members and is $15 for nonmembers. Free climbing night Thursdays starting at 4:30 p.m. for youth. Thorbeckes Aquatic Center 2020 Borst Ave., Unit 2, Centralia 360-736-1683 thorbeckes.com Lessons, open swim times, Dive-In Theater. Monday - Thursday, 5:30 a.m. 8:00 p.m., Friday, 5:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Sunday, noon - 5:00 p.m. Free for members, nonmembers are $5 for children through age 10, $7 ages 11-15, and $10 over 15.

Lewis County Music Teacher’s Association 360-736-2180 http://www.localaccess.com/lcmta Professional local music teachers offer instruction in piano, organ, violin, and voice. Contact Barbara Coult for instructors and rates. Yenney Music Company 113 S Tower Ave., Centralia 360-807-8940 yenneymusic.com Open Monday - Thursday, 10:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Friday, 10:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday, 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. Lessons offered for instruments from ukele to harp. Tuition starts at $80/month for a 1/2 hour private lesson taught weekly.

Nancy lives in Chehalis with her husband, David, and son, Josh. They like getting outdoors and enjoying all the activities the northwest has to offer such as camping, hiking, kayaking, fishing, rockhounding, goldpanning and simply exploring.

Hands On Guitars 434 NW Prindle St., Chehalis 360-740-9158 matrixcoffeehouse.com Open Tuesday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday, 12 p.m. - 8 p.m. Lessons for student are available. Contact Eric Miller to discuss workshop possibilities.


Veterans Memorial Museum 100 S.W. Veterans Way, Chehalis • 360-740-8875 www.veteransmuseum.org

“They shall not be forgotten” Upcoming Events Military Intelligence Reunion ..... Feb. 16 Veteran’s Tree Of Life ................. April 27 Desert War Era Veterans Day ......June 29 Civil War Battle .......................July 20-21

Vietnam War Era Veterans Day .....Aug. 3 Korean War Era Veterans Day .... Sept. 21 WWII Dinner ............................... Dec. 8

All YeAr Tues. - Sat. 10-5

Admission: Adults $6 • Students & Children Under 18 $4 • Call For Group Rates Dedicated to the men and women who have honorably served our nation in the Armed Forces, during peacetime and war, so we might enjoy the freedoms we have today. February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 11

Why You Should


Your Children’s

Baby Teeth By Dr. Lisa A. Lee, MD, Olympia Like all mothers, I understand the importance of protecting our children’s health from the earliest age. As a pediatrician, I find myself telling parents that this task is more far-reaching than some of them realize. Namely, baby teeth matter, and it’s critical for parents to take their children in for an oral health screening by a dentist or physician by their child’s first birthday. The conventional wisdom used to be that kids don’t need their first oral health screening until age 3. But recent studies show that this is no longer the case. Teething usually starts around six months of age and dental decay can begin soon after teeth emerge. So early screenings, by age one, are an important tool to prevent dental disease. Another common misperception is that only dentists can perform oral health screenings. But in fact, more and more physicians are being trained in Washington to conduct the screenings as part of children’s regular well-child checkups. Having physicians pay attention to oral health makes sense because parents take their children to physicians for well-child checkups as many as 11

times before age 3. A physician can check teeth for signs of early decay, provide information to parents about protecting oral health and refer the child to a dentist when follow-up care is needed. In the past five years, the number of physicians in Washington trained to conduct the oral health screenings has gone from close to zero to one-third of all family physicians and pediatricians in the state. That number continues to go up quickly, as physicians and their staff are trained all over the state. We all want our babies to be healthy, which is why I encourage parents to pay attention to their child’s baby teeth. Good oral health is an important part of overall health. Spread the word that children’s dental disease is preventable, and taking care of baby teeth is the best way to get started. Your children will reap the rewards. SWWF Dr. Lisa Lee attended medical school at Northwestern University in Chicago and completed her residency at UC Davis Medical Center. Since 2001 she has been a pediatrician at Pediatric Associates in Olympia and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. She and her husband live in Olympia and have a young daughter.

To learn more about how to care for your baby’s teeth, go to KidsOralHealth.org. 12 • February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family

“Smiles from the heart”

• Beginning at birth, wipe your baby’s gums with a washcloth or piece of gauze after feeding. • As soon as you see your baby’s first tooth, start brushing it with a soft “baby” toothbrush.

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• Try putting your child’s head in your lap to make brushing easier. • Limit how often your child has juice, sweet drinks or snacks.

• Around age 4 or 5, your child will be ready to practice brushing their own teeth. Children still need your help brushing until they are 8 years old or until they can tie their shoes. SWWF

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• If you put your baby to bed with a bottle, fill it with water. Formula, milk, and juice can increase your child’s risk of cavities.

Lewis County Adventist sChooL


• Ask your child’s dentist or physician about fluoride varnish, which is painted on the teeth to prevent or heal early decay.

✶ sPiriTuAL ✶

February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 13

Not sure what to do with the sea of sugar that takes over your home after Valentine's Day?

Build a


ine’s Da t n e l a V y Happ ves you! Mama lo


Happy Valentine’s Day!

Don't forget to send us photos of your sweet treats!

14 • February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family

a, Travis & M erist uncle and aunt You are the bes be our Valentines? ever! Will you d Finn Love, n a a v A y, b b A Em, Ash, Liz,

To our precious little sw eethearts Momm , y and d moon an addy lov d back. e you to Sophia a the always k nd Ara now you b ell are preci and love ous, price a, d. less, Happy Valentine 's Day!

Gingerbread houses have been begging for additional time in the spotlight, so why only decorate them in December? Candy houses can easily be constructed any time of the year. Purchase or make frosting and graham crackers and design away.

According to the Gree ting Card A ssociatio n, an estim a ted one billion Vale ntine's Day cards are sent ea ch year, m aking Valentine's D largest card ay the second -sending h olid the year (b ehind Chris ay of tmas).

Dear Ava B., You are the B EST big sister & helpe r! Love you so m uch, Mom

xel, Kyler & A , i r i S , J R y!

To Lil lian Thank , being t you for he bes girl eve t little Mommy r. lo you. ves


Candy was among the earliest Valentine's Day gifts and remains a popular gift today.

Valentine's Day is celebrated in the United States, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France, and Australia.

my & Daddy

Valentine's Day and Mother's Day are the most popular holidays to give f lowers.

Some towns in the United States have very lovely names.

"Love" is a powerful word that describes one of the most potent human emotions. The word is believed to have evolved from the Proto-Indo-European's word "leubh," which described care and desire nearly five thousand years ago. The word was incorporated into Old English as "lufu," a noun meaning "deep affection" and a verb "lufian" meaning "to be very fond of."

Valentine, Montana Romance, Arkansas Love, Arizona Candy Town, Ohio Can you find others? Research with your parents!

February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 15

Family Southwest Washington


Join us in the nomination for Southwest Washington Family's annual Family Favorites section. Nominate your favorite today! The nomination round will conclude on February 14. Visit swwfamily.com to nominate. Nominees must be located in Southwest Washington.

Preschool Daycare OBGYN Pediatrician Family/child dentist Librarian Teacher Coach Photographer Free family activity School spirit Extracurricular activity Toy store

Music instructor Hair salon (for children's cuts) Tutor Family entertainment Public playground/park Family restaurant Place to cool off Rainy day activity Kids’ meal Principal Campground Bus driver Playground duty

Coffee/cocoa stop Rest stop or cleanest restroom Ice cream Trail/hike Fishing hole Summer camp Kid’s party location Children's clothing store Neighborhood to trick-or-treat Location to train watch Sunday school Parade SWWF

Nominate online at www.swwfamily.com 16 • February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family

Teacher Feature


t u re Fe a


he r & C Te ac oa ch




& N IE S p o n s

Megan Bunker

Speech/Language Pathologist Beyond Words Preschool


"She is the best teacher ever!" ~Justis R., nominator

Our Teacher

"What a wonderful teacher Megan Bunker is! My daughter loves going to school with her and the kids learn so much! She makes the kids feel safe and comfortable, while teaching them many useful life tools" ~Nicole Wood, parent

Mrs. Bunker Says: "Getting to build relationships with children and their families is one of the most rewarding aspects of leading the preschool group. Each child is a bit of a puzzle presenting with strengths and interests in different areas. My job is to find those strengths and build upon them. The diversity of the field always keeps me on my toes." As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

"As a preschooler, I wanted to fly. However, I eventually decided that I wanted to work with children. When introduced to speech/language pathology as a child, it was apparent that it was the job for me." SWWF

Send in nominations for your favorite teacher or coach.

Mail to 321 N. Pearl, Centralia, WA 98531 or email to cwilson@swwfamily.com. If you email us and we don’t reply we haven’t received your message. Please give us a call at 807-8213.

Name of teacher nominated and school or coach, team & sport: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name of child nominating: ___________________________________________________________ Name of parent & phone #: ___________________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________________ Please include a few sentences on why you think your teacher/coach should be featured on a separate piece of paper. If you have a picture of your teacher/coach, please send it in too! We may contact you to learn more. February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 17

Groundhogs hibernate all winter long in burrows they dig. Excrement chamber

Spy hole

On February 2, weather forecasters all over the United States look to the town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania for a little advice. Legend says that the groundhog named Punxsutawney Phil can foretell the weather!

Main entrance


ining, n isn’t sh s to be u s e th if adow ... but are no sh r food, then theretay out looking fo soon! seen. I s g will arrive very and sprin

Once my prediction ha s been made, the crowd cheers for me. Then I go back to sleep until sprin g!

On February Punxsutawn 2, the town of ey big Groundhbegins the og Day celebration before sunri se.

18 • February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family

As the sun rises, I get ready to emerge from my ! me stump. All eyes are on

The legend says that if the sun is out, I see my shadow, get scared, and hide back in my burrow, and spring will not arrive for another six weeks ...

Find the shadow that matches Phil exactly.

Robert Louis Stevenson said a shadow is like a rubber ball because it grows and shrinks throughout a day. Try this experiment to find out why shadows change size. cup


Hold the flashlight almost directly above the cup. Draw the shadow you see.

Hold the flashlight near the bottom of the cup. Draw the shadow you see.

Think About It: What time of day would Punxsutawney Phil have his long shadow? Early Morning Noon Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow multiple-step directions.


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February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 19

y r a ebru


Submit your March birthdays online at swwfamily.com! Belated



Emily K. turned 8 on January 12!

Brianna H. turned 7 on January 30!

HeidiMae J. turned 9 on January 9!

Kaydence F. turns 7 on February 21!

Isabella G. turns 2 on February 7!

Laylee B. turns 1 On February 3!

Alyssa E. turns 7 on February 8!

Lenora P. turns 9 on February 22!

Birthday Sponsor *Please see ad on page 22 20 • February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family

If your picture is featured on these pages bring it to one of our two local Great Clips locations and receive a FREE KIDS CUT* during the month of February! March deadline is February 15, 2013.



Alayna M. turned 7 on January 20!

Marissa C. turns 8 on February 25!

Madisyn C. turns 8 on February 25!

Sophia S. turns 6 on February 14!

Gavin J. turns 8 on February 23!

Brendan S. turns 3 on February 5!

Landon B. turns 9 on February 9!

Ava B. turns 10 on February 25!

Abigale G. turns 1 on February 28!

Gracie S. turns 7 on February 27!

Jeanee M. turns 8 on February 26!

Kaitlynn M. turns 10 on February 12!

Slyvia P. turns 8 on February 1!

Cheleena S. turns 12on February 14!

Tamara D. turns 7 on February 13!

Berkely V. turns 5 on February 5th! SWWF

February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 21

Presidential Matters

President's Day is an American holiday that is celebrated each year on the third Monday in February. Established in 1800, President's Day once went by a different name. Known as Washington's Birthday, which is still the legal name of the holiday, this day was meant to celebrate the first President of the United States, George Washington, whose birthday was February 22. Congress declared that day a federal holiday more than 200 years ago, and eventually the holiday grew to become a celebration of President Abraham Lincoln, who was born on February 12, as well. The holiday is now a celebration of the lives and accomplishments of every U.S. president. SWWF

Do you have a

Happy Birthday Mr. President !

Real Party you would like to see featured? Email sample photos to cwilson@swwfamily.com


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SWWF February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 23

Helping Boys

Become Better Readers Conventional wisdom has long intimated that girls are more adept at language arts and reading than boys of the same age. A recent study indicates there may be some merit to the assumption that boys tend to lag behind girls in reading.

Boys and Reading

There are many theories as to why boys seem to eschew reading for other things. Some say that boys in general are always on the defensive, and reading -- which often calls to mind emotion and vulnerability -- is not something that boys would like to admit to doing. Furthermore, schools heavily push classics full of fictional characters as the enter on dy by the C u st s 0 1 0 2 A ed at trend y that look c li o P d n n u o ti fo Educa to 2008 from 2002 ind girls beginning lagging beh in all n e e b e v a h boys g tests ized readin s, on standard ck Jenning Ja ording to c c n o A ti s. a c te u a Ed 50 st e Center on th f h o t ic n h e w d presi ate in found no st g Policy, "We behind girls in readin g la t o le n d id id d m boys l, the entary leve l. at the elem school leve ig d the h h n a g l e in v o le d l t o o re n scho lear: Boys a c y tt re p ." g 's in So it irls in read as well as g

24 • February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family

mainstay of literary curricula. However, research points out that boys tend to gravitate toward nonfiction. Others argue that boys do not have enough male literary role models. The majority of adults involved in shaping boys' interest in reading are women, and boys might not view picking up a good book as a masculine activity. Another theory as to why girls perform better on standardized reading tests revolves around brain function. Girls' brains tend to be more verbally oriented, which can make reading skills easier. Boys are more visually oriented. It stands to reason that boys are more physically restless than girls as well. Sitting for long periods of time reading can be challenging, even for an otherwise wellbehaved male student. This was discovered as early as 1986 in an analysis of more than 100 studies by psychologist Warren Eaton and his colleagues at the University of Manitoba in Canada. The findings revealed that the average boy is more active than about 69 percent of girls.

Choosing Reading Materials Finding reading material to which boys will relate can be challenging. There is no blanket approach to finding the right books. Boys may need to be approached individually to find subject matter that will interest them and take them out of their comfort zones. Should schoolmates be viewed reading frequently, it may help other boys surpass their own reading fears and hurdles. Here are some titles boys can explore. � 2095

by Adam McCauley: Children on a field trip to New York's Museum of Natural History travel one hundred years into the future.

� Adventures of Captain Underpants

by Dav Pilkey: Fourth grade boys get into trouble with their principal and decide to hypnotize him into the superhero "Captain Underpants."

� Babe &Me: A Baseball Card Adventure

by Dan Gutman: Joe wants to discover the legend of Babe Ruth and his home run predictions.

� Encyclopedia Brown

series, by Donald Sobol: Readers solve cases and explore adventures through the stories.

� The Beast in Ms. Rooney's Room

by Patricia Reilly Giff: Ms. Paris, the reading teacher, helps Richard get serious about reading and win a contest for best class.

� Hatchet

by Gary Paulsen: A boy must learn to live alone in the wild after the plane he was traveling in with his father crashes.

� Lunch Money

by Andrew Clements: Greg is a sixth-grader who is good with money. He begins creating and selling comic books at lunch until a rival cuts into his business.

� Rufus and Magic Run Amok

by Marilyn Levinson: Rufus discovers he has magical powers, but this special talent isn't what he expected.


Personal, patient-centered care for women by a woman

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Sylvia Swanson with new mom Ashley and baby Brooklyn

Specialty Clinic 521 Adams Ave. • Morton • 360-496-3641 February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 25

y l i m a F

F UE D Get Your Game On Sometimes LIFE can BOGGLE your mind. Stay out of TROUBLE and use your CRANIUM in a fun way. Have a family game night — we don't think you'll be SORRY you did. Here are our picks to CLUE you in on new and old family favorites. SWWF

26 • February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family


Safety in a Snap 8 Tips for a Safer Ride

� Placing a child in the back seat instead of the front seat reduces the risk of death by 27 percent. � Children under 13 years old are to be transported in the back seat where it is practical to do so. � Vehicles equipped with lap-only seat belts are exempt from the requirement to use a booster seat for a child weighing more than 40 pounds. � Nearly 80% of car seats are installed incorrectly. � Lower anchors and tethers (LATCH systems) are no more or less safe than installation (of a car seat) with a seat belt. Proper installation is the key to safety. � The harness retainer clip on a 5-point harness should rest between the child's armpits. � It has been proven that kids do what their parents model, so always buckle up. � Do not use a child safety seat that has been involved in a crash.


Want more tips? Visit 800bucklup.org. 3 6 0


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Scrapbook Cousins - Jack, Joe, TJ & Brian, Ready to root on the Seahawks!! Molly M. with her gram, Teacher Bobbi, at Fiddlesticks Preschool.

Charlie G. steals the show with her beautiful eyes.


th w us o h s , ey S. s. d Ril l be boy n a . l D i e w t Na boys

Emma S., Tim C., joe c., & Gracie S., Cuddle on the couch for story time.

Submit your family photos to us at swwfamily.com! SWWF 28 • February 2013 • Southwest Washington Family

2013 Imagine you are alone on an uninhabited island. Write a story describing a day in your life.

Will Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog, see his shadow?

Groundhog Day

Robinson Crusoe Day Facebook was The Super Bowl returns to launched on this day in 2004. Have you ‘liked’ the Superdome, in New our Facebook page? Orleans, La., home of the Saints. This is XLVII— how many is that?

Super Bowl Sunday

Chinese New Year Year of the Snake Do something special for someone today, but don’t let them know about it!

Random Acts of Kindness Day

It’s Family Movie Night! Pop some popcorn and enjoy a movie at home.

Black History Month

Children’s Dental Health Month

Think up an invention that would help a disabled person in honor of Thomas Edison’s birthday today.

Have you read the Judy Blume books? Do you know what the I.S.A.F. Club is in Fudge-a-Mania?

If you could change your name, which name would you choose for yourself?

National Inventors’ Day

Judy Blume’s Birthday

(Answer: I Swallowed A Fly)

The snake is a good omen because it means your family will not starve! Draw and decorate a red snake today.

When’s the last time you got a new toothbrush? Dentists say we should use a new toothbrush every month.

Celebrate the achievements of African Americans by naming three of your African American heroes.

Get a Different Name Day

Who is your favorite The February flower president? Find out of the month is a about past presidents at violet. Draw a whitehouse.gov/kids bouquet of violets and give it to your mother or grandmother.

Love Your Pet Day

President’s Day

Today is Quiet Day. Speak in a low voice, no shouting and make your classroom a quiet place today.

Do something special for your pet today. Clean out their bowls, brush them, wash their bedding or take your dog for a long walk.

Today is the birthday of Levi Strauss. He invented blue jeans. Survey the class to see how many people wear blue jeans. How many people own more than one pair? Graph your results.

Make up a story today with a friend about a lonely polar bear.

Polar Bear Day

When Laura Ingalls Wilder was 60 years old, she started writing the stories of her childhood. She was born on this day in 1867.

Being a member of Scouting builds character, citizenship and fitness. Learn more about Scouting today.

Why not show some love for your backyard birds today? Go to nwf.org and look up Nature Crafts for Valentines to make some heart-shaped treats.

Susan B. Anthony made many Americans think about fairness. She believed all people should have equal rights and that girls should get the same education as boys. Celebrate the birth of Susan B. Anthony today in 1820.

Valentine’s Day Write a letter to a friend or relative who lives far away.

International Friendship Month

Boy Scouts Day

George Washington was born on this day in 1732. Collect all your quarters, sort them and count them up.

Go outside and check on the weather. Then come back in and give your family a weather report with a prediction of Sunday’s weather. The National Weather Service was established in 1870. Get an aerobic workout today. Go out for a jog or if the weather is bad, jog on the spot or do jumping jacks for at least 10 minutes.

Volunteer to read to younger students at your local library.

Library Lovers’ Month

Invent some snack food today. Combine some of your favorite nuts, seeds and fruits to make it as nutritious as possible.

Snack Food Month


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