Southwest Washington Family May

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Family Southwest Washington


May 2011



DO WHAT WHEN Age appropriate guidelines

CREAMERY OF THE CROP Local ice cream rises to the top

Readers of thE Month All winners receive a $20 gift certificate, and a cake from our bakery.

Matt House Jefferson Lincoln

Nicolas Hernandez Fords Prairie

Willem Hueffed St. Joseph

Meliah Yost Jefferson Lincoln

Alexis Gonzalez Rocha - Edison

Elizabeth Hopkins Edison

Tom Koenig St. Joseph

Garrett Jennings R.E. Bennett

Lesley Molina Gomez Edison

Josh Quintero R.E. Bennett

Mendez Perez Jefferson Lincoln

Maryolin Montenegro Fords Prairie

Xavier Mendez St. Joseph

Lucas Gray Velasco Fords Prairie

Mellayna Vincent Edison

Braden Jones St. Joseph

Bayden Teitzel Jefferson Lincoln

Chloe Graham R.E. Bennett

2100 N. National Avenue Chehalis Open 6 AM - 10 PM

Family Southwest Washington

Family Southwest Washington


May 2011

Twins Tyler & Noah Mesaros, age 7. Proud parents are Lisa & Dennis Mesaros of Chehalis. Photo taken by Alison Clinton of Horizon Photo & Design. Please see ad on page 27



DO WHAT WHEN Age appropriate guidelines

On the Cover

CREAMERY OF THE CROP Local ice cream rises to the top

Creative Director, Editor: Chantel Wilson

Director: Christine Fossett

Editorial Assistant: Amanda Curry

Graphic Designers: Kelli Erb, Lead Graphic Designer Devon Bergeron Cindy Gundo

Southwest Washington Family is a publication of Lafromboise Communications Inc. Southwest Washington Family, 321 N. Pearl Street Centralia, WA 98531 (360) 736-3311

Advertising Sales: Brian Watson Chrystal Zelazny Shelleen Lundeen

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CONTENTS Letter From The Editor I got some well needed me-time this past weekend and I savored every moment. It is amazing (and a little pathetic) how much I enjoy walking down each and every aisle of Target! Me and only me … okay, and all the other shoppers, but I hardly notice them in my free time bliss. While I don't always put items in my cart, I never leave without inspiration. I saw a little sports bunting that would be perfect for an athletic awards celebration. Perhaps, the superhero masks in the birthday section sparked the great party idea thrown by one of our readers on page 14. On this trip I did find a few items worthy of purchase. One was an ice cream cone shaped bubble container. It reminded me that summer, a.k.a. frozen treat time, is just around the corner. I love going on evening strolls with my family, with a cone in hand. Join me, on page 23, as I take my first scoop of the season at a local creamery. No matter how you choose to spend your precious time away, go, and go without guilt. You will return home happier, and everyone can experience the truth in the saying 'A happy mom is a happy family.' But, don't just listen to me, read Misty Henning's article, mommy-time on page 20.

May 2011

May events Beautiful butterflies Terrific teachers Allow an allowance? The poppy has purpose Birthdays Real Party: Superhero Do what when Sprouting veggies Fun activities this month A day for Mom The (ice) cream of the crop Fun fitness Simple savings tips Rock candy Photo album Silly spring games

Pg. 4 Pg. 5 Pg. 6 Pg. 8 Pg. 9 Pg. 10 Pg. 14 Pg. 16 Pg. 18 Pg. 19 Pg. 20 Pg. 23 Pg. 24 Pg. 25 Pg. 26 Pg. 27 Pg. 28

Check out our website for online exclusives!

Happy Mother's Day!

GOOD FOOD pure & simple

505 S. Tower Ave. Centralia • 736-9328 May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family • 3

May Events

May 4th Love Talk Play 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m., Swede Hall, Rochester “Love. Talk. Play” is a long-term campaign created to reach parents, especially those who are low-income, of children age 3 and younger, so that they have the knowledge, confidence and skills about three key things they should be doing to give their children the best possible start in school and life.

May 5th Wildflowers 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., Parking lot at Semniary Hill Natural Area Join Dr. Lisa Carlson, Professor of Botany at Centralia College, for an evening walk in the woods. She will teach us to identify native wildflowers and guide us on the trails as we enjoy the beauty of the season. This event begins in the parking lot at the Main Entrance to the Seminary Hill Natural Area. The Main Entrance is located at the corner of E Locust St. and Barner Drive. To see the complete brochure and suggestions for Event Participants log on to www.cityofcentralia. com, view the calendar of events. May 7th Lacey Alternative Energy Fair 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Huntamer Park in Woodland Square The City of Lacey celebrates the fourteenth anniversary of its Alternative Energy Fair. Spectators will still enjoy the Lacey Grand Prix electric car competition where low-power electric vehicles participate in a closed course endurance competition. Also, they will have the opportunity to learn about Alternative Fuel options at the information booths and view a variety of display vehicles that feature alternative fuel. Admission is free. For information please call Lacey Parks and Recreation, (360) 491-0857. May 7th Mother's Day Cards 10 a.m. - 4 p.m, WET Science Center, Olympia Visit the Center today to create beautiful card for the special moms in your life. We'll supply the art materials; you supply the imagination! Take home a WET Science Center canvas tote bag too! For more information please call Susie Vanderburg, 360-528-5742. May 7th Secondhand Safari Community Garage Sale and Reuse Fair 8 a.m.-3 p.m., Thurston County Fairgrounds Over 200 vendor booths with something for everyone! Admission $2 8-9am, $1 9am-3pm. For more information please call the fair office, (360) 786-5453

May 18th Centralia College Job Fair 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., Centralia College Health and Wellness Building (Gym) Over fifty local and regional employers will be in attendance offering part time, full time, or seasonal jobs, as well as information for those interested in changing jobs or exploring a potential new career. For individuals actively seeking employment, its recommended to bring resumes, if possible, and plan to wear professional, yet conservative dress. For more information, please call Joan Rogerson, (360) 736-9391 ext 208. May 21st Phytoplankton-Drifters of the Sea 1 p.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m., WET Science Center, Olympia Learn about these amazing microscopic organisms from our friends at Pacific Shellfish Institute. Then see how many you can identify under a microscope. Participants can also make, and take home a beaded bracelet to remind them of the action we can take to help protect Puget Sound. Admission is FREE! For more information please call Susie Vanderburg, 360-528-5742. May 21st Borst Home Open House 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m., Borst Home The Historic Joseph Borst Home will be open for tours. Admission is free - donations gladly accepted. For more information please call Sarah Blosser, (360) 330-7662. May 27 Outdoor Movie Night-Tangled 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., Centralia College We will be showing the Disney movie Tangled. Bring your friends and family for movie night hosted Centralia College Style, complete with popcorn and sugary sweets. Chairs, blankets, pillows, flashlights and snacks are encouraged. The movie will be shown on the clocktower at dusk, seating will be on Kemp lawn. This best thing about this event is that its FREE!!! May 31st Chehalis MS Jazz & Steel Drum Night 7:00 p.m, Chehalis MS Commons Enjoy a wonderful evening of Jazz and Steel Drum music outstanding and entertaining young middle school musicians will keep your toes tapping the entire concert. Admission is free.

Blitz Hobbies Something for every hobby Enthusiast! 620 South Tower Ave. • 360-464-2352

4 • May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family

Did You Know? Butterflies can see red, green, and yellow. There is no sure way to tell a moth from a butterfly. Though there are differences of physiology and habit between them, it is almost impossible to isolate a single differentiating characteristic that applies uniformly to both species.

The BuTTerfly was originally called fluTTerBy.

The top butterfly flight speed is 12 miles per hour. Some moths can fly 25 miles per hour!

Butterflies cannot fly if their body temperature is less than 86 degrees.

There are three reasons for the colors on a butterfly: The butterfly is brightly colored because it is poisonous - other animals will not eat them, the butterfly colors attract mates to breed with, some butterflies have dull colors for camouflage. Moths and butterflies pollinate flowers in the same manner as bees, they move from plant to plant carrying pollen on their hairy feet and promote cross-fertilization just as effectively as bees. May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family • 5

Teacher Feature

l y Te

ach e r








Mrs. Ames, 4th Grade, Olympic Elementary


& N IE Sp o n s o

"Mrs. Ames makes learning really fun, she makes all of our subjects really fun and easy for us. She always puts a smile on our faces. She helps us if we are stuck on anything. She is the best 4th grade teacher ever." ~ Rian & Alex H., ~ Nominators

"This is my 3rd year here at Olympic. I have a School Counseling Certificate, so I was proud to be given the chance to spend 2 years at W.F. West High School in the counseling center. I realized that my heart was really back in the classroom, so here I am. I have taught in Chehalis for the last 20 years, 15 of which were spent in 2nd and 3rd grade. I have 2 sons and a daughter of my own, all married. I also have 2 wonderful granddaughters, ages 1 and 1 1/2, so much fun. I love volunteering for United Way of Lewis County. Just last week, a former student came up to me and gave me a big hug. He is attending Centralia College and working for the Department of Corrections for kids. He said, "You were a really great teacher, Mrs. Ames!" (2nd and 3rd grade) That is one of the reasons I am so blessed to be able to teach. I am still a kid myself, you know. I fit right in with those kiddos!"


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"My teacher is wonderful with kids and I think he is an awesome teacher!" ~ Felicia K., Nominator

Mrs. Smaciarz, 5th grade, Onalaska Elementary "I teach science and a math and reading intervention class. I have been teaching for 9 years and all those years have been at Onalaska. I've had so many proud moments as a teacher. Some of those moments are when my students represent Onalaska with class, knowledge, and enthusiasm. I became a teacher after working ten years as a paraprofessional. I attended the WSU 2 plus 2 program at Centralia college at the same time my own children started college. I even took a class with my son. Now that son is also a teacher in my building. I enjoy spending time with my family and especially my four grandchildren.”


& N IE Sp o n s o


"I am teaching at Oakview Elementary after teaching 4th grade for the past 24 years. Before that, I taught one year of 6h grade at Washington Elementary in Centralia. Prior to that, I taught a 5-6 split class for one year at Edison Elementary, and a year at 5th grade after a year in 6h at Edison. My first two years were teaching 3rd grade at Cascade Elementary in Chehalis. This is my 31st year of teaching. I've also coached high school basketball as an assistant at Centralia High School under Coach Ron Brown for the past 28 years. I've also been involved as a volunteer and then as the head coach for both the boys' and girls' golf team for the past 16 years. Probably one of my best memories in my teaching career was the first time I was chosen by the kids I'd had in class as a greeter at the graduation ceremony. I have done it numerous times, but that first time was very special.”

Teacher Feature

ach l y Te e r Fe a re

Mr. Mollerstuen, 6th grade, Oakview Elementary



Teacher Feature

Honorary Mention


Honorary Mention

“I think my teacher should be featured because she helps us with lots of things when we need help. I also think she should be featured because she never says that she’s to busy to help!” ~ Alyssa T., Nominator


Mark Witham, Manager 1211 Harrison, Centralia


Rory Cox, Manager 36 N. Market, Chehalis


May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family • 7

Allowance Allows Picture this. You’re attending a school event and you overhear the following conversation at the refreshment table: One mom says: “I don’t give my kids any allowance at all. They have to do all their chores before they get a dime from me!” Another Mom chimes in: “You don’t? My kids get $20 a week no matter what!” Then, a Dad pipes up: “My kids aren’t allowed to even touch money until they’re 16!” There are as many opinions about allowance as there are ways to spend money. Many parents think that allowance should be earned. Other folks think kids are too young or immature to ever be given any financial responsibility. So, what to do? If we give equipment to kids to play sports and instruments to play music then to follow suit we should give kids money to learn how to use it wisely. In the truest sense of the word, an allowance allows. It allows kids to learn the value and meaning

8 • May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family

of money with hands-on experiences. And it allows parents the opportunities to prepare their children for their financial future. Here are a few ways to get started: • Separate allowance from choreS Chores are contributions kids should do for free because they are a part of your family.

• provide opportunitieS to earn money If you want your kids to learn to earn money, you can give them jobs to do. Jobs are extra tasks beyond chores that kids can be paid to do.

• teach value Nothing teaches the value of a buck faster than running out of money when you really want something. The amount of allowance is not as important as kids getting to practice with their own money when mistakes are small and affordable. While the value of a dollar may change, the value of learning how to wisely manage a dollar will not. Swwf Dr. Charles Fay, Love and Logic Institute

Put on a Poppy The poppy is a symbol of wartime remembrance

Poppies and fallen soldiers have a long history together. The origins of the flower can be traced back to the Napoleonic wars in France. During these times of unrest and battle, many soldiers went on to final resting places in graves in Flanders, France. Ensuing literature described how poppies grew so thickly and vibrantly over these graves – in soil that once could not produce much vegetation.

Show your remembrance to families of fallen soldiers and make a tissue paper poppy. A quick search online for 'crepe paper poppies' or 'how to make a tissue paper poppy' will provide easy instructions. Better yet, this project calls for minimal materials: tissue paper, scissors, floral tape, and floral wire/green pipe cleaners. SWWF

On Memorial Day, May 30th, you may notice people wearing poppies on their lapels.

Room 4 More? Lewis County Foster Parents Wanted

Upcoming Foster/ Adopt Parent Training

Orientation: Wed., May 5th, 5:30-8:30 p.m.

Pre-Service Training: Sat. May 7 & Sat. May 14 AND Sat/Sun May 21 & 22 (Must attend all sessions to graduate) Trainer Aurther Fernandez A Comprehensive course designed especially for those considering the role of foster parent, adoptive parent or kinship care.

Location: Centralia DCFS Office, 3401 Galvin St. Centralia, WA 98531 Pre-Register is required for the classes: or call (360)485-8146. For more information about Foster or Adoptive Parenting, call:

1-888-KIDS-414 May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family • 9

May Family

Birthdays!! Talon T. turns 2 on May 5th!

Lane S. turns 6 on May11th!

Abigail O. turns 3 on May 6th!

Jaycee T. turns 5 on May11th!

Aliz L. turns 9 on May 4th!

Avery S. turns 2 on May 21st!

Jake D. turns 5 on May 9th!

Bir t


Eli B. turns 3 on May 10th!



S p o ns o r Pa g e


Please have May birthday pictures to us no later than April 14th. Photos can be sent via email to, or if you wish to send photos address mail to 321 N. Pearl, Centralia, WA 98531, they can be returned if sent with a SASE. If you email us and we don’t reply we haven’t received your message. Please give us a call at 807-8213.

Blitz Hobbies

*Is your birthday featured this month? Show us your photo at Blitz Hobbies in Centralia and pick up your gift. Choose from one of our many Snap Tite models, (approximate value of $15). Happy Birthday! 10 • May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family

Name of those in photo (please print): __________________________________________ Signature (Parent or Guardian): _______________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________________________________ Email:____________________________________________________________________

Belated! Maya H. turns 3 on May 22nd!

Ayla L. turned 1 on April 26th!

Teagan T. turns 2 on May 14th!

Hadleigh G. turns 1 on May 25th!

Caden J. turns 8 on May 20th!

Connor T. turns 9 on May 1st!

Tyran O. turns 5 on May 24th!

Gabi R. turns 13 on May 23rd!

Belated! Lyric A. turns 2 on May 19th! Belated!

Gunnar T. turned 7 on April 26th! Belated!

Indica G. turned 9 on April 18th!

Easton S. turned 1 on April 23rd! Belated!

Elizabeth O. turned 5 on April 21st! Belated!

Michael N. turned 12 on April 28th!



Madilyn E. turned 3 on April 23rd!

Kane M. turned 3 on April 16th!

May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family • 11

h Bir t



age Sponsor

Blitz Hobbies

See your picture? Get a gift!*

y p p a H Lluliza G. turns 6 on May18th

Olivia J. turns 2 on May 19th!



Amara P. turns 3 on May 26th!

Hunter A. turns 12 on May 19th!

Miranda Y. turned 5 on April 21st! Daniel H. turned 4 on April 13th!


Concerned about what’s in everyday products you use? Looking for safe alternatives?

Call Toxic Free Tips We have answers! Toll Free:

1-866-939-9991 12 • May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family

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Join our new Favorite Friend community at! May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family • 13

Real Parties

This was a “Super” Party for Super Heroes!

SWWF 14 • May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family

May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family • 15

At What Age Can My Child ...? Stay Home Alone? Shower or Bathe Alone?

Use The Oven?

Take a Shower Instead of a Bath?

Babysit Another Person?

Your little girl or boy may be growing up, but when is s/he able to shower alone or babysit? Kevin McCallister is the protagonist of the iconic '90s movie, "Home Alone." Kevin, age 8, is mistakenly left at home during the Christmas season after his family flies to France to celebrate the holiday. Kevin must defend his home against bumbling burglars and generally fend for himself. While the premise of "Home Alone" is a humorous one, and Kevin certainly has the smarts to outwit the two foolish thieves and seems relatively self-sufficient, in real life the idea of letting an 8-year-old stay home by himself is one that would no doubt raise an eyebrow. Washington state has no law in place that regulates the age at which a child is legally able to stay home alone.

Stay Alone Overnight?

... Stay Home Alone?

Age limits vary according to area and can be verified by contacting one's local law enforcement agency. However, the National SAFEKIDS Campaign recommends that no child under the age of 12 be left at home alone. It is only by the age of 12 or 13 that kids are able to think logically and selfsupervise for an extended period of time. Even at this age, it isn't recommended that pre-teens stay at home alone overnight.

... Shower or Bathe Alone?

This is really a case of personal preference. The American Academy of Pediatrics Policy states that children under the age of 4 should not be left alone around or in water due to the risk of drowning. Parents can gauge whether a 5- or 6-year-old child is mature enough to shower or bathe on his or her own, since at this time some children experience embarrassment or issues of privacy as they become more aware of their unclothed bodies. Even if the decision is made to allow unsupervised bathing, parents should regularly check in on the child to ensure that he or she is alright. Leaving the door open or encouraging the child to sing a song so that a parent can hear him or her is another option.

... Take a Shower Instead of a Bath?

Again, this is an issue of preference for both the parent and the child. Some kids take to showering like a duck to water. Others are insecure in the shower and prefer bathing. If a 5or 6-year-old child is capable of washing his or her body and rinsing shampoo from his or her hair, parents can allow them to shower alone and see how things go. Install a nonskid bath mat to help prevent falls. In addition, limit the shower time to 5 or 10 minutes to lessen the chance for hijinks.

... Use the Oven?

With adult supervision children can begin cooking with the oven and the stove top at age 12. Parents may want to wait until the child is 14 before allowing him or her to cook foods unsupervised. Proper training on safety procedures, including how to use a fire extinguisher, should be given before enabling a child to use appliances unattended.

... Stay Alone Overnight?

Although a teenager may be able to stay alone overnight by age 15 or 16, this decision is entirely subject, and child's maturity level should carry significant weight in the decisionmaking process. It is also important for parents to realize that laws regarding partying that involve underage drinking often place the responsibility on parents, some of whom have served

16 • May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family

jail time as a result of teens getting out of hand. Parents can think about whether the child is the one who wants to stay home alone overnight or if it's the parents' wish to go away sans kids. If the child doesn't feel comfortable no matter the age, he or she shouldn't be left alone until they feel comfortable alone.

... Babysit Another Person?

There are no rules governing the acceptable age at which a child can watch another child. The University of Michigan Health System offers guidelines that no child under the age of 12 should be allowed to babysit. Usually by age 14 a child is mature enough to watch a sibling for a little while. Unless the sitter is well known and comes recommended by others, parents may want to insist their babysitters are at least 14 or 15. Leary parents can share childcare duties with other friends who have kids. Parenting guidebooks are simply guidelines and caregivers must use their own judgement when deciding whether a child is physically and emotionally ready to do many of the things adults take for granted. While there are laws governing when a person can drive or drink alcohol, there are no such guidelines for many other important milestones. Parents often have to use their own discretion. SWWF

Now, there is no reason to miss your annual mammogram

Many women avoid their annual mammogram because they are afraid of feeling pain during the exam. Now, there is a way to minimize the discomfort. We offer every woman MammoPad, a breast foam pad that serves as a cushion between you and the mammography system. So you can relax, knowing your mammogram will be warm, soft and comfortable.

Lewis County Model Railroaders In Celebration of National Train Day, the Lewis County Model Railroaders will host an open house at the Lewis County Historical Museum.

May 7th from 10 - 3 $2.00 per person · 3 & Under FREE Visit with the model railroaders, see the HO scale running model railroad & run a train! Enjoy refreshments and the art of model railroading. A fun family event and the opening of our new exhibit

“The Fabulous Fifties”

521 West Adams Morton 360-496-3523

Visit our new website

Lewis County Historical Museum 599 NW Front Way ◆ Chehalis, WA 98532

May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family • 17

Fast Food That’s Truly Healthy Want an easy way to get your children to eat enough greens? Grow your own sprouts! In a matter of days you will have delicious crisp greens that pack one amazing nutritional punch. Add them to sandwiches and try them in salads. SWWF

Clover sprouts have more protein than spinach.

Radish sprouts have 29 times more Vitamin C than milk.

Alfalfa sprouts contain concentrated amounts of phytochemicals that can protect us against disease.

cally at Available lo s t in Chehali r a K ’ 'N p o h S starting at s r ja g n ti u Spro $9.99 t ts starting a Seeds packe $4.69

Quick Quotes Scrapbook Company presents... 3-Day Educational Scrapbook Extravaganza!


2011 Private Reserve Weekend at the Great Wolf Lodge, Grand Mound, WA • September 16, 17, 18

What you get in a nutshell: • 4 Mini Projects • 6 Main Class Projects • 12x12 Album w/20 layouts in 1 day • Team Contests • Saturday & Sunday Lunches

• Meet & Greet our Designers & Teachers • Prizes Galore!! Values $10-$300 • Fantastic thank you gifts + Bonus classes on Friday for early arrivals (extra fees apply)

18 • May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family

Space is limited!

Fri Evening • Sat • Sun

First 200 people who register. $50.00 non refundable deposit due at time of registration. QQ reserves the right to make changes at anytime. $299 QQ Private Reserve registration does not include room rate or bonus classes. Special accomodation rates at venue. Book at least 30 days in advance. Balances will be charged automatically 60 days before your event. YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN ANY DRAWINGS OR GIVEAWAYS. NO EXCEPTIONS!

For more details, FAQ, rave reviews and sign up, visit our homepage

May Day is a Use a black marker celebration of spring to draw your favorite and the coming of animal. Give it to summer. Secretly a younger child hang a small bouquet and ask them to of flowers on a color it. neighbor’s doorknob.

Make your mom breakfast in bed and add a card to the tray listing all the things you’re grateful that she does for you.

It’s Family Movie Night! Pop some popcorn and enjoy a movie at home tonight.

Honor those hardworking, patient people who teach today. Thank your teacher for all they do for you!

Give your bike a tune up and a cleaning to make sure it’s in good running order for the summer.

Look up recipes to enjoy a Mexican dinner tonight.

Hold a can of soup in Get together photos of family and each hand. Hold your arms straight out at friends and colored papers and start a shoulder height. Can scrapbook today. you keep your arms level for 60 seconds? 90 seconds? More?

See if you can find a This is a great day to start spring cleaning. Look up in the sky photograph from each Write a letter to a Do jumping jacks Make a plan of what during lunch today. year of your life. Put friend or relative far while saying the them together in away. Ask them to you can achieve each How many planes letters of the alphabet. order to see how write back. or helicopters can day of the week. Easy? Now try doing you’ve changed. you count? jumping jacks while saying the alphabet in reverse order! At the store, pick out a veggie that’s new to you. Help a parent use it as part of tonight’s dinner.

Get your friends together or your family members and form a band. Play musical instruments or sing together.

Celebrate Victoria Day – a public holiday in Canada.

Make a copy of the puzzle in the Saturday’s Chronicle and race a friend to see who can complete the puzzle fastest. Or complete the puzzle together.

Spend some time today thinking about people who defend our country.

Ask your teacher if the class can play a game of Duck, Write a story about Throw three tennis Duck, Goose today. what you’d see if you Put a line of masking balls as far as you It’s great exercise took a helicopter ride tape along the floor can at the park. Run and a real quack up! over your hometown. and walk along it as across the grass and if it is a tightrope. try to pick them up without stopping. Take turns being a Renew your weather reporter. family’s plans for Who can do the Write a letter to the what you should do What information do editorial page of The if approached by a people want to know? most sit-ups in two minutes? Compete Chronicle with your Can you predict the stranger. opinion about weather for the rest of against your friends to see who is the something happening the month? Sit-Up Super Hero! in your town.

Make a pledge that you will always say NO to smoking.

On this day in 1804, Lewis and Clark set off on their epic journey across America. Where in America would you like to go on a special trip? Write a letter to thank a member of the military for their patriotic service for the country.

Go for a family hike today. Get a map and plan your route and take a camera to record the event.

How many helicopters can you count on this page? Which color helicopter appears the most?

Town Center Dental

1515 NW Louisiana Ave. Chehalis, WA 98532 • 360-740-6212 Rochester Family Dental 18328 Albany Street Rochester, WA 98579 360-273-7771

Rainier Park Dental

101 5th Street West Rainier, OR 97048 503-556-3744 • New Patients Welcome • Emergencies Seen The Same Day • Open Monday-Saturday • New Patients Welcome May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family • 19

Taking Time For


I was doing good, it was still morning (technically, five till noon counts right?). Both boys were dressed, Ryder, my threeweek-old, in his second outfit of the day. Tristin, my three-yearold was being especially loving to his baby brother, comforting him as he cried and assuring me, “Mommy, I wuuuv my baby brover.” My husband came home early from work and I felt so blessed as I looked at my three favorite boys… and even more blessed as I handed over the baby, slipped on my shoes, and walked out the door. As I drove away I laughed at how things had changed since having Tristin, when I cried as soon as I got in the car to leave for our anniversary dinner when Tristin was just about one month old. In the three years since I have learned to really treasure the rare moments I have alone, and more recently I have learned to dismiss the feelings of guilt for enjoying it. My priorities, as with most moms, revolve around my family members and their needs first. While I feel this is an appropriate attitude as a wife and mother, with our new arrival and even more demands on my time, I have been recently reevaluating my “others first all the time” outlook on parenting. I value and understand the necessity of quality time with my husband, one-on-one time with my sons, and time together as a family. These priorities, coupled with alternating work schedules, can make time for myself seem rather insignificant. My husband (and I think men in general) has a better sense of his personal needs outside of family. The attitude that I was at first tempted to judge as self-centered, I have begun to understand as self-aware. Trent knows his limits and knows when he needs time for himself, to recharge and be more than “daddy” or “honey.” Now don’t get me wrong, he plays a very central role in care-giving and house-work in our home (I’m a lucky woman). Trent doesn’t always get the time he needs the minute he needs it, but I’m learning that the afternoons golfing or time at home by himself tend to make for a more patient, loving, and appreciative family man. Contrary to my preconception of what kind of mom I should be, I am finding that the same is true for me. 20 • May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family

The guilt I felt from this realization still lingers now as I admit this in writing this, and, it is a common theme among mothers, as explored in the book Mommy Guilt, co-authored by Julie Bort, Aviva Pflock, and Devra Renner MSW. In an attempt to dispel the need to feel guilty over time spent on ourselves, the Mommy Guilt authors put it this way: “When you look at the future and at the big picture…do you see your adult children living happy fulfilled lives? Or do you see them as stressed-out parents, bogged down with responsibilities, dreaming of relief, and hardly remembering themselves as the carefree children to whom you gave so much for? If you don’t demonstrate the path to adult happiness with your own life, and teach them how to become the delighted, delightful people you envision, who will?” This was a bit of an eye opener for me. As my kids zip through life and transform so radically from year to year, our time together before adulthood seems fleeting, but how do I want them to remember me in that time? If I’m burnt out and snappy during our quality time, what are they really taking from that? After coming to this awareness and moving beyond the mommy guilt, that usually accompanies my mommy time, I was left with questions. How would I spend time that is just for me? And where exactly would I find that time? Moms, working or not, often have a very full and eclectic schedule. Whether it’s entertaining babies and preschoolers or transporting school-aged children, we fill our life with the needs of our family and those around us. How many of these so-called needs are really necessary? Knowing your limits, as well as those of your children can help produce a more reasonable schedule and maybe even free up a few hours to fit in some mommy time. The authors of Mommy Guilt, advise, “Pinpoint how you are spending your time and which of those time-consuming tasks you despise the most. Then look for alternatives to getting those beastly things done, if they

truly need to be done at all.” Spending the majority of your time on chores you despise leaves little room to enjoy life and enjoy your kids. While many of these chores, hated or not, are necessary, perhaps they can be done with less frequency or with more help. Dreaded commitments outside of the home could be crossed off the list altogether by letting go of feelings of obligation and inclinations toward guilt. Remember that you are not just putting yourself first but the overall happiness of your family. Just as you assess the need for the more undesirable responsibilities in your life it is also important to evaluate what activities or interests really feed you emotionally and leave you energized rather than further depleted. For an extrovert, a fun time out with friends may leave them feeling refreshed. A night of adult interaction getting them ready to take on the sometimes solitary life (as far as adults are concerned) of a stay-at-home mom restricted to toddler and baby talk. Someone who’s more of an introvert may crave a few moments of silence in order to hear her own thoughts. For many of us we’re somewhere in the middle of the two and feel most fulfilled with a healthy balance.

Time with family and friends

A night out with girlfriends can give you a chance to reconnect and maintain valuable relationships outside of family. It can also provide the all-too-rare opportunity to see that chick-flick at the theater or catch a play your husband has absolutely no interest in. The challenge is steering conversation away from kids and husbands, but even then it’s refreshing to talk with someone who can relate and/or sympathize, and a little bragging time (what mom can avoid it?) reminds you how lucky you really are.

A shopping day with mom can give you time to talk without little hands pulling on you or grandma. She was your mom before “Nana” existed, and being the “kid” in the relationship can be refreshing. Some things never change, after all, and to her you’re her 30-year-old baby. And, no one can bring you back to a time before the pressures of responsibility like siblings. In a matter of minutes you can regress to childhood antics forgetting those of your own children.

Time to yourself

For me, perhaps the most rejuvenating use of a couple hours escape is just true free time. A space of time to do whatever I want; a couple hours where I don’t have to listen or respond to anything but my own thoughts. Solitude can be found in a quiet bookstore or a bustling mall. Without the nap-times, feedings, or short attention spans to consider, the lack of urgency and freedom can provide a boost better than caffeine (although a combination of the two can be even better).


Remember when you had interests outside of your kids or husband? Back when your conversations with friends could go more than ten minutes without a referral to the digestive workings of your children, behavior problems, or an adorability contests? We all have something we used to enjoy spending time doing or something we wish we would have learned when we had the chance. Most of us reach a point where we cross an ambition off of our list, considering it frivolous or unrealistic for our life now. Whether it’s a sport, a talent, or a creative endeavor, it’s likely that the interests you had before are still there, simply buried under the demands of everyday life. Making time for these desires (however frivolous) reestablishes the importance of who you are outside of mother and wife. “Children must see that different people enjoy doing different things,” say the authors of Mommy Guilt. “If they see you doing something you love, they too are likely to find a beloved hobby, sport, or other activity for themselves. You’ve now demonstrated for your family an ethic that life is to be enjoyed.” Our local community college offers a number of opportunities to expand (and update) those interests, through art classes, creative writing courses, or perhaps studying astronomy or botany. Learn to play the piano, take photography classes, or join an intramural league in the area. You can join online interest groups where others with similar interests can encourage and challenge you or create your own local group. If you love reading, start a book club with your friends. Many of us are experimenting with photography as we attempt to capture the fleeting moments in our children’s lives. Challenge your friends to experiment with different digital affects and create periodic assignments. Of course you’ll need a night to get together and look over the works of art and it’s likely that you could share babysitters (maybe a dad or two).

May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family • 21


Exercise can be a very efficient use of mommy time. It provides a beneficial escape, a rush of endorphins, and results in a healthier you. Many fitness centers in our area provide child care with a purchased membership, solving the babysitter problem.

Social groups

Mom groups all over the nation have been created to provide support and a sense of community among mothers. MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) has groups that meet twice monthly, in Centralia, Chehalis, and Olympia. For a small fee, this group provides child-care and fun activities in a community of other mothers who can relate to the chaos that preceded getting there as well as providing some much-needed adult interaction ( Other groups can be found online through sites like and Mothers & More. Many churches also provide child care services in conjunction with their bible studies. I am still adjusting to life with two little boys; two wonderful little boys who hold my heart, but sometimes wear me out. I am hopeful, though, as I review the many opportunities even in our small community for mothers who, like me, remember that they are more than a mom and a wife, but cherish those roles most of all. SWWF

Misty graduated from Adna High School and Eastern Washington University with degrees in Journalism and Communications. She enjoys combining her passion for writing with her love for her family.

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Scoop It Up Made in: Shelton, Wa Available locally at: Bocatta Deli, and Thai Dish, in Centralia

For over 25 years Karl and Bev Black have crafted fine batches of gelato and sorbets, and distributed them commercially all over the Northwest. The business is a family affair, with children Trail, Alana and Joel helping. They each take great pride in their products. They graciously allowed us in their kitchen to share with our readers. My mouth watered in anticipating as I drove and before I stepped inside I could smell the delicious aroma of toasted coconut wafting through the air. I resisted the urge to stick my mouth underneath the machines as they poured out the creamy frozen goodness. But, when they artfully mixed in gooey caramel and set a cup in front of me I couldn't say no, I mean, I didn't want to be rude. Anything in the name of research, right ?!? The creamery works with local dairies to perfect special blends of cream. Seasonal fruit is purchased at its prime and coconut is toasted in-house to its golden perfection. With time, taste and tradition on their side, this small local business is here for the long haul - thank goodness! If I had to pick a favorite flavor, it would be the Mango Lime Sorbet. Take a bite, close your eyes, and you can virtually feel the warm tropical breeze surround you. But let your own taste buds make the decision - you won't be sorry you did! It’s delicious. SWWF

‘For a small business quality really is the best niche. And any quality is a lot of work, so you better love what you do.’ ~Karl Black

May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family • 23

lowns are actually acrobatic athletes. They have to fall, leap, roll and generally throw their bodies around and to do that and not get hurt, they need to be fit. Try these circus moves to get fit the Clown Way!

1. Sit on a chair. Place hands, with thumbs in, on the sides of the chair.

It’s important to stretch before exercising. Kneel on all fours as shown. Arch your back slowly as far as you can. Then stretch your arms out, lower your head and extend one leg at a time out behind you. Now you’re ready to exercise!

2. Lift your body so that your hips are off the chair and your arms support you. 3. Lower your hips, bend your arms and stretch your legs out in front of you. Then straighten your arms to push your body back up. 4. Do this dip 10 to 12 times. The Extreme Dip: Cross your legs while doing the dip!

Stand with your legs slightly apart and knees bent so you have a steady base. Stretch out one hand with the palm facing up. Use your other hand to place the object you’re balancing (a plastic ruler or cardboard tube or something light) on your outstretched palm. Position the object so it is standing up rather than lying flat on your hand. Remember to keep your eye on the top of the object the whole time, which is the trick to balancing things. Stretch out your free arm to help you keep your balance. How long can you balance the object? Try balancing the object while walking around. 24 • May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family


$imple $aving Though the economy may be on the mend, many families have been forced to make sacrifices during the recent downturn and will continue to look for ways to maintain more control of their finances in the event another period of economic struggle surfaces down the road. It's safe to assume no family wants to find itself in the position of dealing with unemployment, a nonexistent job market and the specter of foreclosure on the family home. While there's no telling what the economic future holds, there are steps families can take to gain greater control of their finances and put themselves in a better position to handle whatever the economy throws at them down the road.

Tips f Famil or ies

* Start saving receipts. Nowadays, more and more people use debit cards for daily purchases, including smaller purchases like cups of coffee. While this is more convenient, it also makes it easier to lose track of spending. Families should start saving receipts for all purchases, not just big-ticket items. At the end of the month, examine the receipts to see how much frivolous spending is going on. A close examination of receipts can help reign in spending on items that aren't generally large, but can add up over time. * Make a grocery shopping list. Another tradition of yesteryear that has seemingly fallen by the wayside, the grocery list can help families save substantial amounts of money over time. Men and women who grocery shop without a list are more likely to spend more money than they had intended, buying extra food they don't need and making impulse buys as well. If you have a list of what you need when you go to the store, you'll not only save money but you're likely to spend far less time at the store as a result. * Re-examine your commute. Men and women might prefer driving themselves to work. Driving to work alone is more convenient, but it's almost never more cost-effective. Consider public transportation where it's available. Public transportation can remove the stress from traffic jams, as men and women can bury their noses in books or watch a movie on their iPads rather than stare at the vehicle in front of them. If no public transportation is available, propose a carpool for co-workers or trying a vanpool. These alternatives can save individuals money on gas while adding years to their vehicles life expectancy, helping them get more out of their vehicle dollars. *Novelty or norm? Look at unnecessary bills such as cable or satellite service. While common in most homes, a tight budget may not support this novelty. SWWF

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915 NW State Ave. Chehalis • 360-748-0116 • • May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family • 25

Candy that


Rock Candy Science

Rock candy is a simple fun and sweet science experiment. It’s easy and interesting to grow your own! You can grow colorful crystals with sugar, water, and food coloring. Giving them lots of time (about 7 days) to grow will allow the water to evaporate causing sugar crystals to form on the string or stick.

What Do I Need? • 1 cup water • 3 cups sugar • paper or binder clip • food coloring • 1 quart jar or glass • cotton string • popsicle stick/pencil • sauce pan

Did You Know?

Rock candy is one of the oldest and purest forms of candy. It was originally used by pharmacists to make medicines for many kinds of illness.

What to Do?

1. Place the glass jar and clip in boiling water for sterilization. 2. In the middle of your popsicle stick or pencil attach (tie) a short piece of string. 3. Put the clip at the end of the string to weigh it down. 4. Wet the string and roll through the sugar. (This will help crystals form on the string.) 5. Put the popsicle stick/pencil over the top of the jar and make sure the clip is at the bottom of the jar with the string hanging down. 6. Boil 1 cup water. 7. Stir in 3 cups sugar in the boiling water until dissolved. 8. Pick a food coloring and add color! 9. Careully pour sugar syrup mixture into the jar and leave for 7 days until crystals are well formed.


When making candy, the syrup gets very hot. Kids, please get help from an adult!

26 • May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family



Dylan W., age 6, with Snape the Snake!

V., lia e Am ys a risk b o enj tiful u bea ! day

Austin G., age 4, Ellie G., age 1, at Ocean Shores. SEND US YOUR PICTURES! _________________________________________________________________________ Signature (Parent or Guardian): _________________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________ Photos can be sent via email to, or if you wish to send photos by mail to 321 N. Pearl, Centralia, WA 98531, they can be returned if sent with a SASE. If you email us and we don’t reply we haven’t received your message. Please give us a call at 807-8213.


artwork from

Name(s) and age(s) of those in photo (please print):

May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family • 27

Desert War Veterans

Remembrance Day Saturday

June 25th 2011

1:00 pm

Veterans memorial museum

100 SW Veterans Way • Chehalis, WA


event honors Veterans & active duty from 1975 to Present Day & Their Families. Special Speaker Sgt. Jason Schilling USMC Iraq & Afghanistan Veteran

IRan BeIRut

The frigid fun begins with this ceremonial event. Give each participant an ice cream cone with one scoop of their favorite flavor. The winner is the person who can finish their cone with the fewest licks and drips. Find the two identical ice cream cones.

LIBya Panama KuWaIt

SauDI aRaBIa IRaq SomaLIa afghanIStan 28 • May 2011 • Southwest Washington Family

All sorts of countries can participate in the Silly Summer Games. Countries like Jarodtopia, Amyland and The Royal Republic of Kevin will attend the festivities. Never heard of them? That’s because these kids invented countries named after themselves! Create a flag for a country named after YOU! Have your friends do the same, and display them at your Silly Games.

The motto of the Olympic Games is “Faster, Higher, Stronger.” Southwest Washington Family magazine Silly Summer Games has a motto, too. Use the code to discover it!

A= C= E= F=

I= K= L= N=

R= S= U= W=

Create this goofy headgear to wear during the Silly Games. You’ll need:

• Brown paper sack • SWW Family Magazine • Construction paper • Tape / glue stick • Scissors

Roll the paper bag down a few inches to create a brim. Cut out long strips of SWW Family Magazine and construction paper. Roll the strips around a pencil to make them curly and bouncy. Tape or glue the ends of the strips to the top of the hat. Cut out pictures or comic characters from SWW Family Magazine and paste them on your hat. Wear your zany creation proudly! his song is sung to the tune of ‘Yankee Doodle Dandy.’ But there are a few lines missing. Complete the song with your own silly words, then sing it while wiggling your fingers over your lips! The Silly Games are really ____________________! They’re goofy, And they’re funny! They make the summer ______________________________ when the day is sunny! Silly Games You make us __________________ And feel like ___________________ But it’s okay SWWF ’Cause summer days_______________________________!

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