SWW Family Dec. 2012

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Family Southwest Washington

December 2012


Solstice Science

A long winters night

Jingle Jingle Jingle Local choir bells ring

Temperature Time Use WHAT when

Girls Show ‘em How To Wrestle! Atypical mat cats

Women’s services at capital medical center

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Lucas Fisher R.E. Bennett

Jadyn Hawley R.E. Bennett

Orion Schroeder St. Joseph

Alexandra Vladyka St. Joseph

Jason Deel Fords Prairie

Caleb Boggs Jefferson Lincoln

Adam Overbay St. Joseph

Trinity Rash Jefferson Lincoln

Hunter Bradley R.E. Bennett

Joseph Brenning Edison

Destiny Leyva Fords Prairie

Erin Wylam St. Joseph

Jordan Magness Jefferson Lincoln

Amit Rai R.E. Bennett

Ignacio Sevilla Moctezuma Edison

Nicholas Cruz Fords Prairie

Willem Hueffed St. Joseph

Jordin Abrego Jefferson Lincoln

Sterling Barnes R.E. Bennett

Zoe Byrd Edison

Carlos Vallejo Fords Prairie

Vivy Witchey St. Joseph

Tyson Siquian Jefferson Lincoln

Adriana Wyatt R.E. Bennett

Alexis Castillo-Corona Edison

Anthony Saucedo Fords Prairie

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On the cover:

Tess, age 6. Proud parents are Alex and Theresa McMurry of Centralia. Photo by Alison Clinton, owner of Horizon Photo & Design. Please see ad on page 6.

Family Southwest Washington

December 2012


Solstice Science

Pg. 3 ............................... What's Up? Pg. 4 ........................Colorful Winners Pg. 5 .....Washington: Did You Know? Pg. 6 .......... These Bells Are A Ringin' Pg. 7 ........................ Seasonal Books Pg. 8 ............ Twist 'em Like A Pretzel Pg. 10 ....................Craft: Kissing Ball Pg. 11 ............................ Science Lab Pg. 12 .............................. Dear Santa Pg. 14 ......................... Feverish Facts Pg. 16 .........................December Fun Pg. 17 ...................Caring To Educate Pg. 18 .......... Cuddle Up With A Book Pg. 20 ...............................Scrapbook Pg. 21 ............ Donate: Drive 'N' Drop Pg. 22 ............... Party Like An Animal Pg. 23 .................... Love's A Struggle Pg. 24 .....................O Christmas Tree Pg. 25 ......................... Hands On Fun Pg. 27 ................................. Birthdays

A long winters night

Jingle Jingle in J gle Local choir bells ring

Temperature Time Use WHAT when

Girls Show ‘em How To Wrestle! Atypical mat cats

SWW Family Staff Creative Director, Editor: Chantel Wilson cwilson@swwfamily.com (360) 807-8213

Graphic Designers: Kelli Erb, Lead Graphic Designer Devon Bergeron Cindy Gundo

Advertising Sales: Brian Watson, Sales Manager Chrystal Zelazny Shelleen Lundeen

Southwest Washington Family is a publication of Lafromboise Communications Inc. Southwest Washington Family 321 N. Pearl Street Centralia, WA 98531

December Events December 1 Drive ‘N’ Drop

10 a.m. - 3 p.m., local fire stations

Drop off your non-perishable food items to help support the Lewis County Food Bank Coalition. For more information, please call 360-508-0598 or 360-736-6228. For a complete list of drop site locations please visit chronline.com Christmas Parade 11 a.m., downtown Chehalis Watch as local businesses send holiday wishes from their floats. Wave at Rudolph and see Santa in the grand finale. Christmas on Parade 4 p.m., downtown Napavine Bring your family to watch the lighting of the city center and enjoy our holiday parade. Winterfest 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Littlerock Elementary, Olympia Over 30 vendors, elves’ workshop, photos with Santa (bring your camera), book fair, coloring contest and more. For questions, please email littlerockpto@hotmail.com. Snowland and Santa 3 p.m., Great Wolf Lodge, Grand Mound Santa and Mrs. Claus will make a grand entry at the tree lighting ceremony. View the life-sized gingerbread house (or eat in it with a $20 donation to Big Brothers Big Sisters) and view the snow that falls indoors in Snowland. Winterfest 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Tenino High School Gymnasium Gingerbread contest, arts and crafts booths, Kids Korner, demonstrations and live music. Admission is free, but donations of canned food for the Tenino Food Bank are requested. For more information, call Robin Rudy at 360264-5505 and leave a message.

December 2 Hope for the Holidays Bazaar 11 a.m. - 4 p.m., Holiday Inn Express, Chehalis One-stop shopping event and fundraiser for the American Caner Society. Shop from vendors and participate in chance-to-win drawings.

Santa Helicopter Landing 12 p.m., I-5 Toyota/Scion, Chehalis Watch Santa arrive in style, enjoy cookies, apple cider and hot cocoa and photos with the main man. For questions, please call Tami at 360-740-9300.

December 5 Lighted Ship Parade 6 p.m., Percival Landing, Olympia The Olympia Yacht Club puts on this parade of lighted ships, free and open to the public. Viewing is available from Port Plaza Dock (Anthony’s Homeport) and free candy canes will be available for the kids. For more information visit olympiayachtclub.org. Festival of Trees 7 p.m., Roxy Theater, Morton View beautifully decorated Christmas trees and participate in a silent auction to benefit the Barbara Clevenger Johnson Gallery. For more information, please call 360-496-0541.

December 7 Tree Lighting 6 p.m., Oakville Post Office Join in carols, watch the tree lighting and sip refreshments.

December 8th Bingo for a Cause 7 - 9 p.m., Twin Cities Senior Center Play a game of bingo while helping to raise funds for children with autism. $3 for the first card, $1 for subsequent cards. For questions, please call Robin at 360-273-9669. Christmas in the Mountains 2 - 8:30 p.m., Roxy Theater, Morton Enjoy caroling, hayrides, a living nativity, craft sale and more. For more information, please call 360-496-0541.

December 14 Holiday Lights 5 - 9 p.m., Borst Park, Centralia Drive through this spectacular display of lights. $2 per December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family • 3

December Events car with a canned food or toy donation. Enjoy this event through December 16 and again December 21 through Christmas.

December 15 Lighted Tractor Parade 6 p.m., downtown Centralia View vintage and modern tractors and trucks decorated to delight the children in all of us.

Coloring Contest Winners Thank you to the record number of participants in our annual Holiday Tree Lighting Coloring Contest. Our community certainly is full of artistic ability! We loved the time and talent that was spent on your works of art. Congratulations to the 2012 winners!

December 27 Cocoa and Cards 1 p.m., Chehalis Timberland Library Need to write your thank you cards? Drop by the library for a cup of cocoa and write away! You can bring your own cards or the library will provide blank cards that you can decorate. For questions, visit events.trlib.org.

Winner in the 5 years & under category Mason M., age 4


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PASSENGER CHAIN RETURN PROGRAM: If you don’t use your passenger car chains, return them for a full refund after the last legal date for studded tires. (Does not apply to the Quick Trak traction device)






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SNOW WHEELS With a set of four new Les Schwab snow wheels, with tires mounted, you can save time and money. You’ll save more than $50 each time you have your snow tires installed in the winter or removed in the spring by eliminating dismount/mounting and balancing charges with each change over.

Winner in the 6-8 year category Alyssa E., age 8

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Mark Witham Manager Centralia 1211 Harrison 736-6603

4 • December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family

Nathan Wright Manager Chehalis 36 N. Market 748-0295

Winner in the 9-12 year category Matthew R., age 10 SWWF

December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family • 5

Washington is the only state to be named after a president.

Our state tree is the Western Hemlock.

Our state dance is the square dance.

Seattle is home to the first revolving restaurant.

The most rain that any place in Washington has gotten in one day was 14.26 inches at Mount Mitchell in 1986.

Our state fish is the Steelhead.

Our state insect is the Green Darner Dragonfly.


Our state vegetable is the Walla Walla Sweet Onion.

Our state fruit is the apple and Washington State produces more apples that any other state.

Our state flower is the Coast Rhododendron.

It’s a Wonderful Life

If it were true that “every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings,” then these children would certainly be doing their part. Meet the Chehalis United Methodist Church Youth Bell Choir. Leslie Durham has directed the Youth Bell Choir for the past ten years. She explains that there are three age groups of bell ringers. The Chimers are kids who are in kindergarten through fourth grade. Older kids that are new to playing bells also start out with the Chimers. The Angel Beats Youth Ringers are the kids from fifth grade to eighth grade and are the more advanced players. They used to be part of the Chimers but the group got so big it was split into the two groups. The third group is the Carillon Ringers, kids who have played together since kindergarten and are now in high school. Any child is welcome to join this group. Kids do not need to be a church member or have any bell or other musical experience. Every week they get together to hone their skills both on English handbells (a bell with a handle and an inside clapper) and choir chimes (like a tuning fork with an outside clapper). Practice is on Monday evenings. “Bell Season” as Leslie calls it, is from September to about April or May depending on the baseball schedule. A former soccer mom herself, she fully supports any needs a child may have to work around sport schedules in order to participate in bell practice. For example, the kindergartners and first graders usually begin practice during September, while older kids are finishing up their soccer schedules and start practice later. One Sunday a month the children demonstrate their skills for attendees during morning church services. The crowning performance, however, is during the Christmas Eve program. Candles, white lights and greenery combined with sweet little faces playing melodious bells, makes for a scene right out of a Norman Rockwell painting. You are invited to watch the Youth Bell Choir play on Christmas Eve. Their performance will be at 7:00 p.m. on December 24 at the Chehalis Methodist Church, (16 S. Market Blvd.), in Chehalis. If you are unable to see the children perform on Christmas Eve and would like to know the monthly performance dates, or would like more information about joining the Youth Bell Choir, call the church office at (360) 748-7334. SWWF

6 • December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family

A Shelf for theSeason

No matter how beautiful and festive your home looks this holiday season, the most important thing is having a place where your friends and family can gather and enjoy each other's company. With that in mind, dig out your favorite holiday books and movies and put them on display. Make this area a place to sit down, read tales to the little ones and tell stories of holidays past. SWWF

Chehalis Children’s Clinic 370 S. Market Blvd • Chehalis, WA 98532 • 748-6693

Conrad LeProwse, M.D., F.A.A.P Chris Nelson, M.D., F.A.A.P Lisa McCarthy, N.T.P., P.A.C. • Comprehensive Pediatric Care • Adolescent Gynecology • Same Day Appointments — Because Children Can’t Wait!

ccckids370.com December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family • 7

Part I Persevering through the norm

Never Give Up! Never Give In!

Wrestlers Fight For That Pin!

“Believe in yourself and don’t give up...” ~ Isabella Silva

8 • December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family

By Tiffany Venters of Salkum Wrestling is a sport requiring dedication, mental toughness, physical agility and endurance. From my two seasons on Central Washington University’s wrestling team I know first hand how tough the sport is and how incredibly focused the athletes are. While I didn’t break into the sport until I was 18 years old, now is a great time to involve your little “princess” in a truly incredible sport. Before you roll your eyes and say “wrestling is a boy’s sport” think of this: Do you want your daughter to be successful, strong, confident and focused? Do you want to teach her how to trust herself, how to work with others, develop character and learn about dedication? Wrestling will do just that and most of all, she will have fun! A local athlete found herself lacing up wrestling shoes as she entered her Freshman year at Centralia High School. Now a senior, Isabella Silva, 17, has her sights set on more than claiming the title of State Champion this season. She plans to one day be a collegiate and Olympic wrestler. I had the privilege of spending the afternoon with Isabella and her mother, Brasil native Katia Hudson, and I asked them what kind of advice they could give other young girls who wanted to grapple. A former competitor in Brasilian Jiu Jitsu, Katia encourages all her children (including younger children Jade, 8, Ian, 6, and Lua, 4) to participate in wrestling. She explained to me that wrestling brings success in all aspects of her children’s lives. It was her insistence that prompted Isabella to try out for the team in the first place. Isabella explained ,with a beautiful smile, why she joined “Mom said so.” Though Isabella didn’t start her career with many wins, her persistence and dedication have led her to a 2nd in state placing in the Washington State Championships last year and a 7th nation placing

participating in youth wrestling, you can contact Scott Phillips, head coach of the Centralia Tigers. Chehalis wrestling inquiries may be sent to matagi001@aol.com Make sure you make it out and support your local athletes and stop by to watch these amazing people compete. Who knows, maybe you’ll see your sons and daughters up on the podium one day. SWWF

this summer at Nationals. Her success at Nationals this summer has earned her the title All-American, one to be very proud of. Isabella wants your daughters to “Believe in yourself and don’t give up. If you love it, stay with it. Never let anyone tear you down. Keep pushing.” She continues, “Definitely try. It teaches you to push yourself and that there is no limit. You get through it, you can get through anything. It makes you have a good mind-set.” While collegiate wrestling programs across the state have been in decline, I believe that girls could bring the sport back to our universities. While Title IX has eliminated many programs, if our girls show there is a demand for the sport, they could potentially save it from collegiate extinction. CWU currently only has a club team. Wrestling needs our support! Children can wrestle as young as 4 years-old, which is one of the cutest ages to watch. If your child is interested in

Tiffany graduated from Central Washington University with a B.S. in Food Science and Nutrition. While at CWU she wrestled, competed in bodybuilding, was Captain of the CWU Women's Rugby Club and was also a Wildcat Softball player. She now wrestles her children into their carseats, gets plenty of bodybuilding by carrying her 18 month-old all day, vaccumms her rug by the sink and only allows her girls to play with soft balls in the home. She wishes her eliptical had less dust on it...

Girls of the Centralia Tigers Wrestling Team

Come Watch! All county wrestling tournament December 15th at W.F. West Contact your local wrestling coach to find out if your school has students participating.

December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family • 9

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Centralia, Chehalis, Grayland, Morton, Pe Ell, Raymond, Rochester, South Bend, Winlock

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Open Until 7 p.m.

These imaginative updates of Victorian kissing balls make perfect Christmas ornaments for your home. The handmade kissing balls are easy to make and a fun, quick project that you can do with your children.

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10 • December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family

DIRECTIONS: 1. Spray paint the foam ball the color of your desired candy or nut decoration and let it dry. 2. Put a bead of hot glue on both ends of the U-shaped pin and insert the pin into the foam ball, allowing the top to extend about 1/4-inch above the surface of the foam ball. 3. Apply hot glue to the candies or nuts and arrange all over the foam ball. Let it stand until the glue is completely dry, about 2 hours. 4. Thread a ribbon through the top of the “U”-shaped pin to hang the kissing ball. Tie a smaller length of ribbon into a bow on the first ribbon for an extra flair, if desired. SWWF

Each fall, the sun starts to rise a little later and sets a little earlier. We say the days are getting shorter. The nights are also getting longer. But why? And when will it stop?

ong ago, people worried that sun would leave them forever. People all over the world created celebrations to bring back the sun.

he length of a day changes throughout the year. This year, December 21 is the Northern Hemisphere’s shortest day and longest night of the year. It is called the winter solstice. The length of a day changes because as the Earth travels around the sun, it tilts towards or away from the sun. Because of this tilting, different parts of the Earth face the sun at different times of the year.

The orange represents the Earth. Each toothpick represents one of our planet’s poles.

In Northern Europe, some people felt fire had the power to bring back the sun. They lit large bonfires and placed lighted candles in branches of oaks and firs.

See how most of the light is on the top of the orange, which represents the Northern Hemisphere. These are the positions of the sun and the Earth during summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

Notice that the top part has less light. These are the positions of the sun and Earth in winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

The Northern Hemisphere’s winter solstice occurs when it is tilted farthest away from the sun. This happens every year between Dec. 21 and 23. After the winter solstice, the Northern Hemisphere begins to tilt back towards the sun and the days begin to get longer and the nights shorter. Use the code to complete this paragraph.

a= e=


o= u=

Anc_ _nt R_m_ns h_ld _ w_ _k l_ng f_ _st

_nd p_ _pl_ sw_tch_d r_l_s. M_st_rs b_c_m_ s_rv_nts _nd s_rv_nts th_ m_st_rs.

Find which words go in the blanks in the story below.

Many Christmas ____________ have their roots in ancient solstice celebrations. For __________, the Yule log came from a Scandinavian festival. The log was ______ on the eve of the solstice to conquer the ___________, protect against evil spirits and bring luck. It __________ for 12 hours.

In some ________ of Northern Europe, people ____________ trees with apples to ____________ themselves that ______________ would return again one day. Holly, with its bright ________ and rich foliage, was an important solstice symbol because it could ____________ the harshness of winter and maintain its ____________ and life, as could mistletoe and evergreens. SWWF December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family • 11

SWW Family Magazine’s Letters to Santa I love you Santa, I have been so good. Have you been good too? I have always wanted a toy set ice cream maker. I like cookies too. Sarah, 4 Hi Santa! Christmas someday will be coming to and end. I’ll be at my family’s house, but I don’t really know how you’ll fly there. The elves can make whatever they think is the best to build for me. I feel so bad for you that the other reindeer won’t let Rudolph play with them, in any games like the song says. I just love him, he is so cute. How does his nose guide the sleigh? I’m going to leave you some milk and cookies and especially some carrots and sugar cubes for the reindeer too. Bye Santa! See you soon! Michael, age 4

Thank you all for the adorable and well written letters to Santa — many accompanied by delightful drawings and works of art. We’ll make sure all of the letters are delivered promptly to the north pole so Santa can enjoy them and get the elves working on your requests. Dear Santa, This year I would really like the Dino Dan movie, mac-truck, toy quad, t-rex toy, daddy’s phone, teddy bear, candy, chuggers, swimming lessons, baby triceratops toy, Diego movie and a shovel. Thank you! Travis, age 2 Dear Santa, I have been really good. Here are some ideas of toys I like: DC shoes (black/ green), laptop with games, remote control that goes in mud/water/grass, remote control airplane, quad toy with rack and wench, toy alligator, swimming lessons, riding shirt, cowboy hat, Romeo boots, John Deere Ranger, Dino Dan movie. Thanks, Brock, age 5

Letters to Santa proudly sponsored by: Reneé Corwin-Rey Ins. Agency Inc.



Happy Holidays from Reneé Corwin-Rey Ins. Agency Inc.

1307 Harrison Ave.|Centraila, WA 98531 |360-736-8090 12 • December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family

17th Annual

Corbet Theatre - Centralia College 2012 Friday, December 14 • 7:30 pm Saturday, December 15 • 2:00 & 7:30 pm Sunday, December 16 • 1:00 & 5:30 pm

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The Chronicle C.A.F.T.A.

Mr. & Mrs. Warren Pugh Gary and Dora Swart

December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family • 13

Temperature Time By Suzy Hill Garrett of Tumwater

Having a sick child is worrisome to any parent. Having a sick child with a fever is even more so. Most parents feel that ‘little knot of concern’ tighten just a bit when a child feels warm. The important thing to remember is that when a child is otherwise healthy, fevers don’t usually indicate anything serious and can actually be a good thing. A fever is our body’s way of fighting off infection. Sometimes the only treatment needed is to keep the child comfortable and make sure they have plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. But how does a parent know when further treatment is needed? The best way to alleviate the fear of fever is to take the child’s temperature with a reliable thermometer. But which thermometers are best? And how, exactly, do you use a thermometer? There was a time when a parent could walk into any drug store and pick up a thermometer, trusting the only one available to be accurate. Times have changed, and now there are so many kinds of thermometers on the shelves that choosing the right one can be confusing. Before purchasing a thermometer, consider the child’s age and which method would easiest on them: oral (in the mouth), rectal (in the bottom), or axillary (under the arm). These are the most common methods for taking a temperature.

To take an oral temperature:

• Wait at least 20 to 30 minutes after the child has finished eating or drinking. • Place the tip of the thermometer under the child’s tongue. (Remind them not to bite down or talk and to breathe through their nose.) • After the signal from the thermometer, read and record the temperature.

To take a rectal temperature:

• Lubricate the tip of the thermometer with petroleum jelly. • Place the child either belly-down across your lap or faceup with their legs bent toward their chest. • Insert the lubricated thermometer into the anal opening about ½ to 1 inch. • Hold the thermometer steady. • When you hear the appropriate signal from the thermometer, read the temperature and write down the number along with the time of day that you took the temperature. 14 • December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family

º 4 . 0 0 1 Feverish Facts There are many types of thermometers: Digital thermometers are the most readily available, as well as being easy to use and the most accurate. They can be used to take oral, rectal or axillary temperatures. _____________________________________________ Electronic ear thermometers measure the temperature inside the ear canal. They are not as accurate as digital thermometers and are more expensive. _____________________________________________ Plastic strip thermometers are small strips that you press against the forehead. These are not reliable. _____________________________________________ Forehead thermometers are not as accurate as digital thermometers. _____________________________________________

Tips for taking temperatures: • For kids younger than 3 months Use a digital thermometer to take a rectal temperature. • For kids between 3 months to 4 years Uuse a digital thermometer to take either a rectal or axillary temperature. • For kids 4 years and older Use a digital thermometer to take an oral temperature. An axillary temperature is appropriate for kids with coughs or trouble breathing through their nose.

Pacifier thermometers may seem convenient, but shouldn’t be used in infants under 3 months of age. _____________________________________________ Glass mercury thermometers should not be used because of the danger of exposure to mercury which is a dangerous environmental toxin.

To take an axillary temperature:

• Remove the child’s clothing and place the tip of the thermometer under the arm. • Fold the child’s arm across his chest so the thermometer is held in place in the armpit. • After the signal from the thermometer, read and record the temperature.

Your pediatrician will give you instructions as to when they should be called regarding a child’s temperature. Be sure to call your pediatrician if you have concerns about anything, including fluids and medicines or anything else you may have a question about. SWWF Suzy supports several programs at Pope’s Kids Place. She especially loves creating “Plain Talk” information that helps families and promotes the health of the community. In her free time, she likes to help her husband, Chris, build and renovate homes. December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family • 15

On this day in 1955, Rosa Parks was arrested for sitting in the part of a bus reserved for white passengers. Make holiday cards today for the special people in your life.

Letter Writing Day Christmas Seals help raise awareness and money for research into lung diseases. Get more information at christmasseals.org

Children celebrate this day by breaking the traditional star-shaped Pinata.

Las Posadas Play some holiday music. Dance or exercise to the rhythm.

On this day in 1830, Emily Dickinson was born in Amherst, Ma.

Emily Dickenson’s birthday Help make pancakes for breakfast this morning.

Maple Syrup Day

In Northern Europe, gifts are left in children’s shoes on this day.

Bake a batch of cookies and share them with friends and neighbors.

Unicef believes all children should have the right to food, education and protection from violence. To learn more go to unicef.org

Born in Chicago in 1901, today is Walt Disney’s birthday.

St. Nicholas Day

Find out how this Christmas plant got its name and how to take care of your poinsettias.

With an adult, make a cup of hot cocoa. Stir with a candy cane.

Unicef Anniversary

Poinsettia Day

Where did your ancestors originate? Discuss your family traditions at Christmas and compare with other students.

There are 12 days remaining in this year. What was the best thing that happened to you this year? What is the best thing that happened in your family this year?

International Migrants Day

Christmas Eve

New Year’s Eve

Kwanzaa is a day of celebrating African harvest traditions.

Cocoa Day

Attach a string to a pinecone. Coat it in peanut butter and roll it in birdseed. Hang it in a tree for a winter treat for wild birds. This is a good day to collect all your presents together and then write thank you letters to all the kind people who gave you a gift.

A day to remember and honor all of those who died in the attack in 1941.

Hanukkah, an eightday Jewish holiday, begins today.

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Ever hankered after traveling the world and being an explorer? Where would you go exploring if you could?

South Pole discovered How many symbols of winter can you notice today?

Get a group of friends together and practice singing Christmas carols. Visit a local retirement home and spread some holiday cheer. On this day in 1882, the first Christmas lights were used to decorate a tree.

First Day of Winter

Ask an adult if they can walk with you through the neighborhood tonight and admire the holiday lights.

The bowling ball was invented on this day in 1869. Go bowling with some friends or family.


Now opeN! 3 6 0


448 N. Market Blvd, Chehalis WA 98532 16 • December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family

Teacher Feature Holmes i t t a P . s Mr entary m e l E n o t Washing 5th grade

Mrs. Cear ns Edison El ementary 1st grade

“I smile when she smiles.”

“She is helping me read.”

o e a t u re

Ms. Coyle is a fun loving teacher. She cares for every student. She is funny, amazing and she loves tea. Ms. Coyle is really brave and encourages each and every student. ~ Kelsie M., nominator

Te ac h e r & C


“Ms. Coyle is really brave and encourages each and every student.”


Mrs. Cear ns is the b est first gr ever. She is ade teache so nice to r me and ca me cheer a me to watc nd play ba h sketball. S a lot. She he teaches is helping me me r cares abou t me. ~ Sa ead and she really mmy N., n ominator ac

Ms. Coyle Olympic Elementary 5th grade

SW W F am

eative g, most cr in r a c t, e est e es is a sw ery. The b v lm e o r e H h . c s r t a te M the best thing abou t is s e e b h S e h r. e T h teac led on ask for. ould ever uppy craw es. c p I le r tt e h li c a a te like smil smile. It is s. I smile when she her is her e il hen she sm her face w r to a ., nomin ~ Amaya F


IE Sp o n s


Send in nominations for your favorite teacher or coach. Mail to 321 N. Pearl, Centralia, WA 98531 or email to cwilson@swwfamily.com. If you email us and we don’t reply we haven’t received your message. Please give us a call at 807-8213.

Name of teacher nominated and school or coach, team & sport: ___________________________________________________________________ Name of child nominating: _________________________________________ Name of parent & phone #: _________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________ Please include a few sentences on why you think your teacher/coach should be featured on a separate piece of paper. If you have a picture of your teacher/coach, please send it in too! We may contact you to learn more.


December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family • 17

Cuddle Up Eli, No!

written and illustrated by Katie Kirk Abrams Books for Young Readers, 2011 best for toddlers through preschool Eli is a dog and like every dog, Eli doesn’t always behave. But Eli’s people know what to say: “Eli, no!” From chasing squirrels to hogging the bed — and every kind of dog misbehavior in-between — Eli is admonished with the same phrase. Much like a child might, Eli wonders if his people still love him. Readers will be relieved that the answer is “of course!” The colorful illustrations feature items with simple outlines, perfect for younger children. The words are large and also colorful and with the repetition, children will enjoy chiming in and even pointing out words when asked. While the illustrations are simple, there’s a lot for pre-readers to see. And adults will appreciate the humor to be found in the drawings.

by Linda Conroy of Centralia Timberland Library Are the children begging for a pet for Christmas? Are their letters to Santa filled with unreasonably priced requests? I can’t tell you the ideal way to handle these situations, but I can give you a great idea for redirecting a child’s interest: distract them with an engaging book! Here are a few books that have caught my eye recently.

I Know a Wee Piggy

by Kim Norman; illustrated by Henry Cole Dial Books for Young Readers, 2012 best for toddlers through 1st grade Revisit your sunny summer visit to the county fair by following this small pig through the fairgrounds. Along the way, the pig falls into various substances, named only by color. This repetitive, cumulative story practically begs children to participate and most will be happy to identify the green grass, red jam and other items – and to repeat refrains. And if you’re familiar with the tune for “I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly,” then you’re all set to sing this book of piggy adventures! Even the most solemn child will return the pig’s broad smile and enjoy its silly antics.

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Come in and see our walk-in tub at Halls Drug’s

and Grab a Book Big Brothers Don’t Take Naps

by Louise Borden; illustrated by Emma Dodd Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2011 best for toddlers through kindergarteners Nicholas knows what it takes to be a big brother simply by observing his big brother, James. Big brothers don’t take naps, they ride the bus to school, rake leaves, say please and thank you and always play nicely. While parents might think James is inordinately well-behaved, Nicholas simply revels in his brother’s company. There’s something else going on, though – alert readers will spot clues that something special will happen in June. And sure enough, Nicholas becomes a big brother when his little sister arrives. A sweet take on sibling relationships – both looking up to an older sibling and the excitement of welcoming a younger one to the family.

One Cool Friend

by Toni Buzzeo; illustrated by David Small Dial Books for Young Readers, 2012 best for older preschoolers through 1st grade A proper young man who habitually wears a tuxedo isn’t your typical child. Offered a trip to the aquarium, he immediately thinks of noisy children, but is too polite to refuse. Elliot, good manners still evident, asks his father if he may have a penguin

and his father agrees. His father quite naturally assumed Elliot meant a stuffed penguin while, just as naturally, Elliot was inquiring about the kind that breathes. The miscommunication continues, facilitated by dad’s absent mindedness and benign inattention. Eventually the true nature of the penguin is discovered and surprisingly, the resolution is delightfully right. The story is complemented by David Small’s illustrations, which feature a penguin-perfect cool palette with splashes of warmth. Take time to enjoy these books this holiday season – or drop by your local Timberland library to browse the bookshelves for equally entertaining stories. Need suggestions? Simply check with your friendly library staff or go online to www. TRL.org. There you’ll find booklists on many topics. Click on “Timberkids” then, under the “Books to Read” bar, click on “Booklists.” Library books are available in several formats: traditional books, audio books (both downloadable and on CD) and e-books. And don’t forget, books aren’t the only thing you’ll find at the library! DVDs, downloadable music and music CDs, and magazines are available for both you and your children. SWWF Linda Conroy is a youth services librarian at Centralia Timberland Library. Not surprisingly, she loves to read and to share books with children of all ages! She is a mom to a big dog and enjoys spending time with her nieces and nephews.

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Leah C. with her dolly at Safeco field. lding o h y m Mom ghter, u a d r e h ., for N e i g g Ma time. t s r i f e th

Henry A., Mike y N., Henry A.,Jessic a A. feeding the du cks.

Jordan H., 7, and Jaiden H., 1, enjoying the beautiful fall weather!

Submit your scrapbook photos at swwfamily.com


graphics provided by Correen Silke, Scrapbook-Bytes

20 • December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family


Day of Giving


Saturday, Dec. 1 • 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. SUGGESTED HEALTHY FOOD DONATIONS

FRUITS • Canned fruit in light syrup or in own juices • No sugar added applesauce • Dried fruits, raisins • 100% fruit juice • Low-sugar fruit spreads VEGETABLES • Low sodium or “No salt added” canned vegetables • Low sodium canned tomato products or juices • Fresh or boxed flaked potatoes • Salsa • Low sodium pasta sauces GRAINS • Brown or wild rice • Whole grain pastas or noodles • Whole grain/bran cereals • Old fashioned oats • Whole grain crackers

Proudly Sponsored by

• Whole grain tortillas • Flour DAIRY • Powdered milk • Shelf stable milk or soy milk • Shelf stable cheese

• • • • • •

Coffee Sugar-free powdered drinks Low sodium boxed dinners Sugar-free Jell-O and pudding Pancake mix Ketchup, mustard, light mayonnaise

POULTRY/FISH/BEANS/NUTS • Canned chicken or turkey • Canned tuna • Canned or dried beans • Low sodium broth or bean soups • Low fat, low sodium cream soups • Chili • Stew • Unsalted nuts • Peanut butter OTHER • Low sodium boxed stuffing • Tea

NON-FOOD ITEMS • Toilet paper • Deodorant • Laundry soap • Disposable razors • Toothpaste • Bar soap • Shampoo • Shaving cream • Tooth brushes • Dish soap • Plastic spoons • Plastic forks

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Real Party

Kingston’s Jungle Party

SWWF 22 • December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family

Take Risks & Learn

There is a special type of love that allows our kids to struggle, lets them work through their trials and guides them toward independence instead of insecurity.

This love can be expressed daily by:

• Allowing kids to wrestle with tying their shoes — instead of automatically jumping in and doing it for them. • Letting them dress themselves — even if the clothes they choose don't match. • Teaching them how to talk to their teachers about problems at school — rather than always doing it for them. • Expecting that they speak up and order meals for themselves — instead of ordering for them. • Having them call the insurance company and arrange for their own car insurance — instead of doing it all for them. • Letting them do most of the work required to fill out their college applications — rather than preparing all of the paperwork for them. • Remembering that the more things they learn to do for themselves, the stronger and more confident they will become! SWWF by Dr. Charles Fay, Love and Logic Institute WDSF - SWW Family Magazine: Half page horizontal ad • 1/12/11 • 7.375 w x 4.8 h

Make sure your baby stays healthy • Get your baby’s teeth screened by age one • Talk to your dentist or physician

For tips on taking care of your baby’s teeth, visit KidsOralHealth.org December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family • 23

Christmas trees Ready to pick out your Christmas tree? Check out these local tree farms!

Christmas Valley Tree Farm 11540 183rd Ave SW, Rochester Noble, Fraser, Blue Spruce, Shasta, Doug Grand, Nordman, Norway Spruce, Blue Corkbark, Wreaths and Holly. Open November 23 through December 24, 9 a.m. 5 p.m. For more information, please call 360273-6196.

Grega Tree Farm 149 Vista Rd., Chehalis Noble and Doug Fir. You select, we cut. Open weekdays from 2 p.m., and weekends at 9 a.m. For more information, please call 360-269-4418. Bezy’s Beautiful Grand Firs 2710 Jackson Hwy, Chehalis Grand Firs, 4’-12’. Any tree for $20!! For more information, please call 360-748-8800. Beautiful Cultured Christmas Trees 211 Keasling Rd, 15 miles south of Chehalis U-cut, a variety of 6’-9’ trees. Douglas Fir, Shasta and Noble Fir. For more information, please call 360-262-3050. Lund’s Holiday Acres 1/2 mile NW of Napavine off Hwy 603, left on Romerman Rd, Napavine U-cut trees. Noble Firs, Grand and Douglas. For more information, please call 360-748-8619 or 360-508-0752. 24 • December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family

Mill Creek Tress 356 Shanklin Rd, Onalaska Noble, Douglas Fir, Grand, Fraser. Saws, cutting assistance and wreaths available. For more information, please call 360-880-1111 or 360-985-2828 or visit the website at www.millcreekchristmastrees.com Jensen’s U-Cut 2840 184th Ave. SE, Tenino, WA 98589 Open daily. Espresso on weekends. Dougs, $20. Grands, $25. Nobles, $30. Petting zoo on select weekends, holiday items & free holly. For more information, please call 360-359-1970. Alpine Trees & Shrubs 333 Nikula Rd., Winlock Choose & cut, assistance available on-site. Nobles, Grands and Fraser. For more information, please call 360-785-3972. Van Dyke Trees 557 Brown Rd. E., Chehalis Open beginning November 23 on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Shasta, Noble, and Grand Firs, $10. For more information please call 360-748-4150.



414 Jefferson St. NE, Olympia (360) 956-0818 www.hocm.org

10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Saturday and Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Admission: $6.95-$9.95 per person Dec. 7 from 5-9 p.m. (as well as every first Friday of the month) admission is free. Olympia’s Hands on Children’s Museum has taken all the wonder and whimsy of its former location and upgraded it in its new two-story, 28,000 square-foot museum, which opened to the public in November. The new museum has 150 interactive exhibits that encourage kids to touch, think, make, dream and play. The additions also increase the age limits for the museum, adding exhibits that are appropriate for babies all the way to middle school kids, which makes its location right next door to the WET Science Center (a center and gallery geared towards middle school aged kids) nice for parents with older children. Many favorites from the old center were kept, such as the pin wall, tugboat, water table, farm and green grocer, but they’ve been given new life in ways that are sure to inspire kids. And this is just the beginning. Watch this spring for the half-acre outdoor area of the museum to blossom with a kids garden, a driftwood forest and sand and mud pits, making it the largest outdoor kids museum in the Pacific Northwest.

When planning a trip, be sure to leave yourself plenty of time. Our two-hour visit during opening weekend went by like a flash and while we were able to see everything, we could have easily played twice as long.

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info@woodlandestatesonline.com December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family • 25

Check it out!

28K square feet of fun!

A troupe of artists created a ton of new artwork that links everything to Northwest themes and adds While you can elements of discovery all The museum is geared Don’t miss out on the still bring your over, including outside. Emergency. Gallery to a wide age range, Be sure and look up, own picnic lunch, tucked into a corner but adult supervision down and even under parents will likely of the bottom floor. is required at all times appreciate the things to get the full Kids can climb on a during visits. So, if added cafe, effect. For instance, police car, fire truck and you’re visiting with kids remember the tugboat? which features ambulance as well as of multiple ages, be sure It’s back but now it a dedicated try on bunker gear and and plan to have enough has a lighted crawl seating area, more police uniforms in kids adults to supervise in through area underneath sizes. But the highlight is substantial foods different locations, as featuring Pacific the scream room where such as soups and there are two floors sandwiches and Northwest sea creatures kids can actually see in and several different such as jellyfish, a wolf decibels how loud their Batdorff & Bronson espresso. eel and a giant octopus. galleries. screams are.

Kids will love the centerpiece of the museum. The 70-foot Tides to Trees Climber that allows them to ascend through the Northwest ecosystem from Puget Sound Waters all the way to a giant eagle’s nest. Then they can pretend to be a raindrop and ‘fall’ back down from the sky to the water through the twisty slide.


Personal, patient-centered care for women by a woman

Sylvia Swanson, ARNP/CNM Nurse Practitioner and Midwife

Sylvia Swanson with new mom Ashley and baby Brooklyn 26 • December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family

Specialty Clinic 521 Adams Ave. • Morton • 360-496-3641


Birthdays Abigail F. turns 7 on December 3rd!

Ashlee V. turns 6 on December 27th!

Cayden F. turns 5 on December 4th!

Jaden J. turns 5 on December 17th!

Savanha D. turns 1 on December 27th!

Derek B. turns 2 on December 30th!

Kloey S. turns 3 on December 16th!

Cristiano A. turns 1 on December 3rd!

Birthday Sponsor

Jordan M. turned 8 on November 30th!

*Please see ad on page 21


Submit your birthday photos online at swwfamily.com! January deadline is Dec. 14, 2012.

If your picture is featured on these pages bring it to one of our two local Great Clips locations and receive a FREE KIDS CUT *during the month of December! December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family • 27


Izabella S. turns 10 on December 11th!

Maribel O. turns 7 on December 17th!

Brock G. turns 9 on December 21st!

Chase D. turns 5 on December 18th!

Michael N. turns 2 on December 17th!

Avery S. turns 2 on December 5th!

Departing Friday, Saturday & Sundays November 23 - December 16, 2012

FARES: Adults $30 FRIDAYS 7:30pm Children $20 SATURDAYS 4:30 & 7:30pm (2-15 years) SUNDAYS 4:30pm Under 2 years free, but must sit on parents lap. 360.748.9593 steamtrainride.com

If they require a seat, they must purchase a ticket. No strollers permitted on the train.

Photos available with Santa for $2.50 after returning.

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Conner H. turns 4 on December 20th!

Madeline B. turned 3 on November 12th!


Birthdays BELATED


Brock B. turns 6 on December 15th!

Carson J. turned 11 on November 5th!

Isabella B. turns 5 on December 14th!

Jack B. turned 3 on November 27th!

Lourdes R. turns 5 on December 6th!

Lexi E. turns 11 on December 22nd!

Olivia H. turns 7 on December 15th!

Travis H. turns 7 on December 15th!


Birthday Sponsor *Please see ad on page 21

If your picture is featured on these pages bring it to one of our two local Great Clips locations and receive a FREE KIDS CUT *during the month of December!

Aly W. turned 6 on November 10th!

Ella O. turns 9 on December 22nd!

Submit your January birthdays online at swwfamily.com December 2012 • Southwest Washington Family • 29

Your new medical home ... Providence Chehalis Family Medicine

Now accepting patients!

Serving patients of all ages, from newborns to seniors. Francisco Chan, MD, has several years of experience in family medicine working at community-based clinics. He received his medical/surgical degree from the University of Santo Tomas in Manila, Philippines, and completed a residency at JFK Family Practice Residency in Edison, New Jersey.

Leah Uy, MD, is a recent graduate of John F. Kennedy Medical Center Family Practice Residency Program in Edison, New Jersey. She completed a medical internship at Philippine General Hospital in Manila, and earned her medical degree from De LaSalle University Health Sciences Institute in Cavite, Philippines. Dr. Uy is board certified in family medicine.

Lisa Mesaros, PA-C, is a licensed physician assistant with extensive experience in both internal medicine and family medicine. She studied pre-med at Michigan State University and earned a bachelor’s and master’s of science degree from Rutgers University.

To schedule an appointment, call 360.767.6300. 931 S. Market Blvd. Chehalis, WA 98532 www.provmedicalgroup.org

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