SWWFamily - April 2013

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Family Southwest Washington


April 2013


Family s e t i r o v a F d Reveale

Bilingual Babes Dual-language households

Foolish Festivities Follies the entire family will enjoy

BOY t hese S COUTS have fun!

My kids love their dentist


EXAM & X-RAYS Includes comprehensive exam & all necessary x-rays

$100 OFF

ANY RESTORATIVE PROCEDURE Fillings • Crowns Root Canals • Bridges Extractions

Coupon not valid with insurance. May not be combined with any other offers.

Coupon not valid with insurance. May not be combined with any other offers.





Xtreme E3800 Power Toothbrush (for adults) or Children’s Electronic Toothbrush

Upon completion of exam, x-rays and cleaning. May not be combined with any other offers.

Upon completion of exam, x-rays and cleaning. May not be combined with any other offers.

“Wow, if you are in need of a dentist, Dr. Calvin Kim is awesome!” “We have been to two other dentists in the past year, both of them pediatric dentists, in an effort to have dental work done on our daughter. She was petrified to the point that both dentists insisted that she be put under general anesthetic. Dr. Kim asked me if I could give it a try. I agreed and so thankful. He took the time to put Mary at ease and got through the whole treatment. Mary actually asked when she could back! How is that for a compliment?” - Kristen Zanas

Gentle, Caring Dentistry you can trust for the whole family. • Convenient no interest in-office Payment plans available

• Emergency care • Calm & relaxing office with a caring team • Complimentary consults • Preferred provided for most insurances • Convenient insurance assistance • Individual rooms for patient privacy

Meet Dr. Calvin Kim and his family.

Shown here with his wife, Amy, and their children, Charis and Caia! He is a 2000 graduate of Loma Linda University, CA. In his 10th year of practicing dentistry, Dr. Kim has recently moved his family into Lewis County so that his family can enjoy the blessings of living in the country. He is excited and considers it a privilege to open a brand new dental office in Chehalis and serve the dental needs of families in Lewis County.

Chehalis Family Dental

1299 B Bishop Rd. Chehalis, WA 98532

(Off of I-5, Exit 76. Next to the Steck Medical Center)



ReadeRs Of The MOnTh

Kellan Eggleston St. Joseph

Katelynn Guenther R.E. Bennett

Darcy Frankovich Jefferson Lincoln

Abigail Bleak Fords Prairie

Elizabeth Hubbard Edison

Gavin Deuel Edison

Brenna McDermott St. Joseph

Natasha Patton R.E. Bennett

Asher Guerrero Jefferson Lincoln

Wyatt Greene Fords Prairie

Ava Witchey Edison

Riley Mayes Centralia Christian

Samantha Haldy Centralia Christian

Mikaela Anderson St. Joseph

Norma Hernandez-Diaz R.E. Bennett

Wyatt Baumel Fords Prairie

Lauren Mannikko Edison

Audrey Toynbee St. Joseph

Jadea Anderson Jefferson Lincoln

Brock Guyette R.E. Bennett

Now with two locations to serve you!

2100 N. National Avenue Chehalis www.yardbirdsmall.com Open 6 AM - 10 PM • 360-748-1936

Kate Wickert Fords Prairie

505 S. Tower Avenue Centralia www.yardbirdsmall.com Open 5 AM - 12 PM • 360-736-9328

Brian Silva-Ortiz Edison

Family Southwest Washington

April 2013



Family tes Favori ed


Bilingual Babes

On the cover:

Ayla LeBaron age, 3. Proud parents are Zach and Monica LeBaron of Rochester, and big sister Arissa. Photo by Alison Clinton, owner of Horizon Photo & Design. Please see ad on page 8.

Dual-language households

pg. 11 Foolish Festivities Follies the entire family will enjoy

BOY t hese S CO U TS

pg. 14

ha ve fun!

pg. 7

pg. 28

SWW Family Staff Creative Director, Editor: Chantel Wilson cwilson@swwfamily.com (360) 807-8213

Graphic Designers: Kelli Erb, Lead Graphic Designer Devon Bergeron Cindy Gundo

Editorial Assistant: Jackie Hammond jhammond@swwfamily.com 360-807-8217

Advertising Sales: Brian Watson, Sales Manager Chrystal Zelazny, Shelleen Lundeen, Cara Dean

Southwest Washington Family is a publication of Lafromboise Communications, Inc. Southwest Washington Family, 321 N. Pearl Street Centralia, WA 98531



Pg. 4

April Events

Pg. 5

Ready, Set, Kindergarten

Pg. 6

Did you know? Rainy day

Pg. 7

Family Favorite Winners

“One of the greatest things for me is sometimes Gabriel and Derek will be talking to one another and Gabriel will turn to me and he’ll translate: ‘mom, this is what we just said,’” Corina Burger Shares.

Pg. 10 School Gardening

Pg. 20 Teacher Feature

Pg. 11 Two Language Families

Pg. 22 Fun filled Days

Pg. 14 Scouting Fun

Pg. 23 Day Trip: Root Beer

Pg. 16 Book Review: Healthy Foods from A-Z

Pg. 24 Real Party: Snow White

Pg. 17 Creative PlayThinking outside the Box

Pg. 26 Racing as a Family

Pg. 18 Happy Birthday!

Pg. 29 Family Scrapbook

Pg. 28 Foolish Page

April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 3

A P R I L EV E N T S April 1st Tulip Festival Degoede Bulb Farm, Mossyrock Take the kids out to see beautiful tulips. Flowers should be in bloom but call to find out the best dates. Take some family photos and enjoy light refreshments and music. For more information please call 360-983-9000. April 5 PlayWise - April Showers 10 a.m., Hands on Children’s Museum, Olympia A FREE early learning program for children ages 2-5. Activity stations, story time, and an art project using eye droppers to paint on blotter paper. Free with admission or membership. For more information, please visit www.hocm.org. April 6th Spring Community Garage sale 9 a.m., SWW Fairgrounds, Chehalis Sale is indoors or in covered areas. Adults: $1, Kids 12 years and under are free. Early birds can come at 8 a.m. ($5 fee). Free parking. For more information please call 740-1495. April 18th Puyallup Spring Fair 10 a.m., Puyallup Fair and Events Center, Puyallup Baby animals, garden show, 4-H and FFA students showing animals. Kid zone, Fiesta Mecixan and much more. Parking is free. Admission is $7 and up (children 5 and under are free. Free student admission on Thursday. For more info please visit www.thefair.com. April 19th Family Fun Fest 10 a.m., Centralia College, Health & Wellness Center Come join in the fun! Healthy snacks, fun activities and games centered on this year’s theme of Brains & Games. For more information please contact Nancy Keaton at 360-736-9391, ext. 465 or nkeaton@centralia.edu. April 25 Wiley Bingo 3p.m., Great Wolf Lodge, Rochester Come join the fun and play a game of BINGO in the Great Wolf grand lobby. For more information please visit www. greatwolflodge.com.

4 • April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family

April 27th Lions Club Fishing Derby 9 a.m., Fort Borst Park, Centralia This is a great day for families and friends to spend together outdoors. Children up to 14 years old reel in their own fish. Enter a drawing when you register and get a chance to win fun prizes awarded at noon; one bicycle and helmet prize to each of the 3 age groups. Free hot dogs and drinks available for registered participants. The event is free and all you need is a fishing pole! For more information, please call 360-736-8766. (Adult must register child and be present.) 50’s Style Sock Hop 5 p.m., Oakview Grange, Centralia Centralia Ballet academy will be hosting a 50’s style sock hop with fun events the whole family can enjoy such as hula-hoop and limbo contests, a classic car show and performances by the CBA students. This event is a fundraiser for the Centralia Ballet Academy’s fall performance of The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. For information, please call 623-9010 or visit www.centraliaballet. com. Kiwanis Talent show 6 p.m., Fox Theatre, Centralia Soroptimist and Kiwanis are partnering to showcase many talented young people throughout Lewis County. Performance categories will include: up to 8 yrs, 9-13 years, 14 years- senior in high school. For more information please contact Donna Karvia at jwdmkar@aol.com.

CHILD FIND Screenings Child Find screenings, also known as “Spring Screenings”, “Kindergarten Screenings” or “Preschool Screenings” is a free service to identify any developmental delays in children birth to five years old. Screening includes vision, hearing, speech/language, motor coordination, learning skills and social and emotional behaviors. Information on your child’s school readiness and development will be presented to you upon conclusion of the screening. This screening does not replace regular medical care. Please call a school listed below to make an appointment. Districts listed also provide free and appropriate public education to any eligible individual who qualifies with a disability between the ages of three and 21, and who has not graduated from high school. This free screening/early identification project is a service of the Lewis County Special Education Cooperative directed by Educational Service District #113. For questions please call Dr. Rebecca Turnbull at 360-748-3384.

District Adna Kindergarten Adna Preschool Boistfort Evaline Morton Mossyrock Napavine

Screening Date May 7th May 9th May 8th May 1st May 7th April 24th April 17th

District Cheh. Tribal Head Start Oakville Onalaska Pe Ell Toledo White Pass Winlock

Screening Date May 14th May 14th April 22nd April 23rd April 10th May 2nd April 15th


Centralia Mothers of Pre-schoolers (MOPS) Whether you are a new mom or a mom of a school-age child, you are invited to a place designed especially for you! Here you’ll experience authentic community, mothering support, personal growth and spiritual hope, all to help you be the best mom possible. Meetings are the 2nd and 4th Thursdays (September-May) at the Centralia Nazarene Church, 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Childcare available, and your first meeting is free! For more information go to http://www.orgsites.com/wa/centraliamops. Chehalis Mothers of Pre-schoolers (MOPS) We meet at Bethel Church (132 Kirkland Rd) on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays during the school year from 9:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. If you are pregnant or have a child under 6, you are welcome to join us! For more information please call Laura Schouten at 360-219-6693, or email, lauraschouten@yahoo.com, or Nikki Wilson at 360-798-2354. Lewis County Moms’ Group The Lewis County Moms’ Group Do you want to be part of a group of hands-on moms? Are you new to the area and want to meet other local mommies? Do you want your kiddos to interact with other children in a positive environment? Come and join the Lewis County Moms’ Group, a group run by Lewis County moms for Lewis County moms. On-going events include in-home play dates, trips to the park, trail walks, moms nights, creative movements classes and educational events. We are hoping to expand the group to include more East Lewis County moms. The Lewis County Moms’ Group can be found on Meetup.com. Dues: $5 in Feb and July. April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 5

Did You Know?

Rainy Days y The most rain in days in a row Centralia,

996 November 1 97 February 19

The word “Umbrella” comes from the Latin root word “Umbra”, meaning shade or shadow.


The forests of the Olympic Peninsula are among the rainiest places found in the world.

Large raindrops are actually shaped more like the top half of a hamburger bun than a teardrop as we normally see in pictures. This is because of the speed the raindrop has while falling.

In 1852 Samuel Fox invented the “U” shaped paragon steel rib umbrella we use today. 6 • April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family


Morgan Arts Centre in Toledo

Camp Picasso M-Th July 8-11 & July 15-18, 9 a.m. - Noon all supplies provided Childrens Theater Workshop July 22-26 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Free Public Performance Friday night @ 7 p.m. Enrollment open now, spaces fill quickly!

www.morganartscentre.com or di@morganartscentre.com

Hours: M-Th 12-8 Fri-Sat 12-10 Sunday 2-8

Thank you for voting us your 2013 SWW Family Favorite Photographer!

119 S. Tower. Centralia 360.269.8251


Family Favorites Your votes are in! When looking for the most beloved doctors or favorite activities, your busy family need look no further. Here are your reader-nominated, community-voted SWW Family Favorites. Congratulations to all of our top three nominees. Favorite Preschool Fiddlesticks Co-Op Preschool, Centralia Preschool Playtime, Chehalis Boistfort Preschool

Favorite Dentist Dr. Steven Ash, Centralia Dr. Trisha Goldsby, Chehalis Dr. Ernest Yamane, Chehalis

Favorite Coach Travis McGregor, Chehalis T-Ball

Mr. Mike Voie, Winlock Cardinals Carin Lamdrum, Chehalis Youth Soccer

School Spirit Centralia, Tigers Chehalis, Bearcats Napavine, Tigers

Favorite Hair Salon Simple Simon Great Clips

Favorite Family Restaurant Centralia Deli, Steak & BBQ Applebee’s Country Cousin

Favorite Campground Riffe Lake Rainbow Falls Thousand Trails

Favorite Restroom Centralia Outlets Centralia Safeway Toledo Boat Launch


Chehalis Resort

America’s Finest Family Camping

‘Spring-Break-ation’ Public Sites Available

March 23 thru april 7

Enter St. Joseph School to learn...leave to serve. stjoechehalis.com

earth Day Celebration & Park Beautification Day april 20


Betty’s Place Great Burgers • Fries Ice Cream & More!

601 N. 5th Toledo, WA


April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 7

Favorite Clothing Store Children’s Place Outlet

Favorite Rainy Day Activity Olympic Club Theater

Favorite Cool Off Spot Chehalis Spray Park

Favorite Trail Lewis & Clark State Park

Favorite Bus Driver Dennis Dawes, Centralia

Favorite Train Watching Location Train Depot, Centralia

Favorite Ice Cream Shop Holley’s Place, Centralia

Favorite OBGYN Dr. Jennifer Scalici, Providence Centralia Women’s Center

Baby Gear Gymboree Outlet

Centralia Indoor Pool Chehalis Pool

Kelly Stover, Toledo Louise Winder, Winlock

Dairy Dan, Chehalis Betty’s Place, Toledo

Favorite Trick-Or-Treat Area Edison District, Centralia Downtown Chehalis Downtown Toledo

Favorite Daycare Little Hands Learning Center Inc.

Cooks Hill Community Child Care Center Mother Hubbards Day Care And Preschool Inc.

Favorite Librarian Mrs. Carol Schwartz, Fords Prairie Elementary

Barbara Lewis, Winlock Timberland Library Joan Miller, Raymond Elementary School

Favorite Extracurricular Activity Discover! Children’s Museum Pumpkin Patch, Goodrich Rd. MOPS, Bethel Church

Favorite Music Teacher Mr. Karl Scarborough, Winlock High School

Mr. Marc Annan, Napavine Elementary Mrs. Franji Maze, Boistfort School

Books � Art Supplies � Art Classes � Custom Framing Gifts � Cards � eBooks & Kobo eReaders � Audio Books Located in Historic Downtown Chehalis 518 N. Market Blvd., Chehalis, WA 98532 � 360-748-6221 BookNBrush@gmail.com � www.booknbrush.com � Mon-Sat 10-6 � Sunday 11-4

8 • April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family

Great Wolf Lodge Arcade Shankz Black Light Miniature Golf

Seminary Hill Rails To Trails

Napavine Pedestrian Bridge Volunteer Park, Winlock

Dr. Mvundura, Providence Centralia Women’s Center Dr. Melissa Burtner, Olympia Obstetrics & Gynecology

Favorite Photographer Katia Hudson Photography

Alison Clinton, Horizon Photo & Design Susanne’s Simply Natural Photography

Favorite Family Entertainment Spring Youth Fair, Centralia Centralia Lanes Game Linx, Centralia

Thanks for Your Vote for Fairway & Centralia Lanes!

Favorite Kids Meal Plaza Jalisco Papa Ray’s Wendy’s

Favorite Playground Duty Patricia Scherer, Fords Prairie Elementary

Carrie Pennington, Winlock Elementary

Favorite Sunday School Bethel Church, Napavine

Centralia Lanes 827 N. Tower Ave Centralia, WA

Mormon Church Of Jesus Christ Of LDS, Winlock First Baptist Church, Chehalis

Favorite Teacher Mrs. Allyson Myher, Fords Prairie Elementary Sherrie Conrad, Centralia Christian School Mrs. Libby Walker, Toledo Elementary

Favorite Toy Store Book ‘N’ Brush

Favorite Playground/Park Penny Playground, Chehalis

Favorite Principal Dr. Gary Udd, St. Joseph Catholic School Mr. David Roberts, Fords Prairie Elementary Mrs. Lisa Hull, Toledo Elementary

Favorite Camp Musical Theater Camp, Evergreen Playhouse Picasso, Morgan Arts Centre Thorbeckes

Favorite Parade Lighted Tractor Parade, Centralia


Northwest Pediatric Center

Centralia 1911 Cooks Hill Rd. 360-736-6778

Chehalis 193 S. Market Blvd.

Borst Park, Centralia Stan Headwall Park, Chehalis

Rochester 18313 Paulson St. SW

www.nwpeds.com • Toll Free 1-877-712-6800

The Youth Musical Theater Program presented by Evergreen Playhouse and The Fox Theatre

SIGN UPS COMING SOON! Workshop: July 29th - August 9th Performance Dates: August 10th & 11th

Santa Parade, Chehalis Toledo Cheese Day Parade

Favorite Pediatrician Dr. Aaron Dalan, MD, FAAP, Northwest Pediatric Center, Inc.

Watch for Sign Ups at



Dr. Lisa McCrthy, PA-C, NTP, Chehalis Children’s Clinic Dr. Isaac Pope, MD., Pope’s Kids Place

NOW PLAYING “Wait Until Dark” APRIL 2013

Favorite Cocoa Stop Santa Lucia Coffee

Written by: Fredrick Knott Directed by: Norma Rogers

Starbucks Brownstone Coffee Lounge

UPCOMING “The Underpants”

Auditions April 15-19 • Performance June 14 - 30

Favorite Party Location Thorbeckes Pool & Party Room Fairway Lanes & Tusko’s Café Centralia Train Depot


Congratulations Aaron Dalan!

Kmart Diversified Games

Fairway Lanes 1501 S. Gold St. Centralia, WA

Written by: Steve Martin Directed by: Sean O’Neil

Tickets available at:


Santa Lucia and Sterling Bank in Centralia. In Chehalis at Book n’ Brush or www.brownpapertickets.com

226 W. Center Street Centralia WA www.evergreenplayhouse.wordpress.com


April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 9

any experts believe that school gardens offer a powerful _______________ to the sugary path leading to childhood obesity. Growing food in a school garden not only teaches students where food comes from and how it grows, but also helps kids to establish _______________ eating habits. The fruits and vegetables grown can even become part of a school’s _________ program.

You don’t even need a plot of land to grow plants. Window boxes or __________________ can easily provide a start for early learners. A __________________ garden or a water garden also provide learning opportunities.

Draw a line from each vegetable picture to its name. How many can you identify correctly? Check your answers below and score 3 points for every one you get right. Give yourself an extra 3 points for each of these vegetables that you have eaten in the last 10 days.

But gardens can provide other _________, too. When kids grow gardens, they learn about plants, soil, __________________ and water management, and the fields of biology, ecology and environmental studies. They will probably pay closer ______________ to the weather.

Standards Links: Visual Discrimination: Find similarities and differences in common objects.

Here’s an easy way to start a garden of your very own. You’ll need an adult helper, a sunny window and patience! SWWF With an adult’s help, cut the top off an empty milk carton. 10 • April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family

Punch five small holes in the bottom of the carton for drainage.

Fill the carton with soil about an inch from the top. Plant three to five seeds and gently push them into the soil.

Place your planter on a plate in a window and dampen the soil with water.

l a u g n Bili s t fi e n Be

“Guten Tag” from the Burger family by Carrina Stanton of Centralia Mastering a second language is not only easier for kids than adults but it can set kids up for academic success. According to the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language, language acquisition helps the brain function better in everything from problem solving and memorization to reading, science and even math. “When they know another language their brain functions in a different way,” said Christine Wynder, who teaches Chinese at Centralia College. All five of Wynder's children, ages 19-26, were born in Taiwan and were raised speaking Chinese until they came to the United States about 10 years ago. Wynder's husband, James, who teaches at The Evergreen State College, said he noticed differences among his children in how fast they learned English that he attributed to their ages.

“You really have to start out young and make it a habit,” he suggested. “With learning languages the younger the better,” Christine added. “Adults have their primary language and they have a harder time with the pronunciation. Adults are also so embarrassed to talk the wrong way they have a hard time trying.” Deutschmark Baby For Derek and Corina Burger of Chehalis, speaking German with their children Gabriel, 4, and Mirabel, 18 months, is a family tradition. Derek's mother, Brigitte, immigrated to the United States at the age of 25 and spoke only German to him for many years. Until the age of 16, Derek also spent summers with his grandparents in Germany. April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 11

“Hola!” from the Mora family

“I guess it was the fact that it was a very important part of my life, the ability to speak two languages, I wanted to pass that on to them,” Derek said. Derek speaks only German to both children and his parents both try to speak it as often as possible in front of their grand children. Corina knew little German before the children were born but said she has picked up a great deal and can now follow and participate in conversations. “One of the greatest things for me is sometimes Gabriel and Derek will be talking to one another and Gabriel will turn to me and he'll translate “mom, this is what we just said,'” Corina said. The Burgers said the biggest challenge to raising children bilingual is keeping up as their knowledge expands. They purchased a system that can play videos from Europe so they can purchase movies and television shows in German and have books and stories on tape in German. They also frequently play “the word game” around the dinner table, where each person takes a turn saying a word in either German or English and the first person to translate it into the other language wins. They have also talked about eventually making extended trips to Germany where their children might attend school for a time in order to give them more practice. “We're just starting to talk about what we need to do next to keep it relevant,” Corina said. 12 • April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family

Bebe Hispana Juan and Veronica Mora of Chehalis, speaks Spanish with their children, Anthony, 10 and Andrea, 8. Bilingual not only keeps them close but also ties them to their extended family. Juan first immigrated to the United States about 30 years ago and Veronica about 15 years ago and are both American citizens. But they still have a large extended family in Mexico, many of whom do not speak English. Juan said it makes him sad that some of his nieces and nephews living in America cannot speak Spanish. “I told Veronica 'can you imagine if our family wanted to speak to our kids and they didn't know how?'” Juan said. The Moras spoke exclusively Spanish to their children, with a few rudimentary English words, until about kindergarten. Veronica said they were nervous at first that their children would fall behind in school because they didn't know a lot of English. “I talked to the teacher and I said 'did we make a mistake?” Veronica said of speaking Spanish to their children in the home. “But she said no, you did good because now they spend more time in school than they do in home so they will get a lot of practice in English here. Keep doing Spanish with them.'” The Moras estimate they both speak Spanish in the home about 90 percent of the time. They also work with their children on reading and writing Spanish in the home. And they find ways for their children to practice outside the home as well. For example, they signed their children up for Spanish language first communion classes at their church. They also take frequent extended trips to visit family in Mexico and said their children switch easily between the two languages. “It makes me feel good and proud of them,” Veronica said. Bebe Francais Fred and Laura Noreau of Centralia never doubted their daughters Cecelia, 3, and Isabelle, newborn, would learn French. Fred is from Eastern Canada where both French and English are common and his educator parents encouraged him to explore both. The couple said speaking French to their children connects them to extended family, especially those who are non-English speaking, but has many extra benefits. “Part of it for me as an ex-pat is to bring a piece of where I'm from here as well as being aware of the huge cognitive advantage that having two languages from the early onset can bring to someone,” said Fred, a fifth grade teacher at

“Bonjour” from the Noreau family

Washington Elementary School in Centralia. Laura, a non-native French speaker, taught herself French using Rosetta Stone so she could participate in the children's education. When he is alone with the children, Fred said he speaks only French. In family situations they speak French about half the time. At first, Cecelia was slow to start speaking. Then very suddenly her vocabulary in both English and French suddenly shot up and they attribute the bilingual environment to her advancement. The only difficulty the Noreaus said they have encountered is keeping up in French when their children are immersed daily in the English language. They have books and French language television shows and already envision spending some long vacations in Fred's hometown for French immersion. But they are certain whatever effort they invest will be worth it. “It's actually exciting for me that Cecelia will be a bilingual individual,” said Laura. “I just think it's going to open up a lot of opportunities for her.” SWWF Carrina is a local freelance writer specializing in pieces for the Life section of The Chronicle. She and her husband are raising their two daughters in Centralia.

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From Out of the Attic

3 Day Event APRIL 19th, 20th 21st Lewis County Museum 599 NW Front Way, Chehalis WA 98532 360-748-0831

Friday & Saturday, April 19th, 20th Workshops & Lectures

E Sunday, April 21st Mommy & Me Tea

$40 Mom & Child, $25 Individual, $10 each additional child

1:00-3:00 p.m.

English Tea Surrounded by Dolls Inside the Museum Tiaras, Make & Take Kids Craft Reservations Required / Space Limited For more information or tickets please contact 360-748-0831. Contact us for additional discount if you stay overnight at a local Hotel.

2100 SW Woodland Circle, Chehalis (Behind Steck Medical Center)

www. 360.748.0095 woodlandestatesonline.com


Sponsored by Lewis County Historical Museum in Partnership with Doll Keepers Club April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 13

Scouting it out! Wondering what Boy Scouts is all about?

Discover what’s to love and learn from Tanner H. of troop #301 in Chehalis.

Tanner Huntting is 10 years old and belongs to Boy Scouts troup #301 in Chehalis. Tanner has been a Cub Scout for 3 years and is currently ranked a Webelos. His troop does a lot of activities throughout the year including: local parades, campouts, a pinewood derby, visiting the police station, and going on several other troop day outings. Tanner is learning the value of commitment, responsibility, a sense of community, life and survival skills, how to work well with others and he is also making lots of new friends. His favorite boy scout activities are the pinewood derby and going to Camp Thunderbird.

“Every Scouting activity moves boys toward three basic aims: character development, citizenship training, and mental and physical fitness.” —Scoutmaster Handbook NE SCOUTING FUN FOR EVERYO

Night! fun would Family Tent solely outdoors. How

e place Campouts don’t have to tak m? Turn off one!) in your own living roo it be to set up one (or make time with d pull out a game. Enjoy your an s rie sto t os gh l tel , hts lig the indoors. bringing an outside activity family or friends and have fun

Character development can be found in every aspect of the Scout experience.

The 12 core values of Boy Scouts are: Perseverance Citizenship Respect Courage Cooperation Honesty Health and Fitness Resourcefulness Positive Attitude Compassion Responsibility Faith Try these tasty twists to the traditional s’mores: • Spread peanut butter on the graham cracker. • Try Andes Mints instead of chocolate. • Use Vanilla Wafers in place of graham crackers.

Nate Hovinghoff, Committee Chairman for troop #93 in Morton, says... “My personal choice in (one of the core) values is Trustworthy. It is imperative that young men in our society learn what it is to be trustworthy and how that value will affect the rest of their lives.” When it comes scout activities, Mr. Hovinghoff says his favorite is team-building exercises. “It is typically a set of mental and physical challenges that can only be completed when the entire troop works together in achieving the goal. These types of activities teach the scouts that they must do what they say they will do when interacting with each other. It also teaches them to trust in each other and most importantly, to trust in themselves.”

14 • April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family

SCOUTING SKILLS! You can learn about sports, science, business, trades or crafts as you earn merit badges. There are more than 130 merit badges.

Boy Will You Have Fun!

Did you kn ow girls ca n be a par of Scout act t iv it ie s too? The Career Exploring an d Learning fo Life program r s welcome b oys and girls .

How to Contact the Local Boy Scouts of America: Timberline District Key Three District Chairman, Bill Schulte pws005@aol.com District Commissioner, Steve Wark goldwingsteve@yahoo.com

District Executive, David Blomdahl david.blomdahl@scouting.org 360-269-8424 SWWF April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 15

Reader Review

Healthy Foods from A to Z by Stephanie Maze Moonstone Press LLC, 2012 best for ages 3 yrs and up

Reviewed by Mom finding creative ways in Chehalis

This picture book of fruits and vegetables is laid out from A-Z in English and Spanish. The author creatively forms a unique face using fruits and vegetables starting with the letter theme for each page. After the alphabet fun, there is a page showing parents and kids how to make their own face creation as well as fun facts about each fruit and vegetable found in the book.

I give this book a 5 for creativity and creating healthy and fun activity for families to do together. I found this to be an amazingly creative way to get kids (and myself!) more interested in trying out a wider variety of fruits and vegetables. Each page had me looking closely to see what was included and I found myself easily picturing my children willing to try more if they were offered a silly face of these yummy treats. This book would make for a great family activity as well as teaching healthy habits — and it can’t get any better than that. SWWF


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Not valid with any other offers. Limit one coupon per customer. At participating salons.

Offer Expires 4/30/13


Locations To Serve You!

1114 View Avenue (next to Subway)

Centralia 360-736-1230 1640 Northwest Louisiana (next Walgreens)

Chehalis 360-748-6425 16 • April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family

it’s gonna be great



The Best Toys = Big Bucks

The toys that get the most play-time are not always those that cost the most money. Nothing is more telling than when your child opens a present and subsequently plays with the large box and packing material for hours in lieu of the actual gift he just received. So, next time your child could use a toy … think outside the box before buying anything at all.

Go on a hunt for large branches and limbs. Work together to saw/cut your wooden treasures. Bring out an old dump truck and enjoy hours of creative play.

SWWF April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 17

Thank You To Our Birthday Sponsor!

Robert M. turns 6 on April 18!

Mckenzie M. turns 6 on April 18!

Easton S. turns 3 on April 23!

Karlee D. turns 3 on April 9!

Logan N. turns 4 on April 3!

Jake J. turns 5 on April 29!

Emilee G. turns 9 on April 25!

Karlee V. turns 8 on April 1!

If your picture is featured on one of these pages, bring it to one of our two local Great Clips locations and receive a FREE KIDS CUT* during the month of April! Natalia H. turns 6 on April 17!

Alice V. turns 2 on April 22!

18 • April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family

Deadline for May birthdays is April 12 , 2013.



Kylee S. turned 7 on March 9!


Ava O. turned 3 on March 10!



Sadie Grace G. turned 4 on March 19!

Jennalyn J. turned 7 on March 1!



Kingston S. turned 2 on March 8!


Paige G. turned 9 on March 11!


Chloe P. turned 7 on March 17!

Ethan O. turns 10 on April 17!


Jacob M. turns 9 on April 6!

Ayla L. turns 3 on April 26!

Parker G. turns 3 on April 22!

Thank You To Our Birthday Sponsor!

Tommy D. turned 8 on March 8!

*Please see ad on page 16 SWWF April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 19

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SW W Fam

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& N IE S p o n

Teacher Feature Mrs. Joy Rakes Fords Prairie Elementary 1st grade

“She is a wonderfully soft spoken teacher who listens and ALWAYS has a great big smile on her face. She makes the parents feel so welcomed in the class.” ~ Jennifer S., parent When asked what her favorite part of teaching has been so far, Mrs. Rakes turned to the class, smiled and said, “I have two. The first is that you guys are a lot of fun. And to see you learn something new and you get so excited and so proud of yourselves.” When Mrs. Rakes isn’t in the classroom, she enjoys anything with Mr. Rakes, learning about country life, experiencing new adventures, her dog Molly and riding her lawnmower.

Riley S. nominated his favorite teacher!

Watching the class giggle and excitedly try to share all the stories Mrs. Rakes tells them, it was apparent that she loves her kids and they love her just as much.

Send Us Your r o F s n o i t a n i m No ! e r u t a e F r e h Teac 20 • April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family

Send in nominations for your favorite teacher or coach.

Mail to 321 N. Pearl, Centralia, WA 98531 or email to cwilson@swwfamily.com. If you email us and we don’t reply we haven’t received your message. Please give us a call at 807-8213. Name of teacher nominated and school or coach, team & sport: __________________________________________________________________ Name of child nominating: ________________________________________ Name of parent & phone #: ________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________ Please include a few sentences on why you think your teacher/coach should be featured on a separate piece of paper. If you have a picture of your teacher/coach, please send it in too! We may contact you to learn more. SWWF

Mrs. Darla Wasson Fords Prairie Elementary Kindergarten “We get to do math and calendar. Everything she teaches is just fun!” ~ Tucker A., nominator

Getting to know Mrs. Wasson What inspires you the most? Watching the process of kids grasping concepts. Some can go from no skills to capable.

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What made you decide to be a teacher? I liked school and had a lot of good teachers. What is your favorite quote? “All students can learn and succeed but not on the same day in the same way.” ~ William G. Spady Tucker had a fun time asking Mrs. Wasson some questions also! What hobbies do you enjoy? Family time and sports. What did you want to be when you grew up? A teacher, she laughed. During our visit to her classroom, we saw Mrs. Wasson’s gentleness and kindness towards her students in so many little ways. It is not surprising she is so loved by her class.


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April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 21

How long can you go without watching TV? How many books could you read if you gave up TV for a few days?

Find some of your favorite books and read them to a younger child.

Do something to improve your health today. Go for a long walk, make a nutritious meal and get a good night’s sleep.

Do you have books you’ve outgrown? Contact your library and see if you can donate them.

Can you do a Discuss the meaning cartwheel? If so, of the word teach a friend how to meditate. Close do one. If not, work your eyes and sit with a friend that completely still. Be knows how. calm and meditate for five minutes today.

The Titanic sank on this day in 1912. What caused the disaster?

Learn all the words to one of your parents’ favorite songs. Have a family sing along tonight!

Do something nice for a brother or sister today. Maybe they will do something nice for you!

Put on gloves and go for a walk and pick up trash in your neighborhood or join a park clean-up project.

Create a comic strip. Use two characters to tell knock-knock jokes or riddles.

Look up at the sky for 15 minutes tonight. How many aircraft can you spot in that amount of time?

How many foods starting with the letter B have you eaten this week?

Write about a time you learned to do something for the first time. How did you keep at it?

Make a bike maze. Explore different Draw a twisty trail career choices today. using sidewalk chalk. Have friends Learn a little of what it takes to achieve try navigating a bike these careers. through it.

Who were the first people to reach the North Pole on this day in 1898?

Beverley Cleary was born on this day in 1916. Can you find the names of the books she has written? Have you or your friend mastered the cartwheel yet? Don’t give up! Practice is great exercise.

Learn about the Nature Explore Families’Club to gain a better appreciation of nature. natureexplore.org

With a friend, Calling all poets! On this day, you create a secret code. Write down ten can ask a question Write messages to pairs of words that and the person each other using the rhyme. Now write answering must give code. Then see if down a poem using an honest answer. other friends can those words. “break” the code and figure out what you wrote.

Clip coupons from the newspaper or ide online. Set as the amount of ve money you sa to use for a r special treat fo the family.

Find a simple science experiment. Predict what will happen and observe what happens during the experiment.

Watch a movie made before 1950. Then talk about things you noticed that are different from modern movies.


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DAY TRIP Northwest Sausage & Deli 5945 Prather Road, Centralia, WA 360-736-7760

We all root for root beer!

Thanks to Northwest Sausage & Deli owner Julie Young and Brewery Manager Dave Pendleton, a few lucky children got a private tour, instruction on root beer making and, of course, some samples of the beverage in high demand.

Come try it for yourself!

Purchase a gallon jug of root beer for $5 (Bring your own container, or pay $5 for a glass jug.)

This bright tank can hold 220 gallons of rootbeer!

Root beer ingredients: Water • Sugar Root beer extract Citric Acid Foam stabilizer C02 (Carbon dioxide)

NO! There is no beer or roots in root beer. (Contrary to popular kid-beliefs.)

What’s your favorite way to enjoy root beer? Root beer pop – 1% Root beer float – 71% Root beer Popsicle – 28%



You can find man

Make your own! The amount of eymann s online. Visit H pe ci re er be ot cups of root beer ro ia where you can hinery in Central W y NW Sausage & Deli ith the necessar w t ki a se ha rc pu serves a month. supplies.

SWWF April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 23

Real Party

Snow White

24 • April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family


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April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 25

It’s a JEEP ! g n i h T by Tiffany Venters of Salkum It’s not hard to picture a sweet tow-headed 14-month-old sitting on her mom’s lap. But now imagine that sweet little giggling girl, named Parker Gordon, has a helmet on and is gripping the wheel as she barrel races her daddy’s racing jeep on her mommy’s lap. Not how you thought this article was going to start is it? Well neither did I when I contacted Centralia native Rebecca Gordon about her family’s participation in jeep racing. Both my little sister and one of my best friends in high school drove jeeps, so I have a little knowledge about them. Jeep owners are a particularly fun bunch, and how could they not be? Though I’ve never raced one like the Gordon’s (that my little sister knows of) jeeps are by far the most fun vehicle to drive. Not to say that dirt bikes and quads aren’t equally as exhilarating, but taking a manual jeep with it’s top down for a summer drive has got to be one of life’s greatest pleasures. Both Rebecca and her husband Ryan graduated from Centralia High School in 2001. Rebecca explains, “My husband started racing when we were in high school (a need for speed without getting a ticket). He dipped his foot in a lot of 26 • April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family

motor sports with his younger brother. He rides dirt bikes, but really enjoys the jeeping aspect because it is family oriented. It is completely safe; we have a five-point harness and helmets. Our jeep (R&R) was actually built by my husband.” The Gordon’s are members of the Skookumchuck Mud Daubers, a Lewis County jeep racing club. “There are a lot of clubs that people can join if they want to do some 4x4 (racing). We don't just race; we also ride in the mountains on roads that are open to off-road vehicles. These runs are organized runs called Fun Runs. Our jeep racing includes off-road racing mostly. We do barrels (very similar to horse barrel racing) two at a time. The fastest person back wins.” says Rebecca “Roller-overs are part of the game/sport”, she adds. “Our jeeps are designed to withstand a hard roller-over so that the passengers/drivers are completely safe. I can't even tell you how many times my husband has rolled our jeep, but if you ask Parker it is A LOT! We also do cross country racing, where we race in the woods; through mud, over rocks, deep ruts.” More than a little interested in this intriguing sport, I asked Rebecca what ages are allowed to participate. She answered, “That is what is so

impressive about this sport. All ages are welcome. We have infants to great-great grandparents who race. It truly is a family sport. The community helps one another to make sure you get to race if your rig breaks. They are there to help fix it.” The youngsters must sit in a parents lap until they are big enough to reach the pedals on their own, while the parent operates the brake/accelerator. The little ones can also participate in a toy pull event and win trophies for competing. Racing is possible all over Western Washinton, from Castle Rock to Ethel and east of the mountains. Some courses are paved and others are privately owned dirt tracks. The public is always allowed to come and watch, though some venues charge a spectator fee. The Skookumchuck Mud Daubgers even hold a play day/ race ever year in July at the Fairgrounds. Rebecca say that Parkers little sister, Charlie Anne (4 months-old), will participate later this year. So what do you think? Is your family ready to start their engines? SWWF Tiffany is a mother, wife, photographer, outdoor enthusiast and a little of everything in between. She lives in Salkum with her husband, James, and daughters, Amelia and Alice.

e! Parker enjoying a rid

For more information on jeeping please check out the Skookumchuck Mud Daubers on Facebook. For more information about racing events this spring/summer time please visit pnw4wda.org/. Contact Rebecca Gordon for more information on joining their club 360-259-8628.

South Sound Speedway Come join the racing fun starting April 6th! Tickets are available at the front entry ticket office and parking is always free. Kids 12 and under can sign up for the Kids Club and receive exciting prizes and one lucky winner gets a trophy and their picture taken with a main event winner. Group Rates and specials are available for birthday parties and free camping is also available. For a complete schedule, please visit southsoundspeedway.com. April 2013 • Southwest Washington Family • 27

Dish up some laughter on April 1st! A time to be silly. A time o have fun! t

Yogurt + 1/2 canned peach = an egg-ceptional breakfast! Cup + straw + Jell-o = gravity-free juice.

Get your kids involved in the fun too! What silly shenanigans will they come up with? My son has his eyes set on parking on the wrong side of the garage.


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Justice, Layla, Micah, Tanner and Jeremiah hanging out in their fort!

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Kenny A., 3 months old, learning how to push himself up.

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Henry T., 18 months, wearing Daddy’s hat!



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